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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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6794457 No.6794457 [Reply] [Original]

Uhhh why are all the "lolita" tags on tumblr gone?

>> No.6794461
File: 21 KB, 482x362, tumblr clean up crew.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because we are the cure to your disease.

>> No.6794482

dear cgl,
how many followers do you have on tumblr?
how many likes do you have on your facebook page?

>> No.6794486

you're probably browsing tags in safe mode or something

>> No.6794515


Around 3,500 or something. Maybe 1/16th of that for my not-cosplay tumblr

>> No.6794519
File: 63 KB, 694x720, 1356018232443.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>how many followers do you have on tumblr?
not enough

>> No.6794525

142 yeahhh tumblr famous bitch over here.
For being a sometimes-art-sometimes personal blog that's okay tho. I'm happy abotu every single one

>> No.6794546

You know OP, yesterday I noticed but it was pretty late and I was tired so I just shrugged and and looked through my other tags. Anyone know?

>> No.6794548

21,600 something
keep in mind my blog is 2years old tho

>> No.6794555

i only have like 75 followers sadly. but it probably helps that its just a personal blog that i only update whenever i feel like..nothing too interesting

>> No.6794573

>keep in mind my blog is 2years old tho
and so? there are others who have been there for the same period of time and have way less followers.
Tell us your secrets Katarynka

>> No.6794578

I was on tumblr radar i guess
but ive seen people with more followers even if they had their blogs for the same amount of time as me

>> No.6794580

I have a whopping 36 followers. But I only started it with the last tumblr thread to inspire me. If anyone would like to check it out, I've vamped it up to only mori and vegetarian food.

>> No.6794581

can you give us any tips? I've been on tumblr for nearly 2 years and I have only 280 followers ;_;

>> No.6794587

I appreciate the followers I have tho, but I'd like some more so I can talk to someone, everyone seems to ignore you if you have less than x followers..

>> No.6794590

Post lots of original pictures. I used to post a LOT of animu fanarts or something idr but i would get like 60 followers a day and another 60 during the night. Since i stopped posting shit I only get like a follower a day or lose 10 lol

>> No.6794600

but what if your followers don't reblog the original content you post? I mean there has to be more, is the theme important?

I heard that another good thing is to have people with a lot of followers following you so that when they reblog the content you post they see who the original poster was (of course give preper credits to the picture etc)

>> No.6794618

I only have 40 followers, since all I do is generally post random stuff from time to time and mostly talk about or post progress pics of costumes/props/whatever I'm makin.

I plan to in the future post, like... Tutorials and shit.
But for now I have, like, nothing on there since I need to get my ass going on shit.
I deserve such few followers for this reason.

I need to learn hao 2 tumble

>> No.6794619

Im not an expert lol but as long as i remember i followed lots of people at once and obvs they would follow me back if we had similar interests i think thats what made my blog so popular?since then just people came and came . lol well anyways post quality stuff (themes do count in my opinion) and if ure desperate you can try promos (not saying its a bad thing)

>> No.6794642
File: 66 KB, 330x440, 1296834013017.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i like your blog,ill follow it.

1323 rn.i lost over 200 followers since i stoppen posting 2-3 weeks ago cus school.planning on remaking it to a personal (lolita) blog so i expect to lose more.

>> No.6794647

I just made a tumblr. I'm only following two people so far
>talk about yourselves
>anything interesting
Is what I'm looking for.

>> No.6794650

>themes do count in my opinion
what's your personal preference for themes?
I mean do you think that cutesy themes are too much, Do you think minimalist lack in something?
What would drive you away from a tumblr page other than auto tune? What kind of theme makes you think that it's a quality tumblr, are sidebar pictures important, what shoudl they feature? and general do-s and don't-s ..
Sorry for asking you all these questions but I'm kinda excited to see you on /cgl/!

>> No.6794652


If anyone is interested.
It'll get more interesting.
It'll have tutorials and cosplays and stuff. OnceIgetmyassingear.

>> No.6794663

Im not too picky about themes I like cutesy ones that have pixels as well as really simple themes with plain backgrounds. Just dont use themes that you can find through the custom section they all look pretty shit but thats just me. I dont care about sidebar pictures it could be your face, some anime character, anything You dont have to have a sidebar picture, its not that if you'd have a crappy sidebar pic i wouldnt follow you. The most important thing to avoid is just the auto tune.

>> No.6794664

do you mind if I review your tumblr.. ?
The theme doesn't go well with the background, the white writing sometimes mixes with other text and it's all a bit confusing, also first thing I've noticed is that there's more text than images, personally this really distracts me, the pictures are all over the place and it looks messy, also be careful with posts that have a lot of images under (the comment area thing) it tends to look awkward on these kind of themes.

>> No.6794678

I need to change stuff super bad, majorly agreed!

Thank you. What page theme would you recommend I choose, by the way, to get rid of the dumb one I've had since signing up?
They take so long to load on my machine that I tend to hate to preview them all. :'C

>> No.6794682
File: 123 KB, 800x533, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tfw I have 146 followers but no one ever replies when I post asks or anything.
I...I just want to make cool tumblr friends.

>> No.6794699

Ssh Anon-san. What kind of blog do you have? Do you post art, lolita, photos, or do you jsut reblog stuff? It's more likely to get in contact with your followers when you post personal things or things you're talented at

>> No.6794702


I mostly reblog, but sometimes I post pictures of my Lolita outfits as well. Will it help if I post more pictures of myself? I don't know how people make all these friends all tumblr...I would really like to know my followers, but I just don't know how :I

>> No.6794703

uhm.. depends on what kind of stuff you usually post, you could try a 2 column one, I don't pick themes from the theme garden because like >>6794663 said, they tend to look crappy and overdone/amateaur.
when I want to find new themes I usually open the tumblr page of a tumblr I like, check if there's a source for the theme click that and they usually have a more decent selection.

>> No.6794708


Mmkay, I'll work on coming up with one. Thank you!

>> No.6794710

33 Followers. I don't know what I do wrong.
Mostly I blog about Lolita and post photos of what I've been wearing.
Maybe there are already many blogs like this...

>> No.6794781

care to post your tumblr? don't be shy, I won't be harsh, I'll only point out a few things that you could change (I'm >>6794664 )

>> No.6794789


I dunno how people get thousands, I guess re-blogging fandom related stuff helps. Most of my posts are my own photos so I don't update daily and there's not really a specific theme.

>> No.6794790

I have 315 followers so far. I probably get most of my followers from advertising here and on other boards, to be honest.
I reblog a lot, and tend to get all anxious on how to tag original posts without looking annoying or stupid. What do

>> No.6794797

I'm not sure if it is a good idea posting it here, because I show my face on that blog.

>> No.6794805

On my old tumblr I got over 3500 in about a half year. But that was a reblog tumblr that I updated every day with mainly original photos I found on the web. It got kinda stressful after a while, because you had to update every day or you would lose like 10 followers for each day you didn't. So I just quit it.

Now I have a more personal one where I post my j-fashion outfits and stuff, and I only update about 2 times a week, with 375 followers.

