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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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6785131 No.6785131 [Reply] [Original]

Is anyone going to Aka-con?

Also Irishfag thread, go!

>> No.6785168


I only ever heard of the thing in UCC and Eirtakon. What is this?

>> No.6785171

I feel like too many cons have popped up with not enough quality in the last few years.

>> No.6785174

Do irishmen drink scrumpy and order a pint of makin' me' eye's go blin' or do they hate west country hicks?
I don't know how to intercultural the UK.

>> No.6785179

I'm not being rude, but I literally can't understand your post.

>> No.6785181

I'd like to know more about how different cultural groups in the UK interact with each other. My train of thought was that because irish people and west country people are both drunks, do they share their appreciation and drink the others region based alcohol. The example being the cider called scrumpy with the running joke of it being also called "a pint of making my eyes go blind."

>> No.6785183

...Ireland isn't a part of the UK. NI is, but not the republic.

>> No.6785186


The british isles.
The fucking area of english speaking accented faggots that are near eachother.

>> No.6785195

Well, given that I've never heard of 'scrumpy' or 'a pint of makin me eyes go blin'' and don't even know what a west country hick is


>> No.6785190


You mean parts of China and India?

>> No.6785191



>> No.6785200


I'm not going to Aka-con, but I'm thinking of going to Arcade-con during the summer. What're people's experiences of Arcade-con?

>> No.6785198


Calm down, you sound like a scobie.

>> No.6785203

What happened with the big one in Dublin last year? DICE, or something. Had Matt Fraction.

>> No.6785207

>Ireland is it is own country
Is that why you can't speak the English language properly?

>> No.6785208

First I've heard of it.

>> No.6785216

Bí socar, a stór.

>> No.6785213


Fuck are you talking about, feen? Going down with a few beors, get a few scoops.

>> No.6785230

Ireland's pretty small and there are a lot of cons, so wouldn't the same people be at most of the cons?

>> No.6785237


Given the prices for travelling, probably not. I was thinking of heading to something in Dublin last year. The train ticket alone was more than my rent, not counting in getting a place or tickets to the con.

>> No.6785251

Ah feck that! Although trains are expensive as fuck, the journey from home to college is something like €40 on the train, and €19 return on a bus. Where are you travelling from, roughly?

>> No.6785257


Cork to Dublin. At the time, it was about 80 euro. Fuck that.

Have since moved to Canada. Public transport is much more reasonable.

>> No.6785273

Ah jaysus, why you gotta be slagging us about the language, sure we were only speaking it a few hundreds years, and the Brits were shite teachers anyway.

>> No.6785282

Are there any e-famous cosplayers/lolitas in Ireland?

>> No.6785285


Christ, I hope not.

>> No.6785288

don't be shite

>> No.6785291


You looking to start shit, boy? I've been staring down knackers since before I could walk, boss. Fuckers letting their ponies loose, bastards.

>> No.6785292

You're a brave one, I'll let ya alone, fair play.

>> No.6785294

I have a question for the ladies of /cgl/. Irish, moved to Toronto, looking to meet a fit cosplay girl for "tea and biscuits." Advice?

>> No.6785296

Ask in a thread about Canada?

Not being short with you, but you might be able to get in touch with people that way.

>> No.6785299


Where's the Canada thread? I'd make one, but it'd be obvious it was me and I'd be doing it just to shag some wan.

>> No.6785300

I was going to say you could start your own, but yeah, you have a point there. I'm sure one will surface in a few days, there's usually one knocking around.

>> No.6785302

I was wondering this too, about Lolitas anyway. I know there's famous (or just well-known) lolitas in the UK, so surely there's some in Ireland?

>> No.6785303

>one will surface in a few days
But I'm lonely now...

>> No.6785307

Well there's over 62million people in the UK, and about 4.5million in Ireland, so it's less likely for there to be as many of anything/anyone. That's why we get better tv shows here in the UK, and better stuff in general.

Are there any lolitas at all in Ireland though? I remember seeing some horrid photos from some con last year, but surely there are some who wear the fashion and don't fuck it up?

>> No.6785313

>That's why we get better tv shows here in the UK

Another factor is retarded amounts of nepotism in RTÉ.

Add in their plummeting profits, and RTÉ thinks it's safer giving us stuff they know will sell. Hence Mrs. Browns Boys.

>> No.6785315

You realise that it was the BBC that originally took on Mrs. Browns Boys, right?

>> No.6785318

Not surprising, the RTE were probably too busy shoving their heads further up their arses to take advantage of it.

>> No.6785321


Oh, right. DLB, then.

>> No.6785380

Ireland is in the British Isles, you raging faggot. Doesn't make us British but you can't deny geographical facts.

>> No.6785385

There are decent lolitas, they just don't go to cons or post much online.

>> No.6785414


I once saw a game of thrones meetup from one of the dublin comms. I really loved the coords from the meetup - they looked quite royal and in the spirit of the series. I think they took it down since though, pity, but I can understand why.

>> No.6785422

I don't think it got taken down, just buried under a load of other EGL posts.

>> No.6785424

started another thread without looking, silly me.

I've never been to a con here, but I'm considering going to arcadecon this summer.
Will it be filled with autistic children or is it actually enjoyable? What's the scene like here.

>> No.6785430

Well this thread took an unsavory turn.

Any seagulls from Limerick?

>> No.6785435


That's funny because a while ago when I googled 'Dublin lolita' it would come up as one of the first results, but since then I could never find it again. Possibly the page hits went considerably down.

>> No.6785440

Yeah, I reckon that's probably what happened. I mean, you could probably still find it if you went for a proper trawl, but I can't see why anyone would want to.

>> No.6785449


I've been looking for a comm actually that I could join once I get a proper wardrobe and better coords, haha. That's sort of why the googling took place.

At this point and time, I've neither the wardrobe or confidence though meh. I just like to research a lot in general and store it for one day when I have time for it.

I also heard there's lots of drama, so there's that too.

>> No.6785460

There's really no drama at all. There was a little bit of a thing between the two different groups last year but it wasn't as major as people made it out to be and there's absolutely no drama to speak of now. But there's nothing at all wrong with holding off on joining a comm until you feel like you're ready, anyway.

>> No.6785471

Ah there's no drama, something flared up last year but that was literally it and there's been nothing since that I'm aware of. We're a quiet bunch.

>> No.6785553


Ah, that's good to hear! Thanks for telling me otherwise - hopefully I'll meet you guys someday. It'd be nice to see some people who don't think I'm insane for liking poofy dresses.

>> No.6785762

Have you bought any dresses or magazines yet, anon?

>> No.6786165


>> No.6787688


>> No.6787834

I'm considering going to arcade con, but none of my friends like anime, and the ones who would go anyway won't be here.
Would it be weird to go alone?
Is there somewhere online I can find lonely people who are going?

>> No.6787870

I don't think it'd be at all weird to go alone, people go to cons alone all the time. But you could probably check on the arcade-con forums to see if anyone would want to be your con buddy if you don't feel like going on your own.

>> No.6787945

I'm going to bump this, I will be back later.

>> No.6788028

ArcadeCon? Autistic children, completely. Heck, autistic committee and staff as well.

>> No.6790032


>> No.6790044

>Heck, autistic committee and staff as well

I think you can say that about Eirtakon too

>> No.6790063

So everyone from the British isles is retarded?

>> No.6790067


You're retarded.

>> No.6790160

How do you even make that leap I don't understand

>> No.6790189

what on earth are you even talking about, what does that have to do with eirtakon

>> No.6790253

shut up with your bitching, I want to know if this con is good or not.
What are the events like? They sound interesting but the website doesn't say much about them.

>> No.6790402


>> No.6790511


>> No.6790521


Ah, its nathin much, nathin much. Just down the briggin, the brack, the fermor and the noggin. Got the mot in the back, doing a bita snoggin.

>> No.6792808


>> No.6792817

>tfw if I post in this thread Jaguar will remember it months later

>> No.6792823

So is this con taking place in Dublin too?

>> No.6792836

>So is this con taking place in Dublin too?
aka con and arcadecon are both only in dublin. At the moment I'll probably only be going to arcadecon. It's easier to get to because I don't have a car.

>> No.6792920

So Eirtakon is getting a new venue (Croke Park) and Nom Con is moving back to the original hotel, after they took their business elsewhere last year because of the Ballsbridge hotel staff's attitude to the con goers.


>> No.6792940

>>6792920 Woah, what happened with the staff at the Ball bridge? I was in the AA and knew volunteers and heard nothing of the like?

>> No.6792948

>>6792920 Also, Eitakon's move is inconvenient, personally, lived a 15minute walk away from the Helix, but what can you do. Why the move, though?

>> No.6792967


I heard from a few people that there was some shit between hotel staff and con goers on the Sunday. People getting kicked out of rooms (probably for ignoring the person per room limit), people blocked from going to their rooms to get their stuff and being interrogated about what they were doing and which room they were going to. Apparently this was directed at just the con goers. I don't know how much of it is true, but I guess it and the hotel staff's general unhelpful attitude throughout the entire weekend (the pub quiz springs to mind) was enough for Nom Con to go to a different hotel.

>> No.6793057

I've had the feeling that the Helix staff weren't too thrilled with all the younger kids hanging around for the whole weekend.

