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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 76 KB, 500x647, 1365670766942.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6760405 No.6760405[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Im guessing you cunts are behind this?

What do you expect? You want attention for dressing up like a whore? Go be a fucking stripper. Cons used to be good until all you sluts rocked up an ruined it.

>> No.6760410

Please die, neckbeard trash.

>> No.6760411

Please die, whore trash.

>> No.6760412

Im not a neckbeard. Not all of us fat losers. We're everywhere.

Please die, slut with daddy issues who masks it under the guise of 'Shes my favorite character'. You arent fooling anybody.

>> No.6760413

Yeah, samfagging on /cgl/, that will get you laid buddy.

>> No.6760415

>We're everywhere

>> No.6760417
File: 101 KB, 950x950, 1358750601688.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Will /r9k/ please go back to their shithole 'feels' board to continue discussing why 'normies' hate them?


>> No.6760418

You already made a thread about this on /r9k/, could you not contain your faggotry to one single thread?

>> No.6760419

Y-you're all stupid dumb sluts and I don't want you anyway.

If it wasn't for every woman in the world I wouldn't be so lonesome and miserable.

>> No.6760420

I'm no samefag.

>> No.6760433

I sort of agree with the sentiment, but I add the caveat that the cosplayer in question should say to the potential hugger "please don't hug me" when taking photos. Of course, this is beyond the logic capabilities of most females.

>> No.6760435
File: 220 KB, 700x1002, 1365611116805.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related.

>> No.6760448

Nope. This board does not belong to you women. Ill go wherever I wont and you will like it.

How about you slut cunts stop coming to our cons or just not wear makeup and dress normally. If you like games so much then you should;t have to slut up for it.

>> No.6760453

>not wear makeup and dress normally
>Ill go wherever I wont

Sad, illiterate loser who doesn't understand what is being discussed detected.

>> No.6760455

I started the thread so I say i kno whats going on.

>> No.6760459

That's not how 4chan works.

>> No.6760465

>Nope. This board does not belong to you women.
Yes it does. Now fuck off.

>> No.6760467

Ha ha ha.

Yes, but you do understand what the message is behind the pic is?

Or are you just on a rant because you have an issue?

>> No.6760473
File: 41 KB, 604x399, men_are_rapists.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The message is that all men are are natural rapists. We're not blaming them, they were born that way but they should learn to control it.

>> No.6760476

I 100% believe you are a woman.

>> No.6760480

>all men are are natural rapists

No. That is also a cop out.

Men are not 'natural rapists' and women aren't 'whores'.

Regardless of how a woman is dressed, you do not get to touch her or assume anything about her.

>> No.6760481
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>no one has the right to photograph you without permission

>> No.6760485

Er, according to the mods, yes it does. Moot promised us bans for every misogynistic retard like you who comes here from /r9k/ to shit up the board.

>> No.6760489

Well, yeah. It's just polite to ask to take someone's photo.

>> No.6760490 [DELETED] 
File: 40 KB, 512x239, dsf342d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Men are animals. They can't help it. If a man tries to be express sexual interest to you then you should alert an authority and have him subdued.

No man has the right to make you feel socially uncomfortable.

>> No.6760492
File: 40 KB, 512x239, dsf342d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Men are animals. They can't help it. If a man tries to express sexual interest to you then you should alert an authority and have him subdued.

No man has the right to make you feel socially uncomfortable.

>> No.6760493

>They can't help it

Fostering this kind of thinking means that men think they don't need to act any other way towards women, that women are sexual objects to be used and abused at a man's whim.

Men can control it. It's about respect, not sexual urges.

>> No.6760496

BREAKING NEWS OP is a faggot and trying to ruin cons for the rest of us who actually like to have fun. I dont think I'd even go to cons if it wasnt for delicious cosplay.

>> No.6760498

What else are women good for besides being sexual objects?

>> No.6760499

If you have to ask, you will never know.

>> No.6760501

BREAKING NEWS you're a creeper.

>> No.6760502

I don't think you know either.

>> No.6760504

So? At least I dont try to strangle other people with my beliefs on what they should and shouldnt do.

>> No.6760505

Oh Ok Junior, you want an actual answer instead of a platitude? Why is that? Because you haven't yet realised all the things a woman is capable of besides sex?

>> No.6760506 [DELETED] 

oh jesus fucking christ i stopped going to /v/ so i could escape this tumbler feminazti bull shit and now it's on /cgl/, i guess nowhere is safe from the Sarkeesian affect

>> No.6760507

Well... I know the good ones can also cook.

Do you know how to cook?

>> No.6760508

Well im not going to go around touching random women im not a pervert.
but i can assume all i like. You may not agree with my opinions but they are my own, if i think dressing a certain way makes you look trashy then thats my opinion.

>> No.6760510

Silly question.

