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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 123 KB, 640x480, weeaboo016copygd0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6794049 No.6794049 [Reply] [Original]

Do you still want to go to Japan the same way you wanted to go when you were in high school?
Or did you calm down a bit?

I have passed by quite a lot of weeaboo girls in Akiba (you stick out like sore thumbs). Is this really your end goal? Don't you want to settle down where ever you are and pump out some kids instead?

>> No.6794051

The main thing that's changed is that instead of Tokyo, I want to check out Okinawa or Osaka and their motherfuckin' aquariums with motherfuckin' whale sharks.

>> No.6794054

I just want to go to Closet Child and save on shipping....

>> No.6794057

Dude, there's nothing wrong with wanting to go to Japan.

There's something wrong with wanting desperately to drop everything and go live in glorious nippon because you think everything would be awesome like in an animu and cursing your damned luck for being born in 'Murica.

>> No.6794062

I don't think most seagulls are huge weebs IRL, actually. 1) Most entry-level weebs stay away from us cause we're such meanies and 2) /cgl/ tends to immediately and painfully call out weebs for their shit behavior.

Most of us are former weebs. I like to display my power level in subtle ways now, just in case it sparks a conversation with someone. The difference is using your appearance to SCREAM "i like anime" versus just whispering it.

>> No.6794068

your picture is more ravey, not weeby...

>> No.6794076

Same obnoxious cancer

>> No.6794078


I want to go visit and shop for a week or so.

But living there seems like a huge pain in the ass for multiple day-to-day necessity reasons (the way their ATM's/bank and transportation work, for one).

>> No.6794092

My sensei lived in Japan for many years, but is a caucasian woman. She said job hunting was an absolute nightmare. Interviewers would tell her straight to her face "Wow, I'm amazed by your fluency, and you have all the skills and experience we need...if you were a man, I'd give you the job right now."

I don't think ALL Japanese people are blatantly racist and sexist, but it's enough of them to make life hard if you're not a native.

>> No.6794094

I think I got less weeby as I started taking interest in more non-Japanese stuff. I still want to visit Japan and I still like all the same weeby things I always liked, but it's not a dominating interest anymore.

>> No.6794095

>and cursing your damned luck for being born in 'Murica.

I still curse my luck for being born where I was. But then again I'm not American and I'd be fine with Europe, US, wherever (though preferably glorious Nippon).

>> No.6794100

What is wrong with their ATMs/banks? You couldn't find the post offices they have everywhere?

>> No.6794101

>I don't think ALL Japanese people are blatantly racist and sexist, but it's enough of them to make life hard if you're not a native.

Thankfully you live in America.

>> No.6794133

I want to eat real takoyaki in Osaka.

But I sure as hell don't want to live there. I'll pay the hiked fees for the clothes instead.

>> No.6794134

I used to desperately want to live in Japan, but after finding out about what the country's really like beyond all the wacky subcultures, i.e. racist, sexist and cripplingly conformist, I think I'll be satisfied with just going there for a holiday.

>> No.6794167

>Do you still want to go to Japan the same way you wanted to go when you were in high school?
Yeah kinda. I want to go to famous places like Akihabara, Harajuku, Shibuya etc. However I've grown in the sense that I want to see aspects of traditional Japan as well and not just go there to indulge purely in my weeaboo goddess fantasies only.

That being said I would never want to live there and for the most part I grew out of my JAPAN SO KEWL XD! phase a long time ago

>> No.6794171

What is at Harajuku?

>> No.6794177

I still want to go to Japan, just not in the same way.

>> No.6794180

What would you do when you got there?

>> No.6794182

That's where people in niche Japanese fashion (lolita, decora etc. as well as cosplayers) gather on sundays near Harajuku Station.

>> No.6794183


I'd like to do some shopping. Maybe climb mount fuji and walk in Aokigahara... It would be cool to go when the cherry blossoms are out but I hear it's pretty busy that time of year.

>> No.6794185

Didn't that pretty much die a few years ago, though?

>> No.6794190

Nobody goes to the "cosplay bridge" anymore except foreign weeaboos.

>> No.6794189

im going to japan to see my sick grand mother.......thanks for calling me a weab jackass OP

>> No.6794192

It's not nearly as popular now, but people still go there. I'd just like to see it for myself for an hour, have the experience and then go shopping.

>> No.6794198

I just want to go around eating the local foods and try the weird fast food, also shopping, lots of shopping

I wouldn't want to live there though.

When I was 12 and 'discovered' anime, I wanted to become a mangaka and get a glorious nippon BOIFURENDO, but that really only lasted a year or so. I wasn't that bad of a weeb in real life, just online.

>> No.6794212

Are the same shitcunt that used to shitcunt up /o/ and /k/?

>> No.6794215
File: 86 KB, 645x773, 1361010662215.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>go to a foreign country
>to go shopping
What the ever loving fuck? Why do women even need to travel if this is all they do when overseas? Use the internet for that shit for fuck's sake.

>> No.6794224

I tend to avoid shopping for certain things online like shoes and clothing. It may say it's your size. But then you go to put it on and find out it looks or fits like shit.

Also beats the hell out of paying shipping fees and customs.

>> No.6794227

I still want to visit Japan, but I'd never live there. As others have said, sexism and racism is pretty rampant. I have family there, though, and I would love to visit them instead of the other way around for once. Do some sight seeing, experience the city (family lives in Yokohama).

Plus, eat everything Lychee flavored ever. I fell in love with the fruit when I was freeloading off of a friend in Hawaii, and it's impossible to get anything that tastes like it in the states.

>> No.6794228

and by "the states" I mean continental US. Obviously Hawaii is still in the states, and I'm an idiot.

>> No.6794231

I never wanted to go to Japan. I always knew it wasn't an anime fantasy land, and that the men don't all look like animes.

>> No.6794232

>1000+dollars for a ticket
>Beats shipping and customs


>> No.6794235

The easier answer would have been "I am a female and all i know is shopping because I am instinctively a gatherer and not a hunter". But she wanted to go the self-delusion route.

>> No.6794238

Good call. When I see fat westerners, I get a bit embarrassed because I know everyone here will assume we all look like you.

>> No.6794242

>all they do when overseas

Not -ALL- they do. And also because, yes, as crazy as it sounds, the ticket is worth it. You visit another place, see it's culture, do touristy things, and shop on top of it. Beats paying the same for shipping, with service fees on top.

Also, lol at your
>lel females
>it's because you're females XD
>4chan evolutive logic!!!

We are careful with our fucking money. More money = more stuff. So we do our calculations to see what gives more stuff for less money.

>> No.6794249

I know it's not fantasy land either, but I'm still legitimately interested in the culture and language and stuff. Just not enough to live there. Too big of a culture shock.

