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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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6783113 No.6783113 [Reply] [Original]

Can we have a make-up thread?

>> No.6783119
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>> No.6783122
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>> No.6783530

I don't know if this is a horrifyingly dumb question, but I'd like to know why make-up threads always get filled with scans of Japanese magazines.

The Japanese/South-Korean aesthetic in make-up is quite natural-looking so the vast majority of these scans, to me, just seem to cover basic stuff like simple eyeliner. And obviously, you can learn about this stuff from an English source much more easily. Since most people here can't read Japanese, why are the scans so popular? I get that they are picture-heavy, but honestly it still strikes me as strange. There are a huge amount of English resources on the internet. I'm just intrigued as to what the appeal is.

>> No.6783548

I like them because I am Asian, so following Asian tutorials on Asians makes it easier. My eye folds dont let me do a lot of things. I mostly watch videos on YouTube, though.

>> No.6783552

I'm confused about this too. They're mostly the same look over and over again, and they're not meant for the features of most /cgl/ users anyway. I can understand ones that show you different false lashes or eyebrow shapes, but I get bored with the tutorial ones.

>> No.6783576

That makes sense, but it doesn't really help to explain why they are popular when the majority of 4chan users are Caucasian. It actually renders them pretty useless for most users, especially since they're nearly all about eye make-up.

I definitely prefer the Japanese aesthetic when it comes to make-up. and I'm an avid fan of make-up tutorials, but even I can't really find a use for these scans. Not being able to read Japanese properly means you can't even tell the specifics of the application, you can only see the area that the make-up is being applied, which is useless for most stuff besides eyeshadow.

>> No.6784654


I prefer them because despite the unreadable moon-speak, they are far easier to follow than Western tutorials and actually take you through step by step.

>> No.6784663

.... Because this is cgl, which is a cosplay and j-fashion board? Hence, j-fashion magazine scans.

And people do post western tutorials occasionally, but not as much because western tutorials tend more towards videos and written instructions rather than easy-to-follow and easy-to-post-onto-4chan photosets.

>> No.6784666

>They're mostly the same look over and over again, and they're not meant for the features of most /cgl/ users anyway

>> No.6785565
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why the fuck is it that every fucking time I make a thread about something, wanting to get information out of you guys and feed on your resources you always start bitching about something irrelevant and I end up learning nothing at all. I'll just give up. Keep your fucking knowledge to yourself.

>> No.6785598


For me personally, I'm Asian who can't makeup, and they are less annoying than Michelle Phan's voice.

>> No.6786669

What foundations/BBcreams/primers does one use in order to achieve porcelain skin? I swear I see some girls irl and they look like they've had Gaussian blur applied to them. Or is it a technique for applying foundation? I typically apply with fingers and pat it on but it never looks very smooth and I turn very shiny later on (even with powder).

>> No.6789887

Use a mattifying and smoothing primer. If you can't find one that does both, use milk of magnesia and then a smoothing primer on top. I have super oily skin with some acne scarring and aside from the really bad scars my skin looks fairly smooth, even in DSLR pictures.

>> No.6789897

Just wondering what you girls like from Daiso. I'm a little sketchy about buying most of the stuff since its so cheap.

>> No.6789899
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any one else follows Lisa Eldridge in youtube?

>> No.6789901

eyelashes definitely!

>> No.6789904
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>> No.6789906
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>> No.6789910


Yeah, she's amazing.
Shame we have such different skintones though, there's not many of her tutorials that work for me. Even her lips are a completely different shade to mine so her recommended lipsticks don't look as nice.

>> No.6790509
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>> No.6790510
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>> No.6790515
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>> No.6790688

What's up with the new thing of Japanese girls shaving half of their eyebrows off and not filling them in?
I've seen it a lot lately, and it just makes them look like they're ten with a straight brow that goes over half an eye.

>> No.6790715

This isn't new, it was a trend in the states and Canada circa. '09 I believe

it was the 'fashun edgy' look at the time. Runways were doing it a lot.

