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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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6749839 No.6749839[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Secrets are up

>> No.6749840


>> No.6749847

The amount of ageplay secrets is ridiculous this week.

>> No.6749851

It's hilarious.

>> No.6749854

It's boring.

>> No.6749856
File: 36 KB, 396x322, 7JnGeRr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

agreed. it got old years ago.

but pic related, is quite interesting. I'm pretty sure we all know who posted this one

>> No.6749857

Sure is troll this week.

>> No.6749860

Haha all the fat and ageplay secrets.
Someone had a bit too much time on their hands, and agreed, secrets are tryhard and for the most part boring this week.

>> No.6749869
File: 396 KB, 600x600, vOjN662.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is #130 about?

>> No.6749870

That's Chicago, isn't it?

Accurate, but not sure what the specific drama is.

>> No.6749872

The fuck is up with the Powerpuff Girl shit?

>> No.6749873

Way too many troll secrets and they're all terrible. Lame week.

>> No.6749888

Chicago lolitas

>> No.6749891

Ageplay secrets are just getting grating, what point are we trying to prove here?

We all know, troll, we all know.

>> No.6749895
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I preferred the shitposter a while back that posted like 50+ a week to this ageplay shit.

>> No.6749900

No point. Just wants to watch people rage.

I'm assuming samefag as all the multiple fat-hate and random nonsensical ones.


>> No.6749902

One of the Chicago admins was going to quit lolita because she didn't get Day Dream Carnival and caused a lot of dramarama this week. I assume this is related?

>> No.6749904
File: 126 KB, 570x623, dumbbitchcan'tseeelastic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> This secret maker's an idiot.
She's made the secret because "Lolol dis gurl made bloomers with odd-shaped legs".
Except the legs are the same size, she's just shown in the photo how far they stretch (by leaving the elastic out) versus what they actually look like with the elastic on.

She should have probably said that, but it's not hard to see one's elasticated and one isn't.

Dumb bitch secret maker.

>> No.6749916
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I guess some people haven't figured out not many people like them yet.

Also this "invite us to your outings" shit. Just because I am going out with friends I made through lolita, doesn't mean you should automatically receive an invite.

>> No.6749927

wut. that was a Chicago lolita? who was it/why...?

>> No.6749947


The lace is also ugly and the crotch is misshapen....

>> No.6749951

I actually didn't see many itas at sakura con. Or maybe I did but they didnt stick out much, because it is an anime convention and it's bound to happen. I think I saw a booth trying to sell ugly classic milanoo dresses there

>> No.6749955

^ referring to all the secrets about sakura con itas

>> No.6749962


Either way, they look really bad and aren't worth 20 dollars.
You sound like the failfag who's posting their poorly made shit all over tumblr.

>> No.6749972
File: 34 KB, 476x335, BWrkALi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wanted to say thanks to amidnightstroll cause I saw your tumblr post about you have computer issues while trying to make this post, glad you were able to finish and post it!

What exactly is this secret referring to?

>> No.6749985

Read the confessions thread, it has a link to a previous thread about what happened.

>> No.6749993
File: 170 KB, 519x424, letmetellyou.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it got old

>> No.6750007

The thing is if the girl she stole from has forgiven her then isn't that what counts? She forgave her for stealing her skirt, the anon in question bought her another skirt because she felt really bad about it. And cgl wasn't 'rooting' for her, the comments on that thread were more about supporting her wanting to change. When she said she stole stuff, people's reactions were pretty much "how horrible" and "you're a cunt" but then when she sent it back and made amends people said well done because it is really hard to change, it would have been easier for her to have ignored it. People still think it's shitty that she stole from her friend.

>> No.6750010

>secrets about ageplay
>secrets about girls who are "wah too fat/black/tall" but can still coord really well
>secrets complaining about shit that can easily be avoided

yes. all of those are extremely boring, and those people really need new troll material.

>> No.6750016

Well damn. I just commented on that secret and said some of the things you said here. Mainly that I don't need anons forgiveness, I needed my friend's forgiveness and she was a good enough person to do it.

If anyone is wondering, I still consider myself a shitty person.

>> No.6750030

You missed the joke, Nia dear.

>> No.6750033
File: 261 KB, 333x519, 1355581240521.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I realized the joke

hurr hurr very punny

>> No.6750037
File: 524 KB, 624x471, itjustascuteasithought.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nonono see,
>got old

>> No.6750038

We don't care anymore.

>> No.6750039

that image- you work quick /cgl

>> No.6750051

If you don't know already, don't worry about it.

>> No.6750053

Then just give back the skirt already- dayum.

>> No.6750054

Wtf she already did. Did you not check the confessions thread?

>> No.6750056

Fair enough, I'll stop. That's why I saged, but I'm done with this, too. I won't post about it again.