>> No.6794255

for some reason after all these years and maturing/repression of weeabooisms, I still wanna wear me some neko ears and some just-for-funsies meido. theres something about it man

>> No.6794257

I've actually just visited Japan earlier this year with my family and I really want to go again in the near future. As >>6794057 said, there isn't anything wrong with wanting to visit, just don't think of it as a wonderful fantasy land where all your dreams come true.

On the plane trip back home I did see a gigantic weeb with gross died hair and a giant plush toy in the airport, it gave me such secondhand embarrassment.

It's not like it's the only thing we do, just one of the many activities, like eating and visiting landmarks.

It's always fun shopping in another country, especially when the customer services is just so much better and the things they sell are much more to your liking.

>> No.6794262

Oi Nat

>> No.6794263

Even when I was deep into anime/manga as a kid, I never really wanted to live in Japan or even go there all that much. Since getting more into fashion and music, though, I'd like to see some concerts and maybe do a bit of shopping.

>> No.6794282

I actually hated most anime in high school because I connected it with the fucking obnoxious weebs, and didn't give it a chance until college. Now I enjoy it a good deal. Still not a weeaboo, though.

>> No.6794289

I'm not much of a weeaboo at all, but I've been to Japan a few times on holiday (my dad is the weeaboo, actually, so he took me there) and it honestly makes me desperate to live there. It just suits me, you know? Urban environments, quiet, polite people, all that shopping, all the food, easy access to everything. It's just an awesome place that matches my personality and caters to things I like. I come back to my own country and it feels so lame in comparison.

>> No.6794292

Where would you go if your were new to the area and only had a short time to be there?

>> No.6794293

ainda não sei quem é

>> No.6794297

fuck off mate, you things have your own websites

>> No.6794296

>Do you still want to go to Japan the same way you wanted to go when you were in high school?
No longer interested in going to Japan.

I gotta admit that I indeed thought it'd be like in animes and mangos when I was younger, but as I grew older I realized I was being a stupid little fuck.

>> No.6794300

They said hi first. I asked around my friends and it was none of them, I merely replied saying I still didn't know who it was.

Take the stick off your butt, it will do you good

>> No.6794397

I went to Akihabara and didn't buy anything.
I think I am finally cured. But it was difficult.

>> No.6794402

>Do you still want to go to Japan the same way you wanted to go when you were in high school?
no, I mean some places look nice but I don't really want to go there, I'm afraid that they'll point at me and laugh.
I'd like to see the shops tho.

>> No.6794414

I lived there for a bit. First in Ikebukuro then near Nagoya. Tokyo was great but its different from the rest. Since I only lived in Tokyo for a few months before moving to a smaller town its hard to give a real comparison. Basically what most of you are saying is true. Its nice and all but you still manage to feel unaccepted if you live there. They love tourists, living there is a bit different. I still had great friends though.
I miss having nice convenience stores at every corner and getting cute keychains for next to nothing.

>> No.6794416

>They love tourists

How hard do you think it would be for someone who speaks ZERO japanese to visit there?

>> No.6794418

I used to change trains there everyday and I developed a doujinshi buying addiction. I dropped about USD200 a week

>> No.6794421

>walk in Aokigahara
I kinda want to do that too. I want to buy flowers and bring them to Aokigahara.

>> No.6794422

I never had too much of a weeaboo phase, cause I've never really been into anime, more japanese music and pop culture and cute stuff. I do really want to go on holiday to japan, but after a year of saving I settled on Korea for this summer instead because I wouldn't have been able to afford japan. I don't know how anyone can afford a holiday in japan, the hostels I looked at are double the price of the ones in Korea.

>> No.6794426 [DELETED] 

I'll be around the Fuji area for a motor race. Should I head around this area as well?

>> No.6794434

Not gonna lie, OP's picture hit home. I dressed like that for years and have a tattoo of that heart. I would love to live in japan for a year or two, but it's not the only place I'd like to travel. I like all different foods and places and cultures.

>> No.6794439

I spent a year in Oki. USMC kinda helped me see the world a little different.
I was dissappointed.

>> No.6794442

Yes, you rape a couple of people and behave like chimpanzees and occasionally people will treat you like shit in response. Don't let that stop your victim complex though.

>> No.6794466

I never really wanted to run away to japan, but my life kinda depresses me and still does.

Real life is just utterly unromantic.

I will probably never grow out of escapist fantasies.

But yeah, I guess there were some lame weeby things I used to do that I no longer do.

>> No.6794481

I went to the 7-elevens, they have charge free ATMs. I also didn''t have any trouble paying with my card in any of the loli stores i went to.

>> No.6794484

I went for free with my school. I also live in the EU where I have to pay up to 40% on everything I order from Japan.
So yeeeeeeessss the shopping i did there beats shipping and customs.

>> No.6794489

I used to want to live in japan and be a manga artist (I know...I know). Now I feel like I want to live in a cabin in the woods a short drive away from other people and make comics all day. I'd visit Japan just to go shopping though.

>> No.6794492

Why wouldn't you live in a cabin in the woods of Japan?

>> No.6794497

I don't want to live in Japan. I don't speak Japanese at all and I don't really want to learn anymore.

>> No.6794500

>Do you still want to go to Japan the same way you wanted to go when you were in high school?

Nope. I took a bunch of geology courses in college to earn science credit, and now my hypothetical trip to GRORIOUS NIPPON is going to have to be even longer, so I can see hot springs and volcanoes and smaller islands and sheeeeeit. When I was a young weeaboo, I thought a week in Tokyo would be enough. Now I think I might need a month or two to explore the whole country.
HOWEVER now that I'm older, before I only wanted to travel to Japan, and now I want to go absolutely anywhere I can.

>> No.6794502



>> No.6794510
File: 85 KB, 450x319, Belgrade, Serbia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I once did want to live over there... then I discovered Serbia. Now I want to drink rakija all day.

>> No.6794521

I really wanted to go to Japan when I was younger. I would talk about how I would save up for it and live there and marry a Japanese man and just live in my own anime land.

2 years later I went to China instead, close enough.

>> No.6794523

>slavs staying in slavlands, keeping slav problems where they should be
That is appreciated by all

>> No.6794535

Depending where you go, not bad! Tokyo is best, often others will want to practice English with you. As long as you are respectful its great! Lots of English signs in Tokyo, easy money system, there are assholes everywhere in the world but you'll probably be fine. My sister visited knowing zero Japanese and had a blast.

>> No.6794554

Yes and I wish I hadn't. I hardly have friends.
Atleast weebs had friends, had fun, and a fuckall attitude.
>even the most obnoxious weeb has more friends than me.
Quality>quantity yea but...all my quality friends are gone.
I still wanna go to japan, its on my bucket list.

