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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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6754262 No.6754262 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /cgl/, how do you pay for your cosplay/lolita? What's your day job?

>> No.6754273

My parents send me far too much money for university every term, and they usually just tell me to keep the extra.

I feel bad about wasting their money sometimes. Mostly I just acknowledge that I'm as spoiled as fuck and appreciate it.

>> No.6754286



Then I remember I'll make enough to make it up.

Unless I fail this semester.

Oh god.

>> No.6754289


Same. My parents support my cosplay entirely and I'm a student at university. It probably helps that my dad cosplays too

>> No.6754294

I work at a cleaning company that does work ranging from disaster cleaning (someone's house got flooded), rug/carpet cleaning, and a general maid service.
I typically do maid work for condos that people rent out to tourists. It makes me fond of maid style lolita outfits, even though I know people hate that shit. Of course, you could never wear that while actually cleaning a house.

>> No.6754296
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>college grad
>full time job in career field I wanted
>own home
>dress up as shit like My Little Pony characters

Damn it feels good to be a gangsta

>> No.6754304

I've been living at home all throughout college, so my parents are kind of used to giving me a $50 every month or so for gas or food. Honestly I can only afford a dress or two every year. I'll try not to spend it all and save up gradually, and if I get super greedy I'll use my credit card.

But I'm in the market for finding a new job and moving out so that gravy train is coming to a grinding halt soon.

>> No.6754307

I had a friend who worked as a maid and she always had the craziest stories about people trashing places.

>> No.6754309
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I'm a psychiatric unit inspector

>> No.6754310

I do artist alley at cons. It usually means I don't cosplay anything at the cons I'm tabling at but sure feels good to have money to blow at SDCC.

>> No.6754324

I work at gamestop.

>> No.6754330

My dad is a millionaire and gives me lots of monies as long as I get good grades and clean.

>> No.6754337

I worked for a resort two summers ago.
You'd be appalled how this one group left a room.

They left a shit in the toilet the size of a fat baby's arm. It paid per room, i don't remember how much, but that one wasn't worth it.

>> No.6754354

Honestly, college kids renting condos for spring break and trashing them is pretty run of the mill for me now. I'll tell you about a crazy client, though.

>Get call to clean condo from a steady client
>Haven't cleaned for them, but heard tell the wife is neurotic
>Everyone warns me, make sure there is no hair in the sink, the counters, the tub, anywhere
>Pull my hair back in a bun and set to work
>Any stray hairs?
>Check, double check, triple check, triple sec
>Get call from client later, she's unhappy with the job I did
>Specifically requested I go back and clean again
>Buck up and go
>Client is actually at the condo when I arrive (this is not normal)
>Wife is as neurotic as everyone said, husband is meek
>Wife marches me to the bathroom and starts berating me for leaving hair everywhere
>The bathroom had clearly been used since I cleaned it, but I don't say anything
>Look at the hair in the bathtub and wife's thinning hair and realize that she is the one losing hair and is obviously in crazy denial about it
>Keep my mouth shut, get on my knees and pick up every single piece of hair from the floor and tub while the wife stands behind me, bitching
>Finish cleaning, apologize again to the wife who blows me off
>Husband offers to walk me to the door
>Slips me $200 before I leave
>Bought myself some brand to soothe my broken pride

Maid work can be rough some days.

>> No.6754357
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I work at Blockbusters. Free rental of games all up in this bitch.

>> No.6754358

I work overnights at a small grocery chain that's super fancy and expensive as shit. Panders to yuppies and hippies alike. I make pretty decent pay there and the work isn't too crazy since they make most of their money off of idiots who buy their overpriced shit rather than selling as much product as they can.

>> No.6754366 [DELETED] 
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I work at a real estate office as a part-time personal assistant.

It's awesome, time goes by quick, and I love the people I work around. I still live at home and go to college, so all my income is disposable.

>> No.6754368

Lol, I came into the thread to type that but you beat me too it. All the Blockbusters near me have been gradually closing down.

>> No.6754362

Blockbuster still exists?

>> No.6754376
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I work at an office as a part-time personal assistant.

It's awesome, time goes by quick, and I love the people I work around. I still live at home and go to college, so all my income is disposable.

>> No.6754377

that seems so cool
please tell me more

>> No.6754390

I'm of the Boomerang generation and work in legal. I'm saving tons of money but even with all te cosplay I do I don't spend moree than $100 on any cos (only 2 or 3 exceptions over 10years) or more than $300 for in-state conventions. Currently only go to one out of state con and my budget for that one is $500-600 max.

