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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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6780873 No.6780873 [Reply] [Original]

Can we have a creepy cute thread?
Hard mode: No skeleton tights
Nightmare mode: No Pastelbat or Creepyyeha

>> No.6780893
File: 533 KB, 500x669, tumblr_lz0shaYH761qc5jioo1_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No pastelbat


>> No.6780896

Insanity mood, no skeleton tights + RHS or eyeball bows.

>> No.6780901

Death mode: no Lavender x Black

>> No.6780903

oh wow, skeleton tights, how original and amazing.

>> No.6780906
File: 19 KB, 180x180, 1358366833068.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks Anon, those are nice too!

>> No.6780908

that also overrules no skeleton tights and she just looks like a trainwreck

>> No.6780928 [DELETED] 
File: 79 KB, 500x363, tumblr_mhg8kwHL8I1qc5jioo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I always play games one easy mode.

Go eat some more jelly.

>> No.6780932
File: 79 KB, 500x363, tumblr_mhg8kwHL8I1qc5jioo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I always play games on easy mode.

Go eat some more jelly.

>> No.6780939

Tbh, I've never seen anyone look fairly good in creepy cute besides Pastelbat in it

>> No.6780940
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>> No.6780954
File: 925 KB, 800x596, videogames.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a while ago someone posted a picture of a really good creepy cute girl where she had a necklace made of i think bloody doll parts. does anyone know what i am on about and saved it?

>> No.6780967 [DELETED] 
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>> No.6780970

I actually rather like Pastelbat but a) that coord was bad b) I'd like to see someone else for once ahaha.

>> No.6781008


>> No.6781137
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>> No.6781155

No vendetta against her so inb4 that, but how does pastelbat afford SO MUCH CLOTHING. Like are there cheap outlets for pastel stuff and relevant clothing that I don't know about?

>> No.6781200

She sells her old clothes, and gets free stuff from http://www.sheinside.com/

>> No.6781236
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Let's play dress-up

>> No.6781277
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>> No.6781279

don't think creepyyeha even does creepy cute? her stuff is more fetish-y inspired...

anyway... haven't seen anything worth a shit lolita + creepy cute since Ayuu's last couple of outfits last year...

>> No.6781280
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>> No.6781292
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>> No.6781294
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Oh God, I hate creppy cute so much.

>> No.6781299

This is not creepy cute at all, this is just...goth.

>> No.6781333
File: 31 KB, 356x374, 1361320169108.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So why are you in this thread?

>> No.6781379
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Because I need to.

>> No.6781413
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Enjoy your stay anon
Let's get this thread back on topic

>> No.6781452

check her FAQ on her tumblr

>> No.6781465
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>> No.6782408

Isn't this pastelgoth?

>> No.6782410


Is... is that a unicorn pasty?

>> No.6782434
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>> No.6782433
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>> No.6782436
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>> No.6782437
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>> No.6782438
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>> No.6782440
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>> No.6782441
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>> No.6782442
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>> No.6782443
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>> No.6782446
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>> No.6782445
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>> No.6782449
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looove this one

>> No.6782448
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>> No.6782451
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>> No.6782452
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>> No.6782454
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>> No.6782455
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>> No.6782457
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>> No.6782459

She's really cute.

>> No.6782525

ack! terrifying skeletor legs! get behind me satan!

>> No.6782541

post pictures kind anon

>> No.6782543

lmao it looks like she's cosplaying 24/24h sorry. Geez i can't comprehend how uncomfortable it must be to wear wigs and that much accessories everyday.

>> No.6782545

hi cgl! i'm kinda new to
this fashion, and i was wondering what good stores i could buy clothes from and if there were any tips
you guys could give me, maybe? thanks!!

>> No.6782550

Skeleton tights are so outdated and that pastel shit died two years ago with Audrey Kitchen and consort. Tumblr two-thousand and late as usual.

>> No.6782554
File: 221 KB, 399x700, tumblr_lyp8zszAAt1qk4t72o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i think i like her outfits with creepy cute and lolita so much because she does more colors than just lav x black. love the mint in this one

>> No.6782576

This girl looks like she's close to being anorexic.. I remember a girl that had legs similar to this and she was seriously underweight (arms looked like they could snap). However her wearing the baggy jumper means I cant see how bad her arms are too. If you saw this in real life it would look really odd as it doesn't look natural.

>> No.6782582
File: 322 KB, 600x800, doll_by_petitemodevil-d5krt00.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


thank you! the mint/lavender mix is really nice in this one.
I thought you meant this huge mess since she claims to be creepy cute as well and has a website and shop dedicated to it

>> No.6782587

That or she's 14.