>> No.6794564

Used to be full-on retard weeaboo when I when was 10-12, then I had to hide my power level. Definitely a good thing, I was insufferable.

I think it'd be kinda cool to live anywhere in Japan that's not Tokyo.

Osaka would be pretty alright, I've heard that the food is better and the people are less socially retarded. Purely anecdotal though.

My school used to do an exchange to Hakodate, seems like it'd be a cool place to travel. Seems like there's some great camping/outdoors stuff around there.

>> No.6794582

please im phasing out of /cgl/ness and thats depressing me

ive long phased out of my weeb phase years and years ago


>> No.6794585

Same. I'd like to go visit the memorial down in Okinawa (I've been wanting to see more and pay my respects after visiting the one in Normandie), and a warm place with a beach sounds great right now.

I lost my weeb phase sometime in high school.I went through a period of researching about Japan and then realized that I felt more comfortable about Western culture.

Overall, I'd still want to visit, not live there.

True. Seeing a woman in the office as part of a meeting, let alone the head of an office is unheard of. A typical secretary is going to be there to serve board members tea.

>> No.6794594 [DELETED] 

Russian sailors were the reason that some hot springs in Japan had no foreigners allowed until rather recently.

>> No.6794604

High school? Naw, I outgrew my weeaboo stage after 6th grade (thank god)

I was THE WORST kind of weeaboo.
Calling people bakas, saying how I could speak Japanese because I was learning it from watching anime, thinking Naruto was a good show and trying to dress vaguely like the characters in a sort of... Closet-cosplay, etc.

I want to shoot my 6th grade self.

>> No.6794606

I used to be the weabest. Full on broken japanese speaking, wanting to go to japan to draw anime, thought I was like every anime character ever, wore fucking cat ears and shitty cosplays ... the works.

now I'm very picky with anime because half of it makes me cringe thinking of the old me. I didn't want to go to japan for awhile and kinda didn't care about anime for a bit. now I can respect good psyche thrillers and realized the JET program would help my teaching carrier a ton. So now I want to go to Japan for a professional level. I like the culture and all, but I'm worried it will be hard to make friends. I'm taking actual classes to speak japanese now and can understand basic sentence structure.

I'm worried when I go there no one will want to openly talk to me with all of their open opinions like in America. The foreign exchange students we have at our university that im friends with are really out spoken though so maybe I'm just worried of a sterotype.

Either way, I sware off everything weab and prolly won't be watching or drawing anything anime when I go to Japan.

>> No.6794612

Old me and old you could have been great and terrifying friends.

>> No.6794628

Can I take a moment to talk about the weeb friends I had?
My best friend was superior weeb.she always bragged about what new animes/manga she had. Shed show up on my doorstep unannounced and ask to borrow shit I wasn't finished watching. Shed make fun of me for watched dubbed anime. Every character was like her or some "side" of her.
"Heh, that sounds like me." Came out of her mouth every 10 seconds. She always had to tell everyone what anime characters she was most like.
We wrote stories together and as we got older she started throwing in rape stories. Most of which were my characters raping hers or gay rape stories. Every character of hers was always better than mine. Nicer, smarter, stronger,bigger boobs, and most popular. It was frustrating whenever I tried to do something different.
Id also bring up how my characters had faults and how they weren't mary sues...she always got quiet.

Anyone else? Weeb friends?

>> No.6794629

I never was like, hardcore weeb. I did shitty cosplays, but that was about it. I was more of one of the elitist fourteen year olds who made fun of weeaboos.
I think I actually became weebier, sometimes I get urges to just go out in twintails and seifukus.
I also have urges to become my inner loli and get a boyfriend I can call Oniichan.

>> No.6794643

I plan on living there via JET if I get accepted.

>> No.6794648

My weeb stage is almost a solid decade behind me since it happened in middle school.

It was during the worst of my puberty, so I was more of a crazed, moody jerkass in general who happened to be a big anime and manga fan. I remember in the 8th grade there was a genuine weeb kid who had a crush on me but he was super-whiny and psychologically stunted so I didn't like him.

I'd love to learn more about the culture and history of Japan, but now more because of an actual interest in studying world cultures and history rather than because of animu-related delusions. I was in a language course 2 years ago and the sensei told me I had a lot of potential, but I had to drop the course because I was too busy. :(

>> No.6794656

I just got back from Japan a few days ago. It was a lot of fun, I hope I can go back some day soon.

>> No.6794662

That was me at fourteen.

I would still like to learn Japanese, maybe go there for a year or two to teach English.

I considered doing the same thing with France (I went to Paris for a few days and fell in love...but I am aware that doesn't give me an idea of what it would be like to live there.) I speak a little bit French quite horribly, but at least it would be a starting point. I'll see when I graduate, or if I get some kind of exchange opportunity through school.

>> No.6794680

I have the chance of actually moving to japan to work in Yokota AB. I'll be able (possibly forced) to live off base, so I'll have to buy a car for transportation.

Can someone please talk me out of doing it?

>> No.6794697

My otaku phase only lasted a year at most, and even then it wasn't that bad. I was in middle school at the time, around 13. It could be because anime was just starting to get noticed.

In high school I closet played, but I didn't know that was the right term. But I also studied a lot of Japanese and tried my best despite no class's available.

In college I was able to take proper classes and I did pretty well but was kind of lazy. I did end up study abroad for half a year which was really fun.

To anyone who wants to go, I recommend doing it while in college, it's the cheapest option and you also get credit for a semester, or a year depend on how long you're staying. And there's also English teaching programs you can do after college.

A friend of mine, who was also in my Japanese class, did that for a few years.

As for now, I'd like to go back again but this time with my husband.

>> No.6794704

Classes^ silly phone.

>> No.6794712
File: 382 KB, 400x263, urataros-spit-take.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Do you still want to go to Japan the same way you wanted to go when you were in high school?

I lived in Japan until high school. Don't really need to do that. But I love to visit. I never was a weeb though, I think? As long as we're using the real definition of weeb and not just anyone who watches and likes anime...

>> No.6794714

I've never wanted to live there, just visit for a month or so. I still want to go to Harajuku (for 14 year old me's sake) but now I think I'm more of a weeb. I want to go to maid cafes, buy clothing, and eat tons of food. I've been studying Japanese for about a year (seriously rather than just watching anime and calling it 'studying') but I want to be at least somewhat fluent before going.

>> No.6794723

That's actually a picture of my cousin. We were both horrible weebs.
'Nuff said.

>> No.6794730

I'm afraid that's what I'm going to be told if I applied for a video game job in japan.

>> No.6794772

When I was in Japan I heard things like that from native Japanese women who were applying for jobs. I think it still exists pretty heavily but I also think there are companies that are starting to move away from it too.

