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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 38 KB, 343x350, eye-shadow[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6750649 No.6750649 [Reply] [Original]

Hi /cgl/. I was directed here from /fa/ and was told you know more about make up and stuff.

Do you know/have any verticals about how to apply eyeliner/shadow nicely? Whenever I put mine on it looks very bland but when I see other people's it looks like Da Vinci had a field day on their face.

I don't wear any other makeup if it matters.

>> No.6750665

>I don't wear any other makeup if it matters.
I'm not too great at eyeshadow, but if you're going to wear eyeshadow and eyeliner, IMO, you can't not wear mascara. As for liner, what sort were you thinking about? Pencil, gel/cream, or liquid. Pencil is easiest to apply but has the worst staying power and oomph, liquid is hardest to apply, but looks great, and gel (my favourite), has the best of both worlds: looks good, and is easy to apply.

>> No.6750674

Where's that video with the spoon?

>> No.6750680


>> No.6750682

If it is bland, you should apply a primer first. It doesn't just hold it in place all day, but actually makes the color more intense too.

>> No.6750685

>but if you're going to wear eyeshadow and eyeliner, IMO, you can't not wear mascara
Agreed. Mascara is more important than either, really.

>> No.6750687

This. You might also just be buying really shit eyeshadow, what brands do you use? And a lot of maximum impact photography eyeshadow is applied wet.

>> No.6750701

Always use an eye shadow primer. It'll make your colors stronger and help the shadow last longer and not mush into your crease. Swabs are nice; brushes are better. Sweeping is good for simple washes of color. If you want the color to pop, though, you want to stipple/tap the pigment on your eye lids and then blend it out. Avoid using more than one color over the same area if you don't want the color to wash out. For really good smokey eyes, pencil line first, smudge lightly, apply shadow and then use a gel or liquid liner on top. Always use mascara. Curl your lashes before you put that shit on, and apply by going across instead of along first. That way you coat the whole lash and avoid clumps. I keep a separate, clean mascara brush or eyelash comb to deal with any clumps as well. If you don't like mascara, you can actually comb on petroleum jelly as a clear alternative. And it's actually good for your lashes.

>> No.6750706

Yeah, I prioritise mascara over liner, and liner over shadow.

>> No.6750717

Also, get a blending brush and feather that shit out.

>> No.6750730

While we're talking makeup... I get the odd thick chin hair and take a perverse pleasure in plucking it out... no matter how much I disinfect my tools & skin afterwards I always get a breakout of pimples/red in the area I've plucked.
How do you pluck your facial hair?

>> No.6750733

There's already a makeup thread


>> No.6750771

I use an alcohol swipe over my eyebrows and upper lip before AND after I pluck and thread,then I wash and moisturize. If you're breaking out as a reaction to the plucking and not due to not keeping clean enough, see a dermatologist. You might need something special for that depending on the cause, or perhaps you can laser that sucker off.

>> No.6752692

ok wow i don't even have words for this

>> No.6752705

Whoops, misfired a minute ago.

I made some Youtube channel suggestions in the makeup thread, if you're looking to learn techniques: >>6730252

>> No.6752733
File: 89 KB, 361x250, k3702.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're fucking shitting me.
I was having these exact problems a little over a week ago, and.... oh good god.

>> No.6753089

The only thing I can think of in regards to making eyeshadow more prominent is using a base. i.e. primer

>> No.6753129

Angels have descended upon high from the heavens and gifted me with the spoon of kawaii. I will treasure this forever. And maybe actually use my liquid liner...

>> No.6758147

MAC makes eyeshadow palettes that are specifically designed for makeup noobs. They come with colors that are well matched, and have clear, detailed instructions about how to apply them and how various combinations will look. They're a great product for the many people these days that grew up in a world where heavy makeup wasnt as usable as in times past.

>> No.6758151

Oh, and if it's for Cosplay, always wear foundation or at bare minimum powder. No matter how perfect their skin is, everybody looks like a greasy piece of shit in photos without it.

