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6769686 No.6769686 [Reply] [Original]

I have a con in a couple weeks and I'm breaking out pretty badly. (I'm in university and exams are causing me to lose sleep and eat pretty bad)

What do you guys do to have good skin for cons? Willing to try anything!

>> No.6769696

Back before I had any medication for my acne sometimes I'd borrow someone's penicillin and start taking a pill or two per day a week before the con. Cleared up my skin pretty damn good.

But idk if you have access to that.
I know it's tough but at least try to eat better and drink more water. Also try to lose the caffeine if you're consuming any.
You could also try apple cider vinegar on your face before bed with a moisturizer, but mind that can really dry out your skin.

>> No.6769701

Water seriously does wonders. Even if you can only do a bottle a day, it'll help. Don't go over 4, though.

Get a better acne regiment. If you've been using the same one for a while, your skin might not react to it anymore (mine does this a lot, anyway, so I have to switch products often).

>> No.6769702

Drink water.
Don't touch and pick at your face.
Change your pillowcase regularly.
Use a spot treatment.
Wash and moisturize your face every morning and night.
Don't overwash your face, yes you can wash your face too much.
Resist the urge to pig out on crap food, try eating more fruits and veggies, take a one a day supplement.

Did I miss anything?

>> No.6769714
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Anon with so many regrets (and scars). The stress of looking shitty at whatever event would frustrate me and I would pick and it would look WAY worse at said event than it would have if I just hadn't picked in the first place. So don't let that happen to you, anon.

>> No.6769719

I feel you, anon. I'm in the exact same spot right now.

BUT I've stopped drinking anything but water for a few day and I've already seen a huge difference. I eat like crap but only drink water and it helps(i'm sure if I ate better, my skin would be too but we both know you can't study with carrots)

>> No.6769731

Get decent hours of sleep.
Cut out dairy products.
Facial mask the night before con.
Keep hair out of your face.
Try aspirin mask with green tea.

>> No.6769732

oh my god that picture is disgusting the nails and the pimple why

>> No.6769734
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It's a bit pricey... but this really worked for me.
Alpha Beta Daily Face Peel

Now, I only have break out spots... not all over the place. So, I don't know how much help it'll be for you OP. Reviews are primarily good, some people didn't notice a change. My skin though felt so nice and smooth afterwards. I got the travel packets to try and I've order the larger set. Good luck, OP.

>> No.6769757

Also, for anyone else who has this problem. This might sound stupid or obvious, but try cutting your nails as short as physically possible. It has made a surprising difference for me (an OCD picker). If your picking is getting out of hand, try this to cut it off at the source.

>> No.6769804

drink water,
don't touch it,
get good sleep.
sleep on your BACK. not side, not front, BACK. Your pillow is caked in face greese.
body will do the rest.

>> No.6769828

this thread is a bro science nightmare

OP, for emergency spots, the name of the game is drying them to hell. sulfur and benzoyl peroxide are the best for that. a high BP spot treatment like duac is ideal. if your skin starts to peel, exfoliate.

>> No.6769845

...that's why you wash your face and change your pillow case often

>> No.6769853

I use bye bye blemish dry lotion. It's super cheap and helps get rid of pimples/redness in a few nights. Just don't shake the bottle and don't double dip with a q-tip

>> No.6769858

I've always wondered about this, is it okay to like, rest your face on your hand? Like the back of your hand or your knuckles, that won't cause breakouts, right?

>> No.6769859

You're not supposed to rub your hands on your face because of the bacteria on your hands and the oils your face releases. It's mostly like palms and whatnot that are a problem.

>> No.6769898

I've already written this in the other thread but..
>tfw the right half of your face has pimples+scars while the left one is spotless
also I'm right handed if it helps..
>also tfw a friend makes a snarky remark about you not washing your face
>tfw you overwash

>> No.6769902

Can vitacreme b12 help get rid of acne and scars?
Also how much does it cost? Is it available inin the UK?

>> No.6769905

Polysporin. Seriously. Two days and pimples are gone

>> No.6769914

coconut oil mixed with a little bit of baking soda is a good face exfoliant. It helps fight bacteria.

