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6790571 No.6790571 [Reply] [Original]

Let's have a thread about hair.

>post tutorials
>ask stuff
>give awnsers

I'm in desperate need of a few cute hair tutorials. I'd prefer stuff that fits sweet lolita. Oh and I have long straight hair! Would something like my picture even be do-able with natural hair?

Thanks in advance /cgl/!
Oh and have fun!

>> No.6790587

Seconding this for days when its too hot to wear a wig.

>> No.6790609

I have straight/slightly wavy 'hair that is thick but fine'(i.e my hair strands are thin, but I have a lot of it)
and it doesn't like to keep a style

what do? I haven't found a product that has worked yet

>> No.6790619

please somebody post a tutorial about short hair

>> No.6790658

Have you tried making your hair a bit damp then pin curling/rag curling and letting it dry for a few hours? Otherwise, just use shitloads of hair spray until your hair feels awful and crunchy after you heat style and it should hold pretty well.

>> No.6790664

It's doable if you have thick enough hair. Tease it, and use a large barrel curling iron, then set it with something that will hold the curl.

>> No.6790665

I tried braiding it once while damp for curls and it fell after 2 hours. Hairspray doesn't hold for more than that either.

My ex hairdresser managed it somehow, but that was with extensions in it as well

>> No.6790701

It sounds like we have similar hair types. What shampoo/conditioner are you using? I couldn't get mine to curl until I stopped using silicone shampoos. Any curl I managed to get would just fall out quickly because of all the coating on my hair. That's what I think was happening anyway.

My hair feels a lot less weighted down now. I have some problems with frizz and flyaways now, but I solve that by rubbing a bit of aloe vera gel on my fingers tips and then running that lightly over the flyaways. Works well.

Baring that, try experimenting with the amount of dampness when you curl it. For me, it's best if I VERY lightly dampen it, and then I only have to pin it up for about 30 minutes to an hour. It held up for me for the entire day but your results may vary.

I can't pin my hair up after a shower and sleep on it. It just ends up not drying.

>> No.6790711

Normally conditioner is all I need, I only use shampoo once a week or so or whenever I really need it since conditioner usually does just fine.
I usually use either treseme or whatever my boyfriend has(I think it's l'oreal?)
any reccomendations on what brand?

I'll try it, my hair is curly/wavy when wet, just doesn't like to stay that way

>> No.6790760

not without hair rats/ bumpits, something like that it's not.

>> No.6790772

I have boyishly short/shaggy hair and I usually wear wigs, but with summer coming I don't want to have to wear them. Any cute ideas/stylings for my hair that would work well for lolita?

>> No.6790789

I'm currently using Nature's Gate, although I really just bought it on a whim and I haven't tried any other silicone free brands. Tresemme makes some silicone free shampoos, Tresemme Naturals. I can't guarantee that this will work for you as it worked for me but it's worth a shot. You can continue with your conditioner only washings, those are fine. Your hair may have an adjustment period where your hair may feel greasier quicker. Your scalp should begin to produce less oil after a week or two since the shampoo/conditioner won't be stripping it out as much. If it's not working well for you after a few weeks I'd say just switch back to your normal stuff.

My hair is also wavier when wet, but I definitely maintain more wave now. I also stopped blow drying my hair when I switched shampoos which helps with the natural wave.

>> No.6790901

that's actually why I don't shampoo, it gets greasy if I use it more than a few times a month

I'll try one of those thanks!

Hmm, I don't normally blow dry

>> No.6791100

Yup grease was a super huge problem if mine. I mean my hair can still get greasy, but not as much now. I hope this helps you out too! Can't hurt to try.

The problem I had us that my hair would be super flat and the ends would kind of clump when I air dried it. I'm still not sure why, but my hair is much nicer now that I don't have to fry it all the time.

>> No.6791117

Ah mine gets really flat at the top too, but my ends just like to flip out like a bad 90's hair cut, looks so stupid, especially on my faceshape

>> No.6791835

Thanks Anon!
I suppose those might be super handy, yeah. Thank you!

>> No.6791850

I started using the baking soda/vinegar hair cleansing method recently. It's wonderful, my hair used to get greasy 18h after being washed with shampoo, but I can go 3-4 days with this.

My hair's still just as soft as it was when I used normal conditioner and tangles less now. One thing I like is that my natural waves don't get weighed down and stay as pretty loose curls.

