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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 218 KB, 400x639, aeLIVgf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6750579 No.6750579[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Secrets thread got deleted
Probably because one of the mods of chicago is a mod here
Let's try this again.

>> No.6750584

>Probably because one of the mods of chicago is a mod here


>> No.6750589

lots of racism/ageplay secrets

>> No.6750638

Almost definitely. And boring samefagging. Wish secrets could be omitted just because they're redundant.

>> No.6750651

why else did the thread get deleted so quickly

>> No.6750652

? /cgl/ doesn't have a mod, it has a janitor...

>> No.6750664

Probably because someone reported it in a fit of analpain and the janitor didn't bother to read it before into the trash it goes.

It's incredibly unlikely there is a lolita moderator on 4chan. Mods are not board-specific.

>> No.6750697
File: 790 KB, 792x792, I am so scared I don't know how to react.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dear /cgl/,

You all scare the shit out of me.

A visiting /a/non.

>> No.6750890

do people not like day dream carnival? i like it a lot.

>> No.6750891

Best be trolling.

>> No.6750911
File: 9 KB, 253x199, 1336937991776.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dont worry /a/non, you're not the only /a/non here.

>> No.6750913

Ladies, our job here is done.

>> No.6750936

that picture, can't see this picture without thinking of dark souls. Thanks Onlyafro

>> No.6750946

I got curious and decided to look at the secrets of which you speak. Jesus fucking Christ, you women are cray cray.

>> No.6750986

Because everything on the internet is true! What is sarcasm and trolling?

>> No.6751067
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>> No.6751091 [DELETED] 

but isn't puppet circus still the dress people would kill for and put down an outrageous amount of money for? Same goes for iron gate.

>> No.6751120
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>Nicki Minaj

>> No.6751164

Where did you look, exactly? OP didn't post a link.

>> No.6751180

I know that feeling. I don't really look at egl anymore but I sometimes lurk sew-loli and there's a recent post asking the comm whether a skirt NEEDS waist ties to be lolita because she doesn't have enough ~antique~ lace for both the hem AND the waist ties!!1
I pulled a face like the dowager countess when I read that. These kinds of newbies are cute and harmless but they make me feel so... old. Get off my lawn!

Also for those interested, rabbit777 made a skirt with that skeleton horse carousel fabric. It looks terribad.

>> No.6751184

I really don't like waist ties.

>> No.6751185

Me neither. Unless they're thin little cords. Otherwise, they're just bulky and awkward. They're also a pain to tie on your own, unless you tie them before putting the dress/skirt on.

>> No.6751202

I like them on dresses, but then again, I've been in lolita a while so I've gotten to the point where I can tie them on myself on autopilot.

>> No.6751205

But what about the ruuuruus! Without waist ties, it's just a regular skirt and calling it lolita might displease Misako-sama ;-;

>> No.6751207

Sooo.. Is Iron Gate and Puppet Circus not THE dresses anymore?

>> No.6751214

I didn't get that either. One girl was slightly ignorant sure, but I've only seen the prices for Iron Gate climb higher and higher. Please, girls. Please, forget about these dresses.

>> No.6751219

They will always be THE dresses for that generation of lolis. New generations have new dresses that everyone pines after.
This mostly goes for AP fans, though. New girls getting into sweet don't seem as interested in AP's older stuff, whereas new girls getting into other styles tend to like the old favourites just fine. Maybe because brands like MmM haven't changed as much?

>> No.6751223
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Anyone know the story on the girl getting called immature? I think #31 and #96 are both her.

>> No.6751224
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>> No.6751232


Chunlichan, stop trying to make Chicago drama happen. I'm not involved with your friends and even I can see how crazy you look. Everyone knows you stalk CGL so give it up. Instead of spending so much money on trying to look cool and be envied, go to a doctor and get some medicine.

>> No.6751234

>Some of the other girls would have literally killed
This entire comm is crazy.

>> No.6751236

I think that's just a figure of speech. But isn't she like 14? You can't really expect her to act like an adult.

>> No.6751238

link to the skirt?

>> No.6751242

It is!!! They all pretend they love her, but as soon as she walks out of the room, they all bitch about her. I don't see why they don't just kick her out and be done with it.

>> No.6751254
File: 134 KB, 499x638, SJs884g.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't really get this secret but does anyone know where to find a wig like this?

>> No.6751300
File: 96 KB, 600x591, 5520_600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> dat dirty shirt

>> No.6751314

They're sold in a lot of the Japanese wig sites, but come pretty pricey. You can just purchase a normal straight wig with ponytail clip ins and backcomb/tease it, or purchase the pre-teased extensions like here:


>> No.6751316

Jesus Christ you're all... jerks...

I sure hope Houston isn't this bad.

>> No.6751353

I'm pretty sure more than ONE PERSON made the connection between DDC and that old Bodyline carousel print.

>> No.6751385

She's just mad jelly of her sister. That has to be at least part of it from the time I've spent with her talking at me.
>in my armchair psychology pov

This has nothing to do with that, lol

>> No.6751396
File: 115 KB, 550x640, KRt1fRk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is the drama with Lady Sloth? Of all the crap-tastic overpriced indie designers I always thought her previous stuff was fairly decent for the price.

>> No.6751403

This secret's text formatting makes me want to punch babies.

>> No.6751418

Houston is a fairly large comm. With 200+ members, you're bound to find nice, and not so nice ladies :)

>> No.6751423

The format is not that bad. Better than unreadable black text over an image.

>> No.6751428

When you spend your days filling text boxes for a newsletter on InDesign, trust me. It is.

