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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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6748453 No.6748453 [Reply] [Original]

Lolita General died.
New thread.

>> No.6748455

Does anyone know where the stars that everyone's using to make fake Chocomint are coming from? I just can't find any anywhere.

>> No.6748461

Probably from taobao. I know plenty of places carry puffy stars like that.

>> No.6748485

Fattychan here, patternmaking and I don't get along but I'm not finding any patterns I like in my size. Would a circle skirt give enough room for a big ol petticoat and make the right shape?

>> No.6748488


>> No.6748494

My experience with sewing is limited so I might be totally wrong here, but isn't making a basic lolita skirt just as simple as making a circle skirt, if not more? From what I understand the most basic form of it is basically
>your waist measurementx3
>times how long you want the skirt to be
>sew the edges of the rectangle

>> No.6748495

I can find some by googling "Padded Star Embellishment" but they're not very big and they're not the type that have the loops. But I imagine they could be found on taobao. I haven't had any luck searching yet myself.

>> No.6748496

>those greasy ass bangs


>> No.6748498

Oh, if that's the case then I can certainly manage that. I'm useless without instruction so looking at the shape had me thinking it was a modified circle.

>> No.6748501
File: 1.20 MB, 2155x2867, GLB JSK pattern.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Depends on what kind of shape you're going for. Generally circle and panelled skirts end up A-line, and gathered ones are cupcake or bell-shaped (with some exceptions obviously, e.g. A-line gathered moitie dresses, etc.). What style do you want your dress to be? (Pic is a basic jumperskirt pattern with a gathered skirt, pretty easy to make.)

>> No.6748503

You can do it that way but it'll be a lot easier if you make a waist band (inch-wide piece of fabric just larger than your waist so that when you run elastic through it, you can slip it on and off) and stich your skirt onto that. Putting elastic through the whole of the skirt will make it bulky on your waist.

>> No.6748505

The cupcakier the better. I have a small waist but large hips and breasts so I've found a huge flouncy skirt hides how disproportioned I am

>> No.6748546

What king of petticoat do you need for haenuli's stained glass?

>> No.6748548

What was that board created to shit talk PT?

>> No.6748562

maxfag.org but I think it's down.

>> No.6748574

Can someone explain to me the drama going on in Chicago right now? I saw like 4-5 different statuses about it the other night but didn't want to ask anyone.. I guess someone posted someone on here and those people found out and are pointing fingers? I don't know.

>> No.6748579


nah it's up

>> No.6748634



Better board, better admin, and shit won't go down on you.

>> No.6749086

girl shut

>> No.6749656

Bumping because I would like to know about this to.

>> No.6749684
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>> No.6749689

What anime is this from?

>> No.6749691

Around what time do behind the bows secrets get posted? It's been a while since I checked out the community.

>> No.6749696


>> No.6749698

varies every week, sometimes they don't even post till sunday.

>> No.6749699

Do share?

>> No.6749700


>> No.6749718

I'm pretty sure amidnightstroll isn't around until afternoon or evening, usually, but don't quote me on that.

If I'm online when it happens I'll post a thread here (if someone else doesn't).

>> No.6749901

So I just started going to small meetups after being a lonelita for quite a few years

Apparently you all LOVE taking pictures, while I hate hate hate having others take pictures of me/being in pictures

I've consented so far but somehow I always look like crap in every picture... I usually have to take like 10 or 12 on my own with a tripod before I find one that looks good, being in group shots is like the worst for me

Is there anything I can do to look better, poses, anything? I don't want to seem like a bitch by declining to be in all the pictures

>> No.6749907

seconding this

>> No.6749909

You look like shit because you're not used to it. These girls probably take 80 selfies before they even come to the meets.

You need to take some photos of yourself and get to know what works best for you. Make a lot of faces, hold yourself at different angles and work it out.

>> No.6750008

So sort of a meta type question on Lolita culture in general.

I'm just getting into lolita and I'm about to order my first set of clothes so I've been going through a lot of stores, both brand and indie.