I like her smile, it makes me want to be her friend/

Legit though no one was wearing those kind of clothes, this is some Avril Lavigne Hot Topic realness right there.

>> No.6782588

I'm told Ayu identifies as male now.

>> No.6782592

Maybe she's just naturally thin.
And on her blog she has pictures of her eating a ice cream. (http://i641.photobucket.com/albums/uu136/themangadrawer/E5D3B62A-DFB4-4751-8197-8C5B4A95320C-132-00000004E71092D1_zps1d4c2eb1.jpg))

Plus, her collarbones aren't very defined: http://i641.photobucket.com/albums/uu136/themangadrawer/AA91FE07-7852-4E9E-A434-3E482683DEDB-55-00000000BD0D614D_zpsc356c524.jpg

>> No.6782594
File: 735 KB, 681x616, requiem4adream.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

RIP in peace.
Another victim of pastel grunge.

>> No.6782596
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>> No.6782598

Just because there is a pic of her eating something doesn't mean that she's not anorexic lmaoooo And believe it or not you can still be fat as hell and have your collarbones defined.

>> No.6782626

Part of it is her stance. Feet a bit apart and leaning forward to make your legs look skinnier to get that thigh gap for suure. She likely is not as skinny as the photo suggests.

>> No.6782632

She has an eating disorder, she has stated that on her tumblr and on her blog.

>> No.6782654

RIP her chin

>> No.6782667

this is just cute. having a spiked headband with an otherwise pink outfit doesn't make it automatically creepy cute

>> No.6782696


Rest in peace in peace?

>> No.6782709

I like this look.

u must be new

>> No.6782730

I have a newb cuestion. Pastel goth and creepy cute aren't the same, right?

>> No.6782738

That is a seriously cute room.

>> No.6782812


I've been on her for like four years.

>> No.6782947


In her instagram she very openly tells people about her eating disorder when the 14 year olds go nuts about her "omg supercute thin legssss", and tells them not to be like her.

>> No.6782964

where 2 cop

>> No.6782966

So new then.

>> No.6783120

Maybe - gasp! - people want to wear it because they like it? And shock horror, not everyone is obsessed with only wearing the latest thing?

>> No.6783199

Wow. When did that happen?

>> No.6783229

Not that anon, but everyone is so wearing the same shit on tumblr it's not even funny. I can't even differentiate the people from this thread, same kreepsville666 necklaces, same tights, same hair colors, same Monomania knock offs... Tumblr is following a trend that died years ago in the Harajuku fashion.

>> No.6785079


>> No.6785086

>everyone is wearing the same shit on tumblr it's not even funny
>Tumblr is following a trend that died years ago in the Harajuku fashion
You realize you just described lolita, right?

>> No.6785092

Bitch no.

>> No.6785100

Considering the fact that the glb is still a published magazine, and that lolita brands are still continuously coming out with new stuff... lolita is far, far from being a dead trend.

>> No.6785128

Does anyone have any links for websites where you can buy these types of clothes? I am in love with them, but I'm a total fail at internet shopping.

>> No.6785139

Creepy Cute=Pastel Goth as well

>> No.6785141

Nope, she doesn't. Take your vendetta somewhere else.

>> No.6785151
File: 81 KB, 440x440, 6b7fc57djw1e3y81bx5vuj20h00h0gpd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6785162

Umn, Ayubutts does this since years already.

>> No.6785286

Hi Demian.

>> No.6785297

The one of the left holy butterface.

>> No.6785304
File: 360 KB, 558x437, 9866744.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Juria's face is so creepy, its like she has no chin + one enormous mouth ?

>> No.6785314
File: 395 KB, 500x750, tumblr_ml95r6d1j61r35snxo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Her whole face just seems deformed.

>> No.6785316

The mask just makes it worse, like she lost her jaw in an accident and she's covering up the gaping wound with her tongue lolling out.

>> No.6785333

On that note, a few threads back someone bought a really nice pair of tokyo bopper replicas for a good price off eBay, but searching tokyo bopper doesn't give me much and there are a LOT of J Fashion shoes floating around there. Any help? Searching taobao would be easy as fuck but I don't really want to make a big order, and really, if not for that, what's the point?

>> No.6785339
File: 238 KB, 426x428, 990866.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think she looks worse without it :( At least she looks ok from the front with the safety mask on.

>> No.6785345

Any help with this? Pretty, pretty please?

>> No.6785348

Wtf is going on with her chin in this picture

>> No.6785352

Most people just do thrifting.