>> No.6760509

Oh Jesus fucking christ I stopped going to /v/ so i could escape this tumbler feminazti bull shit and now it's on /cgl/, I guess nowhere is safe from the Sarkeesian effect...

>> No.6760511
File: 33 KB, 400x300, getout.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They say a picture is worth a thousand words.

>> No.6760512

You're avoiding the question.

>> No.6760513

Well, yeah, dressing certain ways makes them look trashy as fuck. Doesn't mean you can treat them badly or do inappropriate things to them.

>> No.6760515

Are you flirting with me? Or just want my White Chocolate Mudcake recipe?

>> No.6760516

...this thread is over. Creepers are better then grumpy blokes from /r9k/ and /v/, its official.

>> No.6760518

I want you to answer a straight fucking question for once, you dumb whore.

>Teehee, are you flirting with me? Silly creeper.

This is why nobody respects you.

>> No.6760519

It is legal to photograph or videotape anything and anyone on any public property.

>> No.6760525
File: 55 KB, 500x667, df54334.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>female logic

>> No.6760526

>Moot promised us bans
As a cross board lurker, moot never delivers on any of his promises on either board. Craigspam is rampart on r9k, shitposting is rampart on cgl. Quit replying without sage.

>> No.6760530


>Goes to Anime or Comic book convention
>See's Really hot girl cosplaying Sexy Female character X
>Check her out for a second thinking ''oh she's cute" or "Nice/Awesome Cosplay''
>Carry's on with my fun time at said convention

How fucking hard is that? you dont have to stick your dick in everything

>> No.6760534
File: 232 KB, 426x640, 1351048673674.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you got a cam, why not taking a picture before carring on?

>> No.6760535

So you believe that if a man see's an attractive woman in a public place, they should never approach them in sexual interest.

What the fuck kind of asexual alien planet do you live on?

Stop acting like your rights have been violated just because a man hits on you. Get over your social awkwardness and learn how to politely say no. If you want respect so bad then try giving some.

>> No.6760536

You didn't even read the email field, did you.

>> No.6760538

Oh my God this

>> No.6760540

>See cute girl at a con
>"Gee, I'm interested in her but I can't approach her because feminazis at conventions demand I never express interest in women. Oh well."
>Carry on with my convention

You are fucking retarded.

>> No.6760542

Except for the times you do politely turn people down, and they get all angry at you like you owe them something/they keep asking hoping you will give in/try to touch you inappropriately either just because or whilst under the pretence of wanting a photo.

I'm not saying all men out there are creepy weirdo who are going to molest me at a con either, but some of the people there are emotional and socially stunted (male and female) and cross lines. That's why so many cons have guidelines and fucking security.

>> No.6760546

Dont have that great of a camera minus my Iphone 4 and I feel like a idiot when asking someone for a photo when using such a shitty camera

Well what about people actually cosplaying there favorite character even if it is a skimpy outfit and still get harassed by a drunken idiot? That does tend to happen at the more major cons like Megacon or Metrocon, and Fuck me for remembering the travesty when they had redbull in downtown tampa for the flutag.. so many drunks in the convention center..

I dunno man.. conventions don't really need a scoreboard on who and what you wish to fuck really.. you make it sound more like a bucket list.. or a point system.. to me I find that stupid.. conventions are about celebrating what you like.. not a dickoff fest

>> No.6760548

> 2 friends makes bible black cosplay
> everyone amazed, drooling and taking photos
> ultra attention whoring
> they bitch about all the attention

>> No.6760549

if it's for memory phone ppic should be fine

if you want high quality you can always look on the internet - there will probably be pictures taken of the cosplayer by someone with an actually good cam

>> No.6760552

So because you're irrationally afraid of being attacked and raped in public by some kind of maniac, no man should ever be express interest in a woman and should just keep on walking.

Gotta love feminist logic.

>> No.6760554

>bible black
if that isn't attention whoring at its peak ....

>> No.6760558

If you get attacked by a crazed drunken man at a convention for some reason then you should probably alert security. This doesn't somehow mean that all men at cons should stop hitting on women. You're being silly and using extreme circumstances as a strawman argument.

>> No.6760560

>conventions are about celebrating what you like.. not a dickoff fest

Conventions are about socializing and having fun. Part of socializing is, sometimes, meeting people and hooking up. We are sexual beings and this is part of human interaction. Try growing up and stop being scared of men and sex.

>> No.6760562

sounds like someone got turned down quite alot at conventions..

>> No.6760563

Expressing intrest once politely is one thing asshole. When they pissed off and keep coming after you and louder and more beligerent, it's another. If a gay man expresses interest in you and doesn't take no for an answer, how would you feel? Oh and he's alot bigger and stronger, btw.

Gotta fucking love man logic.