Also, people from the college it's in say the college wanted to have graduations on the weekend instead of during the week, which meant they were clashing with Eirta, and the college has an enforced priority.

>> No.6793125


Yeah northern and southern england have totally different accents, as do Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales.

>> No.6793408

Aka-con is a spite con of Arcade-con, Arcade-con is a spite con of Nom-con, Nom-con is a spite con of Eirtakon. Hence so many cons in Dublin.

>> No.6793412

The name alone is enough to put me off going to Nom-con

>> No.6793431

God, I ate Dublin so much.

Not as much as I hate Kerry, though.

>> No.6794074

Dumb American detected.

>> No.6794305

Why is it that the weeaboos of Dublin find it so hard to get along? Not that we should a only have a single con, but it's like >>6785171 said, none of the Irish cons I've been to have been AMAZING. Are the issues so big that it's worth having the quality of all the cons fall?

>> No.6794375

I don't think it's so much that the weebish masses don't get along, but the Head Weeaboos seem to have a lot of problems with each other and it really fucks things up, we have a bunch of little cons and we don't have even nearly enough people to support them. I think 3-5 cons, not ALL Dublin-based (I know there's Akumakon in Galway but apart from that, almost every single con is in Dublin and it really is just because of silly in-fighting) would be a perfect number for us. I dunno. Fair enough if you want to start a con because you have some good ideas and think you could put in the time and effort to make a great con, but most of these things start with "Fuck so-and-so, I'm gonna make a NEW con and it's gonna be WAY BETTER than this one!" and no real effort goes into the planning of the con. Ye jackeens are a quarrelsome lot.

>> No.6794413


And this is where the root of the problem lies. Too much infighting and bullshit amongst the staff of all of the cons has caused this massive split. Eirtakon and Nom have tried working together i.e. Anime Dublin, but it all seems kind of forced.

>> No.6794419

Don't most Americunts claim to be Irish?

>> No.6794437

I am wondering are there any GOOD Irish cosplayers? And by GOOD I mean GOOD. Cause all I've seen up untill now is just a waste of time.

>> No.6794440

I really don't think so. There are some decent ones, like one of the girls who represented us in that European cosplay thing, Anathiell or something? Anyway, I like her stuff a lot, but she's nowhere near outstanding, and even then, she's the best we've got. People worship the dick of that one Iron Man but the paint job on that suit is just embarrassing and cannot be overlooked.

>> No.6794445


I've seen a few high effort cosplays, such as Ultimecia (Eirtakon), Scanty and Kneesocks (Nom), Bad Girl (Nom) and Lady Loki (Arcade Con) and I have to give them credit for trying but it seems like that's the best we've got and they are not perfect by any means.

>> No.6794446

What is it when it comes to Ireland and... Complete mediocrity? I've noticed it in every aspect of Irish life, and now cosplay too.

>> No.6794448

I don't know, it really annoys me. I get if you're a beginner cosplayers, just learning the ropes and not that great at putting things together yet, but there's a difference between that and not trying at all. I don't care what anyone says, when the character you're cosplaying as has pink hair, you cannot vaguely approximate her hairstyle with your mousy brown hair and call it a day. It does not work like that. Presumably if you're cosplaying, you're doing it voluntarily, hopefully you like it. So why wouldn't you try to do it as well as you can?

>> No.6794449

Seems bad news for Ireland then.
But why there are no decent cosplayers in Irl? Is there a problem with cosplay supplies? Or is it people? What is so different in Irish cosplay scene?

>> No.6794453

What is so different is that Irish culture as a whole kind of seems to encourage mediocrity, like when people fuck up there's an attitude of just saying "lol, typical Ireland amirite" instead of trying to fix it, and it spills over into cosplaying. And if you complain about shitty cosplay outside of /cgl/ you get a bunch of people whinging about how they're "just trying to have fuuuuuuuun".

>> No.6794455


Irish people tend to rather apathetic in general.


A lot of the cosplayers at our conventions are usually just doing it for fun, hence the low effort.

>> No.6794459

Most everyone who cosplays is doing it for fun, why would you do it otherwise? That doesn't mean you can't do it well. It's the excuse I always hear and it's such a flimsy one.

>> No.6794460

heard it quite a few times myself. It seems like a perfect excuse to all cosplay "mishaps" that people make over there.

>> No.6794468


When I say "for fun", I mean that they just want an excuse to put on the costume and dick around with their friends. Yeah I would like to see people put even a little bit of effort in, but normally they don't bother me. What I don't like is when they enter the walk on cosplay competitions, act like they are hot shit but just look painfully awkward. Normally they clog up the entire event and it takes about half an hour longer than it should. At Eirtakon one year they let these two dickheads with just paper masks on stage who were "cosplaying" as "troll face" and "rage face".

I wish I was joking,

>> No.6794494

Curious decided to have a look at the Eirtakon Masquerade 20102 on YT and there seem to be couple of not too bad cosplayers there. This might of course be a wrong impression cause of the quality of the actuall vid and the distance.
That girl who lost her slipper... omg! Seriously?
Most of those cosplayers don't even know how to act on stage and they totally look weird running from one side of the stage to the other.

>> No.6794514


Standard fare at our cons. They have no idea how to pose or how long to pose for. There are a few exceptions but our cosplay competitions just end up being awkward messes for the most part.

>> No.6794637
File: 194 KB, 287x361, 1364132429416.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw 80% of Irish cosplays are without basic make-up or using a wig.

I get frustrated in particular because some of the fixes are SO EASY... I'm cosplaying for the very first time at Nom-Con this year, and I am obsessed with having everything look as best as I can.
Having fun is totally awesome, but I personally couldn't have fun if I didn't think I'd put 110% into the cosplay and kept thinking about how shit I looked. Part of it is probably because a lot of con goers are naturally, um, less self-aware than the average person.

>> No.6794646


>What is so different is that Irish culture as a whole kind of seems to encourage mediocrity, like when people fuck up there's an attitude of just saying "lol, typical Ireland amirite" instead of trying to fix it

That's why I fucking left that dump.

>> No.6794660


I liked the LoL girl who won. But now I'm genuinely curious - so did Ironman make all his own stuff or what?

Anyways, I was really fucking awkward and I ran the fuck off stage. I can't with doing public things. I'll probably just skip next time.

>> No.6794919

That's probably why the lolitas I've seen there can't dress themselves

>> No.6795149

So our cons are shit and our cosplayers are mostly shit.

Is it any better in the UK?

>> No.6795172

Yes. Don't get me wrong, I've been to some truly shit cons in the UK too, but on the whole I've found them to be much better put together with far better cosplayers and with much nicer atmospheres. The Irish cons I've been to (Eirta, Arcade) have just been lackluster. Like someone else said, they seem content to be barely mediocore.

>> No.6795188


>> No.6795243


The best part is that none of the conventions would even take any advice/criticism in this thread on board. They deem all /cgl/ threads as "lol trolls xD". Although judging from the lack of improvement over the years, they don't take advice from anyone really.

>> No.6795275

We really aren't all bad. ;_;

>> No.6795282

Relax, they've probably only seen the ones who get posted here.
And since we don't all post ourselves all over the internet, we don't have to justify our hobbies to strangers

>> No.6795389

i'm irish.
how do i get a qt cosplay gf who will watch anime with me.

>> No.6795419

Hate to say it, but emigrate to a country with a bigger fanbase?

>> No.6796394


>> No.6796412

So who's gonna represent Ireland in London this year? That LoL girl?
Anyone got photos?

>> No.6796435


There are very, very few qt cosplay girls. I think they're mostly taken too.

>> No.6796469

sadly this is true. The majority of the irish anime community aren't the best.

>> No.6796920


>> No.6796955

Are there any online communities where I can meet other people from ireland who like anime, so I can go to cons with them?

>> No.6796970

Search "Cosplay, Anime & Con Goers Ireland" on Facebook.

>> No.6797193

I don't have facebook anymore.
Oh well.

>> No.6797511

So did anybody go to Akacon? Any good?

>> No.6798587

I did, worst fucking waste of 20 euro I've ever had the misfortune to go to . I'd rather have wiped my arse with the money
No events, no attendees, nothing to buy in the buying place, did they even have any guests who fucking knows.

>> No.6798592


Ouch. That is an unfortunate waste of your 20 euros, my deepest condolences.

Thank god I didn't go.

>> No.6798596

I'm glad you didn't ! Will not be seek it next year I think . Total fail of an event

>> No.6798631
File: 33 KB, 602x243, qcon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Q-Con Bitches. Who is going and what you going as?

>> No.6798643

Not just €20. Throw food, accommodation and travel on that and it just makes me cry

>> No.6798706


Wasn't the con supposed to be an "animation" convention, as opposed to an anime convention? Hence Kihyun Ryu has a guest (supervising producer of Legend of Korra). I love how the con is supposed to be about "animation" but they have a shitty traced anime girl on their website banner.

>> No.6798841

Oh god there's another one?

>> No.6798900

Q-Con's been around for ages, you fucking spanner, it's up north. I'm not going, but I hear it's usually decent.

>> No.6799036

Jesus calm the fuck down, I don't know about cons in the north.