>> No.6785358

You can see it?

Yeah I guess it's pretty terrible. It's mostly my overactive imagination that's allowed to roam free when she covers it up like that...

>> No.6785360
File: 845 KB, 500x750, tumblr_mcvlilXLS71r9pu6wo1_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She got a skull deformation, her chin is at her neck.

>> No.6785362

Thank you c:

>> No.6785366

Those shoes her friend always wears are fucking awful and completely clash with whatever outfit she wears. Not even a cool kind of clashiness, just objectively terrible.

>> No.6785374
File: 434 KB, 416x573, arena76543.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have no idea. I know she used to wear that mask 24/24h back in the day but i really though she was a cute. She srly looks like she has some kind of down syndrom now.

>> No.6785407

This shirt, where???

>> No.6785436

ebay "cat galaxy shirt"

>> No.6785439

She does look as if she has a physical deformity tied to a mental deficiency of some kind. It's really sad actually.

>> No.6785465

Am I the only one that likes the fact Juria is famous for her looks/clothes (basically a model) yet is full of deformities; no chin, weird eyes, bad hair, massive bags.
It makes me like her more for some reason...
Though I do agree in her recent shots she looks sort of like a soulless heroin addict.

>> No.6785475

lol no

she just has no chin, it's just a physical thing

think chin-chan, same thing

>> No.6785474

I am laughing so much at this entire series of comments.

>> No.6785498
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>> No.6785503

Yes! I know exactly what you mean. So many people who are famous in fashion circles are supremely beautiful and you desperately want to look like them but it's just not at all achievable.
I think the fact that Juria is out there and is a REALISTIC inspiration to a lot of girls, showing that you don't have to have perfect bone structure to look fucking fabulous

>> No.6785528
File: 68 KB, 612x612, ruby-gloom2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6785522
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>> No.6785535
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>> No.6785545
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>> No.6785556
File: 198 KB, 500x667, eva_pinkland.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6785558

No I mean, the way her face looks is akin to people who have slight downs. Her face looks the same as people who look like that due to mental deficiencies.

>> No.6785570

Well she did stop school at 16 ... All those Trump Room parties and dat coke she must took with Ikeda and you have that as a result.

>> No.6785573

no it's not, she doesn't have a downs face

I work with kids who have downs, she really doesn't.
No chin isn't even a characteristic of downs.

>> No.6785583

that's not how drugs work

she just has no chin
it's called having a receded jaw for christ sakes

>> No.6785594

Wasn't she called a nazi for wearing that Boy London sweater (Including Kyary) by some SJW

>> No.6785603

why doesn't she just get surgery to fix her chin?

like, this is what perplexes me, why not just fix the chin instead of spending all the money of clothes and bad hair styling? the rest of her face looks fine and with some jaw reshaping and implants.

>> No.6785612

lol i had no idea for the school thingy, but i never saw her in her uniform excepted in a very old pic where she was 15 or something and she still had brown hair. But seriously IkedaxJuria is my otp, i bet they're on some good shit.

>> No.6785610


>> No.6785624

Most people wearing their eagle stuff were and are called nazi, special since the brand had quite some negative media attention for their designs last year.

>> No.6785633

Social Justice Warrior, I think?

>> No.6785654

I think she's waiting to be 21 to get it since she's still 16-17 ?

>> No.6785656

You can get sugery in this age with the permission of your parents.

>> No.6785658

>short term saving
>long term saving

braces are fucking expensive in japan and a lot of people don't see the point in them.

And maybe she just isn't ready to go under the knife?

>> No.6785676

Jaw shaving/implant is pretty risky in the majority of the cases you can get infections, scaring and apparently you can die too.

>> No.6785687
File: 284 KB, 455x700, tumblr_kq4tzsYk7e1qzm44jo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why does she even need surgery she looks like an average Nipponese.

with a typical Japanese profile albeit with a very inward pointing chin. She's not Sloth from the Goonies for fuck's sake.

Jesus Christ you bitches just never give up.

>> No.6785695

>12+ inches of bare leg
I don't get it.

>> No.6785701

are u blind

>> No.6785709

braces is not plastic surgery and of course getting your face reshaped is expensive but it's kind of worth it if someone has a deformed jawline. plus people get plastic surgery even without needing it.

lol no, if you look above, her chin is not normal, she very clearly has a kind of deformity. granted you can argue that expecting people with defects like that to ~get surgery~ is ~ableist~, but you can't argue thats normal.

