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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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6789368 No.6789368[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Let's talk about that dirty little secret, that some of us have: an Eating Disorder. Lolita, Jfashion, Mori girl all promote a waifish fairy like aesthetic--which normal US girls lack. How many of you, have developed an eating disorder in an effort to fit into Jfashion and cosplay? Do you think eating disorders are a common problem in the Cosplay and Lolita community?

>> No.6789380

please delete or at least delete the picture op, I know that girl and I'm 100% sure she wouldn't want her face associated with the topic. Thank you.

>> No.6789383

Getting an ED just to fit in Burando is stupid, if you're really anorexic you can fit into most pieces twice. Lolita fashion isn't a fashion that you have to be thin for, since almost everything is quite big, I'd say bigger than a size M.

>> No.6789385

It's a random, unrelated picture. I'm not even OP and the girl is not skinny enough for anyone to think the pic is related.

>if you're really anorexic you can fit into most pieces twice

This mentality just makes people worse. Just sayan.

>> No.6789387

This. Hell, I'm a fat ass and fit into AP stuff with room to spare.

>> No.6789388

I don't have an ED, but I dropped some pounds to get me firmly in the underweight category and it's great. Everyone remarks on how beautiful and tiny I am.I feel like I finally look like a beautiful doll.

My mother hates it though. She is constantly scolding me to eat, and I can't blame her, to be honest. But I live on my own and my lifestyle is my choice. I'm sorry, I love you, mom.

>> No.6789389

I've seen a number of self-admitted EDs from people on /cgl/, or not quite self-admitted but moreso implied (e.g. 90 IS THE NEW 100 HURRDURR). I'm glad /fit/ Friday and other weight loss threads are gone. It just seemed to add pressure on already unstable individuals.

>> No.6789394

No one needs an ED to fit into brand. I wouldn't even say that there are more girls with EDs in cosplay and lolita in comparison to people with EDs as a whole.

>> No.6789395

No no non non nonononono
You realize this is the beginnings of ED right? Please be trolling,I need to sleep at night.

>> No.6789399

Had an ED, and it got worse once I got into lolita because my first piece was a non-print somewhat old style AP skirt that had a waist of 61cm. I freaked out for the whole month and 15 days it took for it to get here and dropped from 52kgs to 47, at 1.70m. When it finally arrived, I didn't realize there was a zipper and just opened the button, saw that it would never fit me and broke down crying.

I eventually found the zipper and also the elastic on the back that stretches quite a bit (though it always did and still does fit me perfectly without needing the elastic).

It eventually got worse until I was nearly emaciated then I started eating and getting fat up until now, when I'm trying to at least eat healthy and exercise. But this part didn't have much to do with J-fashion (though I still wore lolita) so it's not really worth getting into.

>> No.6789401

Anorexia isn't something that you just decide to have because you can't fit into your precious burando. Either you'll have an eating disorder or you wont, the same with any other mental illness. Anorexia isn't making the decision one day to just eat less so you'll fit into your clothes. Anorexia is a mental illness that snowballs from "huh I look fat today" to "I would literally rather die than eat enough to sustain a human being for any period of time." There is a massive difference in the levels of obsession, stress, self-hate, and just basic amounts of insanity about it.

Saying you developed anorexia/bulimia to fit into Jfash is like saying you developed Schizophrenia to be more quirky. It just doesn't happen. If you're anorexic you're anorexic because something is wrong with your brain, no amount of frills in the world can do that to a person.

>> No.6789405

Oh hey here too! Though I've really only dropped a lb in to the underweight category, I'd like to hit around 95lbs though--just to feel safe.
(5'3 103lbs)

>> No.6789406

You can have an eating disorder without being anorexic you know, one of the criteria of AN is being underweight.

>> No.6789410

Yes, but even most underweight girls who ARE diagnosed with anorexia get that. People have this image of skin and bones anorexia, but they don't realize that a person does not live long like that, not even anorexics.