>> No.6794809

I have multiple blogs, my main blog has like 254 and that's the most followers any of my blogs have... My other biggest one has like 150 or something and my smaller J-Fashion/Kawaii one has like 36. Then I hear about these people with like 3500 followers and I'm like "Damn what the fuck". But I mean I just kinda post whatever the fuck, I like my theme blogs and maintain them well enough. I'm pretty happy and I'm not like stressed that I have to post like a single type of content and I can say pretty much whatever the hell I want without worrying about unfollowers.

>> No.6794812

Currently 465 followers on tumblr
148 people on Facebook

>> No.6794817

pretty average amount on tumblr
i've had my blog for around three years now but it's changed a lot
i'm actually surprised because i text post a lot, but i reblog some fandom stuff i suppose, mostly madoka, pokemon, normal things.
my theme is awfully made haha

>> No.6794822

I have three tumblrs. One has 70,000 followers, one has 5000 followers, one has 900 followers.

Tips if you want a bunch of followers, in no particular order:

*your blog should be themed in some way. There are a few ways to do themes. My blog with the most followers has a specific niche theme (think posts all about a particular fashion style, fanart from a specific series, a specific genre of movies). It's best to find a theme that people haven't already done fuckyeah/etcs for, or to find a theme where the only blogs for it are inactive or half-active. My blog with the secondmost followers has a general theme (think "everything pastel!" or everything nostalgia or everything literature.) My blog with the least amount of followers is just my personal where I post whatever I feel like, no theme at all.

*keep your posts clean. by this I mean don't post detailed descriptions of the image and keep sources in click-through links (instead of doing, source: blahblah.com in the post) weird tip, I know, but I've noticed that people reblog similar images less when there's a bunch of text under them.

*follow blogs with similar themes or related themes--who knows, they might see you, reblog something, and get you some exposure.

*Have a good ratio of reblogs to original posts. Some people get away almost entirely with reblogs but those people tend to have gotten oodles of followers back in the day when you could pay your way to be promoted on the site OR they started off with mostly original posts but have gone to reblogs due to busy schedule/laziness/whatever. Personally I go for a ratio of 50/50. For every reblog I do, I have an original post. It's better if you can even stagger them that way in the queue... reblog, original post, reblog, original post.

>> No.6794825

i just realized what people meant by theme i need to sleep more

>> No.6794831

*Be active. This means new posts every day, liking posts, reblogging posts, answering messages, and messaging other people or giving them comments/replies when appropriate. Activitiy is less important when you have a specific theme that has skyrocketed in popularity, but until then: keep active.

*Ask questions! People love answering questions. Ask them what their favorite (something related to the theme of your blog) is, or ask them how they're doing, or whatever. People like to interact.

*Giveaways. Ahh the giveaway is a tricky beast. If you decide to do one, I would recommend not only finding an assortment of fun items (don't need to be expensive, just neat looking) and having a friend take a good shot of them. You can get a lot of interest for ordinary items as long as the picture looks hot. You can technically gain quite a few followers by doing giveaways which have following and reblogging as a mode of entry, since a) they have to follow you to win and b) reblogging means exposure. However, this is actually against Tumblr's TOS (in fact I would say 99% of the giveaways on Tumblr are breaking their TOS) and if someone decides to report you, you may need to end the giveaway.

*Theme. The theme you choose will depend on what you're posting. Is it all images with no text? Then go for a grid theme. Is it images with necessary information, music posts, video posts, and text posts? Go for the regular standard scroll-down blog theme. From here it's just basic web design. If you have a background, make sure it's easy on the eyes. It can match your theme (ex: Sailor moon background for a Sailor Moon blog) but keep it as simple as possible. Honestly, your followers will probably view your blog from the dashboard. IMO the theme is just to keep it easy for people who read that aren't on Tumblr.

Uhh I'm sure there's more tips but I have to go eat now. Mmm chili.

>> No.6794836

I tried to keep a separated Jfashion tumblr but I ended up forgetting about it as I also had to keep posting outfits on my regular tumblr.
Now I have 2 tumblers for japanese things (clothes, cosplay and the stuff) 1 for nsfw stuff , 1 for stupid stuff (fandom stuff or funny posts),1 for mild-nsfw stuff (ecchi) and 1 for creepy stuff (horror gifs etc).
I wish I could have less tumblrs but I just hate the feel of having completely random stuff on your blog, it's messy.
How do you people with only 1 blog manage ? I'd go crazy, and I just can't imagine merging a couple of tumblrs together, I don't know what could go well with what.

>> No.6794847

>How do you people with only 1 blog manage?

It's my personal tumblr. I post my progress, pictures I've taken (pets, scenery, anything neat I see during the day), any gifs I've made, and reblogged stuff. However, I keep it down to no more than 3 posts a day (unless they're OC, then I'll do separate posts for each category to make it easier on anyone who wants to search tags). I think that helps a lot. No one wants to follow the person who reblogs 50 stupid things a day.

>> No.6794850

62 followers, no idea how i even got that many because my tastes in shit are WEIRD AS FUCK

>> No.6794883

467 on my main personal tumblr, 886 on my side blog.

I don't even know how I have so many on my personal, all I do is reblog frilly dresses, cartoons, and cry over clothes.

>> No.6794900

I find the queue function to be really useful for that.

My blog just consists of reblogging neat stuff I see on my dashboard, so I use to queue as not to spam people. Or to spam them more consistently over a period of time?

On the topic of followers, I have like 35 right now. Like I said, just a personal blog, I post some outfits, maybe drawings, reblog animu, clothes and stupid funny tumblr shit. Though I did shoot up from 13 followers to 30 in a week when I did the 30 day anime challenge thing.

For some reason I get the weirdest blogs following me. I've been followed by a vocaloid hentai blog and a Tu-love-ru hentai blog despite the fact that I post neither those fandoms nor hentai. I don't get it.

>> No.6794917

Example of a bad theme: silencedrowns.tumblr.com

Some of her cosplay is very popular but her theme is literally a joke, so between that and the small fandoms she doesn't have nearly as many followers as I guessed (like 1500 or 1600).

Of course I don't think many people would ever have a theme that catastrophic.

>> No.6794927

wait a minute what do you mean with "theme"
I always thought that it mean layout or at least you know how the page is organized etc
if that's the case I agree, her theme is boring.

>> No.6794973

How many followers would you say is a lot for a personal blog?

>> No.6794976

I'd say that starting from 500 but 1000 is better
people are interested, they start asking you questions and so on
then it depends on what do you post that it's personal, outfits, cosplay, handcraft etc.

>> No.6794980

Yeah, layout and overall image theme.

Silencedrowns thinks it is rather amusing to deliberately have a terrible default theme with an ugly and disturbing image that most people on tumblr don't get. Her prerogative but I wouldn't do that if you're looking for followers.

>> No.6794981

Damn, really? I've got 3550 followers on mine, I guess that's a lot! It is like two years old though.