>> No.6792076
File: 181 KB, 480x604, 2013-04-25_00.01.29.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you for this thread, OP. Not a lolita, but I was thinking of dying my hair recently.
I want to dye my dark brown hair (much like pic related) to a light-blonde-brown, I want to be Palty desu all the sudden.
I have virgin, wavy awkward half-asian hair, but I straighten it almost every other day, so the ends are pretty fried. But I can stop doing that so often if it's going to cause problems.
Is this going to work? Can I get bleach and hair color and do it myself? Should I go to a salon? How often will it need to be retouched?
I'm sorry for being such an awful hair noob, just don't want to fuck it all up.
And apologies for the shitty phone collage.

>> No.6792079

OP, i just discovered half wigs. I swear these things will save your life with hair troubles. I have thick curly hair, but even with that luck, i still need half wigs to achieve the volume of curls i want.

>> No.6792093

Might have to look into those!
Thanks for suggesting that, Anon.

>> No.6792110 [DELETED] 
File: 176 KB, 359x600, Spyke Beagel Cowman Du-wop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have been waiting for this thread!

>> No.6792125

Not really super-useful information, but can I just tell you gulls, Ion is the best shampoo/conditioner I have ever used. It's mind blowing how great my hair feels.

>> No.6792280
File: 290 KB, 720x963, tumblr_mlrtnjc5Cx1rpyuq7o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it possible to get hairstyles like these with thin hair and layers?

I'm currently trying to grow my hair out from the disaster it used to be a couple years ago, so I still have a lot of uneven/weird layers that seemingly just won't grow out into one manageable length.

The longest layers of my hair reach down to my collar bone, Which would be a great length if all my hair was the SAME length. sdkljoaidasalkg

Anyway, I just want to create the illusion of having thicker hair, even if I have to back come or put more effort than usual into my hair styling routine.

Pic related 1/2

>> No.6792283
File: 207 KB, 500x373, tumblr_m5mcagV6F21r6tsyzo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Also if anyone could point me in the direction of some good quality and affordable half wigs/extensions, I'd be grateful~

>> No.6792307

Pincurling whilst nearly dry and leaving it overnight is usually more successful for long/thick hair as if it's too damp, it won't dry when it's all pinned up. Obviously if your hair is particularly heavy it will still pull out as the day goes by.

You don't want bleach, you just want a decent light brown box dye. I would not recommend doing it by yourself, as you'll invariably miss parts of your hair - get a friend who's particularly anal retentive and will actually check that all the hair at the back has the dye on. You should probably get the ends chopped off if they're fried anyway, hair dye will just damage your hair more.

You would not quite manage the same look as in the pictures, you can get that style but there will probably be the appearance of less hair especially in the bangs. You can easily get a similar look with a little bit of back combing at the roots, but clip in bangs and hair extensions are the much easier route to go. I only have human hair extensions (look for remy hair on ebay) which are surprisingly affordable in shorter lengths.

>> No.6792371

>Take medication that causes hair to fall out
>Hair was already quite thin and damaged
>Try keratin treatment to improve quality
>Hair is still weak and shitty

I'm considering cutting it off and getting an angled/inverted bob cut. Problem is, my face is a long oval. Most of the photos I've found for the hairstyles I like are heart-shaped or round/small and style guides recommend "voluminous" layered styles (which my hair is so not going to be able to do), so I have no clue if it's going to suit me at all. Does anyone have any suggested hairstyles for this situation? Or should I just put my fate in the stylist's hands?

>> No.6792373

That is, voluminous layered hairstyles are recommended in guides for people with long/oval faces.

>> No.6792384
File: 101 KB, 500x696, tumblr_mkcc1xkac01qixxaxo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have been trying to find out how to do this kind of style, but I have no idea what to search for. Anyone know?

>> No.6792391

Victory rolls

>> No.6792396

Thank you!

>> No.6792570
File: 446 KB, 667x1000, tumblr_ml2mj2263m1ritj6wo2_r3_1280 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are there any tutorials on how to make this hairstyle? I have tried curling iron and straightener, but I just can't get it right! I need to see a tutorial so I understand how to make it.

(I know the girl in the photo is wearing a wig, but I wanna be able to make the style with my own hair)

>> No.6792574

Personally, I would get thickish hair rollers and roll up the bottom part when my hair is damp. Let it dry, then tease it a bit and set with hair spray.

