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File: 111 KB, 825x550, fanimeartistsalley2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6776692 No.6776692 [Reply] [Original]

Picture related. Does this artist actually make any money off these prints? How much does the average artist (at this skill level) charge for a piece? Any other information on this artist would be appreciated. Thanks guys/girls.

>> No.6776706

Yes. Ramy makes a shitload because 1) he's usually in the dealer's hall/Vendor's hall, which generally tends to have more traffic and 2) he usually gets prime table location because he camps out from balls A.M on the last day of the con to get first choice for booth location for next year. Since he's been unofficially "ousted" from most AA's, he's not a good indicator of the average artist at these cons.

I want to say he charges about $20/print, which is on the higher end, but I think he also sells larger prints. Average is usually $15/print, with things like Buy 2 Get 1 Free, 2 for $20, etc. I'm pretty sure he cuts deals and stuff like that too, but I don't know what his specific pricing is like.

>> No.6776734

This. Ramy was front and center in the dealers hall at Sakuracon this year. Not to mention he'll send other people to sell his stuff for him. After the stunts he pulled(The mass AA table fiasco comes to mind)

>> No.6776742

Whoa thanks for the information dude! I found his deviantART as well. Do you think this is the highest form of skill at most AA's?

Thank you! Tell me more about this "mass AA table fiasco" you speak of.

>> No.6776741

Oh, its sameface guy, literally every character he draws has the same goddamned face

>> No.6776745

Shunya Yamashita does the SAME THING. Yet, Tekken's all over his shit... -_-

>> No.6776758

He pulled it at both AX and I believe Otakon. AX he snagged about 4 tables or so(Not as bad, but excessive for a AA)

Otakon, he had multiple people sign up for it, and he got, was roughly about 15 different artist alley tables. 15 different people, all selling his art. People outed him by basically getting it on camera, they'd buy a picture at one table, then go to another and ask the person to sign it. He had so many different prints that the people at the tables couldn't even remember who had what.

He basically fucked over Otakon's AA for everybody and now they're more restrictive because of him.

>> No.6776767

Nowhere close. If anything, he's on the lower end of the skill spectrum in terms of technical skill and general artistry, but skill doesn't necessarily make you a huge seller at AA's. In addition to his strategic location, he also has the advantage of having an extremely large and diverse inventory, so he'll have most characters/series your average 16-year-old congoers will be looking for.

That doesn't mean he's a bad artist, though, because he is capable of more. This is just more profitable. There are tons of different niches within AA's and he just exploits one of them.

>> No.6776783

Yep. He's pretty much hit a niche and exploiting it for everything it's worth.

>> No.6776790
File: 9 KB, 243x367, 1288133940825.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>highest form of skill

>> No.6776802

Not sure if the "mass AA table fiasco" was this, but I heard at one con in the 2000's some desperate weeb with more money than sense either bought up most/all the tables in the artist's alley, or else paid off the other people who had tables to leave, saturating them all with his own prints

>> No.6776808

Yep thats it

>> No.6776845

oohhh that was him? I've heard this story but the artist's name was always omitted.

>> No.6776856

Was this the same guy that teamed up with rainbow-eyes art batshit girl?

>> No.6776876

and yet shunya yamashita has actual talent. the characters in ramy's 'illustrations' all look like they have down syndrome. please.

>> No.6777113

So basically he's a lame artist with money... I'd say so too.

Oh no, I agree. His work isn't that great imo. Especially compared to artists like Shunya Yamashita lol

>> No.6777343
File: 96 KB, 160x185, Lolramy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Down syndrome implies they're smiling. Click the image for lulzy same face.

I have to wonder how much money he rolls in doing this. I see his stuff at local cons pretty far from his base. Does he have minions scattered throughout the country?

Major lols on the L sitting on a companion cube. Let's smash two popular things together for an even more popular thing!

>> No.6777404

Wow his art is shit. Not only are the faces the same, they're ugly.

>> No.6777490

Haha, I lol'd.
And yeah, I'm pretty sure he's hired people to sell his crappy art for him.

>> No.6777504
File: 11 KB, 264x282, 1261046331114.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ramy thread
I will be monitoring this thread closely.

>> No.6777520

I was told by a reliable source that Ramy has made up to $10,000+ in one con.

And yes, he and Amuria both hire people to sell their art for them, which is probably for the best because they're both generally cunty as fuck.