>> No.6761962
File: 66 KB, 320x240, 2013-04-11 21-25-41.732.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sorry, I'm very inexperienced with makeup, and I am wondering if anyone could help me.
I would really like to start cosplaying, I have a very nice costume that I put together, but I'm very self-conscious about how I look, and I'm too nervous to go to any conventions.
If anyone would like to give me advice on what I could do with makeup to make myself look more presentable, I would really appreciate it.
I'm sorry this image is so low quality, I don't have a camera, I had to take it with my webcam.
Thank you for reading.

>> No.6761981

you have a very cute face :3

it looks like you have nice skin, but it could also just be the webcam smoothing it out

at any rate, you want to start with at least a little foundation, ideally applied with a stippling brush but just a make up sponge works in a pinch. use a little blush to bring color back into your cheeks (i like cream blush best) and use a little powder to set your face, and swipe a little bit of bronzer across your forehead and down your nose

eyes are where you can go crazy really, but for just looking presentable all you really need is some eyeliner and mascara

>> No.6761987

>nobody telling OP to get some foundation

Really? I think it looks so damn stupid when people apply any kind of make-up (except maybe some simple, subtle mascara) with uneven/greasy skin.

>> No.6761989

oh and apply your make up in natural light! i've only just made the switch myself and it really improves your application tons

>> No.6761990

Thank you so much!
I don't know if you would have any experience with this, but just in case you do; one of my eyes waters almost constantly, so I have to dab at it all the time, is there any sort of eye makeup that won't smear, or is there a way I can blot tears off my eye without ruining makeup?

>> No.6761994

You have good skin but I still recommend some light fondation or powder. Maybe some bb cream for sun protection if you're going be outside a lot. As far as application, it depends on what you want to do and what character you're cosplaying. Can't really offer a dramatic evening look to a high school girl character. Moe/cute characters usually require focus on the eyes. More adult/sensual characters have more focus on the lips. Rule of thumb is to try and only focus on one aspect of your face or you'll look like a hooker.

Really, the only thing I suggest appearance wise is to shape the eyebrows a bit. They look a bit too long for your face. There are tutorials up to help find your perfect eyebrow shape.

Also, to make yourself look presentable while being photograph, practice posing.

>> No.6761995

Use waterproof eyeliner/mascara. My eyes water a lot too, and I find that wiping up and to the side (kind of following a cat eye pattern?) or dabbing with a tissue without wiping at all works for me. Then again, I don't apply eyeliner or mascara to my lower lid/lashes so i have less to smudge.

>> No.6761999

In my opinion you have self confidence issues, not self presentation issues, as you seem to look just fine.
Putting makeup on can help in most situations, but in your case it certainly shouldn't be what is holding you back from cosplaying.

>> No.6762001
File: 39 KB, 408x544, brow5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also note that though pencil might be least messy, making fine lines with it is pretty hard unless it's perfectly sharpened

Also anon, what do you do with your eyebrows, if anything at all? Just for future reference they could do a lot more for you. Right now they seem to be more of a curve than an arch. Not bad by any means but not the most flattering.

>> No.6762011

Thank you all so much, I have been so clueless my whole life.
Well, I can at least hope now that I might gain some confidence, I think I would feel better if I thought I looked nice enough to get my picture taken.

>> No.6762012

no problem

as another anon said, just look for waterproof products, i would recommend waterproof liquid eyeliner, and if you use eyeshadow be sure to use a primer to help it stay

as long as you dab your eye and don't wipe your makeup should remain fine, you can always bring a small make up bag along with you for touchups

>> No.6762014

pluck your eyebrows so they arch/frame your face better. you have a good complexion, just use false lashes and eyeliner

>> No.6762019

Do you think I should try to make my eyebrows thinner? I know they're pretty thick, I don't know if that looks alright on my face.

>> No.6762020

no, thick eyebrows are great.
lots of people my age (20's) regret plucking their eyebrows when they were younger because it takes some time for the follicles to start growing hair again if you pluck for a long time.

Just make sure there are no stray hairs. I'd try using makeup to make the arch, but you'll have to experiment to make it look natural.

But I don't think you NEED an arch. It's just more common.

>> No.6762027

You might want to taper them a bit more but otherwise you have a nice shape and thickness. You really don't have to do much with your brows really...

