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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 119 KB, 250x333, ap_2010_op_fantasticdolly_color.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6776418 No.6776418 [Reply] [Original]

Stuff you don't like in lolita thread?
Pet peeves, trends, prints you don't like, etc?

Personally I really don't like Fantasic Dolly and retro-themed stuff in general.

>> No.6776425

day dream carnival

>> No.6776433

The skirt is alright, I think the colour pallets are nice as well, but the OPs are really unappealing to me as well.

>> No.6776435

Deer/fawn stuff

>> No.6776447
File: 814 KB, 800x800, Rhapsody_Silver__63713.1351540057.800.800.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rhapsody Wigs. I don't even dislike them that much, I just think they often overwhelm outfits. Like, you paid all this money for your clothes, you put effort into making a decent coord, then you cover it up with heaps of wig? It's especially bad on petite girls. It looks like the wig is wearing the girl instead of the other way around.

>> No.6776449

whaaaaaat why don't you like the retro?

>> No.6776452

I agree, unless it's styled into long plaits or something

>> No.6776455

"guro lolita"
It looks like a costume every time. I've rarely seen these coords look refined (or anything creative outside white dress+blood), it always looks like they bought the cheapest white Bodyline dress and splashed some stage blood on it.

Oh and fandom inspired coords.
Definitely obnoxious, especially when ideas have been rehashed a million times and people still get asspats for being 'creative' (ie tardis skirts)

>> No.6776456
File: 123 KB, 467x700, shite.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bittersweet a shit

>> No.6776458

salopettes. aren't. fucking. lolita.

I don't give a shit how many AP puts out. AP also releases mini skirts and kimonos, are those lolita now?

>> No.6776460
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I cant those fucking Lolita hats

>> No.6776461

It looks tacky to me but I also don't like the color of gold/most metallic colors so that might be a part of my disdain.

>> No.6776462

Newbs thinking guro, country, sailor etc are all types of lolita like classic, sweet and gothic.
Also, people calling sweet ama or kote.

>> No.6776464

>guro, country, sailor etc are all types of lolita like classic, sweet and gothic.

... but they are. This isn't even up for debate.

>> No.6776476

Actually in Japan, the only styles are sweet, gothic, classic, hime and country(?).

>> No.6776477

I know they are, but you couldn't really be a sailor lolita in the same way you could be a sweet or gothic or classic lolita. For example there are no brands dedicated to sailor lolita, or country lolita.

>> No.6776480

I'm pretty sure Guro exists? Even though it's not in the Wiki, they say 'Guro Lolita' in Kera and Fruits.

>> No.6776489
File: 43 KB, 300x400, lolita 1054.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shit, Metamorphose is pretty dedicated to it.

Okay, I know not entirely, but their sailor pieces are their best pieces.

>> No.6776486
File: 5 KB, 221x32, alice_and_the_pirates_logo_small.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>For example there are no brands dedicated to sailor lolita

u w0t m8

While they aren't dedicated to sailor lolita, they tend to have a lot of pirate/nautical themed dresses. And most brands aren't dedicated to one style, anyway.

>> No.6776487


Don't they all fall under other categories? Like how country is sort of Sweet/Classic hybrid and sailor is almost always sweet or classic?

I've always viewed them more as themes for outfits rather than legitimate substyles.

>> No.6776492

This. I hate sweet prints on black dresses so much, they all look the same.

>> No.6776494

Could you provide proof of this? Because given how much sailor and prate lolita AatP comes out with and the fact that the majority of "themed" (for lack of a better word) lolita coords like guro I've seen are from Tokyo street shots, I have a very hard time believing that, but I'm open to being proved wrong.

>you couldn't really be a sailor lolita in the same way you could be a sweet or gothic or classic lolita

What do you mean by this, exactly? Do you mean that you couldn't wear exclusively in the same way some girls will only wear one specific style? Or am I misinterpreting?

>> No.6776498

>And most brands aren't dedicated to one style, anyway.

Um. Ever hear of Angelic Pretty or Moi-Meme-Moitie?

>> No.6776497

I hate dreads/obnoxious hair colours and tattoos in lolita

>> No.6776501

Do you live in Japan?

>> No.6776499

Giant wigs in general, for me. Good for modeling and runways, bad for walking around.

>> No.6776503

I mean you couldn't exclusively wear sailor lolita, basically. Well I suppose you could but the range of stuff for sailor lolita (similarly to pirate lolita, and guro lolita) is much smaller than gothic or sweet or classic.