>> No.6777538

Yes this is likely true because across Canada and the US I see stuff at every con I attend even smaller niche cons (like yaoifest that only ran for two years). Since he appeals to such a wide base of weaboo's with prints based off of generic "i'm 15 and this is kawaii" and has a ready supply of fanbrats who'll either take cheap pay (or do it for free) to sell his shit he reaps huge profits.

>> No.6777610
File: 152 KB, 400x267, no90.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

His shirts are pretty awful too

>> No.6777611

Admittedly there's a decent amount of AA artists that are amateur level, but calling Ramy the highest is pretty bad

>> No.6777639

No one ever said he was the highest. If he was, I think i'd shoot someone.

>> No.6777642

Where can I see these shirts?

>> No.6777662

After those kids filmed his tons of tables at AX and made fun of him on camera, he and the sparkledesu girl bitch people out if they have video cameras near their tables.

>> No.6777667
File: 665 KB, 302x228, tumblr_inline_ml2h91uLrx1qz4rgp.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

his Deviant art

>> No.6777685

No, the other person probably meant the t-shirt designs he makes for some website I can't remember the name of. They do a different shirt every day and people vote which one gets chosen to be printed. Ramy just copies drawings made by other people and constantly wins, which gets him even more money.

>> No.6777703

Because Shunya Yamashita has more technique than Ramy. Ramy is at the starters level and sucks at anatomy and coloring.

By that logic artists like Yoshitaka Amano shouldn't be so recognized or good since he technically draws all his characters with the same face.

Not surprised. If he has a lot of people selling his shit for an accessible price then he'll make a lot. He's like a prostitute of art or something.

>> No.6777705

Ab so lute crap

>> No.6777717

Truth is, fuckers don't care about sameface. So long as everything else tingles their ovaries/balls... they'll buy into it. Art is dead.

>> No.6777751

>Art is dead.
All right if you're looking for art in a fucking anime convention you might have to reevaluate your definition of that term.

>> No.6777780

Uh no, Art is in fact dead when Tekken buys Yamashita's soul... Amano's art gets praised... Ramy's shit sells like hot cakes and they all sameface the fuck out of their art.

>> No.6777798

You're obviously some deepfag from the caves of pretentia or someshit like that, but honestly, HONESTLY, the avenues in which the artists you're describing hardly count as art because they are primarily concerned with making money. That doesn't mean that commercial art can't be beautiful or even have true artistic merit (Mucha, Leyendecker, Rockwell, for example. Illustrators all, and equally hailed as skilled and respectable artists) but if you think that just because certain names or styles sell that "art is dead," then I don't think you know what art is or where to actually find it.

Video games and artist's alleys are immensely commercial places. Profit will always come before artistic integrity, and profit usually means catering to the lowest common denominator. It's not the "death of art," it's you looking for a cat in a fucking dog pound.

>> No.6777816

Really? I recall that went it happened a lot of people didn't call him out about it directly, but once they all pooled their info together they had at it. If you look at Ramy's ED page it's mostly about the Otakon fiasco and what led up to it (and some repercussions after it.)

As for this talk about Ramy vs Amano vs Yamashita... they all have the same issues however Amano's work, while not always the most consistent in quality (there is that one illustration of Rydia with awful proportions) has a quirkiness that appeals to a lot of people, and he's developed so much work for Final Fantasy and shit, it kind of doesn't matter.

I'm not as familiar with Yamashita, but a quick google image search shows me that I have seen his work and that he also has a unique aesthetic, and looks like he designed that Bishoujo line for Marvel/DC figures. There are likely a lot of people who are imamting him at this point because of how cute-sexy his characters are.

And then there's Ramy who draws Shiney-Desu-Animu and not particularly well, in venues at anime cons where you are very likely to find other artists who draw in a similar style, if not loads, loads better (or at least with different posing). The one thing I can say about his work is that he and Sylvia have every fandom covered. In OP's pic alone there is Bleach, a few of the FF games, Kingdom Hearts, Bayonetta, Inuyasha and Legend of Zelda. I know I've also seen TTGL and HP at his table as well.

My only wish is that if Ramy is really broken up with Sylvia that he starts producing the semi-realism work had been doing before the template work started. It was better and is likely to sell because people still buy his shitty stuff.

>> No.6777829

Pretty sure he had a booth in the AA a this past Kawaiikon. His two tables were swamped, I just rolled my eyes and walked away. Sad thing is there were a couple of artists around the AA trying to emulate his shiny desu dodge burn style.

I remember when he used to enter his art into the neopet beauty contest and spam around so he would win almost every time. I'll say his work hasn't really changed all that much since then.