>> No.6792593
File: 87 KB, 472x640, 43013533ca75e2c470e0989c3348a1f5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


So, I am going to try a no poo method to cleaning my hair, but I have a question. So, the no poo method is not using Shampoo, but does the same apply to hair conditioners?

Can I use a hair conditioner along with baking soda and vinegar?


(Pic unrelated)

>> No.6792595

Vinegar is the conditioner. I know it sounds weird, but your hair feels exactly the same when you put the vinegar on as it does when you put conditioner on (except you can get vinegar on your roots without turning your hair into an oil slick). Dilute your vinegar less if you feel that whatever recipe you use isn't conditioning enough.

>> No.6792608

I think this hairtyle is called nekomimi hairstyle. If you google it you will find plenty of video tutorials. It looks easy to do

>> No.6792610

No, this is different. This style is nekomimi, the hair is supposed to resemble kitty ears.

>> No.6792626

She... she's wearing Wonder Party under her Miracle Candy. I feel kinda mindblown over this fact and don't know exactly why. I guess too much AP on one person to handle.

>> No.6792943


>> No.6792951

How... How didn't I spot that?

>> No.6792980
File: 136 KB, 825x480, Snapshot_20130416.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would I need to get hair extensions and stuff to get super voluminous hair like zooey deschanel? I'm on the left (obviously). This picture is actually more volumey that it usually is, usually it's super flat at the top and quite voluminous towards the end which does not work for my square jaw (also not really visible in this pic)

So I'm thinking my best bet is getting some layers, and thinning out the ends, but other than that how can i get super big hair?

Thanks seagulls!

>> No.6792990

I have super flat hair too so I mix salt into a cleansing shampoo and wash it with that every few weeks. It adds a ton of volume. You can buy the mixture it pre-made at Lush too.

>> No.6792995

Mouse, hairdryer, curling barrels.
Job done.
It'll kill your hair over the years, though.

>> No.6793007
File: 31 KB, 292x584, classic length.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fringe/Bangs general help!
I've been toying on/off with the possibility of getting a feathery side-parted fringe to go with my classic length hair for just about ever. (Pic related, not me)

I'm already mulling the fringe upkeep and length of time it'd take to grow it back if it went wrong, but does anyone have any decent insight on how 'unbalanced' a fringe might be with such long, unlayered hair?
The few examples online only have really blunt, thin fringes or are anime characters/wigs. It doesn't bode well.

>> No.6793063

Well my hair isn't nearly as long as that (it's about halfway down my back) and literally three days ago I cut feathery side bangs on myself. I almost always keep my hair in a bun, which is why I wanted the feathery bangs (so I have something slight framing my face), but it doesn't look weird having bangs with unlayered hair (in fact it almost looks like I didn't do anything at all).
On average my hair grows a bit over a centimeter ever month, so if I wake up tomorrow or a week from now hating what I've done, I won't have to wait all that long to get the length back.
If you have never had bangs/fringe before, you should know that upkeep includes flat ironing every morning to make sure the hair is going the right direction, and if you're someone who doesn't wash their hair every night (I know a lot of girls do this) then you'll have to change it to washing your bangs, because they'll be getting greasier by touching your face. It's not that much upkeep, but certainly is something if you're used to just throwing your hair back in the morning and being done with it. Hope this helps!

>> No.6793071

You'd be surprised how much volume you'll get once your hair is layered. I have very thick individual strands of hair, so the weight was pulling my hair down. When I got my hair layered, suddenly it was like day and night with volume that suddenly appeared.
I did go to a really expensive salon though (family paid for it as a bday present) so maybe the woman who cut my hair just really knew what she was doing.
Also, what >>6792995 said.

>> No.6793080
File: 148 KB, 648x678, peachy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a problem I need help with.
I had red hair, kind of dark, about shade 7 from L'oreal dyes.

I used a hair stripper to remove my dye and redye it lighter, in 9CG Matrix and the result is really great, BUT my hair isn't all one colour. There are a few darker places and a few really blond places. I like the blond ones and the ones in between, but I don't know if there's a way to even it out without having to use a stripper/remover again.

What should I do?

Pic related - my hair now.