>> No.6763006

Often, foundation/concealer look only good short after application though. During the day, concealer sets in fine wrinkles around the eyes, emphasizing them, while foundation can get really blotchy, depending on your skin.

>> No.6763022

are some faces just not going to be able to handle a lot of makeup?

I'm too scared to post my picture to show examples, but I feel like I look super overdone (almost like pageant kids) when I do much more than tightline and mascara.

I'd like to wear the cute, simple winged-eyeliner looks, but it looks so out of place on me. I've done it, and my boyfriend even said it looks good, but we both agree that it's just like a formal occasion kind of thing. It's too much for everyday.

>> No.6763047

Maybe it just looks like that to you since you're not used to it?

>> No.6763050

Maybe you're just not used to the look of your face with a little more makeup. I guess the winged eyeliner wouldn't seem overdone to you anymore, if you'd wear it more frequently. And I'm pretty sure other poeple would propably not recognise it as overdone or anything. You could as well use dark brown instead of black or a slightly thinner/shorter/not yet winged line for start though.

>> No.6763081
File: 97 KB, 500x557, audrey_hepburn-bw12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Audrey Hepburn looked great with thick eyebrows.
My eyebrows naturally grow kind of thin, so I found this video very helpful.

>> No.6763817

That's what primers prevent. I wouldn't suggest putting on concealer and foundation without it. MAC has some nice primers although at the moment I'm poor and using NYX and No. 7 depending on what foundation I use. As for the eyebrows, thick is in right now. Thick brows are all over the runway and eyebrow filler is super popular in most makeup brands.

>> No.6763834

Compare your pic to >>6763081
and see how hers aren't so long? Your brows extent out to the sides a lot, mine do it to. Tweeze a bit away, but not so much as Audrey there. See >>6762001
as a guide.

>> No.6763851

Hey guys,I was wondering what kind of eye makeup would look good with glasses?

>> No.6764680

How do I stop picking at my face? I find myself doing it as a habit but I have very sensible skin so this habit is ruining me.
I can't wait to go to a dermatologist..

>> No.6765090
File: 337 KB, 1280x960, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just did my makeup for a wedding, oh god, I'm all failure. -looks at pores on nose-
This is the best I could do, some suggestions might help

I have no experience on makeup, a lot of blemishes (heavy acne) and can only afford cheap makeup, I also live in a third world country.

>> No.6765173
File: 35 KB, 550x413, 550px-Get-Rid-of-Large-Pores-and-Blemishes-Step-11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My skin is exactly like this girl's. Every pore in my face is clogged. I had a depression swing the past few weeks and didn't exfoliate/wash/treat my skin like I usually do, so it's even worse now.

I've tried several brands of salicylic acid (2%), each with pH levels that are proper, etc. and they only improve my skin like 20%, which, at this level, is not nearly enough. Also used 20% SA peel about 3-4 weeks in a row but didn't get much results from that. I developed an allergy to benzoyl peroxide, so anything containing that is out of the question. I tried a birth control that worked well for Spoony, but it made me suicidal so I graduated off of it a few months back (I think it fucked with my SSRI, as instructions said that could happen) (maybe this is why she is crazy.) I'm probably going to try another BC soon with less hormones (likely Yaz.) I am currently using Retin-A nightly. I drink about a gallon of water every day. I eat a lot of healthy food and hardly any junk -but- I have chocolate/chocolate-candy at least every other day (legitimate addiction I'm trying to break.)

Other than see a dermatologist (scheduled), I was wondering if anyone had similar type of skin/advice for this type of skin/etc.

Also here to make the seagulls with a pimple or two feel better about themselves.

That is all.

>> No.6765184

Are you me? I've tried everything short of Accutane over the past 10 years, with no success. It fucking sucks, and now I'm in my 20s and I feel like I'm going to look like this forever. It's pretty much destroyed my self esteem, and dermatologists don't take me seriously because my face isn't covered with giant cysts but I still feel pig disgusting every day.
No advice sorry, but I feel your pain. Sometimes it's just shitty DNA/hormones and there's nothing you can do about it.