>> No.6777838

>It was better and is likely to sell because people still buy his shitty stuff.
Nah, people wouldn't notice it. The people who buy his stuff now wouldn't be interested in it at all, and for every 1 person who'd be interested in that serious piece, 5 people will have already bought one of his shitty pieces. Not really worth it.

>> No.6777854

Even if it's the same subject matter? I'm not saying he should try to sell original work- that shit hardly ever sells well in the AA (even though my one random watercolor portrait thing always doesn't well for no reason) but there was that one Gaara piece that always sticks out in my mind... I think I could even deal with same face and shit if his game was stepped up a bit more, even if it's fanart.

>> No.6777856

>does well
WTF self.

>> No.6777871

It's possible, but I think because of his prominence at cons, he may have built up a bit of a reputation for that particular style. It's entirely up to him though I think his legit pieces definitely take more time/effort, which isn't quite as economical as, say, throwing out two popular pop culture icons into chibi form and adding some color haha.

>> No.6777874

> this

>> No.6777900
File: 260 KB, 1197x1221, oldasfuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


If anyone is curious this is Ramy's older work. See how far he's come?

>> No.6778005
File: 36 KB, 300x409, Orihime_by_ramy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

....Neopets. Way to bring back a lot of painful memories for me.

Also...this one always bugged me the most. Not only is Orihime's expression very un-Orihimeand her clips are huge and awkward but WTF is up with that posture/anatomy?

>> No.6778060

Lol Oh god, Neopets. I used to cheat so much on that shitty site as a kid.

>> No.6778062


>> No.6778080


She's probably still at college. @w@

>> No.6778081



>> No.6778088

Just out of curosity ( I have no artistic ambitions myself), what does one have to do to be eligible to sell art at a con? Good artistic skill? Actually have a rep in the industry? Both?

>> No.6778095

If you're looking to sell really well it's better to create a decent fanbase for yourself and make sure people know you're gonna be selling what in where, give yourself a lot of exposure

but ultimately good artistic skills give you the advantage on getting people to recognize your skills and separates you from the other artists, it's like creating a label for yourself

so I would say you should get really good in drawing before you spread your name out there because competitions' tough

>> No.6778097


It depends on the con. Some have standards you have to meet. Others, not so much.

>> No.6778104

neither, honestly. some AA are first come first serve. others have a review of your work to see if you are up to snuff. and practically no anime conventions have a professional requirement. stuff like SDCC has a strong preference for professionals but nonprofessionals may be accepted based on review

>> No.6778136

Is this going to become an Artist Alely General thread or is it just gonna be Ramytastic? Because I just got approved for Fanime and want someone to dump AA table pics for display ideas.

>> No.6778152

oh man I bought his art at my first con yiiikes

sure enough, it was FF, KH and like the link art

>> No.6778169

Ahaha, oh man Fanime. I'm still chuckling over Yuumei making a big deal on the AA Facebook group.

>> No.6778196

Oh got that facebook page is hilarious. Nothing but repeating questions that have already been answered a few times if you just look for a moment and bawwing and begging even though there's 300 people in front of them.

Is Yuumei that Asuza girl? I'm new to the Cal con scene.

>> No.6778263

Sauce? I'm curious since I didn't see much to complain about for AA other than the long wait times.

>> No.6778402

Aw man, anon. Grats, I hope I get in too. This would be my first AA.

>> No.6778534

I buy prints if they're done in the original series' aesthetic, are interesting to look at (characters aren't just standing/sitting there), are big enough to hang on the wall, and are of a series that I enjoy.
I recently bought an Aigis print and a Homura print.

>> No.6779791

I see a table with this garbage EVERY ANIME BOSTON i've been too...it's always some snippity looking asian woman selling the stuff.

>> No.6779994

Anyone got ideas for necklace displays where people don't have to take off a fist-full to get to the one they want?

>> No.6780013

He puts out the same exact shit every year, with maybe one or two new prints.

Most artists I follow can have an entirely new lineup by the next year, they just keep a few of the really popular ones.

I want Ramy to be restricted to one table and only sell his good stuff.

>> No.6780017


>> No.6780043

I'll do my best to visit you poor souls in the south hall or wherever it is you have been exiled. I promise.

>> No.6783547

Art is sometimes becoming a lost cause it seems/

>> No.6784848

Wow for all this hype I've been reading about him I expected his art to be... better.

>> No.6784873

Id assume it doesn't matter because that kuzco cosplayer got a table to sell shitty comics.

>> No.6784880

Well, it's not really art you're selling so it's fine.