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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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6748802 No.6748802 [Reply] [Original]

(ó㉨ò) New Thread!

Official /cgl/ Moe-Kyun contest
The contest has officially closed and the poll is up!
You can view contestants here: http://dasdollhaus.tumblr.com/

>> No.6748814

Good luck everyone! Everyone's collages look super cute!

>> No.6748823

>Attention all Judges!
Please start inspecting each collage for cheating. (Abusing the editing tools)
On Saturday we've arranged to get together via Skype to start the Judging process. If you want more details, please send me an e-mail. Thanks!

You if have ANY concerns about a contestant possibly cheating. Please do so PRIVATELY, either via email Doll.haus@ymail.com or message me on Tumblr. I would prefer that you attach some sort of proof as well. Please, refrain from cluttering up the thread with these types of posts. Thank you in advance.

The poll has been posted up on the Tumblr as I mentioned in the original post. At Midnight on Sunday, the poll will be closed. Please remember the winner will not be the overall winner of this contest, just the peoples favorite. The actual winner will be handpicked by the judges. In the case that the peoples favorite happens to be the girl we choose (which is unlikely) the prize will go to the girl with the second most votes.

>> No.6748835

Are we allowed to ask our friends/followers/etc to vote? I know it's frowned upon in some contests.

>> No.6748839

I accidentally exited out of the poll thing, how do I get that shit back on my screen?

>> No.6748844

Have you verified that you are not able to vote more then once? I just refreshed the page, and the poll has reappeared for me.

>> No.6748847

Good luck to everyone!
I had a lot of fun taking photos for this and have really enjoyed seeing everyone else's.

And thanks CuriousBear for running this! I look forward to the next one too~

>> No.6748852

That is a good question, since this is a /cgl/ contest. I would much prefer if Seagulls or people from other boards like /c/, /a/, /jp/ made the vote. Since it wouldn't be considered fair to ask "friends"- followers to help you with voting. (not every girl here has that option available to them) Its a different story if your friend is another anon who lurks 4chan, this would be considered keeping it in the community.

So please do not spam the link to get outside people to vote for you. I will consider it cheating and if I catch anyone doing this. I will black list you from future contests

I will be keeping an eye out for suspicious voting spikes.

>> No.6748853

I want a demon and angel theme.

Like contestants choose to be an angel or demon/devil.

>> No.6748866

Ah I already sent the link to a small handful of friends! I don't think too many will respond anyways though.

Good luck to everyone!

>> No.6748863

Oh, I'm sorry. I had already asked a few of my close friends to vote, and about 3 of them aren't regulars of any of the boards. Would we be able to nullify those votes/not count them? Or is it too late now.
I hadn't done any after you had posted that post.

>> No.6748868

I've got a few friends(inlcuding my boyfriend) who browse 4chan pretty regularly, they have been helping me out in the contest as well, so I'll let them know they can vote.

>> No.6748877

Just refresh (F5) the screen and it will pop back up for you.

It's not abnormal for the poll to pop back up whenever you refresh the screen. I have verified that you cannot repeat vote. But the poll I used did not give me an option for placing only 1 vote, so you can place 2 different votes (Two different girls). But you cannot vote twice on the same contestant.

Remember, I will be keeping an eye out for suspicious voting. Please, do not be afraid to bring to my attention any possible cheating.

>> No.6748882 [DELETED] 

not that anon, but i've refreshed and restarted my browser several times, and I still cannot find it.

>> No.6748886

Wait, does this mean that the people's favorite can, under no circumstances, get a prize?
Because you said there would be one overall winner, and two runner ups. So...

>> No.6748892

That's an awesome suggestion! Thank you anon. I recently received another message from anon privately that they wanted to see a warrior princess theme.

- Angel & Devil theme
- Warrior Princess/Fighter theme

I would have to get a pro account, which I might do. Please, refrain from sending out the link to any more friends. Thank you.

Can you please message them and ask if they could refrain from doing so. Thank you.

Yes, if they frequent the board. I have no issue with keeping the votes within the community.

^^ Thank you Eri, it was my pleasure!

GOOD LUCK GIRLS! =) You've made the voting super hard.

>> No.6748893

She said the winner gets a prize and the peoples' favorite gets a prize but if they're the same person then the 2nd place people's favorite gets the prize instead so the overall winner can't have two prizes.

>> No.6748894

My favorites are Aeliami, Hester, and Mieru. How unfortunate I can only vote for two.

I have seen a collage of Aeliami in previous threads. I thought some of those photos are better than the ones she decided on.

>> No.6748902 [DELETED] 

This contest has only one winner. The last contest was 2 runner ups. I'm not sure about a prize for people's favorite or not.

>> No.6748903

Aelami photoshopped her eyelashes in, and airbrushed a lot. She should be disqualified.

>> No.6748906

I find it funny that she didn't even do a good job with it either.

>> No.6748909

Thanks for the tip! Looking at her pictures, it does look like she photoshopped the lashes. I'll be sure to alert Curious about the entry.

>> No.6748912

Good question anon. This is how everything is broken down.

The judges and myself will be picking a winner, who will earn the entire prize lot.

The two honorable mentions, DO NOT win a prize. Just like the previous contest. An honorable mention is basically a shout out to say they did very well.

The poll option is a new feature, where you the people get to interact more and pick your personal favorite. There will be a small prize for that winner.

From now on, there will be no more 1st, 2nd and 3rd prize winner. (As I mentioned after the last contest ended)
There will be one over all winner and from now on a poll winner. I hope this clears up the confusion. =)

>> No.6748923

Luckily she did send me original images of her makeup and a bunch more. Those lashes are not PS, I have an image that I will share with the other judges to show them. Right now I am comparing her Collage and the pictures she sent me.

Thank you for the tip.

I'm signing into Skype, if you happen to be on. I'll send you the pic.

>> No.6748924


I'm not too familiar with the rules, since I have always been a passerby. Oh well, my votes went to Hester and Mieru anyways.

>> No.6748929

Anon, I'm not sure if you're the same person that messaged me on Tumblr. Could you please send me a message instead. I do get them, I promise. =)

I just don't want this thread to be too cluttered and it helps me and the other judges focus.

>> No.6748958

After seeing the high-res photo I agree with Curious, she didn't photoshop them on.>>6748903

>> No.6748975

Uh, I really didn't. Those things are really hard to get on. Maybe it looks shopped because I still can't do it perfectly. I really hope I don't lose votes because people think I shopped...