I'm a pretty hard working middle class boomerang kid who is supported by parents but I know not to splurge or take them for granted.

>> No.6754415
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I sell cosplay wigs.

Didn't figure this hobby would actually get me a job.

>> No.6754418
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We had a period when we went into administration lately and a lot were shut down. My store didn't and the company has been bought so right now blockbusters still officially exists.

My favourite part of the job is that you can still see on the database all the pornos we used to have.

>> No.6754420

Working in as a clerical receptionist/coordinator at a private home health care company. I sell handicrafts on the side.

>> No.6754434

Currently working at a waterpark. Absolutely miserable dealing with asshole tourists, but it pays pretty nicely and I get hours out the ass because they only ever seem to hire High schoolers.

>> No.6754436

Holy shit that sounds terrible. At least you got brand out of it.

>> No.6754438
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Basically I go around to units and check that they are conforming to certain quality standards e.g having a place for patients to exercise in or providing an interpreter for patients who don't speak english/are deaf. I have a tour then get to talk to staff, patients and parents about what they think about the service and then I discuss with peers about how well the service is performing and give them advice on how to improve

I've only just started the job so I don't have any horror stories yet but my friend has visited some utter shitholes and was interviewing some patients once who reported finding a nail (of the toe variety) in their food

>> No.6754496

oh wow intense

>> No.6754519
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I work concessions at a movie theater. The pay kind of sucks, but I did it to help me learn how to talk to people, and it's fun. now I'm not a hikki anymore, and I'll be going back to school in the summer!

>> No.6754525

Flipping burgers.

Sometimes spitting into sodas too.

>> No.6754528

used to have an internship, but the company moved and I'm in my last semester so I'm unemployed at the moment. But, tax returns and once I'm out of school I'll be a field engineer for an oil company.

>> No.6754569

I work my butt off hauling seafood. $9 an hour, 40 hours a week.


>> No.6754614

Technical support engineer for medical software. I have a decent salary, and it's a pretty laid-back career. I am also married and DINK. I don't have a ton of spending money, but enough to spend a comfortable amount in my hobbies and books.

>> No.6754631
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ILTP certified lifeguard.
Great cash, good training, and shit, I'm a lifeguard.

>> No.6754633

Dunkin Donuts in the mornings and cleaning houses at night. Not a lot of time to work on cosplay, but at least I can afford supplies.

>> No.6754646

Customer service warrior at Hot Topic. Tbh its not that bad plus I can cosplay and wear lolita whenever I want too. I bet most of the customers think I'm a weeb tho.

>> No.6754656

Sushi waitress. Money isn't great, but I average around 15-20 an hour.

>> No.6754664

My parents used to give me money weekly, but I never spent it, and now that I'm kinda on my own, I have some money set aside for spending on cosplay shit and my expenses. I used to work at a MetroPCS store, but only under my uncle, so I only made about 30 a day, working 2 days a week. Right now, I'm still in school, but have a job offer at Best Buy for Mobile right now.

>> No.6754666

I always wanted to work at Hot Topic growing up, but I never look like the people who work at the ones nearby. No piercings, no visible tats, if I changed my hair back from pink I look entirely wholesome...feelsbadman

>> No.6754670

The ones working at the HotTopic where I used to live were "entirely wholesome", really. They wore clothes from the shop, but most of them had plain hair and no visible piercings or tats. Depends on the area you're in. Where I lived, the clothes were weird enough to cut it.

>> No.6754673
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I'm a dancer and I will be until I finish with my massage course. I make my money in tips and it'd more than enough to get me buy and pay for my shit.

>> No.6754674

I used to work in a toy shop in the internetional airport, which was awesome. Except the manager was a stoner. When he started being really crazy, I knew my days there were numbered.

Going to hopefully start working with another loli at a coffee/chocolate shop this month.

Considering I used to be a hikki, yeah it's all good.

>> No.6754687

Right now I can't really afford it. I'm building my first armor set and basically the only thing I've been able to do is build it with pepakura models and cardstock. It'll be a bit before I can afford the other materials needed to complete it.

I currently work part time at Wal-Mart while attending college and fucking hate it, but unfortunately I can't get another job because of my availability and I'm transferring colleges in a few months. My parents help me pay for rent and other necessities when I need it.

>> No.6754697

Nursing assistant. I literally wipe people's asses for a living. I love it, though, and nurses make per shift what I make per week, so lookin forward to that once I'm through nursing school.