>> No.6799413

There are quite a few quaility cosplayers in ireland, however most of the good ones just do it for fun to hang out with friends and have very little internet fame. seems that the bad ones are the most vocal and give us a bad name. In terms of conventions, my favourite is Arcade-con, the worst in Nom-Con. I refuse to give them my money again after how terrible last year was.

>> No.6799430

Seems nobody is after e-fame in Ireland at all. Probably a good thing when you consider how, as you say, the most vocal people are the stupid ones.

Kinda sad though, because this is at least the fifth or sixth time I've heard people ask "Are there any _______ in Ireland?" and I don't even come here that often.

>> No.6799436

I'm happy to hear arcade con is your favourite. I'm going to arcade con this summer and it's going to be my first con.
Just have to trick one of my friends into believing it's not an anime convention...

>> No.6799516

Arcade Con have Gareth David-Lloyd from Torchwood. I'm going there to see him.

>> No.6799519


Terrible is putting it lightly. One way system, pre-reg folks being kept outside in the pouring rain with no cover for several hours, air conditioning broke in trader's hall and the corridors were way too fucking crowded. Even the guests who were trying to do a panel on the Saturday afternoon complained about the noise outside the panel room.

Here's hoping Nom Con can try and pull it together now that they are back at the Ballsbridge. A lot of Nom Con's problems could be sorted with a bit of simple communication. They obviously know how many people have pre-regged and bought tickets, so there is absolutely no excuse for the shitty queue system every year. Hotel wants to implement a one way system? Surely you are told this before the convention, so post it on the forums or FB page. Don't wait until the day of the convention to tell people. It's 2013, guys, wake up and start USING SOCIAL MEDIA. Have someone manning the forums, FB and Twitter pages to answer questions or quell any drama. Eirtakon was really good for this last year. They put up up photos, videos and panel reminders throughout the day. Put things like "nearest cash machine" or "nearby restaurants" in the con booklet, so people don't have to approach the staff who are so stressed out every year and end up snapping and shouting at con goers.

It is really simple things like this that could improve the overall quality of the con. I really want to see Nom Con become a great con, but it's all these little things that let them down year after year.

also they still haven't made any official statement on the missing photoshoot photo fiasco

>> No.6799554

Shit, I didn't know it was such a mess.
From what I've heard arcade con is the only halfway decent con.

>> No.6799568

This's been bothering me since the start

>> No.6799584


The sad thing is that it would be really simple for them to not be a mess. But it seems like they completely disregard all feedback and advice every single year.


Honestly, I have no idea.

>> No.6799594

Because it's appealing to the teehee sew randum~ crowd who are too young and excited about going to cons to notice how shitty it is.

>> No.6799606

I figured. I'd kind of hoped there'd be an in-joke to it, or they'd have a proper culinary focus because they have onigiri all over their flyers.
But hey.
Whatever works.

>> No.6799631

Aka-con was cack. There was literally no events. People were standing in the hallway completely bored shitless. The traders stood around looking depressed at lack of sales. The pool table in the games room was occupied by aka-con staff instead of letting actual attendees use it. I could have had a leisurely wank for the day and felt more fulfilled.

>> No.6799645

So glad I didn't bother going to Aka Con with the reports I've seen from it. Though in fairness their online presence hardly sold them so I dunno what tempted people to attend in the first place!

Though a question for those who popped along - was there anything positive about it at all?

>> No.6799667

So Nom Con's "big announcement" today was that Akemi Solloway will be at Nom Con this year.

Yeah, because that will really appeal to the tween and teen weebs that infest your convention.

>> No.6799714

Personally, I understand any mishap in Nom-Con about the hotel, air-condition and simple management. I just couldn't stand their staff being so rude, especially those checking the badge at entrance. Shouting at attendees, even the adult attendees. I wonder if they were instructed to do so as I saw them mentioning it to a committee member and was given a thumb up. Really? I did not pay to be treated like that.

>> No.6799849

What's with all the sudden nomcon hate? Last year was ok bar that shit stirring online some of which originated from arcadecon committee. Arcadecon itself was ok last year and crap the year before. I suspect this thread has been hijacked by Declan and his cronnies again who have bitter buthurt towards nom-con for some reason and wants everyone to believe arcadecon is suddenly the promised con where everyones dreams are fulfilled. Anyway give it a rest guys and everyone just go to whatever con and enjoy yourself. None of the cons in Ireland are amazing but are usually a good way to spend the weekend. My personal award for best con in the last year goes to Eirtakon. Not always good but last year went really well imo

>> No.6799868

I suspected the same as soon as I saw tons of people asking about Arcadecon for their first con...this thread turn to their shit awhile ago

>> No.6799888


Aaaand here it comes. Anytime any form of criticism comes towards Nom Con, it's always "olololol MUST be arcade con trolling xD". I've never been to Arcade Con btw, so I know very little about it.

I posted >>6799519 and I really, really want Nom Con to improve. I think it could be a fantastic convention, honestly. It's just when you see them making simple mistakes over and over again that could easily be rectified. It's disheartening to see a convention not improve at all. I don't hate Nom Con, or any of the conventions for that matter.

>> No.6799963

in this case it's kinda obvious tho

not that i have anything against arcade mind you, i just don't get why it has such a devout following here when no one i know really talks about it much

>> No.6801716

I really like Arcade. I don't like anime and stuff, and that's why Arcade works for me. They don't get most of the weeaboo crowd and it's a nice breath of fresh air. Same goes for Q-con, which is my favourite convention of the year. It's all gaming and just really fun. Akumakon is up there too. Galway convention, small, but super fun. Not the biggest fan of Nom and Eirta, but still tend to go most years.

>> No.6801932

Eirta, Arcade, Akuma, Brocon and Q Con are well rounded cons. Nomcon can suck my balls. Every year their events never run on time and the staff are consistently rude. Any sort of criticism to them is labelled as trolls from other cons.They need to focus on getting their shit together. Akacon was the worst ive ever been too followed closely by Nomcon last year.

>> No.6801940


And usually when someone starts bitching about Arcade con it's nom commitee, or else Eirta committee. I can think of at least one who detests Arcade.

Not involved with any convention personally, but love Q-con and Arcade con. I used to like Eirtakon most, and hopefully their venue move will do it the world of good to jump back up. Only been to Nom once and Akuma once so I can't really judge. I had a good time at both but perhaps that was due to the company I had.

>> No.6801982

is there ever any drama in the irish scene?
if you could call it a scene?

>> No.6801992


You must be new.

>> No.6801994

It's because they can't get their differences aside and actually work together to come up with a really great con. As I have worked as a minion of the cons for awhile now, I have seen the committee of the Dublin cons argue, leave the staff room as soon as another committee member enters. It's a massive bitch fest. It's mostly the minions that end up running the conventions, at least they can actually agree and get shit done.

>> No.6801996

I heard the first Nom Con was saved from disaster because Lance showed up and helped out and he was only an attendee.

>> No.6802003

yes, never been to a con before.

>> No.6802005


I don't think Lance is even involved with the covention anymore. Saw him trying to help people on the forums who still haven't been contacted about the photoshoot pictures they paid for last year.

>> No.6802008


Most of the drama is between the staff members of each convention. The head weebs all have delusions of grandeur. What they don't seem to realise is that their childish bickering has a direct effect on the quality of the convention and their con attendees. Hence the circle of spite that seems to breed new conventions.

>> No.6802009

Ive always heard this too :p Ive been to Bro con and Q con which are always awesome as Id be more of a gamer than anything else. WHy are those two always conected when bitching is involved?? i wanted to go to arcade this year since i heard they had an awesome sony stand and loads of vitas to play but just worried about people going purely to cause shit? has anyone else experienced this problem?

>> No.6802015

Sorry to sort of cut inbetween everyone but I went to Akacon over the weekend and I found it pretty cool :3 The traders hall had some of my favourite traders and the hotel that the con was in was really awesome and they had free WiFi through the whole convention which is something Ive never seen at any con before so that was really kickass :3

Im not really a huge anime\animation fan but they had some producer from the Legend of Korra and im kicking myself I didnt get anything signed off him but apat from that I had a good time :3

>> No.6802018

Committee and staff are two separate things at a convention, the cons get screwed over by the weirdos who always volunteer for it each year.

>> No.6802020


Word of advice. Don't put your name in the name field. Also, we don't use emotes on 4chan. I'm being nice but others won't. Leave now.

>> No.6802035

Also just speaking as the only arcade con committee member that I know thats even knows how to use 4chan (and honestly i have to google how to even post on here xD) I love nom con and pre register to go every year and will do and honestly enjoy it :3 those guys know how to run a con and as far as i know they are the most popular anime event in Ireland attendance wise?

>> No.6802037


Implying the committees aren't part of the problem too. As I said, the head weebs all think rather highly of themselves and have huge egos. Hence their complete inability to act like rational human beings. A lot of our coventions are formed out of spite.

>> No.6802038

Thank you for the words of wisdom~ Why no Emotes? And If I dont put my name in the name field how is anyone going to know im not just some random anon that wants to stir up some unneeded drama?

>> No.6802052


Because anyone can put any name in the name field. Look, I'm doing it right tnow. Also the entire point of 4chan is anonymity. A lot of us are here because we feel like we can't give good advice or criticism wihout being seen as an enemy.