>> No.6748978

Agreed. She sent me several photos, one of them being a high-res head shot of her asking for advice with makeup. You can clearly see light passing through the fibers in the flash lashes she applied.

Because she softened the bags under her eyes (Which is allowed) it gives the appearance of shopped lashes on top. I will pass the photo to Luna just to make extra sure, since shes our expert in such matters. But, as of now Aeliami has been cleared of cheating suspicious until otherwise noted.

>> No.6749055

You've been cleared of all accusations. So don't worry, everything checked out.

>> No.6749079

Well done to everyone who entered! The competition was extremely fun, and I think I may enter some more in the near future :) Even though I doubt I will win or get noticed it was fun to participate!

Good luck to everyone :D There are definitely a few cuties out there who will get a lot of votes, I know someones definitely got my vote!

Thanks CuriousBear! Also I can't find the poll on your tumblr :(

Much love,


>> No.6749092

Hmm, nor is the poll showing up for me either. Odd. Is anyone else experiencing this issue?

Also, it was my pleasure Fleur. =)

>> No.6749106

I voted for doki and meisu. It will be kinda suspicious if some people like Sayuri or Haniko and other contestants that hasn't been talked about wins fan favorite, considering we know that they have already asked friends and followers to vote on them. We will I see.

>> No.6749107

I've already admitted and made CB aware to me asking my friends to vote, and I won't be asking any further.

>> No.6749110

Sayuri and Haniko were also really late admissions, it seems unfair to say they weren't talked about as much as Doki and Meisu.

>> No.6749119

They've let me know how many friends have voted for them and I will keep that in mind for the final tally.

Late submission or not, if someone likes the collage they will vote towards that person. I mean, look at Gulper Eel, she had the first collage and she only has a few votes considering how many people talked about and liked her entry.

>> No.6749124


Wow, can you girls just be good sports and let the poll run? If someone likes your entry, they will vote for you no matter who is in the contest. I really appreciate everyone's effort in this contest, but it saddens me how some girls will do anything to weed out their competition.

>> No.6749128

Huh? I didn't enter, I just don't think it's fair to say it's 'suspicious' some people weren't discussed as much when they were later entries. Hell, I didn't vote for either of them, I voted for Gulper Eel. Nigga is kawaii.

>> No.6749150

Are these weeb camwhore contests over after this one?

>> No.6749154

I completely understand, anon. I have to say that nearly every contestant has been very upfront with me and admitted to anything they think could get them in trouble. Which, I really appreciate.

For now, I've hidden the votes on the poll. But, what I can say is that we have 76 voters so far and thats amazing. It seems like the poll has fixed itself, so if you already voted the poll won't show up anymore? Perhaps its a safety feature.

If you haven't voted already and the poll isn't showing up. I'll try to figure out whats going on, because its happened to me.

Okay, lets get back to discussing possible themes for next contest. Do you ladies still want a Dolly Look theme? Here are some other suggestions as well >>6748892 I want to hear some other ideas.

>> No.6749167

Curiousbear, thank you for doing this contest. It's been a lot of fun and it's inspired me to start cosplaying again.

>> No.6749168

I think kind of like how there were a lot of 'types' to this game, maybe something like 'fighting game' or 'rpg character'?

>> No.6749183

I totally dig rpg character
Mages, Archers and Monstergirls yumyum

>> No.6749187

I love this idea! Gives a good range for contestants too.

>> No.6749197

Can people pick whether they want to do angel OR demon ? Because I only have demon stuff.

>> No.6749202

Aw, thats awesome Hester. =)

Rpg character sounds awesome! So you'd rather that instead? I could totally dig that and like this anon said >>6749187 there is a little bit of something for everyone.

Please share some more theme suggestions.

>> No.6749207

If we do RPG character I think you need to do some guidelines on the outfits. It seems a bit unfair if someone like Kamui with full sets of WoW armor is up against someone who has thrown together an outfit just for the contest, especially given the time constaints of the contest.

>> No.6749211


This is very true! I think it should be RPG character but from wardrobe clothes only

>> No.6749220

I have a contest suggestion. Elements. Like contestants basically pick an element to base their outfits off. It can appeal to cosplayers and JFashion fans too. Like mori fans could pick the element of earth, I'm sure lolita dresses would fit into a theme if they were color coordinated in and I'd love to see some water-themed lolita outfits. Some great excuses for elaborate make up in there too.

>> No.6749225
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Sure. You can totally pick which one you want to do.

To be fair, /cgl/ is a broad board that caters to cosplayers and not just Lolitas and other J-fashion enthusiast. I would like to give everyone a fair chance at these contests and not every contest I host will away be accessible to everyone and vice versa. I think it would be nice to have a theme that allows cosplayers to go all out and if non-cosplayers want to give it a try,
they totally can.

>> No.6749226

Good luck everyone!
I have never really tried "cosplay" before, so it was fun to try something new. I was going to skip this one when I saw the theme, because I get so embarrassed with posing and stuff, but it was surprisingly fun. Thanks for doing the contest :)

>> No.6749227

Oh btw, I would like something fashion related for the next contest. I liked the opposite coord team-up idea you had in the poll last time.

>> No.6749229

I was thinking about basic OC characters as well, but I would actually like to see some serious costumes. I feel like I've been excluding the cosplayers of this board and that isn't fair. A lot of them have been forced out of their element with the J-fashion type contests, I think it would make things fair if I had a theme that allowed to them do something more towards their strengths.

I mean, this is just my 2 cents on the subject. I'd like to hear more from the cosplayers of this board before I set anything in stone.

I like this idea. I could see it working.

>> No.6749230

Sure thing, Coord Team-up can totally go back up.

So far we have:
>Dolly Theme
>Coord Team-up
>Elements?? <-- Someone wanna come up with a better name for it, lol.
> Rpg Character
> Demon & Angels

Anymore ideas?

>> No.6749231


What themes have already been done?

>> No.6749235

The first contest was: J-Fashion Transformation Theme

This contest: Moe-Kyun Theme
(This was the first theme that was cosplayer friendly, but it was more of a cute fashion theme)

>> No.6749242

I'm going with RPG theme!

>> No.6749256
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Since everyone's reporting in, I guess I'll join in too. All of you worked hard in choosing outfits, taking photos, making collages, lurking threads, posting on threads, re-taking photos and all the other things you guys did. It was lots of fun though. And helped me procrastinate doing other important things, hehe. Best of luck to everyone and I sure am jelly of whoever happens to win that JYJ Tony Moly Calendar.