Mostly what I meant is newbs thinking sailor/country/guro/pirate/shiro/kuro etc are styles as big as classic/gothic/sweet

>> No.6776504

Tattoos and piercings I'm fine with, but 100% seconding the hair. Dreads instantly make an outfit ita, no exceptions unless you're going for punk loli.

>> No.6776505

God. When I wear a shoulder-length wig for cosplay by the end of the night I'm just waiting til I can rip the thing off. I can't imagine what kind of task wearing one of those things for a few hours would be.

>> No.6776511

Ugh yes. They always look so washed out. AP might as well just put light pastel blobs on black fabric since you can't even tell there's a print in there until you're rubbing your nose on it.

Lots of AP's unprinted stuff fits styles other than sweet.

>> No.6776520

A newb would probably not be able to, but a seasoned lolita with a solid understanding of the fashion could totally be an exclusive sailor/guro/etc loli. They would just have to be creative... which is kind of one of the main points of the fashion, but everyone seems to forget sewing machines exist. Sailor loli would be the easiest to do exclusively since it's probably the most popular "theme" style plus the existence of Alice and the Pirates.

>> No.6776532

Not in the past five years. They've come out with some shit that could be used for classic, but it's all still sweet.

>> No.6776540

Agreed on the retro stuff, reminds me too much of rockabilly which I hate

>> No.6776550
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>> No.6776562
File: 160 KB, 852x598, Screen-shot-2012-09-13-at-12.03.30-AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think retro lolita is grand as long as you stay away from rockabilly, which is easy to do, but so many people think 'omg, retro lolita is totally just cute rockabilly' and that's when it gets annoying.
I quite like most of the retro stuff.

Also, I used to like creepy cute, but creepy cute prints by indie brands annoy the shit out of me. Like, no thank you, I wouldn't like to have brains or internal organs on my dress stop trying to be ~edgy~ bye

>> No.6776564

>I mean you couldn't exclusively wear sailor lolita
I've been wearing nautical themed otome and lolita outfits all week.

>> No.6776566

Oh god I saw that on WAMH's site and just... gag. It's so horrible. Words can't explain how much I hate this. And I actually like creepy cute. This is just awful.

>> No.6776574
File: 210 KB, 220x229, tumblr_mht8uvD3Xm1s5p5xno1_250.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All of WAMH's designs just make me want to eat granite.

>> No.6776591

I love creepy cute, but that is just so badly executed. Badly designed .. it's all bad.

>> No.6776595

I don't like faces full of piercings in lolita or giant gauges. I don't mind one or two but when you're sporting every known piercing in the book, please excuse me while I vomit.

>> No.6776599

Can anyone explain what's so bad about it? I don't like it, but I don't really understand what in particular is so bad. It seems like something that people who like that sort of thing (zombie stuff, cartoonish gore) would like.

(I'm trying to learn what makes a "bad" print, etc)

>> No.6776618

Lolitas wearing wigs to match their dresses.

I don't mind if you wear a wig, but why does it have to match your dress? I always think it looks better with natural hair colors

>> No.6776630

It could at least be anatomically correct.

>> No.6776638

Wait, wasn't this the "Nightmare Carnival" design everyone was talking about at the Print Thread the other day?

>> No.6776642

The colors are just too clashing, the horses could use some more shading they are rather plain, and the background items just look like clip-art.

>> No.6776644

Bonnets. They literally make you look like a giant baby and ruin an otherwise nice coord.

>> No.6776679

haha i thought the same! Some anons were making horrid prints and this was suppose to be the winner or somethin..

>> No.6776682

shitty art, shading, and overall design/placement aside, adding gore/bones/wounds/whatever does not a good "creepy" design make

it just looks shitty

>> No.6776685

rather, adding those things does not automatically make something a good creepy design. i'm sure those things can be done well, but i've seen maybe one design use them well out of the metric fuckton of dresses that try to be ~edgy~ creepycute or w/e

>> No.6776695

Not fully related, but I hate that if you search on google and add "lolita" to your search, like 'pink lolita blouse' , there will only be shitloads of milanoo in the pictures. I don't want to see your crap milanoo. No wonder so many newbies fall into their trap when they are all that shows up when you google

>> No.6776719

Didn't HellBunny (or whatever that ~*edgy*~ dress company is) have a print like this?

>> No.6776760

Skirt drop. When a petticoat isn't long enough for the skirt and you get a pretty poof that just falls off and ruins the shape

>> No.6776804

Eurgh this, bittersweet prints just always look so tacky next to the other colourways.

>> No.6776848


And Moitie doesn't only do goth. Plenty of their dresses are more on the classic side, or could be used for sweet if coordinated right.