>> No.6802065

Oooooooooooooh~ Thanks for pointing that out! Thats actually pretty shit then...You know you sorta do have a point I guess, but I sorta think personally its really hard to tell on here whether someone is giving advice\critique seriously or is literally just trying to troll the shit out of everything~

>> No.6802084


There are always people who want to stir up trouble. That is what happens when people are given anonymity. But there are always a few grains of truth. Your response is exactly what I'm talking about. All of the cons disregard EVERYTHING and put it down to "lol trolls xD" with a sickening naive tone to their posts. I know you don't mean to, but even your comment comes across as very young and naive. All I'm saying is here is always grains of truth about...like my wall if text earlier about Nom Con. I don't hate Nom Con at all, I just want it to improve every year, not be bogged down by the same issues time and time again.

>> No.6802128

Arcade con has the most annoying social media presence ever

>> No.6802134

one too many updates i get why they do it though :3

>> No.6802140

Thank god someone agrees with me. I remember in the run up to last year, there was practically a post every 4 hours with "OMG, we sold another prereg! Book now!"

>> No.6802141

Yeah they do post quite a bit but they have the most active social media group~ like they cover all the areas where as I've mostly only seen other cons do the odd Facebook thing~ like that con that was just on last weekend I've never even heard of it where as arcade has a twitter tumblr Facebook and they post in that arcade.ie site too~ I think other cons could learn a thing or too but then so could arcade with other things

>> No.6802191

Nothing wrong with being active on social websites but some actual content rather than hyper active kids saying how there is a teaser for a teaser for a teaser coming.
Or selling a random ticket.

>> No.6802196

He's the director you dolt

>> No.6802198


Agreed. There is a fine line bewteen being active and just downright annoying. Heck, some might even call it unprofessional.

>> No.6802358

I'm not exactly sure why my comment was naive/young? If you were a person involved in running a convention would you rather take all your criticism from forums and actual feedback forms and Facebook posts or take them from here where it's notorious for drama makers and trolls? Granted there are some posters who do make a good point here and there but you usually have to dig for them and sort them out from people who didn't even actually go to the event. If you really wanted something to change send in a form of feedback where your guaranteed for it to be seen instead of leaving it here on the off chance myself or another committee member from any con sees it

>> No.6802381


Not anon you're replying to, but IMO it's pretty easy to see what's bullshit and what is actual constructive criticism. What has actual examples to back it up? What have you seen at cons that you yourself thought could do better that's mirrored in the comments? Was the comment very biased or was it rational and gave reasons for why they didn't like that aspect?

I mean, this is basic essay writing and crit taking. It doesn't take a rocket scientist or an English PhD to see the trolls from comments that could help your event.

>> No.6802484


Implying the cons care about genuine feedback that isn't sugar coated to hell. If I gave my feedback >>6799519 above to Nom Con on their FB or forums, it would go completely unnoticed or it would paint a target on my back.

>> No.6802513
File: 309 KB, 595x487, cosplay.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

On the topic of well-known Irish cosplayers being annoying... http://www.thesun.ie/irishsol/homepage/news/4907096/Vid-girl-gone-bad.html

You have to either have pretty bad judgement or be really desperate for attention to go to The Sun.

>> No.6802532

You do know you aren't being forced at gunpoint to follow their facebook page and go on their website right? if it pisses ya off why bother being on it.

>> No.6802540


Who are you replying to there, buddy? And which convention are you referring to?

>> No.6802615

>>6802540 I'd guess ArcadeCon.

So going by that assumption: >>6802532 No, but you'd want to be following the FB if you want to hear actual proper news from them, like "guest" announcements, events, community banter etc. Hard though when it's mixed in with all the spammy updates, like last year's pre-reg stuff, and this year's Battle Royale thingie where they upload all the pictures of the people taking part.

>> No.6802676

>meet famous voice actors from anime.

Like who? Who comes to Irish cons?

>> No.6802681
File: 871 KB, 474x264, kuuga laugh.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If anyone is interested in giving mature cartoons ago I recomend the following

>mature cartoons

>> No.6802682


Liam O'Brien came to Eirtakon. Apparently he's quite prolific? I only knew him as "that guy who voiced Kain's English voice from Dissidia because I don't watch anime anymore" though.

>> No.6802714


We've had quite a few well known voice actors over the years.

Tiffany Grant (Asuka, Evangelion), Richard Epcar (Batou, GITS: SAC), Veronica Taylor (Ash, Pokemon), Kyle Hebert (Kamina, Gurren Lagann), Spike Spencer (Shinji, Evangelion)...

Heck, even Vic Mangina himself has come to our cons.

>> No.6802763

whoz vic mangina

>> No.6802789

whose vic micnignog?

>> No.6802803

who is vic marinara?

>> No.6802817

who's yer ma

aaaagh boi

>> No.6802881

Seriously...... Arcade committee too stupid to post on CGL. (kinda sounds legit)

>> No.6803201

Did you even try? Lots of people have given critique before and I've never seen someone targeted before.


Main thing to remember when giving critique on any con is be polite and maybe try offer suggestions. Also bear in mind things that are within the committees control eg the weather and venue issues (hotel restrictions and broken cooling system)

>> No.6803240

There aren't many stellar cons on the Irish con scene, to be honest. I've been to a lot of cons and just, the ones over here don't particularly wow me, although I have to admit the most fun I had was at Arcade last year. The only Irish con whose panels seemed fun enough to attend.

I wouldn't have gone to Akacon, not for a million euro I know of the 'con director' i'd have rather have sat down for tea and heard catfish's life story than attend that trainwreck.

>> No.6803258

I think most people forget pretty much all the cons are run by volunteers for free, not that it's any excuse for a terrible event but even a half arsed event requires a phenomenal amount of work. True there is some who do it for the limelight and attention but most just do it for some kind of sadist fun. In short it wouldn't kill people to be nice. These kind of bitchy and incredibly nasty threads on 4chan about the Irish anime scene can only serve to promote hate and damage the scene, far from helping it. If you wanna actually help it then get involved.
From what I've seen most people are pretty nice within the community and feck all drama actually happens at the cons themselves. Most of the drama just seems to originate from a few trolls/internet toughguys and bitter people online in places such as here.

>> No.6803289

Agreed. And even if I unlike their page, as someone else suggested, they have EVERYONE on their staff sharing all their updates/pictures/teasers of teasers, fuck sake.

That con is like a hyper dog constaintly trying to smell my crouch

>> No.6803291
File: 69 KB, 500x460, tumblr_mddygr4lsK1r0wqrdo2_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh my god, this is just the cutest thing.

>> No.6803295

Oh my god /cgl/ please. I can't stop laughing.

>> No.6803296

Remember Anime Dublin... ooooh.

>> No.6803303

I remember it being pretty fun? Aside from the fact catfish was there, but whatever,she didn't seem to cause any drama

>> No.6803314

I remember being kicked out because of a drunk girl causing shit.

>> No.6803345

well I'm pretty sure you full of crap then, because just the drunk girl got and her bf got kicked out, they didn't kick out anyone else. Unless your trying to say your her boyfriend

>> No.6804088

Hi all. I've noticed a lot of petty comments here that offer no constructive criticism and are more so in the way of taking a dig at another convention due to something personal that has happened to you regarding them.
So here i offer, Constructive criticism on the big three.

- Certain Rude Staff.
- Delayed Events.
- Terrible Games Room.
+ When the events run they are solid
+ Good trading hall selection

- Too many updates
- Gaps in between a lot of events
- Too much focus on the director
+ Friendly Staff
+ Solid Events
+ Awesome games room

- Dull Events
- Elitism over choosing staff
- Director has zero charisma
+ Best location
+ Sweet Games Room AND Board Game Room
+Trading Hall <3

>> No.6804167

^ ill add to this

- Everything
+ I had a great lie in on saturday

>> No.6804186

Elitism over choosing staff?

Isn't Eirtakon staffed by drunks?

>> No.6804188

Yeah, but drunks who are all buddies with each other.

>> No.6804224

Never knew they were so selective in the selection process,
Though then again they keep the dregs of the scene like the real weirdos out of the staffing of the con.
They can drink all they want as long as a bunch of pervs can't spy on little girls.

>> No.6804242


Good post, thanks.

I will add that Nom Con seem to have a few communication issues. Last year they didn't post their game tournament schedule until 3 days before the con and that was only after people asked numerous times. Not a huge thing of course but attendees shouldnt have to go pester the person in charge of games on FB. I wonder if the LoL tournament they announced last year will even happen, because that requires a lot of set up and organisation.

>> No.6804243

Remember the photoshoot fiasco? Have they ever surfaced?

>> No.6804387

Best post award

>> No.6804554

What's the trading hall like at arcade con?

>> No.6804642

Not great, Eirtakon and Nomcon have the best halls

>> No.6804646

So Aka Con next year right guys?

>> No.6804658

^id sooner attend seppukucon

>> No.6804710


>doesn't know how to quote

How are you finding your stay at 4chan so far?

>> No.6807039

Ah here Fiona's awesome I've never seen a nicer person in the Irish Cosplay scene so bright and bubbly.
Whereas "others" are just about as interesting as a freshly painted wall.