And again, many thanks Curiousbear!

>> No.6749259

Goddammit spoiler tags...

>> No.6749280
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Gulper Eel here, I'd like to thank all those who think I am kawaii sugoi and I'd like to wish good luck to the other girls. I have been glad to join in these contests because I'm learning more about how to present myself, make up and being creative around themes. To me it is hard to predict a winner because of all the different styles and inspirations, eg some seem more inspired by older anime moe and some more keion. It will be interesting to see who wins at least.

>> No.6749296

Hi, this is Pingu. Thank you Curiousbear for hosting the competition, i had a heap of fun and i am looking forward to the next one!

Also thank you everyone for the nice comments and being so supportive of each other! :D

>> No.6749336

I'm still waiting on the couples contest. My friend and I had already started talking about it

>> No.6749361

Gonna hop in too. This is Anna! Thanks CB for hosting this contest, thanks to you my last day of break ended in me trashing my room and taking self timer fake running photos. It was super fun and I hope to enter the next one and improve. Good luck to everyone that entered!

>> No.6749371

A couple of theme ideas.

Working women (think Rosie the Riveter, office ladies, stewardesses, etc)
Sporting women (wearing a uniform, holding a bat or ball, etc)

That's all I could think of right now.

>> No.6749402

Hi ladies! So happy to see you in the thread. Thank you for the support and awesome collages, feeling so proud right now. (´ω`%)

Yes! Couples crossplay, I will add that to the list.

Remember it has to be cosplay or J-fashion related.

>> No.6749426

Currently at 112 votes! I'm not surprised, combined I have reached 207 supporters from /cgl/ and egl. Which just completely blows me away, since this only started a few months ago. Thank you everyone for supporting a good cause, slowly but surely our community is coming together and cleaning up that bad rep.

As promised on the FB fanpage I will do that thing I mentioned.

>> No.6749442

Yes, I thought those things I listed were cosplay except maybe not very specific except the suggestion of rosie the riveter. Sorry to be so confused though.

>> No.6749473

Are you sure people haven't been asking for votes? That's kinda a lot for such a short time the poll has been up. How many followers do you have on tumblr?

>> No.6749476

Thats not that much. I think last year's contest got hundreds of votes.

>> No.6749487

Hello, Rusalka here.
I've really enjoyed myself in these threads, and I'd like to thank CB for hosting this event. I'm glad that there's been good feedback and critique so far~
I'm excited that it looks like these are going to become regular things; lurking these threads, and pondering the meaning of 'moe' has been a nice diversion from real life. Even if I still don't quite get it, I had a lot of fun putting taking photos (and I got to eat an eclair!)
I'd like to wish everyone good luck and congratulate all of the other contestants for putting together such excellent entries. I do not envy the job of the judges, the competition is definitely fierce. c:

>> No.6749501

What's the age range on these participants? Some of them look like they might be in their mid 20's and some of them look passable for school age.

>> No.6749508
File: 65 KB, 713x632, . (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm stuck between choosing Eri and Aeliami. I liked Doki Knight's set up, but her nose kind of just threw it off. Aelami is beautiful, but she just seems like another "this is what dakooter would look like if..." and Eri is gorgeous, but there's only one picture that's a close-up. It's kind of hard to see her face.

>> No.6749509

Or I'm dumb. I didn't read through the whole thread.

>> No.6749566

Thanks for hosting this contest CB. Also thanks to all the judges who are helping her out! I can't even decide who to vote for, and I can pick two..!

Also, can we still get feedback in this thread? Or is limited to discussing future contests...? I'd love to know how I can improve. I always seem to struggle with the outfit and I still need to work on my camera self-timer abilities.

>> No.6749618

They're all over 18. A couple of them posted their ages in the last threads but I can't remember who but it was surprising they were older than they looked.

>> No.6749630

>Eri is gorgeous
aw thanks!
and if you click on the photo, it should get bigger!

I'm 24 and I know Hester said she's 23. But we're all over 18!

>I would like something fashion related for the next contest
I agree, just because that's more my strong-suit haha.

>> No.6749637

They just tryin' to look like they be still goin' to school, 'cause they is gonna all get judged by them folk who likes to do it with young 'uns.

>> No.6749642

I wanted to join in with the other contestants haha! Doki Knight here! Thank you so much to CB for hosting this contest. I was really nervous to do so at first but now I am really happy I did (plus I got more self-timer experience than I'll probably ever need). It's been a lot of fun looking at all the collages and wow everyone is so moe and cute gosh. I am really excited for the results because I have no idea how the judges are gonna choose amongst everyone.

>> No.6749664

You and Hester look younger than your age! I'd have said you were 18 or 19

>> No.6749683

> I agree, just because that's more my strong-suit haha.
Haha, me too, costuming and cosplay isn't really my forte.

I'm turning 21 this year, so definitely old enough!

>> No.6749716

Yeeeah I get that all the time lol.
I've had bouncers at bars ask for multiple IDs, and last time I came back from overseas, the immigrations official was suspicious about my passport.
I figure I'll appreciate it when I'm 50 and look like I'm 35.

>> No.6749737

Yeah, my mom is 48, but she still gets mistaken for early 30s. As you get around there, it's probably a lot nicer to be mistaken for being younger rather then older.

>> No.6749773
File: 48 KB, 638x446, joan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haniko: geriatric

Seraph: you're mom is a shitty photographer.

Sayuri: Needs better make-up.

Fleur: if you have a curved nose, don't take photos showing the side of your face.

Sarah- Jane: lose weight.

Alieami or whatever: If you have large caucasian eyes already, dont use so many eye enlarging techniques, it looks werid.

tako-hime: adorable nerd moe, but should be cuter.

mieru: a bitchy face is not moe.

rasulaka or whatever: lol, you're not in high school, you old bitch.

Hester: Nice porno gym uniform.

Fruitful Efforts: this is not a yaya han look alike contest, but you would win if it were.

Bee leaf: if you had put in more effort, you might have had the best entry.

Meisu: Shoulda kept the glasses on.

Pingu: I can't even tell what you really look like.

kit tea: you look like your posing for a catalogue for mail order brides shipped from 3rd world countries.

eri: again if you have a huge nose, don't take pics showing unflattering angles of it.

doki knight: that face is just kinda chubby and weird, the chunky fake lashes ain't helping wither.

