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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 10 KB, 240x240, dd6cefed8ddc2d75265e6077142369e5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6760051 No.6760051 [Reply] [Original]

Can we have a thread where we post links to ebay shops that sell good quality seifukus and other cosplay things?

>> No.6760527

Oh and if anyone from here can review stuff that they brought from these shops it would be very much appreciated

>> No.6760954

A kind anon in the bodyline thread posted a link to an ebay shop that sells different kinds of seifukus and glasses, has anyone else bought something from them?

>> No.6760989

here's the link

>> No.6761403
File: 248 KB, 776x554, 1358327315693.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyone can recommend a trustworthy place to buy a K-ON uniform that doesn't cost too much but it's still good quality?
>pic related

>> No.6761423
File: 77 KB, 545x765, roberta.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any good places that sell long maid uniforms like Roberta's or Emma's?

>> No.6761574

Not sure what your budget is but: http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/K-ON-SCHOOL-UNIFORM-COSPLAY-COSTUME-UK-/181072966506?pt=Girl_s_Clothing&var=&hash=item2a28ca336a

Really good quality, I've got one myself it's one of my favourite costumes. Very trustworthy too.

>> No.6761644

Dayum that blazer looks good but I don't like the colour of the skirt, it looks grey, I understand that the price is so high because of the quality but I wouldn't spend so much for something that includes an inaccuracy..
Do you have this exact costume? Could you post a picture of it? (preferrably worn because it looks a bit tight on the waist) I want to make sure that the skirt is not actually grey.

>> No.6761661

Yes, it's this exact costume I have. I don't have a picture of it now, but i'll take one tomorrow morning before I go to work (UK time here).

Yeah, the skirt is actually grey. The grey works well, I always figured the skirt should be more of a grey than a blue which is why I bought this version.

>> No.6762185

I thought that the skirt should be more blue, I just want to avoid people who will rag on about the colour change.
Also is the waist bit tight? I never thought that the jacket/blazer in the show was too form fitting

>> No.6762387
File: 17 KB, 400x328, _KGrHqJ_ioE6-pcB-i-BO2E3Hoo2w_60_3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't access the page anymore, but I've found another one
what do you guys think about it? I like the skirt better but I'm afraid that maybe the quality will be bad, does anyone else have the same uniform or has ordered anything from them?

>> No.6762396
File: 21 KB, 287x351, ebay uniform.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm looking around in that shop and I was wondering if anyone knew what series this uniform is from (if any?)

>> No.6762397
File: 1003 KB, 1920x1200, haruka-tsukasa-ai-amagami-ss-17489987-1920-1200[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6762399


>> No.6762402
File: 111 KB, 500x375, tumblr_liqc0ySaj51qhhu4eo1_500[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Those are the exact uniforms me and my group used. And for the price we paid they were awesome. I still wear my Mio Jacket often (even though I botched the measurments a bit)

However, the 5 of us are all dudes, so take it with a grain of salt.

>> No.6762411
File: 16 KB, 320x320, 28324x85524mjvffo9jr27zco2dy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Super disappointing I spent 60$ on this one now. I'm super awkwardly shaped so I was afraid of finding a blazer that would fit well.

>> No.6762453


>On a sweater vest,white button shirt, and pleated skirt

I feel for you anon, but then again, not really. You could piece that shit together easily.

>> No.6762504

why does it say that there are 2 available? Does it mean that there are 2 uniforms or material for 2 uniforms? Anyway I'm considering buying this one

You guys look awesome (you made me like Mio now) but is it me or do the skirts look a little.. Grey? It's probably the lighting tho, could you post a pic of the uniform in natural light?

so you spent 60 dollars on the uniform in your pic? That's a lot.. But come to think about it, I need that cream vest too.. Pity that I just can't find it over here

>> No.6762523

Here's the closest vest I could find. I figured 30 for the vest 20 for the skirt and $10 for the shirt was alright.

>> No.6762560
File: 35 KB, 389x519, 188409_204274522929527_6350126_n[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My ego is touched~ I am glad I could help you like the best K-On! (◡‿◡✿)

But I mean, for 60 bucks for the Blazer, Skirt and Undershirt (which all but the skirt I still wear on a regular basis, hell I wore the shirt just yesterday)

It wasn't a bad deal at all.

>> No.6762947

eh the yellow is too bright..

>> No.6763182

They could have used a picture of a cosplayer who also had a grey skirt..

