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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 401 KB, 568x424, not a single fuck.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6782944 No.6782944 [Reply] [Original]

Since the image reply max has been reached, let's have another gal thread!

Secrets are lackluster as usual this week

>> No.6783399
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>> No.6783405

gal = japanese girls pretending to be white?

>> No.6783412

Pretty much.

>> No.6783589
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>> No.6783664
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>> No.6783727
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>not so fast you polar bears
They're only emulating Southern Cal white girls.

>> No.6783752
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>>mfw we have the 'asians pretending to be white girls' discussion in every single thread

>> No.6783921
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>> No.6783972
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>> No.6784032
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>> No.6784062
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>> No.6784073
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I won the auction for the d.i.a belt I wanted

so excite!

>> No.6784165

Whatever happened to that "cool gals" board? Did it die? We should try to revive it.

>> No.6784742
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>> No.6784941
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can I get some lash opinions from you guys?

what are your favorite styles/brands?
are dollywink/ eyemazing/ eye love matsuge and other big brands worth the price?
are bottom lashes absolutely necessary?

>> No.6784948
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There are the pairs I've not cut up yet and Iike all except the invisible band ones because they BREAK AFTER ONE USE.

My advice is to consider what eye look you're going for (tare me etc) and then buy lashes to suit the look. Keep in mind your eyeshape too as certain looks do not work with all eye types.

contemplating getting diamond lash princess and gorgeous eye soon.

>> No.6784962
File: 399 KB, 1072x1500, 未命名_meitu_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

might as well ask here.

what hair style for narrow faces would work with this length? I feel as if straight hair makes he look like a horseface.

>> No.6784966

I was on for a little, but school got in the way and I hiatus'd. When I checked back almost no posts had been made since I left, so meh. I liked the board, there just weren't very many members.

>> No.6784967

your face doesn't seem narrow to me, it looks pretty normal and that hairstyle looks ok for you but maybe it's a bit too plain for GAL
also horseface doesn't also mean narrow face, it also means having eyes that are too close (bringing attention to a long nose) sunken cheeks and big teeth

>> No.6784972

You could try it wavy, crimped or curled to give more volume on the sides, if you don't want to heat your hair then rag curling or leaving it in braids overnight will do the same thing.

>> No.6784988
File: 211 KB, 393x573, Rui Kotobuki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright, thanks!

I don't have a working hair curler atm so any curling would have to be done with a straightener or using the knotted method.

I use a heavy duty heat protectant that supposedly can protect hair from up to 400f temps.

Maybe this would work? (since curls don't last long on my hair to begin with and deflate into loose waves after mere seconds)

>> No.6785034

I think the style that you posted here would be really cute for your face shape. In general, if you're worried that your face is narrow, adding volume to the sides evens things out.

Also, I'd suggest you try some hydrating products and a few hair masks since the ends of your hair look a little dry?

>> No.6785301
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Dittoing this. Also, anybody know any good ebay sellers? The one I ordered from recently was a nightmare; the lashes looked nothing like the picture and some of them looked like they had been used.

I like the cat-eye shape, myself. I usually use Ardell Demi Pixies for an everyday look, but I'm thinking of switching to Diamond Lash Glamorous eye for when I'm feeling more dramatic.

>> No.6786115
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>> No.6786128
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Hey gals! One thing that haunts me are my eyebrows. They're always styled and I get them dyed when I dye my hair, but as you all probably know-- they fade so fast. And I have black hair! I was wondering what you guys do to keep up light eyebrows? I refuse to shave them off, and they're already trimmed. Do you girls just buy bleach from the store and do it yourselves at home?

I wish I had sparse eyebrows, but alas...

>> No.6786146

Really shouldn't let bleach go near your eyes!
I think most shave half off, then use eyebrow mascara/pencil to cover and fill in.

>> No.6786202

i dont shave mine down entirely but instead i use a little clipper [the ones hairdressers use to clean up around mens hairlines and sideburns] with a clipper guard over it to keep the hairs 1/8 inch long

>> No.6787170
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>> No.6787782

Light eyebrow mascara (Palty is slightly better than Diamond lash) and pencil. Most people that say eyebrow mascara doesn't work have either huge bushes on top of their eyes, or just don't use it right so keep your eyebrows neat and you should be fine.