Ai: only a few girls can pull off short hair well, longer hair would have looked better probably.

Anna: you look like anime, good, good.

Gulper eel: Pig snout.

>> No.6749806

Hello everyone, I've been lurking in threads but haven't had time to post anything substantial.

CB I'll email you my skype as I don't think you have it, and I'm happy to look over any suspicious entries if need be.

>> No.6749917

>so edgy

>> No.6749928

Just wanted to say everyone was really brave for entering the competition! Good luck everyone. But here are my POSITIVE comments :)

Hanik: Cute smile and lovely colour scheme

Seraph: Cool theme, and love the angle of the top left photo

Sayuri: One of the best backgrounds, and great lighting

Sarah-Jane: Very cute smile and adorable pose s

Aeliami: Gorgeous natural hair, and great eye makeup

Tako Hime- Adorable and quirky school girl, love the photo on the right

Mieru: Gorgeous wig and clothes

Rusalka: I adore the colour of your hair, and if it's natural - LUCKY YOU!

Hester: Absolutely adorable, and so brave for showing off some leg :D

Fruitful Efforts: Cute photos, and your hair looks shiny and brilliant

Bee Leaf: That top middle photo is absolutely adorable

Meisu: I've always loved your cute face, and the glasses really emphasise it

Pingu: Cool and quirky theme, and you work that shirt well

Kit-tea: Natural beauty, and you're brave for taking a sleeping photo because you look so fantastic

Eri: Love that dress on the photos on the right, and your hair looks gorgeous

Doki Knight: The right photo is amazing and the lighting is very good

Ai: Lovely legs and the short wig looks really good on you

Anna: Cute and kawaii, perfect for the theme of moe

Gulper: Great outfit and the hair works so well! Lovely huge eyes :D

Hope everyone has had a good time taking photos and dressing up, I sure did as well!

Some positive comments to smile to :)

>> No.6749953

Oh Fleur you are such a darling! Your entry is so cute. It's like you're straight out of Beatrix Potter's world. Also you have really gorgeous features. Hope this doesn't sound too weird but you've got really pretty eyes and lips.

>> No.6749977


I just want everyone to feel positive and smile for a short moment, I kinda hate when someone trolls or says something :(

You're really kind and youre making me all shy by saying those nice things, and I absolutely love Beatrix Potter!

>> No.6749990

Aww thank you Fleur. You're so sweet! You already know I think you're super pretty. Thank you for bringing more positivity into this thread.

>> No.6750151

I originally created a Facebook (I don't really use that thing) so I thought people could access things like rules etc, but then someone told me I need to create a FB fan page to make it more accessible to everyone. Learned how to do that. But I had some girls who didn't use FB and couldn't access the information. So finally made a tumblr and everyone was able to use that.

So my "follower" base is scattered between those three places and I'm proud to say that nearly all of them are from out community, with a few girls from the egl community. For me thats a lot of people considering I only advertize on here and I don't branch out and really make this contest too known to outsiders. That's why you will have a hard time finding this contest on tumblr if your searching for it.

Yes, but they advertized the crap out of it and made it readily accessible to everyone on tumblr and word spread quickly. I've made it pretty clear to the people of this board I want to keep this in the community and they've done a pretty good job on respecting that. Plus, for someone who never thought this would take off, I'm really proud of that number of votes.

Everyone is over 18, they just look young.

Thank you for popping into the thread, I'm really glad you enjoyed yourself.
Yes, you can totally ask for feedback in the thread.

>All female Judges
>I happen to be a new mom

You're welcome. It's not an easy one to judge, we're looking at each collage and making sure it checks out first. Then from there we can really start the judging process.

*Little wave* =)

Yes, please do. I'm just getting in from a long night in the ER with my little one, she had a fever and upset tummy. She is fine now and resting. Needless to say, I'm going to wash my face and make some tea. I'm getting caught up in the thread as you can see.

>> No.6750165

*I don't really know how to use that thing.

Now, I have no issue with anons giving feedback, in fact I encourage it.
Its not that hard to give someone useful advice without being completely rude.

The votes are up to 146 right now and I don't see any suspicious looking voting patterns.

>> No.6750180

kit-tea reporting in!
Thank you for running this contest Curiousbear.

Everyone looked really cute, it's going to be tough to judge.

>> No.6750222

Voted for Hester. After seeing that picture of her in the wheelchair I knew she had the true moe.

>> No.6750237

I think a cosplay contest next is necessary, or at least something cosplay related.
These contests are already pushing the boundaries of cosplay/Lolita related. It would be nice to see some people who have actually been here since before the jfashion rule.
The last thing we need here is irrelevant tumblrfags who have nothing to do with cgl at all

>> No.6750311

I'm a cosplayer. And there are so many cosplay contests beyond /cgl/, there's no reason to turn this into another one. The idea that none of the enterees cosplay or lolita, simply because you don't see them in it, is ridiculous.

>> No.6750364

Also a cosplayer. Most of us are anons, so it's impossible to know if we were here before the rule change.

>> No.6750370

I'm a lolita with little to no experience with cosplay, and I don't think I'm alone in this. A cosplay contest sounds like fun, but I worry that that particular theme would really limit itself in terms of the number of entries it would receive.

>> No.6750379

I'm a lolita too, so I kind of agree, but the first contest was specifically jfashion.

>> No.6750405

I think some themes, like angels/devils or elements, could work for either cosplay or J-fashion - cosplayers could make an OC while J-fashion people could put together a themed outfit. If those are too hard to compare, maybe we could have a winner in each category?

Also, more advance notice of the theme before the entry dates might be needed. In the contests so far, a lot of collages felt 'thrown-together' to me, not necessarily shoddy but just kind of rushed. Like people had to grab what was in their closet and try to make it work. Giving people more time to think about what they want their entry to look like and to order things like wigs and accessories, would result in better outfits and collages, imo.

>> No.6750440

You're very welcome. =)

This was a cosplay-lite themed contest. But, still cosplay no less. People did OC Moe Kyun characters will whatever they had in their closet...so closet-play would be a better term?

And the contest previous to that was a strictly all J-fashion contest. So both contest are very much board relevant. But, I don't advertize on tumblr and keep these contests in our community. I've randomly seen a good a mount of the contestants post in other threads, its just that a majority of them prefer to stay anon and don't trip.

