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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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6776200 No.6776200 [Reply] [Original]

So Con season is upon us. Are their people you are dreading on seeing while on your cosplay and con adventures? What about people who made you shudder in the past? Those types you know must exist at every con? Those people that always cling off you and cause severe amounts of second hand embarrassment?
Let's share!

>That one cosplayer that wants to organize groups/cosplay groups/Hotel rooms but can't plan to save themselves and things always fall through.
>That one guy/girl who always lets their boyfriend/girlfriend/best friend tag along in con hotel rooms to stay the night/weekend and they get away with paying no cash towards the room for the extra person.
>That person who tags along and always complains about having 'no money' and trying to scab food.
>That one person who had a ton of money to spend but spend it all on merch on the first day leaving them with no food or transport money for the rest of the con. (Who then tag along and always complains about having 'no money' and trying to scab food.)
>That one hotel room mate that uses all your supplies and eats all your food.
>That one roomie who doesn't shower the entire con weekend.
>That one crossplayer that cosplays Mpreg! versions of things. (bonus if they are saying your character is their babies daddy)

>> No.6776207

>That one cosplayer that has their own FB page but makes cosplays out of what she finds in her wardrobe and a cheap party wig.
>And then she sends a FB request to like her page.
>She has a youtube account.

Please stop

>> No.6776211
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That one cosplayer that makes cringe worthy CMVs and spams everyone with them.

>> No.6776214
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>tfw I make enough money to afford my on hotel room without having to share it with people to keep costs down.

>> No.6776216
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>That one crossplayer that cosplays Mpreg! versions of things. (bonus if they are saying your character is their babies daddy)

Such a person exists?

>> No.6776264

>>That one roomie who doesn't shower the entire con weekend.
Why exactly do first worlders / Americans have such huge problems with this?

Do you even know that showering more than once per week is unhealthy?

>> No.6776267

>That one crossplayer that cosplays Mpreg! versions of things.

Do people actually do this?

>> No.6776274

>Do you even know that showering more than once per week is unhealthy?
are you being sarcastic or something?
I'm not American but if I don't shower everyday I feel gross, and I'm pretty sure that the rest of the world thinks like this as well, not only America.

>> No.6776278
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>That one friend you made at a con who is obsessed with dog/mix loli characters and thinks he's just like a male version of one of his favorite girl characters
>He tries so hard to show me all of his "dog-like" mannerisms and how they all just come ~so natural to him~, therefor it's just destiny that this character is his favorite
>MFW he was chillin with someone I know who later told me he said he was upset at the con and proceeded to rest his head on her shoulder AND WHINE LIKE A PUPPY to get her to feel sorry for him

Shit, if I was around, I'd have given him a swift kick to the mouth.

>> No.6776465

Was he a furry or did he just like lolis with animal mannerisms?

>> No.6776506

It's unhealthy if you like the smell of festering e coli in your ass crack.

>> No.6776519

You should beat the shit out of him and say he's being a bad dog and needs to learn how to live with people.

>> No.6776526

>That one person who you walk in on trying your clothes and they're 5 sizes too big

>> No.6776616

That one acquaintance that thinks you're friends and follows you around once they run into you. That acquaintance that is loud, obnoxious, egotistical, and thinks using foul language makes him edgy. That feel when you try to get rid of him without being subtle about it and want to explain to every passerby that you're not friends and you wish you didn't know him.

>> No.6776636

>Overhearing "it's only authentic manga if it comes from Japan, I'm not going to buy anything that doesn't have Japanese names in the credits". Followed mere minutes afterwards by "Want to see the manga I'm working on? Hopefully it will be made into an anime one day, if I can 'network' and 'get noticed' when I'm living in Japan"
>Their manga has a shitty derivative storyline about magic ninjas in a fantasy world
>The art is shitty and you can't tell what's going on. Also the speech balloons are hand-lettered (because that's the "correct" way to do it, or at least it's the "correct" way to do it if you are competent at hand-lettering, which they aren't), but the signs on buildings (in comic sans) are typed, then awkwardly tilted in an attempt to match up with the perspective.
>And god help you if you critique it, no matter how politely or constructively, and are not actually Osamu Tezuka himself.
>LOL J/K, they won't have a clue who Osamu Tezuka is. Anything from before 1998 is "hella old" and therefore not worth bothering with.

>> No.6776648


I had a girl in my local cosplay comm spamming about how much she hated Disney and how it wasn't fair that it was more popular than anime. Some other girl commented and said that Osamu Tezuka was inspired by Snow White and that a lot of anime got origins from Western animation.