>> No.6789413

Thats not at all what I'm saying. I'm saying that have you idiolized the way jfashion and lolita looks on skinny petite girls so much that you've starved yourself in order to look like them. For example, have you ever looked at a delicate petite girl tottaly rocking the same print as you and though "Oh wow, I bet if i lost some weight,I'd look that good as well." ?
Your friend is darling looking, but It's just a random picture that I chose for the breakfast print. Those pancakes look yummy.

>> No.6789415

I get that, but I think OP is more referring to the beginning of an eating disorder. Everyone has their trigger point.

>> No.6789418

Oh please, you can tell if someone is anorexic or not, they don't have to be full skeleton mode. I've dealt with people around me who have or have had anorexia and while not all are completely emaciated, you can see it in their skin, hair, eyes and teeth. And yes, also by their thinness, you have to be underweight and refusing to maintain a healthy weight in order to be classified as Anorexic. "Oh but I know people who have anorexia who are fat or that you really can't tell because they're normal size!", they might suffer from an eating disorder but not anorexia nervosa.

>> No.6789421

Woah wait, how can people tell if you're dealing with Anorexia? Despite the thinness?

>> No.6789420

I developed some ED tendencies - I managed to snap out of it before it got terribly bad and whilst it may sound idiotic, my stubborn hate and refusal for math never got me into the whole counting calories thing. Which was good, because I'm obsessive.

I ended up collapsing, literally collapsing, I didn't faint but I thought I was going to die on the floor right then. After that, I've been trying to get rid of the toxic mentality, but it's hard, especially since there body dysmorphia is still there, I don't think I look thin at all. But sometimes, I catch a glimpse of myself in the mirror where there I see a bony little girl, and maybe that's a sign that I'm getting better.
I'm 164 cm tall, and 46 kilos right now. I've been down at 42, and my goal at that time was 39.

The thing that happened to me was I got more obsessed with what numbers were on the scale than anything else. Now, I just want to look good - and bony really isn't a good look.

>> No.6789423

To be diagnosed with anorexia, a person must:

*Have an intense fear of gaining weight or becoming fat, even when she is underweight

*Refuse to keep weight at what is considered normal for her age and height (15% or more below the normal weight)

*Have a body image that is very distorted, be very focused on body weight or shape, and refuse to admit the seriousness of weight loss

*Have not had a period for three or more cycles (in women)

You MUST have at least these "symptoms" in order to be diagnosed with anorexia nervosa. In order to miss three menstrual cycles you have to be severely underweight, no one will say "geez you don't look anorexic" with actually meaning that at that point.

>> No.6789429

Their skin gets blotchy, hands are typically a lot darker and blotchy too, but not always. They age a LOT faster, they get a lot of wrinkles and sometimes on weird places on their face too. You can also tell by the way their mouth is chapped, but once again, not always.

>> No.6789431

>you can tell if someone is anorexic or not, they don't have to be full skeleton mode

Maybe you, maybe me, but really, I know what I'm talking about when I say normal people cannot. They DO think only skeleton mode "looks anorexic".
Hah, skin? Eyes? Blue nails, teeth? You think someone who is not a friend is going to look at these?

I'm not talking about someone who is fat/normal weight and starving, I'm talking of actual anorexic, underweight and diagnosed people.

>> No.6789439

>I'm glad /fit/ Friday and other weight loss threads are gone. It just seemed to add pressure on already unstable individuals.

Get the fuck out, Tumblr. I don't give a fuck if I "trigger" weak people. Die for all I care.

>> No.6789444

As an anorexic who is trying to recover:

My ED first became a recognizable pattern of behavior in my early teens, i had no idea about Jfashion and had no problem fitting clothes as i was already thin. For me i struggled with the concept of maturing. I found lolita many years later and, having found quite a few kindred spirits (lonely girls with worries and perfection issues not EDs), i feel very at home in both lolita and the local lolita community.

I am trying to recover now, but these things come in swings and roundabouts: im not sure ill ever fully be free of worry.

As for Jfashion: I haven't actually met another lolita irl who said anything about an eating disorder.