Thank you for the feed back. If I had anything to say in response, I prefer quality over quantity. So if I got half the entries I usually do because this is a harder theme, I'd be fine with that. Like this anon mention >>6750379 I haven't really been fair to the Cosplayers of this board that might feel left out because the themes have been mostly geared toward J-fashion and a very watered down version of cosplay so that girls who are stronger with J-fashion could still participate.

In the end, I have no choice over which theme is picked in the end. That is completely left up to voting. Since we're on the subject...possible themes we have so far are:

>Dolly Look Theme
>RPG Character
>Angel & Demon
>Coords Team-up
>Manga Couple (Crossplay team-up)
>Elements Coord theme? (We need to find a better name for that one)

Any other themes?

>> No.6750449

>>Elements Coord theme? (We need to find a better name for that one

How about Elemental Fashion Deities or some such.

>> No.6750455

Thank you anon, excellent advice and duly noted. I'm still new at all of this and sometimes I have to learn the hard way, but tips like this really help me out. =)

Okay, so when we finish with a contest and themes have been sorted out. I will host a poll and leave it open for a week. I will then announce the winning theme well in advance. So it gives everyone a good a mount of time to get ready? Then I will make a thread when it comes close to start date, maybe a week out from the contest and just to remind everyone. Does that sound good?

>> No.6750466

Anon who suggested a 'Seasons' theme here, would anyone be keen for it? I was thinking like snow bunnies, autumnesque mori, sunny beach outfits or characters... could be fun? Shoot me down if it's bad.

'Deities' could get pretty intense (in a good way).

>> No.6750468

I really like the seasons theme idea, actually.

>> No.6750472

That can work and I forgot to add something as well. I really like that suggestion that this >>6750405 anon mentioned. I agree that some themes are very cosplay/j-fashion friendly and for those themes have two categories. One for cosplayers and one for J-fashion enthusiasts.

Though not all themes will be as transferable, for example an coord team-up or dolly look theme. (Wasn't fit an opposite coords team-up?) But, what we can do is have themes just cosplayers. Like, Salior Scout or Jojo's bizarre adventure? Just to make things even.

I'd like to hear some thoughts on this please.

>> No.6750479
File: 81 KB, 372x375, blushyes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Voted for Hester and Doki Knight. YAY!

Glad I chickened out on joining. Can't compete with all these cuties!

>> No.6750553

A seasons theme could be fun! Maybe even have the contestant have four different outfits for each season?

>> No.6750573

I agree that some themes won't be transferable, and not all themes need to be, but I like that suggestion too because it can include both groups.

FOUR outfits?? I don't think most of us could handle that many, let alone find nice settings for each season.

>> No.6750602

Challenges are fun though.

>> No.6750619

maybe pick two? could be opposites like summer/winter.

>> No.6750990

The themes which are standing out for me are the rpg character and seasons. The rpg character theme is so open, you can look at final fantasy and take inspiration or guild wars, it's very open!

>> No.6751080

I'd be most interested in the RPG character one if we had enough notice and time to put something together. There was a little over 3 weeks given and most people were still rushing, and this is a more simple look.

For a contest with less notice given, my vote would be with elements or seasons.

>> No.6751101

This. If there was enough time it sounds like a fun theme. CB, I know you said you don't like having a long submission period but maybe if you give a notification period first of a few weeks, then have the 3 or 4 week submission period.

>> No.6751104

I think we're starting to get into that awkward time. A lot of people are in uni or college and so their exams are going to be starting May/June.

>> No.6751657

Are the results being announced tomorrow?

>> No.6752004

Good morning everyone!

That would certainly be grand and also time consuming. Maybe pick two seasons instead? Like a contrast? (Just as I finish typing...I see this >>6750619 lol)

Definitely a fun theme, curious to see which one is next up.

I made a suggestion here >>6750455 concerning time and letting people know well in advance as a new rule. =)

That is right! (Though its already monday for me :D...)

>> No.6752743

I feel we have the makings of a /cgl/ dating sim here.

Haniko - magical girl character who becomes unlockable as a bonus after you beat the game once.
Seraph - Obviously yandere. Her scores in chemistry-class are top-notch.
Sayuri-chan - sweet, loner artist type, found in different areas all over the map. the player will have to really hunt for her event locations.
Cafes des Fleur - the imouto type. She brings out the protective instincts in all males.
Sarah-Jane - Has a bubbly, outgoing personality. she's secretly a big fan of Magical Girl Haniko, but hides it from her classmates.
Aeliami - Probably related to the main character in some way (stepsister, cousin, etc.) but a little tsundere towards him. She's really good at video games and likes playing against the PC just to beat him.
Tako-Hime - the class president. Her academic record is immaculate, but she's not very good at social interaction. Her best friend is her pet octopus.
Mieru - a foreigner and shut-in. She's from a very good family, but has poor health and often has to take sick days from school. One of the more difficult characters to court.
Rusalka - think Nene Anegasaki. She is the dependable big sister from whom everyone asks for help. She likes doing homework and watching thrillers and horror films.
Hester - the first character who you meet in the game; it is heavily implied that the PC was once her most beloved childhood friend. She's chipper and is constantly rooting for the player's success.
Fruitful Efforts - She's the most popular server at a local cafe, and is noted for both her sweet tooth and large fanbase. If the player wants to catch her attention, he has to visit the restaurant quite often.
Bee Leaf - Another server at the cafe, but she's part-time since she's still in school. At work, she wields a broom against any customer who gets too grabby. She keeps her job a secret so she won't be harrassed.

>> No.6752753

This is the most adorable and accurate description of all the characters every. I would play that game all day.

>> No.6752774

This is so cute, I'd totally play.
I'd probably pursue either Mieru or Sayuri first! Because artist and foreigner.

>> No.6752776

Meisu - the class brain. She's hard-working and seems like the silent type at first, but close inspection of her accessories reveal a weakness for cute things.
Pingu - A female otaku who hangs out at the local game arcade. She's difficult to approach until you prove that you can hold your own in the arcade. Not surprisingly, the regulars get quite protective if they catch the PC making moves on her.
Kit-tea - A drowsy girl who's constantly falling asleep in class. She keeps a dream diary that could probably be turned into an epic fantasy novel one day.
Eri - The 'girl next door'. She has an enormous and blatantly obvious crush on the PC, but is so shy that whenever they speak she can hardly stammer out a full sentence.
Doki Knight - One of the most popular girls at school, but a bit ditsy. She's often late, but teachers can never bring themselves to write up her tardies since she expresses her apologies with so much emotion.
Ai - A tomboy who goes to a rival school. The ultimate tsundere. When the PC and Ai first meet, she's quite rude (even more so when he discovers she's a server at the cafe! oh no how embarrassing) but softens up over time.
Anna - She's the daughter of a local entrepreneur, and works at her father's store. You can buy gifts for the different characters there, and she often gives advice on what the player should give to the lady of his dreams. Her collection of stuffed animals is very impressive.
Gulper Eel - A mysterious silver-haired student. It's unknown whether she actually attends the player's school, since she never seems to be in class. It turns out her father is an important scientist who donated a lot of funding to the school, so the administration is a little frightened of disciplining her.