>> No.6754705

I'm a database administrator. In the area I live in there's high demand and few competitors so it makes for a nice paycheck

>> No.6754733

Currently, I can't. Hence why my progress has pretty much halted on things I want to work on. Luckily, not planning on going to a con until AX at the earliest. However, I've got another interview with a company for an entry level programming job once I'm done with school back in Vegas, and my dad said I could live at home for a bit longer. So I'm pretty sure as soon as summer hits, I'll be back to funding cosplay. First major purchases, after car and starting student loan paybacks: new sewing machine, serger, and dress form.

>> No.6754744

Sears. $10.25 an hour cant be beat when every other mall job is $7.25-8.50.

Sears here isnt horribly ghetto like alot of places and is where everyone buys their washer/dryer/kitchen supplies

>> No.6754745

Also i would liek to include this is part time and im a student*

>> No.6754752

I joined the Air Force. Still in tech school right now but soon I'll be hospital admin and hopefully be able to go to night school and eventually become a therapist. It's not a great job, but it's better than nothing.

>> No.6754770

Tech support, but working on finding something else because this is dull as dishwater.

>> No.6754774

Cashier at a grocery store. $10.35/hour. I hate it but at least I'm employed...

>> No.6754840

Currently working part time in my university's costume shop. It's great work, my bosses are hilarious, and we talk shit about the actors.

I'm rewriting my resumé in hopes of getting some kind of sewing job in NYC (since that's where my grad school is) after I graduate. The dream is to make enough money so I don't have to live at home.

>> No.6754847

work 2 jobs, work with under-privileged chilluns, and am disabled. But I also see cosplay as a hobby, make new costumes slow as fucking molasses. Jealous as fuck at you rich kids.

>> No.6754852

All the ones in Canada have closed, as far as I can tell. I see 'em in Detroit once in a while.

>> No.6754966

I 100% think the only reason they offered me the job was because of my pink hair.

We have some workers who don't look like they should work there at all like, they don't even wear the clothes we sell or anything.

>> No.6755056

I've just switched jobs from an EB Games ASM to tech support for an internet company (I start next week). My boyfriend is an ASM at a higher turnover EB (part of the reason I quit - we hated being forced to compete with each other), and pays for some of my costume materials as compensation for me making his cosplays as well. Also increased my salary by $10k and I can now walk to work, so I'm pleased.

>> No.6755092

Student, but also working student contracts with the federal government.


>> No.6755093

In all honesty I don't wear Hot Topic clothes either, at least not anymore. I tend to go with loli-inspired casual clothes (poofyish skirts, tank top, no petticoat) but I love their bags and headbands

>> No.6755097

I'm a concierge, pay is pretty bitchin with some nice benefits.

>> No.6755107

About to move and hoping to pick up a fashion retail job as soon as I get to my new place. I want to be in retailer design/marketing so I figure a retail wageslave is a fine place to start for experience and will be easier than trying to get an entry-level design job that actually pays anyway.

>> No.6755505

I'm a NEET due to various issues, $170 a week pays for my cosplay and buyfagging.

>> No.6755534

Nurse at an expensive rehabilitation center. Pay is great, the atmosphere is better.

Life is good.

>> No.6755561

I sell illegal drugs and weapons.

>> No.6755574

Personal assistant and a college student at a place with a stupid financial situation.

They give me my scholarships after classes start, i.e. after I get my loan because I assume I didn't get the scholarship and have to find a way to pay for it all by other methods. They won't let me pay back the loan yet ether...so I just use it for cosplay and say its my paycheck.

>> No.6755602

What? Tell me you're at least putting some in the bank for when the loans are due. The more you save now and make in your first payment the more comes off the principle and the less interest you get charged.

>> No.6755610

I work as a visitor services representative at a museum and I make $13.50/hr.

>> No.6755658

I sell weed.

>> No.6755659

Videogame tester!

Fun job, decent pay. Except I rarely get 40 hours. I take what I can get though.

>> No.6755662

...let's hook up sometime.

>> No.6755670

Really? From the things I've read it seems like it's an incredibly stressful and repetitive/boring job even for someone who enjoys games. Do you test for bugs or just as a kind of test-audience?

>> No.6755672

how do you get into that kind of thing anyways?

>> No.6755678

UX/UI designer for a mobile app development company. Dream job for me, and should lead down my dream career path.