>> No.6751437

Just to let everyone know, the BTB mods were already having a discussion on our current rules, and if we need an update. Filtering bullshit secrets and how to consistently define "unrelated" is already on the list.

>> No.6751442


seriously sick of the fucking ageplay, racism and fat secrets. Nobody actually cares about any of this shit.

>> No.6751448


>> No.6751454


You guys should ban ageplay secrets.

>> No.6751468

I agree: just straight up ban ageplay secrets. I don't think I've ever seen a genuine one, and if the situation arises where there is a real one, like "help, I think one of my lolita friends participated in ageplay in my dress, I am upset" for example, I'm sure you could tell if it was appropriate.

>> No.6751471

Ban ageplay secrets and just leave a note at the end of every BtB that's like, "Also, some lolitas may enjoy ageplay."

So fucking tired of a million ~so edgy~ secrets every week. ~150 and msot of them being tired old rehashes is terrible. 50-80 of good quality would be much better.

>> No.6751472

I'm fucking tired of them too, but why does everyone assume they're trolls? I like ageplay and I know other lolis that do too. Is that really so outrageous?

>> No.6751473

We spend so much time and effort trying to convince people that the fashion we like has nothing to do with ageplay, so I can see how it can be frustrating when people use lolita for ageplay/associate lolita with ageplay

>> No.6751485


I guess it's because, particularly this week, it's so obvious that they're by the same person. It's always the same tired rehash too- AP:Ageplay. I think that lolitas who were genuinely into ageplay probably wouldn't bother to associate it with a specific brand, publicise it and make a bunch of secrets about it. It would be like bitching about yourself.

It's not that we don't believe lolitas could be into ageplay, it's just that there's probably nobody who genuinely likes it retarded enough to post on BtB 20-30 times about it. (Remember the comments from last week's post?)

>> No.6751494

Because people already assume what we're wearing is fetishwear, then you and you're diaper wearing buddies come along and shit all over that (literally).

>> No.6751497
File: 36 KB, 369x500, You cannot comprehend the true form of this thread.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's ageplay exactly?

>> No.6751502



Or even better, google it.

>> No.6751504

Hey, most of us are respectful about it and don't associate it with the fashion at all. You only see the crazies, though. By the way, not all ageplayers like diapers. I personally hate them.

>> No.6751509
File: 101 KB, 480x640, Yukari scared.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm afraid to.

>> No.6751514

It's when people roleplay as a younger age during sex, usually between 0-16

>> No.6751534

You guys I think I know what next week's secrets are going to be about


>> No.6751539
File: 86 KB, 299x400, Sad and bored.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't see the problem then... that's not that bad I don't think.
Plus, nobody with half a brain would mistake lolita for 'fetish wear' since it's about as conservative as clothing can be.
Maybe I just don't understand it because I'm not directly involved. Don't mind me.

>> No.6751542

Baleeted? That was quick

>> No.6751544

Buhleeted. Got caps. Will post in a sec.

>> No.6751545

Nothing comes up. Screen caps?

>> No.6751541

Well that was deleted fast.
I hope you saved a copy.

>> No.6751550

Are you new here?

Are you new at life?

You don't have to be wearing revealing clothing for it to be considered fetish


Luckily a ton of people replied to it


>> No.6751552

Actually I'll just posted the text of it first then the caps since I have it open:

>stop it with the lolita shit

>Am I the only one that finds the trend of women dressing like dolls rather disturbing?

>I mean, really, how am I supposed to take you serious when you look like you’re dressed for cosplay? But it isn’t cosplay. It’s what you wear on a regular basis (if you can get away with it).

>Knee length dresses with layers of petticoats, big bows, bonnets…

>I think it looks horrible. I’ve seen grown women in my area walking around town like that, complete with jewelry that has food on it (a giant donut pendant WTF?), parasol, bonnet, big ass bow, horrible pastels, and those big ass contacts.

>It’s creepy. Very creepy. Like you belong in some fucked up twisted horror movie creepy.

>Sure, some people find it cute.

>I don’t.

>The claim these are conservative clothes is just…no. These look like dolls, and with all the bells and whistles there isn’t a conservative thing about them. This trend is loud and an eyesore.


>> No.6751554

>Remove some of the petticoats, or all of them, get rid of the horrible jewelry and creepy contacts, no more big ass bows, and maybe you’ll be closer to something that is less of an eye sore.

>These same girls who dress like this also have a tendency to complain about being single. At least the ones in my area.

>Do you know of any straight man who would want to be seen with a someone dressed like that? If you do congratulations! You have a rare treat right there.

>I’ve straight up told my friends that the ONLY time I will be seen in public with them dressed like that is at a convention that caters to that sort of thing. Comic-cons and anime-cons are good examples. Or maybe a costume party. However, I will not be out and about with them while they’re dressed like that when not attending anything that has anything do with that type of fashion.

>Good for you for not giving a damn about what anyone things, and going out like that. Hopefully you’re not bothered by the people snickering at you or looking at you like you’ve lost your damn mind.

>I find the whole look tacky and outlandishly creepy.

>Filed under bad fashion dressing like a tacky doll makes it difficult to take you seriously consider how you want people to perceive you before you dress like that I do not want to understand this trend I just want it to stop I do not want to see it anymore or hear about it or think about it these people look like they belong in a twisted horror movie

>> No.6751559
File: 14 KB, 201x208, Ha ha ha oh wow 6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The funny part is that she thinks her opinion matters to anyone.

I hope you'll all forgive me for this, but it must be said: Women logic.

>> No.6751561

>The funny part is that she thinks her opinion matters to anyone.
Pretty much, yeah.

Even worse though is all the people desperately trying to change her opinion- because apparently it does mater to them. That's sad.

Caps coming up.