>> No.6752783

>Eri - The 'girl next door'. She has an enormous and blatantly obvious crush on the PC, but is so shy that whenever they speak she can hardly stammer out a full sentence.
...I'm ok with this.

>> No.6752786

Totally works with the story you wrote for the character, right? Love letter and him being a bit of a player!

>> No.6752789

Fuck. 10/10 would play.

>> No.6753185

Ouch, it was so damn rough. I've decided to bump the honorable mentions to 4 slots. (Basically top 5 with the winner at the top)

The polls are closed. Though I did notice some suspicious voting, since my poll allows me to see voting areas/states and a few other things. I will not say names for the sake of peace and not singling that person out for embarrassment. I will also post the top 10 in the poll as well.

We decided to use a point system to judge. (Out of 100 Possible points)
>Theme – 20 points
How well did they use they're theme in various things from styling/posing and setting the overall mood? Do you get the theme?
>Overall look – 20 points
How is the over all look of the collage? Does the collage look cluttered? Did they put effort into designing their collage? Does everything flow with each other?
>Posing & Expression – 20 points
Did they put an effort into posing? Did they get into character? Is there any expression in their face?
>Clear face & Body shot - 10 point
Do they have a clear face shot and clear full body shot? Is the photos blurry?
>Hair/ makeup/clothing – 30 points
Did they put effort into their costumes? Did they style their hair and does it look messy? Are they wearing make and is it complementary to their look? Is the over all look polished?

The grand prize winner will be announced and the poll winner, also the 4 honorable mentions who rank in the top 5.
I will not post scores here, but contestants can request to have those results sent to them. I will also give an explanation attached to those results to better help them in the future. =) (Contestants, please refrain from posting results to the board. Obviously, I will know if you do so since they're all unique to each person.) Last contest, we did have a huge s**t-storm about who won and I'd really not like to see a repeat of that. Please understand that judging isn't an easy task.

>> No.6753203
File: 425 KB, 764x900, 1344402766071.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm excited! Congrats to whoever wins! And thanks CB this has been really fun!

>less than 2 hours
Yep.. I won't be sleeping anytime soon.

>> No.6753210
File: 2.87 MB, 480x270, 1364790648134.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, while everyone's still in high spirits, I'd just like to say you all did an amazing job and clearly put a lot of hard work and energy into all the collages. You made our work very challenging in the best way. I hope everyone had fun, regardless of where the chips fall.

>> No.6753290


So there's a chance someone cheated and you're still announcing them as winners?

>> No.6753301

Hi ladies,
I'm just getting back in. I got stuck in traffic. I'm about to finish posting up the contest finale information.

You're very welcome. =)

No that is not the case at all. This matter only concerns the poll and that matter has been dealt with.
Who we pick as the over all winner and the 4 honorable mentions has nothing to do with the poll. Those are two different things entirely. The winner of the poll is someone you pick and the rankings do not affect our voting in any way.

>> No.6753310

What happened to the person who you suspect of cheating? Did they get disqualified from the poll?

>> No.6753332
File: 441 KB, 1280x720, moeeeeeeeee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*Attached image does not reflect actual order of placings*

I cannot go too much into detail about the matter. I obviously cannot change anything in the poll results. But the judges and myself have discussed said person in depth during the judging process, everything is under control. I just wanted to mention this as perhaps a warning for future contests. Please respect that I don't wish to linger on the subject in threads for obvious reasons. Thank you.

Contest winner: Hester

Honorable mentions:
>Doki Knight

The poll winner: Miesu!

Top 10 Poll results:
Meisu: 24
Sayuri-Chan: 20
Pingu: 18
Anna: 10
Sarah-Jane: 8
Seraph: 8
Mieru: 7

**Surprisingly Hester actually had the highest votes in the poll with 26 votes, but since she won the contest she has been removed from the poll since she cannot win twice.**

>> No.6753338

Congratulations to Hester and Meisu!

>> No.6753343

Did you contact the person who was cheating?

>> No.6753348

Please see the response here >>6753332
Thank you.

>> No.6753356

I love how you've labelled up the girls on that pic. It's quite accurate to them.

Well done Hester!

>> No.6753359

I'm sorry if I sound harsh, please send me a message on tumblr or to my e-mail if you wish to discuss this matter further within reason of course. Thank you.

Haha, thank you. I was trying something different.

>> No.6753368

Oh wow, I did not expect that at all. I think Hester was the obvious choice for the winner, but I'm really (happily) surprised so many liked my entry. Thanks to CB for holding the contest and to everyone that voted for me! Good job to all the other contestants, it must have been such a hard job for the judges to chose a winner!

>> No.6753372

I voted for you C: Studious girl moe is my favorite~

Congrats everyone!

>> No.6753376


I'm glad my amazing friend got the vote :)

>> No.6753400
File: 140 KB, 500x300, tumblr_m6qxnbbSeE1qc5e3x.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You ladies made it so-so-so hard to judge! I stayed up all night going through each collage and nit-picking and tallying votes. I had 5 cups of coffee and barely made it out on time in the morning to take my daughter to school/daycare. But it was so much fun regardless!

Congrats Meisu on winning the poll! =) I'll be sending you an e-mail here in a little bit. I just have some pictures to take and submit to the contest pages.

>> No.6753403

I voted for Meisu, too. c: I'm glad I'm not alone in my secret fangirling, it helps that I'd seen her around in WAYWT threads & the like as well and so had some prior experience with her personality.
I wasn't actually expecting to place, but I won't pretend I'm not a little disappointed, haha~ this just means next contest I'm really going to bring my A-game.

>> No.6753408

Congratulations, Hester! I knew the wheelchair moe was unassailable.

>> No.6753431

Congrats Hester! You are my favorite out of all!