Also- if you rub a banana peel (inside fruit side on skin) it helps breakouts to go away.


here is some pictures of the treatment working.

ive done it myself as well, and I had great results. Hope this helps!

>> No.6770069

related to the topic of this thread, how might one get rid of acne scars?

>> No.6770079

Microderm, specific peels given to you by and Aesthetician/Dermatologist, derma-planing..

Just a few options. Not a whole lot of home remedy fixes. Every persons skin is different, its best to ask a Dermatologist.

>> No.6770085

The peels you get in office are generally just a really intense version of shit you can do at home, particularly AHA exfoliation. That's a good place to start and see how your skin reacts.

>> No.6770310

>google it
>the boxes have all different colours
oh boy

>> No.6770357

The green is the original and the one I use.
The different coloured ones dictate pain relief, extra antibacterial medication, etc. Not a big difference.

>> No.6770363

Speaking of acne, I have large, often clogged pores which look worse under foundation (because it just sinks into my pores and makes them stand out.)

Sometimes I scratch out all of the clog and splash cold water on my face, but not soon after they're clogged again, even if I don't touch my face, sleep, eat, etc.

Is there anyway to make my pores smaller and less clogged? I've been wearing cosplays with masks for a white now because of it.

>> No.6770412

if they don't often break out, it's likely that they're not clogged at all. some people just have naturally wide pores (hi there), and they look cloggy. there's nothing you can really do about it, other than wearing primers or finishing powders to conceal them.

>> No.6770425

I've never not had success with regular neosporin at removing single zits and I don't understand why more people don't know about this

Just apply 2-3 times a day and within 3 days at the most it will be gone and it helps the skin heal as well.

it's a topical antibiotic ointment that seeps under the skin, i just took a stab in the dark one day
whilst poking at an underground zit that made my entire chin hard and swollen and the stupid thing was gone in two days

otherwise, you know, tons of water, sleep, don't eat greasy foods/touch your face with your greasy hands, try not to stress (haha right?)

plain safeguard soap is great for the face at night before bed. it's a simple recipe, it's antibacterial and it doesn't dry your face out like crazy

YOU! follow all of my advice and for the love of god don't scratch at the clogs. have you tried using a washcloth to wash your face? how often do you include RAW fresh fruits and vegetables in your diet? have you ever tried using witch hazel?

>> No.6770777


I don't break out as much or as bad as I'm used to (over the teenager hump!) Just a few around my chin and hairline, now.

My large pores are definitely constantly clogged; almost like I have freckles, except they look gross. I can dig out the dirt with a sewing needle without hurting myself (and have sometimes, just to say I could). I'll spend a while digging at them, clearing them out - it takes quite a while, and they're clogged over right again.

I use a white, medium roughness facecloth and I eat veggies and fruit all the time. I have no idea what witch hazel is? I've tried medicated acne tropicals which did nothing. I have a 'blackhead' remover which i great, but it doesn't last very long.

I swear I don't touch my face after I've cleaned it. It produces it's own gunk I swear...

>> No.6770942

I have mild to moderate acne all the time and really no time/money ever to see a derm about it so here's what has worked for me:

Aspirin mask or scrub 1-2 a week. Just mix a few drops of water with uncoated aspirin tabs, let them dissolve as much as they do (it'll be like tiny grains) and put this on your inflamed bits in the evening. Your face will look a lot better in the morning.

DO NOT overwash your face! I know it's tempting, but just use a mild soap like just once a day or maximum twice a day. Personally, I use soap only in the evening. Your face is totally okay with being left alone, it heals way quicker this way.

WASH YOUR HANDS ALL THE TIME instead of washing your face. Whatever you do to your face - make up, moisturizer or even washing your face - make sure your hands and especially fingers are super clean before. It seems like little, but it can do such a difference.

Clean your make up brushes or if you're super lazy like me, use cotton swabs for powdered make up if you're wearing it daily (like powder and blusher). It does the job just fine (provided you don't have to look ultra photo-ready every day), it's really clean and cheap and fast. If you're too lazy to wash your brushes, you can use your fingers for concealer/foundation because it's way less annoying to wash your fingers thoroughly instead of brushes.