>> No.6807208

Thing is while Fiona is an ok cosplayer (better than Amy) there are much better cosplayers out there such as the winners of the cosplay competitions maybe. Comes off as feeling a bit desperate to get your picture in the paper and promote Eirtakon than represent cosplay in Ireland. Also I hate encouraging people to go into a charity shop or pennys and throw together a cosplay that way or getting the wigs in the joke shop. They look terrible and doesn't really count as making the cosplay.

I'd really like to see some good quality cosplays appear in the newspaper articles. I don't even recognise what Fiona was cosplaying.

>> No.6807236
File: 236 KB, 1244x942, badgirl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At a con it's fine to throw whatever you like on as it's just a bit of fun but with the media cheap looking cosplays shouldn't be used to promote cosplay in ireland. Looking at Fiona's cosplay, the shoes, the gloves and the bat are good but the socks could've done with some lace instead of just a piece of ribbon lazily sewed on, the dress could've done with a petticoat or a bit of wire going around the rim to make it sit out better, the wig looks cheap and too much make-up. Also the pink colours are pretty garish.

>> No.6807237

I'd love to see some decent cosplays in Ireland. This is just so sad to take part in cosplay competitions and see some shitty cosplay winning. Not mentioning the fact that you just heard backstage that the winner didn't even bother making the costume/prop properly himself or herself. Irish cosplay seems to be all about hot glue and sticky tape. Seriously, people are being encouraged to use crappy methods and shortcuts. Have you ever attened any cosplay panel in Irl? At Eirtakon last year some girls who made Cosplay Experts Panel or something (who the hell was an expert there?!) didn't even bother to show the difference in quality between carefully made and planned cosplay and something made with no care at all.
And also sometimes when I look at how cosplay competitions are being judged it just makes me feel sick. Ireland has not chance in comparision with other countries. Sad, sad, sad...
And last thing, I learned to keep my mouth shut cause everytime I tried to say something I've been attacked with "cosplay is for fun". Yes for fun but at least show you care.

>> No.6807251

If you're going to get your cosplay in penney's you're as well getting one off ebay. You'd spend about as much as a cheap one on ebay which will look a million times better.

>> No.6807275

What is this costume suppose to be from?

>> No.6807282


Bad Girl from No More Heroes.

>> No.6807356

I don't get the big deal about making and not making cosplay. The way i see it, If you look most like the character then you are a better cosplayer. Whether you make it or not. You could spend hours working on a cosplay and yet still not be as good as someone who looks exactly like the character with a store bought costume.

Thats how it is. Its about likeness.

>> No.6807365

Well, you can't enter a cosplay competition with a costume you didn't make yourself, that's just cheating. Apart from that, I don't see anything in that post which suggests they have anything against bought cosplays? It's not that they've bought their cosplays in, it's that they look shitty. Facially, you could look exactly like whoever you're cosplaying as, but at the end of the day, if your outfit is a piece of shit, it's a piece of shit, and no amount of likeness is going to make you look good.

>> No.6807366

I agree, the making part is only really important if you want to win a competition, in which case likeness is still important. If you're going to make it then do it right

>> No.6807382

Hallelujah! God bless you! Give this person a pint of beer!

>> No.6807514

*gives a pint of beer*
Nice to know snobbiness still exist. It takes courage to tell someone on their face they look shit in the cosplay.
If you can afford to make it good, don't bother cosplaying at all.
On a side note, there isn't enough make up or cosplay to make you look good if you're hideous on the inside.

>> No.6807555

I really hate people that comment and say "oh my god your amazing! So kawaii!!" when the cosplay is so obviously shit. Don't say anything if you're gonna lie through your teeth.

>> No.6807579

Touch a nerve there, did I?

>> No.6807833

Am I right in assuming that "can afford" was meant to be a "can't afford"?

And that "ugly on the inside" line, while I agree it's lovely to be lovely, inner beauty doesn't show up in feckin' photographs. Strangers on the internet don't CARE that you adopted 40 kittens if your wig is on upside-down.

>> No.6807968

You assumed right.
Of course, Internet and media doesn't care how you look "inside". As long as you're pretty, you can pretty much rule the world.
That's how the Kardashians made their fortune.

>> No.6809419


Starts at 30:52
Oh sweet lord.

>> No.6809472
File: 892 KB, 250x197, 101.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6809473

oh god no no no no
CC IS NOT A FLIRTY TEMPTRESS WITCH!!! Stop putting your own weird fetish interpretations to the character.
Well this really made cosplay in Ireland look good [/sarcasm]

>> No.6809481

Oh god... That wig on CC...

>> No.6809483

the amount of shagging on that link! Anywho all of them look incredibly awkward on cam.

>> No.6809550

Like, they're not the bottom of the scum-encrusted barrel that is the Irish cosplaying scene, and they seem like lovely girls... I just......

>> No.6809606

so embarrassing.... Why couldn't they get just one really good cosplayer instead of that lot who know feck all about cosplay and make us all look so lame. Everything is just so cheap and nasty! And the make-up!

"Some people are like really serious about cosplay, but we're just gonna sit here like a bunch of clownshoes and ruin your hobby"

I have nothing against people cosplaying how they like but you have no right to represent the rest of us like this just cause you're desperate for attention. So angry at this....

>> No.6809637

Sup /cgl/. I don't actually browse this board (I came from a board explorer thread on /int/), but I used to know one of the committee members for nom-con. We were in college together, and she's fucking insane. She breeds snakes and mantises and shit, and at one point she fed her boyfriend a shitload of viagra without him knowing. He had to go to the hospital after he had an erection for like 7 hours. Are cosplayers in general this fucked up?

>> No.6809641

>We were in college together, and she's fucking insane. She breeds snakes and mantises and shit, and at one point she fed her boyfriend a shitload of viagra without him knowing

My kind of lady.

>> No.6809643

No, she's just completely bat-shit insane. Which isn't far from the norm for the Nom committee.

>> No.6809650


In fairness to her, she was actually pretty fucking hot.

>> No.6809654


I'll be the judge of that.

>> No.6809662
File: 68 KB, 535x683, 1363280071476.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fed him a shitload of viagra without him knowing
Why would you do that? Just why...

>> No.6809685 [DELETED] 

You guys are clearly losers here . Why complain about them getting on Tv you think you can do better your selves than do it . All I see is catfish clones complain bitch and troll but you feel angry about then go do it

>> No.6809697

That one's hot at least. You need only look at the video above to it gets much much worse.

>> No.6809708

You sir are talking through your arse. That never happened


>> No.6809735 [DELETED] 

here lets play a game here people u have ur complaints about some cosplayers that got lucky to get on tv and complain about everybody here . you complain about every convention do you guys even go outside and try to work or go to college . you guys also complained about my mates panel at nom con last year as well as the same as my panels at arcadecon akumakon you want to address me at person here seanalpha@gmail.com thats my email lets play chicken people if your ballsy enough come on

>> No.6809736 [DELETED] 

The only person in the cosplay scene I can think of who breeds reptiles is that girl G.G.

>> No.6809738 [DELETED] 

Yes alpha well done.
Come to a cosplay board pointing out that we're losers.
WE KNOW, ASSHOLE now kindly let us bitch amongst ourselves. Door's at the top right corner of your screen.

>> No.6809745 [DELETED] 

im not calling you losers becuase you guys cosplay Im calling you losers becuase all your doing is bitching about other people and not talking about cosplay

>> No.6809751

Who are you kidding Sean Alpha! I stop acting all cool you're one of the biggest weirdos out there in the scene always leering into other peoples photos and all of the 10 people at your panel in a small Galway convention (myself included) couldn't hear a word your mumbly fuck of a voice said.

>> No.6809756

Social Media guru Sean Burke has entered the field,

>> No.6809762

Ah girls, GIRLS!
You're lovely and all, but Amy and Teri? Powder those wigs would ye? Just a bit of baby powder or dry shampoo, and that'll take the shine off.
Detangling serum in the ends will help smooth them out a bit too, sure do yous not wear any wigs day-to-day at all?
Not saying they looked BAD, but the studio lights did them no favours

>> No.6809768
File: 142 KB, 500x287, tumblr_ly7eb1rrER1qby77yo1_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That 3rd girl needs to hit the gym

>> No.6809777

That 3rd girl needs to hit your face.

At least she's got an eye for what she's doing, bodytype be damned.

>> No.6809782

Wow this whole thing is messed up.
I like mean you all!!

>> No.6809791

Sad thing is she's miles better than the other two

>> No.6809795

new topic on irish cosplay.


>> No.6809816

You guys know me but I don't know you . Since you been to my panels and hated it so much and consider me a weirdo which I am I will admit this and u think ur not afraid of me then why not meet me in person come on I gave u my email

>> No.6809834

Instead of acting like it'd make a difference seeing the faces of your critics, why not invite constructive tips here?
It'll have basically the same result, with less of the "you wouldn't say that at a range where I could hit you" tone.

For someone who trips as "Alpha", you're kinda coming off as completely uncool.

>> No.6809850

Alright 1 I've never considered myself cool never 2 I've always asked people in person what could I do for constructive advice for my panels but when people call me a weirdo creeper I get angry especially when they don't have the balls to even be known to me I could easily track them down as they said the last panel were only 10 or so people so 6 people were my mates so just leaves us with 4 .