Most of the stuff I pick is indie/offbrand though, since it's so much cheaper. I can understand for specific prints since those are usually unique to the brand, but I don't really get why people pay $120 for a AP blouse, when you can get one from an offbrand for $20-$30 and it looks almost the same.

Is the quality that much better? Or is it something about owning brand instead of offbrand?

>> No.6750034

Anyone else saving up for lucky pack season already? I don't get a lot of cash (student) so I've started saving up for the winter LP season.

>> No.6750050

Yup, I'm getting a summer job, and my first month's paycheck is being put away in a "In Case of Dream Dress or LP" case.
(also a student, so I can afford to do this with out being fucked for rent/bills/etc.)

>> No.6750052
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AP vs Bodyline.

Quality makes a difference. Brand is usually softer compared to say taobao and bodyline. Granted 120 for a blouse is a bit steep and a $80 offbrand blouse can do just fine but there is obvious difference between a sears/forever 21 blouse compared to brand besides just shape/design

>> No.6750067

Blouses are something you definitely don't need brand. Same with shoes- brand shoes are generally overpriced for the same quality, if not design. It depends also the style you're dressing in.

Dresses and main pieces, though, yes. There is almost always a noticeable leap in quality. And for the main part of an outfit, you do not want items that are of noticeably poor quality.

>> No.6750068

I think you mean hips.

>> No.6750070

I'm hoping to save up for an IW Oddment pack this year, I always regret not getting one but they're so expensive. I hope I can afford to split one with friends by the time they come out.

>> No.6750076

Awesome, I might have to get a summer job too for LPs and Taobao.

What LP were you going to aim for? I'm going for the $500+ Aatp ones.

>> No.6750094

I'm hoping to get the $600+ IW Oddment LP. Didn't some girl get almost 20 dresses a year or two ago? Not to mention shoes, coat, bag, accessories, 2 skirts, and some blouses.
Yes please. Especially since one of my dream IW pieces have been in the Oddment LPs for the past 2 years.
Also, if I manage to save up for it, my mother said she'd pay shipping as a birthday/Christmas gift.

>> No.6750098

I was so sad that they didn't do a February one this year.

>> No.6750099

Same reasoning here, anon. I always get so sad when I see people's oddment pack hauls and the dresses I've been craving all year are in there...

So I'm determined to try to get one this time. I have a couple friends who I've been getting interested in lolita, and I think one of them would look absolutely amazing in Innocent World's designs (and she was interested in them the most of the brands I showed her), so I'm thinking I can get her to split with me.

Me too... But at least that gives me more time to save up for the next one, heh.

>> No.6750100

Yeah, the Oddment LPs are a great value for the money. Sadly I'm not into classic, otherwise I'd be all over it.

I think I remember that girl! Oddment pack openings are awesome to see.

>> No.6750105

Very true. I split one on egl every time so the investment isn't too bad but you still get a ton.

>> No.6750107

I wish I knew someone to split with, it would definitely makes things easier, but I figure if I don't like 2 or 3 dresses, I can make all of my money back in one sales post, granted if anyone wants to buy them.
Yeah, I'm mainly sweet (not OTT, though, god no.) and classic. So I'm pretty much set when it comes to IW, haha.

>> No.6750113

>but I figure if I don't like 2 or 3 dresses, I can make all of my money back in one sales post, granted if anyone wants to buy them.

Yeah, I was thinking the same thing. Although sometimes people seem to get kind of pissy about charging full price on LP pieces.. you can't win, haha.

>> No.6750118

As long as you don't try to sell the Emmelina or whatever that shiny JSK was. Or that one plaid sack dress from the last round of LPs.

>> No.6750120

Whenever LP dresses come up I can only think of that one horrible ugly Meta dress with the sparkly polka dots. Barf.

>> No.6750132

Haha, yeah, that's why I was thinking that when I make my LP post on EGL, I simply won't post the pieces I'm going to sell.
Ugh, no, if I get a majorly ugly one, I'll probably sell it for 50% or 75% off the original price.