>> No.6785710
File: 43 KB, 400x600, tumblr_lftpvtsimZ1qa2ppko1_400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it is the kawaii thing to do

i dunno

She's just the prettiest Asian girl i had saved.
She's boring in many respects especially when compared to Yuria's colorful appearance.

This girl's i guess pretty too just not my cup of tea.

She's got a great body though.

stahp it

>> No.6785712

Looks like a school uniform. Can't change that. Keep warm where you can?

>> No.6785713

It's called cold but not that cold. Living in Canada, I see this all the time?

>> No.6785720

>average Nipponese
Have you ever been in Japan? That chin is in no way average. While the average japanese might not be very beautiful, they do not have that kind of face. That is not normal.

>> No.6785722

I guess you're not familiar with how real Japanese high school girls dress during the winter months..I'm not saying it's still not batshit.

>> No.6785730

It's the Asian equivalent of shorts with Uggs.

>> No.6785731
File: 51 KB, 124x240, tumblr_m61njl9Itf1rvfrjwo2_250.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I DID NOT say her chin was average, just the eyes and lips maybe.

I am no deluded weeb like some of you people I've seen crowds of Japanese people and am aware most are not super kawaii video game characters.

If it is a deformity, unless it's impacting her health then surgery is not necessary. Who knows, she may not be as vain as you all assume either.

>> No.6785754

School uniforms, man.
In our school we had to have knee socks, skirt, shirt, optional v neck sweater, tie, blazer and optional weird ugly windbreaker thing. All had to be regulation colours with school logo on.
And god forbid they caught you wearing tights/long sleeved top under your shirt.
Saw a few girls wear long trousers like the boys and they'd get into so much shit for it.

>> No.6785843
File: 411 KB, 690x2085, 6bcc4354jw1e1r4373lsgj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6785854

I thought legwear and footwear was fair game with a lot of school uniforms? And I've never heard of a school that doesn't allow tights either.

I live in New Zealand, our climate's similar to the climate in a lot of Japan. I never see girls dressed like that

I'm familiar, I just don't get it. It's so counterintuitive.

>> No.6785876

lol that's just normal punk

>> No.6785882

According to you Juria must be punk then as well.

>> No.6786113

Idunno..My school wanted us dressed how they said, no changing and no exceptions. But I went to school in Taiwan so maybe Japan's legwear is more open? (I remember my teachers saying if the Japanese could deal with cold thighs, we could too, back in the day but times may of changed)

>> No.6786144

They're different, which is annoying as shit because everyone is posting pastel goth now.

>> No.6786360

This is neither creepy nor cute.

>> No.6786371

What's the difference?

>> No.6786378

Well one is creepy and cute, the other is this faux-grunge, edgy shit but with pastels. Sure they cross, but it's a different thing.

>> No.6786401

excuse me if I'm asking too much, but could you please list the differences and similarities?
I want to try creepy/cute without looking like a pastel goth

>> No.6786471


>> No.6786485

Wait, you want me to go over the differences with a fine-toothed comb for you, when you can't define it for yourself? Really?

>> No.6786489

I'm not an expert, but when I see creepycute, it's more a creepy take on traditional kawaii, so you've still got the big doll eyes, wigs, poofy skirts, and lolita-related things, just with bats and eyeballs, as well. With pastel goth, it's more goth clothing turned cute, so the big baggy inverted cross sweaters worn with lacy leggings, or harnesses and leather garters, but in pink and with heart shaped rings. At least that's how I interpret it?

>> No.6786494

What's the maximum weight to pull off creepy cute?

>> No.6786497

I can see some differences but it's still difficult for me

I think I got it, thanks!

>> No.6786525

Oh please, so does every other girl on the internet nowadays.

>> No.6786531

>implying our pastel shit has anything to do with a random nobody
>implying we care about "outdated shit"

Confirmed for style-less bandwagoning newfag

>> No.6786541


>> No.6786559

Nope, just the lack of chin

>> No.6786566

People are so damn sensitive when it comes to things like this


>> No.6786571

>she may not be as vain as you all assume either.


>> No.6786845
File: 407 KB, 500x750, tumblr_mh1yxfZe4X1s2s5eio1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bumpity bump

>> No.6786848
File: 130 KB, 460x691, Marina.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6786850
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>> No.6786858
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>> No.6786901

holy shit now i see why she's always covering her chin!!! D: i am in shock

>> No.6786915

None of these are creepy cute.

>> No.6786947

Well, they had a shirt with Hitler's portrait in the past, so....

>> No.6786949

is creepy cute a J-fashion thing or only tumblr?

>> No.6786984

The name itself is a tumblr thing, in Japan people like this call themself just Pastel Goth (パステルゴス) as well.