>> No.6794784
File: 250 KB, 600x600, 1350097028051.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm an /a/non cosplayer and lolita with weeaboo/fujoshi dreams. I'm going to Japan for three weeks starting at the end of May and if I really like it I may consider a year out there.

>> No.6794808

your cousin is a fag

>> No.6794890

spoilers: you will.

>> No.6794897

Fuck no I don't want to live in Japan for the same reasons most stated.

However, I'd love to travel there, see the cultural sights, go to an onsen, eat all the food, etc. I have a thing for travel and Japan seems like a wonderful country to visit. It isn't even #1 on my list though, that's Italy for the artwork and architecture. Plus I like Italian food more.

>> No.6794913

I've always wanted to visit Japan, but I've also been aware that it's not a weeb safe-haven or some culturally amazing pure place of animus. I've never really been a weeb and like a few people have said I want to visit some more of the culturally Japanese areas.

>> No.6794932

my fiancee wants to go for the car aspect, and seriously wants to live there for a year or two. I'm afraid of doing that because i've heard some stories

>> No.6794942

>cripplingly conformist
So much this. I'm liberal enough for my own country, in Japan I'd just be the nail that gets hammered down. Or everyone would refuse to associate with me.

>> No.6794949

Went there pretty recently and I just loved it. Definitely brought me back to my weeb days when I dreamed of visiting, though I'm glad I went long after that phase. The culture is super different though - but I really enjoyed the aspect of cleanliness/orderliness/hard work that everyone seemed to have.
I'm planning to go for a year on a study abroad program at my Uni now, and I can't wait!

>> No.6794950

You don't know how to get a decently priced plane ticket do you?

Nice job being an inferior man and human.

>> No.6794952

Shopping is an experience. Like, why go to a nice restaurant when you can cook at home? Or why go to the movies when you can just wait for it to come out on DVD? See what I mean? And shopping in a foreign country and seeing things you wouldn't find in your own country makes it even more interesting.

>> No.6794957


It's become a pet dream of mine, once I am wealthy, to go to Japan for a holiday and be as obnoxiously occidental as possible.

You know, address everyone in English or Spanish, refuse to use chopsticks, be as ostentatious, loud, and emotional as possible, make sure my outstretched handshake hits people in the forehead when they try to bow, repeatedly imply I'm in a province of China or Vietnam... the works.

I just want to see how they'd react, you know.

>> No.6794963

When I visited tokyo for the first time, I went with my mother who's a very loud, outspoken hispanic woman - she asked EVERYONE for help in loud, spanish-accented english, tried to haggle with people running little stalls, was generally super foreign acting.
Not a person blinked, except me, I was just too embarrassed to say anything except an apology in Japanese to make up for her. They probably would just ignore you as well.

>> No.6794970

Yeah, they're too polite to stare or say anything.

>> No.6794979

I'd still love to go to Japan, just not for the stupid reasons before like wanting to be a mangaka. If there, I'd steer away from any anime places/maid cafes since I might weeb out.

Now, I'd love to check out any of the tourist attractions or anything about Japan's history.

>> No.6794982

I have a feeling my mother would be like this, she has a habit of throwing loud shitfits in public for no reason. She wants to go to Japan though, so if it's ever going to happen I guess I'm just going to have to suck it up and embarrassedly apologize for her all the time...

>> No.6794984

I'm pretty sure I wouldn't survive in Japan.
My home country pays for my medications ($4000 last year alone) as well as all hospitalizations and tests.
I heard that it's impossible to get a job if you're any kind of sick (mental or physical.)

>> No.6794996
File: 639 KB, 800x600, 1365545289074.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My weeby years are about a decade ago (I turn 26 this year) but I'd still love to go.

I know 2 people who are permanent residents and I'd love to hang out with them again.

I'd probably want to see the nerdy stuff (so Akibas on the list) plus do fashion-town since I actually follow a lot of that lately!

Also as a 6' 2" guy I'm kinda amused by the hilarious image of my big white head popping high above all the crowds. I bet I hit a doorframe.

>> No.6795007

I think I know who she is, used to date a friend of mine (short, punk) but I don't remember her name, I recognise the goggles.

>> No.6795008

I stopped being a weeb ages ago, and started feeling ashamed of being an anime fan instead. It's only recently that I've started to get over the shame that is young me.

I would still love to explore Japan. Right now my goal is to explore Europe though, but once that's done I'll see if I have any friend who would be interested in going on a weeby adventure with me to Asia ~~~

>> No.6795080


This is me. My friends were far more weeby than I could have ever hoped to be, but then when tumblr came around and Korea got popular they jumped on the bandwagon and now shun me because "ew, you still watch anime?" (Evangelion remake movies hng-). So fuck those bitches.

>> No.6795095

I'm a 5'11 girl and that thought has put a smile upon my lips many times.

>> No.6795106

I laughed so hard I woke up my kitty. Now she's frustrated.

>> No.6795116
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Being in the military, I hear a lot of shit about Japan. They fucking hate Americans, especially Marines.

Maybe its because of all those rapes that occurred a couple years ago....

>> No.6795248

Heh. Japanese American anon here.
I had never been to Tokyo before. I went last year, and I was alone so it was a little lonely, but I went to a ton of places, and everyone spoke English and damn.
Japan is very easy to go around in the big city, but I would never move there if you're white. Ever. Go for like a week, two at tops, and stay in Tokyo if it's Lolita or anime that you're interested in.
When I'm there, I live with my grandfather in the countryside, so it's rustic as fuck and it's actually beautiful, all mossy and dim and full of little shops and bakeries. But I don't honestly think it's possible to ever go somewhere like that unless you have some sort of friend or relative there, there are the Japanese Republicans or whatever everywhere, who think foreigners should leave forever, or little old ladies who've never seen an American before.
So stay tourists, American/notNipponesedesu anons, it'll be more fun, unless you are serious about Japan.

>> No.6795287

walking Aokigahara is kinda a dream of mine and i never went through a weeb phase, i heard about it about 2 years ago and have a massive passion for beach forest.

>> No.6795289

yep. Just don't interact.

>> No.6795296

How racist are they against black gaijins?
I've heard stories of girls getting called "roaches" when visiting.

>> No.6795316

They'll stare at you like you're a new species

If you aren't fat you should be fine

>> No.6795327

Ehh now I am only really interested in traveling to countries where I speak the language, or have a native guide. So Japan's out. I still find many subcultures of Japan fascinating but am perfectly happy being a dumb American too. Very much not a weeb now; probably was a bit of one for a while though. Really what I like the best is when idiot Americans do hilarious things to Japanese art/culture, like the really good papercraft Cloud from the last "bad" cosplay thread.