>> No.6765190

some people think gluten gives them cystic acne

>> No.6765199

Might want to sweep a little bit of brown eyeshadow, just dab it on with your finger and it'll add a bit of depth without it looking too dramatic.
Your skin looks fine, don't dwell too much about it, no one will be looking at you with a magnifying glass, maybe add a teeny bit of blush to add some natural colour to your face. It'll be understated but still very pretty

>> No.6765204
File: 48 KB, 320x331, 1336848299819.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


My skin is exactly like this as well. I'm currently 20 and have been like this since I was 15. I seriously feel like I've tried everything, even went with a doctor and the antibiotics/medicine that were prescribed to me only worked for a couple of weeks. I've used facial masks, toners, many advertised acne creams etc and no luck. My parents don't really believe/care but it really has messed with my self-esteem these past 5 years. Fuck I hate my genes.

>> No.6765213


My skin used to be like this. I have a whole list of do's and don'ts, but I'm sure you have heard of them all. I can recommend some products I use that gave me amazing results.

Try Rosette's sea mud cleanser. It's great for pore cleaning and tightens your skin. It always leaves my skin very clean without over drying. The price is very cheap too.

I also use Penelopi Moon Masha. It is on the expensive side, but I think it's worth it. It has tons of natural herbs and smells great. It's very gentle, and helps a lot with my pimples and pores. I use it in the morning and whenever I get pimples. I leave the foam on my face for 5 minutes, and the pimples always shrink down to minimum.

>> No.6765225

Well, I'm 22 and my acne was the worst its been in my life just a few months back. I'm glad to know I'm not alone in this. My boyfriend also, honest to god, thinks my skin is just fine. He gets annoyed when I wear makeup since he thinks I don't need it. There are people out there who think your skin is fine. While I don't think I (nor you) ever will believe that to be true, I think we can learn to live with it even if we can't cure it. For now, I'm trying some more things (such as truly eliminating bad foods from my diet) but if I'm stuck like this, hey, at least we are female so it's okay to wear makeup (and I look quite good once I'm made up, you probably do too!) Could be worse! cloggedporesisterz4lyfe.

>> No.6765243

in response to all the acne dudes:
obviously, different shit will work for different people, but here is my experience:
Clear skin until I hit about 20, then it was like second puberty or something.
Stress really makes things so much worse, do your best to relax and not think about your skin.
Ice will help reduce swelling, pain, and redness. Buy an ice pack, keep it wrapped in a wash cloth in your freezer. Use it when you're watching tv or something.
I don't wash my face anymore. Or, not the conventional way. Every night (and any time my face is feeling oily) I use Mrs Thayer's alcohol free toner. I get a white cotton ball and keep wiping my face until there isn't any more dirt and my skin feels refreshed (coincidentally, I don't wear make up very often. Use oil then wipe if you're wearing makeup)
Twice a week or so I mix a few drops of lavendar oil, a few drops of tea tree oil, and add enough sweet almond oil to massage into my skin.
I count 60 seconds, massaging all over, then I count 30 seconds focusing on specific areas.
While I'm massaging the oil in, I have a cup of chamomile tea cooling. Once it is cool enough, I pour it into a bowl and set it inside my sink. I use the tea to rinse off the oil (use the bowl so you can recycle what splashes off your face). Just keep doing this until you run out of tea. It really helps with my redness.
Then pat dry, but don't wipe the tea off your face. You should have just enough oil left that you won't need lotion. If you need lotion, do a small amout of sweet almond oil.
Once a week, between the massage and the tea rinse, I use rice flour to exfoliate. Be gentle, it doesn't take much.

In addition to eating plenty of greens and drinking 2 liters of fluid every day, my skin has been amazing.

>> No.6765248

oh yeah, q-tips. one end with tea tree oil, the other end with lavendar oil.
rub a little of each oil on each active spot for a spot treatment.
follow with ice.

>> No.6765253

>I had a depression swing the past few weeks and didn't exfoliate/wash/treat my skin like I usually do, so it's even worse now.
I know that feel. Fuck, there's nothing worse than having a wrecked face for weeks as a reminder that you slacked off on your meds for a bit.