>> No.6786995
File: 206 KB, 836x960, 150034_328195507284757_5087081_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic releated, from some pixiv artist.

>> No.6787328

hey, hey, hey, I thought we said no skellington tights? oh wait.

>> No.6787573

She looks like she has progeria

>> No.6787671

That would have been snappier if you has spelled 'skeleton' correctly. For goodness' sake, it's right there in OP's post. Ten points from Gryffindor.

>> No.6787853


That fucking obsession with labeling a style, just wear what you like jfc pastel grunge and creepy kawaii doesn't mean shit.

>> No.6787876

is there a male style as well or is creepy cute/pastel goth only for girls?

>> No.6787882

get out

>> No.6787890

Yes of course, man are forbidden to wear any creepy things or they will be put to the death row. Did you know ? Thank god you can't think for yourself and you asked us :o

>> No.6787905

just a valid question since you hardly see any men in said fashion.

just wanted to know since you hardly see guys wearing it so I wondered if they might call it something else. Like it is with Lolita/Brolita, Gyaru/Gyaru-o etc

>> No.6787913


These type of statements are so stupid. There is a REASON people label things. It's so that when we do find something we like it's easier to find other things that are similar. Just because you don't care, doesn't mean no one should.

"Labels" are not some terrible evil pox upon society that limits our creativity or whatever other argument people make. It's a part of how our brain works. We automatically try to categorize and sort things because it helps us process information quicker and easier.

>> No.6787920

Sweden students get money to go to school. Also probably wins a bunch of competitions, since she blackmails anyone who has a chance of beating her.

>> No.6787943

"Follow for more pastel grunge, you will love it on your dash."

>> No.6787955

>she blackmails


>> No.6788075

I'm not sure I get your comment...

>> No.6788091

u have now idea how mad that shit makes me

>> No.6788228

Irodohieru dresses in a more boyish version sometimes but since most clothes are unisex, the fashion really don't got a 'gender' anyways.

>> No.6788233

Ask choke.

>> No.6788251
File: 239 KB, 500x740, tumblr_mbr9n6GFz01qdx9hzo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Less angry more cute!

>> No.6788295

Why is Creepyyeha, Pastelbat and co became such pretentious assholes. I wish i could stan some nice people for their style goddamnit.

>> No.6788321
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>> No.6788400

No she was just doing the fakeboi shtick to boost her popularity and promote her shop.

Which is why she deleted her first tumblr and moved.

>> No.6788445

>neutral on the gender front
>won’t throw a fit over pronouns— preferin neutral/masculine if you wanna get personal

I think she is bigendered or wahtever, with a preference to male most of the time.

>> No.6788459

Personally, I'd love that. I think my boyfriend would look great in pastel goth. Requesting pictures!

>> No.6788473

Most people become like this when realizing they can make money off the people that idolize them.

>> No.6788487
File: 101 KB, 800x1022, dvdsv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is more art than photos existing of that.

>> No.6788496
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>> No.6788497
File: 149 KB, 400x698, tumblr_mipk1bppum1rer1qoo1_500_zps1da4e341.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6788507

from the thumbnail I thought it was supposed to be one of those yaoi fanarts with the huge hands

>> No.6788508

>because the head looks tiny
I forgot to add

>> No.6788513

poor girl, she looks like a fish

>Jaw shaving/implant is pretty risky in the majority of the cases you can get infections, scaring and apparently you can die too.
but isn't it famous in Korea?

>> No.6788517


>> No.6788588

Yes but they only cut the skin under your gum open, insert some plastic-like implant and sew it closed again.

>> No.6790135

Creepyyeha's last posts are making me uncomfortable... No Yeha, we don't need to see how your face look after you had sex and you don't have to display how much you have clothes and how much your tights don't touch.

>> No.6790137

i don't give a fuck if your teeth are fucked up but jfc brush them.

>> No.6790138

everything about her makes me uncomfortable

>> No.6790144

I have to agree. Her poses in her last pictures are over the top, even for her. I really like her, but those pictures are making me change my mind about her.

>> No.6790493

? Which picture are you talking about as the sex picture? If you mean the post of her in the bed (most recent one tagged 'me' at least) Her hair and makeup are much to nicely done for it to be an 'after sex' picture... also don't know what you're talking about tights wise?

>> No.6790517

I stopped following her a while ago because the sex-gore made me really uncomfortable.
I think she meant thighs, because there's this stupid thigh-gap trend going on.

>> No.6790519

braces are expensive dude

especially in Asia

anon was talking about why she doesn't get surgery.