>> No.6795334

I've been living in Japan for about a month so far and I'm enjoying myself immensely. For the first two weeks I noone really talked to me and almost avoided me but they're slowly getting used to me and now are happy to chat to me.

>> No.6795339

Hah, I've been to Japan with a tall guy before and it was great. Never lost him in a crowd because he towered over everyone.

>> No.6795461

They have hours to use them or something like that.

>> No.6795492

Video games are a dying industry

>> No.6796024

No, no the girl in said picture is both. So, it's accurate.

>> No.6796165

One of the main reasons I would NEVER in my life want to live in Japan. I dont know why any of my female friends are excited to get jobs there (ie: be teachers. cuz isnt that the only thing a female foreigner can do?)

I would love to visit. Looove to visit graves and temples and rabbit island. I've grown up and know for a fact it is not a land of rainbows and unicorns like i thought it was 14 years ago. So yeah.

>> No.6796171

Uh no.

>> No.6796192

please dont fucking ruin it for us all.

>> No.6796200

maybe because usa forces a base on their island?
hmm maybe, just maybe

>> No.6796311

> me, 13
I wanted to migrate to Japan and become a mangaka. I thought it was the norm for people in Japan to walk around in outlandish outfits all day. I thought Japanese people were all nice and above-all.

> I'm 21
I want to visit Tokyo, Osaka and Hokkaido but I never want to work there. I heard their game artists work all day (work>lunch>work>dinner>overtime>sleep on mattress under desk>continue working) and the typical salaryman feels embarrassed to go home unless they can use the last train as an excuse. You also can't take days off because it means your workload is distributed among your colleagues.
Because I'm Asian descent I'd be expected to conform to their crazy norms. And I don't want my child to get bullied because mommy can't cook and s/he gets the ugly bento everyday. Wtf, Japan.

>> No.6796332
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>Grow up wanting to go to Japan
>be around weaboo girls in high school who's plans to get to Japan all involve becoming a manga artist, or a teacher, or something just as silly and diluded
>enlist in the army as a, hope to get to Japan, orders to Korea instead, but lungs give out and get chaptered instead
>move to new state, now have a very real potential path to getting sent to Japan if i pursued it and studied up on my Japanese
>This route made possible not by animation, teaching, or just being a translator
>Possible because of connections in the trucking industry

>> No.6796343

...But you are still a trucker in the states. What are you cheering about? You remind me of college students who feel the need to tell everyone how much money they will make, and then end up unemployed for years at a time after they graduate.

>> No.6796346

>I'm Asian descent
Not Japanese, is what you are saying? You think they want a Korean there?

>> No.6796349

I still want to visit Japan but mainly because good modern Japanese history classes are hard to find in the states and I love modern history.

Though the 13 year old weeb inside me wants to buy anime merch without shipping service cost too. . .

>> No.6796352 [DELETED] 

I went to Akihabara. Like deep into Akihabara. It was almost too much. I felt like I was drowning in a sea of Moe. I had to leave quickly otherwise I'd be another gaijin hobo that spent too much.

>> No.6796390
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I want to go theme park hoping. They have some FUCKING AMAZING theme parks there.

-pic related

Maybe do some shopping to, while I'm there anyway.

>> No.6796458

>Teaching in Japan =/= delusional
>Best way to get there if you have a degree
>3500 dollar starting stipend
>4,000 dollars a month starting (you make more when you sign for private lessons or become a popular teacher)
>work 30 hours a week
>health coverage
>Teacher rent is 400-500 a month
>get to live in a city if you're not with JET
Tell me again how this is deluded compared to getting misplaced in Korea through the magic of the trucking industry and the US military?

>> No.6796482

Incompetent English "teachers" like you are the reason why nobody in Japan speaks the language properly and probably contributes to their xenophobia. Even the fact that you browse 4chan proves you aren't teacher material.

Come back when you've gotten yourself a real job.

>> No.6796487

There are Korean and Chinese people living there. They're accepted far better than whites and general non-Asians are, despite the few bigots, in case you're wondering.

>> No.6796490

No Korean is dog. Stop spreading lie.

>> No.6796509

Same. I never was never enough into anime/manga to ever want to even visit Japan. But the girlfriend's a Jules Verne fan, so someday we'll have to hit up Tokyo DisneySea.

>> No.6796542

My friend is a trucker who has his own truck, he pays for gas and repairs out of pocket but still walks out with 150k a year. Says the job is an absolute joke.

>> No.6796565

hear hear. I would love to see some of the historic sites, etc. more so than the weeb culture.

>> No.6796589

Want to go there for some engineering work

>> No.6796607

japan is one of the only countries where the majority of people are neutral towards or like Americans.

>> No.6796650

I know people at that base, I hear it's nice.

>> No.6796693

Never really was a weeb but I did become highly interested in Japan and its language and culture in high school, enough that it's my major now. Currently, my plan is to move to Japan and work there as an English teacher. Yes, a very typical job for foreigners there but I don't want to be a petty conversation teacher or tutor. My aim is to get a professional position as a college professor or high school teacher, after getting a TESOL degree (what are your thoughts on TESOL?)
As a tall white guy, I'm well aware I will never truly fit into a homogeneous society, no matter how well I speak the language. But I don't really mind. It's a different culture with different values so it's expected of them.

>> No.6796713

I went there on exchange about three years ago. I loved it; I was only there 4 months, but really wish I had done a year.

I've since graduated university, and am just finishing up a degree in education. I got into JET, so I'll be going back with them. The difference in teaching methodology should be interesting.

>> No.6796747

>The difference in teaching methodology should be interesting

The difference in teaching methodology should be incredibly irritating and consistently disappointing.

>> No.6796792



>bad paying job

u wot m8. The job pays a ton precisely because there are so few people willing to put up with the long hours, time demands, etc.

>> No.6796811

This. I know someone who just finished his "apprenticeship", as it were (not sure what they call it exactly, but basically he just became an official driver), and though he's not around much due to the long hours he's making bank.

>> No.6796881

I don't want to pump out kids. I want to be free and enjoy life.

>> No.6796932

Been there. It was pretty great, though I only saw part of Tokyo.

Would I like to go again? Hell yes.

Would I want to LIVE there? Not without speaking the language, which I don't. If I did, maybe for a few years.

My reasons are partly weeaboo, sure. But I'd enjoy sightseeing and learning about the culture just as much, I think.

>> No.6796957 [DELETED] 
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Oh god. I was in Japan last month. Seagulls are regretting missing out on Japan. If you were otaku once or still an otaku, it's worth the trip to go to Japan.

