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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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6769663 No.6769663 [Reply] [Original]

What conventions have you attended?
>what was great/bad about it?
>Quality artists in the artist alleys/vendors?
>Quality cosplayers?
>Would you continue to attend the convention?

>> No.6770130

has anyone attended c2e2?
i've never gone to it, but i'm going this year.

>> No.6770223

It's... eh. Typical Reed convention, not that big, but okay for a day outing. It depends how into comics you are- if you're a big comics person you'll probably find a decent amount to be interested in.

>> No.6770236
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What about anime expo?
Is that worth going to?

>> No.6770238

Conventions are full of annoying, stupid, socially awkward people.

>> No.6770244
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>> No.6770247


>> No.6770249

Care to elaborate?

>> No.6770256

Nope, save your money for better cons. AX is getting worse.

>> No.6770258


Because you're better off going to Japan Expo the following month.

>> No.6770262
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>> No.6770266

depends on the guests. they haven't announced early in a few years (always within a month, month and a half of convention) so it helps a lot if you live within driving distance or at the least in the state. right now the lineup is underwhelming.

last year yuki kajiura wasn't announced til mid may. lisa was announced end of march
year before that miku was mid may announcement. kalafina early may. maon kurosaki was early june
year before that mell announced early may. may'n/megumi nakajima announced mid may. akb48 late april.

basically they aren't going to really announce stuff for another month. it's going to be hard to tell whether or not it's worth it to go til then.

>> No.6770272

new york CC
>could not breathe, very many people 2/10 booths are nice

>boring unless you know people there, maybe again 4/10

>> No.6770284
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Anime conji was decent, first con,had fun and met some cool people
except I hear the staff was crazy and a bunch of events were very unorganized

>> No.6770286

Wondercon (SF): okay, not the best
SF cherry blossom festival: cool, and it's free, and it's two weekends.
Fanime: alright, but it's closeby
AX: my favorite for concerts
SDCC: crowded as fuck but I'm used to it. not the best for anime fans. pricey nowadays.
J-pop summit: cool, and it's free
APE: basically a giant artist alley

Japan Expo this August. Not much info yet.

>> No.6770306

>Best guests and shopping. Long lines, crowded hallways, autograph sessions can be hard to find.

>Good fashion guests, sometimes good bands if you're into VK. Hotelcon, tiny dealer's hall.

>Free, but shitty. Don't waste your time. Currently on an elevator straight to hell.

>> No.6770308

Anime Los Angeles any good?

>> No.6770321

guests are kind of meh
lots of partying

if you want to party and or be under the influence, it should be a stop on your list

>> No.6770455

Its more of a party con than an anime con.

>> No.6770563

>Shit. Was decent when it was in Portland but once they moved it to Vancouver it just went to hell. AA is shit, dealer's hall has an hour long line in the hot sun just to walk through a tiny vendor's hall with lame shit nobody cares about. Terribly run. Overrun with bitchy Homestucks. Not worth it at all. Awful con 1/10 (Only getting a 1 because one of the dealers was nice and gave me a good deal on a Princess of the Crystal figure) will not go back

>Fun, nice atmosphere, good AA, decent vendor's hall. 8/10

>Treats artists like trash, nothing to do, everyone is fucking twelve years old, buying a badge is worthless. Definitely a hangout con. 6/10 because my friends are fun.

>Chaotic. Met lots of nice people, though. Pretty good atmosphere. 7/10

>> No.6770583

Ota: registration line is hell, super fucking humid and hot because Baltimore, shitty area around the con but nice facilities for the con itself. just wish the dealer's hall didn't close so early and have such a weird layout. the game room is superb. great for meeting new friends, really chill people.

Acen: rave sucks, masquerade is ok, guests are ok. panelists tend to be really personable and respectful to their audience. even the weebs tend to be pretty nice. went to a huge photoshoot last year and everyone was pretty polite despite the hassle and crazy amounts of people. weather is fucking crazy because chicago. outside of the actual city so there's not much to do but you can train it into the city if you want. much better when you know some people there.