>> No.6755718

Student and local musician.
My school fucking sucks about financial aid though, and I am hoping I can get a real job soon to start saving for when I'm done with school. I don't have much in the way of loans but it still scares me. Cosplay makes me happy though, even though I can only do like two outfits a year.

>> No.6755723

My boyfriend pays for my dresses. I'm kinda used to it since he's been doing it for years. I don't have to ask, sometimes he ask me if I really want it, or surprise me with things I like.

>> No.6755752

Of course. I buy stuff with my savings when I feel like it like for fabric then shove the money back in when my paycheck comes along.

I've got a shitty deal and get paid once a month, in the middle of the month in particular.

>> No.6755756


>> No.6755758


I know I'm spoiled and it sickens some people.

>> No.6755762

This. Before my current job I was the cook in a little diner. One night the hockey team that loved to fuck with me and my friends and call us fags came in for wing night. Oops gurl, dropped yo chicken wang on the floor. And yeah you don't wanna know what went in to our special house sauce that night. Rest assured I have NEVER fucked with anyone else's food before. I also had the best fucking boss ever and he was in on it!
He also used to slip me bonus joints at the end of a long night. 'Hey uh, check beside the spaghetti before you go home'.
Unfortunately my current job is working in a suit store and dealing with shitty customers.

>> No.6755763

>Baaawww I got paid a fuck ton because I didn't clean a house properly
Just do your fucking job.

>> No.6755766

Knowing people and not being sketchy

>> No.6755768

But she DID asswipe.
Being a housekeeper is a hard fucking job.
Captcha: suferin but
BUT you get the money for it

>> No.6755769

It probably sickens all people, they just don't show it. Stop being a pathetic damsel in distress and pay for your own shit. If not for your dignity, to not completely fall flat on your ass if you two ever break up.

>> No.6755772

"Be feminist but do it my way"
oh god the people in this thread right now.
Also what's it like for anyone who actually works fulltime at things like artist alleys? Are you constantly jetlagged?

>> No.6755776


Yeah, I figure people will flip shit over my post. It is unnecessary to post other details in my life, since the thread only asks one question. I think it's funny when people assume things they don't know. Hehe.

>> No.6755777

She just said he pays for her dresses, not everything. Calm down.

>> No.6755778

I run my own english center in Hong Kong I just opened it and so far things are going well.

I was an english teacher for 7 years before but the work load was killing me...

>> No.6755782

saaame. the one I work at is actually nice and in a good neighborhood, a lot of my coworkers are chill, but I fucking hate it too. the main thing that grinds me about working at Walmart is the asinine drama that gets perpetuated by the middle aged ladies, man those ladies are always so stressed out. I feel like I can't complain too much though since I haven't looked that hard for another job and it DOES afford me to be able to pay rent and cosupray.

>> No.6755975


She might be a strong idependent woman who does lot of money on her own, expcept she gives most of it to charity organisations like NATO.

>> No.6756014

I do art for videos that teach foreign languages. I don't get paid much but I work mostly from home and I don't have to deal with people much.

>> No.6756015 [DELETED] 

Different person from who you're responding to but I'm a full time tester too. The job is repetitive and stressful when it gets near deadlines. You find bugs and write them up early on and test on weekly bugs to see if the development fixed them.

Later on it's a mad dash to just 100% the games over and over for a couple of weeks on daily builds to make sure there aren't any catastrophic crashes.

It's still worth it for me because the coworkers around me are all amazing people I go drinking with and go to consider with all the time.

>> No.6756016

Different person from who you're responding to but I'm a full time tester too. The job is repetitive and stressful when it gets near deadlines. You find bugs and write them up early on and test on weekly builds to see if the development fixed them.

Later on it's a mad dash to just 100% the games over and over for a couple of weeks on daily builds to make sure there aren't any catastrophic crashes.

It's still worth it for me because the coworkers around me are all amazing people I go drinking with and go to cons with all the time.

>> No.6756026

I "model" legit modelling that is. I have 3 agencies and make decent money. I also have my student loans but a lot of the time I'm sensible with that money as my London rent is ridiculous and i've no flat mates to split it with at the moment.
Can't wait to finish up my degree and get a real job. I already have a fund to treat myself to Lotta as a reward (assuming it comes up before I'm tempted by something else)

>> No.6756030

Show us some proof pics

>> No.6756032 [DELETED] 

as in?
we're all anons here. No need to bullshit. It isn't a glamorous well paying job after all.

