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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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6762911 No.6762911 [Reply] [Original]

I'm a long time gal observer finally thinking of giving it a try for myself, so any advice would be appreciated. Otherwise let's just have a nice thread of sharing tutorials, inspiration, favorite shops, etc.

>> No.6762916
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I'll start by dumping some of my favorite sujimori styles

>> No.6762922
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>> No.6762934
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>> No.6762961
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>> No.6762966

Gyaru is cute but just stay away from like 90% of the comm. The majority of those girls are so close-minded and uneducated and total japanophiles.

>> No.6762969
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This makes me a little glad that there isn't a comm within 400 miles of me in my state

>> No.6762972
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Keep dumping anon, I really like these threads. I'll contribute a bit too.

>> No.6762975
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>> No.6762981
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>> No.6762991
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One of my favorite coords.

>> No.6762992
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>> No.6762993
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>> No.6762997
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And roomwear because it's fucking adorable

>> No.6763001

Oh this is adorable, where can I get pieces similar to this style? Particularly the boots and bag.

Also what're y'alls favorite gal blogs? I like universal-doll a lot but she doesn't update as frequently anymore

>> No.6763007

I believe this is from Bobon21 on Taobao

>> No.6763013

This is from this Taobao store: http://bobon21.taobao.com/
I'm not too sure about the bag the boots are Liz Lisa. It's probably one of their most popular shoes and there are literally replicas of it EVERYWHERE for pretty cheap.

>> No.6763015
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does anyone have any pics of gals with short hair or short hair and using extensions? I'm trying to grow my hair out but im growing it from 1/2 inch long so itll be a while before i have enough hair for the styles i love

>> No.6763017
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>> No.6763020

What's a good shop for cute room wear like this? I was thinking of buying some from taobao, but I'm still not too sure.

>> No.6763024
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>> No.6763025
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>> No.6763027
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I'm curious about this as well.

>> No.6763028
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Whoops meant to quote this.

>> No.6763029
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>> No.6763030
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>> No.6763032
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>> No.6763033
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>> No.6763037

The picture is from the Rakuten shop Dreamv a.k.a Yumetenbo. You can also try Mbok. I saw a lot of cute hoodie/shorts roomwear combos for like 500yen.

>> No.6763042
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>> No.6763053

Are there any staple items in gyaru? I'm looking to build up a wardrobe. Cute shorts and skirts obviously. What are you gals' favorite pieces?

>> No.6763072
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I'm interested in opinions on this too

>> No.6763080
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My favorite is definitely skirts. Really cutesy with ribbons and nice details. And shorts like these for lazier days or for layering

>> No.6763086

Noob here.
Maybe I'm asking too much but.. could someone explain the different kinds of gyaru and explicit what, exactly, makes them recognizable?
Or, idk, post reliable links for research.

>> No.6763113


>> No.6763120

I don't dress Gyaru but I (try to) dress Himekaji which is a toned down, casual version of Hime Gyaru. Basically very soft, wavy or curly hair, some floral and lace accents. And as for makeup, it leans toward looking more fresh rather than heavy makeup and smokey eyes. Sorry it's not much but that's all I know

>> No.6763130

That's it? Really? I still can't classify any of the pics above.

>> No.6763137

Google is your friend, anon.

>> No.6763152
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>> No.6763169

I really like the clothes but I know that I'd look like ass in the makeup. I'm also a lesbian in a committed relationship so long nails are out.

You can't be gal without going the whole 9 yards, right? Like wearing lolita without a petticoat...? Sorry I'm a bit uneducated with these things.

>> No.6763170


>> No.6763175

You can wear the clothes, but gal is definitely about the make up, hair and nails too. I'm not really sure what it would be called if you wore the clothes without the make up, but hey if you like it, just wear it without worrying about labelling it. As long as you're not going round posting pics of yourself and tagging it as gal, I'm sure people won't care.

>> No.6763179

Gyaru style is similar to what people where in the ghetto.

Most Japanese Gyarus would probably freak out if they met a real black person though. shit's funny.

>> No.6763208
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liz lisa dump? liz lisa dump

>> No.6763209
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>> No.6763212
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>> No.6763214
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>> No.6763216
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I met a japanese exchange student once.
Apparently, they think that we're all either rappers, basketball players, or fashion gods.

>> No.6763218
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>> No.6763242

I'm actually wearing that dress in the center. I'm not gyaru but liz lisa is my favorite brand, hands down

>> No.6763249

how short is it? i've been eyeing an mbok auction with that dress for a while now...

>> No.6763251
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I got my Liz Lisa haul a few weeks ago. Mbok is the only place I'm going to shop from now. If only the shipping wasn't a pain in the ass

>> No.6763256

I'm about 5"5-5"6 and it hits me a few cm above mid thigh but I wore a pair of frilly shorts underneath

>> No.6763258

dayum gurl, how much was all that?