>> No.6789446

Actually, most people choose to ignore it, they do notice. Trust me.

>> No.6789450
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calm your tits

>> No.6789458

Then work out. Don't go taking diet pills and doing extreme caloric intake restrictions like other /cgl/ morons.

>> No.6789462

I feel like I'm on my way. I'm 5'6", 125 lbs, 34"-27"-38" and I really wish I could have a smaller ribcage and waist. I don't eat much anymore and I just ignore any hunger pangs. My hectic lifestyle has more to do with that, though.

I'm very average, but as much as I love lolita I feel like a giant hulking awkward monster when you put me next to more petite girls. I feel like I'm constantly too close to the max of most dresses and it just feels bad.

>> No.6789463

Well, if they live with you they will notice you've gotten thinner/blotchier/disappearing during meals and they'll do the math. But if it's a complete stranger, not really.

Anyway, this isn't going anywhere.

>> No.6789469

That's not anorexia, that's "man it'd be cool if I were a little thinner and I'm lazy let me just not eat for a couple weeks. See >>6789423.

Take me for example:
I'm 5'4, and a year ago I hit 130lbs. I looked in the mirror and thought "holy fucking shit I got fat!" I started a sensible diet. Then I got pregnant and by the time the kid was out I was 150lbs. I went a little loopy and in three months got down to 120lbs by strictly following the ABC diet, followed by the SGD then tapering off to 500ca/day. Does that make me anorexic?

No! If anything I would have EDNOS. Being anorexic isn't just starving yourself, it's got a lot behind it. I can still sit here and nibble Pringles, drink beer, eat out. People with real anorexia can't do that.

What I'm saying is that people need to stop using these terms so loosely. Anorexia is not bulimia, which is not EDNOS, which is not BED. They're all different EDs and people need to stop lumping them all together.

All you're doing is spreading ignorance. The kind of ignorance that has fatties harping on Tumblr about how they "decided" to become anorexic for "a little while" to lose some weight for their overbearing mothers. How their eating 1,000ca/day for a week is a true ED and should be treated as such. People who really have EDs are already overlooked, don't help dilute the meaning of their (very serious) illnesses even further in the eyes of the populace.

>> No.6789470

A month ago I wasn't doing so well and pretty much decided to stop eating because damn am I hideous. I only ate together with roommates to keep up appearances (about 3 dinners a week). However, I'm addicted to runner's high, so when it reached the point where I couldn't even run 6 km anymore I decided to stop being dumb. I'd rather fatfat away and be able to go running than to be the cute, tiny girl I'd also like to be. Not that that's ever going to happen because I'm 5'11" tall.

Ah well. Another few months and my legs will be so amazing that I'll be able to pull off a good Chun Li cosplay. Brb, doing my squats!

>> No.6789489

I think I am quite chubby, yet I can fit in small sizes without stretching. I know I have excess weight that I can lose easily, but I'm just too lazy these days to give a damn. I will never understand the mentality of losing weight to fit into brands since I never have that problem.

>> No.6789490

I don't have an ED, but I am quite prone of developing one. Some days I scold myself for being fat, and every bite of food I feel like puking it all out again. I can't though, even if I stick my fingers all the way back in my throat, I can't puke. I have a lousy gag reflex. And i'm not just saying this, because it keeps me from puking out food. When i'm sick and nauscious, puking is quite the relieve for me. But I just can't force it, like most people can.

>> No.6789602

My family and my extended family all think I'm anoxeric because of thin I have gotten.
The thing is I have a tendency to binge randomly and that doesn't help my case.
I started loli when I was 5stone heavier than I am now. I'm worried that my comm might be worried about me and not seeing that there is someone else in the comm that needs the help.
I'm 5'7" 88/63/90 weighing 62kg, I'm 6kg away from being under weight and I don't even plan to lose more than 3kg max. This is for my health sake, not for clothes because trust me, I want to put some weight on because I'm starting to get too small my clothes.