>> No.6756033

as in?
we're all anons here. No need to bullshit. It isn't a glamorous well paying job after all. I am also entirely average looking aside from the fact I kept growing for far too long - IMO

>> No.6756040

I had no idea you could be signed by more than one agency. That's pretty interesting.

>> No.6756048

I work as an emt/nurse for a professional hockey team.

>> No.6756054

It depends on your contract. I've been allowed to sign with agencies in other countries- paris, milan and new york (in the past) but I couldn't be represented by another London agency. That would just cause problems (:

>> No.6756085

> completely ignores me

>> No.6756247

Did I? I responded to both comments directed at me.

>> No.6756359

Do you think a 5'11 gal 120 pounds could ever make it in the business? I've always wanted to try it, I was scouted once but after hearing the horror stories from my dance teacher (who is the same size as me) and how they told her she STILL needed to loose weight, it freaked me out.

>> No.6757264


Actually, I work my ass off, but I don't get mad when other people don't. As long as they're not asking money from me, I don't give a shit.

Besides, she said her man pays for her dresses, not everything.

>> No.6757272

I'm a costumer. It's pretty neat that my cosplays can go directly into my work portfolio.
I got the job through cosplay too, hah.

>> No.6757273

shut up Miyu, no one believe you

>> No.6757278
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>>Check, double check, triple check, triple sec
I see what you did there.

But for real, what a psycho bitch.

>> No.6757280

It honestly depends on what kind of modeling you're trying to do. Runway is the one with the insane standards, print is wayyyyy more flexible.

>> No.6757284

I'm going to assume that the hair and the fact that the bathroom has been used and the "tip" you got are probably due to the husband having an affair and the wife either being clueless or bitter about it.

... I should write soap operas from the perspective of the cleaning staff.

>> No.6757662


Had a situation kind of similar, where this man with a dog that shed like crazy expected me to follow his dog around for a while and pick up all his hair until his grooming appointment.

Wrap some tape around your hand next time; that way you don't have to literally pick every hair off the floor.

>> No.6758259

I turned in an application to Hot Topic the other day. When do they normally call back? Or how difficult is it to get hired?

>> No.6758276

2 jobs.
First is working at a tourist attraction which is shittily paid.

Second is escorting & camming.

>> No.6758288

I serve meatballs at IKEA on saturdays. I get $29/hour which I think is surprisingly good for that kind of job. I also study at the university and live at home.

>> No.6758310

full-time student, part-time as a monitor at a library for $9/hr

>> No.6758311

I groom dogs in the ''rich'' part of town.

>> No.6758312

Full time student, part time retail worker for new balance.

A bit off topic but speakn of jobs...think we can have a joanns thread? I miss them..

>> No.6758321

I work at my city's domestic airport. It's the best job I've had to date; it got me carloan for a new car and I hear all the goss about celebrities (sometimes see them when they fly in for concerts, premiere movie nights, etc, etc).

>> No.6758551

I wasn't aware miyu lived in London..

>> No.6758560

/v/ here... what the fuck? everyone on /v/ is NEET, but it seems like everyone on /cgl/ is employed! Now I want to kill myself.

>> No.6758578

While hilarious and very Melrose Place, I don't think that was the case. I didn't make it clear, but she was accusing me of leaving MY hair all over the place. I have medium length blonde hair. Wife had a short brown bob. Guess which type was on the floor. And they didn't have a dog either, so I'm 99% positive it was hers.

I offered to bring in a vacuum or sweep the floor, but the wife wanted me to hand pick up every hair. Punishment for my sins, I suppose.

>Being a housekeeper is a hard fucking job.
I get no respect at all!
Now I want a Rodney Dangerfield shoop with a maid's hat on, lol.

>> No.6758605

How does it feel being both a loser and a virgin?

>> No.6758633

I'm just a loser, luckily.

>> No.6758653

I'm just a virgin, luckily.

>> No.6758712

Software architect, the pay is really damn good. But never spent anything on cosplay because I'm too ugly to cosplay and I priorities video games, artbooks and merchandises more

>> No.6758787
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I letter manga. Right now about 1/3 Pokémon series, 1/4 BL titles and all the rest is Shonen Jump stuff. Stressful as hell, but I can't help but love it anyway.

For my props, my dad is really generous and often lets me use any thing that he has in his garage, so that saves me a ton of money.

>> No.6758957

What does your job entail exactly? It sounds interesting but high pressure

>> No.6759107

I take all the Japanese off of each page and replace it with whatever the script I'm given tells me to. So I'm one of the people who put all the text and sound effects on the interior pages of English-language versions of manga. If something needs to be censored, I do that too, but it's pretty rare.

