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File: 79 KB, 648x648, SR-109A-WH-1 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6741332 No.6741332 [Reply] [Original]

Ack, did the petticoat thread die? I don't see it in the catalog, can we get another one going?

>> No.6741336
File: 503 KB, 597x582, wooinstashit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I also had a question for you guys.

My Milky Berry OP came in the mail today and I'm super excited, but I feel like my victoriangirldress petti isn't doing it justice as far as the poof goes. Do you guys think it could handle one more of the same petti or would that be too much? Do you have any recommendations for other pettis I could use to layer it?

I wish I'd paid better attention in the last thread since lots of people talked about layering pettis...I just didn't forsee this problem, haha.

also sorry for the instashit picture

>> No.6741343

I personally think on yours look fine, it's a good everyday poof. I do believe that two petticoats will be too much. If you can sew, maybe make a very thin, two layered petticoat?

>> No.6741344

If you wan some extra poof, you can always go for one of those short, tutu-like petties from hot topic just to layer. They won't add a crazy amount of poof and layering is pretty much the only thing they're good for in lolita.

>> No.6741366
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You think it looks okay? I don't know why it looks so flat to me, I guess maybe I'm just so used to seeing silhouettes like this one that my standards are skewed, haha. (this skirt in particular looks like it has a hoopskirt underneath it though, but obviously I'm not sure.)

Oh man, I don't know why I didn't think of this. I never seem to see tutu-pettis at my Hot Topic though, but thanks for the help! I might try the other anon's suggestion and make a really thin petti first, we'll see how it goes!

>> No.6741378

Shelby uses an AP cupcake petti and two chiffon pettis for layering on almost all her sweet coords. She switches it up for her classic coords.

>> No.6741379
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Oh okay, I wasn't sure because that last skirt just looks so perfectly-filled. Excuse me while I roll in my jelly.

>> No.6741380

Yeah haha! I finally just had to ask her because her poof is so perfect! She's the only reason I decided to buy an AP petti! I have layering pettis too... But no chiffon ones, but they work well enough!

>> No.6741381
File: 68 KB, 520x464, T2_0JeXh9kU0NXXXXX_!!26107146.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you want that shape and poof you need to get a cupcake shaped petticoat to layer with yor VGD petti. Another VGD would probably get the shape wrong since they are A-line

>> No.6741391

I don't think that's enough poof, to be honest. I'd put that level of poof on casual wear.

You could still look for the thread in the archives, I guess.

>> No.6741393
File: 159 KB, 333x500, 8507776354_c078feec24.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How much did you pay for your AP petti?

You don't think that'd be too much poof? Honestly I don't know how much poof is too much with this dress; this is the most poof I've ever seen under it and it's not quite as full as Shelby's poof.

>> No.6741397

Does anyone have any of Bodyline's petticoats? I'm just wondering if they're worth getting. Or any UK-based shops that anyone recommends for petticoats? I need it quickly so I don't want to order from Taobao right now.

>> No.6741399

Bodylines are not good at all. Maybe you could get one from Beyond Retro?

I'm the same person that said your poof looked fine, and yeah, I think Milky Berry is one of those dresses where less poof actually look better. Your's look better than this girl's imo

>> No.6741428

Remember when this used to be the just right amount of poof before we all assumed everyone should be OTT??

Yeah. I do, too.

>> No.6741430
File: 75 KB, 240x427, Milky Berry - White 01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Milky Berry look good with that amount of poof, it sure does

>> No.6741432
File: 200 KB, 480x640, Milky Berry - Mint 02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

does* herp

>> No.6741443

This thread came just in time. I'm moving from sweet to classic and I'm buying a new petticoat from Classical Puppets in my next taobao order. They have a ton of different styles of A-line petticoat though and I don't know which one to get, does anyone have any recommendations?

>> No.6741476

Seconding this.
Also, are any of the petticoats from Surface Spell up to par?

>> No.6741519

Thank you for the advice, I'll avoid Bodyline.

>> No.6741719
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pls respond

>> No.6741746

This one is pretty much my go-to A-line petti. Its shape is perfect (not too over-the-top), and it hasn't deflated yet even though I've had it for a year.

>> No.6741750


I don't have a cp petti, but my petti from dear celine is also made from organza and this material stays much better in shape and won't flatten down within an hour like so many tulle ones do.
So my suggestion is to go for a 3 tier organza petti if you want nice volume, but not mega poof as that suits sweet better.
If you look at all the classic brands, the poof they have is more of a medium and subtle.
This one http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?spm=a1z10.3.w189502914.46.iaCtVp&id=10292662400 is very nice looking.

