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6793015 No.6793015[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Lolita confession thread?

>> No.6793021

I'm always petrified of falling down the stairs in lolita because I can't see my feet past the petti and I'm normally wearing dainty/impractical shoes. Does anyone know this feet?

>> No.6793022

I have over 30 dresses (OPs and JSKs, not including skirts) and I've only ever worn four of them out in public. They were the most toned down of my collection.
I don't have any lolita friends IRL and I'm not confident enough to wear them without someone else looking.... "different"... with me.
I know I'm pathetic ;_; I need to woman up!

>> No.6793029

I FEEL YOUR PAIN. I think the same thing too.

>> No.6793027

yes! i can't walk in heels to begin with, so i just stopped wearing them altogether and now just wear flat oxfords or tea parties. one of my friends actually did trip and nearly fall down the stairs while we were taking a group pic at a meetup. the girls next to her tried to help her up and nearly fell down themselves lol

>> No.6793031

We are in the same boat, I understand you perfectly, have a closet full of new brand pieces, and yes, my lack of confident forbids me from wearing them, but I love each and everyone of my dresses, and it depresses me a bit, not because I think I've spend a lot of money on each piece, but because I want to wear them, but I'm not confident enough.

>> No.6793032

There's a lot of brand-shaming in my local comm. Sometimes I feel compelled to lie about buying first-hand because the girls can be so bitchy about "hurrr who is stupid enough to pay retail when you can buy secondhand". I don't want to isolate myself as "that girl", and they are perfectly nice about other matters like life outside lolita, but part of me wants to just tell them "FUCK that, how do you think your secondhand dresses got their in the first place? I'm the integral part of your goddamn frilly economy. I'd rather pay retail and reserve a gorgeous new print than buy a bunch of shit I don't even care about off auction!"
Not that I've never used auctions. I just don't see what's wrong with buying first hand...especially because I have a sinking feeling lolita is going out of fashion in Japan, and more brands will be going under like Black Peace Now.

>> No.6793034

I also I have this fear, but then again, I already have fallen many times in public wearing Lolita because of impractical shoes, so you learn to laugh at yourself.

>> No.6793035

herp *there

>> No.6793036

Well, that's new, what kind of local comm does a lot of fuzz for not buying second hand?

>> No.6793042

Yes! My friends tell me to just sell them all because they think I'm depressed about the money, but it's not that. I'm happy owning the pieces I have. The only bit that depresses me is my own lack of confidence. I see pictures of girls wearing the dresses I own, and think well if she wore it out, I could too! But then I get dressed up and just... can't do it. Part of me feels that lolita just doesn't look right on me, like I look "wrong" trying to look so girly.
I'm trying to take steps to make myself more comfortable in it, though. It sounds stupid, but tomorrow I'm going to wear my favorite print under my coat, so if I do or don't feel comfortable, I can always use the coat as like, insurance lol...

>> No.6793046

I've actually never met any girls in my comm who will proudly or happily proclaim that they reserved a dress. I think it's part of our state's abundance of hipsters, and the mentality is seeping into our lolita group.

>> No.6793047
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Has anyone here found their dream dress, paid an exorbitant amount of money for it, and been completely and utterly disappointed upon its arrival?
I recently bought Queens Coach, and good god damn I've had it for a few weeks now and still don't know what the fuck to do with it. It's just so UNIMPRESSIVE compared to the pictures I've stared at for years!

>> No.6793049
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I put all my "lolita" money toward one piece dresses...particularly ones with long sleeves...and I live in a warm climate.
The result is I have a bunch of dresses with extremely limited coordination options, that I can only wear 4 months out of the year.
I know it's dumb, it's just that long sleeved princess dresses are like my favorite thing in the world and I don't give a flying fuck about other items because they bore me.
One of these days I'm just going to have to bite the bullet and force myself to get some more wearable pieces or my lolita hobby will be limited to dressing up at home with the AC on. Or move to Alaska.

>> No.6793050

Yes... I've had this happen a couple of times now, actually.

I feel like dresses I don't anticipate as much end up being the ones I really like because I don't talk them up to myself as much. Especially if it ends up not flattering me like I thought it would.

>> No.6793051

Seriously?, that's one of my dream dresses, its really disappointing to read that, but it did happen something similar to me with one of the dresses I bought from Baby, I like it in photographs but in person, well, you can say the magic worn out.

>> No.6793055

I HATE when people talk politics at meets. It turns into a Tumblr SJ circlejerk. I'm really liberal and I don't disagree with what people are saying, but I just know it's going to start a big argument one day. I thinks it's best to avoid subjects that might make people uncomfortable especially if you don't know them that well.

>> No.6793058

Ironically sometimes if you have a really popular print or something, having reserved it or bought new means you paid *less* than the people who bought it secondhand at inflated scalper prices.

>> No.6793059

I have a lot of dresses, the downfall I can only wear them in fall and winter, because the predominant material in my wardrobe is velvet FML.

>> No.6793062

Yes. Miracle candy.

Talk about unimpressive.

>> No.6793074

i fap to ita threads

>> No.6793075

Move to Alaska. They've got fuckin golden eagles and bears and shit.

I feel you though. I keep buying short sleeve blouses, because all the cutest coords I see are done with short sleeve blouses. But I hate the way my arms look, so I have a bunch of blouses I hardly ever wear. I'm dumb.

>> No.6793081

Yeah. I doubt anything I say will deter you from still having it be one of your dream pieces, but just suffice it to say the print is not nearly the quality I expected. It's almost blurry, makes for a bit of a boring dress, and when I wear it, it just doesn't feel that special. I don't know what this dress is trying to accomplish, because it's not even all that loli-able? But yeah the print is just not impressive at all. If I liked the print enough, I'd be looking to trade for the other cut it came in, with the detachable collar thing, but I'm sure I'd have to pay extra in a trade because that's the more popular version. So fuck it. I guess I'll just be sitting on this thing waiting to think up a decent idea of what to do with it. I paid too much for it and I know that's my own fault.

>> No.6793082

I have a similar problem, I keep buying light colored blouses even though I think they look really bad on me; but I'm so tired of coordinating just black blouses and it's harder to find blouses in brown/bordeaux/navy etc.

>> No.6793095

Really? It looks so cute in pictures. That's a shame.

I wish people would stop talking about money at meets. It gets awkward fast. Come on guys, we're all into this stupidly expensive fashion, so we are ALL clearly paying more than most people on these clothes. We shouldn't be making each other feel bad about it. Don't say things like "I can't believe people would actually buy Juliette et Justine! It's SO expensive!" when the girl standing RIGHT NEXT TO YOU is wearing jetj. Or "I would totally buy every AP print in every colorway if I could, but it just doesn't make sense to spend that much money, you know?"
We all work for a living. Some of us make more money than others. We can spend our own money on whatever we want. Sometimes I feel like some girls are targeting specific girls for no reason other than they have more money or a better job. My best friend with a masters degree makes more money than you who work minimum wage at the grocery store, so no fucking shit she has more to spend on brand. Go figure.

>> No.6793098

lol. this is why I love confession threads.
And frilly confessional on tumblr <_<
But we all know tumblr weebs, so 'nuff said.

>> No.6793106


I get called out in my community for having a larger closet than most girls, it really is depressing and I don't let anyone come over to see my closet.

I wear the same few pieces over and over and don't tell people when I buy new dresses because I always get bitched at

>> No.6793107
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I only read it because they don't seem to publish SJ bullshit rants.


>> No.6793103

I've been spending money like whoa on lolita. Ops, headdresses, prints (omg ddc, ap, moitie, jetj), bags, shoes, you name it. My wallet is poor as fuck but I'm rich in brand now. I'm only this much feels remorse: ....0

>> No.6793115


Brand shaming, it's a real thing?

>> No.6793118
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I think I've actually acquired every dress I've ever wanted. Granted, I haven't kept all of them because quite a few didn't live up to expectations. But I legitimately think I'm done searching for dream dresses and all that and part of me feels sad about it. It was stressful for sure, but the fact there are no more dresses to chase down, only new things to buy, makes me feel a bit empty. Is that weird? Shouldn't we be enjoying wearing the dresses more than hunting for them? Perhaps I just need some coord inspiration.

