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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 100 KB, 428x640, 3855249898_7bfba65c55_z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6775604 No.6775604 [Reply] [Original]

Brolita thread?

>> No.6775608


Oh~ So beauty~

>> No.6775620



>> No.6775649


I haven't been on this website in a while. Any good brolitas since Mika? I heard he got swole too.

>> No.6775719

I didn't know it was possible for asians to have jew noses.

>> No.6775746
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Yes, Mika has stayed fapworthy over the years.

>> No.6775788
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Get thee to be harlot.

And yeah he got swole. Delicious delicious swole. Alas I am the wrong person to ask about lolita things.

>> No.6775798

what do you mean by "he got swole?"

>> No.6775802


>> No.6775837

lol yeah right.

He looks like Adrien Brody auditioning for a remake of Tootsie.

>> No.6776280

getting in shape
I googled it and the first result was urban dictionary..

>> No.6776376

Post more brolita pics please.

>> No.6780705
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bumping this thread

>> No.6780711
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>> No.6780716
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>> No.6780735

Whatever happened to LadyLolitaJenny?

>> No.6780739
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>> No.6781144

Shit, this bitch is cute

>> No.6781150

He has better legs than me, goddamn, fair play to him.

>> No.6781151

don't know why you guys always freak out over the sexual connotations of lolita from the book or not being ageplay and even all the secrets about faggot parade yet brolita is fine and doesn't make anyone uncomfortable.

>> No.6781157

oh brolitajenny? he came back as lolitahope

>> No.6781161

Not sure how you figure brolita is being more "sexual"

>> No.6781163
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>doesn't see the difference between not letting gender define what clothing you should wear and clothing being sexualised

>> No.6781203

I remember seeing him in Tokyo last month when I was there. I didn't say hi to him as I was busy checking out Laforet talking with a friend he was with. :<

He must be living the dream life of being kawaii in Japan now.

>> No.6782224

Took advantage of a flash sale on Lockshop and got myself a good wig to engulf my features. Just trying to slim down more to fit into the 2L stuff I already own. Any recommendations for man corset websites?

>> No.6782247
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>> No.6782253
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>> No.6782251

> that chin
tips for dealing with this? I'm guessing i'll have to learn makeup sooner than later

>> No.6782254
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Really? I didn't think the chin was manly.

>> No.6782256
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>> No.6782265
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I wish he would stop with the dandy shit.

>> No.6782510

This was under the brolita tag. Is it a real boy?


>> No.6782523


Shit man he's prettier than me. Brb caking on makeup and crying.

>> No.6782526


>> No.6782528


this lolita was born a girl but identifies as male, as far as I know

>> No.6782530
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Hey do you folks think moot is a brolita too? He asked about it weeks and I just wonder...

>> No.6782549

not a brolita then

>> No.6782565

He just looks like Faunkegin.

>> No.6782959

>identifies as male
>wears women's clothing
Such is life as a liberal.

>> No.6783008
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This one may be bordering on mori a bit though.

>> No.6783012

I think he is.
He has quite a male figure in that one pic with guy clothes.

>> No.6783015

If you think that girl looks like a guy you may need to update the prescription on your glasses.

>> No.6783031
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you can clearly see boob here
confirmed female

>> No.6783089

You're right, I do. These glasses have been bothering me.
Ah yes, you're right! I didn't look that far through. My bad.

>> No.6783110

He is undergoing FTM treatment

>> No.6783275
File: 189 KB, 500x500, tumblr_mkzz3t8wgv1s8dlnko1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Makes me VERY uncomfortable.
Seeing brolitas makes me physically ill.

Lolita is for girls. Black girls, white girls, asian girls, fat girls, slim girls, tall girls, short girls, girls in wheelchairs....

But only for real girls! Without cocks thanks.

For some of us, lolita culture and fashion is the only way we can feel as if we are in a completely safe, female environment, somewhere to go to escape male influence.

So yeah, "brolitas" make me sick, get your gross, hairy, disgusting bodies and body parts out of OUR lolita!

>> No.6783289

that's cute considering that one of the reasons why lolita even gained the level of exposure that it has is because of a MALE singer.

also the male influence is pervasive in all aspects of society and if you think that lolita is an escape from it you are fucking retarded.

>> No.6786194

So do girls find guys in lolita attractive or what? Or is it just like a weird experiment in make-up and clothing that sometimes yields interesting results?