>> No.6789611

I worse mori girl, and didn't have an eating disorder... But then i joined tumbler. Thigh gaps, collar bones and ribs everywhere.

I'm trying hard to eat more than 500 calories a day because my period stopped.
It's back now, hopefully I'm getting better.

>> No.6789689

I've never had any ED or had any problem with eating. My body compensated my short lenght with a good metabolism. I'm not very active and loves sweets but I'm still the same weight and have the same measurents as I had three years ago. I'm not skinny though, nor am I chubby. I'm very average at 110lbs at 5'2". If I wanted I could probably become skinnier, but I fit well in the clothes I like so I just don't bother

>> No.6789694

I have an extremely similar body type and I wear classic (don't know if that's what you wear) but you can't lose weight to change your height or rib cage size very much. Lolita dresses are made for the Japanese market, there's nothing you can do about it. So just find the stuff that fits well and get rid of the rest or get it altered - no need for self criticism.

>> No.6789726

I'd say, out of anything, I relate to this. I really have to try and force myself to not eat, or to make myself puke, when in reality, I'd be more then happy to sit down and eat a cookie. I carry around an image of myself photoshopped to look obese, chant about how food is evil, and write reminders about how fat I am everywhere to try to induce "anorexia", but what I really want to do is eat normally. There's no mental disorder stopping me from eating, throwing me into panic attacks if I gain weight.

>> No.6789736

I think I do have a sort of eating disorder in that I absolutely cannot eat in public (is that more anxiety? I've never talked to anyone about this) and it's definitely being reinforced by my lolita comm. I'm quite thin, not super skinny but below average. It's just how I'm built. Most of the girls in my comm are average or slightly chubby and they keep telling me how jealous they are that I'm "tiny Japanese girl sized". Some of them sort of decided I was anorexic upon meeting me and now make a big deal out of every bite they see me taking, so now I'm too anxious to eat when there are other people around. I'm afraid that if I call them out on it they'll say I'm overreacting and start drama in the comm.

>> No.6789740

No I'm like that too. I can only eat out in public with my family and select friends. You get me in seating with a whole bunch of strangers I won't eat, won't really drink either. I love to cook for potlucks, but won't touch a single piece of food.

But you're not alone, I know how you feel. Though I'm on the other side of the spectrum of weight though.

>> No.6789745

I used to suffer from an ED in the middle of my teen years. It had started when my first boyfriend broke up with me and I snapped, thinking no one would love me if I was still a fatass. It was incredibly stupid, but after vomiting for half a year, I started losing the weight and getting a figure. I received attention from a lot of guys and all my friends were model type girls which made it worse and I kept up with it for over a year until my boyfriend at the time noticed what I was doing.

I snapped out of it once I found out I had potentially serious heart conditions, and now I'm trying to get healthier. I gained back a lot of weight I'm not really happy with but I'm trying to ignore that and try to lose weight in a healthy way.

>> No.6789784
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I have to disagree. I'm one of those few, rare, retarded people that "decided" to develop anorexia one day when I was 15. Obviously I had my reasons, albeit silly ones, but the longer I continued on the journey the more the illness developed into something very real.

I'm recovered now, but for a long time I was very sick. I still am in a sense. Those thoughts and the grip of the compulsions is something that never leaves you. Funny considering it was something I forced upon my self in the first place, that it could develop into a full blown eating disorder with proper BD, Agoraphobia and a panic disorder.

Now I look at pictures of muscular girls in order to ward of the temptation to begin fasting again.

>> No.6789785

Three years ago I was well on my way into developing an eating disorder, then I got dysautonomia. People who have both dysautonomia and an eating disorder are three times more likely to die from that said eating disorder. I still have some major self hate and body image issues but the idea that I'd rather be skinny than alive is gone. But I do have to say since getting into the j-fashion and cosplay scene, my intrusive negative thoughts about my body have gotten worse.

>> No.6789799

>Now I look at pictures of muscular girls in order to ward of the temptation to begin fasting again.

It would backfire to me. I think muscular women look so bad...