>> No.6795000

I have 67 and pretty much share that sentiment

>> No.6795010

I've got 225 followers, i've had this blog since like 2011 and i have always hovered around 200. I only started posting properly again recently, I've been making gifs from rpgmaker games and have gained like 30 followers in the past week or two which is a lot for me, idk. I post my art there sometimes but it's shitty and no-one likes it so I should probably stop. I also dont really have a theme, I just post rpgmaker game stuff, art I like, and weird pictures or stuff i find interesting or inspiring. I used to post mostly kpop but I've kind of fallen out of love with it. I'd like to get more followers but i am too lazy to do anything specifically to achieve that so no.

But since we're on the topic of tumblr, Im looking for more art/comic/weird photo blogs to follow so if anyone has one then send me a link.

>> No.6795015

I've had mine for several years and it's forever been sub-200, but it's a personal blog and I have nothing much to offer.
Although it is REALLY nice when I get asks from the few people who follow me who say they really like what I write and post, so even though I'm not a popular blog by any means, it's nice that the people who do follow it love it.

>> No.6795017

Getting popular tumblrs to reblog you is true, I had made a something cute and then jasmine_blu reblogged it and suddenly it became one of my most popular posts.

>> No.6795022

This probably sounds a bit conceited, but what makes a quality outfit post?

I see really plain, low-image quality coords getting 50+ notes, and fairly decent ones with good image quality hardly getting a look in.

Is it just luck and followers as long as you can dress yourself? Is there a tag you should/shouldn't use?

>> No.6795027

I don't really see the point of a good theme unless you use a lot of read mores

I threw a TV test image on for a background and i don't fucking care.

>> No.6795048

I've had my tumblr for 2 years now, but I only have 176 followers. I can't really make a lot of original posts because it would just be me talking about my day that's usually not relevant to my tumblr (despite it not having any real theme) and I worry that too many personal posts puts people off?
I'd be into anyone else that posts similar things and wouldn't mind interaction.

>> No.6795058

1500ish followers on tumblr
4200 likes on facebook

I wish my tumblr follower count matched my like page... but my tumblr is a mess of girly stuff so I can see why a lot of people wouldn't follow.

>> No.6795064

Her theme is better than awful themes that either remove text or make it impossible to find the 'next page' button

....though, I get the joke, so it probably doesn't bother me as much?

>> No.6795079

>and I worry that too many personal posts puts people off?
yeah me too, but then I see those "funny" tumblr posting selfies of themselves every 5 seconds and I'm so tempted to unfollow them, yet I find some of their reblogs amusing so I wait a bit

>> No.6795105

As a lolita blogger, what's the best way to get followers? I reblog and post a lot of relevant content (maybe every 3/4 posts out of every 10 will be non-lolita), post coords, follow lots of other lolitas. Any tips?

>> No.6795108

I was going to say have a ton of brand so people worship you, but peachie mostly owns bodyline and has tons of followers so idek. I guess she's pretty sweet too though.

>> No.6795169

Ugh, the only thing worse than autoplay music is hiding the fucking permalink/next page/text/like buttons

Also those infinitely scrolling layouts that take up obscene amounts of RAM for nothing

>> No.6795190

>Also those infinitely scrolling layouts that take up obscene amounts of RAM for nothing
always better than those ridiculous layouts that have like 5 posts per page

>> No.6795344

This, I gain a bunch of followers when I post original art or coords, then they taper off very quickly when I go back to reblogging.

>> No.6795349


Cuuute, following on both my lolita and personal blogs.

>> No.6795365

i have around 260 followers, had it for around six months. i only reblog shit though, and i spam the hell out of my followers, so i'm glad i actually have that many hahah

>> No.6795383

I want to post more original content but I'm afraid that no one will reblog it so it will be useless

>> No.6795417

I still prefer ones with 5 posts per page. Fuck, I want to be able to scroll through people's blog back to months ago without crashing my browser, tyvm.

>> No.6795422

If I posted my tumblr ITT could someone rate it and tell me what's wrong with it without being mean?

>> No.6795423

Why don't you do both? Reblog and make original posts. When I have an hour or two I usually make at least 100 original draft posts so when I need to add to my queue it's easy to stagger them.

>> No.6795427

Why did this question not get answered.
It just turned into a
"like how can I get more followers?"

>> No.6795430

1 - Because it's more interesting
2 - the first post answered you
3 - maybe no one actually knows the answer?

>> No.6795435

Because it's not true? The tags are still there and being updated.

>> No.6795476

Well it's not working for me either actually.

>> No.6795593

Can you take a screencap of what you're seeing?

>> No.6795603

me neither, it just redirects me to http://www.tumblr.com/explore every time i try to see any of the lolita tags now, through link or url

>> No.6795606

So I have an empty tumblr, I could post some of my shitty art and cosplay. But how should I start? I feel like if I posted some stuff, it would get no notes, and I would feel like a loser. But I won't get notes or followers until I post stuff. Agh.
I follow some official blogs, but not any random people I don't know.
Also, where can I get a good theme that's not tacky or overused?
I'm sorry for being such a newb, /cgl/, please help so I'll stop embarassing the world.

>> No.6795659
File: 68 KB, 500x354, tumblr_lu7ed3aLK71qhulf7o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

spam generic, kawaii grunge crap

tumblr loves that.

I have 113 followers, 100 of which are inactive.

It'd be creepy to have more than that considering my blog is 40% venting and personal posts.

I am amused by new followers who fail to read the disclaimer and immediately unfollow once they get a whiff of my ramblings.

I do contribute heavily to a few obscure non-cgl related tags, though.

>> No.6795692

I have 643 followers, which I find pretty impressive because while I do post the occasional ootd and my gothloli outfits, my blog is largely reblogs.

>> No.6796045

Is 1900 a lot or a little for a lolita blog?

>> No.6796115

It tells me that no posts were found. What is even weirder is that if I go to the tag of a brand and check the tags under the posts I don't see a single one that has ''lolita'' in their tags. I search under the Innocent World tag and I'm all the way down in and it loaded extra only six times. Which means I can't see any post with lolita in their tag.

>> No.6796201
File: 113 KB, 1114x618, wat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Strange. Not quoted anon here, but it works fine for me.

Though I have been having trouble with a few other tags. It appears a blank page, with a symbol. Does that mean the tag was deleted?

>> No.6796236

only 816

but my lolita/ j fashion/ cute stuff blog only has 22

>> No.6796244

that girl looks so greasy.

>> No.6796252

So I'm sort of new to Tumblr, or more like finally starting to use mine. Do I just post stuff even if no one is following me?
Also, can anyone recommend a good website to get a new theme on? Mine is really boring, but I'm not finding anything particularly nice on google either.

>> No.6796259

Not working for me either, anytime I try to search for lolita I'm getting "no posts found"

>> No.6796263

I've read that this is related to your log in. As soon as you have to log in, it will be changed.
The reason is maybe that the Lolita tag was used for the other Lolita by some perverts.

I would love to have a new name for our fashion. But the whole Lolita community would have to stick to it, which will never work out.