It's VERY high pressure (for various reasons, I often get scripts with something like "and it's due yesterday") but I learn something new almost everyday and it's fun. And I work from home, so that's a bonus.

>> No.6759328

>2 jobs
>Summer one at a children's theme park
>Waitress at a (quality) Chinese resturant
>Internship at local theatre company
>Also a full time student

Other than not having a life everything is great.
I also make crafts and shit for cons.
Thats where most of my con money comes from.

>> No.6759363

I am a companion (I get paid to hang out with someone basically) for a friend. It's not much since for some reason I am only getting $3.29 an hour, however money is money.
we have known each other for 8 years and I just started getting paid at the beginning of the year and we both like video games so it works out

>> No.6759377

>mfw I scanlate for free, no deadlines but shit gets done anyway
How is the pay?

>> No.6759474

makeup artist/performer/stilt walker/flow arts. I get paid to be entertainment or a costumed character for events.

Im also a Medical Aesthetician.

>> No.6759501

sounds a bit third world... honestly, $3.29 an hour?

>> No.6759534

That's strange and interesting. What is it like being a "companion"?

>> No.6759874

Not so great. I live pretty comfortably on what I make, but I also end up working 80+ hour weeks and have no weekends or holidays unless I plan well in advance.

>> No.6760348

Yeah, Blockbuster and all the other video rental stores closed and are now mattress stores.

Everyone is more interested in renting mattresses than movies these days. ;__;

>> No.6760704

If they like you its easy. Usually at mine they ask you initial interview questions as soon as you turn in an app, if they don't like your answers they will only file your app. They usually schedule an interview right after they decide on your answers. Might be different in other states tho idk

>> No.6760738

Ah, I thanked him, shook his hand and walked out while he was reading it..
Maybe that was the wrong thing to do.

>> No.6760752

Yeah I live in Hawaii and the general mindset is that were really chill over here. I think it might be different depending on region (or maybe even store.) Because our managers won't read the app till after the verbal questions.

>> No.6760787

I'm a Florida Anon, I'll just wait for a call, I guess.

>> No.6761143


>> No.6761218

Yo Charms, whaddup

>> No.6761222

She forgot her third job...stealing dat choker.

>> No.6761249

I work full-time as an admin assistant at a company that leases and services copiers and printers. Not exactly thrilling, but it affords me a lot of online free time and I get free printing.

I'm a freelance graphic designer on the side (design is what my degree is in). I save a portion of my income every month specifically for my "anime fund" that covers anime, merch, cosplay, and cons.

>> No.6761333
File: 113 KB, 709x900, 1272914223282.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm head swim instructor at a Lord of the Rings themed summer camp.

Feels p good man.

>> No.6763168

Please tell us more, this sounds very cool.

>> No.6764639

I am a bank robber.

>> No.6764647

I'm just getting into cosplay and lolita stuff. I'm going off my college refund. It's good to be poor.

>> No.6764659

I work full-time in a career field I wanted. Weekends always off, vacation time, the works. Makes supporting my hobbies easy!

>> No.6764664

How the fuck do you do all this stuff? JOb, internship, full time student, making and selling stuff for cons, actually going to cons
I'm NEET and I can't ever get buy shit together enough to cosplay (I've been going to this board for 2 years and still haven't cosplayed...)
Seriously though how do people do all this stuff?

>> No.6764688
File: 98 KB, 500x670, abercrombie-baby-bag-model[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I work at Abercrombie
You would not believe how awkward it is trying to explain my cosplay photos on my Facebook to my coworkers

>> No.6764704

awww yeah those meatballs are freaking amazing :O

>> No.6764711

Wow, all you and your actually somewhat related to cosplay-like jobs. I'm just full time student, part time taking care of animals at a pet store. Yay.

>> No.6764737

I work at a pretty unsuccessful bubble tea shop on the weekends, and I'm at uni in the week. I live at home and don't pay rent so my money is all my own, but right now I'm saving it all for when I go to korea in the summer, so I can do a shitton of shopping, but I don't know if I'll get to go any more with the north going batshit crazy.

>> No.6764742

> $29/hr

Where do you live holy shit.

>> No.6764749

I'm a full time student. I do part time at one of the libraries connected to my uni and it's awesome. I get to eat whenever, study most of the time, and browse the internets. And I get paid to do it! I do help other students and check out materials occasionally. My parents also cover most of my essentials (rent, groceries, school-related fees), so I can spend my hard earned cash on whatever.