The weeb girl threw a huge fit, started crying and said she didn't know who Tezuka was and 'she's been drawing animu and mango for like ten years!1!'

God it was just awful to watch it go down.

>> No.6776663

>that one friend who BSes you around about whether or not they're going and/or staying with you
> when that friend decides they've never had any money all along and drops out,leaving you, your SO, and one random third wheel friend who doesn't know your SO
>that third wheel friend decides it's too awkward for them and also decides to drop. (understandably)
> now have to pay twice the amount and go with just your SO who doesn't even really like conventions.

My hotel is probably already sold out ugh

>> No.6776752

> those younger/preteen cosplayers that are overly touchy and force their ships on you
>when they follow you around all con or make excuses to run into you but never make verbal contact
>tfw you enter a bar and they can't come in (release heavy sigh of momentary content)

>> No.6776803

>that one girl who tags along and straight up asks "can you buy me this?"

>> No.6776811

>That random stranger you were nice to once who keeps running into you. When you try to brush them off they assume you're being tsundere.

>> No.6776810

This happens?

>> No.6776812

post a link

>> No.6776814

>annoying as fuck tripfags who think they're cool when they're embarassing themselves

>> No.6776820

To be honest I have never actually met anyone that acted like this.
I'm going to my first anime convention next month , is there anything I should be prepared for? Is it going to be filled with people like this?

>> No.6776827

You are gonna see fucktards and normal people. There isn't much to prepare for other than be aware that there are both.

>> No.6777112


this guy roomed with 13 of these little fuckers and NONE OF THEM SHOWERED FOR A FUCKING WEEK. He was so grossed out he found other people to stay with when he could.

they were so goddamn nasty. even with full body paint, they didn't shower... I liked one of the girls until he told me this, i can't figure out WHY they do this! I take like hour long showers in hotels. several baths... man use that shit you are paying for. plus con stink dudes. sweaty gross nasty day at a con and you dont wash that shit off? ew. no wonder they get "the con flue" you fucking nasty assholes.

>> No.6777117

I gave the guy my trash to throw away for me and walked away while he was doing it

>> No.6777127

This guy.

>> No.6777130


this. "I am going to get some Sake. YOU CAN'T FUCKING GO I AM FREEEEEE." and watched there freaked faces as i left them.

I also had to tell a few "don't fucking glomp me, I spent two hours doing this makeup and hair!" as i heard then and saw them running from the corner of my eye. i actually saved one of them, who is a decent cosplayer, when she realized she didn't have to attack people and ruin all her hard work.

>> No.6777272

>dude with unibrow who always wears a trench coat and a fucking flat cap

>the guy who modifies a character's outfit so he can wear shorts that are so small, his junk is really close to being exposed.
>he has also been thrown out of many cons for sexual harassment

>the fat chick in her mid 20's who ALWAYS looks like a greaseball and thinks everyone wants to see her tits

>> No.6778430

That one cosplayer you dread seeing because they have bad body stink and no sense of personal space and ALWAYS TRY AND HUG YOU.

>> No.6778515

>>That one chick who purposefully buys her shit three sizes too small so her "boobs look bigger"
>>terrible closet cosplay that abounds with bronies
>>"Rarity wore red once so my ill-fitting red prom dress will be fine right?" NO
>>bronies in general, taking pictures of this hideous shit because they have no taste thereby ensuring it survives to the next generation

>> No.6778532

This is like not knowing what Hanna-Barbera was, even vaguely.

I used to be this. I'm pretty sure I'm not anymore.

>> No.6778952
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>tfw you feel awful for keeping your friend for more than 3 minutes at a stall to search for a gift to someone
>tfw they spend 15+ minutes at the Kpop stall that is clogging up the area and is full of people who need to pass

>> No.6778973

There's this creepy as fuck guy that I know from uni, and for the most part I can avoid him on campus. But when I run into him at a con...he starts following me everywhere at a distance. Really creepy as fuck.

And I don't mean this guy is creepy because he smells bad or something. He threatened to blow his brains out with a gun he said he had in his dorm if I didn't hang out with him. Campus safety did nothing, assholes.

>> No.6778982

What is it with nutjobs and suicide threats? Do they think someone cares?

>> No.6778988

Fat people that cosplay, you look terrible

>> No.6779243

Yeah, that doesn't sound real.