>> No.6793120

yes cause jelly poorfags gon poor

>> No.6793126

I'm not a huge BJD person (I don't own any Super Dollfies or anything) but I have always loved the idea of girls twinning with their dolls. I think it looks cute. I kind of want to do this at the next meet I go to, but I have a feeling people are going to think I'm nuts, or be all like "we don't do things like this" :(

I have Innocent World's Pompadour JSK in green and was recently gifted the Tiphona Pullip who has the same dress.

>> No.6793129

This. I'm not extremely well acquainted with my community because I'm new, but I'm hyper nervous when I realized I may be in the the minority when it comes to brand.

I buy most of my brand secondhand, but I've bought a bit first hand as well. But I prefer buying brand over Bodyline or other alternatives. And I suspect that my closet may be bigger than the average, even though I've only been buying for less than two years.

I'm not rich. I just work hard and I'm on top of it when it comes to watching secondhand sales.

Can't we just talk about the newest releases or our favorite prints instead of how much we spend?

>> No.6793132

I think it's adorable, too! I mean, I know there are a lot of weird BJD owners who will bring their doll to meets randomly and talk to it and stuff, but I think doll twinning is super cute.
Agh, now I remembered how much I want a Pullip :(

>> No.6793137
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I also want to twin with my Pullip! Thing is, I wear Sweet and she is more Gothic looking. I was going to try and have a little tiny version of Black Cat, Witch and the Apple Tree made for her so we could twin.

Pic related is my doll, hopefully you can see why I don't think she'd look quite right in sweet. Her name is Regina.

>> No.6793140

No I will not talk to my doll like she's real! Definitely just an accessory :) I've heard a lot of horror stories about girls going to restaurants and places, and yelling at the waiters for not asking their doll what they'd like to order (wtf) or demanding other girls take pictures with their doll. But I just like dolls a lot.

Pullip is great! They're coming out with a lot of gorgeous new ones this year, and yet another Alice release. I believe it's called Classical Alice. I have the Romantic one from last year (but did not buy the matching KERA outfit because it looked a bit cosplay like IRL).

>> No.6793142

omg. I want to hear these stories.

>> No.6793144
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Is that an Elizabeth? or a Mir? I can't quite tell, but she's gorgeous, and you should definitely get her a tiny version of the black cat print!

My first Pullip was Bloody Red Riding Hood and I love her to bits. I can only provide stock pics though because she's at home and I'm in my dorm.

>> No.6793148

I know there's been lots of talking about how sharing the same fashion sense and attending lolita meets doesnt make everyone the best friends.
I dont really socialize with anyone from my work and I dont know anyone else in my city apart of lolitas from here and other cities. I really like mostof them and I would love to become closer friends with them, but I feel like we are only loli mates. They all get so friendly with each other and even I they are nice to me, I feel left out when Iit comes to every day hanging out. It makes me really sad because Ie known them for almost two years now.....

>> No.6793150

I just feel really mediocre compared to other lolitas.

>> No.6793154

I always thought it was weird AP and other brands did Pullip collaborations, because I didn't know any lolitas actually liked those dolls. Looks like I was wrong! Cool stuff.

The /cgl/ of old used to be filled with BJD creeper stories. I haven't heard any good ones in the last couple years, but I actually remember the one >>6793140 is referring to, about the girl who yelled at the waiter. Hopefully someone saved pics. She was calling the doll her boyfriend. I think that was 2009 or something.

>> No.6793160

Wasn't there a story from a recent secrets thread too about a girl that took up a seat at a meet with limited places for her doll?

>> No.6793161

I think it's cute too and I'm not even into dolls.
I wouldn't carry the doll around in the open all day, but you brought something to store it in and just took it out for pictures and to show off your twinning I don't think anyone would have reason to give you crap for it unless they're irrationally prejudiced against all things BJD related.
And if you're nervous you could talk to your comm about it beforehand. There might even be other people with brand themed dolls there; I saw a lot of Pullips in people's room and wardrobe posts on EGL.

>> No.6793167


She's a Midnight Velvet! I think she was last year's November doll?

I'm trying to get a tiny version of all my dream dresses made so she can wear them too.

Bloody Red Hood! She's one of my absolute dream dolls!

>> No.6793164

Having loli mates is important though, just so you have people who can fangirl with you over the next new release. But I understand. I used to maintain friends outside of lolita as "real" friends because I didn't have anything in common with the girls I met at meets other than we all loved lolita. Now there are two girls in my comm who I really like and get along with outside of the fashion, but it took a lot of effort to get to know them and find out we shared similar interests and life experiences. If you don't think the girls in your community are the kind of people you'd be friends with outside of lolita, then don't even bother. You don't need to be good friends with these girls just because you both like frills. In fact, I've found most lolitas to be unreliable friends, which is why I feel really fortunate to have established relationships with the two I mentioned. There are a lot of shallow, confused, or just plain petty girls in this fashion. Avoid the bad ones. If they're not willing to hang out with you on days you aren't all getting dressed up, fuck em. Find better friends.

>> No.6793169


WTF, no idea why the email field says "all".

>> No.6793174
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I must have missed that! I'd believe it though.

YES, the one who called the doll her boyfriend! And the other girls were like "Okay, when is your boyfriend going to come?" and she was all "He's right here!!"
I didn't realize it was that long ago. I've been on /cgl/ for too many years...

Another pic of Bloody Red Riding Hood, just 'cause the stock pics are so pretty.

>> No.6793180

Had to sell a lot of my dresses at one time, don't have much now.
Not confident enough to get more and actually wear it in public. Have a boyfriend now who probably wouldn't like it (would think it made me look even more like a child, since I'm petite and short).

There's a couple cons every year near me but I'd like to wear it all more than just 4 times a year,

>> No.6793184

HOLY FUCK I didn't even know she existed! I just looked up her stock pics and I absolutely love her makeup! Wow how on earth did I miss this. She's still in stock at pullipstyle and everything. I might just have to buy one lol

>> No.6793189

This is something I don't understand. Would he not be okay with it in a way that makes you uncomfortable? Then why is he your boyfriend? I don't get why so many lolitas say "oh my boyfriend doesn't like lolita, so I don't wear it as much any more". Fuck (not literally) that guy. If it's something that makes you feel pretty and empowered, tell him to shove it.

>> No.6793192


She's absolutely beautiful, isn't she? I can take some better photos of her if you'd like a better look at her outfit or anything.

I have a bit of an obsession with the whole Snow White story, especially the Evil Queen, and apples are another of my obsessions, so she was an automatic favourite. She was my ultimate dream doll, and I'm so glad I got her. I love Snow White too, but I haven't quite gotten around to buying her yet. I think I'll buy Bloody Red Hood before I buy Snow White.

>> No.6793197

I mean to say, hes not a big fan of cute stuff. I would wear it even if he didn't like it but at the same time, I don't want him to feel like a pedo if that's how he's gonna feel. I'm already 10 years younger than him (he was worried about the age thing).
He wouldn't tell me not to wear it. My boyfriend tells me to do whatever I like so long as it isn't hurting me or putting me in dept.

>> No.6793199

Thank you. I do like most of them and I think we could be good friends, although im a bit older and I dont find going out and drinking too apealing. Plus its hard to find friends outside lolita if im trying to spend most of my days off attending meets etc, and I do wear lolita on my days off so normal people just wouldnt have much in common with me. I dont wanna sound like a special snowflake, but sometimes I think that maybe im not ment to have close friends. Like its my destiny to be socially akward person. Im not really shy and im very open and friendly to everyone at meets, just dont know how to create this more intimate friendship bond.

>> No.6793225

If you could take a pic of her face I would love that :D Her makeup looks really gorgeous

I would definitely buy Bloody Red Hood before Snow White, because she was released first she'll probably sell out first if you wait on it.

>> No.6793226

I think a lot of younger girls say things like this because they can't fathom supporting themselves financially. When I first got into lolita it was hard to imagine spending $300 on a dress because that was almost what I paid for a month's rent. I'm sure I said some stupid things back then. Now that I have a real job and can pay my own bills, buying brand is easy.

>> No.6793229

Out of curiousity, how did you meet your boyfriend? Since he's a lot older than you. I've been in a relationship with the same guy for about 7 years and we met in college, so I don't really know how girls meet people who aren't almost exactly the same age as them, or meet people after they graduate and all that. Also, I'm pretty sure the relationship I'm in is going to end soon, so I'm curious for that reason as well. I don't frequent bars or clubs, so I honestly don't even know how to meet people outside of work.