>> No.6751563
File: 114 KB, 1275x712, Screen shot 2013-04-07 at 1.04.15 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like her 2edgy ask link, too.

>> No.6751564

>Do you know of any straight man who would want to be seen with a someone dressed like that?
thank god I'm a lesbian

>> No.6751567
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>> No.6751568
File: 86 KB, 1187x712, Screen shot 2013-04-07 at 1.04.23 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Asspained comments section (which isn't even including the likes/reblogs)

>> No.6751571

Look, guys she's a model. You know, a real one.

>> No.6751572
File: 41 KB, 200x295, WHY - Women.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Again, this is probably insensitive to say on /cgl/, but that's some Women Logic.

>> No.6751574

I don't think they were trying to change her opinion as much as just responding to her rudeness with more rudeness?

No one was saying "omg you should just give it a chance" they were just saying "why are you trying to police what someone wears just because you don't like it"

>> No.6751576


That explains a lot.

>> No.6751577

It's still pointless though. Like if her opinion matters so little why respond to it at all?

It just makes them look more kneejerk and affected than ignoring it.

>> No.6751580
File: 453 KB, 1024x768, look at that bitch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, because lolita is weird... but posing naked for money is perfectly normal.

Just another slut, nothing to see here.

Honestly, the only situation where posing naked for money isn't tacky and slutty as hell is as an artist's model, and even then it's something you should do discreetly.

>> No.6751582

I'm sorry but you can't seriously expect a post like that to be ignored, no matter what fandom or hobby you post it about

Human beings don't like being told that they are wrong, it's human nature to want to combat it

>> No.6751584

So you're saying that people shouldn't be compelled to reason and should give in to base nature?

>> No.6751585


Wow, that is one of the ugliest humans I've ever laid eyes on. Jesus.

>> No.6751587

What does Iowa have anything to do with it?

>> No.6751588

What is unreasonable about taking 15 seconds out of one's day to respond to a snide post?

I'm sure you do that quite often here on cgl

>> No.6751589

Iowa isn't exactly a place where a lot of alt culture gets around. Just saying.

>> No.6751592


But if the argument (which it is) is that her opinion doesn't matter, you are only hurting your argument by responding.

>> No.6751595

I think the argument is that her opinion doesn't matter in the grand scheme of things

Yes people will dislike lolitas and make negative comments, but lolitas will still exist and she will still see them

>> No.6751596
File: 152 KB, 905x704, lolitatrend.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's the other post

>> No.6751598
File: 98 KB, 432x353, 1361198832164.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What a twat.

>> No.6751599

There was another post? Haha oh wow. This lady must be really asspained about lolita for some reason.

Eh, I guess so. I just don't see how it's helping them to make the argument in the same breath as they're disproving it by responding.

I mean, it's at least better to mock her ignorance where she can't see it, and therefore won't know it's affecting her targets.

>> No.6751606
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>> No.6751608
File: 64 KB, 570x306, tink choker.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Totally worth $32

>> No.6751609

Welcome to the midwest, where the strangest thing you'll see is maybe a pack of juggalos roaming the street or a kid with Kool Aid dyed hair. Anything more than that absolutely blows a midwesterner's mind.

She definitely looks like she's from Iowa.

>> No.6751613

Oh my god, does she have an etsy? Link please.

>> No.6751614


>> No.6751617

Macrame jewelry
Not just an obsession.

>> No.6751618
File: 44 KB, 734x336, fitting.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is my banner. How fitting.

>> No.6751652
File: 568 KB, 160x160, tumblr_inline_mjogst0mOY1qz4rgp.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>read the book

>> No.6751653

It's actually a pretty good book. You should read it if you have time.

That said, the name 'lolita' has long been dissociated from it and hardly means that anymore. Language evolves, and this uptight bitch needs to chill.

>> No.6751659


I think the tripfag's reaction was because the book has little, if anything, to do with the fashion.

>> No.6751660

Everyone talks about how well written the book is, but honestly, it made me sick to read it. I couldn't finish it. But I can't read Chuck Palahniuk either, so I'm pretty squeamish.

>> No.6751664
File: 2.13 MB, 500x281, Rape time.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh. Well fair enough then.

It's supposed to make you feel that way. You're not alone.
Anyone who says that book supports or glorifies pedophilia is some social justice retard who never read it. It's about a monster, pure and simple.

>> No.6751665

Read the book, watched the movie, long before I ever got into the fashion.

Tell me where in the book does Delores wear a petticoat?

>> No.6751674

>pretty good
It's one of the best examples of modernist prose style and an outright linguistic feat as such, since English was Nabokov's third language.

Anyone who thinks the fashion has anything to do with the book has a reading comprehension level of 0, and the reasoning skills of a frog.

For that matter, anyone who doesn't "get" the prose style or thinks its a book glorifying pedophilia needs to restart their English education starting at 7th grade. Sage for literary rant.

>> No.6751677
File: 498 KB, 260x200, loli fight 2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's easily one of my favorite books of all time, personally.
I'm right there with you on the amazing quality of it's writing, too. I wish I had the time to dedicate to learning to write in such a refined way.

>> No.6751685
File: 21 KB, 376x196, not_appropriate.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6751695

Just popping in to say ageplay isn't limited to acting younger.

>> No.6751701

Oh my god, I just noticed this on her profile
>I'm often mistaken for a 16-18 year old. I'd like to keep it that way.

Yeah, ok.

>> No.6751702

Maybe she's just jealous that lolita keeps getting associated with her beloved ageplay.

>> No.6751703

That's a load of shit, even in her glamor shots she looks like someone's Mormon mom.