>> No.6786201

Man, now that I am older, I wanted to get back into this. Too bad I just lost my job. Also, I am getting a bit older now. Not as cute and I get more man face as time goes on.

>> No.6786215

> lolita culture and fashion is the only way we can feel as if we are in a completely safe, female environment, somewhere to go to escape male influence
>men already have so many x....
>I can't do what men can!
>men shouldn't barge into my loli! It's MIIINE! girls club!

I do hope you either get treatment or kill yourself over your androphobia/past trauma/bigotry.

>> No.6786218

>So do girls find X attractive or what?

Lots of them do. Some others like it for the latter reason. Some don't like it at all.

>> No.6786224

>implying men who were born male and identify as male don't/can't wear lolita

Ah, to live in rightism-land, where down is up and up is down and fun house mirrors are everywhere!

>> No.6786230
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That's fine that it makes you uncomfortable.

It's not fine to claim that a clothing style is only for one type of people.

It's not fine to claim that only real women have vaginas (insert tumblr rant here)

It's fine that you feel comfortable in Lolita and want to escape male influence. But most people (men) who like Lolita fetishise it. Have you ever read the book Lolita? Do you even know what the word means?

What your saying is something similar to only straight guys can play video games because they are the majority population that play video games. Heaven help them if somebody else (of another gender or race) decides they wanna play some CoD.

>> No.6786231


Yeah this never makes any sense to me. You can't really 'identify' as a gender, only 'identify' with your preconcieved stereotypes of said gender. In the end, there is no specific way a gender is supposed to look, act or anything. You get the biology and what you do with that is your choice, boy or girl. Wear a dress, shave your head...it doesn't matter.

>> No.6786233

What does brolitaJenny look like?

>> No.6786236
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>> No.6786237
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hey hey hey

lets post more brolitas

>> No.6786239
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>> No.6786241
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>> No.6786244
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i heard he lives in Hawaii now.

>> No.6786246
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>> No.6786248
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>> No.6786249

>Heaven help them if somebody else (of another gender or race) decides they wanna play some CoD.
Apt analogy, but your own argument has kind of undone it. Video games, as a "fetish", are often scoffed at. Look at all the flak "girl gamer" quotes and memes have gotten in the past.

To be honest, I can empathise with the anon who doesn't like brolitas. I don't generally mind them myself, but I've met very few (be they mtf/ftm or just crossdressers) who _did not_ have a fetish for the fashion that made their presence considerably uncomfortable for other people there. As you said, the name has roots that are dug deep. A lot of men who find the fashion find it because of a fetish that they likewise try to keep hidden.

Having them around isn't exactly the same as a chick or gay dude playing on your server. They're a lot more in your face, since they're right there at your meet ups.

>> No.6786250
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i've heard lots of brolitas wear panties when they dress up. this is true?

>> No.6786252
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>> No.6786255
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>> No.6786256
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>> No.6786259
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Jacob, is that you?

>> No.6786263
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Mana was super egl.

>> No.6786269


I'd say it depends person to person.

Sure the 12 year olds on CoD may think they're being funny with their 'Back to the Kitchen' shit, but most nerds who have been playing videogames for years are well-aware of female players and the female players never whored themselves out with this 'GRRRLLL GAMERRRR' shit. They were just accepted as-is.

Some Brolitas might be creepy fetishists, but think of all the loli secrets of 'I love ageplay and lolita' 'I wish I could have sex in lolita and call him my daddy'.

I'd rather be around a bunch of guys who like the feeling of frilly panties than a bunch of neurotic girls with daddy issues.

>> No.6786271

I'm one and I don't, I don't see the need for it as no one will see them anyways.

>> No.6786272

As if the majority of those secrets aren't trolls, anon. Seriously.

>> No.6786304


I'm 28 and I'm shooting to get my first brand coord together in the next few months as I now have a good enough job to afford purchasing it and I've lost enough weight to fit into it and look good - reading /fit/ and /cgl/ . It's been an awesome goal for me to work towards! If you think it you can totally make it happen man.

The only effect it's had on me so far is despite not looking a day over 25 I've become even worse than a middle aged woman in regards to facial skincare - at least I'm developing good habits because of my desire to want to play dress up in poofy dresses.

>> No.6786325
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It happens once in a while

>> No.6786389

mika's also half, so

>> No.6786487

I don't want to post my friend, obviously, but she's 100% chinese and has a huge jew nose. She's still very pretty, though, despite having a huge nose.