>> No.6793238

Aw I don't think it's snowflakey to say that. I'm pretty sure I'm never going to find a "life partner" (spouse, married or not) so I kind of get where you're coming from about the friendship thing, because I don't know how to create bonds like that with people. Or maybe it's that I don't want to. Anyway, It sounds like these girls are in a different stage of life than you are, where they want to probably go out and have fun, and if that's not your kind of thing, I certainly wouldn't try to fit in with them. You'll just feel like you've wasted time afterwards. I think at this point, it's more of a "should you be friends with them" rather than "could you be friends with them".

>> No.6793240

We met through work at Electronic Arts. We worked in different departments so I didn't see him much until we talked on break.
Been together ever since, moved a couple times, and we're in Washington now.

Gonna end? I feel like if you work together it might still work unless you don't want it to.

>> No.6793242

It might be that, but we're all in our mid to late 20s so I hope these girls mentally grow up a bit, because I feel so bad for the ones who are affected by what they say. I guess I should be thankful though that we don't have more drama than we do. No SJWs or anything.

>> No.6793243

I recently had a mental breakdown and I decided to live a simpler life in response. I'm trying to spend less money on material things, focus on being a better person, all that jazz. Asceticism is my goal. But that means giving up lolita, and I don't know I can do that yet. I love dressing up; everyday I try to dress nice. It really makes me happy, but at the same time I know clothes are materialistic and not something I can indulge in any longer.

I guess I'm torn between living better and being indulgent.

>> No.6793247
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I'll try and get a better one than this (It's hard with an iPhone camera to get anything that isn't blurry and/or ruined by that weird yellow cast it gives everything.) but here's a slightly closer up look at her make-up.

I'll try to describe it to you as best as I can.
Be warned, her skin is not white or regular "skin" coloured, it's grey. She has pretty dark grey eyes and very long red-black hair that reaches almost past her feet!

She has pink blush, purple and black eyeliner and dark, glossy grey lips. Her eyes have what look like little yellowy eyebags down the bottom on the outer corner, which sounds horrid but is actually really cool looking. She has clear glittery eyeshadow which is super pretty.

>> No.6793251

I'm new to my comm, and I have a really strong feeling that not a lot of them like me.. I've made friends with a handful of them, but I just get this weird vibe from a few others, almost stand offish. It sucks because I want to be their friend but they have no interest.

I'm quiet most of the time, but even when I try to talk to them they don't really seem to care.. I think some may have a grudge against me because the first ever meet I went to my coord looked very well polished compared to some others. I think they were expecting the whole 'new girl is going to be an ita' thing. :/ i work full time and spend most of my spending money to make my coords look well and complete. god damn mid west.

>> No.6793254

Yeah, it's really awkward when someone goes on and on about how lolita is too expensive when I'm wearing a head to toe brand outfit. I just don't even know what to say, or what they expect me to say?

>> No.6793257

Hey my uncle works at EA! He works at the main one in Redwood Shores. Where were you guys located?

The last two years have pretty much been us "trying" to make it work since after we both got our bachelor's degrees but I returned for a PhD. Him going to work and me still being in school was a huge change, but it really looks like we're headed for two completely different lifestyles (I don't think he has his shit together, even if he is the one with a job and I'm not) so I don't even want it to work at this point.

>> No.6793266

Right? Am I supposed to apologize, or defend myself? It's just plain rude of them to say shit like that.

Fuck 'em. They be jelly of yo brand. Or maybe they think you're trying to out-do them. Maybe in time they'll warm up to you, otherwise, don't let the bitches get you down.

>> No.6793268

When I went to a brand tea party, all the people I knew from the local comm were getting waved over to sit at certain tables with their closest friends, and no one had saved a seat for me. I go to a lot of local meetups and even went to school with some of these people, so to be left out made me feel extremely small and forgettable.

>> No.6793271

Makes sense. Sounds rough, best of luck with ot.
We're close-ish. We live in Washington now but we worked in Louisiana and Florida at those E.A. centers.

>> No.6793273

Oh wow I didn't think her skin would be greyish. That's interesting. Thanks for the pic and description. Her cat eye is really gorgeous and I think I can see the yellow you're describing under her eye in the picture you took!
I still can't believe I didn't know this doll existed. Her makeup is really unique and I like it.

>> No.6793274

Guuuurl. Are you me. I live in one the warmeset places in the US and yet I keep buying long sleeve OPs. I have no idea why I do this.

>> No.6793279

I know that feel anon :( <3

>> No.6793291

That sucks. I'm sorry. I avoid most of my local meetups because I've developed this weird social anxiety thing recently, and can't help but think the other girls are judging me. So many of them dress really well, and have full sets or brand blouses/shoes/accessories as well. And I just have a main piece item and try to make it work with stuff from normal stores...

>> No.6793297

Are you in financial trouble, or is spending less money only something you're trying as part of the "simpler life" idea? You shouldn't give up lolita unless you think it is directly contributing to you feeling worse. If you are in a place where you can financially indulge in lolita purchases every once in a while, I think that would be best. Like how people try to start hardcore diets and never let themselves indulge in junk food, even on ocassion: they just go back to their old ways soon.
This is all assuming, of course, that lolita wasn't one of the things contributing to your breakdown. I freaked out a few months ago because I realized I was digging a huge hole in my bank account, obsessing over every new release and trying to acquire every single dream dress I'd ever had. It took over my life and made me go nuts. If that was the case with you, then I would just set new lolita purchases aside for the time being, and enjoy what you already own. Do NOT look up lolita news, because you will want to start buying again. But at the same time, do NOT sell off all your clothes! I learned that the hard way...

>> No.6793298
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Yeah, it doesn't look it so much in the stock pictures. I actually wound up loving it, but I can imagine it being quite disappointing for somebody who didn't anticipate it.

Here's another picture. Unfortunately, my iPhone cannot take non-blurry close-ups. Excuse my dog and her derpy face in the background.

>> No.6793299
File: 70 KB, 640x480, reginacloseup2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


And one of her eye make-up. I think you can see the blush and the yellow a little better in this one. The line across her eyelid is dark purple, not black.

>> No.6793302
File: 84 KB, 640x480, reginacloseup3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


And here's the very last one, sorry for the minor thread derail. This is a slightly better quality than the first close-up I think.

>> No.6793307

I appreciate the pictures! I honestly think her skin tone looks really nice, especially with the particular purpley hair color. And thanks for telling me the eyeliner isn't black. I think black would have been a bit harsh.

I am definitely getting this doll. Thanks so much!!

>> No.6793308

Honestly, I think fat girls can never look good in lolita and hearing them complain about not being able to fit into stuff fucks me off

>> No.6793319


Awesome, I hope you like her! I won't post any more photos and clutter the thread, but her outfit is so detailed and beautiful. And her boots (Which you don't see in the stock pics.) are kick-ass.

I hope you like her!

>> No.6793330

>fats being physically attractive ever

Only to the fetishists.
Fat people don't look good in anything. They just "look better" than if you were to put them in sweats.

>> No.6793336
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They'd 'look better' hidden behind the curtains of their house just saying

>> No.6793343
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I hate when people, fat or not, complain about not being able to fit a dress. If they just state they can't fit into it, that's fine. But when they fucking BAWW over it as they sip their sugary as fuck bubble tea, I'm just like wow. Really, bitch? Really?

Btw we need some reaction images up in this thread

>> No.6793359
File: 163 KB, 236x324, foryouanon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really hate the community aspect of everything. It is fun for a while but there are always those bitchy girls who try to muck up everything and it ends up like highschool all over again. I also hate all the SJ in a lot of groups, keep that shit at home, no one cares.

>> No.6793364

I hate the basic bitches meme because it reminds me of the people you're talking about.

>> No.6793372

I agree.

I hate seeing brand getting so horribly stretched out, too. esp. socks.

>> No.6793373

Isn't International Lolita Day coming up? I almost don't want to wear lolita for that because I don't feel a great sense of "community" with other lolitas, I'm just appreciative of the fact lolita brands exist and hey some girls out there exist in this world that can coord really nicely, but I don't necessarily know them or want to be friends with them or think they're good people. The idea of this being a "community" has always been weird to me. Like the collective closet thing.