>> No.6770608

AX - Great for shopping and some good guests. The crowds can get pretty unbearable though, especially in the heat. Staff is kind of meh due to this too but way better badge systems than years before.

ALA - Good con for socializing, not very good for shopping. Guests are meh but the social factor is pretty much for going. It's pretty much for me a tradition out of nostalgia.

AM2 - Run, run far away from that and never return.

Fanime - I'm going back after three years of having not attended, but I've had great experiences there. Good guests, great atmosphere. Makes me nervous at the moment about their late updates, but there's always potential.

Conji - Meh. It was at least somewhat of a good weekend but it gets pretty boring quickly.

Comikaze Expo - It was a decent alternative since I didn't attend Comic Con and I'm despising the overcrowding. Some stuff to do, plenty to shop from. Cosplay was all right.

Then I used to attend Ani-Magic and Mikomicon, which are no longer around. Those had some moments but then obviously their downers too. I'm hoping Japan Expo turns out all right.

>> No.6770622

It's shit and continues to be shit. Good for hangouts, I guess, especially with the location change to downtown where there are bars except everyone is underage.

REally well-rounded. Usually a couple good guests, great AA, though I've never been too impressed with the dealer's hall. Stage Zero is fun and is one of several 24-hour activities at the con, including game room. Plenty of room parties, good location with plenty of diversions within walking distance.

Fuckhuge. Easily one of the best AA's in America based on sheer talent since a lot of artists are local. Usually one or two really big guests (i.e some mangaka, Miku, etc.), very industry-driven. Huge and diverse exhibit hall. Absolute shit location.

See: Fanime

I get a Fanime vibe from it, but at the scale of AX. Lots of people just hanging. Weird, quirky con culture (i.e Ice Cold Water guy), pretty decent AA/Vendor's Hall. They usually have some good musical guests. Weather and location is pretty shitty, possibly worse than LA except it'll take less time to walk to your hotel, which is nice.

Partycon. That's about it.

>> No.6770633

>people are posting good things about sakura-con
>i am of the opinion that it kind of sucks now ever since half of their organizational board swapped out a few years back
>am realizing maybe it's still good and it's just me

fuck i have turned into the burnt out anime fan who's just chasing the dreams of what life used to be, haven't i /cgl/?

>> No.6770640

Maybe it's time to take a break and come back so you can fall in love all over again.

>> No.6770654

yeah, i think it is.

>> No.6770749
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I'll only post for Animenext since I go to that one the most.

>Cons I attend: Animenext (my yearly convention) Ichibancon, New york comic con and springfest. (attending Animzement this year and maybe otakon if classes don't start beforehand)
>what was great/bad about it?
Anext good: Lot of things to do, dealers room is usually very good, fun panels, hotels are usually very close by.
Bad: Crowded... Fire marsall's new rules killed things last year, bad foorplans.
>Quality artists in the artist alleys/vendors?
Yes for the most part. I end up with tons of artwork most of the time.
>Quality cosplayers?
50/50 most good cosplays are on slower days like friday and sunday.... Which is a bit odd
>Would you continue to attend the convention?
Of course! Only convention I'll ever travel a full day for.

>> No.6770845

AX- biggest con, good cosplay and dealers hall, but you have to deal with the heat. Tons of walking as the hotels are far from the con center. Parties happen, but are usually in the furthest hotels. Worth going to if you care about programming and don't mind forever walking.

Fanime- very cool, lots of stuff to do because con center is always open/connected to hotels. Good, cheap food is close by, which is a rarity for cons. Huge game room, AA and dealers hall are decent. Great night life as the hotels are very close by. Highly recommended.

PMX- small con. Focused on lolita, the brands come out to have little boutiques etc. A lot of partying as there is not a whole lot to do. Avoid this con if you are not into lolita or do not have friends going.

ALA- circlejerk the con. Tons of tripfags come from all over to attend. Largest cgl meetups. Good cosplay for a small con, but the dealers hall and AA are tiny. This con is good if you like a chill atmosphere and are down with the party.