>> No.6750137

oh dear lord I remember that one. That was the same LP with the bat sleeved blouses, right?

>> No.6750139

>that one plaid sack dress
I got a similar, ivory sack dress in a sort of gingham print in my oddments LP. It has little bows at the hem on one side, a pintucked yoke and ric-ric used in a way that doesn't make me gag. I really like it, but have no idea how the fuck to coordinate it.

>> No.6750141

Looks like I have something to look up. Meta's ugly stuff is a breed of its own.

>> No.6750142

It was polkadotted chiffon and the polkadots had glitter in the print. The cut wasn't horrendous but the fabric was just really tacky.

>> No.6751332 [DELETED] 

egl comm sales livejournal com/20960790 html

I SWEAR I saw a sales post with those exact items photographed differently by a different seller really recently with the same prices.. Except I can't find the original post now. Anyone know what I'm on about?

>> No.6751349

NVM I saw them on fb, phew

>> No.6753019
File: 189 KB, 628x960, 1643_518274018230380_2002607250_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is anyone else excited about the lolita tea cup giveway? So much want! Considering buying the dear tea cup if I don't win.

>> No.6753027

This couldn't be more obvious self-advertisement if you were tripping.

>> No.6753041

Don't waste your money, Anon. It looks like shit. I've seen better teacups at the Asian supermarket across the street.

>> No.6753043

That's pretty fucking hideous.

>> No.6753044
File: 76 KB, 268x265, 1350251341021.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No. I wanted to see how well known the contest was. If it is less known, I have a better chance of winning.

>> No.6753045

Seriously, you can get adorable teacups for like $1.50 at any thrift store. These look like ass.

>> No.6753047

Yeah right Anon, if you didn't want to bring attention to it you wouldn't have posted it.

>> No.6753049


>> No.6756981
File: 156 KB, 640x960, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just saw this on eBay. I'm torn. On one hand, I'm not too find of the color yellow and the lace is kinda bad, but for some reason, this is calling to me. Would this be ok in a lolita coord?

>captcha: spermatozoa anypesr

>> No.6757001

I wouldn't buy it unless it's really cheap
Looks like cheap fabric with ugly satin ribbon, fine for easter or themed co-ords but not something I'd go to a meet up/out in public in

>> No.6757043 [DELETED] 

that lokos liek fucking shit

>> No.6757050

Maybe the shape of the skirt or petticoat appeals to you? Personally I think the ribbon, lace and elasticated waistband need to go, and then it might be okay for casual loli.

>> No.6757065

Yeah it's like 20 shipped.

I was going to replace the lace and maybe keep the waist band the way it is (perils of being a fatty) but I just now noticed that ribbon. Fuck, it would be hell to replace...ugh. Thanks Anon. I'll put this on the back burner for now.

>> No.6757214

Who the heck is Aerial Thelittlemermaid and why is she spamming my comm when she diesn't live here?

>> No.6757215



>> No.6757216


>> No.6757234

I feel you.

>> No.6757235

A plague

>> No.6757240

Let me guess - Vegas? She's a former-Cali-now-AZ loli who shitposts constantly.

>> No.6757251

I want to ask her if she knows she spelled Ariel wrong.

That Vegas trip looks like it's going to be an ita bonanza.

>> No.6757254

I still wanna know what's up with the chicago lolis. Also the girl from CC who posted her dramu in 3 diff comms asking for advice, it was on secrets last week. so much delicious dramu with no sauce.

>> No.6757259

Maybe she's into trapeze or something.

>> No.6757268

The chicago thing was something about chunlichan being a nutcase. Look up the archives of the deleted secrets threads, especially the first.

What's the second drama you're mentioning?

>> No.6757270

Maybe she's into stupid

>> No.6757275

Also a very high probability.