>> No.6793377

I show my boobs in lolita

>> No.6793384

what does that even mean

>> No.6793388

Boob shirts son.

>> No.6793407

Snowflake award in the post.

>> No.6793411

Same here, and yeah I think so. I mean, clothing is a superficial thing and there are always basically 2 types of girls in lolita; secret weebs and girls who hate everything to do with anime. I mean, I usually go to 1 or 2 meets to pick out friends but that's it, I wear it on my own from then on out.

>> No.6793437

I don't write secrets. I don't start shit on here. But goddammit, I am so close.

I am so fed up with your bullshit. You're almost thirty, quit acting like you're in goddamn high school.

>> No.6793439

I sense a story!
Pleas tell us but change some of the details to throw off someone who might recognize the tale

>> No.6793446

I think there are chubby girls who look good in it, it really just depends on the build. But I think pretty much anyone well over a size 16 should reconsider

>> No.6793488

Not much of a story. Lolita I know discovered drama. Loves drama. Always "sides with the underdog", which is slang for being super hung up on stirring shit with the actual teens in the group at any chance.

This has led to in-fighting in the group, other people posting secrets, moderators randomly banning people from the comm page for being suspected of having made the secrets, and at least one girl quitting the group after being bullied through PMs and wall posts about her "involvement".

>> No.6793508

I was in financial trouble but lolita was not the cause fortunately. I also have a history of mental breakdowns, but I always turned to different medicine or some new therapist rather than trying to change my life. This last one was so bad I had to finally reevaluate my life. I've started meditating and found a new job, I've been trying to calm myself overall. More than anything I want inner peace, and I haven't had that since adolescence maybe.

After my breakdown I came to the realization that material things mean so little in the long run. I think more than anything they're just something to get me by, to help me cope with my self-loathing. Lolita makes me feel beautiful and elegant, and I love that. More than anything I want to be kind, polite, and elegant, so I think I will buy lolita here and there, even if it's just to feel good about myself. My goal with the simpler life idea is to find inner peace, and hopefully, happiness.

>> No.6793513

I had a similar feeling with that same dress. I got it and put it on and it was ... Pretty. Nothing wowing or special- just nice. It looked like a dress I would wear to a wedding where I wanted to look good but not stand out at all.
I ended up selling it to a friend who likes her dresses simple and toned down so it was perfect for her.

Story 2:
I got a dream dress, put it on, and HATED it. I threw it in a hanger in my closet and couldn't stand to look at it for 6 months. At that time I took it out, put it on, and loved the gorgeous thing.

>> No.6793517

>Story 2:
Weird! What do you think happened between the time you got it, and the time you tried it again? Did you have a shift in overall style, or was it just coming down from the 'expectation vs reality' of getting it?

>> No.6793543

My comm has become that way in the past few years. It's pathetic

>> No.6793545

I actually feel this way about Day Dream Carnival. Impressive in pictures, really crappy quality fabric in person...

>> No.6793548

I have no issues with the fabric quality or print crispness with my DDC... which version and color do you have? Also I mean it was retail unless you were a sucker who paid scalper prices before re-release?

>> No.6793559

I have the same problem.
What I hate most is when you post on your facebook about how you bought or reserved a new brand dress, and people think you're boasting or trying to make others feel bad.
Er, no. I'm not trying to rub my purchases in everyone's face, and at that I rarely buy and only ever get maybe two to three major brand items a year. I just want to share my happiness and be excited.

What makes it even worse is that these girls do the same damn thing if they buy a brand item or secondhand. Somehow me doing it though is wrong.
I wish they would try to hide being jealous better. Like yeah, I get jealous of lolita purchases sometimes too but I can at the very least pretend to be happy for the other person because they don't deserve my shit otherwise.
I just feel like it's always a competition to outbest the other lolita (or at least talk yourself up as superior) instead of enjoying the clothes for what they are, it's no fun.

>> No.6793569

I do a lot for my community and I feel like I don't get any credit for it.

>> No.6793603 [DELETED] 
File: 28 KB, 398x500, 1366471480915.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not a Loli dress wearing person. Just a man who likes some of the sugary outfits you guys sport.

I've had cosplay sex before. It wasn't bad. But something about those puffy dresses really catches my eye.

Have you guys ever straddled someone with the dress on?

Inb4 dresses are expensive and can't endure anything except a cat walk.

>> No.6793607
File: 128 KB, 531x800, crying-misako.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel that my comm is getting really competitive, but I'm not entirely sure which aspect of it they're competing over. Maybe everything? I think a lot of it is the monetary aspect, moreso than out-coord'ing each other. Somehow it's become who has the best stuff, and the most of it. Like there are girls who never cared about buying Moitie before, and now they do it just to compete with the other girls, or so-and-so has this many Juliette et Justine prints, so now the other girls are trying to have just as many. Soon we're all going to have the exact same closets, and not even like half the stuff we own. I'm a bit guilty myself, but I'd like to think I truly do want the things I'm buying, and that I'm "branching out" more. But I'm probably full of it. I've spent more on lolita in the last three months than the last three years.

>> No.6793614

Not me personally, but yes there are quite a few stories like that, and no, the petticoat apparently does not get in the way.

Wasn't there a story of some girl getting jizz all over some AP print?

>> No.6793616

Yes. It's overrated and a pain to deal with all the layers. He also bitched that my petticoat was really scratchy. It never happened again.

>> No.6793617

The petticoat was scratchy?! Girl what were you wearing?!

>> No.6793618

Tulle? Organdy...? Have you never worn a petticoat before?

>> No.6793621

Uh. It's one of those KiraKira petticoats made of tulle netting with a slip under it. I don't know what tulle you rub up against, but that shit chafes on bare skin.

>> No.6793629

A local girl sold her dream dress to me because she was in a bit of financial trouble. I purchased it because a) it was my dream dress and b) I thought i'd be helping her out. Cut to now, I feel really bad about buying it, mainly because she loved the dress so much I cant bring myself to wear it anymore, I never wear it when I know she'll be at a meetup because I don't want to make her sad.

>> No.6793650


It's the dude again. Wow. My hands applaud you ladies. I have the biggest grin from ear to ear and I'm totally jealous of the men who received from you. Chafing or not, fucking awesome.

Now that I know it's happened, time to find a single Loli fashionista at the festival this weekend! RAWR!

>> No.6793654

My comm is chill as fuck and full of well-dressed ladies. I don't know how I got so lucky.

>> No.6793665


Same here, anon. I love them all so much.

>> No.6793669
File: 138 KB, 600x449, Finglonger-A-Man-Can-Dream.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


*sigh* Pic related. It will be me at the Sakura Matsuri festival this weekend.

>> No.6793670

It just seems retarded to me that people will be dicks because you spent YOUR money on something you wanted and maybe want to share your excitement. Fair enough if you're being like "Haha fuck you jelly poorfags I reserved this dress that is worth more than all your wardrobes put together" but if it's something like "So excited that I managed to find/reserve this dress" and it's not too frequent, then just...share the excitement/happiness? Or is that too much like common sense for some people?

Mid to late 20s does not equal mature/financially sensible, unfortunately. It seems like the girls in your comm don't know how to shut up, either - like, fair enough, you may never think JetJ is worth the price or that there's no sense in spending $500 to get a full matching set of items new from AP, but don't put others down for it and don't go on about it when it's insensitive to do so and will make others uncomfortable.

It sounds like you've realised that you use retail therapy to medicate your mental health issues, but that doesn't mean that you need to abstain from all consumer items. I think it's okay to keep the things in life that make you feel good as long as you aren't losing yourself in the process. I find sewing quite a meditative process in some ways, since you have to be quite mindful and in the moment of what you're doing - so if you're that way inclined, you could go for less of the instant gratification of buying an item and more for the process of making an item and the satisfaction that that journey can bring.

Yeah that is the wrong sort of petti to have sex in. You want full chiffon.

Hey if it's your dream dress too why feel bad? She needed to sell it, you wanted it...

>> No.6793701

I'm >>6793508, and I just so happen to already sew, though I'm not nearly skilled enough to make anything besides simple costumes, some purses, and little stuffed animals. I don't mean to make it sound like this was a sudden change in my mindset, my mom always said material things meant nothing, I just never got it.

But I'm completely serious about becoming an ascetic, a monk so to speak, and I know it will take a lifetime. I will probably buy lolita here and there, make what I can, but I want to be less of a consumer and I'm starting now.