>> No.6770920

Cons I've attended:

Katsucon - I hated it. The venue is always beautiful, but it was an unorganized clusterfuck with nothing but drama. None of the panels really screamed out to me. . I know a lot of other people who loved it, but I continually had crappy experiences there this year.

T-MODE - Small con, very personal. Not much cosplay because the attendance is in the 300s. Really fun, though.

Otakon - The only issue I ever have with Otakon is the HEAT. But that isn't really Otakon's fault. Other than that I've always had a great time. Great musical guests, video game room, and a lot to shop from.

New York Comic Con - Love it. VERY crowded. But the fact that it plays so much on all fandoms is nice. It is kind of far from anywhere decent to eat... And the closest hotel we could get was 2 blocks away, but it was still fun!

Anime USA - Normally pretty chill but it felt kind of awkward this past year. I don't know. Maybe because of the venue change?

Tigercon - Wasn't expecting much for a free convention hosted by a collage. But it wasn't too bad.

>> No.6770979

Not going into detail about cosplayers and vendors, since I'm usually pretty cool with whatever's there. I'd return to all of them as long as I could afford it, with the possible exception of Seishuncon... though it's a fair enough price that I can't rule it out.

Still in one hotel, bless its li'l heart. New location this year, therefore their vendor/artist alley/autograph layout was SHIT. The basement of the hotel, maybe? A low-ceiling labyrinth with two exits; the artist's alley was just tucked away in one of the corners, and the autograph lines smack in the middle of one wall for some damn reason. Great con otherwise, hope they work the layout kinks out before next year. Had some good non-anime stuff, too: good game industry panels, we went to a fun Star Trek one, etc. The biggest con I've been to where the water stations were never out of water.

Tiny, took up half the ground floor of a hotel, went for something to do while my girlfriend was out of town. But the panels were damn good, even the rescheduled JJBA one I accidentally ended up in. Don't know all the local cosplayers yet, but their panels were pretty informative, and the smaller crowds meant lots of Q&A opportunities. I don't pay too much attention to guests at anime cons, but this one had someone I actually gave a shit about. Couldn't figure out public transportation enough to go on Sunday (it's outside the perimeter), but I guess I didn't miss much. Only con I've been to that's nowhere near a food court. Artist's alley was about half a dozen tables and kind of pathetic; dealer's room wasn't much bigger but the lack of crowds meant I could check out all the merch at my leisure.

>> No.6770980

>>6770979 cont.
Too damn hot, good thing it's all in one building. Great locations for photoshoots and plenty of places to eat in the area that aren't just food court fare. Not much else to say, they've been there for years and have their shit down pat. Note that Homestuck cosplayers are at critical mass here - they all end up crammed in the ass end of the fifth floor because if they attempted to have three-hour photoshoots outside where there's actually room for them all they would melt and die. Alright, it might not have been quite three hours, but there was an attempted impromptu meetup at the same place at 6:30 PM Saturday last year and damned if that 4 PM shoot wasn't still going strong.

Amazingly fun with nearly anything you could ever want to attend a con for, getting too big though. Four or so of the host hotels had bridges connecting them, and one was sort of across the street, but the other was a few blocks away - they're running out of hotels. To get into panels, you have to stand in line for an hour (you're technically not allowed to line up before then) and hope the topic is either obscure enough to give you a chance or not stuck in a room that holds thirty people. Actually dumb enough to allot the single Legend of Korra panel the floor space of my living room/kitchen. See, the "cartoons for kids" room was a quarter the size of the "paranormal" room, where we found ample seating for the ghost sex panel. Still, probably the best con I (and a billion other people) go to. There's even a fucking parade, which was actually pretty cool. For all the cautions I've heard about the fire marshall, I didn't run into any trouble with that

>Anime Weekend Atlanta
Seemed pretty cool, last year was my first though so I haven't got much constructive to say. Also suffers from the outlier hotel problem - literally had to cross a freeway to get to the tabletop gaming area. I never used this many footbridges before I moved to Atlanta.