>> No.6757287

On charm city lolita's, this girl posted the following

"I need help you guys. After and argument with a fellow lolita...she posted something...a screen shot of out text. I asked her not to tag me after she said she was posting it, she did not but The text clearly had my full name on it. So anyways, my point is...is this right? Or am I out of line?"

i asked my friends in other comms what it was about and apparently she posted the same thing to the northern and central va groups, but she lives in baltimore. and then she didn't post it to the metro loli group despite it being closer, which makes me think the person she's talking about is in metro.

idk it's just so weird it intrigues me.

>> No.6757351

It was Jesse she's talking about, who's from the metro/DC group I think. I saw the post on Jesse's page. She was all "I don't usually post this stuff blah blah blah" and kept saying "I don't get girl logic" over and over again.
Frankly neither of them looked great in that situation. Jesse posted a small part of private argument with Whitney on her facebook, trying to get people to agree with her and call Whitney a bitch, Whitney overracted and probably called more attention to the situation than if she'd just said nothing.
Jesse makes me lol though, she's constantly posting WTB in the FB sales community expecting to pay reeealllly low prices.

>> No.6757523

I read the Chicago drama right now. Sounds fucking nuts since it's all over a dress. Isn't chunlichan an older Lolita too?

>> No.6757529

>Isn't chunlichan an older Lolita too?
Not really, no. Only for a year, year and a half-ish maybe...? She just bought thousands of dollars of dresses as soon as she got into it so her wardrobe is huge.
She was a cosplayer for years before though.

>> No.6757663

I like how it says that its a 21+ event but on her facebook it says shes 19...

>> No.6757693

She's 22. Born in 1991. Lern2math.

>> No.6757716

I was going by her about me or whatever,,, i dont have her added or anything so its the first thing i saw "Add me if your around the same age as me~ I am 19! :D" I guess she just hasnt updated it in three years

>> No.6757829


Jesus Christ, how can that BE

She acts like she's 15 all the time, I saw her at a meet, that must be a lie.

>> No.6757863

Did you read BtB? There's a pretty good explanation on there on the secret about Chicago. The most recent drama is mostly so far as I can tell is just a fight between friends who happen to be lolitas about lolita related items.

>> No.6757906

that girl freaks the fuck out of me...

>> No.6757956

I have no words for how much of a newfag you are.

>> No.6758354

ugh, i saw that post and rolled my eyes. i've been to vegas, it's dirty and expensive, and a group of lolitas will get mistaken for hookers before anything else.

>> No.6758392

Is it summer already?

>> No.6758394

Something about that girl irritates the hell out of me, which is a bit unfair since I've just seen her fb posts.

>> No.6758416

I've never bought a LP and i don't even own lolita clothing but i've been trying to save money to buy some.
I also like IW, how does the Lucky Pack thing work?

>> No.6758440

That blouse is pretty damn good in pirate themed outfits though.

Sorry to sound like an arse but have you even tried to search for yourself?
Just type 'lucky pack Innocent World' into google and you'll get an answer.
There is a heap of information available online, have a read and then if you have any questions come here.

>> No.6758444

Try giving a read here: http://luckypacks.livejournal.com/tag/%21%20lucky%20packs%20faq

>> No.6758472

You don't sound like one. I've indeed tried searching but i always ended up with LP openings.

Thank you very much!

>> No.6758499
File: 87 KB, 720x769, 529123_10151503382945502_1566981288_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also. What the fuck is this thing she's spamming everywhere?

>> No.6758591

Girl needs a job, or something to occupy her time. She acts like she's fucking 15.

>> No.6758597

Isn't 21 (22?) about the age most Mexicanas start spurtin' out babbys? That'd keep her busy. Get on it, Eric!

>> No.6758652

She's always trying to promote her "art". I would be a lot more sympathetic of her if she weren't so spammy and immature. She seems nice enough in person, but definitely lacking a bit in social skills and fashion sense.

>> No.6758827

Did anyone else catch that post about how she wanted someone to pirate photoshop for her before it was deleted?

>> No.6758830

A girl in the AZ comm that's met her and so far, she's suuuper nice and sweet and person, but she literally has nothing to do. She's either at home or helping at her parent's Hispanic club. Not saying this justifies her shitposting and spamming, but she is a sweet girl.