>> No.6793085
File: 1.06 MB, 1280x1533, tumblr_mfnqe1z2X61qmtdp1o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6793087
File: 806 KB, 1280x1794, tumblr_mjtj0hsyTQ1r0ti6po1_r2_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6793090
File: 414 KB, 885x1319, tumblr_mf8cm3F7eS1r8z17mo1_r2_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6793096
File: 1.33 MB, 663x1000, tumblr_m7rjn2UbZ91qfz8ueo1_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6793099
File: 1.33 MB, 700x871, tumblr_m7dfv05jBV1qmtdp1o1_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6793101
File: 635 KB, 500x656, tumblr_m7dfk13rs21qmtdp1o1_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6793105
File: 1.58 MB, 1280x894, tumblr_m37ubmG8rr1qfz8ueo1_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6793117

I'm having a real issue figuring out what I want to do with my hair at the moment. I wanted it short, but now I've changed my mind and I'd like it long with bangs. If I post a photo, can you guys help me identify what might suit my face shape?

>> No.6793249


what magazine are these scans from?

>> No.6793256

Zipper magazine

>> No.6793289

Thanks! I didn't realise you had to wash fringes so often.
I guess I can't tell how it'll turn out until I take the plunge, if i can just blow dry it into place I'll be pleased but daily washing and straightening sounds like hell. Thanks again!

Post it and we'll try, but always wait a week or two to see if you really want to follow through an extreme hair idea or not.

>> No.6794356

Thanks for posting all those scans, Anon!

>> No.6794370


That girl has an irritating face.

>> No.6794688

I'm wanting to get a pastel colored wig, but I'm worried about it looking weird with my skin tone - warmer/olive. Any advice on what pastels would work best/ones to avoid?

>> No.6794695

i totally agree and it sucks (for me) that shes the new hit model/it girl that every popular clothing brand uses for everything and every girl on tumblr copies
if i had a dime for every girl that got that haircut i would be a millionaire

>> No.6794995
File: 46 KB, 480x640, 1363815740609.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello guys~ I'm interested in trying gyaru, so I want to dye/bleach my black virgin hair into something more suitable for the style. What shades do you think will work for me if I'm tan (think j.lo or kim kardashian)? I have never done any change in color before so I'm quite lost. -pic relatively unrelated

>> No.6795001

I also have olive skin and let me tell you, pastels are not flattering at all. Especially those shades with heavy cold undertones (think bright pastel baby pink and baby blue). Try slightly darker colors, ones with preferably more yellow or that are more muted. A pastel blue leaning a bit to turquoise or a reddish pink would work better than the shades previously mentioned, that comes from my experience.

>> No.6795005

I really want to dye my hair a lighter color but I'm afraid it'll look bad on my darker skin. Any general rules for hair dying regarding skin tone?

>> No.6796632

Any advice on mixing hair colors? I dyed mine yesterday and the color is really pretty but a little too coppery. I used a Clairol Professional 6RN dark red blonde. Would mixing in a little bit of a 5R or 4R red brown maybe make the copper color a bit more muted?

Also, is there anything I can do to make my hair less porous short of chopping it? It's already really short and my ends always pull a bit darker. I use a porosity filler, but would a lower volume developer or strengthening treatments maybe help too? I'm using a 20 vol. now and the color I go over is a level 8.5-7 blonde.

>> No.6796658

I want that fucking hat.

>> No.6796684

For porosity use a protein deep treatment, and a toner for the color. If you want it to be less copper, I think you should use some green/ashy toner (someone correct me if I'm wrong). If you want to bleach/dye it a lighter color you need at least 30 vol developer (on roots/virgin hair of course). 10 or 20 is fine for already colored hair.

>> No.6796726

I've got some of the Dumb Blonde reconstructor in it right now and I shampoo-ed to see if I can get it to go a bit duller. Just to clarify, is a toner one of the rinse out dyes or one of the demi-permanent ones? I've heard it both ways and it's confusing sometimes. And yeah, no bleach or lightening, my virgin hair is lighter than the dye so I'm just depositing color.

>> No.6796735

you and me - olive skin for pastels is the worst
(well my olive is pale and yellowy rather than the typical deeper tones one would imagine)
i tried very hard colour matching pastels in person, nothing suits. the closest to satisfaction is a pastel purple. i think we're just doomed.

>> No.6796755

Oh, I thought you wanted to blonder. For toner I'm talking about those demi-permanents dyes, you're right. What the other product you're talking (color oops or color b4 kind) is for is shrinking the existing dye molecules to rinse them from your hair, leaving it's natural color. But I guess you'll be fine with a demi.