>> No.6790628

She was quite the shy type back then when she didn't own her online store, we even used to talk a little about fashion. Her style was way more interesting tbh, i remember that pic of her in a simple black dress and those spider web tights. It looked cute but mostly not uncomfortable like everything she wears now. (I don't get it, she's really really skinny but she always wear stuff 2 sizes too small including her garters.) I unfollowed her after those vicious attack she made to that random blogger that started to sell harnesses too, it was pretty weird.

>> No.6790641

I think she's talking to that one topless pic she took one month ago ? She captioned the pic with "aftersex hair" or something and we could see her messy bed behind. I'm not into slut shaming but i have to admit that i rme at this, it was just too facebook for me.

>> No.6790646
File: 493 KB, 778x516, wowok.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think it's this one

>> No.6790649

oh yeah ok I see

>> No.6790650

Did Creepyyeha replicate things from Taobao, or did Taobao replicate things from her?

>> No.6790656

That is one lucky guy

>> No.6790667
File: 1.47 MB, 1367x2098, cherry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A little of both i guess ... The girl in my pic started to wear that kind of stuff way before her for example.

>> No.6790676

>mfw i found out what your average korean looks like before jaw surgery

>> No.6790681

It's a cute picture. She's not "OMG HAVING SEX" or anything. She's just... posting a picture and not making a big deal out it?

You guys will find any reason to pick on people, for christ's sake

>> No.6790687

I only just realized now, too. I've seen so many pictures of her before and thought she just posed like that to be cute, I didn't really notice her chin was weird looking

>> No.6790690
File: 45 KB, 500x640, tumblr_mlisugPI8O1rddbxfo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know why but this one terrifies me holy shit

>> No.6790696

I'm always jelly of these surgeries but damn she looked better before, those lips definitely don't match.

>> No.6790698

Because she looked cartoony but fine otherwise before, now she looks like an alien

Korean surgery is irl photoshop

Also, does anyone know what they do for the nasal folds? Or do they shoop it out? (yes I know all of the 'afters' have some shoop for the lighting and their skin)

>> No.6790700

Jaw surgery is probably the scariest plastic surgery to me, I cringe thinking of them shaving off that much bone.

I kinda want it though, I have a wider jaw than I'd like but I'm too scared

>> No.6790720
File: 92 KB, 500x750, tumblr_mls61jpX1I1r1l3kto1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit who the hell though it was a good idea to made her do modeling ???

>> No.6790732

Dem legs.

>> No.6790778

She's a confident, outgoing, well-dressed useful person with initiative who isnt bogged down by the deformation, and that makes her whole fuck of a lot more beautiful than any of you jealous, petty shrews.

>> No.6790796

Yellow teeth =/= dirty teeth. You can't remove stains with toothpaste.
She might benefit from some whitestrips or whatever, but since she hardly ever opens her mouth anyway it's not like it would matter.

>> No.6790807

>and that makes her whole fuck of a lot more beautiful than any of you jealous, petty shrews.
>muh inner beauty
It's modelling.

>> No.6790813

A lot of models, especially for this kind of street fashion stuff aren't really "beautiful".
Juria is well known and helping to popularize those styles, so she is a logical choice as a model to promote the brand image. They're selling the clothes, not her face.

>> No.6790839

>hurrr women are worth nothing but aesthetic value
fuck off

>> No.6790847

So what non-aesthetic talent or contribution has she exactly made on the world except promote vain fashion culture and looking like a starving heroin addict?

>> No.6790852

i wish there was better creepy cute lolita, no one linked anything except that old ayuu coord from last year... anybody have anything decent at all from more recent?

>> No.6790873

Am I the only one who thinks creepycute is one of the ugliest styles ever?

>> No.6790876

i'm sure if you read the thread you'd find you're not special anon

>still thinking you're the only one

>> No.6790942

I didn't bother reading the thread, but I figured I wasn't the only one. There will always be people who hate the things we hate and that's what makes the world so wonderful.

>> No.6790948

ok then I suggest you stop using that stupid phrase

>> No.6790957

The people saying this girl is too skinny are obvious jealous fatties. A few pounds wouldn't hurt her, but she's not "close to being anorexic". She's totally fine.

>> No.6790975

You sound like you're on the rag.

Are you on the rag?

>> No.6790984

I'm not even a jelly fatty, but she's clearly very underweight. I think you're letting the baggy top fool you

>> No.6791039

The only thing you can judge her weight by in that picture are her legs, which are skinny, but nowhere near very underweight. My legs were thinner than hers at my skinniest and I was perfectly, doctor approved, healthy.