>> No.6796318

>only 816

>> No.6796914

If you have more than 1000 followers or even 500 you can't really complain

>> No.6797849

Yeah, but make sure to tag it with relevant things. That way, when people look through tags like "lolita" or "cosplay" or "guys I want babies with" they might see your post and follow you

>> No.6798036

I'm amazed I have any followers at all because my tumblr is a totally random mishmosh of fandom shit, radical left wing political cartoons/macros, J-fashion, and me whining about how much my life sucks (when depressed) or raving about how I have this plan that will fix everything (when manic). I somehow managed to accrue 32 followers anyway.

>> No.6798046

anyone else ever feel they cant fucking comment on certain things because some wingnut/moonbat with more followers than sense might see your post and start harassing you?

>> No.6798054

45 followers on my lolita blog, 393 on my art/edgy art by other people/personal blog and 354 on my creepycute/shitty ainmu art one.

It sort of pisses me off since the arty one has been going for four years or something, nobody follows it but my own photos and work are frequently stolen and made tumlbrfamous by others. My erokawaii tumblr is 99% just me queuing other people's posts and it's gotten almost as many followers in just a year.
Nobody cares for original content.

>> No.6798060

Also, I hate people that mash up their tumblr 'genres' too much.
If you want to be a bit-of-everything blog that's fine. You want to post only cooking and fandoms? Okay fine.
But to be only one type of blog and then suddenly through in porn solidly for half a week every month kills me, as does every other post being SJW shit.

Ruins good blogs for me, but I can't tell people how to enjoy themselves online to suit my opinons.

>> No.6798070

I have 113 followers. Would anyone like to review my blog and give me some advice about theme/content/what not? I don't really want a bunch of followers, really just some people to interact with. I follow everyone back, and I'd love to chat with anyone!

I have outfit shots in there, so some /cgl/s might recognize me. Hi there!

>> No.6798071

Jesus on a pogostick. This is exactly how I feel right now. I follow a couple of Sailor Moon blogs that have suddenly all started posting shit from other anime series and a few equine blogs that have suddenly started posting random "artistic nudes" and humping gifs.

If I wanted a multi-fandom blog or nude art blog, I can. And often do. But if I'm reading something that started as purely Sailor Moon/one fandom/equine/whatever, don't suddenly start posting like it's your personal tumblr instead. Especially if you have shitty taste outside of what I originally followed you for! I will unfollow you.

>> No.6798072

wanted to follow*

>> No.6798082

1000+ which surprises me because I just post whatever I want that day. It can be cute cats one day, food the next, then bones and taxidermy. The constant theme is lolita, but it's more a personal tumblr.

I was surprised that my followers genuinely were interested in the original content I was posting as well as the random other posts.

>> No.6798087

Post ootds, pretty pictures of your wardrobe and stuff. I know I love those kinds of lolita pictures and it's easier than wearing an outfit and putting a lot of effort to look good.

>> No.6798093


Um, around 340? It's a personal blog centered around things I buy, being a fashion major, lolita, ect. I wanted to do outfit posts, but I'm no beauty and I'm really selfconcious. At this point it's mostly things I buy. I don't reblog... which kinda goes against Tumblr's purpose, I guess. Most photos are taken by me.

I want to showcase more outfits on my dress form, but I don't know how to spice up my blog more.

>> No.6798095

it's why I had to finally unfollow fuckyeahdisneyfanart

don't start a "fuck yeah!" themed blog

and then get pissy when people say something because you clog up your blog with constant off topic BS.

She finally added a "THIS IS A PERSONAL BLOG~" disclaimer but girrrl we all know the only reason you got so many followers is that you started off as a fuckyeah___.

>> No.6798099

Already following you. I like your brief fashion major updates and sewing machine squees. It's really endearing to see someone so enthusiastic about making things!

>> No.6798102

You now have around 341.
No/minimal reblogging? I love you. Plus you buy pretty things.

>> No.6798115

Your theme sucks and breaks when you post photosets.
Your posts are all over the place with very little to tie them together.
It's difficult to find your navigation bar because you have to hover over it and the text is tiny.

On the plus side, you are cute, and I really like your outfit shots.

>> No.6798118

You don't mess around, anon.
Do me too? I want to become a less shit-tier blogger even if it hurts.


>> No.6798125

Different anon, but I love your blog and just followed it.

>> No.6798133

/dif but

your theme makes it really hard to tell who is saying what or what image is from where... it's all just black text with no paragraph indentations that show up on most themes

Also, tags don't show up--makes it annoying if people are trying to find certain photos (like photos of you, or photos of your collage coords)

>> No.6798136

Where are the outfit shots? I don't see them.

>> No.6798144

243 on tumblr and 180 on FB. Need moar.

>> No.6798147


Some are not very good, but there you go. Any other tumblr advice? I'm not sure how to fix the broken photosets...

>> No.6798172
File: 1.28 MB, 200x190, 1345305853853.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw only 13 followers

>> No.6798176

I'll follow you, anon!

>> No.6798203

I'd love that too. I don't want as much of an audience as I want some e-friends. I'll follow you!

Oh wow your blog is so cute. I'm interested in sewing so I'm definitely going to follow you.

While we're talking blogs, would anyone like to suggest any of their favourite j-fashion blogs to me? I love himekaji, otome and a bit of classic lolita.

>> No.6798205

t-thank you!


>> No.6798208

Thank you!
Thanks so much, I don't really know anything about codes and themes so I'll see if I can find a readymade one that doesn't have those problems asap. I guess it's pretty dull, too.

>> No.6798212


lmfao what kind of guy would use a tumblr? you gay or something, OP?

>> No.6798220

Aw, thank you so much! I really, really do love creating and making, even if what I make right now is super boring because it's for classes. If you asked me to give up my sewing machines or my clothes, I'd probably curl up and cry. Forever. They're used for something almost everyday.

Thanks too! I love pretty things. I'm slowing down on buying because work is slowing down, but ugh there's something so enchanting about just pretty things, including lolita! Someone had to sit down and think about it and work out the process of making it into reality and aalbahabhlabhlabhalhbalhasfas obssessive love word vomit goddamn I love fabric.

>> No.6798229

i will follow you too ;-;

>> No.6798233

I already follow you =), love the mixture of gore and kawaii shit

>> No.6798236

Thank you! If you need any patterning help or sewing stuff, just hit me up. I don't care what your body shape is, I can always use practice and I have a ton of books I can reference if there's a particular issue.

Here, lemme look through my list to find you some tumblrs.


And if you like kimonos, this tumblr has been a huge source of inspiration for bold color combos.

>> No.6798239

I finally found a theme that I like, but it cuts out any text and only shows the pictures. Does anyone know what code does that so I can delete it?

>> No.6798254

don´t know (?)
I start posting and reblogging frequently like 2 months ago, so 200 of my followers are from this time.
Totally random and personal, lolita, horror, movies, lots of arts, flowers, pastel shit, cat gifs,selfies, tv series (GOT, Hannibal, Bates Motel, OUaT, Cult, Following,Buffy,breaking bad, Homeland), lit.
I love my followers they are awesome <3.
90% reblog

>> No.6798292

Does anyone know of cute plus size bloggers?