>> No.6771012

Pros-Pretty mellow, great cosplays, amazing scenery, pretty much free if you stay out of the AA and dealers room, the liquor store that's a block away
Cons- Personal bad experiences make me hesitant to go. Staff is like "LOL WUT CON?" anytime you ask about anything.

CPAC (adding cause now relevant):
Pros- Chill as fuck, nice scenery, shitton of food places to eat, not to crowded, level of good cosplays are balancing out to about 45/55, AA table is like $20, ticket is relatively cheap, 15 minutes from NYC, AA had a TON of new talent this year.
Cons: It's a one day con ( thought I wouldn't want them to make it longer either.), Registration is usually wonky, this year it was a 45 minute wait and 4 stories up.

Pros-Very chill and relaxed, relatively close, Nice AA, Scenery for pictures is good.
Cons- Good cosplay is pretty scarce these days under 35%, Sudden security boost made everything stupidly disorganized, Very tightly rounded up line between the Dealers room, through the underpass, through the hotel and into the AA is boiling hot with nerd stick and body heat.

Pros- They've been listening so now that it's opened up a bit more the organization has gotten smoother, it's fucking NYC where Marvel lays it's buttegg of superheroes so there are always kids and adults along Penn Station to 11th Ave who want pics/shake hands/high fives, Food is fucking everywhere, it's on the river so theres a shitton of places to take pictures.
Cons- Crowded like no one would believe, Security is shittier than shit they couldn't protect their virginity if they wanted to, Staff never has any idea what's going on, No good after parties, just air hockey at D&B.

>> No.6771140

Has anyone been to Anime Boston?

>> No.6771223

>T-MODE - Small con, very personal. Not much cosplay because the attendance is in the 300s. Really fun, though.

I'm planning to go to T-MODE this weekend. It's not much but it's been a commuter convention for me for a while.

>> No.6771246

Too soon, anon.... too soon. Don't be a dick.

>> No.6771294

Huge, pretty fun and nobody seemed to give a fuck about checking props. Lots of panels/artists/things in general. Will go every year I possibly can

Decently sized, the hotel is really nice, but good luck finding food that isn't crazy expensive or McDonald's. It has some panels and guests, but I never end up going to any of them because I'm busy hanging out with friends.

Gets worse every year. I have no idea what they have, everybody's just drunk the whole weekend. Debating whether I should even go to FireAlarmCon this year.

>Wasteland Weekend
The most fun I've ever had in my entire life. It's not a traditional con in the sense of the word. It's more like a Ren Fair meets Mad Max/Fallout. I don't even care that's on the other side of the country, I'm going anyway.

>> No.6771296

You were at CPAC? Who'd you go as?

>> No.6771367

CPAC stands for the Conservative Political Action Conference. It's a political convention.

>> No.6771377
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>> No.6771410

That's the other CPAC.
Noiz from Dramatical Murder.
I was gonna go as Ultimate Spidey but it's was pretty chilly out so I'm glad I didn't.

>> No.6771411
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AnimeNext : 3/10 [Venue] - HORRIBLE,[Panels] - Hard to get into, but usually good, [Main Events] - Best part of this con for me [Guests] - Alright [AA] - pretty good, not the best, not the worst. [Management]- terribad.
I'm not going again, swapping it out for colossalcon this year.

NYCC : 5/10 [Venue]- TERRIFUCKINGBAL, TOO MANY PEOPLE, TOO LITTLE SPACE. no cell phone reception in the javitz. [Panels] - What panels [Main Events] - SOO GOOD GRUNTS [Guests] - Fantastic [AA] - No. [Management]- Alright
I'll be going again this year, hoping it's better than last year.

Katsucon : 2/10 [Venue] - Beautiful, good size [Panels] - Either terrible or decent, nothing was memorable. [Main Events] NOPE. TERRIBLE. HOLY FUCK. [Guests] - Awwright [AA] - Loved it! [Management] - FUCK NO YOU ASSHATS
Low rating because I had a terrible time personally and I am still pissed about it. Fucking dramacon, I'm going with different people next year and just focusing on cosplaying. Horrible layout. Smoked tons of weed to make up for being horrifically depressed.