>> No.6750057

Not to fully be in support of redemptionchan but honestly im sure theres a ton of lolitas who have been stolen from by friends and their thief wouldn't event think about buying a gift to make up for it especially not a skirt. So she really is trying to redeem herself.

>> No.6750063

It's not about 'worrying' it's about 'this is interesting drama, so let's have deets'.

>> No.6750065
File: 534 KB, 557x630, uqged7i.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Won't this always be too short? Even if she is tall?

>> No.6750066
File: 211 KB, 640x586, FDc3GW8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"I hate you and your friends"
>Secret makers profile pic is visible

Next meet up is going to be tense ouch

>> No.6750071

Girl, we all know you are talking about Charms.

>> No.6750074

Didn't even notice that, lol.

>> No.6750087

What I have heard is just through the rumor mill but... They are saying the brandwhore admin (HF) didn't get it and her friends did. She insulted them and now they hate her. She's been crying about it all week to anyone who will listen to her. Frankly she sounds crazy. I talked to her at the tea meetup and she seemed weird.

>> No.6750090


>> No.6750091

That is fantastic omg that fucking idiot. Made my day.
PS I hate that they changed their likes to brohoofs and their say something is friendship letter, yet she's hating on people. very anti-celestia.

>> No.6750092
File: 38 KB, 500x333, 1361335479119.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh wow.

>> No.6750093

Seriously, how many secrets and anon posts have been about lolitas getting shit stolen from them? I've been browsing /cgl/ for longer than I care to admit, and this is the first time I've ever seen anyone actually return something.

Of course, those could have been troll posts. But anything could be a troll post, the price of playing the /cgl/ game.

>> No.6750095

I was torn between her MLP themed facebook or outing herself as the secret maker being more embarrassing
Though the friendship letter bit is deliciously ironic

>> No.6750097

Haha wow. Bet she feels dumb especially now that it's on open reserve and she didn't have to blow up about it at all.

>> No.6750123

i just have no respect for people who ageplay seriously.

>> No.6750126

It's about all of it

>> No.6750128

from what i saw the friends were huge bitches about it too.
i would not want them as friends

>> No.6750140
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>> No.6750145

what did they do?

>> No.6750157

Doubt it. I bet now she'll be pissed that she has to wait to get it, like a lot of girls are.

If this is who I think it is, she has such a lovely collection already. Seems kind of petty to throw a fit over missing one dress when you already own many nearly unobtainable pieces. Unless a amassing a jealousy inducing wardrobe is really all you're going for and you must. have. them. all.

>> No.6750229

then I guess I'll lower them to $15
BTB good timing

>> No.6750239

Man, Anon, I'm sorry you have to put up with this board's retarded bullshit.



>> No.6750252

I got it allready. jfc calm yo tits

>> No.6750255

Damn whoever is in the secrets thread talking about thief-chan/ redemption-chan being abused is one sick fuck. Call her out for her shitty behavior, but to troll her for being (presumably) sexually abused is really fucked up.

>> No.6750263

y u mad

>> No.6750274


>> No.6750273


See, the joke is passing over your head again. I wasn't angry. The "faggots" at the end should've given that away.

>> No.6750275
File: 2.29 MB, 312x176, 1351269150006.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why do you gotta do this too me
man I feel autistic as fuck

>> No.6750276

In the comments?
I haven't bothered reading them yet so I'm not really following...

>> No.6750288

Is it just me or does there seem to be a high number of comments that are on like an 8 year old typing/thinking level?

>> No.6750290


>> No.6750293

Is it something to do with Misako? Dunno, just seems like they've gone over some Misako photos.

Him is a transvestite demon, but i don't get how that relates to anything except Jennybro. Especially not how it relates to Daydream Carnival.

>> No.6750295

so, same as every week then?

>> No.6750306

I mean....yeah you're right.

>> No.6750309

I'm thinking about capping the whole redemption-chan saga and making a post to getoffegl. Would anyone be interested in that?

>> No.6750310

Oh ,wow. I saw the confession in the catalog but it was already a hundred comments in so I didn't bother reading but the anon like you mentioned seems to have some issues maybe more than the anontheif?

I would, because I'm kind of going off third hand information.

>> No.6750318

Me. I'm so lost with all of this. Might be because i'm pumped up on meds though, nothing makes sense

>> No.6750321

please do it

>> No.6750342

It's a lot more capping than I originally realized. Reading back through it's really apparent how unstable this girl is. But I'll do it for you, my beautiful anons.

>> No.6750346

Thank you!

>> No.6750368
File: 62 KB, 507x619, e.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

probably this?
she should not be a mod of chicago's group

>> No.6750372

Do it up.

>> No.6750407


I love how girls like this talk big game and then don't even do anything.

I'm not involved in this drama. I'm not even in the same continent, but seriously. They talk like they're such hardasses.