>> No.6798296
File: 16 KB, 360x333, 1301450806394.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay, I know everyone always talks about how bitchy seagulls are, but this thread has led to the kindest things in my ask box I've ever received.

>> No.6798339
File: 1.56 MB, 1305x579, 4.28 tumblr archive.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I've got uhhh 52 followers? lol

My blog is kind of all over the place, I post
>j-fashion (classic and gothic lolita, dolly-kei, mori, cult-party, general Japanese street fashion and also some nugoth/pastelgoth)
>anime sometimes
>video games
>internet critics
>some live action TV (community, parks & rec, game of thrones, but I try to keep it to a minimum)
>things I buy/taobao/pics of me sometimes

And personal posts every now and then, always tagged as such so you can block them if you like

Also the lolita tag isn't working for me either, OP, idk what the problem is!

>> No.6798513

Moar tumblers!
I want some cosplay/sewing/craft based ones to follow.

>> No.6798548


I have 226 followers... Whenever there's a tumblr thread on /cgl/ I get like 50 more followers, but they are few and far between.

>> No.6798551


I have 36 followers. Do you have any advice for me?

>> No.6798561


any ideas on how to improve? I tend to post fashion pics, dress porn, stuff about my etsy shop, and a few random things. I know I could post a bit more often, but aside from that what can I do?

>> No.6798565

Only 16 followers... Advice please?

>> No.6798581

Your technical flats! I love them!

>> No.6798621

>Do you have any advice for me?
you're using the most generic and basic layout there is, content wise it's ok but seriously change your layout, it makes it look like it's your first day on tumblr and it puts off a lot of people.

it's nice as it is, tho I would suggest to change the colour of the background to a more subtle color (it's a bit bright at the moment) and the posts are too big, change them to a smaller size.

the background + cramped posts make it too much, either change your background or layout, I'm not a fan of supahkawaiidesu stuff so maybe I'm being a bit harsh

>> No.6798624
File: 396 KB, 1320x668, uhuij.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Embarrassing misfire, sigh.


I post a lot of pretty anime girls, eva, TYPE-MOON, comics, cosplay etc.
I'd like to start posting my own cosplay WIPS but I just haven't really yet. Though with a con coming up that'll probably happen soon.

>> No.6798625


(>>6798551) here, thank you. I'll see what I can do.

>> No.6798668

woah woah what's going on here, is this a post your tumblr thread now? Or are you looking for someone to review it? idk
Can we have a separate thread just for posting tumblrs like usual?
And this can be left for discussing the original topic

>> No.6798878

Your blog is what I want my blog to be like, haha. You've gained another follower.

>> No.6798901

boring. not enough coherency.

>> No.6798913

I have around 300 followers. What do I need to fix?

>> No.6798920

>shows time & date of post
>shows all tags i used for the post without hiding any
>shows all the text i added to my pictures
>does not auto resize my pictures
>enough customisation just so i can link to my custom taglist & askbox page
>does not have fucking tiny size 7, 8, 9 font.
>no auto-play music, no invisible font, no hard-to-read colour schemes
>actually looks decent
>preferably no auto-scrolling, and has a visible, accessible "next page" button

where do i find a theme like this guys?

>> No.6798923

Not running a blog that every basic bitch runs would work.

>> No.6798928
File: 1.25 MB, 2592x1936, 148.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>kawaii stuff

>> No.6798931
File: 119 KB, 303x323, 1364809070192.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>basic bitch
these aren't the projects Deltrice

>> No.6798934

O-okay. Sorry.

>> No.6798940


Plenty of plain, boring blogs have thousands of followers... Rollingbarrel for example.

All it is is generic pretty pictures and photographs of her skinny-ass legs.

>> No.6798943

I love your blog and I love you. Let's marry

>> No.6798946
File: 28 KB, 320x320, Mori-Girl_Illustration_Hairstyles_large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I have 226, but I don't mind. I love all my followers, and never really started the blog with the expectation of being popular.
It's mori girl, otome, my own outfits etc

>> No.6798974
File: 70 KB, 287x326, 1362935093928.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I've had to start a new one as my first one was not a primary blog so I couldn't send asks and stuff, it's still active but I only post like 5 times a day.
This one is a bit generic, my first one had more character imo.
I don't have many followers but the number I've reached surprised me as I've only been active on this one for a couple of days (rest was queue)

I just want more people to talk to, I know that it's awkward but even just talking about silly things would be nice.
I get so jelly when I see people who are friends on tumblr ;_;

>> No.6798983

I have 954, but a good 500 of those have only been following me for a few months. I have no idea what happened.

I never considered a theme/blog review before, it'd be awesome if you guys could tell me how to make it better in your opinion.

>> No.6798987
File: 3 KB, 126x101, RAGELSPincc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would say me, but I don't actually post pictures of myself and I haven't started wearing lolita or anything.

>> No.6799010

>Can we have a separate thread just for posting tumblrs like usual?
yes that would be better

>> No.6799011

Tumblr threads are barely related to this board, if you make a separate tumblr for everything you risk having them deleted by the janitor, you're better off keeping it to one thread, it won't kill you

>> No.6799020

I've seen your blog, you sound really bitter and resentful of lolita brands and especially Misako.
Like, everyone has their own opinion but every time you've popped up on my dash you just sound unreasonably enraged. If you don't like

>> No.6799074


That's the point of a rant post, in case you've missed the memo. I have zero problems with brand (pretty sure the concept of 'not liking' the foundations of lolita makes zero sense) but I make it pretty obvious that I don't think that Misako is cut out for this whole "ambassador" schtick.
If that clears anything up.

>> No.6799076
File: 1.52 MB, 297x195, disney.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6799117

I have no idea why people would follow you

>> No.6799195

I thought you had more

>> No.6799202


I feel like I've seen you say some really dumb fucking stuff but it was so dumb I can't quite remember what it was.

>> No.6799212

Because tumblr.

>> No.6799222
File: 158 KB, 249x354, Ir1Rv[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay so to get this thread back on topic, can anyone link me to some good lolita blogs? I'm in need of more loli on my dash

>> No.6799375


Self-post, classic/gothic, and other loli things. I like bonnets.

>> No.6799395


self posts, a little bit of videogames & cute things

>> No.6799520

Too much reblog, but otherwise spot on

>> No.6799522

How do you keep your blog the active without reblogging?

>> No.6799549

It's really hard, I guess that's why it's so rare.
Posting your own photos and stuff is the most obvious ways, but it's difficult unless you're rich with endless time. Posting places to buy things and such is another way, as well as just reviews on videos or other people's blogs etc.

I'm trying to post something original for every three reblogs, but it's meant my blog is possibly the slowest thing in existence.

>> No.6799575


I have 70 followers. I try to self-post a different lolita coord at least twice a week to be more creative with my wardrobe.