>> No.6809859

What happened to Risette?

>> No.6809863

Are you actually trying to accomplish something here or are you just having a mindless rant

>> No.6809865

>u think ur not afraid of me then why not meet me in person

There have been people in the past who talked shit to me who fled when I mentioned my martial arts training. I know kata and drop kick combos and know how to wield sabers, kunai, boxcutters, katanas and bo staffs. I know all the pressure points and know how to paralyze bodies from the outside by blocking them. Oh and let me remind you, YOUR JUST AS SKINNY AS ME AND YOUR A FUCKING PINHEAD. Not to mention your a sick fuck that cybers with underage niggers.

>> No.6809898 [DELETED] 

Chinese cartoon fanatics in Ireland are an oddly bitter and angry sort...

Listen to this calming gorilla. His advice is sacred.

>> No.6809913
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>> No.6809944

Ah bollix. First the Bronies get a spread in a national newspaper, and now we have cosplayers in The Sun and on TV3? Why are we letting the "Normals" in so much? It makes us look like a fecking disgrace.

Also, as mentioned earlier. Yes, the Nom staff do reject any and all criticism. Just try and talk face to face with one of their committee about how a majority of con-goers hated Nom 2012. Pure fecking denial.

I thought Aka-Con was a spite con of Nom-Con given the rumours about how the creator/director/whatever was usurped from Nom. Can someone fill in the blanks?

>> No.6809962

eh more about nom? This has all been covered already. Someone is determined to attack nom. Go post here if your so concerned

People have voiced most things and were answered with thanks

Aka is a spite con of arcade after she got kicked from it

>> No.6809971

Hello Declan's brother

>> No.6809997
File: 156 KB, 500x547, tumblr_lm7jzrrxem1qjv48ho1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I thought those guys were hilarious. Most people did. Sucks to be someone without a sense of humour.

>> No.6810024

Looking at that thread I feel like I'm missing something about them taking feedback badly, they seem fine about it, or at least as professional as they can be, don't see how they're worse than any other con in that regard.

Why is this person so determined to turn every irish con thread on cgl into a bitch-fest about nom, it was months ago and there's been a bunch of cons since? How many people still posting here have actually been to aka-con? would you recommend it? why/why not?

>> No.6810076


>> No.6810088

I don't think that word means what you think it means.

>> No.6810095

Good work bumping the thread.

>> No.6810144

I know we all have different cons we support and don't support but can all of us agree that akacon was festering pile of shite that shouldnt come back again? im pretty sure theres no aka fans i could be wrong maybe some of their traders

>> No.6810228

Thing is, if all that was good about it was the traders - don't those traders visit other cons too?

Also, must have sucked for the traders to go to the trouble of attending the con if the turnout was as bad as this thread implies...

>> No.6810253

Didn't attend Aka, don't know how it turned out, I just know I don't like the 'director' for personal reasons. (aka imo she's a bitch), personally arcade is the bee's knees conwise for me, I like going and partying, and having panels I like to attend. Last Nomcon I went to 'some' of the staff were rude, pricks who acted like almighty arseholes. The only bad thing about arcade is that it needs to decide what con it actually is, like be anime, games or comics whatever, just actually settle on one thing.

>> No.6810296

>only 10 or so people so 6 people were my mates so just leaves us with 4

>martial arts and weapons that you cannot legally carry in Ireland
You're adorable.
Also, the word you're looking for is, in fact, YOU'RE.
"Your" is that other one.

Can we all please cop on and be sound?

>> No.6810341

>martial arts and weapons that you cannot legally carry in Ireland

>implying I give a fuck about legality

>> No.6810343

Right. Irish conventions, here I go:

Akumakon: Mad craic. Small, but the people are good. Some fun events like fire show, burlesque and other bits. Cool bar, chill atmosphere.

Aka-Con: Pure shit. Nothing happened at all. They had one event where people fed each other ice cream or something. Terribly organized and the traders were telling me they made a serious loss.

Q-Con: Awesome. Great gaming convention, huge open space, super friendly staff and a good atmospthere.

ArcadeCon: Fun convention. Way more focused on comics/sci fi than the other conventions, which is cool. I don't think they should pick one thing to focus on, because they do it all. Social media updates can be annoying as fuck, but overall, fun.

Nom-Con: Shite. It's a weeaboo convention. If you're 13-16, you'll have a blast, but for anyone who's over 18 with a mental stability, don't bother. It's a convention for kids.

Eirtakon: Overall, good experience. Always have a great trade hall and the cosplay standard is quite high. A really cool atmosphere, but not keen on staff.

>> No.6810345

Hahahahahahahahaha is Mr. Social Media Sean Bourke here? Brilliant. His ways of 'promoting' are so effective. 'What's that? You have an opinion about this convention? Well fuck you, you try run a convention fucking best convention ever here, fucking fuck!'

>> No.6810428

All the cons seem the same to me. Same events, same attendees, and same staff. I don't get how people can say their different. Only difference is the organisation and Arcadecon and Qcon are gaming cons while the others are Anime cons

>> No.6810456


This felt too forced to set it apart from the others. Like I don't particularly like Arcade either, but at least focusing more on Comics and Games brought in a slightly different crowd.

Animation just isn't big enough in Ireland. If Lorraine was really interested in doing something to raise awareness to the fact that there's "so much amazing animation" out there she would have been better off not doing something like a con.

To be honest, all the cons are run by dickheads, even the smaller ones for the most part. I think the people running Brocon are okay-ish but it's a boring con. I have some experience with some of the people involved with the new Cork con and I'm not impressed either.

I think the problem is that the sort of person that wants to get involved with the con scene isn't the sort of person that actually does the con scene any good. It's not hard to see why there's so much infighting when a lot of the people involved with the cons are unbearable including to each other.

I'm not really sure how to fix this. I feel like we need to get rid all of the cons as-is and just reboot somehow, start over from a clean slate.

Also my main problem with cons at the moment is that they're too mainstream focused and if anything it's only gotten worse. Like @rcade is meant to draw an older crowd and since a gay dude is running it it's meant to be LGBT friendly, but I found it was the sort of Glee watching kind of ditzy crowd it attracted, the younger gays who take everything for granted.

There's little for the older crowd in Ireland, and even if there was a lot of the older crowd are just as immature as the younger. The more decent people I know from the younger crowd are being put off cons for the same reason.

Cons should be fun but it feels like it's a whole load of work for nothing.

>> No.6810458


People say @rcade is a more "adult" con and I can kind of see that to an extent but I still find the people that tend to go to it pretty immature. It has a stronger clique than the other cons currently do, too, which I don't feel helps it at all.

>> No.6810464

Yawn, Again it just looks like your attacking nom very indiscreetly.I had no idea none of the other cons had no under 16s!

>> No.6810467


Aka-con is worse. A friend of mine was randomly commenting on the con pointing out ow they didn't have much up on the website, and talked about it with some friends. Then the Aka-con page (Lorraine) commented directly on her status about it with a long "Explanation"/rant.

It was a pretty WTF moment.

>> No.6810472


I like Fiona but I kind of dislike some of the company she keeps. She doesn't deserve to be attacked though, she's generally great and a pretty decent cosplayer.

>> No.6810473
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But the other cons (minus Q) are anime cons, why would they have comic/scifi etc?

Yeah that 18+ hentai panel and nightclub were clearly aimed at children, ID was being checked to make sure everyone was underage.

>> No.6810480


I still talk to her on occasion. She got sick of all the drama and stopped going to /cgl/. She still goes to cons sometimes though.

>> No.6810484


that's not what they were saying at all? Why does everyone assume poeple just 'attack' nom-con? its the weakest of the conventions except for akacon. he was just saying that it's aimed at kids

>> No.6810486


What's the one UCC Warps does? Is that still going?

>> No.6810488

>>6810343 Yeah, there were over 18s events, but the atmosphere and general feel of the convention was that it was for the younger crowd. And I agree.

>> No.6810491


Warpcon. Last I heard it was still running!

>> No.6810496

Most of the Dublin cons will feel samey, yes - but Q-Con and Akumakon do give off a very different atmosphere. Hopefully Kaizoku in Cork next year will stand out as well.

>> No.6810502

By "people" you mean the one or two people posting it on 4chan over and over. I've been to them all and the age differences are barely that different. It's not like the kids only go to one while the adults go to the others. Mostly it's the 16-19 crowd that attend them all.

I find arcadecon a bit more desperate to be seen as cool which is why you'll see all the comments on 4chan saying how amazing hoping to convince people in real life that it must be good. Last I was at it there was too much diversity and I was a bit bored most of the time so I have no idea how it's become so popular here on 4chan. Personally I smell bullshit on this thread.

>> No.6810518


There was the rape shit as well.

>> No.6810519

Guys. Seriously. This is getting fucking stupid. Why can't we all just go to conventions and enjoy them? Why do we have to attack their staff directly? If it was a good convention, then say so! If it was bad, say so! Don't bring the people running them into it, it's just really stupid and shows that you're just as bad as these people you rant about so much. FUCK I hate our convention scene. UK conventions are way better.