Moisturize, but don't over do it either because it can clog your pores really easily. Just do it every time after cleaning your face. Use something that doesn't inflame you and has a lot of vitamins in it.

And the grand finale:

AVOCADO MASKS are a lifesaver for when a con is just behind the corner. Grind up some fresh avocado pulp and put it straight on your bare face every evening for about 15min. Every. Evening. Until the con. Seriously, do it. Avocado is incredibly moisturizing and it basically feeds your skin, it has all those fancy-pancy oils which your skin needs for healing and radiance.

I hope this helps! Good luck!

>> No.6770945

Oh and, one avocado can last you up to about 4 masks if you store it well in the fridge (put some foil over the cut part of the fruit and always cut off the oxidized bit before next use)

>> No.6770948

Try Benzoyl peroxide.

Shit's amazing.

>> No.6770952

Particularly if you haven't used it and unless you have very severe acne, 2.5% is all you'll likely need. Just apply after you cleanse and dry your face and then apply a moisturizor, as benzoyl peroxide can dry out your face.

I am actually going to switch to salisylic acid after I finish my current tube of benzoyl (neutragina on-the-spot) because I think my skin has adjusted a bit to it (though the pimples I do have have very small.) That is another thing to consider if you want something less harsh (though I find not as effective.)

>> No.6770966

Follow these exact steps:
1. Wash your pillowcase each week
2. Check all of the products you use on your face by typing in their name at www.cosdna.com, do any of them have ingredients that cause acne? If so, switch to a brand like Cetaphil that doesn't.
3. Make sure you wash your face twice a day and use a noncomedogenic lotion after each washing.
4. If it's still not gone, see a dermatologist and ask about Epiduo.

I've gone from a face full of cystic acne to a completely clear face in 2 months using this method.

>> No.6770975
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Get this, I swear by it http://www.lushusa.com/Angels-on-Bare-Skin/9999906953,en_US,pd.html?start=7&cgid=cleansers

I use it every other day and my skin has gone from patchy and dry to (nearly) flawless. It took a couple applications to really see the difference. It's just the best cleanser ever.

>> No.6771002

Can't believe no one has suggested it yet, but Manuka honey (normal honey isn't as effective but still works)! Every night for 5-30 mins on the whole face (dilute ever so slightly with water) or just troublesome areas. Suitable for any skin type, just wash off gently. And if you can't avoid stress, try to avoid sugar.

>> No.6771009

So for a newb (like myself) do most of you typically use a cleanser to wash then a moisturizer ? I'm probably going to invest in what >>6770975 posted but was curious what all of you have as a good, relatively cheap, after-wash moisturizer.

>> No.6771018

I usually use the cleanser when I'm in the shower, I find it less messy that way. You put the moisturizer on after you have cleansed your face, but before applying make-up.
If you want a good pair up with that cleanser, I suggest this moisturizer from the same brand.

>> No.6771024

> before applying make-up

I'm a dude. Been meaning to go to another board eventually and do this because anything girls use is gonna be better than what I'm using and they actually know what they're talking about.

Many thanks Anon.

>> No.6772208

no milk
no sugar (look at the ingredients of whatever you are eating/drinking)
no grains (wheat, oat, etc. that means any kind of noodles or bread and so on...)

more effective than any shitty product out there - inconvenient truth...
but it's better to skip all those in general, not only for you skin...

>> No.6772251

I'll just share with you a few things I do, I guess.
My usual acne wash is Oxy, but that can be kind of pricey at times. I've found that a regular bar of Ivory Soap does wonders(that 99.9% bacteria killing action),
I wash my pillow cases, and spray my pillows and bed down with Lysol(not that off-brand stuff or Glade),
I drink 3-5 bottles of water a day, and lastly,
I keep my hands clean just in case I happen to touch my face. It's also best to avoid greasy foods, mainly because the grease WILL get on your face, and avoid sugary drinks.
I've kept this up for a long time and I haven't had a single pimple in about 7 months. Being a laid-back and stress-free person helps out too.

>> No.6772273

so water, meat and vegetables? wat

>> No.6772281

> no grains

what? Like where are you getting that info from man it's just. No grains?

>> No.6772284

Half a grapefruit or, even better, a whole grapefruit every morning. Works wonders.