>> No.6760569

Sounds like someone doesn't know how to argue and trying to find childish ways to dismiss the argument.

>> No.6760570

Socializing? you mean running around like a immature little shit screaming memes at everyone and trying to steal stuff in the dealers room while on such a sugar high of pocky and ramune that you forget to eat actual food and pass out?

or do you mean not even going to the convention at all but staying in your hotel room just drinking your ass off all day then finally coming down for the rave drunk off your ass and getting arrested?

>> No.6760572

There's alot of that in this thread.

>> No.6760576


While I won't deny that such an instance might have happened before at a con, it's silly to assume that such an extreme circumstance is some kind of norm at cons to the point where you are supposed to be afraid and wary of all men's advances. You're being silly and using extremes as a way to advance your socially awkward feminist propaganda. Men are not animals who need to all be castrated to make yourself feel more at ease. When you grow up and learn to respect men then maybe they'll give you some respect in return.

>> No.6760578

You're both shitposting.

This whole thread is a shitpost-marathon
Pls stop.

>> No.6760579

so what have we all agreed with on with is that

a. conventions are a social place to have fun and hang out and try to make friends

b. you'll get those guys running around as kamina from gurren lagann or some pretty boy anime trying to hook up with every girl that is even barely showing midriff by acting like the character

c. you'll get the occasional creeper photographer who's really wanting you to get back to his bedroom

d. Older cool guy congoer who does not give a fuck about getting laid anymore and is there more or less to have a good time

e. Teenagers going full retard in cosplay

f. Genre Groups i/e The Homestuckers / Bronies / Hetalias

g. Game room people who never leave the game room and start to smell pretty bad

f. Cosplay / Convention DRAMA..

and we all gotta learn to deal with it, I aint hating on guys who want to get laid during conventions.. but just watch your game? how easy is that. learn when to take no for the first answer and dont be a persistent jockhole?


>> No.6760581

Okay guys, I'll say what I said in the last thread. Con problems are a matter of socially mal-adjusted people with a flawed sense of how social interactions work(blame shitty moe animes and VNs etc) all gathering together in one place in the hopes about talking to people who enjoy the same thing. People dressing up as animus get a bunch of weird attention, especially from people(not just guys) who find said animus attractive. Learning social skills from anime makes you come off as a complete creep. I've got some stories...

But yeah, these people can get way beyond the comfort zone without even doing anything sexual. Sadly, though, it's hard to separate real creeps creepin from girls just being weirded out at guys just being nice. Forever alones, like OP don't seem to understand that, probably because, funnily enough, these neckbeard guys always go for the same kind of girl and that kind of girl is usually a dumb bitch. It's a viscous cycle and now they hate all girls cause they're fucking stupid.

>> No.6760583


>> No.6760585

>it's silly to assume that such an extreme circumstance is some kind of norm at cons to the point where you are supposed to be afraid and wary of all men's advances
Have you ever even been to an anime con?

>> No.6760586

> aint hating on guys who want to get laid during conventions.. but just watch your game? how easy is that.

This might shock and amaze you, but men are not the only people on the planet who like to get laid. Girls do as well. Maybe not asexual feminists such as yourself, but most enjoy it. Trying to demonize sex at cons or pretend that men are deviants for having interest in it is childish. And while you keep insisting that there is some sort of problem with men "not taking no for an answer" or "being drunk and attacking women", such cases are an extreme rarity and using this as some sort of general statement of men at conventions is just stupid.

Try respecting people at cons and stop trying to lump people into these cynical stereotypes of illicit behavior. Cons are generally fun, safe places to go to and you need to stop being so judgmental and scared.

>> No.6760589

There's a lot of women in this thread.

>> No.6760592

>neckbeard guys always go for the same kind of girl and that kind of girl is usually a dumb bitch. It's a viscous cycle and now they hate all girls cause they're fucking stupid.

Is this the female "nice guy"?

>> No.6760595

>H-how do I dismiss an argument?

>> No.6760596

>"being drunk and attacking women"

No one is talking about that sort of thing. A lot of people, not only men, interested in anime say or do inappropriate things. I've had a girl grab my chest while I was crossplaying to "make sure I was really a girl" and I've had dudes ask me if I was wearing the same panties as the character I was cosplaying. Both of those things can make some people very very uncomfortable. And people of both genders who don't have forward personalities can end up in even more incomfortable situations since most of these people don't necessarily have that much experience with social ques. Add some alcohol or exposing clothing and you can have people creeping on others without even realizing it. It's not about violent acts or some such, it's about not being as well adjusted socially and thinking your actions are appropriate since you never learned otherwise.

>> No.6760598

The problem is that people who go to cons, both male AND female, are generally nerds with poor social skills. Which means that not do guys sometimes come off as creepy and uncomfortable, but women sometimes don't know how to handle being around men, especially when sexual advances are involved. And. unfortunately for the guys, it's always easier to blame the man for making a woman feel uncomfortable than for the woman to admit she doesn't know what to do.