Tokyo was a blast. I spent two of my days in Harajuku and Shinjuku alone just shopping. I brought back around $400 in goods from Japan. I missed out seeing some stuff such as museums and the Tokyo Skytree, but I'll return in a year or two and hit up the nightlife along with drinking a few more microbrews in Roppongi. Did I mention that it's cheaper than being in Paris and have more bicycles than Amsterdam?

Here are my photos from Tokyo: http://www.flickr.com/photos/funkbrothers/

>> No.6796969
File: 205 KB, 534x800, GqIEDGP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh god. I was in Japan four weeks ago. Seagulls are regretting missing out on Japan. If you were otaku once or still an otaku, it's worth the trip to go to Japan.

Tokyo was a blast. I spent two of my days in Harajuku and Shinjuku alone just shopping. I brought back around $400 in goods from Japan. I missed out seeing some stuff such as museums and the Tokyo Skytree, but I'll return in a year or two and hit up the nightlife along with drinking a few more microbrews in Roppongi. I took a day trip to Kamakura so I got out of Tokyo one of the days I was there. Did I mention that it's cheaper than being in Paris and have more bicycles than Amsterdam?

Here are my photos from Tokyo: http://www.flickr.com/photos/funkbrothers/sets/72157633185212476/

>> No.6797008

Akiba is shitty now anyway, it became way too mainstream a good few years ago and is more like a tourist trap than an 'otaku' district.

Shit, when Akihabara was actually worthwhile most weaboos didn't know of its existence and were only vaguely aware of the term 'Otaku'.

I have a friend who works in Akiba and everytime I go there it sucks. The same big chain stores selling the same figures, the street pedestrian paradise parades feel stifled and uneasy since the massacre and the place is littered with couples who want to be seen in 'One of those maid cafes from TV', Japanese poser teenagers who are no different from weaboos and way more commuters than there ever used to be thanks to the new rail and Yodobashi Camera.

The cosplayers dotted around are either trying to sell you stuff or advertise something and you don't get the impression they are there because they like cosplaying. Just girls trying to work their way up the idol/model ladder.

Akiba will be shit until the heat dies down, many of the people I know (Including locals who moved there) now actively get the train all the way out to denden town in Osaka because it's far more reminiscent of what Akihabara used to be like. If you want to experience maid cafes and stuff as they used to be then that's the place I recommend. Just try not to spread it around too much.

>> No.6797013

I should cosplay a Gundam there for shits and giggles.

>> No.6797021

how much was your plane ticket? Japan is so expensive it seems like I'll never save enough..

>> No.6797042 [DELETED] 

United has fares for around $1100 in economy RT. It's ok and the food was edible. My fare was around $1400 RT because I went to Hong Kong first to see a friend. I did however enjoy the ANA flight to Narita and it was way better than any United flight (Japanese meal, actual silverware, free beer).

>> No.6797053

timing is everything. Winter/summer tickets can become upwards of $2,000.

>> No.6797064

Yeah Akihabara was awful when I was there. They didn't close the street off on Sunday, not a great selection of goods, and lots of places selling 3dpd porn. I didn't buy anything there. The only redeeming place was Schatzkiste which is a maid cafe north of Akihabara. It's off the beaten path but this maid cafe deviates from the rest of the maid cafes in Akihabara. Akihabara now represents how otaku fandom has died off over the years.

United has fares for around $1100 in economy RT. It's ok and the food was edible. My fare was around $1400 RT because I went to Hong Kong first to see a friend. I did however enjoy the ANA flight to Narita and it was way better than any United flight (Japanese meal, actual silverware, free beer).

>> No.6797146

Unless you're at a critical time in your career, 2 years isn't that bad. Just chalk it up to experience. You can always, you know, leave after 2 years.

>> No.6797156

I still want to go to Japan, but I don't give two shits about anime. The culture just seems pretty legit and Tokyo is the most technologically advanced city.

>> No.6797158

Yeah, if your mom wants to go, she'd better pay for her ticket and get the warning that restaurants and shops will toss out foreigners who make trouble. Or ignore them entirely, as if they don't exist. (Ah, parenting a parent.)

>> No.6797200

Your mom is going to get the shit ignored out of her and you're both going to be judged so hard. Expect blank, turned-away faces, slow/nonexistent service, and awkward laughter. Apologizing will get you some sympathy but won't improve the "accidentally" shitty service you get. Do it the Japanese way and explain to your mom that she's fucking embarrassing and she's ruining everyone's day including yours. Shame her into good behavior.

>> No.6797240

Well, if we went, it would be her paying, so that's not exactly part of the issue.

I have tried. Lord knows I have tried. It doesn't get through to her, she has the biggest victim complex in the world.

>> No.6797259

>victim complex
Jesus fuck, your mom is one of those nauseating forever-13 fuckups. Take her to Japan and just...leave her there.

>> No.6797380

I'm still kind of a massive weeb, but you wouldn't know it unless you went into my room or listened in on my friends and my drunken conversations. I don't look anything like OP's picture, and I never talk about animu or Japan or anything to anyone who isn't already interested. As for living in Japan, I'm perfectly aware (and always have been) that it's not some kawaii animu fantasy land, but I'd still like to live in Tokyo for a while. I don't know, big cities man. They're the best. I know quite a lot of people who've lived in Japan and they all said that it was a really great place.

It's not just Japan, though. I want to go to all sorts of places, like China (one of my best friends is from Hong Kong), Korea (Dad used to live there), Russia, Denmark (another of my best friends is half Danish), Canada (boyfriend's dad lives there), Germany, India (a few of my friends have done mission work in Kolkata), Malawi (Mother grew up there), Holland, Thailand, Brazil, and probably a whole lot of others I can't think of. I also really, really want to go back to Poland. France is pretty nice, too, although I wasn't keen on Paris. The area where my Dad lives is great.

I also want to learn like a billion and one languages, including Swahili. So I guess I'm not obsessed with Japan so much as foreign cultures in general.

>> No.6797392

I'm minoring in Japanese and plan on studying abroad for a semester at a university in Japan, and I'm actually pretty nervous about it. I've always wanted to travel though, and I know that immersing myself with the native language will help with my own fluency. I know that plenty of people in my own classes want to do the same thing, but are more of the "I'm only taking this class because I love anime!" types that think they understand an entire language and culture solely on the anime/manga they watch and read.

That said, I'm also a Spanish major and I just genuinely enjoy learning languages, but I've never actually had the chance to leave the United States (bah, money).

>> No.6797450

You friend from hong kong didn't tell you how mainland china isn't the same?

>> No.6797499


They only re-opened the sunday street parades in the past year or so I think, it hasn't got the same vibe at all though. Apparently everyone was expecting a big celebration on the first sunday it reopened but it was a pretty poor turnout and most people weren't interested.