Setsucon : 8/10 [Venue] - good enough [Panels] - Generally really, really good. [Main Events] - small con so not really a thing [Guests] - Surprisingly fantastic for a small con [AA] - Usually great [Management] - I've had no problems, great in general.
I go every year, and always look forward to it. Last year wasn't as good as the year before and I didn't like the badge design for this year either. Has a little con stank going on.

Zenkaikon : 5/10 [Venue] - pretty bad, but not terrible. Better than before. [Panels] - WTF ZENKAIKON WHAT PANELS WHAT WAS WITH THE GAPS BETWEEN PROGRAMMING [Main Events]- Pretty good for a smaller con [Guests] - what guests [AA] - WHAT THE FUCK. Some really good stuff, WHY WAS THE DEALERS ROOM IN THERE, WHY WAS THERE LIKE 2 DEALERS ALSO. Horrible room design, small. [Management] - Giving them a break because first year in a new venue.

>> No.6771418
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I probably saw you around, but I'm drawing a blank right now. I also couldn't see too well in my mask.

I was the Venom walking around.

>> No.6771428

I'm going to Collosalcon, Conneticon, Otakon, Setsucon, Ohayocon, Pax East, Anime North, Anime Weekend Atlanta, NYCC, Katsucon, Dragon*con, and maybe Anime Boston here out. I plan on hitting up some local cons for the day here and there to support my local shit. I'm committing myself to having fun and cosplaying/ being rori, and not worrying with the other bullshit. I didn't have a good con season last year and it's been making me feel hella shitty. Maybe I just need different friends.

>> No.6771431
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>internal screaming
I was the girl who hugged you in front of the con and thanked you for showing up to like...every con as Flash Thomson.
>also my friend took that picture of you.

>> No.6771434

ice cold water guy is the most hilarious part of ota 10/10 would visit just to hang with him

>> No.6771440

>That guy in the background doing the same pose

>> No.6771446
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I remember now. You're really cute.
Are you going to CTcon?

>> No.6771455

Texas cons ahead:

Austin convention, usually on/around new years can be exciting if you wanna fuck around in Austin during the weekend. Shit cosplay contest, cramped AA, dealer room below average. Hopefully they stay at the hotel they are currently at because that shit show that was Ikki 2011/12 was not okay at all.

>SciFi Expo
Was not worth mentioning really until this year, this Scifi/DCC/Fan Days con thing they have going on is growing rapidly and they need to find a new venue asap because the Irving Convention Center is in a shit location and is all ready too small. Pretty good industry guest but fuck, the one thing I hate about comic conventions is paying so much to meet the celebrities.

>All Con
Oldfgt convention, chill vibe, small hall con as fuck, drunk as fuck con. I like this convention, they try hard to please their demographic and there's a free food room so A+ in my book, but definitely not for everyone.

>Anime Matsuri
Trying to be the AX of the south. Emphasis on trying. Some bullshit about this year being their last year, drama drama drama. WCS Gulf Qualifier being here was good for the con, but damn that hotel move was shit and they need to knock on the GRB's door and grovel because if they want to keep growing they need more space. The dealers basement was actually pretty decent for a dealer room but AA was shit. I kind of have my fingers crossed for this con because they have potential with all of the guest they try and bring in and what not.

>Dallas Comic Con
(see Scifi Expo) Nathan Fillion is gonna be there this year so if that isn't motive to go idk what else would be.

Oldest running anime convention in North America blah blah blah. A-Kon is shit but you go because there are so many people and old habits die hard...We will see how this year goes because of the move but it seems like the same old convention just a new location. Did they even try to get any good guests? Cosplay contest is alright I guess...

>> No.6771467

(cont'd A-Kon)
AA isn't too bad, needs more art and less shit crafts. Dealer room is much of the same as every Texas con. A-Kon could really benefit with better programming in general, c'mon tx folk submit better panels and volunteer for this shit.