>> No.6810520

Well Q-con is a gaming con mainly and a good one too while Akumakon is good cause it's smaller and you make friends easier. If it got bigger it'd be the same as the others

>> No.6810524

You mean all the crap the catfish threw out? Are we really going to listen to catfish? Let's be reasonable here, now...

>> No.6810526


I agree and disagree with this, there does need to be less in-fighting maybe but the reason the cons tend to suck is a lot down to the people sucking as well.

>> No.6810528

Arcade? Adult? pfffft

Arcade have always gone the hard sell route, IMO. Outside of the money being thrown at their "guests" (yea, they get one or two good proper guests each year, but pad our their guest counter with nobodies) - which they have because of all the sponsors they get from the main Arcade site, they've not got much.
I think they're going to end up trying too hard one of these years and end up imploding.

>> No.6810532


Since when did Nom Con get a nice shiny pedastal to sit on?

>> No.6810533

the 'rape' stuff was catfish because they had pewdipie in their readers awards. she got mad because he made rape jokes and basicly said arcade were prorape because that

>> No.6810536
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>this entire thread

>> No.6810538



oh catfish. never change

>> No.6810539

Maybe it would, maybe it wouldn't. I'd give them the benefit of the doubt, it's good to have fresh faces running those convention, so being outside of Dublin means there's less "contamination" from all the Dub in-fighting, despite the fact most of their staff are probably the same as *every* other con.

>> No.6810540


>> No.6810542

Is Catfish still around? Not seen him at any conventions recently.

>> No.6810544

Yes, and? Is it good?

>> No.6810552

UK cons are better cause;
1) more people in the UK so more competent organisers and staff.
2) They charge twice as much as our most expensive Irish cons who basically put them together on a shoestring.
3) UK has access to better facilities. There's bugger places here to hold a large con.
4) UK has been doing it longer than us.

>> No.6810556


It wasn't unreasonable, though.

If anyone's interested in what happened I wrote up about it here -


There's a short and a long version in the same post(the short one is first).

At the very least the stuff with Juliana was pretty unacceptable. The reality is that this sort of thing happens a lot in the con scene and makes some people extremely uncomfortable, and there isn't much of a voice for that. For speaking up for that, Declan got half of the con to attack me because the idea of being accused of being involved in any sort of sexism/rape apology was "upsetting" to him personally.

People have made a bit of a mockery of this sort of thing online but people quickly forget that it's still a real issue for real people.

>> No.6810562


No, my problem was that Declan and Andy *claimed* I was saying that and got people to attack me on that basis, knowing full well I already had a history of bullying in the con scene they could take advantage of. I never said that. I criticised Declan on that basis as given Arcade con made itself out to be more progressive than the other cons, it seemed worrying that they would open the door to abuse such things.

I raised it with him entirely in private, but he reacted very badly to it. Even after we disagreed, I tried making idle conversation but he ended up blocking me. And then there was the whole "Is gaming stuff a man's world? A Man's perspective" thing

The whole thing was handled really badly and showed just how immature the people behind @rcade(con and magazine) are.

I found the con okay, but I'd never go back there now after how badly I was attacked.

>> No.6810563

>My experiences in the Irish anime

Got as far as anime. That's the problem, right there.

>> No.6810564

Leigh, stop. Seriously. NOBODY got ANYONE to attack you. Just stop living in your endless portal of 'poor me, every issue effects me' because it DOESN'T. You have it so fucking easy and you have no idea! I've been raped, so shut up. I'm not mad because they had some youtuber in their awards, I'm mad because people like YOU make rape victims out to be poor little broken people who are so afraid of something someones says. WE'RE NOT. People like YOU make me more mad than some stupid awards poll. Just stop. PLEASE.

>> No.6810565

I have a friend who pretty much staffs at all the cons. You'd be surprised how people might complain about a staffer at one con yet pat him on the back at another. There's just too many cons to have their own dedicated staff team

>> No.6810567

he/she/it was at anime dublin

>> No.6810572

>There's bugger places here to hold a large con.

There are a few places to hold a bloody huge con... if you've got a hundred grand to blow getting the Convention Centre or the RDS.

>> No.6810578

Leigh, get the fuck off your computer for once in your life. Go be a positive person and stop being the horrid entity that you are. Go outside, pick some flowers and pet a bunny.

>> No.6810586

>Declan got half of the con to attack me because the idea of being accused of being involved in any sort of sexism/rape apology was "upsetting" to him personally
Who was the guy got murdered last year after a fake rape accusation? Somewhere in Munster, I think.

>> No.6810592


Honestly, it's not my fault if you're like this. Trivialising rape has a very real effect on how real rape victims are treated and if you read my explanation you might see how that's the case. One of the same people(Juliana) who was a big fan of Pewdiepie acted poorly around discussion of real life rape. There is a link here. I don't really care what you are and aren't mad about, because being mad if of itself isn't an argument.

You do not speak for all rape victims yourself. You represent what I see as a vested conservative interest in preventing people from questioning anything regarding the status quo.

Not one person I showed this to who had an experience of abuse, or importantly, had worked with several others who have experiences of abuse felt the way you do. I do not see any reason why I would take the advice who represents socially darwinistic values within in the con scene over people I know and trust to be educated on these issues.

Regardless of how sensitive you are or aren't, there are people that ARE sensitive about it, and it's not your place to decide their level of sensitivity. And the worst thing is, due to the nature of it, they rarely ever speak up. Some people I've talked to in private have told me they're scared to say anything because they saw how I was attacked for doing so.

I brought this up originally with Declan in prviate. It wasn't something I was doing or attention or trying to make about me. I was standing up for others. Declan and others misrepresented my argument and encouraged others to target me on the @rcade wall. Regardless of my history, I am allowed to have things I am genuine and care about. I am sorry you do not feel I represent you but I do not feel you are the sort of person I should be associating with regardless.

My personal history has little to do with it - Declan and @rcade as a whole handled this issue very badly and showed a great degree of immaturity. Replies like this don't help their case.

>> No.6810593

>I'd never go back there now after how badly I was attacked.

christ almighty, you make it sound like they tied you up and beat you with sticks

People on the internet disagreed with me! I WAS ATTACKED!

fucking first world problems. god forbid anything bad ever actually happens in your life, your head will explode.

>> No.6810594

Ha. you think catfish has morals? Nice one.

>> No.6810595

>You do not speak for all rape victims yourself.
Neither do you.

>> No.6810597

hahahahahahahaha best post award

>> No.6810599


You say "Positive" but you mean "uncritical".

I fail to see why I would take advice from people who call me a "horrid entity" and a he/she/it, who are so blind to their own horrid behaviour.

Honestly, regarding Rape issues, I have found the feminist groups I've been hanging out with to be far more "Positive" than the incessant nastiness in the convention scene. They are focused on something and try to make a difference - it sucks how little support individuals such as myself get when pursuing these issues, but at least they care.

They're decent people. You're not.


Don't start with that. False rape accusations are actually very rare. Rape cases rarely result in a conviction.

>> No.6810601

Dude, seriously, this is fucked up. It's amazing how you think people are being horrible to you, 'attacking' you.. you have no idea what 'attacking' is. I truly hope that nothing serious ever happens you. Christ.

>> No.6810606

Then STOP GOING TO CONVENTIONS. Obviously feminism groups will be better at support than conventions, because that's not what conventions are for!

>> No.6810609


If you really don't think anything "bad" has happened to me then your judgement on these situations is completely unreliable in the first place. I'm not a vapid teenager like some attending these cons, I have real issues outside of what people say to me online. Plus, the point was that I was attacked for raising a concern I had over the safety and well being of others.

It was wrong, and if the only defense people can manage is to criticise me personally then it suggests there's no argument to be had there.

That's not how "first world problems" are meant to be used. A lot of the problems I have are universal. First World Problems are things that happen exclusively in the first world, like having a problem finding a charger for your iPhone, etc.

Bullying, transphobia and misogyny can happen anywhere.


I didn't claim to. I only claimed to speak for those that I know who would be affected by such things. Who you obviously don't care about.

>> No.6810610

I'd actually pay to see you without internet for a week. Cut off the lifeline to 4chan..

>> No.6810613


Having an argument on the internet and then running screaming to the rest of the internet about how badly you were 'attacked'.... yep, sounds like a first world problem to me

>> No.6810616

>Don't start with that. False rape accusations are actually very rare. Rape cases rarely result in a conviction.

I'm not saying that, honestly, I'm just trying to remember the details of that guy, it was a horrible case. Also that priest with PrimeTime thing.

>> No.6810617

How can you do these things and actually be okay with it? Do you have any idea the hurt YOU cause..? You give out about people saying mean things to you, but maybe you should look at how you treat other people.

>> No.6810618

>Who you obviously don't care about.

Wise man once said a woman ain't nothing but a thing to screw.

>> No.6810620

Have you considered accepting Jesus, our Lord into your life?

>> No.6810621


That's not how it's supposed to work. I don't really have common interests with feminist groups outside of feminism. I and others still have a right to attend these conventions without being hassled by others.

If the committees and staff were more mature it wouldn't be an issue.


I am curious as to what you define as "attacking" you and what you would define as being horrible for someone. I don't think there's anyone else in the scene that draws as much ire as I do.

Honestly, you're an idiot who probably has no clue of these things yourself.