>> No.6776852

Or inversely, when the petticoat is an inch or so too long and there's that line of ruffle that shows.
I find it really distracting.

>> No.6776880

I really really HATE the mini-sleeves that a lot of brands (looking at you AP) use on their every fucking OP design. They're uncomfortable as hell, look weird and doesn't fit anybody that doesn't have stick arms and really narrow shoulders. And if you wear a blouse underneath it just looks stupid with them. Even if I can fit the rest of the dress with plenty of room to spare those fucking sleeves just ruin a dress for me.
I wish every OP would have elbow-length sleeves like the new rose bouquet or whatever it was called, the latest AP print. I love those and they fit a lot more people too.

>> No.6776926

Flat shoes in lolita just don't look good to me. Give me mary janes and ankle boots any day.
Also, i agree with the retro thing, especially those ugly cat eye shaped glasses/frames.

>> No.6776931

hildekitten forever ruined cat eye glasses for me (not that they weren't ugly to begin with)

>> No.6776940

Oh god yes
yes again

I hate mini sleeves passionately.

>> No.6776945

I dont know who this person is. Does she wear them with all her lolita stuff?

>> No.6776994

She wears shitty "steampuk" lolita outfits, constantly looks filthy, and gets upset when you don't compliment her super unique lolita outfits. I personally think cat eye glasses are cute, but I can imagine that anything worn by her would instantly look like shit?

>> No.6777015

-skeleton tights - always anatomically incorrect, and 95% of the time, don't suit the outfit.
-BJD tights - you don't look like a cute bjd, you look like you have some weird-ass birthmarks/bruising on your knees
-pigtail wigs - never liked them, never will
-people who don't know how to coord/hair/makeup but post on the internet expecting asspats anyway
-people who don't understand the concept of a free market and whine about 'scalping' and 'overpricing' when actually, it's just the forces of supply and demand setting a market price.

>> No.6777050

This dress is like some attempt at duplicating Minnie Mouse's outfit.

Seriously who the fuck told them dots would look good.

>> No.6777099

People who ask for coord advice FOR THE WHOLE COORD
it's a fashion at some point you are going to have to learn to dress yourself jfc

>> No.6777109


"Hey, guys, I'm a newbie lolita. I've been in lolita for many years, but I'd like some advice on where to buy dresses! Also, I'd like to know where to get quality blouses. Can anyone also tell me what accessories would look good? Thanks!"

>> No.6777134


>> No.6777151
File: 164 KB, 495x750, nospine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The attitude displayed in pic-related.
Stepping into lolita fashion means stepping way out of the norm and it's going to draw attention. Good or bad attention and if you can't take it, then do kindly step out...

Honestly, did you think that everyone would keep their comments to them selves? That everyone is going to like your fashion? The hell kinda world you live in... /vent

>> No.6777167

People on poupee who ask if I want to sell my clothes!

>> No.6777195

That's a good point.
I can understand feeling bothered if people insult a fashion style you like, but at the same time, you can just deal with it and move on. Keep dressing how you like and all that.

>> No.6777224


I have to disagree. Some of the really well put together Classic lolitas can pull off bonnets (in my opinion).

>> No.6777230

I like how bonnets look on everyone else. But then when I put one on...yeah, it just doesn't do it for me.

>> No.6777258

Omfg. Pigtail wigs. Finally, I'm not the only one!
I hate them. They make lolita look far too much like a costume.

>> No.6777259

I think if they are a natural colour they are mostly okay but the split colour ones and pastel ones make it look like a costume

>> No.6777267

Agreed, natural is much better, but I just see them so often it's no wonder newbies are buying them before petticoats.

>> No.6777268

I think radical split colored wigs make the outfit look like a costume regardless of whether or not the wig has pigtails. (purplexpink, redxblue, etc)

I used to sorta fancy them, but I stared for a while longer and realized that I didn't.

>> No.6777297

Pinkheads who won't wear wigs because 'Omg my hair is already a kawaii color teehee' but it's all fucking faded, you can see their roots and it's unstyled and gross looking. No thanks.

>> No.6777352

I used to have 1/4 split hair my natural colour with dark brown before all these wigs came out, so I still have a soft spot for that look (and a wig like that), but those minty mix type ones are pretty overdone. I have one too and I wore it when I shouldn't have. So much guilt.

I used to have pink hair too, it wasn't bright, rather subtle really but I almost always wore a wig because of just what you said. I wear classic, it wouldn't work.

>> No.6777367

This pisses me off so much. Surely you can at least try and coord. It reminds me of one girl in my comm, who has been in for a year, been observing for longer, and still can't get a basic coord down pat. I think faking it in this fashion is possibly a good thing if you can't figure it out.