>San Japan
Easily the best convention in Texas. Good cosplay contest, good dealer room, good AA, good panelist, great guests, pretty good dance/raves. Man why the fuck does this have to be in San Antonio, that's my only gripe.

Used to be my favorite convention in TX but the move to the Sheraton made it feel like A-Kon 2.0 and the con lost it's steam Saturday night when there was a full two days left to do things. If they learn to utilize the space better the con will probably be good again, but let's face it...we all have an attachment to the Hyatt Regency.

LOL made the mistake of going twice. Never again, sorry Houston but that shit is jank.

>Fan Days/Starwars bullshit
(see Scifi expo)

I know there are a few other cons in here I missed but fuck it.

>> No.6771479

I've gone to nearly every con in NY and they're all pretty shitty. Since NYAF/Comiccon got assimilated it's been disorganized, not good guests, boring panels, etc.

also, college cons are the fucking pits. you'd think we might have some decent events but we have none.

tl;dr new york is a barren wasteland of shitier cons.

>> No.6771496


Just curious, but do you staff or volunteer any conventions at all?

>> No.6771552

I pretty regularly used to volunteer at most of the cons in the Dallas/Fort Worth Area and was on the AnimeFest events staff for a few years up until the previous con. I have now switched to doing panels. I still have friends at most cons and try to help out when I can without officially volunteering because I am less mobile than I used to be. Why do you ask?

>> No.6771569

Has anyone gone to one of the Another Anime Con Yomise things? There's one this weekend and I kinda want to go but I don't want to go and there be just a handful of people there. I've also never been to a con

>> No.6771572

>Anime Boston
I've been going for a few years and always enjoy it.
Pros: dealers, AA, handful of good panels, fast pre-reg
Cons: underage, meme-shouting, decline of interesting guests, decline of good cosplay

Pros: good time with friends
Cons: not enough anime for all-nerd con

Pros: many hotels in the area, con in one building, fast pre-reg, lots of good cosplay
Cons: motherfucking heat, lines (thankfully wasn't in those)

Is that just because of the recent bombs?

>> No.6771604


Because that much criticism overall of the whole Texas con scene deserves to be taken with a grain of salt on /cgl/. If you hadn't volunteered for jack shit I wouldn't have taken you seriously.

>> No.6771671

I can see where you are coming from but a lot of shit talking is pretty consistent with what is wrong with the Texas con scene so I don't mind it so much. Our community is kind of a closed network though because the state is so big and there are so many cons, people don't have much to compare it to. One thing we have is variety and cons that seem to litter the entire year, but now that I have experienced more out of state cons, looking in at Texas the problems seem a bit amplified. Are you a former Texan?

>> No.6772201
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How about wondercon? I hear it's "stepping out of comiccon's shadow"

>> No.6772212

it's still pretty much SDCC lite. Guests are still on the low end of things if you don't like comics. It likely only sold out because of the hype associated with SDCC.

>> No.6772221

Has anyone been to a Canadian con? What's it like? I'm contemplating Anime North.

>> No.6772309

AN has to be pretty good if people feel bad about AN and Fanime being on the same dates so they can't go to both.

>> No.6772319

AN is my favourite convention, but I'm also Canadian and haven't been to many American cons. If it doesn't cost you much in travel money I'd say go for it.

>> No.6775496
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Best SoCal cons?

>> No.6775500
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Conji was okay, but still needs work

>> No.6775510


>nearly every

what cons are even in NY other than NYCC?

>> No.6775538

I feel like it's going to downsize pretty soon, since I think they're thinking about making a NorCal WonderCon and a SoCal one. I feel like the NorCal one will be a little more comics-oriented while the SoCal one would be closer to SDCC light, but we'll have to see.

This year AN might squeeze out on top just because Fanime is still going through with lots of construction stuff and renovation in the con center (apparently). I have no idea what AN is like, though, so it could be a completely different beast altogether, in which the quality of the con itself might not matter too much.

>> No.6775551

it's true ;_;