I'm also going to apply to be a home health assistant/nurse's assistant because I can! And I'm going to take the licensing test for becoming a pharm tech, so yeah.

>> No.6764759

I have a FT job as a hospital cook, a PT job cooking at a university, and attend community college FT/PT, depending on how much I hate myself.

Fuck, I wish my parents gave me money.

>> No.6764774

I'm a 2D artist/illustrator at a tiny gamedev company. Pretty much perfect. Just a few laid back people, which is great for my antisocial tendencies, cool boss and decent pay for doing what I dreamed of since middle school.

Plus nobody gives a shit when I come dressed as a kawaii pinku princess, as long as I do my job properly.

>> No.6764783

What's funny, our other artist is a girl just as flashy as me, just in a opposite way - piercings, red hair, dreadlocks, platform boots, all that industrial/goth stuff.

>> No.6764816

That's gotta be Hong Kong Dollars or something.

>> No.6764878

Nurse. I work in pediatrics, specifically with technology-dependent kids who can't eat or breathe on their own. It's sometimes cool, sometimes sad, since most of the kids are vegetative to minimally-conscious, but pays better than my last job (set my own schedules, too). Thank the sweet, sweet heavens, I will never work in theme Parks/food service ever again!

>> No.6765230

I live with my mom. Thats how I do it.
You have to learn how to limit yourself too. Scheduling in your week (life) is very important.

I have classes 5 days a week during school months. I work at the theme park during the summer so it doesn't collide with my classes. I work at the Chinese place on Fridays and Saturdays. I make sure I'm set for cons months in advance. My internship is really just 2 days a week.

And I reuse/reboot my cosplays when I can. It's easier than making a whole new costume. And as long as I'm still in the fandom it's nice having people recognize me as that character.

Being able to work and cosplay is really difficult, but once you finally get a routine it's much easier. Also living with another person makes it easier. Another person who isn't your mother is most desirable...

>> No.6765249

You have my dream job! I'm so jelly! Do you have an art blog or anything?

>> No.6765251
File: 182 KB, 643x960, 539311_451922904842242_1974417092_n[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's your standard summer camp with canoeing. art and crafts, swimming and the like, but all the age groups are named after Tolkien characters (Tooks, Ents, Striders, Baggins etc) and some buildings are named after places (the main building is called the Shire). We also have a "magic ring ceremony" at the end of each session where we give out golden rings and once a session, some of the counselors dress up as characters and the campers go around collecting gems, it's called the Hobbit hunt. I got to reuse red contacts I had from a cosplay for my Shelob "costume" (as you can see there's only so much costuming you can do at a summer camp in the southern heat, freaked some kids out though) It is seriously the best job I've had

>> No.6765273

I'm a chemist for a very sucessful company. Good pay and good benefits. Considering I don't have kids or any really big expenses in my life (besides car and student loan) I have a fair amount of extra spending money. And oh god do I spend a lot of it.

>> No.6765319

I'm at university, but I work as a maid in a hotel, and whatever money I have spare goes towards frills. I work my ass off scrubbing toilet bowls; I deserve to dress up like a motherfucking princess when I have free time.

>> No.6765326

Work at an auto repair shop as a grease monkey and all around shop slave child. Occasionally nanny but not so much since my weekdays are from 8am til 9pm from work/school. Don't have much extra money at the end of the month but when I spend it it's all to be a kawaii ass motherfucka

>> No.6765333

How did you get that job? I'm 21 and thinking of returning to college to study chemistry, it seems like hard work though (esp. for a NEET)

>> No.6765383

Hire me!

>> No.6765406

I'm technically what you guys would call NEET I guess but I used to babysit a ton and now I clean my girlfriend's mom's house. pretty eh, but I get paid decently enough.

>> No.6765533


I got a bachelor of science in chemistry. I had a tough time getting in initially after graduating and ended up at a really sketchy lab for 7 months but I kept applying and eventually got on somewhere A LOT better. Its a decent job but I'm still considering going back to school in a few years because It doesn't seem like the type of work I would want to do for the rest of my life. I guess you can move up in companies and stuff though. I feel very lucky to be where I am right now. Chemistry is fun though, we could always use more chemists :)

>> No.6765550

Art commissions and as of now a part time job at a Deli. Making above minimum wage so that's nice,

Attending College to get into the concept art field though.