>> No.6793739

There is nothing that will change my belief that unless your dress is up to your thighs or they're visible, there's no such thing as too much petticoat. The more poof the better.

>> No.6793746

Yup. One too many times; so I sell them after giving up the fact that they're not as comfortable or as versatile as I'd like, and that's why my closet is oh so small.

If AP's Glitter trump was more flattering on my skin tone and is back was shirred, I'd keep it forever. I gave up on a lot of Baby's dresses simply because the way they're typically made are wonky. It's like they make dresses with the intention that boobs are further up the neckline. IW too.

>> No.6793750

If you feel that bad about it, do you think you'd be willing to sell it back to her? If so, you could let her know, "I know you're having money issues, but if you want your dress back, I'd be willing to sell it back because you love it so much." I mean, it seems like a waste if you can't bring yourself to wear it.
Alternatively, if you're close enough to her you could just let her borrow it.

>> No.6793751

ermeherd, me too. It took too long for me to realize that I look best in jewel toned colors.

I fucking hate shopping for clothes in the spring. Everything is fucking pastel. I love pastels, but I hate how they look on me.

>> No.6793752

I really want to get into loli (I'm freaking in love with classic. makes me so warm and fuzzy)

But I really prefer making my own things; costumes, dresses, skirts.

And I read a bunch of people bitching about people who sew their own loli clothing.. and it's really, /really/ turning me off from it.

>> No.6793755

I've never seen any bitching about handmade that wasn't ita shit, and especially not about just the concept of handmade.

>> No.6793759

I skimmed a thread a couple days ago and someone went crazy because someone said to them "Why don't you just sew your own" and someone replied with something like "God, I hate it when people say that. I mean. Yeah. Go try to sew your own stuff and sell it for $100. See how well that works out for you."

I don't know.. I'm just afraid people will think less of me if I wear not brand name stuff?

>> No.6793761

What have you read about it? I know the fashion itself is very consumer-centric, but people who can make well-made items are seen as very impressive as well. There are plenty of people who make badly-made lolita clothing, which might be what people are bitching about (not using enough fabrics for skirts, shitty material, wonky bodices, etc) but otherwise I don't see why you shouldn't do it.

>> No.6793766

What does that have to do with looking down on people who make their own stuff...? That's just pricing stuff to sell, it has nothing to do with wearing your own things?

>> No.6793767


"Brandwhores" do not exist. It's an entirely made up stereotype and you have no reason to worry about it. The only way people will turn their noses up at you is if your stuff is badly made etc. or you wear replicas, and even then most people give zero shits about replicas.

>> No.6793771

I hate hate hate it when I'm in a lolita group and someone asks for our photo and I step aside, smile and politely decline (because I always decline, alone or with friends,) and then someone in the group says something like 'oh she's shy' to the person taking the photo when no, I'm not shy, I just don't wanna be in your fucking photo that what the hell are you going to do with? Seriously. I'm aware that the girl that says this is trying to be nice, trying to make everyone feel comfortable and not worried, but that is not my intention. Feel like a weirdo for taking our photo. Because what. are. you. going. to. do. with. it. So, friends, please don't say 'oh she's shy,' say 'she hates having her photo taken by strangers like a sideshow at a carnival.' Don't lie on my behalf. Or, better yet, you don't have to say anything there, so don't say anything about it at all.

So there you are. Stupid but annoying.

>> No.6793795

My family is and has been poor af for years. We don't have money for food a lot of the time, don't have enough money for phones, and can barely pay rent for our 4-room house. I really want to start actually buying lolita and not just admiring it, but I'll never have money for it until I finish school and move out. Maybe not, even. I don't think I'll ever actually end up buying any lolita because of this, and that depresses me.

>> No.6793805

>Stupid but annoying
Like you I mean. What a paranoid cunt.

>> No.6793814

From an artist I'd like to tell you that you shouldn't get discouraged. These limits that you have breed creativity. You mightnot see it now but your empty wallet fills you with potential.
If it's something you're passionate about just apply yourself whenever and however you can. You'll be on a higher tier because of your restrictions.

>> No.6793815

I believe you're quoting me there, but I wasn't referring to GOOD handmade at all. I was referring to people who put down brand clothing by saying "psh, I could make that myself", especially since the people who usually say that have little to no sewing skills. Good handmade is a great option and most lolitas will fawn over extremely well-made handmade pieces more than they would over brand.

>> No.6793825


That feel when my family (There are four of us.) lives in a two room house, barely ever has gas or electricity, struggles with phonebills and we eat very little.

>> No.6793831

This. I have a friend that occasionally sells pieces, and some people are extremely willing to pay for nicely made, custom dresses. I think she said someone traded a brand-new AatP dress in exchange for a made-to-order piece.

>> No.6793841

I'm confused why the luxury of a computer and internet is available though?

>> No.6793868


I'm currently not at home. I only have internet access at my girlfriend's house. In my house, we don't even have heating, let alone the internet.

>> No.6793873

Internet is available for cheap to low-income families?

>> No.6793877

That's how my mom grew up, and now she shops like crazy.

>> No.6793880

They may not be on computers at home. Most libraries offer computer use for free.

>> No.6793878

My mom too.

>> No.6793882

It's almost midnight in half of the US though, which is probably anon's confusion (since what library is open this late), but >>6793868 makes more sense

>> No.6793883

It is a luxury that I wouldn't think poor families would be spending money on at all?
I was 50/50 on if that was the case or not

>> No.6793894

The library thing was just an example. Sorry.

I wasn't thinking about what time it was.

>> No.6793903

It was the most money I had spent on a dress at that point and I think I just freaked out. I had also tried it on with just the dress and it really needs a full coord to make it look right.

>> No.6793912

I've had this happen to me, where I got a dream dress but didn't have any other items for the coord I had in mind yet, so when I tried it on I felt very 'meh' about it.

Once I got together the outfit I had in mind, it looked a lot better.

>> No.6793917

I know that the government has been trying to get internet to low-income families, because apparently internet is a basic right, so it's probably a lot easier to have it now than before, anyway.

>> No.6793922

On the subject of being disappointed with dream dresses: sometimes once I get one of my dream items, I feel more like it's me who's not doing the dress justice, and it makes me too depressed to try to wear it...

>> No.6793923

Oh okay! Like I said, I was just skimming! I haven't looked into it too much, but reading that made me kind of scared..

But you guys give me hope again! I'll be sure to read things completely next time. Sorry! <3

>> No.6793937
File: 90 KB, 400x600, god tier.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good handmade is considered equal to or better than brand.
Sadly, most of the handmade out there is very very bad. If you are good at sewing then go for it.

pic related: You would be hard pressed to find anyone who doesn't consider this girl- who wears all hand made- god tier.

>> No.6793943

I have had a few awesome dresses that I just did not do justice to. I loved Grazia crown but try as I did it was just never the right dress for me.
I love it on everyone else, but always felt wrong in it.

>> No.6793947

holy shit that is all handmade?
Does she have a shop?
Who is she?

(Sorry for being a noob)

>> No.6793954

Lizchen R, she's a Russian lolita. As far as I know, she only makes things locally for Moscow community.

>> No.6793955

I have the queen's coach OP and it's very impressive in real life due to the sleeves and tons of gorgeous lace. I'm not crazy about the JSK though, it's a bit too simple for my taste. I like the OP because the details are very regal, and it fits the print.

>> No.6793974

Whyyyy are Russian lolis so amazing. Everytime I see a meetup post, man.

>> No.6793979

I feel this way too with the very few brand pieces I have, but then I can always try again and again if one coord doesn't work right. It's not like the dress disintegrate after 3 wears.

>> No.6793980
File: 24 KB, 267x404, hottopicita.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A girl just joined my comm, she is the most typical hot topic lolita you could imagine. Most of the active members in our comm are commenting on how beautiful her dresses are and how perfect her terrible clunky shoes are. At first I was thinking "whatever she is just a teenager" but then I googled her, she is 32. She is 32 and dresses like a teenager and keeps posting awful instagram pictures that never show her face but are always angled down to show off her cleavage. I want to say something so bad, but I know that I do not posses the tact to be polite. So I am just sitting here in the dark with my laptop and wine and being angry at the internet.