>> No.6763272
File: 351 KB, 479x750, tumblr_m1rs9cjK0d1rqdo07o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can you pull off gyaru with straight hair? I have super thick hair and curls don't last for more than 1-2 hours. It just goes back to straight. I have layers and I've done curls at a salon as well - same result.

>> No.6763274

It was about $220 USD for 20 items; there was also a coat from Cecil Mcbee that's not pictured which I think is pretty good. But the shipping and commission was about $180. The bargains you find on Mbok are amazing but shipping just kills it.

>> No.6763277

yes - imo the defining point of gyaru hair is the colour (usually a milk tea brown or bleach blonde)

>> No.6763290

Ah where are you finding these awesome deals? the NWOT listings i see always end in the 3000 yen range

>> No.6763321

Diiiiiiig. I started that haul at the end of January and I finished mid March. I got outbid on so many listings, man. The sweater on the top right has been on my wish list for a year and a half. I bid on like five listings of it and they all went above 3000yen but I found it on the Yahoo! Japan Auctions for 1000yen. Just dig and don't be discouraged when you don't win bids

>> No.6763331

>3000 yen
>check Liz Lisa

Oh, I see. I'm too used to Lolita brands, 3000 yen normally screams awesome deal,

What SS did you use that let you hold things until March?

>> No.6763336

If this is you then it's a shame you can't actually put together a nice outfit with all of that.

>> No.6763364

3000yen is a deal for Liz Lisa but while paying school bills and such I have to watch my wallet. I used Japonica Market. I actually stil have a few things they're still holding for me

Just playing around, friend. Seeing what fits and what doesn't and that one is dreadful. I love how all the other clothes fit on me but I was just skeptical about that outfit (for a good reason). I'm actually planning on selling that skirt since it doesn't fit my torso at all.

>> No.6763448

3000 yen that turns into 5500 yen with agent fees and shipping is a bit pricey for a non-lolita skirt, heh

i might be interested - how much were you planning on selling it for?

>> No.6763463


Oh, Japonica lets you keep things for that long? They've only let me keep things for 30 days before shipping it over. And I'm a student too, so I gotcha.

Either way, just a curious lolita. I'm not suited for gyaru at all.

>> No.6763540

A girl from that other thread emailed me about purchasing it but if she backs out I'll let you know.

I think they only allowed me to keep it for that long because I kept bidding? I'm not sure, that was my first time using them. Maybe because I was a stupid new customer and they let it slide haha. I'm not gyaru either. I don't have the hair or nails and I don't like how certain makeup looks on me. But I'm super curious about lolita. I've been eyeing a Toy Parade salopette for a few weeks.

>> No.6763701
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bumping for some dark haired gals

>> No.6763855
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>> No.6763899
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>> No.6764431
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pirate gyaru?

>> No.6764473
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>> No.6764523
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>> No.6764541

you post this in every thread, go away

>> No.6764577
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>> No.6764626

I always feel so conflicted about gyaru, there are styles I love but also styles I dislike a lot.

What styles do you guys prefer?

>> No.6765372
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I prefer the more cutesy styles, like the girls who wear Liz Lisa.

>> No.6765532
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I'm a gyaru beginner and wanted to get a wig. I'm tan (think Kim Kardashian or J.Lo), do you think the wig on pic related would suit me? Any other suggestions on hair colors for tan skin are very welcome.

>> No.6765536
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>> No.6765545
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>> No.6765589
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>> No.6765597
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>> No.6765755

>bottom right
Flock of Seagulls hair.

>> No.6765834

THIS you guys. I have been wanting to wear shorts like this for forever. Is it wrong to wear actual bloomers like this? Or do I have to find some magical, beautiful pair of shorts like these.

>> No.6765846
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I'd assume if you look through some taobao shops or other gal focused shops you could find some, but i personally wouldnt judge you for using similar bloomers in a coord

>> No.6765886
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>> No.6766631
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>> No.6766739
File: 672 KB, 500x500, NEVAR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is a LizLisa pop-up shop in SF right now if you live in California.
This weekend is the cherry blossom festival so you can attend and check out how not to act (flattering racism everywhere!)

>> No.6766751

I'm trying to find them, these EXACT pairs were in the DreamV shop a year and a half ago...
Here are some others, maybe you can find them through links cos there are 600+ pants in the shop right now!

>> No.6766757

I feel like Hawaii and California are actually pretty well off places to be if you love any sort of Asian culture, due to such high populations. There we some stores in Hawaii I'd go in and be the only white person, and several times if SF. With that though, you are right, there are some people who just can't drop the stupidity and observe for a moment.

>> No.6766821

where did you find that wig?