I would say just keep shopping antibiotics until you find one that works. Doxycycline finally did it for me but only after a ton of failed attempts. Retinols are generally great but you have to stick with them and be really consistent. With those it's a change you see over the course of months, so it can be frustrating.

>> No.6765256
File: 584 KB, 740x740, madotsuki_vomit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>rubbing lavender oil in your face

>> No.6765258

Dermatologist can't do anything about that other than tell you to stop. You can try wearing mittens or gloves while at home.

>> No.6765264

eat more sweet potatoes, potatoes, turnips, any starchy root veggie to stay young looking.
get plenty of vitamin c to help repair sun damage and produce collagen
eat at least 2 handfuls of greens a day
one sheet of nori has more omega-3s than 2 avocados

also, food sensitivities. lots of gluten sensitive and dairy sensitive people get breakouts as a symptom.

>> No.6765266

Thank you both for the information. I'm sure it will help all of the cursed beings present in the thread today. I have used green tea internally as well as externally on my face before with some decent results, and this reminds me that I should pick that up again.

>> No.6765267

I do this too and I hate it. I wish i could stop but i end up picking my face, my fingers and any roughened skin on my body. I talked to a dr about and she just told me to stop doing it but ill often do it in my sleep too.

>> No.6765271

All those feels. I tried topical accutane though and it made things waaaaaaaaaaay worse.

>> No.6765278

Did doxycylcine cure it for you permanently? I've heard that after some time being off the antibiotic, the acne returns just as before.

>> No.6765280

Ugh this so bad fuck, this, fuck this seriously. I frequently cry while I am doing it, knowing how much worse I'm making it and how I will hate myself later. The only thing that has ever helped (extremely slightly) is covering any parts I would pick at with a thick layer of sudocream. Then when I catch my reflection I don't immediately get the urge to pick. It's also soothing and nice for my skin. Warning: it can clog pores. For me it's mostly just an extra step between me and picking, because I have to take it off to do anything.

>> No.6765288

jesus christ, get some self control.
you're going to have some serious problems in life.

>> No.6765290
File: 2.58 MB, 853x480, pretty happy about this.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Spoon video
>This will be really stupid
Oh dear god where has this been all my life?

>> No.6765298

I haven't been off it that long so I can't say. But even so I'd happily do another round.

>> No.6765306


Green tea is great for so many reasons! I used to mix aspirin mask using green tea to help with bad acne.

Don't use hot water to wash your face. Use luke warm to open your pores, wash and rinse, then splash some cold water to close your pores.

>> No.6765335

Wow thanks for the wake up call, I had no idea.

>> No.6765415

slightly related:
I recently got an epilator. It hurt like shit the first time I did my armpits and bikini line, legs didn't really hurt too much but some slight pain.

However, I do it once every two weeks after that, and there is barely any new growth and nearly 0 pain.
Pretty awesome.

>> No.6765425

Is there any good ways to look younger via make up application? I'm really into sweet lolita and fairy kei but a lot of people say I don't have the face for it

>> No.6765434

post face

>> No.6765445
File: 50 KB, 540x960, tumblr_mianuvTY441ru5jmyo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


here's a recent photo

>> No.6765447

How do you guys apply your BB cream? Every youtube tutorial girls are just rubbing it in, or using a brush, but I read in a couple places that tapping it in was supposedly the correct way?

I have to say that tapping over rubbing definitly made the color of Dr. Jart Black label look more natural on my skin.

>> No.6765598


>> No.6765627

You look 14 in that photo. I wouldn't worry about it.

>> No.6765632
File: 113 KB, 266x304, 1350344290675.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why does light BB cream always darken my face? Do you just lightly apply it on blemishes and the T zone, or all over your face lightly. Either way I've been testing out light BB creams and they keep turning my face orange. Why?? I like my pale skin.

>> No.6765636

What BB Creams have you tried? This is pretty much the opposite of my experience, they always seem very pale and pink-grey...