>> No.6751717

>I’ve straight up told my friends that the ONLY time I will be seen in public with them dressed like that is at a convention that caters to that sort of thing. Comic-cons and anime-cons are good examples. Or maybe a costume party. However, I will not be out and about with them while they’re dressed like that when not attending anything that has anything do with that type of fashion.
She sure is a great "friend".

>> No.6751723

It made me kind of sick too, in the same way watching the film Precious did.
But it was a very beautifully written novel.

>Anyone who says that book supports or glorifies pedophilia is some social justice retard who never read it.
Seriously, Dolores ends up dirt poor and married and pregnant at 17. Even written from Humbert's viewpoint, he recognizes he really messed her up.

>> No.6751726


And she's supposedly an ~artsy free spirit~... Honestly, and from reading her MM and the book-related post, it sounds like she thinks having a BFA makes her so much better and learned than all the UNEDUCATED MASSES even though she's clearly just as judgmental.

>> No.6751729

Look at those Shirley Temple curls, what a disgusting pedophile enabler!

That's a shame. She has talent/skills, just no taste whatsoever.

>> No.6751732

That's not true at all though. It's not limited to sex.

>> No.6751733

Exactly, exactly.

I'm not super into anything this board is about, but I may make a habit of lurking just because you ladies have fine taste.

I would be posting a cute anime girl asking for a brofist here, but apparently every image I own has embedded files... damn it, moot.

>> No.6751736

she does in the movie, when they go to the hotel together. it's hanging on a bedpost or something when they go to sleep.

>> No.6751738

Ageplay isn't limited to sex though, alot of girls who are into ageplay act and dress like young girls outside in public, sometimes the cuteness of the outfits look a tiny bit similar to things like fairy kei, not really lolita though, but some motifs are childish and can be viewed as the same thing to outsiders.

>> No.6751743

>She definitely looks like she's from Iowa
Haha yes.

>> No.6751748

I think the book is really dull actually, I am not too fond of Nabokov as a writer in general though.

>> No.6751752

I don't think my opinion of someone has ever dropped as suddenly as when this one girl told me she read Lolita, liked the writing, but thought the author had sick mind and that the book should have been banned like Mein Kampf was.

Have these people never read anything else with an unreliable narrator? Do they ever read at all? How do they ever successfully communicate with others? I automatically assume these are the same kinds of people who start lifelong feuds over Facebook misunderstandings and I certainly don't regret not getting to know them further.

You don't even have to LIKE it, just... fuck.

>> No.6751757

Some people really honestly seem to think that hiding things that can 'enable' people will stop certain things from happening. They really, seriously, honestly do.

>> No.6751767


You guys are awesome. I'm so glad so many seagulls have good taste in literature.

>> No.6751768

>Plus, nobody with half a brain would mistake lolita for 'fetish wear' since it's about as conservative as clothing can be.

you don't have to wear revealing clothing to be considered a sexual deviant. Unfortunately, most people connect it to the 'oh daddy' thing when one flounce around like an adult toddler. If I wasn't aware of lolita, I could see myself assuming most OTT sweet lolitas were doing it as some kind of ageplay gimmick. Doesn't help that the whole style is to mimic the cute/innocent look of the young.

>> No.6751769

Don't they, though? I'm mostly thinking of the proliferation of eating disorders and self harming in teenagers/young adults (especially girls), which is definitely in part due to exposure to these things in media.

>> No.6751776

Not with everything. You can't change the wiring of the brain simply by hiding certain things, that's the same argument people use against gays. Fetishes and the like are part of the brain's wiring and they normally aren't affected by outside influence very much.

>> No.6751785


"Many people suffer from eating disorders and that's terrible because of the following reasons" isn't going to lead to the proliferation of eating disorders, but it does raise awareness in people who might be able to help. It's the bits in the media that show unhealthy body images but don't talk about how unhealthy it is that can lead to the proliferation of eating disorders, and good luck filtering those out.

Nobody watches a documentary about drug addiction and goes "aw yiss, I should try this" and reading a book about an ephebophile isn't going to turn previously normal people into ephebophiles.

Sticking your head into the sand doesn't make the bad things go away.

>> No.6751793

Post-modernists/queer theory would argue that being gay isn't something you are born with, and no one has a default sexuality... That we are molded by our environment as well as genes. At least, that's what I understand of it. It's easier to apply this theory to queerness though. Pedophilia is so taboo that it is hard to argue about constructively, not that many academics research it and there are not many studies.

I'm gay and I don't think I was born gay or anything like that. I think human sexuality is too complicated to simply have one factor that causes it. But I don't know where pedophilia fits in with that theory. I also am not sure if you meant to use the word fetish there since fetishes are definitely affected by outside influence. Maybe you meant sexuality?

>> No.6751798

It's cyclical. The media does not invent social tendencies, it regurgitates them. A girl with an eating disorder might be encouraged by something she sees on Tumblr or Television, but a girl with no eating disorder will not magically become anorexic because of what she sees.

>as well as genes
I think contemporary queer theory recognizes that the environment you grow up in does not make you gay, or transgender, etc. I think that it's more like "humans are not born into categories that society establishes, like straight man + straight woman."

>> No.6751799

Oddly enough, Lolita is a Spanish name meaning "strong woman".

I didn't read the book, but I did watch the 97 movie. Kinda made me wanna read the book.

>> No.6751810

A lot of people have no idea what an unreliable narrator is, and I think thats sad. My little sister wants to read lolita, but she read a clockwork orange, another GREAT book with an even worse unreliable narrator in my opnion, and thought the book was saying its okay to be ultraviolet and hated it.
People read books but, as pretentious as this sounds, they dont really /read/ them.