>> No.6741764

Thankyou both! I'm going to be wearing mostly IW and I heard their skirts run a bit longer so I'll go for the longer petticoat out of these two.

>> No.6742209

I feel like a lot of girls use a whole lot of poof needlessly.
It also must be very intrusive to everyone else in public.

>> No.6742743

yeah, I suggest getting the longer one it'll be more useful. (I have a knee-length one that I wear with classic and roll up for toned down sweet.)

IW runs about as long as BtSSB/A&P, though.

>> No.6743048
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>It also must be very intrusive to everyone else in public.
yeah let me dress based on how other people's needs should be addressed. Have you ever actually worn lolita in public? It's not hard to... MOVE out of other people's way or even... hold your skirt closer to your body if you're in a cramped area... Do you always base your clothing and actions around other people's wants?

>> No.6743545

It's called not being a rude, selfish asshole. You should try it sometime.

>> No.6744216

How do you guys store your petticoats? I've been smushing my VGD one into a plastic bag for the sake of space, but I'm kind of worried that will accelerate its deflation

>> No.6744231

yes because moving out of people's way or smooshing your skirt down is so damn selfish and rude.

How about not being a beta fuck and bowing down to other people for once?

Stay mad lol

>> No.6744240

Unless you're riding the subway during rush hour, when are you ever going to be in a place where a petticoat is a serious obstacle to the people around you? Just be self-aware. If fat people can survive walking around, so can a girl with a poofy skirt.

>> No.6744245

I have two. One of them I hang inside out in a space where nothing touches the sides. The other I have stuffed into a lower drawer.
They say that both ways are good for storing, but I'd like to know which one is better. Both of them are very poofy; just like the first time they got to my house.

>> No.6744406

As far as layering poof goes with VDG petti's, if you're pretty handy with sewing, you can buy another one and sew the top layer up closer to the waistband. It's pretty much what you would do with one of the malco modes petti's I believe. I did the same thing and it added a lot of the volume I was looking for.

>> No.6744428

I have two that i layer and i hang them upsidedown on the same hanger. I think its better then the bag it came with or thrown in a drawer.

>> No.6744436

Ugh, so I have this petticoat and I get home today, get out of my clothes and find it's coming apart. I'm probably jusy going to hand stitch it back together, but damn.

>> No.6744458

Yeah... common problem with CP, the tiers will come apart pretty easily...

>> No.6744523

Yeah that seems to be an issue with CP - and it's hit and miss whether the petti you get will have those issues or be fine.

>> No.6744546

I suppose you can't expect too much from something sewn on the selvedge. All fixed now.

>> No.6744637

Really? Damn, I was thinking of picking up their A-line. Is it generally an easy fix, or is there a better A-line petti I can get?

>> No.6744903

Does anyone know how well those malco mode petticoats work? Is it bell or A-line? And which one should someone acquire?

>> No.6745073

I have a malco modes petticoat and it's got good poof. I have the 578, so it's not even their poofiest. If you want a bigger one try 582. They're all A-Line I believe. Would you like a picture?

>> No.6745095


>Would you like a picture

What do you think?

>> No.6745103
File: 321 KB, 665x1000, loleetah.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay? Note this dress is pretty heavy, so I've been considering layering with this one.

>> No.6745118

Wow, rude.

>> No.6745125


You are just adorable! Do you have a Tumblr or something with more of your coords? I really like your look.

>> No.6745127


Oh, piss off.


Not poofy enough imo. Dat rhs deflation.

>> No.6745145

Who shoved a tampon up YOUR ass this morning?

>> No.6745148

i thought it was funny if it's any consolation

>> No.6745198


Haha. Go fuck yourself, bitch.

>> No.6745203

I agree, piss off and go back to your lj comm if you want people to be nice to your stupidity.

>> No.6745205
File: 14 KB, 350x266, tumblr_mj21gujPTh1re2bxfo10_400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My petticoat accidentally got washed and dried by a friend, is there way to bring the poof back to it's former glory?
(Note, I have tried hanging it upside down, and also hanging it upside down in the bathroom while I took a shower.)
Should I just buy a new one?

>> No.6745225

Petticoats for gothic lolita?

>> No.6745227

Jesus guys. Anyway, I live in a very big but crowded city. For the most part, being in buildings and on public transit and at university, and in the boutiques and classy or hip restaurants lots of people crash into the sides of my skirt. I can only imagine having a skirt DOUBLE my size y'know? Especially since the downtown area likes to keep more historical buildings rather than completely new ones. Therefore smaller too.

>> No.6745238


Thanks for answering my question. Is it true they don't deflate? Where did you buy it?

