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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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6764485 No.6764485[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Ushii wa honto ni kawaii desu ka

>> No.6764488
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>> No.6764490

whats the story on this girl? is she a white asian mix living in japan or something?

>> No.6764493
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>> No.6764495

>white asian mix
im sure she wishes/lies to other people that she is
dat forced pose and fatty thighs

>> No.6764501
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Yes Anon, white/Asian mix, of course she is.

>> No.6764502
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I wonder why she got rid of her old parting and went for full bangs.
Maybe because it looks more childlike?

>> No.6764503

so was this a game show or something?
seems like Dakota is still able to milk the whole doll fad, I wonder for how long will she last..
I agree that the pose looks forced but her thighs look ok

>> No.6764504

LOL she's so fucking short even with those heels, what is she 5'2"?

>> No.6764505

I wish I was uguu short like her~

>> No.6764507

Full video:


>> No.6764511
File: 597 KB, 3150x2400, me-gusta.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Koti... She's a super cunt and I love it.

>> No.6764515


>> No.6764513
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It's kind of weird how people stalk her and take her picture secretly though.

>> No.6764517
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I wonder if her sister is by the toilet vomiting in jealousy.

>> No.6764519
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I am and it's not fun
>mfw never be famous model like dakota

>> No.6764520
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>> No.6764522

I keep juggling whether to splash out on some hair extensions because I want long hair as well, but I'm probably better off waiting for it to grow naturally.

>> No.6764525

> mfw 5'8" and I will never be a kawaii aidoru in Japan. You still have some kind of hope anon

>> No.6764526
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I liker her better when she looked like this, she seemed like she had attitude.

>> No.6764527


5'5" master race coming through bitches.

>> No.6764531

That's really not cool. It's pretty sad if you think of the sibling rivalry that they must fight over.

I certainly don't wish either of them bad.
I never see Dakota anything unless I go to cgl and someone's fished up an obscure youtube video of her. She's really not all that, but she's not dreadful or ugly either.
I don't have a problem with giving her 15 japanese bun.

>> No.6764532

>forced poses
>can't walk in heels
>hair still greasy as fuck
>bloated bulimia face
>shitty cheap clothes
>fake Vivienne necklace
Really now?

>> No.6764533

I always find it funny when people say things like 'she won't last long' or 'her 15 minute fame is done'. How delusional are you guys? I guess whatever makes you sleep better at night.

inb4 someone claims I'm Koti.

>> No.6764534

my short height's great for lolita. just not for being a kawaii nihonese moderu.

>> No.6764535
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I liked her back when she was making herself ultra-pretty like in pic related.
It looks like she's focusing too much on enlarging her eyes now, and it's not really "uguu kawaii moe desu nyan" or "goffik living porcelain doll", it's just sort of gross.

>> No.6764539

Her hair is sooo thiiiiiin. Holy shit. I was freaking out the other day over my hair being thin, thinking I was going bald or something, but fuck, Dakota looks like a cancer patient after their first round of chemo.

>> No.6764537

skip to 06:59 to see Koti

woah I forgot about Kiki, has she made any videos recently?

I don't think 5'2'' is too short, where I am 5'3-5'4 is average height for women but I see much shorter people around so being 5'3 / 1.60 I feel tall around other girls, it's a bit awkward.

>> No.6764538

>can't walk in heels

So then... she's the same as every other girl in Japan.

>> No.6764543

Who else seemed HUEG in Japan to westerners on /cgl/ but didn't really last? Olivia Lufkin? Applemilk? Beckii?
Unless she somehow gets hired by a bigger company or it turns out that she can actually sing or dance well, she'll stay relevant for 6 years tops, get a few more modelling gigs and then probably fly back to Murika and do other stuff.
Hell, maybe she'll still model in other countries, but I can't really imagine her being in Nippon forever.

>> No.6764546

5'2" is short for a 100 percent white girl to be in a room of japanese people that are taller than her who are statistically shorter on average

>> No.6764550

that stuff that turns to ice when you shake it in that video must be loaded with chemicals, i wouldn't drink it

>> No.6764551
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>hear that japanese guys like "cat-shaped eyes"
>steal a cat's eyes

Is there any low she won't stoop to?

>> No.6764552

someone post the video where she was bullying other girls/being extremely racist toward asian people as a response pls

>> No.6764554

>"I hate it when girls act mean and hateful."

Oh the irony.

>> No.6764555


I have them all saved to a folder, every single one. Considering uploading it as a torrent, they'll never be able to remove it considering PB's reactions to DMCA emails and threads lolololol

>> No.6764558



>> No.6764559

5'2" anon here as well. I feel your pain

To always get mistaken for being 14 is not fun. before I tried to wear more "mature" looking fashion, but people still thought I was 14, so now I just wear whatever cutesy fashion I like because people will always think I'm young anyway

>> No.6764560

??? that had nothing to do with my post?
kiki used to (lol still is) be a very mean person, it's pretty funny to hear her talking about putting a stop to bullying

>> No.6764561
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Funny because I was going to delete them right up until I saw Kirstens new video.
No fucking way, this bitch deserves it.

>> No.6764562
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>> No.6764565

because everything else isn't made of chemicals?

>> No.6764570
File: 1.82 MB, 300x168, accidentally.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw 5"11 and will always be a lanky monster

>> No.6764571

there are safe chemicals and there are not safe chemicals. anything that can create ice without being in a cold environment is suspect as fuck. and you know in those asian countries they aren't as crazy about food regulations as in the US.

>> No.6764572

Blimey, her self-esteem must be complete shit.

>> No.6764574

Those feels...
Got carded twice by the same bartender tonight... wasn't even a busy bar. 5'2" Isn't so bad most of the time but shit i hate having to get out my shitty licence photo.

>> No.6764580

It's called reaping what you sow.

>> No.6764581

Endothermic reaction. The chemicals react causing a sudden dramatic drop in temp causing ice. Japan actually has very high regulations regarding food and drink even when compared to much of the west, so it is most likely safe though a little weird though obviously it is personal choice.

>> No.6764585

5'10" here, too tall to be kawaii like Dakota-chan ;_;

>> No.6764589

but if she was taller she wouldn't be considered "kawaii" and /cgl/ would make fun of her being too tall

I agree, pretty much since she appeared on that TV thing in Japan I don't find her that pretty anymore, to me now she looks like a girl with a puffy face, greasy hair and I don't get why she still does that eye make-up thing, she's not fooling anyone, it's clearly visible that her eyes are not that make-up.. but it's probable because it's her style now.

I'm not your height but I think that tall girls are gorgeous when they take care of themselves,
also tall girls with cute faces are adorable (Amo from Amoyamo is 168cm)

>> No.6764595

I get so embarrassed just watching their reactions to her videos. Do they not see that her face in her videos are not the same?

>> No.6764597

No, it's called hypocrisy.

>> No.6764600

Nips love to pretend they have huge eyes and pretty faces with excessive makeup and circle lenses, so hating her for altering her face with shoop would be pure hypocrisy.

>> No.6764602

Dakota really has no clue on Japanese culture does she...She opens the bottle and drinks before the rest of them, which is kind of rude.

>> No.6764605

She has excessive makeup and circle lens along with unreal amounts of shoop.

>> No.6764608

>Implying most gyaru models don't use unreal amounts of shoop.