>> No.6777377

People who ask really basic questions that can easily be answered if they did some simple research. Like 'Does Innocent World do plus sizing' or what have you.

And people who think you don't have to wear a petti to be Lolita or that lolita doesnt have many rules. Though I think that's mostly the dumb tumblr crowd.

>> No.6777385


Omg, what comm? Sounds like a girl in my comm.

>> No.6777408

>wearing lolita to what I assume it high school
Why. Why do people do this. I keep hearing stories like this about girls wearing lolita to school and baww'ing about how meeeaan people were. Like, no, it's not nice, but what in fuck's name were you expecting? Teenagers are little shits anyway, why would you wear crazy shit like lolita around a large group of them who probably dislike you? Especially sweet, although I can imagine classic would draw some "hey grandma!" comments as well. Gothic you might get away with because they'd probably just assume you were another one of the goth/emos.

I mean I will do my grocery shopping in lolita but god fucking damn, I would not have gone to high school in it if you'd paid me.

>> No.6777425

I'm trying to imagine sitting in those desks/chairs with a fucking petticoat.

This is assuming she's a decent lolita. It is possible that she wore something shitty and ita.

>> No.6777456

Maybe wait til summer, anon?

>> No.6777521

I just dont like AP

>> No.6777526

creepers and doc martins in a lolita co ord

>> No.6777535


>> No.6777540

The general sentiment of entitlement that so many lolitas seem to have.

Especially on sales posts.

Whether you "deserve" the dress or not doesn't matter. If you don't have the fucking money, I'm going to sell it to someone else.

>> No.6777595

Agree, and ponies and rabbits too. They're such unappealing animals to me for whatever reason and yet they're everywhere.

>> No.6777613

I'm probably in the vast minority, but the black prints are probably the only thing I like about AP. I'm not that huge of a sweet fan in general, so that's probably why it speaks to me.

>> No.6777619


>> No.6777635

milky planet, wonder cookie and whip majic urghhh tuck

>> No.6777653

My attitude towards non-wigging is that it can be okay if you color your hair the night before and really style it. I have a metric shit ton of hair and wearing a wig over it in Arizona summer just doesn't work, so I have some sympathy.

>> No.6777699

What hats even there is a million hats in the world.
Personally I hate that new AATP bunny ear hat? I don't get it.

>> No.6777734

- Salopettes
- Creepy cute
- Pigtails
- Clunky shoes
- People who pose pigeon-toed.
- Fucking TOY PARADE.

>> No.6777737

>People who pose pigeon-toed.

That sad feel where I can't help standing that way because I am genuinely pigeon-toed and everybody assumes I'm doing it to look cute.

I try not to do it in photos, but I always look weird, standing with my feet apart like a man.

>> No.6777778

Me too. I was born with hip problems and i tend to stand differently

>> No.6777783

Same here. I guess I should have said "people who pose pigeon-toed because it's ~*kawaii*~".

>> No.6777791

Do you mean the mini top hats?

>> No.6777795

I thought I was the only one. I never upload full body photographs of myself because of it.

>> No.6777797

I'm not a fan of AP prints in general either, but yeah, I like the black ones because it's impossible to see what the print actually is against other pastel colours.

>> No.6777813

>my hair looks like this

>> No.6777860

Agreed. I'm not really into pink and other light colors, but I do still like cute things

>> No.6777899

Most sweet bonnets look like shit, I agree, and even some classic ones especially if they are floppy! However if classic lolitas go for a more historical stiff-looking bonnet I think it can look ok. I still prefer other headwear and I personally will never be able to pull off any sort of bonnet.

>> No.6777913
File: 10 KB, 259x194, noyo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

RHS with skeleton tights

captcha: nausedp north

>> No.6777920

Anything with skeleton tights.

I remember when they were worn exclusively for Halloween outfits but now they're just tacked onto any old thing and sold off as ~creepy cute~

>> No.6777921

lol thats what im weari g on the weekend, though the bodyline punk ones with spikes

>> No.6777923

I do as well. I also have a tendancy to limp. Which has caused several 'are they beating you at home' comments when I was still in school.

I"m nervous to get in to Loli because I know it will be just seen as trying to be overly cute.

>> No.6777929

i was born with my legs behind my ears. Grew that way.

>> No.6778164

loathe fantastic dolly
hate the rhapsody wigs
are you talking about the mini hats?
obvious troll is obvious

>> No.6778187

I'd say just goth, sweet, and classic. Everything else is just themes.