Avoid dairy, wheat, and high amounts of sugar. Wash your face every night and morning. Take your showers in the morning if your skin is oily. Take one at night if it's dry.

>> No.6772310

Not the anon from before but when I cut out carbs and sugar (I don't eat dairy or meat ever) from diet my skin clears up almost instantly. My nails and hair benefit a lot too!

>> No.6772425

>No vegetables, fruits, meats, or grains
So, water and air?

>> No.6772432

Yeah...you can't cut out sugar if you still eat veggies. Also sugar and carbs are the same thing.

>> No.6772484

yes. Seconding this, wash your face first then use this, and works like a charm.

>> No.6772506

Dif anon, but let's change that to "added sugars and processed carbs" which would mean most juices and all sodas and then bread and pasta.

Meat is mostly protein but I hope you're still getting more veggies then meat because otherwise you will have a hard time shitting.

>> No.6772516

You still don't seem to know what you're talking about.

>> No.6773017

Two weeks of doxycycline and religious application of adapalene as well as no touching/picking.

>> No.6774102

>try cutting your nails as short as physically possible. It has made a surprising difference for me (an OCD picker).
That doesn't help me much, unfortunately I've had this awful habit of using baby/fingernail scissors for my pimples for many years so just the thought of having pimples on my face stresses me out a lot, also I have bumpy(?) pores and old scars on my face so when I'm on the computer I tend to touch my face in search or rough areas to scratch out.
I wish I could leave my face alone, but I fuss about it so much that I'm getting the opposite effect of what I wanted, I'm so jelly when I see girls with flawless skin who complain about a micro pimple.

>> No.6775110

I agree, OP's picture is disgusting

>> No.6775206

Should have been more specific. I meant refined/processed carbs and sugar. I eat only plant-based food and I do eat fruit but not a ton.

>> No.6776201
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Honey and oatmeal.

>Pour 1 part hot water to 1 part oatmeal.
>let it sit for a while until soft
>add honey to it
>put on face, massage and leave on as mask for 5-10 minutes

After doing that your skin will feel tighter and smoother.
Honey is a natural antiseptic so it's very good for killing bacteria that causes pimples and oatmeal soothes eczema and other skin conditions.



It's effective and you can google it for reviews and other info.

>> No.6778944


>> No.6778949

What is nail polish.

>> No.6778987

aren't you supposed to paint the whole nail? unless there's a new fad going on to have nails that look like you just scraped shit with

>> No.6778991

French manicures aren't exactly new, and her nails look more like the tips are copper/bronze than straight-up brown.

>> No.6778997

>her nails look more like the tips are copper/bronze than straight-up brown.
yeah but seen as she's just popped a pimple it seems like she has dried up blood under her nails

>> No.6779001

No, they're pretty obviously metallic. And they're too light to be dried blood.

>> No.6779021

Do any of you seagulls use Retin-A? I've just gotten a prescription for 0.025%. I'm using it to improve skin texture and quality mostly, my acne is very mild (mostly in the form of flesh-coloured bumps, no inflammation.

>> No.6779837

I use to. I used it for years and it was great to get rid of pimples, but it made my skin peel like crazy. If my skin was dry, it would make it flake, if it was oily, it would just peel away. I realized that pimples looked less disgusting than peeling face.

>> No.6780811

>tfw your skin is so horrible that it's hiding your freckles

>> No.6781709

I get really bad back/shoulder acne even though I shower daily and try to keep my hair off it when possible. I can't afford a dermatologist at the moment but is there a way to help it go down or to help the scarring die down?
I've heard that sun tanning helps with scarring and drying up acne but not sure if true or not.

>> No.6781721

My skin is always so oil after I shower and do my face scrub. I get horrible black heads on my nose.

>> No.6781736

Then change your scrub.

>> No.6781761
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I'm oily like that too.

Ditch the scrub cause it could be too abbrasive so it's makeing your skin make more oil to compensate.

Instead use your hands and a gentle soap that is oil free.
Also use a biore strip for the black heads and then follow that with a bit of witch hazel or other astrigent.

Once a week or before photo time use this clay mask to soak up excess oil.

>> No.6783380

use proactive