>> No.6787864
File: 75 KB, 500x639, tumblr_lpzfieCTdd1qi1r0xo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where do you buy yours? The place where I normally got mine just quit selling it.

>> No.6788828

why do you guys get a kick out of dressing like you have daddy issues?

>> No.6788868
File: 632 KB, 460x584, tumblr_ml5qao69S61qcs8ijo1_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

maybe because we do have daddy issues

>> No.6788898


If dressing in a certain style means you have daddy issues then I suppose that means you have aesthetic issues because you're being an asshole.

>> No.6789127

I could see how people could make that judgement I guess, but if they do it doesn't really bother me unless their opinion of my aesthetics has a direct outcome on my job or grade. then again, I usually dress more neutral then.

>> No.6789915

I'm actually kind of interested in gal and was wondering if anyone cared to share what they think are the most important aspects of it? I know that the make up /falsies are a huge part of it but other than that I'm pretty sure I may just end up looking...Well not very gal/gyura

>> No.6789985
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>> No.6790010

>daddy issues

Are you fucking blind

>> No.6790019

>still replying to the most obvious of trolls

>> No.6790024

So I have come to know that in order to be a popular or good gyaru, you have to be thin as all hell so you can pull off outfits that average sized people can't.

I've been trying to lose weight for a while, and progress has been slow, but today I'm starting Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred (since my normal strength training/cardio routine is starting to get a little too easy).

Any weight loss tips from girls
Hell, does anyone know where I can buy these new "SOS Leg Panic" supplements? Or 2 Day Diet Lingzhi, you know, the real version (way too many fakes out there now)?
I've heard good things about the SOS supplements, and I can vouch for 2 Day Diet (tried it, took off 10 pounds VERY quickly, and I've kept it off ever since last year when I ran out of them).

>> No.6790050
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>> No.6790064

My suggestion, if you use supplements, is to sort of cobble your own regimen together based on the ingredients in the stuff you're talking about. It'll be much cheaper that way.

Other than that, I find that low carb is very effective at getting weight off fast (when I go low-carb, I lose about an inch a week off my waist) but you have to be extremely careful about reintroducing carbs to your diet otherwise you'll gain all the lost inches back, and even then you'll gain 2-3 of your lost inches back after reincorporating carbs.

>> No.6790069

Why does this bother me so much??

>> No.6790098

>I find that low carb is very effective at getting weight off fast
nfortunately I'm not very educated about carbs and the like, I've always just stuck to natural foods/fruits/veggies and minimal sugary/salty junk while staying under 1200 cals a day.

Could you possible give me some kind of sample meal plan for a week + the getting back onto carbs? Like, what you usually do, of course.

Thanks a lot, Anon.

>> No.6790115

I tend to eat the same thing every day when I'm low carb: a protein and a vegetable for every meal. For breakfast I'll do spinach and eggs, for lunch I'll do chicken and a huge salad with a bunch of different vegetables, and for dinner I'll do fish or red meat with a hearty vegetable like broccoli. Rearrange and repeat according to your tastes.
Make sure you season everything thoroughly, or else it'll be a really bland diet. My favorite seasonings are spicy ones, like cayenne pepper.
Fruit is actually pretty carb-loaded, so completely eliminate it from your diet when you're doing low-carb.
Also, really go hard on the vegetables. Eat double or triple the amount of vegetables you usually do, otherwise you'll be unsatisfied and won't be taking in enough nutrients. Don't eat any beans, potatoes, etc. either. Your only two good food groups here are meat and vegetables, and nuts if you like them (I hate them).
Reintroducing carbs, start with fruit, since it's fairly healthy. Start with berries and stuff, work your way up to things like apples and oranges, and finish off with any kind of fatty/sugary fruits you usually like such as bananas. This process should be 3-5 days, starting with only a serving or two a day and then working up to whatever your normal healthy amount is.
Then, start on your natural carb-loaded foods like potatoes, sweet potatoes, beans, etc. Make this another 3-5 days. This is a big problem area for me because beans and rice are a staple food for me when I'm not low-carb, but use your own judgement and self control here.
Processed carbs like rice and bread are the last thing you reintroduce, and this is what you'll want to do the slowest or else you'll balloon up. I usually take a full 7 days to as much as 2 weeks, and I try to limited processed carbs anyway.
That took a bit to articulate, sorry.