Also, I think it'd look fine on you as long as it's not too light

>> No.6766824

not that anon but it looks like the gabalnara model, so you could try there

>> No.6766826


There's tons of those on taobao. It only looks good if you have slim thighs, otherwise stay away from them.

>> No.6766832

I'm so jealous of that denim skirt!

>> No.6766850
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>> No.6766986
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>> No.6767077
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>> No.6767910
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>> No.6769838

Thanks guys! And I'm actually really tall and scrawny, and dresses are always too short, so I wanted to try them underneath

>> No.6769855
File: 278 KB, 500x333, tumblr_lrxxhdiKbc1qd3w72o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what do you guys think of glasses in gyaru?
I can wear circle lenses, just not in prescription so i have to keep my glasses on. i know theyre pretty frowned upon in lolita.

>> No.6769865

Same here, anon. I bought a bunch of these from taobao and I wear them under mini dresses and they give an awesome look.

>> No.6769870

>i know theyre pretty frowned upon in lolita.
Only if they're tacky hipster frames or glaringly out of place with the rest of your outfit. I've never had someone comment on my glasses negatively when in lolita. The closest to a negative remark I've received was someone telling me to do my eye make up bolder so that the glasses don't hide/overpower them from a distance.

>> No.6769947
File: 107 KB, 760x430, 3583.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well i have hipster-ish frames unfortunately, pic related.
but i have progressive lenses so my glasses are roughly $400 a pair so i dont get to get new ones all that often

>> No.6769949

>thick frames

I wish it was still the Vietnam war.

>> No.6769953

are they not what people consider 'hipster' then? i picked them because i need thick frames to hide the fact that i have really thick lenses but i was afraid they were the stereotypical 'hipster' frames..

>> No.6769960

The type of frames are "in."

Shit, I wear raybans.

Stop over thinking it, they most liekly look good on you.

>> No.6769981
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>> No.6771039
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>> No.6771062
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>> No.6771086
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>> No.6771255
File: 516 KB, 1319x2048, pin curls 005.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a question.

I'm no gyaru, but I love the sorta "milky tea" hair colour they all seem to have.
Where would I go about scoring some?

If I can't get asian brand, what's the closest I could get using normal western box dye?

My hair is brunette, But I'm assuming most of these women have natural black hair yet they somehow manage to transition to this light colour without their hair falling out?

Pic related, current hair

>> No.6771259

Bleaching black hair usually comes out in that blonde color. It happened to mine. If it's not exactly like it then just go out and actually look at the boxes in the store.

>> No.6771266


Problem is, I did that and did a dye test on a strand of hair. I picked a colour that looked similar to "milk tea" but it just came out yellowish and unpleasant.

Was thinking maybe you guys had more experience.

>> No.6771272

Gah I've been thinking about this all day today!
Despite the hair lightening their hair always looks so healthy anyway? Whereas with my med/dark brown, hair dressers recommend against it. Even self dye packaging say the same.

I'm interested in milk tea (is that the same as mouse brown really?) But more particularly the slightly pink toned variety

>> No.6771273


Not really answering your question, but I love your hair color as it is now! It's so pretty!

polite sage for no contribution

>> No.6771275


Might be worth it to go to a salon to get the initial dye done and see how they do it. (Do they bleach then add color, do they just add one color that'll change it, etc) and then keep that in mind to recreate it at home later.

>> No.6771279

I doubt one strand is enough of a preview for a whole head but anyway

Did you even try toner? That takes out the yellow, pushes it closer to a soft grey

>> No.6771281
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Mmm, I love the pink toned variety.
I'm starting to think these women are wearing wigs.

>actually, maybe I should just buy a wig.

>> No.6771285
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Thank you very much!

>> No.6771286
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look up palty milk tea brown, pic related

>> No.6771435
File: 13 KB, 278x278, -8846258803807.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

CHI Deep Brilliance Yellow Buster shampoo and conditioner.
This has more long term effects. But I have one tiny little strand of blonde leftover from when it was blue, and the bleach turned it yellow, after using this shampoo and conditioner, it turned almost exactly the color you wanted, maybe a tad lighter, but a really nice color nonetheless. But this was also after a couple weeks of using it.

>> No.6771437

i like hime gyaru
but that's because im also a rori, and borderline infantilist.

>> No.6771474
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>>dem fan tip nails
ew gross

If she made a few minor adjustments to her makeup and was more selective about her accessories, I think she'd be a pretty decent gal. I often see something in her that reminds me of Cocona.

>> No.6771500
File: 96 KB, 500x667, tumblr_m9qtcbs0c21qjvtopo2_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I agree with the other poster. You can wear the clothes, but without the hair and makeup, it won't quite be gyaru. However, there are many different makeup styles in gal and I'm sure there will be one that will fit your features. I can post suggestions if you like.