>> No.6779292

I have no idea what he was expecting. Our conversation was basically him talking (seemingly) normally about us going somewhere, and I told him that wasn't happening.
>Do you know where I can buy any bullets?
>...what? No. What the fuck?!
>Don't worry, I'm only going to use one. Then you won't have to worry about a loser like me anymore.

He didn't know my sister committed suicide about five years prior. I was absolutely fucking freaked out.

Why? Because no one did anything about it? That shit is unreal to me, too. I reported him to both campus security and the campus counseling center at residential life. They never got back to me, and he's still allowed to live on campus. I know I'm not the only person who reported him either.

>> No.6779294

Why does Campus security NEVER do anything? I would take matters into my own hands and fuck counting on them for shit.

>> No.6782338

Oh lord , or the one that never ends up paying you for the room, or demands the bed all the nights.

>> No.6782353

Every other day for me - more often does bad things for my skin and hair.

But yeah, during a con, walking around all day, maybe the weather or building temp isn't the best, maybe you're dancing at the rave or in the game room, might even be wearing a cosplay for more than one day? Even if you don't normally shower that often, you're probably going to need it.

>> No.6782359

I must be one of those weird people that showers more often (three times more) on a con weekend compared to any other time.

>> No.6782374

I had a random girl at a con ask for money to buy something. No, fuck off.

People have no shame.

>> No.6782397

Not sure if they'll be there this year, but the last time I went to D*C, the Cosplay Deviant "security" guys really rustled my jimmies. Really hope they didn't get invited back.

>> No.6782405

I do it too, my hair gets messed up and I have to rewash it after its been under a wig for hours and there's always confunk, and I usually have to redo my make up anyway

>> No.6782420

Exactly, who the fuck has their makeup so lastingly immaculate that they don't want to shower, and can they tell me where they buy their shit?

>> No.6782419

It's not weird. If you're in a hotel then you've already paid for the hot water, and you're changing more often that normal, wearing more make up than normal, some times wearing something that fits awkwardly or too many layers for the season, plus wigs, and you're surrounded by more people than normal. I know I shower each morning and after every costume change, even though I normally only shower once a day, sometimes once every two days.

>> No.6784319

I don't think that's weird. I'll usually shower thursday night, friday morning, friday night, saturday morning, saturday night and then sunday morning. sometimes a mid-day shower if i really need one.

>> No.6784434

ITT: People who have obviously never been to cons.

All of the shit mentioned here happens constantly. I'd love to see the magical conventions you go to where none of these shitty people exist.

>> No.6784453

>That one cosplayer that wants to organize groups/cosplay groups/Hotel rooms but can't plan to save themselves and things always fall through.

Ahahaha remember that one time Jebus of /a/ booked a hotel room for a group of like 7 people
and forgot to get the con discount so the room was more expensive than it should've been
and he also booked the wrong sized room
so it was 7 people were crammed in a tiny room with one king bed
Pepperidge Farm remembers

Oh yeah and he does pretty much everything else OP greentexted except for cosplaying mpreg, but even that would be a step up from running around in a Cartman costume he bought at a Halloween shop

>> No.6784458

Just because shitty and socially-indecent behavior common doesn't mean it's okay and we can't complain about it
What are you even trying to get at

>> No.6784460

**is common

captcha: asso andshame

>> No.6784466

Didn't you talk about this guy in a weeaboo thread before? He sounds so fucking annoying, and so much like someone I know that it's a bit scary. The guy I know only kept it up for about 6 months though, before he moved on to cat mannerisms
"nya nya mrrrrrroooooowwwww purrrrrr~*~ "
He had this nasty crooked grin he would give too and you could tell he was trying to hard to make the ":3" face, the second-hand embarrassment was unbelievable.

>> No.6784468


Story behind this??

>> No.6784475

>after every costume change

same here. I have a quick shower for every change I do. It freshens you up, keeps your cosplay from getting rank, gives you a chance to redo make up and reapply deodorant.
On a hot day it cools you off and on a cold day it warms you up. The hot water is endless and you paid for it already, so why not?

>> No.6784553

>The affection starved hambeast who try to hug everyone
>They dont bathe

Seriously, whats the deal with the cons and all the hugging morons?

>> No.6784566


...I was complaining about all the people saying "This happens?"
Not about you guys complaining.

>> No.6785031

You type like you're probably one of the people this thread is talking about.

>> No.6786864

There was an MPREG PANEL at the last con I went to. The description in the booklet stated it was at least the second year it ran. I cannot fathom why on Earth you would run a panel about your weird fetish. What would you talk about for an hour and a half? The mind boggles.