>> No.6751813

Oh yes, sorry! English is not my first language, so I had trouble trying to find the word. But I disagree that being gay is a product of environment due to the fact that gay people arise from any environment and there is not any limit to the habitual environmental patterns in which homosexuality arises. Many people will argue that sexuality such as pedophilia as well as some standard fetishes can be either a product of environment or simply a indeterminable preference which does not display itself until a situation arises in which it becomes noticable. Preferences and the way we view reality are not necessarily limited to environmental factors and often times links to said environmental factors are baseless at best, simply because it is easier to write it off to them.

>> No.6751822

I don't think it is a product of the environment, more like a mix of things. Like how someone can be predisposed genetically to become schizophrenic or alcoholic, but those genes may never be expressed in their lives and they may never develop those illnesses. Does that make sense? I don't know very much, but that sort of makes sense to me. Society shapes us so much as people, I have a hard time understanding how it couldn't shape our sexuality too.

>> No.6751824

>A girl with an eating disorder might be encouraged by something she sees on Tumblr or Television, but a girl with no eating disorder will not magically become anorexic because of what she sees.

>> No.6751825

Completely true. I read Lolita when I was about 14, and I thought it was a beautiful love story about how true love can take any form. It was my favorite book for a while.

>> No.6751831

>Like how someone can be predisposed genetically to become schizophrenic or alcoholic, but those genes may never be expressed in their lives and they may never develop those illnesses.

The only way the latter(alcoholism) wouldn't be expressed is with the lack of alcohol, schizophrenia definitely always is expressed as it is a disease. Also, society only shapes people because it was shaped by people in the first place. All creatures have and require society because it's part of what ties them together, they also affect and are affected by it, it's not a one way street like many people seem to think. Stereotypes and societal standards are an integral part of human existence and well being, because they help to create and define an understanding of one another which in turn molds security and a feeling of belonging.

>> No.6751838

Oh, ew. Please tell me your sister is a teenager at most.
I get when people don't like Clockwork Orange because it's too violent. It squicked me out at times, too. But to think that the author is actually promoting ultraviolence, it hurts my brain. Is this what happens when you raise a kid purely on Disney and Harry Potter? It's sad, because it restricts them from enjoying so many good books.

Or maybe they're all reincarnated souls from the 1800s. Practically everything I've read from that era had what I dearly wished were unreliable narrators but were really thinly veiled platforms for the authors to rant about things they don't like, like black people or women who want to be independent. She's literally a giant snake! Get it? Get it?

>/cgl/ - Literature

>> No.6751869

>schizophrenia definitely always is expressed as it is a disease
Then why is it more prevalent in poor people? Or are they poor because they are schizophrenic? I'm not sure, I read statistics saying it was more common in the poor. But I know stats can be twisted.

I honestly thought people can be predisposed to things genetically, without necessarily developing them? I've just believed this for a long time. Are you saying that we are born with a certain sexuality?.

Sorry if this makes no sense, english is not my first language (&I'm also not well educated in this subject, just tying to learn).

>> No.6751870

Yeah, I know. It was quite successful in that matter, obviously since i couldn't finish it.

>> No.6751873

I meant that people who are genetically predisposed always show signs.

>> No.6751879

There's no cheaper alternatives? I want it wavy and I haven't seen any good wavy wigs with clip ins..

>> No.6751881

There's a difference between high risk (having a long family history of addicts makes it likely to be an addict yourself) and physically having it in your genes. 'High risk' implies that there's a chance that you can luck out.
There's also a problem you might have found because colloquially English speakers will talk about having something "In their genes", when they actually mean "In their genetic history", ie a family history.

The reason we might see more of the poor being schizophrenic could be for lots of reasons: Their schizophrenia has stopped them from getting a good job and earning money, due to their economic status, they can't pay for quality treatment, while a rich person would be able to pay for treatment and also would be better at hiding it.

The whole issue comes in with- there are people who psychically have something in their genes that they don't develop. This new field of study is called epigenetics.
You can read more about it here: http://ngm.nationalgeographic.com/2012/01/twins/miller-text

This article is all about twins- one of whom might develop a disorder, while the other didn't. It also includes some other cool stuff about twins.

>> No.6751882

Burrito almost came out my nose.

>> No.6751993

"help, I think one of my lolita friends participated in ageplay in my dress, I am upset"

I will laugh my ass off if this winds up being one of next weeks secrets.

>> No.6752005

Oh god, she's the ugliest bitter bitch I've seen! I want to find a redeeming quality, like "she's got nice skin" "her eyes are pretty" but I can't!!

>> No.6752006

She's uggo as fuck but I love her hair.

>> No.6752014

He didn't mess her up though, she was already messed up. The other guy messed her up.

Sage cause my memory is fuzzy but I'm pretty sure that was the tragedy, similar to Pale Fire. His greatest sin is a fiction.

>> No.6752016

did the iowa bitch erase her tumblr? because i can't find it.

>> No.6752019

Oh my, I found her DA account. She has a furry alter-ego.

>> No.6752021

People see spree shooters on the news and decide to be spree shooters.

People see suicides on the news and decide to kill themselves.

People are way more malleable than they give themselves credit for.


>> No.6752024

I believe she did.

>> No.6752025

It's okay to be ultraviolet. The visible spectrum is for droogs.

>> No.6752026

it has been done, be prepared to lose your ass.

>> No.6752030

BTW, she looks like she's had five kids and has done no exercise whatsoever in her whole life. people mistaking her for a sixteen year old are blind or need glasses, she looks like my mother did when she was 45. so worn out for her 29 years!!

>> No.6752032

Damn, too bad, I wanted to make a secret for next week...