>> No.6793986



>> No.6793988

Relax, she cant pull it off forever

>> No.6794021

A loli in my comm told me at meet she had a horrible nightmare where a bunch of us were stuck in some deadly game where we couldn't get away.
I told her I would more than happy to give up my life for them to get away.
It upset her so much because I was the only other person in the dream other than her to live.
I was actually going to kill myself that night because my deterating health was getting too much for me.
She doesn't even know that she was the reason that I'm still alive, I can't even bring myself to tell her.
I know she might see this so, thank you

>> No.6794038
File: 21 KB, 374x378, shoes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If I post her here I will be found out for sure. In fact, I am sure I already am as I am going to post her shoes because I hhhaaattteeeee them. Sorry guys, they are just so ita...

I don't think there is such a thing as pulling it off in the first place. At least, not as lolita. I kinda like tacky hot topic clothes on a few levels, and I think they work for some people. But never as lolita. Going out to get drunk with your girlfriends dressed for fun? Absolutely! But never for lolita.

>> No.6794044

my 17 year old mall goth with dreads and black lipstick me is IN LOVE with these shoes.
my 24 year old self thinks it's ita as fuck

>> No.6794052

I love clunky, oldschool lolita shoes.

These shoes don't look good, though. They really seem like they're meant for some sort of sexy-themed costume. Then again, I normally hate redxblack.

>> No.6794061

Oh boy, here's a long one, but this loli has got a lot of pent up angst.

My lack of self-confidence and just general embarrassment with myself is really starting to piss me off. I hate how much I hate myself.

Days that I think maybe I don't look /so/ bad without a pound of makeup, I just end up picking at my personality and how annoying and shy -at the same time- I am, and vice versa.

The girls in my comm are super nice, plus funny and they have more to their personalities than "teehee I like to dress cute and drink tea all day" , and I look up to them so much that I just feel completely inferior and not worth their time in comparison.

It's so bad that I can't even do such a simple thing as accept a goddamn friend request on Facebook from one of the girls. I'm worried she'll see my everyday ramblings and normal pictures and just think I'm some tryhard assbutt.

>> No.6794067

Also, I read something a girl said here or on btb or something about how her she was always invited to a ton of meets in her comm, but she was always busy with family health issues, and the girls in her community thought she was being snooty for never coming to any and eventually just stopped inviting her.

My comm has a ton of meets all the time, but I've only been working on my wardrobe since last winter. I would rather wait until I have a good variety of nice, well thought-out and put-together co-ords, than go to every single meet in the same few dresses. Although, now I'm worried my comm thinks I'm being snooty and ignoring the invites, when really I'm still just a itty bitty babby loli with a itty bitty babby wardrobe.

>> No.6794073

1. Understand that girls in your comm are human, too. They have insecurities and faults, too. Don't put them on a pedestal.
2. Accept the goddamn friend request. If she decides she doesn't like your posts, she won't be friends with you, but you're not making any friends by not getting close to people. You lose nothing by taking that chance.

>> No.6794079

Everyone knows what it's like to start out small. If you want to hang out with people, just do it.

>> No.6794084

Girl, I have been a lolita for years. I have a tiny as fuck wardrobe, and go out wearing lolita often enough. Most people know I am piss poor and have health problems, and they really don't care. Can't do much about you hating yourself, but as long your facebook posts aren't a constant pity party, or desperate, you will be fine.

>> No.6794097

Any time I'm feeling down in the mouth about my coordinates or looks, I just go to Deviant Art and look at the photos tagged with gothic lolita. I pretty much instantly feel better.

>> No.6794103

Or even just tumblr. Shit's a mess.

>> No.6794108

Sorry, it did come off sort of "oh yeah I idolize these people". It just upsets me that I can't get over my own insecurities enough to become better friends with people who share the same interests as I do. And yeah, I guess testing the waters is better than not trying at all.

Thank you for the motivation, I'll try to keep that in mind!

>> No.6794116

I saw the fiasco in the secrets about that girl who works as a stripper, everyone shitting themselves in disgust and hate and it made me laugh so hard. I'm a relatively well known lolita (NOT famous but some people would recognise my name) and I work as an escort. I get paid a LOT of money (as much as £200 per hour, and nearly a grand to stay overnight) for very easy work. A lot of the time I don't even get fucked, some guy will pay that much just to cuddle a girl, or to be hit and spit on. Not only do I get paid but my clients like to spoil me, they buy me gifts often - and yes, I have asked for lolita items. I've used lolita items in age play if they ask me, I've had jizz on two of my Angelic Pretty dresses.

I would never "come out" about it but imagining the potential drama if I did makes me feel warm and fuzzy inside. While everyone posting hate scrimp and save to buy second hand, all I have to do to buy a new dress is slap a fat old guy around for an hour. I love it.

>> No.6794121
File: 122 KB, 500x644, tumblr_mluhflieyO1ql76txo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

speaking of shit tagged "lolita" on tumblr, what on god's green earth am I looking at?

>> No.6794126

I think it was mostly because the girl who got found made such a huge deal about it people knowing was going to ruin her life. Good on you for getting easy money.

>> No.6794127


Looks to be cosplayign Kubrick's lolita.

>> No.6794128

That would be the "other" lolita.

>> No.6794139

I don't understand why people idealize the character of a young girl who was manipulated and raped cross-country. I understand the book is good literature, but it's not a beautiful romance story like for some reason tumblrbitches make it out it be. It really disgusts me.

>> No.6794141

Because it's ~edgy~ and ~taboo~

>> No.6794149

Part of me wishes I could do that for money but I'm not down for the getting fucked part. Shame that I live in a murder capitol of America.

>> No.6794156


I generally find that those who idolize it haven't read it, or read it and didn't understand it.

It was pretty fucking clear to me that behind the flowery prose, there was a lot of horribly dark business going on.

It's just another part of edgy Tumblr soft grunge pale blogging cuntery I think.

>> No.6794172

Luckily for me, in my country escorting legal (soliciting and brothels aren't though) so if I ever feel endangered or get hurt/robbed, I can call the police. The johns know that and behave. Also the girls have a really good support system for helping others, posting warnings and stuff (SAAFE, Ugly Mugs, etc). I think it helps that we're not prostitutes, we are expensive and booked carefully in advance so you're not getting some drunk asshole picking you off the street at 3am and beating you 'cause he can't get it up. You screen your clients too or if you work for an agency, they'll do it for you so 99.9% of the shits are filtered out.

>> No.6794217

Responded to wrong anon, I meant >>6794172.

>> No.6794216

Still, though....you said "a lot of the time" you don't have sex? Which is to say you are regularly having sex for money?

Even without the sex, sounds like something that would disgust me beyond belief and make me feel miserable about myself and my life. But that's me.

>> No.6794221

my comm is fucking huge. i never remember anyone's name at meets, or i forget until they've walked away. or i recognize their faces from facebook or tumblr but they use some username like "princess sparklebutt" so i can't recall their actual name,

it gets awkward.

>> No.6794229

holy shit, the skin tone difference from her face to legs is insane. How does anyone think this looks good?

>> No.6794267

Yes, I regularly have sex for money. The majority of the time, actually. It was strange at first, but I got over it quickly. Some people think it's gross and degrading, but I find it very empowering.

>> No.6794290

its a shadow cast i'm pretty sure you would have noticed that effect in the mirror on yourself some time in your life

>> No.6794294 [DELETED] 

Is your country England? I know someone who did something similar to help fund his university tuition.

>> No.6794318

I fell down the stairs in loli quite recently. Ruined my shoes and my dress got slightly dirty. The worst part was that my knees really hurt and people (friends too) around me only laughed. ;_;

>> No.6794372

I'm moving to Germany later this year for a year's work with nice pay and paying very little rent. I'm pretty much going to have 500 euros of disposable income every month, and it's all going on cosplay and lolita, baby. Not putting any of it into savings because my university bursaries are going to put a nice sum in there anyway, so I can finally do the kind of impulse shopping I've always wished I could. I grew up pretty poor and have always had to do student loan budget-juggling to afford any lolita, so while 500 euros a month might not sound like much to you guys, being able to buy a new brand dress every month is super exciting to me. I'm kind of worried that certain people in my local comm will think I've turned into a huge brandwhore when I get back, though. Oh well.

>> No.6794381

Congratulations! That seems like an awesome opportunity.

