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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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6744046 No.6744046 [Reply] [Original]

All ye Kerrigan cosplayers

Gaze upon perfection and despair.

>> No.6744086

Inaccurate do to chink eyes.

>> No.6744093

>not knowing kerrigan is half japanese

>> No.6744122

does tasha make her costumes?

>> No.6744140

my main reaction was HOLY SHIT THEY CHANGED THE BACKGROUND. still using the backlight but at least they changed the scenery.

>> No.6744160

>implying Kerrigan looks Asian
just because she's part, doesn't mean she looks it

though I like this costume way more than the other one that was posted. Colours and details are more accurate

>> No.6744181

I think that's just her face shooped onto something 3d modelled or digitally painted? Look at the crazy long neck.

>> No.6744191

>*punts heel on the ground*
>*arches butt*

and just like that, she stole your husband.

>> No.6744203

no, she has other pictures where she did some promotion for the StarCraft expansion release... pretty sure she is just a korean sponsored booth/cosplay girl. i don't think she makes her costumes and is just paid to look good in them.

>> No.6744208

These images are heavily photoshopped. Here, my dear seagulls, are photos from the Korean HoTS launch of the very same cosplayer.... Without the shop.

>> No.6744221

oh god she looks so fat because of the suit

the colors look like a dog vomitted on her

>> No.6744224
File: 168 KB, 500x750, tumblr_mkptfuJqOj1qbo448o2_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Different cosplay. They made a different suit with different makeup.

But yeah, she does get help from professionals.

>> No.6744487
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>> No.6744548
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>> No.6744560

wow she's much more beautiful than most of the other girls

>> No.6744978

Kerrigan is japanese? Whatchu talkin bout Willis

>> No.6745001


I don't think my boy is into Asians.
That being said, beautiful girl and amazing cosplay. Never played Starcraft but I'm fascinated with the storyline surrounding Kerrigan. I remember reading once that her character was never actually supposed to be beautiful though, that she was designed as sort of pretty but plain.

>> No.6745076

She was more plain and then a hot redhead joined the Blizzard Starcraft team and they started making her look like her.

>> No.6745078

do you have proof of your claims? I'm pretty sure it's the same suit.

>> No.6745548
File: 122 KB, 640x960, 563820_604837642878323_2026199481_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My first reaction was "I quit", which was a common reaction from quite a few of the comments on Tasha's facebook page. Even if this was sponsored by Blizzard it still give me the "I could never come close to this" feel. It looks awesome in those pictures and I would love to see it again, like at another event to see what it looks like without editing.

It looks like some parts are the same, it also looks like they did a whole paintjob rework on it.

she does make some of her costumes, not everything but some.

If it was just a recolor airbrush/makeup revamp, it's crazy to see the huge difference it makes.

>> No.6745561
File: 50 KB, 560x746, sarah_kerrigan_09.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

post her ass

she needs to have accurate kerrigan ass

>> No.6745577

Seriously? Is there nothing you guys won't masturbate to?

I am ashamed of you and I being the same gender.

>> No.6745596

All of my nerdrage at the shoes. She has clawed toes not boots.

>> No.6745605

Yeah, that sucks :(
I really want to know who made this though, I am sure shoop was involved but my god, I don't think any amount of shoop could make something look this good if it didn't already look incredible to start with. I really didn't ever think we'd see something like this.

>> No.6746124
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>> No.6747175


I didn't know Korean Girls were this ugly.

>> No.6747419

omg I know. Her hair looks fucking gross. Does she even wash it?

I can see her ribs. Yuck. Eat a sandwich.

>> No.6747464

This does look good but who threw her wings on the grill? They look-- crispy.

>> No.6747477

Tasha is part of Spiral Cats - a cosplay/modeling team in Korea. Tasha's job is to cosplay and I'm positive Spiral Cats has a team of seamstresses and SFX artists behind them.
This wasn't sponsored by Blizzard, but it's clear they put a lot of money into their cosplays. It's really more like a career than anything .. I'm still curious how they make money.

But yeah, just some factoids. People on facebook are upset she didn't make this by herself, but something this good is impossible without a team of people behind it. Let's be real.

>> No.6747490

Why do you think they get so much plastic surgery?

>> No.6747756

I laughed so hard.
This. I don't see anything wrong with a team coming together to make a costume and having one person model it. Lots of cosplayers buy their costumes, and while it's wrong to lie by omission as some cosplayers do, cosplay over there is a completely different hobby. It's more about the modeling than it is about the craftsmanship, especially for a group like Spiral Cats.
>I'm still curious how they make money.
This...is an excellent question.

>> No.6747920


Absolutely disgusting, I'd rather have a shitty 'Merican cosplay over some slant eye ruining Kerrigan.

>> No.6747921 [DELETED] 

She didn't make this. This is just a sponsored cosplay by Blizzard. Anyone could look like that with a while fucking team putting that together. I was completely disappointed to find out. She's not a cosplayer, she just wore the costume.