>> No.6752062


>> No.6752077

>Lolita is a Spanish name


>meaning "strong woman".

no. It is the diminutive form of Lola, a form of the given name Dolores, which means "suffering".

>> No.6752078

It's linked right on her etsy

>> No.6752110


"On a separate note I've deleted my tumblr account. I decide to post an opinion and folks didn't like it. So they threw insults, which don't bother me and I blocked them, and then a few decided to tell me I should kill myself which is again uncool but it didn't bother me personally. Then I got a death and rape threat. Keep in mind I took anonymous off and anyone who leaves me a message will be made known. They threatened to rape and then kill me. Yeah, that bothered me. I sent the information to a friend who in turn will use it with their skills in computer hacking. They told me to delete my account because they had the screenshot and information they needed to go forward, and really I don't feel like dealing with something like that. Tumblr is gone."


>> No.6752116

Well fuck, my Spanish teacher lied to me. Bastard...

>> No.6752124

Yeah fuck, where do we start on that one?

Do we mock her for saying how much it apparently didn't bother her, until it did so much that she deleted her account.

Or do we mock her for the 'super elite hacker' friend comment.

Or... where do we start?

>> No.6752127

These frames... will always age you. She should pick out a better pair.

>> No.6752131

I vote for super elite hacker.

9 times out of 10 it'll be a newfag /b/tard.

>> No.6752137


>> No.6752139


>> No.6752141

I don't believe her sob story about death and rape threats, not for one second.

I won't believe her until she posts the screenshots, but she never will because she made that part up.

Yes lolitas on tumblr were mad about the post, but I highly doubt any lolitas were interested in seeing her dead or raped

>> No.6752147
File: 56 KB, 320x240, 1358263099411.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

...UM, who's the autist here who sent the rape/death threat? Yeah she's got a bitchy opinion but seriously u gies, you say how much her opinion doesn't matter and then you go do something dumb like that. If you were just fucking around then stop, it doesn't have to go that far.

>> No.6752149
File: 123 KB, 500x212, 1363103913383.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> being loli is suffering

That's hilarious

>> No.6752151

None of us did it...See >>6752141

>> No.6752153


I said I wanted her to fall down a well on somebody else's post, but aside from that, I'm fairly certain she received no death/rape threats and has just invented them as an excuse to cover up her bawleetion.

>> No.6752158
File: 37 KB, 300x300, 1364677477120.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have seen that happen before... someone cries they got "rape threats" when they never did.

really. why.

>> No.6752162

How does that prove nobody here didn't? I don't understand...

>> No.6752165

Because being raped makes you cool, apparently.

>> No.6752167


>> No.6752170

I was pointing out all the logic in her post.

>> No.6752173



>> No.6752176

Sounds like a bunch of assumptions to me, and if this person isn't familiar with how cgl works with the proof of screencaps deal, then I don't see how she would have had the foresight to have capped it and then post it before deleting it. I probably wouldn't have either.

Either way telling someone to "fall down a well" is basically saying to go kill themselves in a very slow way, which either way really isn't necessary.
She didn't kick your dog.
She didn't insult your mom.
She had an opinion about a fashion choice ladies, calm yourselves because it's not a big deal.

>> No.6752187


If she is so intent on publicizing the names of the people who threatened her (as she clearly is), she would have done so already, but she hasn't. She plainly states that she has caps

The whole "fall down a well" thing isn't even a big deal, though? It's like if someone told me to DIAF or whatever, I don't take that stuff seriously, most people don't

>> No.6752190


I frequently use "I hope you fall down a wall" as a sort of jokey "ugh GTFO" sort of business. I'm not telling her to literally go throw herself down a well. If I was going to tell her to kill herself, I'd just do it. I actually didn't interact directly with her at all and aside from that remark, laughed off her bullshit opinion. You're making it out to be way more malicious than it was.

>> No.6752192

>The whole "fall down a well" thing isn't even a big deal, though?

Okay and neither is her opinion but look at how much it's bothering you all and causing a ruckus. Chill.
The only reason I'm saying this is because when she was describing lolitas as "creepy" and implying they were "immature," telling them to go fall down a well and throwing a tantrum at her because she said something you don't like isn't proving her wrong. Js.

>> No.6752193


>> No.6752198

That comment was obviously tongue-in-cheek, though, and if you can't see that then you are just desperately looking for excuses for her

Again, she claims to have screencaps but has not shown them, she's bullshitting.

>> No.6752199


I did not tell her to go fall down a well or throw a tantrum. I said on somebody else's post "I hope she falls down a well" and did not say ANYTHING else on the matter to either her, or anybody. I doubt she even saw what I said. I genuinely did not give a shit beyond "ugh, another ranting twat on a rampage".

>> No.6752202

>and if you can't see that then you are just desperately looking for excuses for her
Um no, it's reenforcing her stereotype she has about people in this fashion, and if you can't see that then you're just looking for a justification for your lashing out.

And maybe she saw that post?
Why do you care so much and why is her opinion so important to you after you say it isn't?

>> No.6752203


Or she was talking out her ass/misinformed.

Lots of the time people just take things they read or hear and assume they're factual and don't bother to confirm or deny anything, then pass the bad knowledge along to others.

>> No.6752208


I don't care about her opinion, all I said was I don't believe she received the threats she's claiming to receive and you jumped on my ass accusing me of sending her death threats and throwing a tantrum when I did neither.

>> No.6752209

>you can't call her out for being a dumbass, you're reinforcing a stereotype!


>> No.6752210

Really? Because it seems to me her stereotype was lolitas are all a bunch of ageplaying pedophile loving freaks

My point still stands. She made up the death and rape threats, otherwise she would have posted the caps she claims to have, and so far the worst comment you can find is someone saying they hoped she fell down a well in a tongue-in-cheek manner. Just, stop.