>> No.6753433

Woah, that's dedication.
Again, thank you so much for hosting this contest! I really think that these are good for /cgl/, they bring an entirely new dimension to board participation. :)

>> No.6753452

I honestly feel so bad sometimes, because I know how much work everyone has put into their characters and collages and then having to pick someone to be the best. Yeah...=<

I was really impressed with everything and the turn out was amazing. Thank you girls for being so great! I look forward to seeing you in the next contest. We have some awesome themes to pick from for next round.

You're super welcome! It was so worth it. I'm really excited about the next contest and curious to see what theme is picked.

Actually, can anyone recommend a good camera for taking pictures and also does video? I don't have a price point, I just want something good. Thanks in advance!

>> No.6753459

If price isn't a worry you should probably talk to some of your photography acquaintances from your modeling time, I'm sure they'll be able to give you the best advice on a good camera.

>> No.6753464

Congrats to both Hester and Meisu! You both did great~

>> No.6753473

*hug* Thank you! I know exactly who to ask in that matter then. I sometimes forget I still have these people in my back-pocket and I just see them as good friends and I sometimes forget their photographers. You need reminders about these things as you get older. ~_~
So now that the contest is over, I just wanted to remind Seagulls that I will be on "vacation" for a little bit. As you know my health hasn't been the greatest and I need to take some time to recover. I leave in a few days and I return to Korea in July.

Of course I will have access to the internet for most of the time. So mid-May I will post up a poll for the next contest theme and at the end of the month begin to source out new Judges. When I get back in July things will be ready to go for the next contest and this way everyone has enough time to get prepared. Sound good?

Btw, I thought this was awesome! Mind if I make a post about it on the tumblr?

You can view possible themes here and if you have anymore to suggest please do so.

>> No.6753479
File: 78 KB, 500x422, tumblr_meslnikykR1r8r5y2o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please, feel free!

>> No.6753483

:D Ahhh imouto

>> No.6753529
File: 179 KB, 960x544, sisplzbrofist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's pretty awesome!

*Almost finished taking pictures for poll stuffs.*

>> No.6753565

Meisu - You look 13 and definitely make me feel like I want to protect you.
Pingu - I love the idea and the fact that you went out in public like this.
Kit-tea - Another great idea! The sleeping pictures are really cute.
Eri - Really well done pictures. You have really cute pictures and casual clothes.
Doki Knight - Second favorite overall! Awesome quality pictures and great poses. I really like the wig on you.
Ai - I love your expressions, but it would've been nicer to see you being more tsun!
Anna - You look really innocent and also 13.
Gulper Eel - You were brave to go first, and I like the way you did your pictures, too. Is that Shizuo!?

>> No.6753563

Seraph here!

Congratulations to the winners and honorable mentions. I was rooting for Hester and Doki Knight, and I'm not surprised by the actual results. This contest was really fun, and everyone was moe. I can't wait to participate in the next contest.

Haniko - Witches are one of my favorite types of characters, so naturally I love the concept. The hat is so adorable.
Sayuri - One of my favorite hairstyles! Your smile in the top left is really cute.
Fleur - The country look is so moe. The settings you chose are really fitting. Is that where you live? It looks beautiful there.
Sarah-Jane - I think your outfits are actually my favorite overall.
Aelami - You really remind me of a Beckii Cruel type idoru in a good way.
Tako-hime - I don't think you could've done the nerdy type any better. I think it's nice to see someone wearing their skirt longer, too!
Meiru - You're really pretty. That's a wig, right? It looks amazing and really suits you. Your pictures make your OC come off as very gentle.
Rusalka - The pictures of you in the library are my favorite poses of the contest!
Hester - My favorite overall. The hidden manga picture is the best.
Bee leaf - I like that you went for a natural look, especially in the top pictures. You look really cute in the top middle picture.
Fruitful efforts - I think you captured the maid look really well. Lovely pictures, too.


>> No.6753574

:) It's my boyfriends house, he has a gorgeous garden and in the summer when the flowers are in full bloom it is amazing!

But London has been having some awful spring weather, some days the temperatures are still Winter :( so I couldnt get the exact look I was going for!

>> No.6753604

Thank you ladies for participating in on the fun, it was so awesome to have come join the Moe madness. <3

Alright, Meisu and Hester you've been messaged about winner detail...stuffs. So please check your e-mail or FB inbox.

If you'd like credit, let me know. For now I just have you as friendly seagull-anon.
Alright ladies...I am pooped! @_@ It's about midnight here and this old woman needs her beauty rest. I am thinking about deleting the FB page and just keeping the tumblr instead. You ladies let me know what works best for you. Night~night.

>> No.6753647

Lol, I just looked at the entries and noticed it looked like Seraph included a Sekai from school days cosplay with the knife behind her back.

A+ to you, ma'am.

>> No.6753682

I just got back from work and jumped online to say thank you so much, I'm the happiest person in the world right now. Everyone gave me such good advice and help. I'm kind of still in shock.

Thank you Curiousbear. I enjoyed doing the pictures for this one a lot more than the first contest. I can't believe you stayed up so late just for us all and I'm sure all of us really appreciate all the effort you put in. You and the other judges have been really amazing and helpful.

This is actually amazing.

Thank you so much!

Thank you meisu, and congratulations to you too!

Aww thank you Fleur, and thank you for letting me know the news earlier! I'm sorry about my massive confusion haha.

Thank you Seraph! I really liked your style. Cute but then dark.

>> No.6753685

And of coure I forgot to put my name in. Oops.

>> No.6753707


:D That's all good Hester! I'm so happy you won :D

>> No.6753768

Congrats to my little sister~! lol

And thank you so much for the honorable mention, CB!! I had a lot of fun with this contest, and I hope to enter another one sometime (super busy at the moment, so maybe not the next one).

>> No.6753775

>When I get back in July things will be ready to go for the next contest
...and read this after I posted!
Hoorah, I'll be done and graduated by then, so hopefully I can participate~ (although I'll be in Japan, but depending on the theme, I guess that could be a plus?? haha)

>> No.6753792
File: 138 KB, 500x749, TrophyOfTheGods.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Congrats to the winners,
this was fun to watch

>> No.6754784

Congrazzles Hester and Meisu! ^^

>> No.6754948
File: 143 KB, 400x400, 1266106596944.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm just an anon who been lurking since the first contest. I just wanted to say that you all looked amazing this competition, and it feels nice to give you guys comments and critiques on your entries that you actually listen to, and to see the collages improve.