Also, I'm a lesbian myself and whenever I'm in a relationship, I leave my nails short and paint them a solid color or give them a really simple design. (No 3D art, that shit is uncomfortable.) Although there are plenty of gals who don't have their nails done. In fact, most lesbian gals don't.

My personal style falls somewhere in the ora ora or kuronba neighborhood of things. How extravagant my clothing/makeup is depends on the occasion.

>> No.6771502

I love her hair. It kills me I will never have hair like this. D:

>> No.6771512


>> No.6771514

Are there many lesbian gals? you talk about them like you know quite a few

>> No.6771624

I was talking about some blog articles about gays and lesbians in the Japanese gyaru community. While not exactly prominent, the blogs have all said that the overwhelming majority of lesbian gals have plain, unpainted nails.

I think there are a few in the Western comms and there are some bisexual ones as well. A lot of the community members appear to be of that "LOLOL I LUV MAH GAY MEN BUT EW LESBOS" mindset. Or at least they are a very vocal minority. We're out there, but we just don't talk about it much because of how derp the online comms are. Well, I don't anyway.

Sorry I wasn't more clear!

>> No.6771731
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>> No.6771899
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Anyone interested in posting their favorite gal-related products, beauty routines and tips?

>> No.6772035
File: 95 KB, 480x768, image0005.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been using Jergen's natural glow firming lotion as my night moisturizer. The change is subtle, but I like it. Once a week I use a deep self tanner, but I'm in the market for a new one.

I also pick a sunny day to lay out for an hour once a week, but I use sunscreen on my face, neck and chest. I also practically bathe in aloe gel (I have a huge plant of it) once I get in to minimize damage.

I also use Shea Moisture's coconut & hibiscus body scrub before I use my deep tanner. It makes it look more natural. (That same brand/fragrance is also my morning moisturizer.)

Lately, I've been the most into changing my diet/habits to enhance beauty (Eating/drinking beauty foods, working, giving myself massages regularly, etc.) and some DIY methods.

>> No.6772068

Anyone know what Japanese gals think of DreamV? strikes me as the gyaru version of bodyline.

>> No.6772086

as i recall a lot of Japanese gals defend it a bit since there are shittier places to get clothes

>> No.6772097

why is it bad?

>> No.6772118
File: 122 KB, 482x700, IMG_4508.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've heard the quality is hit or miss and it replicates/imitates popular pieces from well known brands for lower prices. That's why it reminds me of Bodyline.

>> No.6772122

I meant to add that it's not bad, just less "cool" than getting something from the actual brands.

>> No.6772248

Yeah if you're concerned with getting recognized by Japanese gals, you had better go with the "true" brands. If you just like the style and don't care, do what you want.

>> No.6772353
File: 72 KB, 424x640, DSC_0105b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6772362

Oh god no no no no. She looks like she's hasn't had a decent meal in months. Poor thing.

>> No.6772366

She's not a landwhale like you.

>> No.6772368

She'd go eat a sandwich, but it seems you already ate hers, hammy.

>> No.6772385


She looks perfect.

>> No.6772388

Oh goodness, relax children. There is a difference between looking thin and looking sick. At 5"6 and 130 pounds, I don't think I have to worry about being a "landwhale". It's quite sad that you'd rather someone be sickly thin than healthy.

>> No.6772391

I'm 5'9 and weigh less than you and I don't look sickly. Try harder.

>> No.6772395

>130 pounds
Yeah you got some excess fat on you. Try jogging and working off that blubber on your sides.

>> No.6772410

Different minds, darling. Some of you are obviously so aroused by skin and bones on girls that if someone has an ounce of muscle they're a fatty. You probably think you look cute and healthy and other people think you look like you've been starving in Ethiopia. It's whatever you dig, basically. I just feel bad that your image of beauty is a sickly one.

>> No.6772412

Sorry you're on the wrong board if you don't want to be fighting the Ana Gestapo.

>> No.6772416

>implying you're not just fat
/fit/ would laugh their ass off at you.

>> No.6772423

Oh no. My Internet priiiiiide.

>> No.6772427

>implying the image of faaaaat isn't a sickly one. Stop trying to be trendy and rejecting things just because other extremes aren't liked as much. It's disgusting.

>> No.6772430

No they wouldn't, they would laugh their asses at girls who think
is better than looking fit.

>> No.6772441

Did you read anything of what I wrote? Muscle, anon, muscle. Being overweight is just as unhealthy as being underweight. Did I ever say, "You're not beautiful unless you're faaaat." I believe the word I used was "healthy." Please, learn how to read.

>> No.6772466
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>> No.6772507

> Have a really active job
> Stick thin yet very muscular: Best shape of my life.
its possible to be both stick thin and not look like a starving african. Get over yourself.