>> No.6752212

I bet that bitch is her.

>> No.6752215
File: 498 KB, 280x242, 1364784234540.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you can't call her out for being a dumbass
>implying that's what I said
No, what I'm criticizing is how you're handling this and whoever is the big shot sending her these alleged death/rape threats needs to chill the fuck out.
If you didn't do it then why do you care about what I'm posting?
>jumped on my ass accusing me QQ
Haha no, I simply think you're a dunce. "Tongue in cheek" sayings or not you are WAY too mad at this chick for an opinion that you claim to not even care about. Grow up.

>> No.6752218


It wouldn't be the first time some buttsore bitch came to whiteknight herself on ~ebil 4chan~ in an obvious as shit way. Then later said "oh no it wasn't me, it was my FRIEND!".

>> No.6752221

Haha I'm not her but I'm sure you want me to provide ~*~screencaps~*~ to prove that somehow too.

>> No.6752222

>whoever is the big shot sending her these alleged death/rape threats needs to chill the fuck out.

But nobody sent and death/rape threats, that's the point being made. If there were she would have definitely showed them off since she said herself, she has caps.

>> No.6752231
File: 215 KB, 720x720, vomit blood.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't buy the rape threat thing.

She's literally so gross that I wouldn't fuck her with a stolen dick. I definitely wouldn't put mine anywhere near her cheeto-encrusted folds.

>> No.6752232

If you're not her, or even affiliated why the fuck do you care so much about other people's opinions on any of this? And you need to stop being offended just because some asspained bitch cried rape,

>> No.6752233

>But nobody sent and death/rape threats
If YOU or anybody else didn't send them then just disregard what I'm saying because it doesn't apply to you.
Why are you responding to something that has nothing to do with you? And on that note, again, who the fuck cares about what this chick writes or her opinion on fashion?
Stop being so sensitive.

>> No.6752238

>And you need to stop being offended just because some asspained bitch cried rape
Isn't that -your- role?

>> No.6752240


Listen, you dense cunt, I said NOTHING about this besides one remark. I am genuinely not even bothered about her, it's you I have a problem with.

You've got a cheek calling me stupid when you're the one that can't tell the difference between a death threat and a joke.

You know what anon? I hope you fall down a fucking well.

>> No.6752242

>clarify a logical point being made

Confirmed for buttsore tumblr bitch whiteknighting herself on 4chan because some people disagree with her ~edgydesu~ opinions.

>> No.6752243


I doubt her fat ass would fit down a well even if she tried.

>> No.6752244

What are you on?

>> No.6752248


Since when does taking 30 seconds to post an offhand comment on tumblr imply "WAY TOO MAD"?

Why are you so obsessed with defending her

Why do you care so much about what we're saying

Who the fuck cares about our opinion of her opinion?

Again, it's pretty obvious she made up the threats, otherwise she would have posted the caps she claims already has, since she is so hellbent on exposing and shaming the people who sent them, I don't know how many times I need to say this, is English not your first language?


>> No.6752252

>dense cunt
Oh man, shit's getting real!
>I am genuinely not bothered by her
Yet you're with the hoard of asspained little buttraged bitches with a thumb in your ass because this girl dissed girls that dress in lolita.
>people don't get my humor so it's their fault!
Yeah, I know, you're autistic.

Did I say "leave her alone"? Oh right, I didn't. Cry some moar and throw a bigger tantrum because I'm not letting you have your circlejerk.

>> No.6752254

Why are you so obsessed with attacking her

Why do you care so much about what she's saying

Who the fuck cares about her opinion about us?

See, I can pull that bullshit too rufflebutt.

>> No.6752256

Shouldn't you be making more stock photos of your hideous face?

>> No.6752260
File: 18 KB, 400x400, 17c71f2e13cc6fcbb7a5ecdaadb36b17_400x1000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6752261
File: 216 KB, 965x670, 1363539860146.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cute, so now I'm her huh? Ran out of things to say already? What a pity! And here I was hoping for at least another hour of your pointless wank and you informing me just how much you don't fucking care.

Well hot damn.

>> No.6752259

>Did I say "leave her alone"? Oh right, I didn't.


>Cry some moar and throw a bigger tantrum because I'm not letting you have your circlejerk.

I ain't even mad, gurl. You seem to be pretty well excited, though.

>> No.6752262

This thread became really stupid really fast.

>> No.6752263


Oh good, she's giving up.


>> No.6752264


The autism, THE AUTISM. Send help.

>> No.6752266
File: 978 KB, 245x138, tumblr_mbngexqMBx1rnfobb.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I didn't say any of that though. Literally the only things that bothered me was that she tagged her hate and that she called a fashion that has been around for YEARS a "trend". You seem so keen to make out like I'm incredibly mad at her when I'm not at all. I made a passing remark. I do not care about her or her bullshit, I get the same crap from my family. It really doesn't ruffle my feathers.

Stop trying so hard to make out like I'm incredibly angry at her when I'm really not.

>> No.6752267

As opposed to you talking about how much you don't care while you stomp your feet because someone said "omg I hope she falls in a well"?

>> No.6752268

>implying it's not just three asspained lolitas that can't learn to take a negative blog post

>> No.6752269


I forgot what the damn thing was even about after the buttmad bitch's tumblr made an appearance. Tumblr shit needs to stay the fuck on TUMBLR.

Actually, maybe moot should make a tumblr board...