>> No.6763199

does anyone know where i can get a good quality sebastian michaelis costume

>> No.6763381

the only similar item of clothing could be the shirt, otherwise the cosplayer on the left seems to be wearing a different outfit

>> No.6763386

You do realize that the uniform pictures are stolen, right? Those are photos from Cospatio of Japan, an official cosplay replica maker that charges about $400-$500 for that professionally-made, gorgeous school uniform cosplay (and their fantasy-type costumes can run into thousands).

I'd stay away because of the photo-stealing right there.

>> No.6763917

Oh... darn it
thanks for warning me, I'm new to ordering costumes online so I'm not an expert on stolen photos or anything
however the uniform >>6762560 is wearing still looks good to me.. Should I still risk or search for a different shop?

>> No.6763948
File: 64 KB, 720x508, 207498_10150128798895633_3345284_n[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know for sure but it looks like it's the same shop (my Yui did the purchases for our group. It's one of the reasons why my measurements were a few cm too long)

But let's face the fact, you're paying 60 bucks for a chinese made cosplay. It isn't going to be as amazing as the Japanese replica that costs tens of thousands of yen. Mine looks great, sure it feels a bit meh on the outside, but the inside feels great and the shirt is nice and the skirt is great too.

You get what you pay for most of the time, and you're not going to get the richfag version paying ebay prices.

>> No.6764021
File: 9 KB, 158x218, _B38jGTQBmk_KGrHqV_iUEyeJjECu_BMo_Qk_Mg_0_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You get what you pay for most of the time, and you're not going to get the richfag version paying ebay prices.
Eh I guess so.. I've had some bad experiences from ordering stuff via Internet in the past so I'd rather not get ripped again, but if the uniform arrives identical to yours I'd be pretty satisfied.
What's the skirt material like? Is it too thin?
Anyway pic related was my third option
(it's from >>6760989 )
The photo looks identical to other photos showing this uniform so I'm more tempted to buy this one >>6762387 seen as the shipping is free anyway..

>> No.6764028
File: 63 KB, 342x500, 35877.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meh, looks like all the Chinese sellers love to use Cospatio's photos.

Here's the original Cospatio product page, if anyone's interested.

I dream of owning a Cospatio costume one day.

>> No.6764579
File: 1.40 MB, 2592x1936, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry about the shit picture, I got my boyfriend to quickly take one before I had to rush off to work. The blazer is fitted but not too tight, I think they just clipped it in at the back of the mannequin too much on the display pic.

>> No.6764582

Also, I haven't done up the third button, but there is one.

>> No.6764586

Yeah, those are really good quality just really expensive. I love Japanese made cosplays but they cost a bomb.

>> No.6765197

Any good general cosplay shops for characters? I'm not that great at (and don't particularly enjoy) sewing and was looking for a good alternative.

>> No.6765726

any store for cute gyaru clothes?

>> No.6765744

Cosmonde is pretty good.

>> No.6766227

Is moemall good for wigs?

>> No.6766258

Any stores that sell nice pink(or purple/lav) seifuku (like the bodyline ones but without that porny zip down the front.
Ordered one of ebay, not only was it completely wrong size the top was almost paper thin and could see my skin through it, was pretty offputting.

>> No.6766266

Yes, I have a few friends who highly recommend them. I've seen them in person (when they were trading) at a couple of cons and the people working there also seemed nice and knowledgeable.

>> No.6766322

sorry for the stupid question but does it matter if you order from ebay.com if you're outside of the US?

>> No.6766329

You might have to pay a little more for shipping.

I buy from the UK ebay all the time with no trouble, I think accounts work the same across all of them.

It might depend on the store/seller though, so make sure they're fine with shipping internationally first. It's the polite thing to do for everyone.

>> No.6766331

I've found this, altho it is preowned it doesn't have any stupid logos on it
finding a cheap plain light yellow sweater vest on ebay without any stupid logos on it was more difficult than how it seemed

>> No.6766900

>so make sure they're fine with shipping internationally first. It's the polite thing to do for everyone.
there usually is a section of the page where it states locations of shipping, of course I'll ask again just for confirmation but I wouldn't force anyone.

>> No.6768842

I have $6 in eBay bucks I want to use, but I have no idea what to spend it on.

Any suggestions on cool, cheap things (I don't mind paying the difference) that you typically can't buy in America?

I also just got my first Visa, so I'm looking for general stores that may sell cute accessories or things I can't buy in a regular store.

>> No.6768933

Try tumble.kawaiiebay.com
They have an under $5 tag.

>> No.6768953

Awesome, I was looking for exactly something like this. Thanks!

>> No.6771646

I'm not sure if it's the right thread to ask this but I'm afraid that otherwise I'll be directed to Taobao
Are there any decent Minori Kushieda wigs on ebay?
>tfw there are 9000 Taiga wigs and 1 or 2 for Minori

>> No.6771732

Are there any trusty taobao resellers on ebay?