>> No.6760602

Perhaps it is...there are a lot of similarities. "I wish I could find a nice boyfriend to date" "I'm so lonely :(" Those ~give me attention types~ always seem to attract 'nice guys' I feel as if they are more two sides of the same coin tbh. Anyway, it's a sad sad thing to see someone go through.

>> No.6760603

Unless you're not in America and have different laws, it's generally illegal to photograph/video record someone without their permission. Why do you think people's faces are blurred out on the news? I don't think any girl at a con would be wiling to put in the time, effort, and money to take some rude asshole to court for snapping a picture of her across the hall, though.

>> No.6760604

Um, I never said that. I said some people, both male and female, at cons lack appropriate skills and cross lines.

>A woman discussing the issues at a con where people can be on the end of inapproperiate behaviour
>Neckbeard logic

>> No.6760606

This is the thing I hate the most though. Women act as if it's an issue with men, when it's really both ways. Many cases of sexual assault and even rape happen because the women isn't expressing herself well enough, when really it makes it almost impossible in some cases for the man to know that she was dis interested. The problem I have with society is that people drive this issue emotionally, and putting any responsibility at all on the woman is victim blaming because the issue is on such a high pedestal that common sense fades away from it. It's a bit sad really, especially in a society that promotes sex so much. Trying to "educate men" to control themselves, while not trying to educate women to protect themselves is very hypocritical and doesn't solve the problem whatsoever.

>> No.6760607
File: 551 KB, 1074x1385, Dracula.(Castlevania).full.295042.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Perhaps the same could be said of all religions...

What is a man? A miserable little pile of secrets! But enough talk... Have at you!

>> No.6760609

Can we be friends dude? Your attitude is fucking amazing.

>> No.6760611


>> No.6760613
File: 120 KB, 240x289, 1362207815221.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is why anime cons are among the worst places to try to get laid. They're always filled with socially awkward geek girls with minimal sexual experience and they react with fear and awkwardness when being hit on. Which produces shit like OP's picture.


And then they come back from the con with exaggerated stories about how they were almost raped or whatever, when in reality nothing happened other than they were spooked by human sexuality.

Generally it's easiest to get laid at a con when you meet girls who aren't cosplaying at room parties. Trying to hit on girls who are cosplaying down at the convention hall rarely works since their vaginas are more guarded than fort knox.

>> No.6760616

This is what I had been trying to tell people for forever. A lot of cons have disclaimers on their websites stating just that, they permission for photos should be requested, but the con itself usually doesn't enforce anything. Also, it's actually illegal to take videos in many places without permission. Photos are not and have never been illegal.

>> No.6760614

We should not have to ask somewhone to invade our personal space.
They should fucking understand not to touch other people, or treat them like shit. Putting on a costume does not make us not people.
Seriously why is this hard? I don't care about your gender, this is common sense.
Shit happens to men to, like that guy who did the video about being fucking drugged lately.

>> No.6760617

That's the thing, they don't know any better because they didn't learn...like >>6760581
said, it's a matter of not understanding social shit, on both ends.

>> No.6760618

You can photograph anybody the fuck you want to in public. The only time you ever need someone's permission is if you want to publicize a photo of the person in a commercial publication. Which still has nothing to do with taking the photo.

Keep up the entitlement act though or pretending it's "rude" to take photos of the public. It's cute.

>> No.6760619

UGh shit it is early
*We should not have to ask somewhone NOT to invade our personal space.

>> No.6760623

If you don't want people to "treat you like shit" then don't treat men like shit either. Calling people "creepers" and going off on how people violate your entitlement issues and publically disparaging all men on the internet pretending everyone you encounter is a monster is pretty shitty treatment of others as well.

Cosplaying doesn't stop you from being a person, but it doesn't make you a princess either. React with kindness and respect and stop pretending everyone is out to get you.

>> No.6760631

American culture is really volatile right now with all it's political correctness and social justice shit. It's like people really want to take responsibility off of themselves where they legitimately need to have it, and put it places it doesn't need to go.

>> No.6760639

Answer the question.

>> No.6760643


This. As a chick with nerd written all over her I never really acclimated to being hit on. When I was 17-25 it made me really weirded out that someone wanted to fuck. I thought pretty much everyone wanted to get to know someone for more than a day before they decided they wanted to go back to a room.

It took a bit more growing up before I just realized getting hit on is just a social thing as much as saying hi, hugging, and other social norms. It's no big deal.

>> No.6760645

Oh, you better get used to it. It's gonna be a long night.

>> No.6760647

Huh? Wasn't the person you were 'arguing' with but you pretty much dismissed that anon's argument.

So here's my legitimate answer to you, here you go.