>> No.6772540

Keep telling yourself that.

>> No.6772558
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>> No.6772601
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>> No.6772712


gurl bye

>> No.6772753

>being this fat

>> No.6772794

dark haired gals are cute, but i prefer light brown haired ones.

>> No.6772815

Have you also considered some Japanese women are just naturally petite and thinner than non asians? yeah,...
I find Gyaru girls with super thin legs so gorgeous..

>> No.6772825

jealous fatty detected, her body is fine.

>> No.6772843

is dark straight hair considered a trend in gyaru or

>> No.6772880

They're there, if you look at magazine scans there's definitely always a few scattered around.

>> No.6772982

This color looks awesome on you! It reminds me of Tsubasa <3

>> No.6773310
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>> No.6773319
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It's pretty common in ora ora kei and more rock-oriented styles. I've even seen several kuronba with it. (Although in their case, it's not exactly straight.)

I always think darker hair looks really good on most gaijin gals.

>> No.6773320
File: 74 KB, 262x349, tumblr_m00wjzssBR1rqtbvxo1_400 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6773322

Does anyone know where I can download Soul Sister scans? Jmagazine scans on LJ doesn't have that many at all.

>> No.6773349

I've been looking everywhere for those feather kind of upper lashes she's wearing. Anyone know of a pair like that?

Also, will they still look the same if I apply them where falsies are "supposed" to go? Putting false eyelashes way out on my outer corner like that doesn't flatter my eyeshape at all.

>> No.6773364
File: 80 KB, 422x750, black4lyfe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay I found this under the babyshoop tag and I was saving it since it's such a gem, but whatever.

I have a Babyshoop pillow and I wonder if the logo looks a bit 70s blacksploitation to some people.

>> No.6773419

I showed my friend some b-gyaru stuff and she thought it was hilarious. She DID say the Babyshoop logo reminded her of Foxy Brown.

I also think it's funny that "tan" and "black/dark" are pretty much the same thing in Japanese. My host sister was admiring my tan and goes "You're so black!"

>> No.6773435

>I also think it's funny that "tan" and "black/dark" are pretty much the same thing in Japanese. My host sister was admiring my tan and goes "You're so black!"

It's not...it's just a fad right now...

>> No.6773438

This, unfortunately is the truth. I poked my nose in a comm once and I couldn't get away fast enough. I suddenly "had an emergency" and had to go after just 10 minutes of introductions.

Never again. Never ever again. OP - don't do it.

>> No.6773470

We require more details.

>> No.6773483
File: 77 KB, 440x600, 20462nn3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not thst anon bur after having a lengthy convo about the possible correlation of marerialism and bitchiness present in the comm with a fellow foreign gyaru I had to conclude that my efforts to understsnd her pov were futile .

Then a couple more girls joined in and started saying very dumb sounding indults.

It's rather linely by myself but no way in hell would I ask any of them for advice or opinions.

They're like you typical air heads. Unless you don't mind glaring stupidity don't try to talk to them.

>> No.6773504


No offense anon but your typing is atrocious.

>> No.6773512
File: 89 KB, 500x369, Makeup_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's partly my and the android keyboard's fault.

You can still understand me though, right?

>> No.6773577

I don't talk about being bisexual for the same reason. The gal comm online is so ignorant and close-minded about literally everything.

Captcha: fivedif trifling

Yes, Captcha, their asses ARE five different kinds of trifling.

>> No.6773643

That Anon is better than 90% of the online comm. Most of them type like this

"OMG nice try but u need to work on ur make lol nd ur hair is too short u ever think of getting some kind of exte? also ur nose stripe is crooked nd I hate the way u did ur eyebrowns but good try sweetie lolololol ( ^ ___ ^ )y"

Seconding this request.

>>doesn't flatter my eyeshape at all.
>>doesn't flatter my eyeshape at all.
>>doesn't flatter my eyeshape at all.

Thank god there is someone in the gaijin gal comm who thinks about what does and doesn't look good on their particular eye shape.

Seriously, though. They look kind of like Diamond lash sexy eye?

>> No.6773655
File: 47 KB, 612x612, 91c7fb169fa711e29a3e22000a1f90ce_7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>better than 90%

NOT at all. I'm even more insecure because I don't fir in if anything. It' a hobby for superficial people and I'm no different than the rest.

Except that I'm a smidge more conscientious and don't shoop much or promote unrealistic body images.

>> No.6774697
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>> No.6774759

I will. You won't convince me to get fat to suit your standards.

>> No.6774835
File: 102 KB, 480x640, tumblr_mbdx1nO52i1qfyllbo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6774846

Does anyone have any pics of gals with slightly different hair colors? Not like green or something, but like barely non natural hair.