>> No.6789811

I don't actually have a bad self-image, I don't really think I am that ugly and fat, but apparently my mom does. I doesn't help that I'm asian and my mother and brother both are small and thin, while I have a big bone structure. I guess I'm pretty fat by asian standards, even though I wear a M in Europe.

Anyways, ever since i turned 13 my mother would harp about my weight. It would be things like telling me that pretty clothes won't matter if you don't have the body for it, giving my brother cake and food while giving me the look, look at my body disapprovingly or straight out telling me I was too fat.

At that point I had an average weight, but at 16 I became slightly overweight because of depression and stress after my parents divorce. I started throwing up my meals and didn't eat anything every other day and soon I lost 10kg. I have mostly stopped doing it now, and my mom has gotten better. She will still every day say things like "have you gone to the gym today" while looking at my body, but I don't really care about it anymore. Half a year ago I broke down and told her about the ED I had, and the only thing she said was "at least you're not fat anymore".

>> No.6789821

I do have an ED, but not the one you'd think.
Having a binge eating disorder is really difficult because you gain a lot of weight, this ED is connected to an anxiety disorder, the more anxious I get, the worse my binging is.
You can go on meds and a diet, lose some, stop meds cause they fuck you up big time, gain a lot of weight again.
I recently gained 20 kilo's, on top of the 10 I already needed to lose as I'm 5'1" and want to weigh 50 kilo's (I weighed 60 kg).
This makes me too big to fit the pieces I want, unless they have a lot of shirring.
I hate the way I look, so I've started a low carb diet yesterday of less than 50 carbs a day.
Maybe this will help me fix my sugar and high carb cravings, control my binging.
Bought some food replacement stuff so I can cheat on the carb thing, and have something other than veg, meat, dairy, etc. without feeling guilty (like low carb pancakes, low carb mashed potato, stevia chocolate).

>> No.6789820


I think I remember you telling the end of your story on /cgl/ once.
I'm glad that you at the very least recognize that part of the pressure from your mother is coming from the fact that she is Asian, but even so, nobody should be made to feel that way just because of a specific heritage and it's pretty disgusting.

The older generation are almost always too stubborn to change their ways, so I think your best bet would be to just accept that she has this warped mindset and that it will probably never change. She loves you, but because of her cultural background she will probably always have this obsession with her kins appearance.
Luckily for you, it's not her body, you're the only in control of it. There's a phrase that I think goes, "nobody can ever make you feel small without your consent", and it's true. It doesn't matter what she thinks about your body, it's all about how you feel comfortable in it. If you feel happier with a little bit of weight, that's fine, so do most of people, food is fucking tasty. It doesn't necessarily mean having to be a landwhale which is what people now connect to the word "weight". If you feel comfortable being a bit slimmer, that is also fine. The main thing is your health, and not just physical either, mental.

You need find a balance in which you make yourself happy, truly happy, without your mothers influence pressing down on you. It's not her body and it's not her life.

>> No.6789840

I've had an ED since I was 15 (about 3/4 years now), which is before I started wearing Lolita. I've never been underweight, I still think I'm very chubby, actually, I'm 5'1" and about 111lbs.

But yeah, I've never been underweight, and that's the reason I didn't get help when I asked for it in the start. I never lost a great amount of weight, but I'd starve myself and end up fainting or wouldn't be able to concentrate. I knew what I was doing, and I was scared, and that's why I wanted help. Asked for help from a school counsellor, nobody believed me. Here I am a few years later, and I think I'm getting worse, but I don't really care anymore. I've actually lost weight recently, maybe a few pounds in the last 2/3 weeks. I still spend hours debating over whether or not to eat. I cry if I put on weight/haven't lost any. It's pathetic. I know it is, and I know it's unhealthy, but I still want to be 98lbs. That's not even unhealthy for my height, and I have fat to lose. I'll be fine.

>> No.6789842

I should probably add that I did lose a lot of weight in the beginning, went from 136lbs to abut 115 in a stupid space of time, but yeah.

