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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 96 KB, 449x750, ita.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6741268 No.6741268 [Reply] [Original]

I looked through and couldn't find an ita thread so let's get started!
I've come across this girl on tumblr. People are always asking her questions/taking her advice seriously when she can't coord for shit

>> No.6741270

Polka dots... AND stripes? Jesus...

>> No.6741272
File: 110 KB, 500x667, ita2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6741291

I smell vendetta....

>> No.6741293

Is she actually claiming that this is lolita? Or is she kind of doing her own thing with lolita-esque items in her wardrobe and it pisses you off? Seconding the vendetta suspicion.

>> No.6741296

I swear no vendetta. She claims this to be real lolita and thinks they're legitimate efforts all while tons of newbies are asking for her (not all that bad advice). It's just the fact that she doesn't have one decent coord on her blog when I feel like she should know better. And I think her coords are shit.

>> No.6741304

OP i feel like the shoes are like automatic ITA shoes.

>> No.6741312
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>> No.6741319
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>> No.6741327


plain =/= ita

>> No.6741352
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>> No.6741353 [DELETED] 
File: 81 KB, 500x753, reer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are you seriously nitpicking the peculiarities of an ita? who the fuck cares, just post ugly fucks.

Posting this one just to make you rage

>> No.6741356
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>> No.6741354

overweight also =/= ita.

>> No.6741355

Put that outfit on a thinner person and I bet you wouldn't call it ita.
Do we have to restate the definition of ita in this thread?

>> No.6741357 [DELETED] 
File: 75 KB, 400x534, 652.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fattychans are gross

>> No.6741360
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>> No.6741358
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milanoo factory worker's uniform?

>> No.6741359

>just post ugly fucks.
Then make an ugly fuck thread. 3/3 pictures you posted just have unattractive people wearing non-ita coords.

>> No.6741361

ok. Good idea anon.

>> No.6741368
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>> No.6741367

99% of the time I see someone wearing this clock dress, it's some chick who's maxed out the shirring and needs a good bra. That pattern does not work well for big boobs either.

>> No.6741369
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>> No.6741406

she looks like she's about to cry...

>> No.6741426

I know this girl, she's the best dressed plus size girl I know. Her worst crimes are stretching the shit out of brand and not wearing a petticoat, I still don't think she is what one would call ita.

>> No.6741588
File: 610 KB, 1200x800, IMG_0911.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not all of them are ita, but those who are really stand out.
What's even worse is that this was a meet with the designers of AatP :/

>> No.6741611

>That black girl on the far left with the lowcut sundress

Why are you even here

>> No.6741616

All I can think is, "aww please girls, don't sit on the dirty concrete in your pretty dresses!"

>> No.6741619

Girl sitting down in light blue is so cute, but she look like she's been forced to sit down and just want to stand up so her dress won't get dirty

>> No.6741625

Probably going to be accused of being her, but I think this outfit is casual and cute.

>> No.6741628

it doesn't embody lolita well though. i think it's alright, just not for the fashion

>> No.6741632
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Ugh, there's a store in my city that pumps out generic lace monsters.

>> No.6741637



>> No.6741639

it's tacky hot topic bullshit. but then girls pulling their skirts open is a huge pet peeve of mine so I'm probably not being generous.

>> No.6741650
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So many girls do this and it's a pet peeve of mine.
If you wear a proper petti you won't need to.
Even Masumi and Mitsuba, the designers of AatP are guilty, see my pic.
They otherwise look great.

>> No.6741658
File: 67 KB, 640x960, 527206_3736226438444_1085529733_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one made me lol.

>> No.6741659

I know! fuck, if anything it makes me double upset when it's someone who otherwise looks beautiful and/or is wearing a perfectly acceptable petti. it just kind of looks like instead of wearing the outfit you're a display case for the print. idk maybe I'm just rationalizing, pet peeves gonna peeve.

>> No.6741672

I'm friends with her...she doesn't seem to really grasp the concept of coording too too well. Same with makeup...her blog isn't great either...

>> No.6741684

Does she have jaundice?

>> No.6741688

I'm guilty of this. Big petti, holding out the dress. I need some hand bags rather than cross-body bags so I have something to do with my hands when I pose for pictures on the spot at conventions.

>> No.6741689
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>> No.6741692
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>> No.6741693
File: 120 KB, 774x1032, punk_lolita_outfit___2_by_darkrose1995-d5zlogr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6741728


Nigs gonna nig.

>> No.6741870
File: 79 KB, 500x714, tumblr_m43mocTaiL1rp5fmmo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look what I found on tumblr:

''This is my friend. She’s a gorgeous woman who put a lot of time and effort into hand sewing her lolita dress. So this is to all the girls who think they are too fat to pull off lolita. You’re not! Both her and I are bigger woman and we would like to tell all you thin lolitas who think a size 13+ can’t pull off lolita to go suck it because we are ADORABLE! :) ''

>> No.6741876

>size 13+
That's...an awkward size to go with. I didn't even know they made a dress size 13 in English speaking countries?