>> No.6774859
File: 56 KB, 480x640, tumblr_mh8zs9Xg6O1qfyllbo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

something along these lines?

>> No.6774864
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>> No.6774873
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>> No.6774923
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>> No.6774956
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>> No.6775036

Just want to say that without bleach, you can never achieve Palty's milk tea brown (Oh Tsubasa, all of my jealousy ;_;). What usually happens is in order to obtain an ash tone of hair you have to bleach and tone it...and consistently use purple shampoo and whatnot to keep the orange tones away.

>> No.6775082
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>> No.6775096

I can't tell you what she's done, but my mom just buys some box dye from Walmart, and uses that on her hair without bleach, and she manages to get that colour. We're black, though, so it may be different for her (brunette anon) hair.

>> No.6775113

Yeah, mmm. Love this kind of thing.

>> No.6775128
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>> No.6775157
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I'll dump some shit too

>> No.6775160
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>> No.6775168
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>> No.6775171
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>> No.6775178
File: 86 KB, 720x960, 206035_3370336584032_876657001_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm kinda in this "human doll" thing, wich is, to me, a bit like gyaru, but more cute. So I collect a lot of stuff in my pc.

>> No.6775180
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>> No.6775184
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>> No.6775187
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>> No.6775188
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>> No.6775195


Define a lot.

>> No.6775197
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>> No.6775193
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>> No.6775207
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>> No.6775215
File: 43 KB, 400x534, 156010_569140933106144_2000538938_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have 1.017 pics of things like this, 9 folders

>> No.6775216
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>> No.6775225
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>> No.6775221
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>> No.6775228
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>> No.6775236
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>> No.6775241
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>> No.6775262
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>> No.6775999
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Why do so many hime chicks like Himena? Her style is cute but there are so many other prettier hime gyaru

>> No.6776065
File: 56 KB, 480x640, tumblr_mj6jvjPFWr1qjvtopo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6776123

Oh god the old e_g admin happy kiss or whatever used to talk like that. So did the gyaru troll that came on here.

>> No.6776127
File: 50 KB, 500x728, pink lenses.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6776174
File: 43 KB, 400x534, tumblr_locbdo21Vm1qdouqeo1_400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are some of the 'favorites' you gals have? For instance what are some of your favorite

Gaijin gyaru?
Youtube channels?
Gyaru models/idols?

Also who do you wish was gal, but isn't?

>> No.6776175
File: 355 KB, 500x676, tumblr_mhkwcsSRYW1qc6uooo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6776208

That hair man, yikes!

>> No.6776213

>>Gaijin gyaru?
Miyabi and Emi at the moment.

I like Koakuma Closet, Boggy PeaK, Zombie Hero for the pictures and Universal Doll for the information. I also really used to like Charlotte's blog when she was really active.

The Ashley and Shiena drama was pretty entertaining while it lasted. I like watching the bitchfights unfold on the secrets every week, too. All in all though, if I don't like a particular gyaru I just ignore them.

>>Youtube channels?
I don't follow any and tend to watch just a bunch of random tutorials. I need recommendations!

I like Ageha, Egg and Soul Sister. Although it's really had to find scans of the latter, for me at least.

>>Gyaru models/idols?

Sakurina, Yumachi and Mipochi.

>> No.6776217
File: 61 KB, 480x640, tumblr_mhlbzcucvq1s1zleto1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anybody here have tutorials or advice for filling in/shaping eyebrows?
i keep mine trimmed pretty short and shaped pretty neatly usually but i wanted to try filling them in so they look more put together and just better really.. i bought the eyebrow gel and powder set from ELF cosmetics to stat with but i dont really know how to go about making it look natural

>> No.6776237
File: 241 KB, 500x404, tumblr_lrxr3wdyMb1qd3w72o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6776244
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the drama with black diamond was also interesting

>> No.6776291

>Gaijin Gyaru
Pin, Kasui, and Anji Ishio come to mind first.
Though, there are a few newer gals I have seen posting around Tumblr and Facebook that I see some great potential in.

Sugar Cube (Kasui), Gyarusekai (Anji), and PeachMilkyTea's blog.
As far as Japanese Gyaru go? Unfortunately I don't/can't keep up with their blogs since i can't read Japanese anyway. I just wait for new pictures from them if anything.

Ashley/Shiena drama is a classic, of course.
There was also a time when that one gal mama had her drama for being such a cunt. I think she goes by "Kaizo" or something.

>Youtube Channels
Pin's and Anji's

Popteen and Ranzuki are pretty fun to look at.
I like a whole bunch, though. Just depends what style mood i'm in, I suppose.

>Gyaru Models/Idols
Kanako Kawabata
So perfect.