>> No.6765639

every time the store girls swatch bb creams on me in store they tap/pat it on, so I guess that's the right way

>> No.6765646

this time a thousand

i just bought the naked palette and when compared to my other palettes (NYX and coastal scents) you get more pigmented colors, better application and much, much less flaking.

But that could be because matte shadow just looks better.

>> No.6765656

Honestly I try testers of everything and it always does this. I just tried light smashbox camera ready BB cream and once again it's the same as the others. Turns my face orange. Any recommendations? Is it just my skin?

>> No.6765658

Have you been using Western BB creams? Every single one I've tried turns orange.

>> No.6765667

this anon here again

on a different note after i opened up my naked palette i noticed that someone had very lightly put their finger on two shades.

any way to disinfect them?

The other palettes were more or less touched too. I asked a store associate to open a couple so i could see.

>> No.6765668

the revlon one doesn't.

although it's no where near Korean medium-level superwhitey look coverage.

>> No.6765677

I don't know, what's "everything"? Can you be a bit more detailed? Do you also have this problem with foundation/tinted moisturizer?

>> No.6765673

>i noticed that someone had very lightly put their finger on two shades.
...Ew. Did you buy them from Sephora? That's grounds for an exchange, definitely.

>> No.6765684

no , it was ulta.

i can't exchange because I will not be able to visit that store again for at least 2 months due to transportation and availability problems.

>> No.6765695 [DELETED] 

I've been trying both. So far Skin79 is what I normally use, but I'm having no luck with anything that I can just put on and just go. Then again I'm used to my skin being temperamental so I assumed it had something to do with that, though I try to lotion myself before applying any makeup on first, and use face masks, and exfoliate regularly. If I don't I tend to break out immediately. And god tier BB cream for sensitive pale skin with full coverage?

>> No.6765702

>BB cream
>full coverage
BB creams (AFAIK) don't come in full coverage. The point is that they just even out your skin tone a bit, but you're not going to get a full coverage with a BB cream.

>> No.6765704

I've been trying both. So far Skin79 is what I normally use, but I'm having no luck with anything that I can just put on and just go. Then again I'm used to my skin being temperamental so I assumed it had something to do with that, though I try to lotion myself before applying any makeup on first, and use face masks, and exfoliate regularly. If I don't I tend to break out immediately. Any god tier BB cream for sensitive pale skin with full coverage?

>> No.6765703

This. Help.

I've gotten to try out a ton of BB creams, including the pricier ones like Dr.Ci:Labo too. They all look amazing in my bathroom, but when I check in a car mirror it's looks almost purple/gray. I can see the streaks. The areas I applied it on for spot correction are noticeable. When I apply it all over I can see along my jaw where it stops. It's really awful and makes my skin look slightly darker.

Feeling like I'll have to give up and just try regular foundation.

>> No.6765712

>looks almost purple/gray
Lots of BB creams do that. I apply a foundation powder on top to bring me back to normal looking
>can see the streaks
You're not blending it properly
>areas I applied it on for spot correction are noticeable
BB cream is not concealer, and you're probably a shade or two off.
> I apply it all over I can see along my jaw where it stops
Again, you're not blending it properly. You're supposed to blend down your neck

>> No.6765714

Like I said >>6765702

>> No.6765721

Ah, I've heard others rave about some having full coverage with their BB creams. I've tried said ones and didn't get the same results. Usually for full coverage I just use a powder over it, which looks like I'll have to keep doing? I just hate how powder dries out my skin so quickly. Hoping for better.

>> No.6765728


not sure if this would ruin the shadow...:(

>> No.6765730

Bummer, I definitely don't know what I'm doing. My skin is pretty clear so I was hoping to avoid covering my whole face if it's unnecessary. I'll try powder on top then. Thanks!

>> No.6765749
File: 87 KB, 260x266, screen-shot-2012-03-06-at-8-04-10-pm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What would you consider the lightest BB cream?