I only started 3 weeks ago so I am very happy with my followers and how nice everyone has been in general. I was initially so nervous!

>> No.6799577

1. Find a day when you have a good chunk of free internet time

2. Build up as many drafts of original posts as you possibly can.

3. Queue up 1 to 3 reblogs for every 1 draft

4. Throughout the week you can queue up reblogs, then go to you drafts and queue up a post you've made, then reblogs, etc

>> No.6800088

Misako is one of the most well known lolita models, and has been modeling for brands for like ten years. I fail to see how she's unqualified, even if you don't agree with her opinions.

>> No.6800207

i post art, manga, old games, and strange things!
please feel free to send me a message and be my friend!

>> No.6800359


Yeah, the recent trend of 'hurr hurr, don't add your useless comments to posts!!!' is really pissing me off. if i want my opinions on a post on my blog, i'm gonna do it. Don't post your stuff online if you don't want comments.

>> No.6800369

She's the "kawaii" ambassador. It has nothing to do with modeling. There are much cuter models out there (like Midori), and most of the things that come out of her mouth anyway ain't kawaii.

>> No.6800437

>It has nothing to do with modeling
>There are much cuter models out there


>> No.6800445

71 on my nonfandom/lolita blog (wrydwhisperer.tumblr.com) i only started this like 2 weeks ago though.

4026 on my spn fandom blog which i won't like here

>> No.6800470


I've remade my tumblr a few times, now I just post fashion and art that relates to it, sometimes cats and princessy things. but, I keep capping at 215 followers, and then i lose some and gain others. I want to know why so if any of you wanna help me, feel free and thank you.

I have a personal tumblr linked to it but I'm still working on it.

>> No.6800484

It doesn't exist?

>> No.6800748

Not sure about you guys, but the lolita tag is back to normal (at least for me)

>> No.6801049

Same here, suddenly a lot of notes.

>> No.6801109
File: 769 KB, 1809x941, ghffgggg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Super generic kawaii desu blog.
Only have 65 followers, but I don't post any original content besides my occasional gaming.

>> No.6801289

Anyone have a blog where they post (almost) exclusively progress/photoshoots of their own cosplays, or OOTD (lolita, j-fashion, white people, whatever). Doesn't matter how often its updated, I'm just interested in following more blogs like this.

>> No.6801300
File: 253 KB, 690x806, 1363027251222.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm ONE OFF from making a fucking 420 joke, it's unreal

and facebook pages are for losers

>> No.6801303


Haha, why?

>> No.6801546

like this?
pretty much OOTD so I don't update often

>> No.6801788


Like this? OOTD lolita twice a week >>6799575

>> No.6801986

i run a porn blog and it's pretty fun. semi-serious or inspirational tumblrs will like some of my posts and it's like...shh, your secrets are safe with me <3 no one else will find out you have a thing for 5 foot long horse cocks.

>> No.6801995


Hopefully they have checked on the option on the settings page which blocksothers from viewing your likes. A lot of my friends haven't and it's hillarious. Discovered that some of my friends have very strange kinks.

>> No.6802001

What are you guys referring to when you mean original posts? Is it like >>6798093 where 99% are her own photos and posts? Or does it include uploading photos from your computer instead of reblogging?

>> No.6802002

tag. everything.

>> No.6802007
File: 1.17 MB, 1909x935, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LEL posting in cgl's tumblr thread for maximum exposure
hope you fatties like art

>> No.6802016

Your own photos and posts. If you're reposting stuff like japanese fanart from pixiv that might get notes, or you'll be reposting stuff everyone else reposts and it won't get anything.
If you repost something made by a well-known user on tumblr and they find out, it'll be hell.

>> No.6802036

I usually post ootd at least once a week unless I can't access a camera or something.


>> No.6802086

Is there a way to tag your posts without looking like an annoying tagwhore/tryhard? I'm terrified of that.

>> No.6802116

>>adorable asian girl with long hair
>>from the viking lands
>>dresses well
fuck i wasnt planning to hnngh this early today

>> No.6802127

Tag it what it is. If it's just lolita, tag it lolita, the brands of whatever it is, and anything else relevant. Don't tag is mori, gyaru, fairykei, girl, etc. just so it'll pop up in more places.

>> No.6803514

>tfw hentai tumblrs follow you

The question is... How the fuck do they find you?

>> No.6803644
File: 2.45 MB, 3648x2736, IMG_0501.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Been posting a lot of lolita coordinates recently


>> No.6803689

My cosplay progress/shoots blog so hardly every gets updated. 34 followers which is fine by me. Currently filled with Corpse Party photos, as that's the only costume I've really had photographed.

Any feedback would be appreciated.

>> No.6806924

How many people do you follow? I follow 28 and I already feel like my dashboard moves too quickly.

>> No.6806947

I looked at that thumbnail and I thought,
"Wow. Someone really likes to collect scalps."

>> No.6806950

And to avoid pre-drama:
That's because I thought the thumbnail was something that it wasn't.

Just one of those, "at first glance I thought it was a pile of scalps."

I feel that was necessary to say.

>> No.6806954

It depends upon how active they are and when they post.
I find that most people I follow have the same peak posting time so my dash gets flooded during that period.

But since I'm on tumblr a fair bit atm I feel like it is pretty empty during the day (but perhaps I just need to stop procrastinating and do some real work instead of being on there.)

>> No.6806957

I follow I think 110 or so? Heaps are my irl friends and blogs that don't tend to post so much. I think I need to unfollow some though, I think my dash is finally getting too full.

>> No.6807022 [DELETED] 
File: 19 KB, 300x400, TwinkleJourneyShirringJSK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Twinkle Journey JSK, fully shirred in Bordeaux?

>> No.6807151 [DELETED] 

Saf learn to take a joke and shut up.

>> No.6807171

>how many followers do you have on tumblr?
I have like 1650-something last time I checked, but I don't have a lolita blog, I have a personal/metal/shit i find to be funny blog, but I do want to start a lolita blog.

>how many likes do you have on your facebook page?
I don't even have one. Even if I were a "supa popuarrr rori" i wouldn't have one because that's so obnoxious "I'm so hungry for attention, i mist know how many people like me at all times!" naah, not my thing..

>> No.6807908
File: 2.19 MB, 1308x766, tblrm1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I have sub-200 followers. A mixture of lolita, supernatural, other cute stuff, soccer, and other tv shows/movies.

>> No.6808790

omg I had to unfollow fuckyeadisneyfanart too for similar reasons, but mainly because she started having stupid off topic anon wars on her blog. it got soo ridiculous and out of hand. I actually didn't care dealing with the whole "hurr this is my blog I do what I want with it" bs, but once she started posting like crazy opinions that got anon asks clogging up my dash I had to quit. that girl is just not good at running that blog some one else needs to do it or remake a better one seriously.

>> No.6808795

tfw I know that feel..only 43 on my personal and 11 and 18 on my themed..also>>6798205 just checked it out and am following I really like it! as well as your url.

>> No.6810016

I like it. You got yourself another follower.