>> No.6747926

>Anyone could look like that
Uglies or fatties couldn't. It's not like they picked up a random chick from the street. Blizzard wouldn't waste their time on most seagulls.

>> No.6748307


dawwwwwwwww bby~

>> No.6748315

>shitty 'Merican cosplay
Admit it. America has some of the greatest cosplayers, and unlike Asian cosplayers, the majority of us make our own shit.

>> No.6748340

Sometimes it's better to leave things to a professional. Actually, a lot of times it's better.

>> No.6748347

I disagree, but okay.

>> No.6748353

Think of it like a movie. You don't expect the actors, even if they're a bit part who is merely background dressing, to make their own costume. They've got wardrobe to handle that shit. Or a model on a runway. They're not making the outfits. They are there for the pretty face. Tasha is the pretty face, someone else does the costume and application. A group effort to get the best results.

>> No.6748381

Cosplaying is a hobby. Only certain people take it to a professional level, and even some of those people make their own stuff.

In Western culture it's pretty looked down upon when somebody doesn't make their own cosplays because people generally believe that the cosplayers who DO make their costumes with the same level of craftsmanship should receive that kind of credit.

Tasha is sexy as fuck but I don't believe she's the best of anything, because the only effort she puts into it is standing still for photos. I don't hate her for it, but I don't consider her a good cosplayer.

>> No.6748443

>In Western culture it's pretty looked down upon when somebody doesn't make their own cosplays

lol bullshit. Nobody cares if you made your own costume or not. It only becomes an issue of drama if you win awards for someone else's work or lie about it. Cosplay and costuming are not the same thing.

>> No.6748479

When did this exact train of thought start? Because if you said this ten years ago in the community I am sure somebody would laugh at you and think you are crazy.

I'm not being a dick, I seriously want to know when the hell did not making your costumes become okay?

>> No.6748482

it makes people feel better if they can discount another's appearance somehow. Kind of like that lolita image of the girl who is fuming til she sees that the other girl has an offbrand dress.

>> No.6748672

You're being stupid. People have bought their costumes on ebay, had costumes commissioned and had friends make their stuff since cosplay began. If you think anyone is going to yell at you or look down on you for not making your own costume you're fucking retarded.

>> No.6748836

Suddenly a while Russia appears.
Russian and German cosplayers make their own shit and are the best i've seen.

>> No.6748986

Sorry, but many of those gorgeous Russian costumes are also a team effort.

>> No.6748988

dont care she has a fucking team working for her so yeah its kinda normal itsl look epic anyway bitch probably never use a sewing machine before

>> No.6749077

Japanese cosplayers mostly make their costumes, as revealed by the owner of cosplay.com when he interviewed some japanese cosplay store. And in interviews with japanese cosplayers, they usually say that they made their outfit. Western cosplayers just want to think that they all buy everything to make feel better about themselves.

>> No.6749184
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>Japanese cosplayers mostly make their costumes
>japanese cosplay store

>> No.6749196


>Japanese cosplayers mostly make their costumes


>> No.6749292

I agree, I've seen some pretty impressive German cosplays, Russian too.

America gets a bad rep because of all the fatties, but moving past them the US still has some of the best in the west.

lol are you new here? If "nobody cares" then why does /cgl/ and everyone in general flip a shit every time they find out somebody who doesn't make their own stuff gets called a good cosplayer? I'm not saying I agree with them, but some people do take this hobby way too seriously, and if you've lurked her for more than 3 days you should know this by now.

>> No.6749293

Take my story with a grain of salt because it is purely anecdotal, but I have a Chinese friend who has been into the cosplay scene for a few years and she was telling me how they don't. A lot of the famous Asian cosplayers (China, Korea, Japan) actually do just buy their stuff. She was telling me it is SO cheap for them to buy their stuff that it isn't even worth their time to make it most often. She once was very upset because a well known Chinese cosplayer was even admitting how she hated the character she was cosplaying but got the outfit because it looked good or something. Of course some people make their stuff, my friend does for example, but supposedly it is just much more common to buy pre-made costumes there.

>> No.6749531

You must be new to cosplay.

>> No.6749557

This. People that make their own costumes are true cosplayers. People that only wear them are playing dress-up and have no say in the art.

>> No.6749603

>can't form a rebuttal
>"lawl u must be new XD"

>> No.6751602

Why are you so butthurt that no one agrees with your retarded opinion?

>> No.6751611

Apparently you only masturbate to dudes.

>> No.6755566
File: 64 KB, 832x948, 3616_492393977482451_206394532_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

10/10 Best Sarah Kerrigan cosplay

>> No.6755629

Haha, no fucking chance. On that note, when did someone build her a pair of tits? She's as flat as Nigri!

>> No.6755636

That looks like a screenshot of The Office.
H-has the Office really come to this?
I had no idea it was still airing...

>> No.6757773

It is. One of the Halloween episodes.

>> No.6757816

Cosplaying IS just dressing up. Get off your high horse. Sewing by itself is the ~~art~~.