>> No.6766113

those with the darken or orangey BB cream problem, are you using Western brands? because I've only tried asian brands (usually comes in 2 shades, light and natural) before and they are all pretty pale, some might even give you an initial greycast but it fades away after a bit
most of the ones I've tried will slightly adjust in color to match your shade (it's not a miracle worker but it does change or fade a little)

and yah it's definitely not full coverage, tbh I feel that BB cream works best on ppl who already have decent skin it can really make it glow and whatnot but for ppl who have problematic skin then it's only going to be mediocre

>> No.6766128

Is it possible to eliminate acne scars? I have a lot of scars and stains in my face because of my heavy acne, I've tried adapalene for almost 6 months but my scars don't seem to disappear. Any suggestions?

>> No.6766157

Try niacinamide and chemical exfoliation. Also be sure to wear a LOT of SPF.

>> No.6766162

Lemon juice.

>> No.6767272

There's an article I just found recently, don't know if this helps any of you:

And in case someone here knows german (or doesn't mind using google translator), you could read this as well:

>> No.6767291

Hey guys. I've been dealing with bad acne for years, and its finally dying down, but I still scars and a few pimples here and there. Ive been thinking of trying out the tonymoly tomatox to lighten my scars. Should I give it a go?
Also, I have peachfuzz all over my face, which isn't even noticeable but makes applying foundation impossible as the product doesn't sit well with the hairs. Do you have any recommendations as for products I could use? Or if I should wax or thread or something?

>> No.6767322
File: 52 KB, 600x600, lightening-beauty-cream-vita-blanc-vitacremeb12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Try Vitacreme B12. It's praised by a lot of asian gurus. I have combination skin with scars and some acne. I tried it for 2 weeks, it got rid of my acne and my skin is baby smooth! My recent scars have faded noticeably too. The only down side is, it can be a bit oily. It's great during fall and winter, not good for summer. You can use it as night time moisturizer though.

>> No.6767338


I bought Tomatox just for the container. The product itself is kind of weird... If you have seen those before and after pictures, the mask leaves a 'glow' on people's faces. That definitely doesn't last. People use it before they apply make-up for more coverage. I don't think it's meant to heal scars at all.

>> No.6767363


Use as little foundation as you can. Your skin is the most important factor in achieving the younger look. If you have a good skin routine, that helps a lot!

>> No.6767443


I don't have their Tomatox, but I do have the Appletox stuff and it's lovely. It's one of my favourite items and I use it every day. I'm actually going to put a review of it onto my blog soon.

>> No.6767888

is foundation really necessary?
i ask because i have freckles and i don't want to cover them up. i don't really have any experience with makeup, but i'd like to start using some.

>> No.6767894

If you use something with light coverage you should still be able to see them.

>> No.6767921

To the person who suggested Too Faced Primed and Poreless - I could fucking kiss you. I look at least 10 years younger with this shit. I don't have flawless skin but goddamn, with this shit, I come fucking close. AND it doesn't break me out!

I haven't tried the concealer yet (which btw, the name escapes me...HALP)

>> No.6768041

Is this product available in the UK? How much does it cost? I have similar skin to >>6765173
will it make a difference?

>> No.6768065

i have 100$ worth of perfume from some guy im gonna return to sephora.
what's a good foundation and concealer and why?
>no bb cream

>> No.6768129

>tfw I've just noticed that the right side of your face is covered in pimplesand scars while the left side is spotless
I'm right handed so maybe this explaines a few things..

>> No.6768138

>of my face
I should probably go full on phantom of the opera mode

>> No.6768151

Skin type? Coverage level?

>> No.6768687

The other day I was joking with a friend and said "I washed my face yesterday" (referring to something stupid I said to her before) so another one says "oh really? It doesn't seem like it" because I have a lot of pimples/scars, this kinda irritated me as I wash my face at least once a day and I try everything to get rid of my spots but everything seems to backfire

>> No.6768745
File: 49 KB, 446x376, ampmbbcream.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You mean which is the lightest in color, or the lightest in coverage/feel?

For both of those, I'd say Naruko AMPM Skin Ecological Defense BB Cream. It was very sheer, and very pale- a shade or two darker than my skin when blended and oxidized, which is saying something. It was also pink toned. Not the grey-pink a lot of Korean brands are. Picture related.

Since that one was so light, I'm still looking to try the new Naruko BB cream (the apple seed one) in fair. Anyone have any experience with that?