>> No.6810030

The reverse happened to me, but not on that scale I only have around 80 followers. A few weeks ago I was consistently posting/reblogging around 15-30 posts a day but I wasn't getting any new followers. Then I stopped using tumblr for a week and I got a lot of new followers. I noticed this happening before. It's like this short pause attracts new people. I don't get it.

>> No.6810041

I'd do it.

>> No.6810058

I'd like a new name too, but I don't think it's possible. Lolita has been in use for a long time.

>> No.6810060
File: 465 KB, 200x154, tumblr_ltl9jyVxwz1qk70ddo1_250.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok then, it's this one
thank you in advance!

>> No.6810064 [DELETED] 

I'd do it.

>> No.6810091

Not the person who said they'll rate it etc but here's my 2 cents - change your layout so that your content is bigger, on my screen everything is only like 150 pixels wide. You have a lot of negative space on the right hand side.

>> No.6810096

ok, the previous size of the posts was 250px, the other two options are 400px and 500px, now it's 500px, should I change it too 400px?

>> No.6810100

961 on my tumblr, although I've been losing followers ever since I got the fuck out of the Homestuck fandom.

>> No.6810102

I follow 682
My dash is like a constantly flowing river

>> No.6810108
File: 77 KB, 887x1097, 1365172237558.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


How do you survive?

>> No.6810112

>tfw male
>tfw you see how many females on tumblr love porn and have porn blogs and constantly repost porn
>tfw they do it even more than men do

seagull daughter, i am disappoint.

>> No.6810113

I follow 411 people
but I always get the same ones on my dashboard, and it's full of selfies from "funny" bloggers ugh, I wish i could block their selfies while still seeing funny shit on my dash.

>> No.6810129

I think it's at a nice size now! Upping the size also (I think) makes it easier to access the reblog/permalink. At 250px the links kept dashing away a few times.

>> No.6810141

I think its really fucking funny when someone posts a a whole bunch of stereotypically girly stuff like kittens and fancy baked goods THEN BAM, HARDCORE JAPANESE BONDAGE PORN

>> No.6810145

Okay here we go...

After browsing your blog for a while I concluded it's a kind of personal one where you post whatever you like. Mine is that way too and I don't have many followers, but I don't expect to since people usually want to follow blogs with a specific theme related to their interests. For example: I liked your fashion related posts, animals and some drawings but I didn't like all the anime related stuff. If it was very rare or related to the fandom I like, I wouldn't mind it. I'd only reblog anime posts if they included really beautiful scenery. So, for me, it's too random.

This may seem silly, but even if it's a general blog with no specific theme I'd like to see some order, like a few posts only about certain character or fandom, then a few posts about cute food, then about lolita fashion... you get the point.

About lolita fashion posts and fashion posts in general, it would be better if there was more of those who look "professional". I personally dislike posts with bad camera quality, or just a person standing in front of a mirror with their cell phone camera.

And for the layout/tumblr theme: I recommend a theme with a grid rather than one column type you're currently using. That light background is a little boring but at least it's not cluttered or worse - made of gifs.
That dancing thing is a bit cute at first but it gets annoying and it's too big. Really distracting. Maybe you should write something about your blog or yourself.

That's it I guess. I hope I'm not being too subjective.

I feel the same way about seeing people who are friends on tumblr. From what I've seen they are either those that have a specific themed blog and post about the same stuff, or they're friends in real life too... I don't know. But I'd like that too.

>> No.6810150

I follow around 100 blogs and I'm certain not all of them get on my dash. I've noticed that the more I like or reblog posts from certain blogs, the more I see their posts on my dash while others get neglected. This is really annoying.

>> No.6810153

Haha yeah, girls are sluts.

>> No.6810156

Yeah. That always manages to surprise me.

>> No.6810267
File: 217 KB, 900x1080, 129449523260.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I reblog a lot of j-fashion, anime/manga screencaps, art, guro, nature photography. Often the colors tend to be pastel purple, blue and pink, but it also changes over to more somber, dark colors often. NSFW

I also have a side multi-fandom blog. Reblog a lot of Evangelion and Madoka Magica fanart, along with some other series.

>> No.6810309

Are there any tips for anyone who wants a popular personal blog? Like, a blog where you reblog things you like but also post your own cosplay/day to day fashion. Is it more difficult to be recognized than having a separate secondary blog?

>> No.6810355


Pretty average personal blog that reblogs a lot of anime and things. Probably more Madoka Magica than anything else.

>> No.6810576
File: 379 KB, 500x500, 546907_10152327813550635_1133157894_n.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


LOTS of kawaii stuff , mostly lolita and hime gyaru
cute animu madoka tamako market etc also cute asian boys kpop and some screamo bands

>> No.6811164

Could anyone reccomend a good theme? Something where you could pick the colors and background the easy loser way maybe?
I tried to read about writing your own html theme and even the simple things go over my stupid head. And I don't want to look super defaulty or overused either...
Thank you.

>> No.6811216

How do you not have more followers?
You're probably one of my favorite blogs.

Mine, for anyone who's interested:
I started it as a place to keep track of my cosplay progress, but I'm way too slow, so it's mostly Game of Thrones, Dead Like Me, and random other things that tickle my fancy.

>> No.6811850
File: 112 KB, 500x266, blushin marceline.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks, man, and I don't know why but it'd be really cool if I had more and they talked to me.

>> No.6812471
File: 231 KB, 300x176, tumblr_mjxjdsCfld1r3gb3zo1_400.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thank you very much for the feedback!
>like a few posts only about certain character or fandom, then a few posts about cute food, then about lolita fashion... you get the point.
personally I prefer the opposite , I like to see some variety while still being in the "cute" theme and I don't want to make people think that I only post x stuff because there's a bunch of them on the top.

>That dancing thing is a bit cute at first but it gets annoying and it's too big. Really distracting
yeah I know that Nonowa is too big but I don't know what to put otherwise, would it be ok if I used the image here? >>6798974

>Maybe you should write something about your blog or yourself.
I was thinking about that, but idk I don't want to sound too boring and I don't think that people would be interested..

I'll make a few changes now, I'd prefer to keep my current theme as I don't want it to look too cluttered, I don't know if you're still in here tho, if anyone else has something to add (nothing mean spirited please) feel free to say so!

>> No.6812684
File: 368 KB, 450x253, pic unrelater.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

3 followers! That's okay though, I made mine just in April and all I reblog is Fairy Kei and I haven't made one of my own posts yet.
Mostly I really don't know what to do on Tumblr and I'm kind of afraid that if I post stuff I've made people will think the stuff I made looks bad.
Anyway, mine is stormyxcloud.

>> No.6812778

man I remember when I used to be super happy when someone followed me, I still am but it kinda bums me off a little when I check their tumblr and it has very little in common with mine or it just seems like they wanted me to follow them back

>> No.6812790

Yeah, I'm just happy to have any followers at all! I mostly just have my Tumblr as a random archive of pictures I think are cute so I don't have to save them all.