>> No.6794382

Pff, if your comm have anything bad to say about your buying what you want with your own money, they're hardly worth bothering with. Delighted for you, that must be great :D

>> No.6794385

I don't see the issue with having a mature conversation about what's going on in the world. What else do you expect to talk about? Shoes? MORE lolita? After 4-5 hours talking about lolita gets old, sorry.

Maybe instead of complaining, you should follow the news more so you can add to the conversation. Not only would meets be more fun and interesting but maybe you'll learn something, like what's going on in the world in which you live.

>> No.6794395

Thanks guys! I just worry because some girls in my comm get a lot of shit for 'getting an easy ride' with how they afford their burando. Ah well. I can always weep into the soft velvet of my new dresses.

>> No.6794415

God damn. I love me some clunky mallgoth shoes, but those are completely hideous. I can't picture anyone over the age of 17 even considering wearing those.

>> No.6794417

I think I know who you are

>> No.6794506 [DELETED] 

A scam warning just went up on EGL about someone I'm friends with, and I'm pretty sure it isn't true, but I have no idea what to do about it, if I can even do anything. I've seen girls falsely accuse her of scamming before (one bought a dress from her on eBay, then filed a chargeback claiming she'd never received it.... WHILE SELLING THAT SAME DRESS.)

The fact that there have been false accusations in the past really worries me, but I don't want to talk to the mods about it because I don't want my name linked with someone they believe to be a scammer. Is there anything I can do to advise them to look into the allegations instead of just taking them at face value?

>> No.6794520
File: 63 KB, 1170x310, cgl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Scammer friend anon, why'd you delete?


>> No.6794528

Oh, I contacted the mods about it, so I didn't see any need to get advice from the people here and I didn't want to be a pest leaving up an implied call for advice when I no longer really needed it. Still, if anyone has any input, it'd be nice to hear it.

>> No.6794977

I'm not the best lolita, but whenever someone decides to be nasty about how terrible I or my comm looks, I like to look them up on d_l or FB.

Man, nothing feels better than sharing a few of their recent coords with a good loli friend and just sharing a good, hearty, bone deep laugh.

>> No.6795140

Hi, are you me? I'm horrible with names but I'll remember outfits. This only works if the person I'm trying to remember never changes clothes.

>> No.6795163

AATP pre-2010 (or was it 2009?) fits like fucking shit and is the reason my wishlist has downsized significantly. My friends have mentioned the IW boob problem, but it doesn't seem to affect me because I always take advantage of the adjustable straps. Or maybe I'm just really really flat chested.

>> No.6795168

As someone who recently started sewing her own loli in the last year, I would recommend start now. If you have just the basic "I know how to use a sewing machine!" skill, go for it, and with time you'll become better. Practice is the only way to get better, isn't it? And maybe girls will think your first few items look like crap, but eventually, as you get more precise and learn to include the little details that make classic loli so beautiful, I'm sure your handmade items will be just as good if not better than brand. >>6793937 is right. Look at Lizchen_R's work. There's no one who doesn't admire her work!

>> No.6795177

This, a million times over. I actually find I'm initially disappointed with 70% of the main piece purchases I make when they arrive, and it takes a full coord for me to warm up to a dress.

>> No.6795198

Not the anon you were replying to, but my comm is immature as fuck, so I'm glad no one ever bothers an attempt at discussing politics. I'm very sure it would just turn into everyone personally attacking one another. I'm happy for you that your comm seems intelligent enough to discuss things like that, though.

>> No.6795203

This might sound awful to some people, but I envy you. I wish I was pretty and fit enough to be an escort, and the money you make would be great because I have college loans out the ass that I need to pay off.
Go you. Seriously.

>> No.6795222


Did you even read my post? I'm very politically aware, I just think talking about gun control and racism at a meet up could lead to some very awkward situations. There's about a million other topics in between "controversial issues" and "shoes" that could be discussed instead.

>> No.6795242

Different anon here, I'm not a loli but I worked as an escort for two years and at the time I was really quite over weight. If you're fat, just sell yourself as a BBW or do some more specialist stuff (dom is always really popular for example). I knew plenty of ugly escorts too.

>> No.6795246

Ugh, I can just imagine my comm talking about politics... Almost all of them are way too young to even vote and it would probably just be them running around squealing about how Obama likes gay marriage, because that's literally the only thing they know about politics. And fuck trying to educate them, they'll just call you a homophobe and probably say something about how you probably like Romney


>> No.6796444

I don't attend my con since moving to this city because every conversation I've had with lolitas involved them doing retarded anime gestures and -squee-ing

They make me want to kill myself. Why can't people in my comm be normal.

>> No.6796464

I recently went to a local con with some friends, just civilian clothing and nothing special. Brought that free tote that came with angelic pretty mag since it was the right size to hold a small amount of stuff. As soon as I got near the Lolita store booth, I realise there's a bunch of Lolitas all hanging out there. One of them sees the bag and points it out to their friend. I instantly walked away from sight because all I could think was "gurl you so ita with your cheapass tote".

>> No.6796471

I don't think that'd be their thought pattern at all! All of the local lolis here love those mook-bags from all the different brands. They probably were like "She's definitely a lolita, she has the AP mook bag!"

>> No.6796496

I just bought Queen's Coach red OP, and I love it despite it being less impressive than in photos. My problem is it doesn't fit at the mid bottom of my rib cage. sad.

relevant confession: I am going to begin waist training.

>> No.6796501

Haha yeah I would've thought that but I think it was a combination of not wearing Lolita and "shit they're looking at me" that got me on the edge. If I had so neat threads I would have the courage to even say hi.

>> No.6796510

When someone in public refers to my coord as a "costume" I seriously contemplate choking them on the spot.

>> No.6796559

I've only had brand up to this point, but I'm thinking of becoming a replica-chan to save money, get more outfits, and finally have OPs and JSKs that fit without full shirring.

>> No.6796560

It seems that metropolitan Russian women in general -- not just Russian lolitas -- have an extremely high standard of maintaining themselves and their looks. The probable reason for it is a little depressing, though. There's a high rate of alcoholism in Russia that kills and afflicts men, so finding a decent guy who can hold down a decent job and is not abusive/alcoholic can itself be a challenge. So the dating field is a little more... competitive for women. Russian women even pay to attend seminars on how to marry a millionaire (usually involving how to dress yourself, walk in heels, etc).

Still in awe of their lolitas' style and sewing skills, though.

>> No.6796631

>good fit

Yeah only if you're veeery lucky

>> No.6796645

I'm starting to think I'd actually prefer to discuss politics with my comm... Yeah sorry I'm really not into k-pop and idols and latest gtfoegl drama, I don't see why any of this has to became a central point at every meet.
Too bad they'd probably only care about typical tumblr SJ stuff and nothing that has actual relevance to the world.

Can't believe we're all mid-twenties in there.

>> No.6796766

why don't you just get it altered? i took the back shirring out of wonder party and lengthened the straps, and it looks a million times better on me than if i had just left it ill fitting.

>> No.6796830
File: 33 KB, 694x462, 399437_315277988575071_1696170849_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I sometimes lurk boards i have absolutely no interest in just to experience the diversity of the human condition.
And after reading through this entire thread i came to the conclusion that you are some of the weirdest people on the internet.
Not saying that's a bad thing in fact quite the opposite.Congrats :)

>> No.6796827

If you're thinking about using Oo Jia, I would suggest only getting skirts from her, the ones I've bought from her have been perfect fits. She's not to great at making bodices.

>> No.6796878

Different anon, but damn, this was my worry/suspicion. Guess I'll have to stick the the skirt cuts I wanted from her.

Thanks for the heads-up. I can't stand poorly fitted bodices.

>> No.6796904

Personally, I think that if you enjoy your job, it makes you great money and you're both consenting adults, you've hit the jackpot and you have nothing to be ashamed of. I honestly wish prostitution was legal so that sex workers could be better protected. The industry isn't going to go away, so we might as well make it safe for all parties involved.

>> No.6798209

Why's that? The deifinition of costume is "A set of clothes in a style typical of a particular country or historical period." Lolita is inspired by Victorian clothes, to normal people lolita is a costume.

>> No.6798219

diff anon.
I've got a bag from her sitting at the depot. Time can only tell how badly she's messed it up.

>> No.6798259

>not actually period clothing


>> No.6798271

You missed my point, to normal people it looks like period clothing. Getting mad because people call lolita a costume is childish, not everyone is in the know.