Unless maybe there's other photos of her where you can see her body more and her legs are just thick compared to the rest of her.

>> No.6791069

I want to be her

>> No.6791074

this is so creepy cute

>> No.6791078

no, you can see her torso quite well since the shirt is tucked in enough to give an outline. I'd draw it out if I wasn't on a laptop

it's pretty obvious she isn't carrying the 'extra weight' so to speak anywhere else

>> No.6791079

this whole outfit! I want it all

>> No.6791113

>has dslr
>only uses it as accessory

>> No.6791119

is that a trap

>> No.6791142

Hello did you not see the replies confirming her eating disorder? Read the damn thread before you start calling everyone jealous fatties.
Also just because you were that thin and not anorexic does not mean that that's a normal or healthy weight for other people.

>> No.6791164

jaw surgery always come out looking so bad! Ryutaro from plastic tree (japanese band) got chin surgery a few years ago in 2009 or 2010 and it's so obvious. He used to have a nice square-ish jaw with a round face. Now he has a SHARP chin with a round face and it looks like something out of Clamp's X or tokyo babylon.

>> No.6791173
File: 92 KB, 299x424, mensspidermai.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's how he looks now

>> No.6791326

>because you were that thin and not anorexic does not mean that that's a normal or healthy weight for other people.

crying skinny people have become more annoying than crying fat people at this point. drawing conclusions based on your normal experiences is a bad argument

>> No.6791554

Which blogger? Does she still sell it?

>> No.6791895
File: 32 KB, 358x603, 395Ryuutarou-VocalistofPlasticTree-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


OH GOD IT DOES. Jesus that's unfortunate. I always thought he was cute.

pic is cute pre-surgery jaw

>> No.6791909

I always thought he had the cutest pre-surgery jaw. His new jaw doesn't really work for him.

he's still my husbando tho

>> No.6792438

Japan hardly markets dental hygiene stuff, you will nowhere find some advertisments for toothpaste in the public so bad teeth are nothing uncommon.

>> No.6792441

Even Juria did before Yeha but the stuff with hearts is something she started thought but everything else, nope.

>> No.6792461

Actually i kinda dig the new jaw.
Weird how I never noticed. I guess I'm a shit fan.

>> No.6792462

How sad, he made himself look like a woman.

>> No.6792465

> Tell me what she's done apart from stuff to do with clothes
> As a reason why she should model clothes

3/10 made me reply.
If you're trying to imply that a worldwide impact on subculture fashion is worth nothing, take that up with the fashion industry, not /cgl/.

>> No.6792477

Just pointing out that it was in response to someone sarcastically saying that women are worth nothing but aesthetic value. Not to what you've suggested.

And when you 'model' you kinda aren't worth anything more than your looks. Not even the same anon.

>> No.6792679

She will do anything to hide her dirty ass jaw, girl ain't confident. Also lol at well-dressed, one year ago maybe but now you will not fool me.

>> No.6792707


>> No.6792726

Didn't she just throw a hissy fit during that contest and make Choke think "lol this shit ain't worth it" and leave it? When did she blackmail?

>> No.6792785

Apparently that's considered "blackmail" now.
I thought that whole thing was a shitstorm on both sides. Yeah the girl shouldn't have been acting like a big baby, but it didn't seem like enough to justify pulling out of a contest when her behavior could have went ignored to begin with. And Choke's fans who supported her had basically wasted their time. Made them both seem immature.

>> No.6792816

I don't think it's fair to blame a person for their fans' behavior, though- on both sides- unless the person themself is egging them on.

>> No.6793678

her blog she can post whatever she wants lmao

>> No.6793717

I thought basically she sicced her fans on Choke?

>> No.6793738

I have no idea, I didn't see this drama, though if she did then it's totally fair game to blame her.

>> No.6794311

She encouraged her fans to send Choke death threats, I don't even know how she managed to get away with it, but she did. Ironically she now has the exact same haircolor as Choke.

>> No.6794312

She totally jacked off her style from the hair, and she dares lose her shit when someone else is selling studded garters, pathetic.

>> No.6794359

They were both in the same contest and both had kyary as their inspiration as part of the challenge. PB bawww'd about how she 'always wanted to win something like this but people are always mean!!1' because someone made one innocuous comment on Choke's entry about liking her entry more than PB's, and Choke was winning at that moment.
PB's fans went after Choke and Choke dropped out of the contest to stop them, and so PB won.
She made like one post going 'guise no stop I didn't explicitly tell you to do that it's not my fault'. So yeah, I don't care for any of her shit now.