>> No.6790793

dat DSL

>> No.6790819

I actually have a quick question regarding makeup-
I have to darken my boyfriends sideburns for a cosplay, should I just buy a darker eyebrow enhancer and do it that way, or is there a better method?

>> No.6790827

I'd suggest an eyebrow wax/powder combination instead of a pencil, or temporary wash-out dye might just work better.

>> No.6790900

Alright, I need to know the best way to accentuate my eyes. My eyes are HUGE. They pretty much dominate my face. I look like a deer in headlights. But when I'm tired, it shows too well, and I look stoned because my eyelids droop so noticably.

How do I balance this?

>> No.6791564

line/define only your upper lashes then do a strong lip. or you can go to town with your brows.

iow, define lips and/or brows balance your eyes.

>> No.6791624

I love doing this irl because i also have naturally large lips, but man, you have to reapply pretty much all the time, especially if you are eating/drinking.

>> No.6791630

You must be new to Japan.
Girls have been doing this since the 90's. Gyaru fashion and visual kei fashion especially. I dont know if lolita girls do it AS much, but from dating an asian girl, in general most dont grow a lot of eyebrow hair to begin with. It's very fine. A lot of them shave half off to draw them in with an arch or just a different style.

>> No.6791646

where else would you do it?

>> No.6791687
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>> No.6791684
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makeup for guys

>> No.6791788

this. A lot of us have very thin eyebrow hair or sparse eyebrow hair in weird shapes. Many girls want an arch to their brows, but Asians tend to have straight brows, so I think shaving them helps those girls fake an arch.

Personally, I wish my eyebrows didn't arch so much

>> No.6791823

>tfw your brows grow in too thick to be able to make such pretty and perfectly shaped eyebrows

>> No.6792007

Does green concealer only cover up redness? I have some old acne scars, and I'm not sure if green will cover it up.

>> No.6792019

green concealer helps with the scars too, but bb cream or foundation in general is best for that.

Have you tried using toner? or bio oil?

>> No.6793002


I was just wondering because I plan to get Shiseido's UV white base protector. It comes in green and beige. My cheeks have some dark scars, but nothing reddish.

>> No.6793666 [DELETED] 
File: 134 KB, 1120x530, testing04.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

boy here, how to make eye appear larger?

also, more eye shadow tutorial pls.

>> No.6793674

trim them down and pluck. It's easier to make huge bushy brows smaller than non-existent ones exist plus you can pretty much create whatever shape you like since you have so much to work with.

>> No.6794802

how do I conceal ice pick scars, every primer I use conceal my pores, but not my ice pick scars.

I always rely on using a ice cube on my whole face before I apply makeup and dress up for the con.. but this wears off after a few hours.

>> No.6794811

Oh, that isn't the problem at all.
They are thin and plucked, trimmed down even.
They just flat out grow in with a lot of hairs instead of the hairs being scarce like in the photo.

But they're already thin in shape, trimmed down, and constantly maintained.
I just have eyebrows that don't need to ever be filled in since they are already "good"
(But I like the way the filled in ones look ;A;)

>> No.6794813


They don't grow in thick as in bushy and large.
They're naturally thin, but the hairs actually grow in close together and there's a lot of hairs rather than very few.
There truly isn't much to work with, sobsob
Not even an arch to make since they are naturally thin and naturally pretty straight.

>> No.6794815

I was just thinking this! I don't get the appeal of the scans to me, like I know they're aimed for asian eyes, but if I really wanted to I could tweak it and make it work for me...but it's so basic and they're all so similar I don't bother

>> No.6794823

I just bought a refill for Missha bb cream in 13, really want to order the gold skin79 brand and start trying that too

yeah I love her airplane regime I use that shit everytime I fly

>> No.6794833

What products are used here?

>> No.6794835

Makeup for non/half Asian eyelids?
Like, really hooded piece of shit eyelids that are barely visible.

>> No.6794840

I usually do sone variation of Sushi Monster's, and I think Mostflogged uploaded a quick tutorial on YouTube. Basically, shade on your browbone with a darker color, then add lots of eyeliner and false eyelashes.