>> No.6786635

Takamiy is fucking fabulous and beautiful regardless.

>> No.6787683

You must be new to be unfamiliar with our kawaii haffu sekushii-nosed queen.

>> No.6791985

>born as a male
No. She was born as a woman, but identifies as a man, but wears women's clothing anyhow and calls it cross dressing. Tell me that's not stupid.

>> No.6792026

super cute!

>> No.6792039

check your fucking privileges.

How can your outcast an entire gender because you feel weird and uncomfortable about? How about go fuck yourself.

And yes, i am female. My first boyfriend did lolita with me and it was great. He owned more brand than i did.

>> No.6792045

if they look good in it, yes. I think guys who can look good in a dress are fine by me. Nothing wrong with a guy who can rock the skirt.

>> No.6792046

Haha, i love this guy! His outfit is well put together.

>> No.6792052
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>BAWWW people with Y chromosomes aren't allowed to wear ~*~MY~*~ favorite fashion because it makes ~*~ME~*~ uncomfortable

I don't understand how you've managed to walk around your whole life with such a shitty, self-absorbed, spoiled brat little attitude and not get your shit slapped.

>> No.6792054
File: 53 KB, 800x618, sigh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw I thought I was going on a date with girl and find out that she's a guy
>tfw I sorta agree to this now and feel -really- bad about it (especially having trans* frinds)

>> No.6792058

the only thing that matters is : pre-op or post-op

>> No.6792068

Dude, you just flawlessly articulated what I've been trying to explain to people about my thoughts on transgenderism for like....ever. Bravo.

>> No.6792072

Not all brolitas are aiming to be transsexual?
Some are men who enjoy dressing up as lolita/traps but identify as men. Some are actually transgender or gender queer. In my case, it was a person who was born male, but that day/week/month/year identified as a woman.

>> No.6792089

Why does it bother you so much though? Who cares if they are really trans or fakeboys. just let people do what they want if they aren't pissing on your face, leave them alone.

I'm a lesbian and trust me, real lesbians get slack for many things. Sometimes i wanna wear a skirt,sometimes i dont. i dont think there is a real general rule with clothing and sexuality. Plenty of straight males just like to feel pretty in a dress. I cant blame them for that.

>> No.6792103

I think maybe you misunderstood? What people wear and do doesn't bother me. I think gender roles are stupid as fuck and people can either follow them if that's what they want to do, or totally ignore them, or whatever.

I said anon articulated what I was thinking because basically I feel like some trans people are more obsessed with gender roles than anyone and I don't get why. I knew a ftm trans person in high school who would say things like "I'm upset, but I can't cry. Boys never cry." Like....okay you can be a guy with tits and a vagina but you can't be a guy who cries? What?

>> No.6792134

Oh! I totally agree with you. (Same anon) sorry about before. I see exactly what you mean. It's interesting to me as well that trans love to say how gender is unimportant to them, yet love to force gender roles more than anyone else.

I wonder if this has been researched? I'm glad i just can wear what i want. Like i said before, sometimes i wanna wear lolita, sometimes i want to wear visual kei or kodona style. I dont see a point in gender emphasis like trans do. Like they have to STEP A, STEP B and this is what 'boys' like and this is what 'girls' like. it's a weird world i am not a part of since my sexual preference has nothing to do with the things i like to wear and do (hobby wise)

>> No.6792150


>> No.6792152

I guess it's for the same reason some cisgender people are obsessed with gender roles, they've been taught that to fit this gender, you must do X, Y and Z but not A, B and C. But it's still pretty silly that they can't get past all that considering they believe they were born in the wrong body.

And yo, wear lolita if you like it. Anyone who's gonna judge you for it is a douche anyway. And if they get the wrong idea and think it makes you gay or trans, just explain it's a hobby and nothing more. (I have a friend who loves to crossplay and I've seen dumbshits from his high school post on his facebook with "wtf are you gay?" type comments.)

>> No.6792153

When did /cgl/ become a tumblr hugbox?
I agree that lolita should be only for girls.

>> No.6792156

then you're a twat. cry "tumblr" all you want, fact is even on 4chan some of us think it's insanely trivial to tell men they can't wear dresses if it floats their boat. it's CLOTHING. fabric cut and sewn into shapes. get over it.

>> No.6792160

yeah, pretty much. Like i said, my first boyfriend wore lolita dresses from time to time and he is definitely straight. even if he was bi, i wouldnt give a fuck. People think calling someone gay is an insult because of their own insecurities about their own sexuality.