And again, this shouldn't be about me. The problem with what @rcade did is that I had a complaint, and they made it about me and attacked me on the basis of things I didn't actually say.

That is wrong and saying how "fucked up" it is or any of these other red herrings doesn't change that.

If anyone wants to try and argue about what actually happened then I can do that. But I'm not pandering to assholes who think they're somehow better or more clued in when they know fuck all in the first place.

>> No.6810627

>I only claimed to speak for those that I know who would be affected by such things. Who you obviously don't care about.

You mean people who support your statements and ignore everyone else?

>> No.6810631

Can we see a screencap of how the @rcade attacked you, please?

>> No.6810635


I wasn't running screaming. I was complaining about how @rcade shut down a line of discussion regarding trivialisation of abuse by targeting me instead of dealing with the issue.

Being attacked online does affect people. It is not your place to decide other people's level of sensitivity.


I see no reason to care about people who claim to care about the hurt I supposedly cause for others while joining in with people who make transphobic or otherwise abusive remarks.

It is always about me and how I act with these things. It is never the case that anyone else's behaviour is called into question, no matter how they act. That is where the real problem lies, and this thread makes it evident that the con scene has widespread issues with exactly this sort of bullshit.

Anytime anyone says "Did you ever think it was maybe you not everyone else!" that is their entire argument. There is never anything past that.

So excuse for me being more than a little tired with this bullshit.

>> No.6810636
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>check tumblr

>first post is about pansexuality

Thank you, Lord Jesus,

>> No.6810638

Fuck. I came online for a leisurely wank, and saw this thread.. I'm from the UK and seeing how you guys handle conventions is fucking weird. Also, person who claims to be attacked, I think you're seriously at fault here.

>> No.6810647


Okay, here's the problem here.

Who am I ignoring? the (supposed) rape victim who claims they've moved past it and have no real sensitivities?

If that's the case, why should I care about what they have to say? They can deal.

The only content of their argument is that I shouldn't care about those that can't.

To me this sounds like the typical bullshit of making sure the relatively privileged have at least an equal say in absolutely everything.

As long as there are people that are affected by this bullshit, it will remain an issue. What one person who claims to be a victim on 4chan says is irrelevant. They're one person, just like I am. And when it come to my personal alignment, I will go with those who I find to be more genuine, honest and educated on the subject. If nobody gives me a good reason to do otherwise then I'm under no obligation to change my view.


I have some, but I'm at home on my laptop atm. If this thread is still up in a day or two I'll post them.

Aside from that I honestly can't understand how anyone posting this sort of nonsense seriously considers themselves better than me. Good people don't completely erase or trivialise other people's life experiences in the first place.

How about you take your own advice and look at your own behaviour, what you're saying instead of looking down on me?

>> No.6810649

What? I've said nothing except for my screencap request. Calm down..

>> No.6810651


Did you read the post? I literally recommended they should be called Pansies.

A lot of my posts are poking fun at Tumblr tropes, just not in the stupid ass /pol/ack LEL CHECK YOUR PRIVILEGE sort of way that I'm seeing too much of in the con scene these days.


>Also, person who claims to be attacked, I think you're seriously at fault here.

Would you care to elaborate on that? You shouldn't really butt into other people's drama.

As it happens, you're really, really wrong. It might not show as much here but the people you're claiming I'm at fault towards can be really shitty people. There is a lot of very real stalking, abuse and bullying in the con scene.

>> No.6810656

Fucking hell. I never said I got over my rape! What I'm saying is that because a website had some eejit youtuber in their awards, it doesn't bother me. I would in no way fault the website for this, as the readers elected him.

>> No.6810664

>Fucking hell.

No. Your post was bullshit.

You might not have this concern, but other people do. Just because you do not feel I'm representing you, does not mean I'm not representing others.

I disagree with what you're saying and part of the problem here is that I don't think you'd ever honour any reasoning I presented as such.

I have a problem with Pewdiepie being up for reader's choice, it being a site many younger people accessed. I had a much bigger problem with @rcade's line of reasoning for defending it.

I had genuine concern over this based on personal experience with others. I wasn't doing it because I wanted to make this issue about me, and claiming I was is lazy and insulting. Unless you can apologise for that remark then please don't act like you're offended over what I'm saying in return.

>> No.6810668

Leigh, most of the above posts are only trying to provoke you. Don't get involved any more

>> No.6810670


okay, i don't know much about this argument, but as far as i know by "first world" standards catfish actually has it pretty hard, probably harder than most of the people in this thread. it's really fucked up to say someone who would get harassed for being themselves even if they kept out of all the drama has never had anything bad happen to them? are people really pretending that we've gotten to the point where we don't treat people badly because they're different in this country of all places?

>> No.6810673


From personal experience, a lot of these people believe they're "doing the right thing" on some fucked up level or standing up for someone and something.

It's really a huge part of the problem in the con scene.

What happened with @rcade was bad form. It was an issue I originally raised privately that got blown up by other people. If people can only defend what happened by attacking me you're proving a point.

>> No.6810674
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That's too much internet for today.. sigh. In my absence, enjoy this wonderful image.

>> No.6810682

It's probably like 1 or 2 people writing it all tho

>> No.6810707
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>people who joined this thread because they were curious about akacon

>> No.6810736
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>> No.6810750



Near as I can tell everybody seems to hate the Irish cons, but is raging about them really that wise? I mean the organisers must be pretty sick of these threads and I can't imagine this is motivating them to work harder for you dickbutz.

>> No.6810751 [DELETED] 

I have tis fantasy were I hold your head underwater, until you stop struggling and all of the air leaves your body, the last bubble leaving your mouth with a slow satisfying 'bloop'....

I need a wank...

>> No.6810764


yeah, catfish is the nasty person who nobody ever says anything bad about.

>> No.6811585

Leigh i don't know why you have an option on rape, Seeing as your the lowest of the low of the MtF on /lgbt/. (there is a scale based on how passable a trans person is, and leigh is at the very bottom by himself.)
I can't think of any reason you would be raped. just a waste of good cum

>> No.6811609 [DELETED] 
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>> No.6811610 [DELETED] 
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>> No.6811621

Actually if you were representing others than you would have others step forward and say Yes, I agree with your stance, but nobody did because your argument was incredibly trivial.

You tried to remove a fan favorite you tuber because he said the word rape. While in fact you bring up the word more than anyone else. You vilify the word rather than the action. PewdiePie is just some dude who says rape while playing video games, If that upsets you then you are absolutely too childish to handle the real world.

>> No.6811872



Also not everyone hates me, I run one of the skype groups, the ones the /lgbt/ Tinychats operate out of.


He doesn't just say "rape". The whole joke in his videos is how inherently trivial rape is to begin with. Treating rape this lightly does have a real life effect on how people treat the issue, and it's no coincidence that Pewdiepie's fans also tend to treat it badly when it comes to this.

>If that upsets you then you are absolutely too childish to handle the real world.

If you need to say shit like this, then honestly, you're too much of an asshole to get into a real discussion with. There are plenty of people that are upset at Pewdiepie, even Restupurae who are basically a couple of Bros spent like an hour and a quarter calling him out, largely on this shit.

Nobody else spoke up because they knew what the consequences would be.

>> No.6811916
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>> No.6811920


Yeah, because looking at these threads I'd totally come to the conclusion that she's the bad person.

>> No.6811975


Uk cons as a whole are better and some of them just happen in normal hotels, if you can find a good hotel you're set.

>> No.6812286

You didn't retort my argument you just called me an asshole, because your arguments as a paper thin as your victim complex is. PewdiePie while not an entertaining youtuber in my view, says the word rape in reference to a video game. He does not make light of rape because he is using the word in a different context. Its like when someone says "id rape a sandwich" Are you going to turn around and make a big deal about something like that?

Thats great by the way call me an asshole, You're still a child who can't get over spilt milk. My dad died of cancer four years ago. If i got upset everytime someone said Cancer, then i would seriously need to grow a thicker skin and get over minor details that even affect my life.

>> No.6812298

I don't think it's that's simple.

>> No.6812592


Sorry, I wasn't aware you were making argument. I thought you were just being an asshole, and the first line of this just reinforces it.

> Its like when someone says "id rape a sandwich" Are you going to turn around and make a big deal about something like that?

Yes. No offense, but you're sort of a complete idiot.

>Thats great by the way call me an asshole, You're still a child who can't get over spilt milk.

This applies, then, to many others, including just about every feminist I know and even the guys in Retsupurae.

It's you that's being immature because you can't take these issues seriously.

There's plenty of good resources out there as to why rape humour is damaging and helps reinforce rape culture. Cancer jokes don't reinforce cancer.


Are you going to call the author of this immature too? You can't just write off everyone who differs on you on the treatment as rape as "immature" or "thin skinned". Sooner or later you have to accept these as real arguments you need real arguments to go up against.

You have no argument here. I made a good point with regards the link between rape humour and how rape is taken seriously at all. You don't want it to be a big deal because it infringes on your shitty nerve culture where you don't show any sensitivity towards anyone or anything that doesn't fit into the typical nerdbro template.

>> No.6812779

Man I want me some of that catfish cock.

>> No.6812810

If you ask nicely, maybe you will