>> No.6797523

I went to Tokyo a couple of years ago, knowing minimal phrases like "hello" "can you speak English" and had a fantastic time. Most of the touritst-y stores have staff with badges saying that they can speak English, and once you get the hang of the train system, it's pretty easy to get around.
Reasons for visiting were mostly weebish, though I wanted to look at some of the more cultural stuff as well.
I used to want to live there temporarily (one of the uni courses I applied to has a year in Japan), but I don;t want to anymore. I wouldn;t be able to go out on the weekends because of how busy everywhere gets.
I'd love to go back for a fortnight, maybe a month at most.

>> No.6797558
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I wear lolita and fairy-kei so I still like to dress like a retard, my style is just a bit more put-together than it was when I was a megaweeb in middle school with a different Hello Kitty shirt for every day of the week. Now that I am finally an adult with a job who is actually able to afford a trip to Japan, I am currently saving up to go with a friend. I'm more interested in sightseeing naturey stuff and doing things like going to an onsen and shrines but I also want to look at anime crap in Akiba. It would be nice to go to some kind of an event and pick up some denpa CDs in person instead of importing them like I usually do but I don't know if I'd be able to handle it with my social anxiety; I feel kind of on edge just imagining going somewhere with thousands of bodies all crammed in one room.

>> No.6797572

Yes, I feel I'm a completely different person than in highschool.
I'm much more cynical and street-smart, but also more social and easygoing.

I even outgrew anime. I sometimes watch some of it, but it's not really my thing anymore. I've tried to get into it many times, but the mannerisms just seem off to me.

Most of all, I handle my emotions and social pressure much better so I have deserted the need to run away to some far-off distant land where everything will be perfect and no one will judge me... which I don't know why so many teens think Japan is (they literally enact social policies that get outsiders to gtfo of the country).

>> No.6797573

Don't get the trains during rush hour, the stories of them shoving too many people into each carriage are true. I made this mistake once and could actually lift both feet off the floor and stay up because I was that squashed against other people. Also try to do your shopping in the popular stores on weekdays but not at lunchtime. It's a LOT easier to move about and look at what you want.

>> No.6797612

Obviously I know they're different. He just refers to them both as China collectively, so that's how I think of it now. He wanted to take us to mainland China as well, though.

>> No.6797632

>So have you outgrown your weeabooisms
Yes, it was just a phase. I have grown up friends who still consider themselves die-hard otakus and post about yuri all the time on their Facebook pages.
Which is okay, I guess, I'm not judging them.

Bubbly, happy shit makes one feel safe and comfortable, so I can't judge them if they want that shit to carry on forever.

>> No.6797641

Hong Kong is to mainland China what New York is to rural South America/pre-1917 Russian Empire.

>> No.6797874


Who's the whore and where can I get moar?

>> No.6797884

As far as I know, they won't hire for a professor job without a master's or phd

>> No.6797902

I 'grew out of it', I guess.
I decided Japan was probably xenophobic and I would be happier in my own country. But still, I'd saved up all the money to go there so i went.

Everyone was lovely. It's not the place for a woman to start up a career and settle down but I definitely want to go back for a year or so before I'm nearing my thirties.
I am a born again weeb.

>> No.6797921

>I've tried to get into it many times, but the mannerisms just seem off to me.

It might not be the case for you but newer anime does actually have this problem IMO, it has become something of a shell of it's former self from around 2009 onwards, like an over-exaggerated caricature. I wondered if I had grown up overnight but then I watched some slightly older series (2006/2007 stuff) I hadn't seen yet and it didn't have the same problem. There is definitely something off with the mannerisms and the settings/characters/etc have been ultra regurgitated too.

>As far as I know, they won't hire for a professor job without a master's or phd

You're right, but honestly you can get further with experience than good qualifications.

I never grew out of being a wapanese/weaboo but it was ingrained in me at a young age (My dad was an early fansubber and ran a comic business that started to pick up on manga), I went to Japan in my teens (late 90s) and loved it and eventually worked there for a while when I had left Uni. I have always been a traveler though and never felt rooted to one country, next time I go back to Japan I'll be going totally rural for a year with no internet/TV/as little technology as I can.

>> No.6797946

I'm always paranoid I am still a weeb, even though I realize I am not. It's just the memories of how fucking annoying I used to be make me just want to stop enjoying anything from Japan.

>> No.6797955

Fuck off.

>> No.6797972

I went to Akita International University in the Tohoku region a few years ago. It was nice to see the traditional part of Japan. I never went to Tokyo during my study abroad. I also really didn't know about jfashion back then. It wasn't until much later after my study abroad that I became interested in alternative fashions such as mori girl, lolita, etc.

However, I do love videogames, so I guess even though I lived in the middle of the nowhere, I still was able to have some "weeb fantasies." To this day, I still miss how amazing arcades over there are.

I honestly don't mind when people do things that they enjoy in Japan, but they really have to understand that certain actions have consequences. Yes, you can wear lolita all you want in Japan, but don't expect to have a lot of people to talk to you afterwards. The reactions of you wearing lolita will be similar to the same reactions you will have in the U.S.

>> No.6797999

I've fully grown out of my "JAPAN IS SO SUGOI BEST COUNTRY EVAR!" phase, but I do still listen to some Japanese music and play some Japanese video games. If I wasted my youth learning this language, I am gonna at least use it for something.

>> No.6798003

For me i wanted to go in middle school, not so much in high school, now i mainly want to go to see the temples and if i have the chance go to Kojima Productions and Platinum and take some pictures

>> No.6798045

Well, no problem there, because TESOL is a master's program.

>> No.6798103

I just want to go to shop and see the brand stores in person. I know it won't be magical, but I want to see the stores before lolita dies off.

Has anyone gone to Closet Child? Is it as magical as the google street view makes it to be?

>> No.6798109

A bit smallish but fun.

>> No.6798113

The whale sharks are very cool. 10/10. Friend of mine took me there and Osaka Castle.

>> No.6798121

Was big weeaboo in high school. did some college joined the Army went to Iraq war. came home got stationed in Japan for 6 years. Still love japan and want to go as much as I can. No longer for weeaboo reasons.

>> No.6798135

I don't want to degrade the thread into moeshit discussion, but I feel that studios simply aren't taking enough risks anymore.
Or maybe it's just that they went crazy producing series in the early 2000s, greenlighting everything that passed them, and now they're really out of ideas.
So the only thing they can do now is pander to the obsessive otaku audience.

Or maybe we just grew up, who knows?

>> No.6798139

Not every anime is moeshit. There's definetely a lot fewer series I'm watching each season. But I really don't like to keep up with more than 3 or 4 series at a tone anyway.