>> No.6813387

If you're not logged in, or browsing in safe mode, it will automatically block any tag containing the work lolita, as I suppose it's relating it to the book/movie

>> No.6813429

I'm using the app. I'm logged in and I can't change my settings, but according to the website, I'm off safe mode. Also, I can bring up lolita items from a week ago on, but nothing recent.

>> No.6813941


This ones' mine, I wanted to make a separate blog for a while for photography/lolita/everything else that wouldn't fit on my personal Tumblr for a while. Hope I didn't creep anyone out with the empty pages!

Planning on just posting nature photographs, co-ords, self-shots, maybe in the future easy make-up or hair tutorials or if I get around to actually picking up some sewing books, posting some progress in learning that.

>> No.6813956
File: 27 KB, 479x325, 1329948910308.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I have a tumblr about playing Final Fantasy. It's pretty terrible.

I also have a lolita one but I'm not finished it yet.

>> No.6814007

>animu and mango
>lolita sometimes

also i had like 1025 followers on my old blog but since i remade i have just over 200? i think because on my old blog i was a homestuck fandom blogger or whatever so i got a shit ton of followers from that but i wouldn't recommend getting followers that way

when your interests change and you stop liking/blogging about what got you a lot of followers, you end up losing a shit ton too

>> No.6814844

I have about 130 followers.

I've been reblogging a lot of different clothing styles and such I like lately. Apparently my followers must not have the same fashion sense because they keep leaving me.

Otherwise it's anime, Pokemon, Touhou, fish, flowers, kawaii things, and occasionally lolita stuff.

When I first made my blog, all I followed and was followed by were lolita blogs, since I shared it here, hah. I plan on posting more cosplay stuff once I get time to start working on my stuff again.

>> No.6815053

das weird o_0

>> No.6815115
File: 713 KB, 800x1178, 1366484704047.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It is suppose to be a lolita/fashion/cosplay tumblr with a few reblogs here and there but I'm getting ready for a trip to Japan at the end of this month and been a bit too busy for that lately. For now I mostly post/reblog /a/ related stuff and fujoshi hijinks. I leave for Japan on the 27th for three weeks so it'll be flooded full with me living my fujoshi lolita dream around that time.

>> No.6815118


Mostly artwork and stuff about conventions I attend may be some props in the future...I just really like following seagulls; Seeing what they make, promoting creative fashion and occasionally sharing horror and weeb stories with them

>> No.6815386

thanks for existing

>> No.6815700

getfrecky.tumblr.com 92 followers bruh bruh

>> No.6815728

On the topic of getting ~tumblr famous, I'm resigned to the fact that I'll be lucky to ever break the three hundred follower mark. I'm a writer, which is hard enough on Tumblr, with everyone only caring about kawaii uguu yaoi drawings, or general fandom drawings, and the few fandoms I do contribute to, it's mostly with screenshots taken with my phone, or stupid ms paint edits. Plus, one fandom is extremely small, not even with fifty people in it. I need to learn how to make transparent shit.

>> No.6815754
File: 1.47 MB, 1175x658, tumblr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty generic I guess, only 170 followers, though a lot are loyal and mutual.

Kawaii and funny stuff, art, lot of anime, cats and food, and occasional league, fashion etc.

>> No.6815772

what is the deal with transparent shit anyway?
i do not see why that would get you followers

also that dangan ronpa got HUGE is really weird

Japanese only psp game->SA LPs it->???????->tumblr circlejerk.


>> No.6816315

loli, cosplay, homestuck, personal, and fan art/ regular art.

>> No.6816348

okay, let's try.
hellmethic.tumblr.com stuck forever at 149 followers.
mostly music, fandoms I'm in, some pictures I simply find pleasing.

>> No.6816480

you're welcome :)

>I don't want to make people think that I only post x stuff because there's a bunch of them on the top

you're right, I didn't think of that... it's just that I usually check the archive as well to see what kind of a blog it is

>would it be ok if I used the image here? >>6798974

Sure, why not? I also put a cute photo which relates to my tumblr, like a thing you might find among my posts.

>I was thinking about that, but idk I don't want to sound too boring and I don't think that people would be interested..

Well not many people would be interested in reading a lot of text, but it would be okay just to write a sentence or two so that your visitors know what to expect.

I checked your blog again, I like that your posts are bigger now, looks much better.
And I like your description.

I also have a suggestion seeing that your blog has infinite scroll. Maybe you could add a music player but DON'T put it on autoplay. Just thought it would be cute to have an option to play some music while scrolling.

>> No.6817044

I have 362 on my main account, and 10? I think on my art blog.
I should probably put some effort into my art blog, huh.

>> No.6817099


>> No.6817597
File: 151 KB, 1105x1274, 1348398609461.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've just added a small music player that doesn't go on autoplay, there are a lot of songs on it (nearly 40) but they're anime related, I hope this doesn't bother anyone...
Thank you very much for your friendly helpful advice! <3

>> No.6817646
File: 293 KB, 1024x768, ZtMM4Yu[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mostly lolita and kawaii stuff, along with fandom and personal posts.

>> No.6819906


>> No.6823971

Here's a fun gal;


She mostly reblogs other peoples stuff but she has a few homestuck cosplays/fanart of her own in there.

>> No.6823992
File: 170 KB, 320x240, tumblr_mcz1o159dR1rdg043o1_400.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i post my lolita outfits and just generally lolita related stuff

this is my everything els tumblr

>> No.6824019
File: 19 KB, 451x454, baby austria.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

33 on my main, a measly 1 on my art blog

>> No.6824110


>> No.6824112

I follow around 2000. I like my dash to be really fast, though I think it has gotten a little bit out of hand. I'll go through and delete a load at some point.

OTOH, following a lot of people (and a post that got a load of notes in a popular fandom) boosted my follower count from 200 to almost 800.

How to gain followers fast: Make a funny theory/text post/picture in the Sherlock, Doctor Who or Supernatural fandoms and get it noticed by someone more popular.

>> No.6824128

lolita = CP

>> No.6824541

But what if you don't want to be noticed by popular fandoms?

>> No.6827523

I can't find a purely himelolita / himegal tumblr.
There's one that's called himeloli that hasn't updated in years and only posts photos of kawaii food etc

>> No.6827524

Unless one can be found, I'm making one.

>> No.6827708


Recently decided to integrate this one with my personal so I don't have to manage two. Only re-blogging classic lolita, pretty buildings and cakes, and trying to create more OC, mostly related to my course (fashion design) or sewing/fashion in general. From October, I will be posting about my new (hopefully) weird and wonderful life at drama school in London.

I currently have 35 followers, so I'm pretty happy. I didn't think 35 people would care about anything I post, haha.

>> No.6827723

haha indeed

>> No.6827745

Would you guys suggest making a separate blog for posting my art? I mostly just reblog things on the one have now and I don't want to scare away my 5 followers with my shit art.

>> No.6827747

119 low-tier Tumblr

>> No.6828243


It's just random cosplay photos I've taken in my travels

>> No.6828946

comics and cosplay