>> No.6771737
File: 606 KB, 2304x3456, wqeasdasdfad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bought mine from charissa_kids and it looked just like the picture. I was surprised at how smooth and thick it was. Here's my picture of the wig being worn while cosplaying as her. Just know that you'll have to trim the wig because it goes a little past your shoulders. I'll leave the link to the listing if you're interested: http://www.ebay.com/itm/ToraDora-TIGERXDRAGON-Kushieda-Minorin-cosplay-wig-costume-/281063839997?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item4170b5d8fd

>> No.6771944


Also any underskirts/pannier/petticoats? I have no idea what to look for in one, or where to get one that'll just give moderate poof for around $20 or less(if possible)

>> No.6772085

The only ones that you'll find under $20 are probably those short leg avenue ones.

>> No.6772088

It's the cheapest you're gonna get pretty much

>> No.6772099
File: 64 KB, 999x309, $T2eC16RHJIIE9qTYKDlkBQtG1c5BUw~~60_3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

eh well I found these

>> No.6772117

I can already tell those are too thin...

>> No.6772142

I was mainly thinking of the one on the right, but really all I want is a little poof to give my skirt some shape

>> No.6772233

... for about half a min until it deflates into a scratchy tule ball. Kinda a waste, just buy a better petti

>> No.6772340

Looking for a Homura costume on Ebay, anyone have a shop with a good review?

>> No.6772398
File: 108 KB, 389x303, IMGP173933.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


No idea if they ship outside the UK but I got mine from here and I am very happy with it.

>> No.6772664

Is it me or is it lighter than in the ebay photo? Anyway I'm glad that it doesn't look shiny or cheap, will probably consider buying this in a bit, thanks for the help!

>> No.6773768
File: 79 KB, 440x700, 327853872_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am looking for a good hoop skirt for my Luka Sandplay cosplay. the one I have has fallen apart (it came with the dress when i bought it)

>> No.6773792


I have the one on the left actually - and it was actually pretty poofy. Held up well against fabric too.

>> No.6773884
File: 235 KB, 580x381, Sin título.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What kind of poof does it give? I already have a big, poofy petti and I was looking for a medium poof one, since it's too bulky for some of my A-Line dresses.

I was thinking of getting a victoriangirldress one as well. Opinions on those?

>> No.6774198
File: 97 KB, 277x216, minorin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where can I get a good quality but not too expensive ToraDora (girls) school uniform?
I'm looking for something not over 50£

>> No.6774204

I brought the same one and would say that it's medium poof, be prepared to steam it into submission

>> No.6776142

They all have fake pics as far as I can tell.

I'd be interested too since the Bodyline one looks pretty crap (although the cheapest I've seen, I think).

>> No.6776183

>They all have fake pics as far as I can tell.
I think that you'll be able to find one good ebay shop, there's bound to be at least one.

>> No.6776671

There's this girl selling a jacket that looks like the blazer from the show on Cosplay.com. See if this will work for you.

>> No.6777387

Good place for cute maid costumes?

>> No.6777399

can't unsee scrawny PT

>> No.6777492

I wish I could find a decent, cost effective spear. Going to anime boston as Ornstein, but with the recent bombing they will probably crack down on weapons, so my wooden one needs to be replaced by a cheap plastic one.

>> No.6777505
File: 40 KB, 409x498, b3c9d11f4c330325ab35349a4642e117_20100719022737_958.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cosplayying used to sell this one, but when I tried getting in contact with them, in regards to them changing the picture for it. I was told that this design pictured was discontinued.

For me, it has to be the summer one (short sleeve), white, with navy blue collar, sleeves and pocket, and red ribbon, and it has to have three white stripes on the navy blue trim. (as pictured)

CAPTCH: forces orlyfu

>> No.6777512

bl has one just like it

>> No.6777550


I've seen bodyline's version of this, but it doesn't quite make the cut.

>> No.6777647
File: 84 KB, 450x770, 5092-368284696.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I acquired this uniform but the blazer is really awkward and ill fitting. I have been trying to find something that either looks similar or can easily be edited, any suggestions?

>> No.6777909

Now I cannot unsee.

>> No.6779438 [DELETED] 

How about knife pleated skirts?

>> No.6779443

How about knife/box pleated skirts?

>> No.6779845

Bumping for this, I need one like >>6761403

>> No.6782756

sure, I will see what I can scrounge up!

>> No.6785855

where a good place to find generic blazers that could be used to cosplay schoolgirls?

>> No.6790605


>> No.6794410