>> No.6786883

Was it at Detour?

>> No.6786887

Yes, yes it was. There was something like a hurt-comfort panel in the list too. I just don't comprehend how you can have an entire panel about topics for bad fanfics.

Though, I once went to a panel about bad fanfiction and that was greatly entertaining. It sounded like these were serious fans though.

>> No.6786898

The one who hosted the mpreg panel is actually a good friend of mine. I agree though, mpreg is quite a touchy thing still and should be left as a more personal thing to discuss. I believe that she specifically asks to have to panel be at night for that reason. While I won't defend her for her choice of a panel, I will let it be known that she's not a screeching weaboo.

>> No.6790608

why is mpreg even a thing?

>> No.6790629
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>reading fic
>great writing style, good grammar, engaging storyline
>sudden mpreg

>> No.6790645
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How did you end up with some one like that in your room.

>> No.6790648

He might end up like that.

>> No.6790657


No, because that never happened.

>> No.6790680
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>fat girls in corsets trying to fool everyone into thinking they have a natural hourglass figure with big tits and ass
>don't realise their fat faces and arms, cellulite and fat sloppy tits and ass give them away completely
>even more cringeworthy: the guys who actually fall for it

>> No.6790683

Unless they cosplay as a fat person, then they're great and I love them.

>> No.6790710

At Sabotencon in Phoenix this year, there was an obese fucking Cartman cosplayer. It was actually the best thing.

>> No.6790814

Cellulite isn't just a big girl problem, I had cellulite when I was still 100 lbs. other than that, though, the guys will learn what happened when they take these women into bed and the corset comes off. Yes, corsets usually have to come off.

>> No.6790855

It's shampooing your hair more than once or twice a week that's not good. It's not unhealthy to clean yourself. No one is getting cancer from showering.
Also, never tell anyone going to a con to not shower, you are only adding to the awful consmell epidemic.

>> No.6790889

>fat girl doesn't wear corset
>fat girl wears corset to give herself a shape more like her character

Why do you even care, let them blob in peace.

>> No.6790894


They're fistfucking my eyes with their puny attempts at looking decent.

>> No.6790897

That's your problem, not theirs.

>> No.6790909


Quit it, fatty. The only thing you're entitled to is a gym pass and your own gravitational field.

>> No.6790918

Not fatty actually, just not some strange little person with a landwhale obsession. I mean really, what happened to people like you in your childhood to become so obsessed with fatties...? It's not like they could do anything to you, they'd be out of breath before they tried.

>> No.6790923

Here's a solution:
Don't cosplay thin characters if you're fat.

>> No.6790927

Yeah, 'cause everyone who cosplays looks just like their characters, right? Nah, just stop being a pansy bitch.

>> No.6790928

>become so obsessed with fatties
>one little comment
You're exaggerating so much it hurts. You're being super defensive about fat people getting hated on, what gives?

>> No.6790929

>It's not like they could do anything to you, they'd be out of breath before they tried.

They can't warp photons out of my field of view. Costs me my breakfast everytime.

>> No.6790931


Isn't that the point of cosplaying?

>> No.6790956

Not that anon, but despite what the cunts on this board tell you the point of cosplaying is primarily to have fun and to a less extent show off your costume skills. White people love cosplaying anime characters for example.

>> No.6790960
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I guess they get off on the looks of disgust people give them.

>> No.6790983

Most of them don't care, I'd imagine. They are having fun with their friends, not being angry and bitter.

>> No.6790989

>White people love cosplaying anime characters for example.
But anime characters all look white.

>> No.6791109


>> No.6791128

Angry black girl detected.

>> No.6791132

Well they sure as hell don't look Asian.

>> No.6791139

Anime characters have no race unless the artist says that they do. Even the ones with japanese names who live in traditional style houses aren't japanese. Some anon mentioned this one time that there's a word for art being free of race or something like that. Anyway, most anime characters are caricatures of japanese beauty aesthetics.

>> No.6791155

Is the word aracial what you're looking for?

>> No.6791240

Except for that ugly ultra black guy that did Grell Sutcliff on the last supercon

>> No.6791346

I hate to say it, but this guy is right. Using soap and shampoo on your body every single day means stripping your skin of its own special oils - so even if you slather on lotion afterward, you're aging your skin faster than usual. Also, a lot of people have discovered that the less they shower, the less they need to shower, and even smell less/have less greasy hair...