>> No.6755112

Ah, getting caught up! I don't think I thanked everyone who mentioned me in this thread, but thank you! You have no idea how much I appreciate the feedback. And this >>6752743, I love this. I was exactly this when I was younger.
Also thank you to the few of you out there who did vote for me. ^^

I did not expect to receive an honorable mention. Thank you CB and thank you to the rest of the judges! This inspires me to work harder next time.

Also congratulations Hester and Miesu!

>> No.6755125

I was actually considering entering the contest myself, but I'm a little put off by it now. It seemed to become more of a generic school girl contest than a moe one. I mean, obviously this wasn't a cosplay contest exactly, but that generic galaxy seifuku and buruma gym uniform seemed really boring and uninspired even her poses looked much more boring than most of the other contestants. It's a bit of a shame but who knows, maybe it will become more interesting in the future...

>> No.6755187
File: 32 KB, 704x528, 1339925036370.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6755238

Personally, as another contestant, I really felt like Hester's overall look (despite being perhaps a bit generic) and demeanor really portrayed the moe theme. Like...I looked at her collage and instantly thought "omg d'awww!" which is kind of...what moe should make you do, yeah?
I really think she did a great job and think she deserves the win.

It's been said before several times, but there also wasn't a whole lot of time between the theme announcement and when entries were do, so everyone just took their outfits from what they had already - considering that, I think everyone's looks were pretty impressive!

>> No.6755247

herp, my excuse is I just got home from a 3 hour class.

>> No.6755257

Ah I'm late but Anna here! Congrats to Hester and Meisu! You guys did wonderful and I can't wait until the next contest.

>> No.6755556

>wasn't a whole lot of time between the theme announcement and when entries were due
>everyone's looks were pretty impressive!
Also off topic, but, Eri, are you going to school to be an English teacher (in Japan)?

>> No.6755582

I'm an international studies major, but my ultimate plan is indeed to teach English at a preschool or kindergarten in Japan c: (and not just as "a way to get to Japan" - I really love teaching and I love little kids! I'd want to teach no matter where in the world I was.)

>> No.6755591


You can wear the cutest clothes and still look like a jackass if you're not moe. Clothes are simple accessories to boost your moe meter. This isn't a fashion show, in case you're lost.

>> No.6755593 [DELETED] 


>> No.6755873

Who would you have chosen to win - (the most moe person)
I'm curious

>> No.6755937

>you look like your posing for a catalogue for mail order brides shipped from 3rd world countries.
oh... ouch

>> No.6755941

I don't get why this person was so bitchy. They didn't have the balls to enter!

>> No.6755948

might have been put off by how cute most of the contestants are
... I really hope it's not one of the contestants

>> No.6755962

If it was one of the contestants that would be absolutely horrible and they shouldn't ever enter again!

>> No.6755983

eh idk, it could have also been just some random passerby, still that comment was a bit offensive
I don't want to offend anyone but she seems to dislike the more pretty/liked or just the more popular ones

>> No.6755985

I think s/he was going for jokey/funny in a Joan Rivers way, but couldn't tell a joke from an insult. But yeah, hell of rude, hope the contestants don't take it to heart.

>> No.6755991

I doubt they were going for a joke, rude comments are not a new thing on here.
Still this doesn't justify this attitude, even if some of the comments were somewhat constructive criticism most of them were mean

>> No.6756356

so it's already over?
eh it kinda feels like nearly everyone used the schoolgirl thing to be on the safe side

>> No.6756369

I was just going by the Joan Rivers thing, she does that kind of insult humor.

>> No.6756376

I suppose thats what everyone thought moe was tbh.. there were other girls who did different though!

>> No.6756379

I just hid the comment as soon as it was posted, because it's not worth giving those type of people any sort of attention - that's what they want.

>> No.6756487

>there were other girls who did different though!
yeah but a school outfit was still worn by the majority, this might as well had been a "schoolgirl" contest

>> No.6756514

This is what I thought. I was a bit let down by the results and most of the costumes.

>> No.6756517

I thought the same thing. I wish more of the girls chose other outfits over an easy school girl outfit.

>> No.6756525

>easy school girl outfit.
easy as in "it will easily give you points" right?
because moe can be many things, chef, librarian even astronaut, it's how you present it that determines if it's moe or not.
I really think that this should have been schoolgirl themed so that moe wasn't wasted, it could have had so much more potential.

I agree, most of them looked the same, at this point one would pay more attention to the girl's face than costume+setting etc seen as pretty much everyone was wearing the same outfit.

>> No.6756536
File: 34 KB, 500x333, yuuuuum.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The next theme should be related to everyone's favorite dessert! And incorporate the colors, level of sweetness, and look into their outfit.

I don't know, I love sweets. c;

>> No.6756544

Hardmode: no macaroons.

>> No.6756547

sounds like a good idea!
can we also do something related to animals?
>hardmodo: no furries

>> No.6756553

Animals sounds like a hard theme without everyone looking like an animal, lol.

>> No.6756560
File: 17 KB, 307x255, side show bob and the rake.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, I can hear the trolls now.

>I'd like to give her a taste
>does she have cream in the center?
>are you sweet or salty?

>> No.6756565

there weren't many trolls in this contest tho
(apart from the CB conspiracy ones and the one who posted the mean comments)

>> No.6756583

There were a few people like Haniko and Sarah-Jane and Aeliami that did something different there were a few meidos too.

>> No.6756592

I guess people liked the school girl entries the most, as all the people on top in the poll contest have a schoolgirl theme. The judges chose a mix for the top 5.

>> No.6756838

i'm hoping the next theme is rpg. that should give everyone a good chance. the cosplayers could do anything, and the j-fashion people could maybe put together coordinates that are like mages, clerics, etc. pretty much ranged characters that don't have to worry too much about getting dirty!

meh. i hope that i'm at least cute enough to get picked from the catalog then.

>> No.6757185

I'm sorry that you didn't like my entry anon. Since it was about making a character, I wanted to wear something a bit more cosplay than just my regular clothes. I personally went with a school uniform because I really like how seifuku look and I've been wanting to wear it for a while. I don't really have any other suitable cosplays that would be considered 'moe'. I'm completely aware that my posing is not the most interesting. Unfortunately I am a bit limited in that area due to my disability, but I tried to get as much of a range as I could. It is something I'm working on though, and I am improving. I'm not completely there yet, but just got to keep practicing. Next time you should enter and show us all how it's done.

>> No.6757208

I actually really like this idea!