>> No.6778194

Me too, I'm really self conscious about it so consciously try to avoid it in outfit shots or minimise it, like I'll stand at a 3 quarter angle and deliberately position my feet (think the old IW model) or put my heels together and rest on the outsides of my feet so my feet can't do it.

This. Or the "I can't afford this but it's so cute teehee" comment. Like, thanks, but SALES COMMUNITY.

Well yeah, but roots and fading indicates you haven't touched up your hair for probably a good 2 months. I used to have dark blue (which, granted, has shit sticking power compared to something like SFX Atomic Pink) and deliberately did it in the tips of my bangs precisely so it wouldn't look like regrowth, and I touched it up every 4 weeks so it stayed blue as opposed to mucky green.

And eyeball clips/bags.

>> No.6778423

When people sign their posts like


ugh it's so tryhard and annoying.

>> No.6778428

what ever do you mean?

>> No.6778431

oh i forgot my blog : seriousasadreamdress.fuckimspecial.org


>> No.6778442

Who remembers ~Anousenka~?

>> No.6778464

I wish there was a socialnetwork called fuckimspecial.org

>> No.6778482

if i had the money, i'd do this.

>> No.6778535

Anonymous dosies! ^_^
christ what an abomination. sies.

>> No.6778544


>> No.6778630
File: 44 KB, 250x333, 02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fucking fuckshits is this, Innocent World. Looks like you blew your load on the public domain print and fell asleep on the wet patch before you finished the rest of the fucking skirt.

>> No.6778663

Yeah, the construction on these pieces is less than desirable.

>> No.6778872

I don't mind natural dreads, because they would be hard to fit under a wig and what else is she supposed to do. But putting on fake dreads or falls for a Lolita coord? Please don't. (Though I suppose exceptions could be make for themed outfits like pirate.)

>> No.6778876

Agreed. I much prefer natural colors with the majority of Lolita coordinates. Sometimes pastel wigs can look okay, but it's pretty rare in my opinion.

>> No.6778880

I think it depends a lot on the overall outfit. I think that often bonnets with super sweet outfits look silly and baby-ish, but an understated half-bonnet with a classic outfit can look quite nice.

>> No.6778889

I agree with this.

I think whether a bonnet looks stupid or not to me is whether it looks more like a baby bonnet or like a early/mid-1800s bonnet. One looks historical and the other screams for a pacifier.

>> No.6778940

I usually wear my natural hair, but sometimes I just wanna go OTT with my wig too.

That said, I save the unnaturally-colored for big occasions and wear my natural hair 80% of the time I go to meets.

>> No.6778946

This was my exact thought. I am SHOCKED that skirt sold out, it looks so poorly, lazily constructed/designed. Very disappointed.

>> No.6779071

Months? My roots are noticeable after a week. I have talked to others and understand that it's a little faster than most, and that it is more noticeable because of my aforementioned shit ton of purple hair, but to me the thoughr of going over two weeks without handling my roots is unacceptable

>> No.6779101


Me too. I love having dyed hair, but I just can't because my hair is a weed. So I stick within a range that won't look silly after a week.

I was hoping it would languish in their store and I could get one on sale so I could put it on anew waistband, goddamn.

>> No.6779323

My hair grows slowly as fuck. I think it took a month for noticeable roots when it was dyed dark purple, my natural colour is black.

>> No.6779406

black dresses with pastel prints.
lolita shoes that look like clown shoes or the really pathetic bodyline mary janes that look like big ass kid shoes.
holley tea time lookin prints, like non painterly kawaii digital art prints

>> No.6779439

I wish I had your hair problems.
I bleached my hair a year ago and there's only 2 inches of black above the blonde. :(

>> No.6779485

Not same anon
Geez.. i get 2 inches of roots in 4-5 weeks.

>> No.6779502

I have shitty hormones, it's not all fun and games. Though I suddenly decided to grow my hair and I'm already well on my way. Double-edged sword.

>> No.6780294

I don't like when dresses that can handle a lot of poof don't have a big enough petti under them. It looks bad if the ends of your dress are all folded and limp. Unless it's a babydoll jsk or something. Pettis under those just look bad.

I don't like crazy hyped prints, my favorite print isn't even sold out from AP and it's not even a border print. All the craziness around Nightmare Carnival just made me want it less.
inb4 hipster

>> No.6780640

What about in pigtails? I feel like that would be cute as hell.

>> No.6780730

Oh man, I do that limp thing too, or where I just my right foot behind me. Lots of people have said that it looks like I have a broken leg.

>> No.6781449


>> No.6782309

This cord reminds me of Minnie mouse and Cupcakes.