No. it's clothing. dresses. You cant tell someone not to wear clothing or clothing it reserved for only one gender. Go back to 1920.

>> No.6792161

It was never a women's fashion to begin with.
All I'm hearing from you is "BWAAAAA I WANT SPECIAL GURLS CLUB."
Hence why I now hate feminism.

>> No.6792184

You're cute if you think feminism is about having a special club. Nope. Troll harder.

>> No.6792190

A feminist shouldn't discourage a male from wearing the fashion, because feminism is supposed to be about gender equality. I agree 100% that Lolita was never a women's fashion to begin with, and no one should try to restrict it to women.

>> No.6792238


Agreed. I am a feminist and i have nothing at all against men wearing dresses. I dont even like calling stuff 'women's clothing' really. If a guy wants to feel the breeze between his knees, go right ahead.
The anon who posted that secret just sounds young and extremely ignorant.

>> No.6792414

It's like going through childhood/puberty all over again. I've heard someone say "trans maturity is 13 + years since coming out", and yeah it's kinda true. Give him a few years, he'll get over it and get on with life.

>> No.6792416

that coord is not kawaii

>> No.6792419

>completely safe, female environment, somewhere to go to escape male influence.

It's a fashion you cunt, not a fucking rape therapy meeting. Stop being so entitled. See, you make feminists seem like fucking idiots. That's why I'm for equality and not the kind of shit you're pushing.

>> No.6792627

His face and makeup abilities have made him popular but all of his coords look half-assed.

>> No.6792986

youre cute if you think it isnt anymore. see 3rd wave feminism. They dont want equality, they want superiority. Youre either one yourself and insane, or in total denial. Go read any article about the insane shit and exclusivity that these new feminists demand.

>> No.6792992

A lot of girl's have a that too. It's no big deal.

>> No.6792998

>a group of feminists is like that therefore all feminism is as well, give your cause up and stop fighting for what you believe in

>> No.6793005

I-it's a man? He's so kawaiiiiiiiiiiiiiii.

>> No.6793573

you can point out one specific feminist ideology but don't have the sense to realize that it's not the end all be all bottom line of feminism? oop @ u

>> No.6796337
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>> No.6796355

Yo I literally know that person and they're awful. This is hilarious. I've posted in a few threads about a trans-masculine agender person getting all 'thank you for your cis opinions' at me and having a huge go at me for having an opinion on trans stuff, and THAT'S THEM. Truly Tumblr personified.

>> No.6796363

Also this really shouldn't be taken as an example of 'what feminists believe' because that person is a headcase.

>> No.6796371

I am curious on what your opinions on trans stuff are. That is only because I am in the camp of "it is your body, your life, fuck anyone who is a hater because it does not affect their life at all", and the trip you go by suggests... that you might have Hitler-esc views.

>> No.6796373

I'm very much an advocate of trans rights and I wish people would stop harping on about unimportant bullshit like gay marriage (civil partnership is fine for anyone who isn't a pedantic arsehat) and pay attention to the fact that trans people:
-have an average life expectancy of 23 due to high risk of suicide or murder
-have a one in twelve risk of being murdered (trans women) or one in eight for non-whites
-have a 49% chance of killing themselves
-account for 18% of homeless in urban areas despite being less than 0.1% of the population

Trans people are pretty clearly one of the most oppressed and at-risk groups in society, and it's a real shame that the genuine issues are being masked by tumblr-happy fuckwits who think not having their mum recognise them as turtlekin is the end of the world.

>> No.6796380

well, I think gay marriage is important (but that is a whole other discussion) but now I gotta know what that dudes issues were, also WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS "CIS" BULLSHIT? My sister is trans and in the first 23 years of my life I have heard about everything from police abuse to homophobia to transphobia to discrimination in the workplace, but never, have I ever heard of "cis gender" until I turned 24 (just now 25). Seriously, what is this bullshit? even my sister thinks it is bullshit! And I don't even understand what the hell it is supposed to mean? All I have gotten out of people is that somehow it is terrible that I was born the correct gender and could neevvveeer understand what rights for lgbt people mean.

>> No.6796396

Cis is just 'on the side of,' meaning you identify the same as your birth sex. Because retards, tumblr turned it into an insult, akin to 'breeders.'

>> No.6796409

>have an average life expectancy of 23 due to high risk of suicide or murder
This seems like a really dubious statistic.