>> No.6752270

I haven't actually attacked her in this thread, I've been the one trying to hammer into your skull that she made up the death threats, but you seem to be mentally retarded so I don't think it's working

The point I was making is that you can't just go around saying OMG WHO CARES YOU GUYS STOP CARING SO MUCH when you've been posting in this thread for the past half hour, desperately white-knighting her

Maybe you can follow your own advice about "not caring" and leave the thread

>> No.6752274

There's always that one troll who defends the idiot in question

Remember the maiko troll who kept derailing every thread by defending her scamming and saying we were all making it up?

>> No.6752277
File: 1.69 MB, 178x120, 1363829574153.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You do realize that this logic is just a circle?
Because I could easily just ask you why you're stomping your feet at me because I'm saying something you don't like.

Ah, thanks for clarifying your point 50 replies later. Now I can be at my inner peace.

>mfw I don't even have a tumblr
Does it harm your ego that bad that someone just disagrees with you?

>she made up the death threats
>I can't prove this though
Women logic. Lol.

>> No.6752280


>lol wow trolling 4chan is so easy, those ageplaying lolita bitches are so stupid!
>all I have to do is reply with barely relevant nonsense and vauge insults and they start foaming at the mouth!
>wow, I'm so fucking good at the internet, sometimes I just AMAZE myself~!

>> No.6752283

>the crazy bitches from the maiko scammer threads are in here

Oh god. All of those people were insane in that thread. ALL OF THEM.

>> No.6752286

>Ah, thanks for clarifying your point 50 replies later. Now I can be at my inner peace.

It took that long because it seems you lack basic reading comprehension skills.

>> No.6752288

Just ignore the troll from r9k you guys

He'll go away if he has nothing to respond to

>> No.6752289
File: 19 KB, 389x388, 39304.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>they start foaming at the mouth
You foam at the mouth anon? I think they give shots for that.
Sounds just as contagious as your buttmad.

>> No.6752290

I wouldn't be surprised if it's the same person. They had a penchant for using idiotic reaction gifs, too.

>> No.6752291

>It took that long because it seems you lack basic reading comprehension skills.

You know just to be sure I searched for the post that said "Literally the only things that bothered me was that she tagged her hate and that she called a fashion that has been around for YEARS a "trend" and I couldn't find that anywhere after my post. I don't think my reading comprehension is at fault here :( Thanks for your false concern though.

>> No.6752292


nah, that was my impression of you, snickering to yourself behind your computer screen.

>> No.6752294

The Maiko threads weren't really arguments, though. It was a troll saying that there was no evidence she was a scammer despite... evidence that she was a scammer.

>> No.6752293

So...different anon but if you're the same girls from those Maiko threads then it's no wonder you guys got into fights so easily. You love to argue.

>> No.6752296

>snickering to yourself
Well, can't deny that one.

>> No.6752299

No, they were round the clock arguments. There was always at least five people arguing against each other in every thread.

>> No.6752304


Hey you


What's it like to have such a loose, gaping and cavernous pussy that no man wants to touch so you have to get your kicks on tumblr and cgl?

>> No.6752309
File: 111 KB, 473x360, 1359234715267.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's it like being fat and ugly and so undesirable that you have to bullshit about someone else's looks on the internet, and pretend that you don't have a tumblr?
Whatever you do please don't attack me with that snatch you call a mouth crazy lady.

>> No.6752311

Confirmed for r9k

That's because there was always 1 perpetual troll who decided to say that Maiko wasn't really a scammer and we were making everything up, despite dozens of people posting about money they had lost

>> No.6752312


Because you were looking for ONE post in an entire thread. Hence the bit about reading comprehension. Or do you not know what that is?

And before you ask no, I will not give you the answers because this is not 5th grade Language Arts.

>> No.6752314

There were at least three trolls and you guys hated them all. I remember.

>> No.6752319

>And before you ask no, I will not give you the answers because this is not 5th grade Language Arts.


>> No.6752323

>What's it like being fat and ugly and so undesirable that you have to bullshit about someone else's looks on the internet

Well I don't know, that's kind of what we're trying to find out here. Who would be so pathetic as to make up rape and death threats to cover baleeting her tumblr just because she called lolita "ageplay" (like nobody's ever done THAT before)? And a grown ass woman, in this case.

And actually I didn't say anything about how you look.

There you go with that shitty reading comprehension again, that GED didn't do jack shit for you did it?

>> No.6752325



>> No.6752332
File: 21 KB, 361x312, 1342904471516.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol u mad as shit.

>> No.6752329

>completely avoided the tumblr part
...you have a tumblr don't you squidward?

And if you didn't say anything about how I look (because I guess pussy isn't part of how one looks) then why are you responding to my post that's responding to one that you didn't make?
You crazies are irrational as shit, even by troll standards. Either that or you're samefagging so much you're mixing up your multiple posting personalities.

>> No.6752331

I'm original well-anon, and neither of these posts are me, I've fucked off out the thread.


>> No.6752335

I just tuned in and found this thread and seriously
>Thinking vaginal tightness changes with age alone

>> No.6752337

Dat projection.
You do realize nobody wins an internet argument, eh?

>> No.6752339


I don't but it was such a small part of such a largely flawed post I kind of forgot about it.

>And if you didn't say anything about how I look (because I guess pussy isn't part of how one looks)

Well uh, no, not unless you go around showing your pussy to everyone...

Then again, given who we're dealing with here, I wouldn't doubt it.

>then why are you responding to my post that's responding to one that you didn't make?

I'm trying to follow your wildly irrational, disorganized train of thought.

>> No.6752341


Well-anon again, >>6752325 is also not me.

>> No.6752343

How can you say a pussy is not part of what you look like? Are you retarded, like legit?

Well sorry some crazy bitch is imitating you.