>> No.6765559
File: 122 KB, 640x362, 1114711_1347115705428_full.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a waitress at a breakfast and lunch place and I also work at a toy and candy store. Fun stuff.

>> No.6765565

Are you being serious or cynical? Cause it actually does sound like fun. Do explain more.

I work in a pizza shop. Hubby is a security guard.
>inb4 mall cop
Yes. Yes he is.

>> No.6765591

Cashier in an insurance cafeteria. I make like 9.5 and hour.

>> No.6765601

Is he black? Is his name Darren?

>> No.6765620

A little of both? The toy/candy store is fun sometimes, but my hours are shit right now because business is slow. Which also means I don't have a lot to do when I am working so it's a little boring. But since it's a tourist town, as soon as summer hits I'll be wearing my self out, working all the time and missing the slow, boring winter/cold spring days that I'm sick of right now.

Waitressing is sorta fun and I like the restaurant and the people, I just think I'd like it more if it were in the kind of area where I grew up. People here are weird, but not the kind of weird I'm used to, so I feel a little out of place sometimes.

Any sarcasm in my 'fun stuff' comment is mostly just me being a brat.

>> No.6765655

Lol no. Why do you ask?

I'm going to assume you're in a beach town. I get your pain. Props on the waitressing, I couldn't do it. I wanna strangle the fuckers over the phone now as it is; I'd definitely kill someone if I had to serve these assholes in person.

>> No.6765663

I work as the vault teller for a bank and am currently training for a new job as a money room teller for the BRINKS security company

I'll give you an in and we split the pot 50/50.

>> No.6765665

All of my money comes from scholarships/grants and my summer internships. I found out that the university close to me had a bitching department for the subject I wanted to major in, and since I did really well in high school and my mother makes practically nothing a year, my financial aid and scholarships were maxed out. I get about $3500 back a semester, and then since I'm a teacher's pet for one of the professors (mostly grading labs and tests, processing data, playing personal therapist when he needs to rant, etc.), he networks me in to really good internships that give me about $4800 for 8-10 week summer projects. Combined with the fact that I pay only $180 for rent and utilities, $80 a month in gas, and maybe $35 a week for food, I do pretty okay and have a lot of disposable income.

>> No.6765719

I just got accepted into a nursing program, do they also wipe asses for a living, or do they do other stuff?

>> No.6765741

I'm a baby snatcher. I snatch kids from parents who aren't doing that great of a job caring for them and then I take them to court to tell the Judge why we snatched this kid and what the parents have to do to get their kids back.

It's... something, alright. A whole lot of something.

>> No.6765771

i design window/store displays for a living. i love it because i have more freedom to be creative in doing what i want. pay is great since i'm living at home and don't need to pay rent but planning to move out next year.

>> No.6765776

You still live in Queens?

>> No.6765779

I read "baby snatcher" and thought you were joking. Then I read the rest of your post and no, you aren't joking. That's. You're right. That's something.

>> No.6765781

Nope, Pittsburgh, but I'm moving back to Queens in July where I hope to do less snatching and more reunifying.

>> No.6765782

I run my own cafe, which I absolutely love but is basically a money sink. I probably make around $25k/year after taxes (though I do bring home $40-50 a day in cashmoney tips because I'm mad cute). My man is a musician, so if we go to cons I usually pay for him to tag along, haha, and I make both of our costumes. I go to one, maybe two cons a year, but I usually make new costumes for each one.

I also make really tasty coffee. Whut whut.

>> No.6765788

My job is interesting to say the least. I do have happy endings like on Friday I was able to have a kid go back to her grandparents who essentially raised her and they were so happy when it was all said and done that they hugged and kissed me after court because I had to go beyond what my job description was to get everything in place. It was nice.

But most cases aren't happy endings, just remember, drugs are bad. Very bad.

>> No.6766223

I'm a Lipstick Bounty Hunter.

>> No.6766383

Gacia is that you?

>> No.6766382

I go to college and have three jobs. One during school year at a bakery, one during summer full time at a Six Flags amusement park in the food department and one during some nights that my city's football team is playing here at the food department.

And sewing makes everything easy!

Time is more hard to find for me than money. :x

>> No.6766427

I work at a hardware store doing the kid's DIY and face painting.
It's alright most of the time since my regular kids are pretty damn sweet but I hate having to deal with sexist customers when I'm walking the store or doing front end stuff.

>> No.6766719

I'm an NPC (Retail associate).