>> No.6750424
File: 45 KB, 536x188, salkgja12sg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, probably this. >>6750087

>> No.6750425

This secret was pathetic and desperate. Just make your own outing FFS

>> No.6750427

That's the Chicago way

>> No.6750430

They don't call it the Windy City for nothing.

>> No.6750438

is anyone in this comm (or friends with the secret maker)? Has there been any drama on the comm page?

>> No.6750441

Best Secret this week. Wish I could see the faces of these girls right now. Anyone know which FB Comm this is?

>> No.6750447
File: 499 KB, 500x234, gJR1c.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So true anon. Everyone from Chicago talks an aggressive talk.

>> No.6750450


If by huge bitches you mean talking her down from doing something stupid over a dress, then yes.

>> No.6750451

I agree. Abuse is something that should never be mocked or made light of. That commenter was a fucking mole.

>> No.6750456

No it's not just you. Hopefully they are just younglings starting out and wanting to contribute and not older girls being retarded.

>> No.6750469


It's ok Heather, you shouldn't be a mod either.

>> No.6750475

Getoffegl post is up: http://getoffegl.livejournal.com/575498.html

Sorry, the formatting is a little wonky and the images are a bit small. Hope you can all read it though, and that I did a good enough job recapping it.

>> No.6750478

>one is crazy and has mental breakdowns
>one never attends meetups and bitches about everyone else
>one is not in Chicago anymore
>one is sort of sane but is something else online

I do not think any of the people should be a mod.

>> No.6750484
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What's the point of stirring up shit, it's over.

>> No.6750485


Exactly. She's in it for the e-fame and uses people to gain popularity. Little does she realize that she pushes people away by her awkward nature and lack of hygiene. Owning DDC and Puppet Circus won't change that.

>> No.6750488


Fair enough. Do you have another suggestion?

>> No.6750490

Woah woah hold the phone- are we talking about chunlichan?

Suddenly, everything makes perfect sense.

>> No.6750493

Damn straight. My inbox has been going apeshit all day because of this.

>> No.6750496



>> No.6750497

I swear I read this in a "this little piggy" tone..

Have to admit It was disappointing to finish on a fourth line instead of the normal rhymes five.

>> No.6750511

We're all getting closer and laughing at whoever is this stupid and butthurt. Nothing to share, not even people in this "clique".

>> No.6750513


Yes indeed! And she's in this thread secretly trying to defend herself.

>> No.6750516

Yeah she looks pretty unstable. I hope the post is just reporting/cataloguing the event. I don't want to be responsible for pushing an obviously vulnerable person over the edge.

>> No.6750517


She has been flipping shit and contacting anyone she could about DDC. She even started telling people that she was being bullied because she was too embarrassed to admit WHY her so-called friends were really mad at her. She spends all of her money on the latest prints, obsessively looks online at CGL and Tumblr, and accused her friends of purposely not telling her when DDC went up on the International site. She's not stable. This isn't the first incident.

>> No.6750519

Oh, I know she's not.
Just going to say this, then: this is a cosplay board, too. There are people who remember you.

They're not surprised.

>> No.6750526

Seriously, I wouldn't want to hang out with anyone this pathetic who'd beg to hang out on a secret. If there wasn't a 'clique' before, there probably is one now.

>> No.6750527


It seems like there's only one person who won't let this secret die. The person has been told countless times that /cgl/ wasn't encouraging or rooting that kind of behavior. She has a vendetta against /cgl/ for sure. Also she can't fucking read if she keeps repeating the same shit after being told how wrong she is.

>> No.6750529

For serious, contacting anyone and everyone in the community. I feel like in some ways she's made her bed and now has to lie in it (all the gossiping and drama and obsessing over whatever is the most desired print has caught up with her), but on the other side, I feel bad for her and hope she gets help.

>> No.6750533
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>> No.6750547

Arizona Lolitas get it together, we're on a streak here.

I love how we tell people we're low drama but it's clear that we have a lot of issues since we get posted on behind the bows every WEEK

I'm watching a set of girls on my feed organize a witch hunt to find whoever posted a secret, you can't send people to prison for posting an image on the internet ladies.

>> No.6750548

Not going to get specific if she's lurking here... Just that judging from her behavior as a cosplayer, I'm not surprised. I guess she moved on from cosplay to lolita because she wasn't getting enough attention there.

>> No.6750550

Like she wants to tarnish /cgl/s name? It's already looked down upon by anyone who's not in /cgl/ already.
I'm thinking
>girl who originally mentioned the abuse
>same as the girl who made the secret/comments
>same as the girl who was sent the skirt because redemption-chan didn't have the original girls address
This anon has a vendetta on this girl and probably knows her in real life. Maybe she stole from her at some point too, /cgl/ is just automatic ammunition to fuel her fire. I mean c'mon, we're still talking about it.

>send people to prison for posting an image on the internet
If you could, it would make an interesting secret. It would at least give us a break on all the ageplay/fatty-chan/tall lolitas problems we keep reading