>> No.6776345

>Gaijin Gyarus
Oh man I'm NG at renembering names but I like the popular girls
like Pin and Jojo. Basically anyone who isn't unsightly or offensive I'll be fine with.

I have hundreds bookmarked. Can^t pick faves off the top of my head.

The recent dranus about the black gal come to mind.


Ageha, EGG, Happie Nuts, Jelly

Shizuka Muto

>> No.6776365
File: 90 KB, 500x667, tumblr_lkbjhmwQwX1qjvtopo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6776401
File: 42 KB, 393x700, tumblr_lk91ltGHJw1qjvtopo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6776469

I know nothing of this

>> No.6776859

i heard tell of some famous ita called tiferet from BtB buying liz lisa and trying to get into gyaru, what's this all about?

>> No.6777359

She's a 40+ year old woman who looks like a squashed frog and can't dress herself to save her life. She's also an insufferable know-it-all

>> No.6777371

She's getting into gyaru? Oh dear lord, I am so sorry, you poor dears.

>> No.6777472
File: 164 KB, 400x266, tumblr_lk7tmxC1BL1qjvtopo1_400.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6777630

aiyaaa, i found her pic

c-can't we just foist her off on the otome or shironuri girls?

>> No.6777678

a picture of her gyaru attempt? pls share

gyaru comm let's make a pact right now not going to hound her into oblivion and make her disappear like every lulcow we've had

keep the drama at a level that won't make her flounce so I can be entertained

>> No.6777949
File: 38 KB, 420x700, tumblr_ll1czis0e41qg6m7po1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6778322
File: 28 KB, 240x400, 21962010.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6778357
File: 90 KB, 469x750, riiisechan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The're is this really flamboyant gal-o making the rounds on tumblr called riise. What's you guys think?

Inspirational or whatever?

>> No.6778358
File: 66 KB, 359x640, riis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6778359
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>> No.6778365
File: 188 KB, 450x600, herpaderp2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think I that he looks pretty neat and that I like his shoes in that pic.

>> No.6778375

Isn't that in your photo a girl? She looks better than 90% of the gyaruos in the western comm

>> No.6778390
File: 381 KB, 1022x1386, egg1008_039.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6778405

oh gosh

sorry about the bad grammar

twas written in a hurry

>> No.6778414
File: 286 KB, 471x619, tumblr_lirukmmWYr1qgk21yo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's okay, I didn't notice them. I obviously made mistakes in my response to you too because I'm so tired. I was up almost all night after I got off work because I was waiting for a response from my shopping service about a d.i.a. belt I want to place a bid on. So I'm a little out of it.

>> No.6778543

Why do Asian girls like to pretend they are white?

>> No.6778550
File: 87 KB, 500x667, tumblr_lf5y9osPwr1qa505to1_500.png.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm starting to like this kind of style more and more.

>> No.6778906
File: 34 KB, 336x448, 000ar9gt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6778984
File: 115 KB, 375x500, 136210750746.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gyaru is a style that uses western beauty ideals as a feminist movement for taking asian beauty ideals of "cute perfect childish innocent porcelain doll tiny waif with back length straight hair" and turning it on its head by being "white", or at least a caricature of westernized clubbing-type fashions.

Lolita does the opposite, by reclaiming those ridiculous japanese "perfect doll traits" and taking to an unsexualized extreme.

More importantly, why do weeaboos pretend to be Japanese? Why do we imitate their cultural movements of feminine sexuality if they lose so much meaning in the US?

>> No.6778990

I'm a japanese.
Japanese people like a white skin.
Europeans' skin is red when it sees from Japanese people.

>> No.6778998

>Europeans' skin is red
I think you're mistaking white people for Native Americans.

Some white people have peachy skin, but not all of them. A lot of them have a nice light brown or olive complexion, which is considered the best.

>> No.6779013
File: 34 KB, 290x600, tumblr_m2ofnrOOre1ru6sjpo1_400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would argue that these subcultures are just as much an expression of rebellion or whatever against cultural norms for the Western guys and girls who wear them. The "meaning" that they take just differs, rightfully so because our culture is different. Cultural diffusion and whatnot.

I think gyaru in particular is appealing to some people because it can be over the top while still functioning in what most people would consider "the norm" because it's not quite as out-there was other fashion subcultures.

Or I could just be talking out of my ass and they dress that way simply because they like the way it looks.

Some of my childhood idols were Elvira, Peg Bundy and RuPaul. I'm not really surprised I ended up liking gyaru.

>> No.6779022


What the fuck is up with her proportions?

Freakishly tiny t-rex arms? Massive head?

>> No.6779027

it's an angled mirror to make her lower half look skinnier.

>> No.6779048

I don't know why, but this post made me laugh like cray.