>> No.6798500

I always laugh when I see someone get angry that their outfit is called a costume. I love lolita, I really do, but have you LOOKED at yourself? You aren't wearing 'normal' clothing for any part of the world. If someone compliments your 'costume', take it for what it is, a compliment. You don't have to be such a fucking special snowflake about it.

>> No.6798527

Dearest M -

I know you've blocked me on Facebook. I know you read these threads.

I also know that you really dislike me right now and think that I hate you, too. In fact, you've made it a point to tell everyone in the group that I'm bullying you, so now everyone knows just how you feel. The funny thing is, the girls we hang out with are far more forthright than you, less prone to gossip, and far less drama-driven. I don't know if you've noticed yet, but they're on to your lies.

The moment you started bandying your little story about at the last meet-up, trying to cast me as the villain, they came to me to mediate, which gave me more than ample opportunity to tell them the truth. None of them were surprised to hear about the tantrum you threw before leaving my apartment the other day, nor were they surprised to hear that the majority of your half of things was entirely made up.

And for the record, I don't hate you. I just think you really need to grow up and get over whatever baggage you're hauling around with you. I'm not your personal punching bag and I don't appreciate the attempt to stab me in the back. Especially at a meet-up. I mean, seriously? What's next? Passive-aggressive letters under my door?

- E

>> No.6798538

i love mma and lolita...just sayin'.

>> No.6798648

I'm sure you're a lovely person. Really. But your videos aren't even vaguely funny and that meme is getting old.

Quit beating the horse. It died a year ago.

>> No.6798694

> waist training

What is this?

>> No.6798698

Wearing a corset for extended periods with the goal of a) eventually wearing a smaller size corset and b) losing inches off the waist in general.

>> No.6798704 [DELETED] 


And you people wonder why guys accuse lolis of being pornstars, escorts, strippers etc.

Very few people respect lolita, it's seen as a sexual fetish and the girls who do it are seen as promiscuous by those who actually know about the interest.

Do you think men respect you?

>> No.6798785
File: 115 KB, 477x720, no fucks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you think we care what men think?

>> No.6798796

>by those who actually know about the interest.
That's funny because the exact opposite is true. The only people who think Lolita is a sexual thing is people who vaguely know about the Nabokov book but have no idea about the premise other than "man rapes underage girl", and think the Japanese fashion is about "dressing like her".
Also, in the first place, why should I give an actual fuck if men think my clothes are 2weird4u or whatever?

>> No.6798803

Uh, because you want us?

People who are familiar with lolita know it has a lot of strippers, escorts, pornwhores etc.

>> No.6798812 [DELETED] 

>implying I give a fuck about men respecting me

If they don't respect me for the choices I make, I don't need them around me.

>> No.6798823 [DELETED] 

>If they don't respect me for the choices I make, I don't need them around me.

Tell your dad you are/want to become a literal whore then.

See what he says.

Women with no respect for men are fucking pathetic. This is why you'll never marry, have children and will die alone.

>> No.6798825

>lolita confessions thread
>derailed by yet another troll who is desperate for pussy
>pussies willingly feed troll

>> No.6798845

That's bullshit, actually. The only reason you think there are "a lot" is because it's considered a big, scandalous deal and is always blown out to high heavens as a discussion topic. One of the most cliche ways to troll behindthebows or threads here is "I'm a Lolita and I do porn for frills!!". It gets everyone's attention and everyone needs to say their piece, even if it's not true.

>> No.6798854 [DELETED] 

geez, dudes :/ that's rough.
well it's an important tool similar to fridges in that you can use the internet to research welfare and state health programs, whether it's applying for the first time or reapplying, job opportunities to follow up on, etc.

>> No.6798857

this bitch is so fierce i can't even
russian lolitas best lolitas

>> No.6798860

bleh, they're like shoes HT would have released to hype the premiere of burton's alice in wonderland. cheap and generic shape with a bunch of puffy paint details.

>> No.6798869

Doesn't she have nudes?
I'm pretty sure she has nudes, or at least topless pics

>> No.6798893

I take pictures of my coords and then just look through all of them for ages. Refreshing the page constantly if it's posted online to see if anyone likes it too.

It's like watching tv, it switches my brain off. I'd rather stare at my clothes on a screen than do anything with my time, and I'm really meant to be busy right now.

>> No.6798921

Lol, also assuming we all want to marry men and birth children just because have vaginas and uteruses.

Hey, I have something ACTUALLY ON TOPIC to say.... My lolita confession is that I recently bought my first pair of Angelic Pretty Tea Parties, but my husband and I are in a tight place financially right now, so I'm too embarrassed to bring them home, (had them delivered to my work address.) I'm hosting a swap meet in the near future so I can bring home the shoes and pretend I traded a dress for them, because he knows their value. I feel fucking terrible and have learned a valuable lesson about this sort of shit. :(

>> No.6798925

My confession: Lolita makes me uncomfortable because the first time I saw the term, it was when I stumbled into a review for a book about a pedophile. Have had an irrational negative response to it ever since, even though I do think it's cute.

>> No.6801848

I never read what people write on sites like this because I think most of you are retarded and totally detached of reality. I just want the pretty pictures.

>> No.6801860

Are you talking about the book, Lolita? By Vladimir Nabokov? Because if so, it's not ABOUT a pedophile... it's about a monster of a man in general. It's also beautifully written and MEANT to make you a little uncomfortable, check it out sometime. Classic piece of literature they won't make you read in high school.

>> No.6801893

Seconding this. The book is fantastic. The elements used (unreliable narrator for one) are just... ugh they just make you kind of look up from the book and be like 'wat...?'

It really is a great piece and everyone should read it I think. It does not have anything disgusting in it, the questionable scenes are not detailed like a romance novel or anything like that... and always remember, you can't even trust the narrator... ugh, fantastic book

>> No.6802004

tfw you aquire a nice-sized brand wardrobe in a relatively short period of time after getting into the fashion and shit like Bodyline looks better on you. Seriously. I have huge tits and everything rides up to my underbust. I've found ways to combat this fiercely and I make it work. I bought a Bodyline jsk to wear to things when I don't want to ruin my brand. Tried it on and the bodice is long enough to actually touch where it's intended. Oh look, I actually do have a waist. I'm not a floating pair of tits and little tiny legs. It looks good on me without any extra effort I'm used to. It's just depressing.

In other words, even though I've turned into a brandwhore, I can't knock girls who love Bodyline. At least Mr Yan knows what titties are.

>> No.6802226
File: 774 KB, 276x220, it keeps happening.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like their Love Jewelry print. It's very lovely. I got a skirt with that print from them just a while ago. It just got shipped and it's in Tokyo atm.

>Tfw your dress was in grorious nippon, coming into contact with grorious nippon air, and grorious nippon packaging hands

>> No.6802299

Love Jewelry is gorgeous. I'm quite tempted to get that too. AUGH.

>> No.6802557

The Shit Lolis Say videos?

Yeah they suck.

>> No.6802566

The ones with the brolita were better. The other was so try hard.

>> No.6802570

The ones with the brolita were annoying and cringey as hell. Pretty much any videos from those particular Aus lolitas is tripe. I'll give them credit for that last video though (the dragonball z-esque fight scene)

>> No.6802574

On that note, MC Melody Doll makes me want to crawl under a rock with second hand embarrassment.

>> No.6802700

At least the shooting of their videos is beautiful quality.

>> No.6802715
File: 29 KB, 422x400, tumblr_m8v64w4uJm1qf2qoz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dat feel indeed. Born in grorious nippon, has special factor of 9000+ better than any other clothes ever bought before.

>> No.6802720

You're not serious, are you? Deer Stalker constantly uses the same filters and techniques in every bloody video. Camera is also always shaky as fuck, especially in their latest DBZ style video. Vertigo may have been had. Their videos that don't involve lolita (which is like one or two videos that are buried in the depths of data somewhere) are actually a shit ton better with better content and technique.

>> No.6802729

I enjoy the techno/trance/whatever the fuck remix of Throw It In The Bag, but I wish the song had been tackled better with someone who actually has a voice that is listen-able. MC MD has a monotonous talking voice all the time or something. If not for the tombstone person editing the songs, they would be shit for sure. We're talking Hot Problems bad.