Also, I love that dress. I wanted to buy it but when I finally got down to it, it was sold out :(

Gee, what's your problem you weren't even the one asking the question.

>> No.6745257

Put your petticoat over an umbrella and spray it with corn starch.

>> No.6745480

What is with all the sandy vaginas in this thread, jesus.

I agree with you. Some people don't seem to understand the concept of not being a self-centered prick to everyone around them. It's the same as guys that take up 3 seats on a bus/train so they can spread out their legs and arms.

>> No.6745569

... Are you that dense (or have you never worn lolita) to realize you can either move out of the way or hold down your skirts? It's not self-centered to wear what you love and also be polite. These things aren't mutually exclusive. You're the only one with a sandy vagina in hurr lol

I've seen fat people three times my width wobbling around without a problem, and getting out of people's way (I live in a crowded ass city, downtown) so I think if they can do it fine, I shouldn't be considered rude for wearing something that I can MAKE SMALLER with my hands.

Man you are dense lol

>> No.6745600

Gurl, I never called you rude. Shit.
I'm just saying that it's hard for me to give everyone the space they need with my skirts in my city - just as it is hard for morbidly obese people to maneuver around everyone.

>> No.6745611

That's fine. I don't like being told I'm selfish for wanting to wear something I like when (in situations like public transit) I am not the only person taking up space, and I'm definatly not the only person taking up the MOST space. Especially since I can Move, or hold down my skirts to my body, making myself just as small as anyone else.

I just don't get how wearing something you can easily move or squish down in areas with a crowd makes me selfish (to the other anon) and instead I should just... wear what I think won't make other people uncomfortable? I mean, how do people do anything being that submissive?

>> No.6745633

Again, wasn't me, so I can't help you there - but I personally hate to take up any more space than I need to, people can be really judgmental where I live, especially on the transit.

I just can't imagine the poof of TWO petticoats at once, I can only imagine I would take up two seats on the bus haha

>> No.6745644

Damn my terrible grammar skills.

>> No.6745692

I'm a fatty and I can squash myself downwhen the need arises. Me and the petticoat. I just wish people wouldn't try to sit on me while I am obviously tucking my petticoat away so they can sit. Fucking rude.

>> No.6746190

Yes, I wasn't replying to you saying it was you. I was trying to relate how it made me feel when the other anon said I was selfish for wearing lolita in public.

As for people being judgemental... I mean that is their problem isn't it? And in regards to the previous anon, that would make them the rude ones, not you or me. I wear a lot of poof and don't worry (if you ever want to try it) it's easy to move or squish your skirts to make room :)

>> No.6750103

I have a tumblr but very few coords. It's mostly me reblogging non-lolita stuff. Thank you though!

I bought my petticoat off the comm sales and it came packaged tightly. I haven't had trouble with it deflating, and I've packed it in and out of bags numerous times. Seems sturdy as anything, which I guess it should be as they're made for dancing. If I get another for this R-Series dress, I'll probably buy a 582 or something bigger.

I seemed to miss this shitstorm, but if you still think everyone should be rude on 4chan you should go back to /b/. There's no reason to act this way in a perfectly civil, on-topic thread.

>> No.6750115

I'm new to lolita, does anyone know a place to get a good but not too expensive petticoat for Bodyline's l328? I can't even tell if it's A-line or bell shaped...

>> No.6750134

This is an imageboard, you know.

>> No.6750163
File: 159 KB, 700x1200, l328-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6751828


Kindly remove your head from your arse please cunt.

Ok? Now, please go fuck yourself.



>> No.6751834

Great counter argument!

>> No.6756101
File: 131 KB, 300x902, 1365034055591.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay so I am getting pissed off from the thick cotton on my CP petticoat. It's unnecessary on something as soft as organza and just gets in the way. Thinking of cutting 1cm away from the waistband and overlocking it. Anyone done this before? Doing it anyway, but I'd like to know.

>> No.6756161
File: 44 KB, 500x488, tsumugi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sorry this is probably a really stupid and newb question, I've never bought petticoats before and I'm not into lolita so I didn't think I'd ever have to. I need to make a circle skirt for my Mugi cosplay though; would a shitty bodyline PAN072 work for this kind of poof? I don't need a lot of poof, but I don't want it to sit flat like all the other cosplays I've seen do.

>> No.6756230


I think it would.

>> No.6756239

If its just for one cosplay it be good. Bodyline is only bad as in it wont hold its shape after washes. But if you were considering in becoming a lolita a bodyline petti wont be good for the long run.

>> No.6756597

Oh good, thank you!