>> No.6779060
File: 80 KB, 480x640, 1318354529652.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6779065

The angling mirror technique is really interesting to me (I'm don't wear gyaru or any other j-fashion with such an emphasis on extreme thinness).
Do any famous gyarus actually admit to doing this and have tutorials/explanations on how they do this, or is it very obvious/something everyone does?

>> No.6779070

I'm not sure. I like hime gyaru, but not huge on the style. Can you give some examples of better hime idols than Himena?

>> No.6779089

Since I am poor at English, to you, it may be hard to read my text.

Native American skin is reddish brown,I recognize so.
The skin of Ukrainians, Russians, and Northern European people looks very white.
Says roughly, other Europeans are red or pink.

The MAIKO(舞妓) existed in Japan from ancient times.
They are famous for applying to the whole face the cosmetics which make skin white.
it is culture for a Japanese that makes skin white.
Actually, Japanese skin is a beige color or ocher.

>> No.6779092

It's something everyone does. I don't know if there are pointer lists out there or anything, but yeah almost everyone knows about it. There are still those who say unrealistic things like, "real gyaru are ** kg" and are blind to street snaps of other body types, but those are usually crazy ED types or newbies who don't really know what they're talking about.

>> No.6779133

Southern Europeans are brown or olive though. Maybe people from the UK have pinkish undertones, but they don't matter in society or beauty anyway.

>> No.6779231

Yeah some of those weight loss ads in the back of the magazines, man. It's refreshing to see that the girls in the street snaps run the gamut from slim to average to chubby.

>> No.6779256

Pretty sure it's all about skin whiteness. I'm Chinese and I'm pretty sure most Asian cultures have a huge emphasis on white/pale skin. The fairer a person is, the more desirable a person is. No idea how this relates to gyaru though, since most gals seem to tan.

I heard that in Japan the Japanese tend to idolize Americans? I can't remember whether it was whites or blacks or Americans as a whole, but they'll stop you and try to talk to you if you stand out.

sage for no gyaru relevance

>> No.6779470
File: 72 KB, 480x640, tumblr_llg620MFwQ1qjvtopo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6779498

Those ads are so ridiculous. Not even the actual gyaru models in the magazines are that thin.

>> No.6779505

It relates because gyaru try to tan themselves to rebel against traditional japanese standards of beauty, and do so by adopting the tanned, lean, bare skin look of california beach barbie.

>> No.6779578

Probably because of the media and pop culture that comes from glorious Merika. Life here is so shitty though, I really don't understand why there are so many Asian immigrants flowing in these days.

>> No.6779644

Because people are stupid? And america is really good at pretending it is a greater country than it actually is? I dont know why so many people are stomping over each other to get into the US.

>> No.6779867
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>> No.6779930

he's prettier than me O.O

>> No.6780208
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>> No.6781030

any shortie gyaru style recs? link to blogs would be nice :)

>> No.6781047

>shortie gyaru

like styles for short girls, or for black chicks?

>> No.6781048

Stop this shit

>> No.6781122
File: 66 KB, 350x623, tumblr_lkk1xoPWdc1qjvtopo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6781145


short girls, like around 5ft tall lol

>> No.6781183

>short girls, like around 5ft tall lol
That would be every gyaru style ever.

>> No.6781197
File: 179 KB, 500x750, tumblr_meohy8mwTm1rmn0vro1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i personally like to go for more of a cutesy, girly look [himekaji i guess would be the category?] because i think its easier to pull off being shorter. the dresses and skirts don't look as short or skimpy on shorter girls.

>> No.6781207

In the March issue of Popteen, there's actually an article showing tips for shorter girls. I'm too lazy to scan it myself, but I'm sure you can find downloads online - it starts on page 86.

>> No.6781212

derp, I actually meant to quote >>6781145, but I think you got my drift.

>> No.6781240
File: 215 KB, 800x1193, 086.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

postin some of the popteen pages >>6781207 mentioned

>> No.6781245
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>> No.6781249
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>> No.6781253
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>> No.6781256
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>> No.6781260
File: 324 KB, 800x1193, 091.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and last one

>> No.6781315


thanks! yah these 152cm and under are the kind of looks that I'm looking for :)

>> No.6781336
File: 275 KB, 800x1193, 106.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

glad to be of some help

>> No.6781351

>"I hope long legs"
>short stumpy legs even with those heels


>> No.6781357

Can anybody tell me where I'd find gyaru hair pieces like the ones from Prisila etc. made of human hair? I love huge hime hair, but I'm a redhead and no companies make inserts or hair pieces in my colour. They'd need to be human hair so I could dye them.

>> No.6781732
File: 121 KB, 422x750, tumblr_miqt8f0h7j1qds8mqo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6782583
File: 21 KB, 240x320, 6rknia2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]