>> No.6794362

>She encouraged her fans to send Choke death threats
lol proof or gtfo.

>> No.6794404

Go search through Choke's tumblr, she posted a cap of them when it was happening.

>> No.6794435

I hate the new jaw because it's so obviously fake. It's like he took play-dough and just stuck it onto his chin and went like "eh, it's good enough".
He still sings like an angel though.

>> No.6794456

I remember this too, she got super butthurt about Chokelate doing a similar thing to her but getting a better response, and posted a BUNCH of bitchy, jealous whining about her which she later deleted.

>> No.6794465

Here, found this:
Still looking for the cap.

>> No.6794534

So, basically this cap doesn't exist and all that's been said is Choke accusing this girl of 'egging' her fans on to attack her.
I hope Choke realizes the irony in that, since her fans are just as batshit.

>> No.6794543

She probably deleted it, I saw it on my dash when it was happening, but you're probably not going to believe it since you're a pastelbutt whiteknight anyway.

>> No.6794547

>it since you're a pastelbutt whiteknight anyway
Uh no. In case you haven't noticed I called them both immature and that PB was acting like a baby. But yeah, anyone that doesn't believe anything without evidence must be a hardcore whiteknight.

>> No.6794550

what part of "pastelbat deleted everything" dont you understand

>> No.6794551

You were looking for a cap on Choke's tumblr. Not PBs, I don't see how that's relevant.

>> No.6794553

Oh well I'm so sorry that I can't screencap my memory, that must mean that it could never have happened, right?

>> No.6794556

Well you claimed there was a screencap and it turns out there wasn't. Sorry I had expected one because you said there was one. Clearly this is my bad. How dare I.

>> No.6794557

There was one, now there isn't. You are aware that there is a delete button on Tumblr right? It seems like she deleted almost all the posts regarding the incident herself too, so it's not a surprise that the cap is gone too. I can't even find the >>6794465 post in her history.

>> No.6794558

i'm not even the same person you were talking to? she deleted her bitching, and when people complained about her bullying chokelate the organizers were like "lol well she didnt actually do it herself so its okay!!! ^____^"
it was bullshit all around.

>> No.6794563

>i'm not even the same person you were talking to?
Then step down because you don't know what you're talking about and jumping into a conversation that you're not fully following.

What do you want me to do? Apologize because your smoking gun got deleted? Sorry but you made it sound like this cap was on Choke's tumblr. You even told me to go stalk Choke's tumblr to find this cap.
Idk why it's not there anymore but obviously if Choke doesn't think it's important enough, then neither should you.

>> No.6794565

Jesus christ someone forgot to take their bitch pills this morning. Did it ever cross your mind that maybe she took it down because she was receiving those threats and they weren't stopping?

>> No.6794566

>Jesus christ someone forgot to take their bitch pills this morning
Okay is that figure including you as well? I'm not the one calling others whiteknights and chewing someone's head off because a cap that existed doesn't anymore.
>Did it ever cross your mind that maybe she took it down because she was receiving those threats and they weren't stopping?
>muh speculations
Who cares why she took it down? Point is it's dead drama that nobody gives a shit about anymore. Not even Choke who never seems to bring it up fyi. Why do you care so much?

>> No.6794571

> lol see me not care

You obviously care. I was just pointing out that there was a cap, you got all buttmad when you couldn't find it. I didn't rake up the drama FYI, that was a different anon.

>> No.6794574

>You obviously care.
No, you're arguing with me which is why I'm responding. I like how I said they're both immature but you couldn't be satisfied with that and had to start shit and now claiming you're a 'different anon.' Haha, really? Really?

>> No.6794577

Gurl u got issues.
I am: >>6794311
The drama about this started way before I butted in this thread.

>> No.6794579
File: 130 KB, 680x511, 1362585744482.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haha okay, well have fun with this shamble you call a thread then. I'll fuck off.

>> No.6794584
File: 13 KB, 528x318, mugen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Then step down because you don't know what you're talking about
>wasn't even here during the contest
yeah ok, go be new somewhere else

>> No.6794586


>> No.6794592

Chokelate whiteknights are cray cray.

>> No.6794705

Actually she copied Juria first, since a while she also copies Amo.

>> No.6794839

This entire board instills me with a sort of fatherly amusement.

>> No.6794845

>skeleton hands
oh man I remember once a friend of mine had those, I was really amazed and asked her where she got them, she stopped for a bit then quickly said that she got them off a skeleton model-thing.
Later that day I saw photos on here of other people wearing them.
She lied to me ;_;