>> No.6798174

Pretty much. A lot of Hong Kong people hate the mainland Chinese too, and nicknamed them locusts (for flooding into Hong Kong in masses and stealing hospital beds, baby milk powder, blahblah) Also note that mainlanders speak National Mandarin or whatever dialect they came from, while Hong Kong people speak Cantonese only, only some can handle English and very minimal mandarin.

>> No.6798199

I have a friend from HK, and he doesn't consider himself 'Chinese' beyond the racial sense. The mainland may as well be on the other side of the planet as far as he's concerned.

>> No.6798258

I know this unfortunate guy who's still so obsessed at 21, that he wants to learn Japanese just to go be a librarian in Japan.

How is that your life goal? Are librarians making secret stacks of cash?

>> No.6798348

I feel exactly like this...Dat escapism

>> No.6798357

You don't have to be from HK to dislike the mainland chinese. Pretty much any chinese fella who wasn't born/raised in china do not like mainlanders, and are appalled when they are associated with commie mainland. You can still have nice, sane and civilised people who came from mainland china, but for most of the part, mainlanders are cancer to chinese worldwide.

>> No.6798367

She has a chewed up gum vagina. Don't even look for it, you'll just be disappointed.

>> No.6798385

I think, I still want to go, but for different reasons. Before it was just everyone saw it as being a cool place where all this weird shit happens.
Now, after being a taiko player for about 4 years, that's been a big part of my drive. The culture and the history has gotten to me.

>> No.6798394

It's not just that they're from commielandia. It's their whole lack of manners.
They have no concept of personal hygiene. Brushing teeth? Taking baths? Changing your greasy clothes EVER? What for!
Hell, kids don't wear diapers there. They just unbutton their onesies and let them shit and piss anywhere.

>> No.6798435

>unbutton their onesies and let them shit and piss anywhere
>mfw witnessed before
shit was so gross.
also, what is queuing? what is this strange concept that the rest of the world abides by, that we have never heard of? brb, cutting queue!

>> No.6798442

They also don't get the fucking concept of WALKING near someone you want to talk to.
I was at an airport in the Wanzhou province and we're at the boarding gate, just waiting for the plane to arrive and there's twenty people at opposite sites of the gate just screaming at each other.

Also, the way they eat.
It's like they're trying to be as loud and disgusting as possible. They burp and pick their noses at random.

>> No.6798460

Ironically they stay far, far away from a person they wish to speak to, so they can holler and scream, but on a non-crowded street they enjoy pushing and shoving when it is totally unnecessary. And they do not excuse, pardon or apologise for bumping into you all the fucking time

>one fine day
>mainlander comes up to me
>speaks in super accented mandarin, i have no idea what he is saying
>unnecessarily loud
>i tell him in english, "excuse me, what did you say?"
>mainland guy walks away
>turn to friend, and say in mandarin "what was he saying? / 他剛剛講什麼?"
I do this all the time, so they don't treat me like a Fellow Commie ZhongGuoRen and start doing weird shit around me. I recommend it to others.

>> No.6798465

I just want to go to Japan to watch Kabuki plays and boys wearing gakurans in front of me

>> No.6798473

The one time I didn't speak like a tourist and tried speaking Mandarin to a mainlander, they started trying to knock me off my money.

They like to fight, they like conflict.
I already know some basic Mandarin, enough to travel on my own, but I just hire an interpreter anyway because I just don't fucking feel like dealing with them one on one.
From taxi drivers to receptionists to random people on the street, you don't want to engage these people in argument.

>> No.6798480

>It's like they're trying to be as loud and disgusting as possible.

It's annoying to the westerners because to us we show our liking of the food with a thank you and "that was good". To them showing that they enjoy the food is by eating as loud as possible. Culture differences n shizz.

>> No.6798489

>you don't want to engage these people in argumen
this. they are fucking persistent even when they're in the wrong, you almost want to give in just to shut them up.

not true.
>raised in traditional chinese family
>it is rude as fuck to make clanking noises with cutlery when eating
>scolded for spilling food out of my bowl
>reprimanded for eating and talking at the same time
>grandmother goes crazy if i stick my chopsticks into my bowl
my parents are very soft and lenient. my friend gets smacked for these ill-mannered acts, and his mom forced him to suck on raw chilli as punishment. but he's christian so he doesn't care about sticking chopsticks into stuff, meh.

>> No.6798503

Yes, because the most important and pressing goal in life is to 'make stacks of cash'. Get over yourself.

>> No.6798506

They were talking about mainlanders, though, not Chinese peeps in general.

>> No.6798511

I don't think that's what they meant.

>> No.6798517

Woah buddy, save it for your blog.

>> No.6798981


Well I was watching 'moeshit' long before everyone was using the word 'moe' and thinking cute stuff was cool to like and it wasn't as bad as it is now. The main problem is that the target audience for 'moe' used to be for the hardcore otaku so there was always a healthy dose of tongue in cheek comedy and references but the audience now is basically kids and teenagers who like 'moe' because it's the cool thing to like so the shows are oriented towards them, hence why they're a little bit stronger on the cliches and everything feels too much like a caricature.

There are a few good shows though but it's more like about 5 every year or so, if that.

>> No.6798990

oh thank god for this thread. I am trying to paint a picture of a weeaboo and can't find a good picture of one can some one post some weeaboo pictures.

>> No.6799006


>Yes, because the most important and pressing goal in life is to 'make stacks of cash'.

...implying it isn't?

>> No.6799031


We never wrote stories but the "friend" I had in highschool was a mentally abusive bitch. If we were pretending to be characters from a show, she would always be the "hot, sultry" one and I was always designated to the boyish side characters.
She had stacks of manga and video games and her dad would buy her the latest console but would whine about how poor she was, whereas I was ACTUALLY poor and had maybe 3 books of manga in total and 3 games on my ps2.
dont even get me started on my art. I wasn't the greatest, but I was good and proud of it but any time I drew something she had to shit all over it in a very subversive way. If I drew a bird, she'd say "Oh what a nice chicken" or some shit like that.

realized what a crazy bitch she was and did everything in my power to get her to fuck off.

>> No.6799044


replace that first highschool with middleschool

>> No.6799046

Hell, I'll bite.
No, it's not.

>> No.6799054

Only reason i want to go to Japan these days is to hang out with some middle age business men. Some came through Australia on a business trip, me and my co-worker were in charge of showing them the sights.

They were funny as fuck and baller ass pimps, had wives and slayed pussy down under, got wasted every night and were generally awesome motherfuckers.

I just don't think im social enough. Or Awkwardly Weeaboo enough to talk to people there.

>> No.6799068
File: 7 KB, 182x276, fooools.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


How foolish.

>> No.6799093

The hostel I stayed at had a bar on the ground floor. During the evenings you would see a mix of salarymen and guests staying at the hostel. It was an awesome sight to see. The place is called Nui. Hostel located in Taito.