>> No.6789873


Do eat, just eat low carb, under 50 carbs you'll go into ketosis and burn fat, not muscle and you'll never have to go hungry.
Your weight isn't very high but as you said, you need to lose fat, this will help.

>> No.6789882

Thank you, I'll try that. I actually do try to lose healthily, to sort of make myself see that I can lose weight without starving, but it often just goes out of control and I have about of week of 300 cals a day before I crash and burn and panic and cry.
Thanks again.

>> No.6789884

Keto people have a basic lack of understanding of human metabolism. Eating low carb will not magically make you lose only fat.

>> No.6789890
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If this is eating disorder general, then I could talk about my compulsive eating disorder. I've had it since I was 11 (when I was little it was chalk and 'raw' ingredients). It doesn't make me thin though. It's actually made me obese and I've had to consult a professional nutritionist and am in the process of getting a lap band since my weight gain got especially bad this year. Basically every year I go through a +/- 40 pounds: I'll lose the weight over the spring/summer months and then gain it all back during the fall/winter months when I'm less active.

I can only describe my compulsive eating habits like a nic attack. If I don't satisfy it then I get massive migraines and feel fatigued because I'm not giving my brain the reward of eating. It makes me feel depressed and paranoid, and sometimes I'll get agitated. At night if it happens I literally have to sit there and talk myself down from going out and getting something to eat, and if I can't fight it then I usually have a glass of water and an ounce of lean protein.

The nutritionist is helping me though. We've basically split my day into four meals consisting of 15-20 grams of protein, fiber, and less than 5 grams of saturated fat per meal. And of course I only drink water or something like unsweetened almond milk.
I also have to take multivitamins twice a day.

It's made my craving attacks go down, but every now and then I still get urges that I have to talk my way out of. If someone is eating something that triggers my cravings then I have to leave the room.
When I was living with my parents they'd often bring home sweets and junk (they're pretty fat too) when I would avoid these things when I bought from the grocery store. TL;DR We had to set up a lot of boundaries.

>> No.6789893

I was diagnosed with EDNOS about half a year ago, but have suffered from it for about a year. I've always felt "too fat" but I only started restricting after reading pro-ana blogs on tumblr. While I quickly realized that pro-ana is... really not the way to go, the restrictive eating habits still continued. At the moment, I usually go through a week of strict restricting, and then a week of "normal" eating.
Lolita is a slight trigger for me, but not as much as normal western fashion. I have a lot of chubby lolita friends and I think that they look great.

>> No.6789909

I don't get all these girls bragging about their ED like it's so cool or whatever. The entire time I had mine (in recovery for years now), NO ONE knew about that shit. I would never even admit I had that problem, how could I even have problems, I was a perfectionist over-achiever (aka control freak)! No way was I starving myself and working out obsessively until I was 85 pounds all the time. I just had a fast metabolism! Of course I actually ate food! Seriously, would never admit that shit to anyone and would get offended if anyone suggested I had an ED to me.

My ED started in high school, and had nothing to do with cosplay. It had everything to do with being an OCD control freak who perceived being fat as the worst thing ever to fear. Also, plenty of self-loathing going on. I couldn't even admit I had the ED until after I was in recovery. Before then, I just had quirks about eating. I was just strict with myself. I just didn't like a lot of foods. Etc. Etc. Etc.

If you actually have an ED, it is not a cool and quick way to lose weight. It's a serious problem that can really fuck your shit up. Now that I'm older and married, I want to have kids, but the ED really negatively impacted my fertility. No kids for me now, unless I spend thousands for fertility treatments or IVF. Plus, I look older than I am (despite never drinking or smoking), because it just wrecks your skin and hair. (Fortunately, I wasn't bulimic, because that wrecks your teeth too...) And, it never really completely goes away. In times of stress, I start to fall back into the ED habits, and have to work hard to avoid those traps.

>> No.6789922

Yes, 95 lbs is my goal weight, too! I'm 5'4" and about 105, which fluctuates but never seems to stay down. May is going to be my month of working my ass off and finally being the size I want to be!