>> No.6790126

Wow, this is perfect. Than you very much!!
I have to be quite money conscious, but I think I can still do this. It'll definitely be cheaper than spending money on food every day at work (I work in a mall).

>> No.6790129

Yeah, unfortunately with all the fresh vegetable requirements this is the kind of diet that can get super expensive depending on food availability in your area. I try not to because of the sodium and lower nutrient value, but in a money pinch I'll use canned vegetables instead of the more expensive fresh and frozen stuff.

>> No.6790766
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My heart.

>> No.6791622
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>> No.6791631
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>her thighs are still touching!!

>> No.6791660
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For those of you gals who like to wear i.Fairy circle lenses [they're my personal favorite], they're having a buy 1 get one free sale on their site until the 27th. it works on all of their lenses and you can get as many as you want and its still 1 free pair for every pair you pay for, no limit as far as i can tell

>> No.6791711

>SOS Leg Panic
I've been hearing a lot about dietary supplements for legs lately... Does anyone have any info on some?

>> No.6791733

sorry I'm dumb, but what's their site?

>> No.6792456
File: 22 KB, 384x288, tumblr_ljyt7evK9A1qcs8ijo1_400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What kind of style do you like best? If there's a definite gyaru substyle you're thinking of trying, we can give more specific advice when it comes to clothes and beauty.

In general, I would agree that of the makeup, falsies and circle lenses are the most important. What color eyes do you have? Are you already used to wearing circle lenses?

Hair is also important. Depending on how much time you're willing to spend on styling is depending on what kind of hair style you should go for. Also, not all shades of blonde/brown are created equal; some are more "gyaru" than others, so that might be something to consider.

Finally, especially if you're going to be wearing revealing clothing, a slight tan helps. I'm aware that tanning is "out" and there are plenty of pale gals, but there is a difference between being pale and being pasty/looking like your skin has never seen sunlight. Even just a really subtle tan from one of those "natural glow" lotions makes a huge improvement in how you look in short skirts/shorts.

Did that help? If you tell me what you have in mind, I can give you pointers more specific to your needs.

>> No.6792463
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Your body can get used to a workout if you do it all the time, so it's important to change it up. Lately, I've really been loving hill sprints since I got bored with doing HIIT on the bike all the time.

I'm in the same boat as you and I've been focusing on doing really intense cardio to burn fat. But I don't neglect weight training since it burns tons of calories and makes you look hot. If you want to look "toned" (which is a bullshit misnomer, don't get me wrong), then that's what you need.

Also, since I've been working out a bunch, my appetite has sky rocketed so I had to change my diet. My doctor told me that unless you're obeast, if you're on a severely calorie restricted diet, that's just as bad as over eating. I got the best results from switching to a diet that's low in simple carbs, sugars and fats and high in fiber and protein.

That's just what I've been doing, but I think we might be trying to achieve different types of results with weightloss.

>> No.6792504

a /fit/ gal?

>> No.6792507


>> No.6792519
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> Those lower lashes...

>> No.6792549

And her eyeliner! Is it just me or does it look messy?

On an unrelated note, anyone ever bought from prettypoint on ebay? I want to be able to get my japanese cosmetics and skincare items all from the same place and this seller seemed like a good one, but in some of the reviews, some buyers complained that their items seemed fake.

Where do you guys get your stuff from?

>> No.6792624
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>> No.6792654
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>> No.6792830
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>> No.6793660
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>> No.6794420
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>> No.6794503
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>> No.6794655
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>> No.6794667
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>> No.6795023
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>> No.6795775
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>> No.6797913
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>> No.6798051
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>> No.6798989

>until the 27th


>> No.6799005
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Has anyone bought lenses from coseye.net or kpop2.com? they have great prices which makes me suspicious

>> No.6800435
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>> No.6800600


take away the photoshop add some natural light and these would be a nightmare come true.. eep