>> No.6789946

I think it's easier for people to... how to put this... keep themselves in the dregs when they post about it? Especially in places where other people with eating disorders, or even just disordered eating, can validate them: "I do this to, I didn't eat today, I threw up today, being this thin is good" and so on. Whether that means they're doing it "old school" by posting on forums or journal-based communities or latching on to Tumblr, Instagram, Twitter, etc, and posting or reblogging thinspo (even if they won't admit that's what they're doing) and posting about what they ate, didn't eat, threw up, binged, etc... part of it, I think, is the validation that what they're doing is in some way normal. And a big part of, IMO, is--and again I'm not even sure how to put this--to keep themselves "in line." Keep themselves triggered, I guess, would be an apt way of putting it.

>> No.6789951

Eating disorder? Lolita didn't give me an eating disorder. It showed me exactly how much I was over eating, why I was fat and how unhealthy my diet was. I thought I was 'the right size' when eating 3000 - 4000 calories a day.

Then I went to Tokyo, found Shibuya 109 and Marui 0101 and wanted to fit into the clothes so bad I started to eat properly and exercise. Lolita helped me to stop being a fatty fatty 2 by 4. Thanks, Lolita!

>> No.6789963

I've been skipping meals lately because of depression and I've lost 2 kilos in a week. I've always been a bit heavier than I'd like, so I'm gonna keep skipping meals until I weigh 55 kilos (I'm 58 now). I'd be happy with that number, I think. I never realized how much easier fasting is than trying to lose weight the healthy, non-starving way. I just replace food with coffee and tea and I don't even feel hungry.

>> No.6789964

This. Lolita has made me get into shape and stop accepting being fat. I'm happier now for sure and I enjoy my body and looks much more.

>> No.6789973

Yeah, but it's going to take a toll on your health eventually. Please be careful. It's no good being the ~perfect weight~ if you feel like shit and have health problems from undereating.

>> No.6789976

You would be better off by eating healthier

since you're just going to gain it back skipping meals.

Healthy is slower, but it lasts.

>> No.6790051

Keto is not healthy and should definitely not be anyone's first weight loss go-to. Cardiovascular exercise a few times a week and eating sensibly is (fresh fruit and veges, lean protein, minimal fats from sources like nuts and salmon as opposed to KFC and donuts), plus it builds healthy habits. Ketosis is shitty for your brain and your blood because both rely/prefer glucose as fuel for normal function; guess what happens when you have no glucose? You break down the muscle in your body because proteins have the right chains to make glucose from. Yes, you break down fat as well, but you also lose muscle mass which is what keeps people's BMR up and makes you look "toned" instead of "chubby".

Keep going with the healthy eating/exercise, and congratulations on starting to break out of the unhealthy cycle.

I would say just...stop that. It's gratifying to see the numbers come down but you won't keep things that way until you learn to make long term changes. This is the reason that restrictive dieting doesn't work for long term healthy weight loss - because your weight is a product of your genetics and environment, you can't do shit about the first one and altering the second one for a short while in an unhealthy way just makes you more unhealthy for a short while, then when you go back to whatever habits you had before you remain as before - but if you change in a healthy way over a longer period of time then the changes stick. I guess it's like, if your usual daily food is sugary cereal/biscuit and scone/pie for lunch/pizza/chips/soda for dinner, suddenly changing everything to fresh fruit and veges/steamed fish/water will probably not work as a long term change because you'll want what you're used to, whereas introducing changes slowly over weeks-months is more likely to work because you'll know what you do and don't like, and you get more accustomed to the taste and habits of eating healthy.

>> No.6790155

I did the same thing Anon. It became a crutch because it was the only thing that seemed to go right. It was bad. But it made me happy for a time.

Good luck getting to 55k. When you're feeling more able to deal with everything, try and stay at that weight the healthy way. Until then, it's a coping mechanism, and there are worse ones to have.

>> No.6790180

we have the same measurements. I know exactly how you feel... ugh..