>> No.6741884

My understanding was that even sizes are women's and odd sizes are junior's.

>> No.6741891

13 is junior's

>> No.6741896

Oh that makes sense then. Just seems weird that they'd be talking about junior sizes. Heh.

>> No.6741906


Lel landwhale

>> No.6741913

Fail to see how this one is ita to be honest.

>> No.6742021

isnt that the ugly broad rune midgarts?

>> No.6742055

It's comments like these that give bigger lolis a bad name man.

>> No.6742061

I bet these dresses are itchy and smell weird

>rune midgarts
I always read rugrats for some reason

>a lot of time and effort into hand sewing her lolita dress
pity that it looks as if it's about to burst

the crap on her head is distracting me from the dress

this isn't that bad.. what has she got on her leg?

the legs of the one in pink on the left creep me out, she's got a chubby upper body but her legs look awkwardly slim

>skeleton tights + platform shoes

>> No.6742068

It's not.

Looks like a brace. Maybe she broke her leg or something.

>> No.6742074

>bust cutting into tits
>awkward lace trim
>fucked up bodice
>weird shit hanging off the bottom of the bodice

Props for hand sewing, but holy hell.

>> No.6742083

Is that a man?

>> No.6742122


No props for hand-sewing. I hand sewed nonloli stuff for YEARS and I go back to it for fine detail work and delicate fabrics. She's a shitty, lazy seamstress, I could do better.

I hand-sewed a small quilt and that motherfucker looks machine made, it's so perfect. It took fucking forever, but I had some pride in it. Hand-sewn stuff should *never* look hand-sewn.

>> No.6742130

There's a difference between an ita--who cannot dress herself appropriately and uses poor materials--and a newbie, who is often slightly off the mark and awkward, but is clearly trying.

Stop posting bland/boring/slightly awkward coords as ita. They're just newbies, they look fine enough.

>> No.6742135

Some people think Junior sizes are 'in between' sizes. I had to explain to a coworker once that they aren't. She still buys them even though she's not even shaped like a teenager anymore.

>> No.6742142

hey /cgl/ i want to shift into maximum over-ita. how can i be the most OTT ita while still having a cohesive looking outfit? is it even possible?

>> No.6742169

don't forget that hello kitty is totes lolita and your invader zim hot topic backpack totally fits any coord you want

>> No.6742193

should i have a big tangled split color wig that hasn't had the bangs trimmed, too?

>> No.6742195



nigga you went full retard

>> No.6742256

i want to at least look like i have some kind of theme that isn't just "horrible lace atrocity"

>> No.6742378
File: 350 KB, 800x1200, BLl304-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's funny because I almost bought it, but couldn't decide between the dress and skirt cause Bodyline is sold out of the skirt in most colorways.

The dress is totally sold out in all the 2Ls (which doesn't affect me but does prove anon's observation about seeing on busty chicks.)

sage because not an ita pic

>> No.6742536

I meant It more as in "I'd never have the patience for something that large, props to you". I've hand sewn shit too that people are convinced it was machine sewn.

And holy fuck, a quilt. I REALLY wouldn't have the patience for that. I'd get all ADD and never finish it. Definite kudos to you.

>> No.6742582

size 13 still fits into brand without stretching it, what a weird size to pick

>> No.6742602

Just add weeaboo stuff.

>> No.6742605

Uh, no, but I guess all black people look the same to you anon

>> No.6742614

Oh god this puts so much confidence in me as a newer lolita.
Thanks so much omg.

>> No.6742649
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>> No.6742656

It's not just the comment. It's the comment combined with the really, really ugly and badly made dress.

>> No.6742671
File: 70 KB, 640x960, 527344_514477638562511_454643222_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6742682

...Was that supposed to be a pink sailor collar with blue tulle ruffles underneath?
Where is the dress in OP's pic from?
Real shirts exist, people. T-shirts are always casual wear at best. If you're got to dress one up, at least use one better than the $7 shit at Walmart.

>> No.6742684

Don't forget your neon green cyber locks and rainbow stockings.

>> No.6742688

wat the fack is this?

>> No.6742699

Yesssss this. Especially the girl with the broken leg, that shirt is horrendous. I've worn t shirts with my loli before, but I have at least tried to coordinate it properly and not posted a million pictures to tumblr.

>> No.6742705

She even made a blog post about "how to not look ita in Bodyline" or something on those lines. She used that same photo and said it was a good example and claimed she wouldn't change the coordinate besides adding a wig... No. Just no.

>> No.6742704

This pic just makes me think, "Am I kawaii now?"

>> No.6742721
File: 167 KB, 640x1100, 219351_original.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This girl's co-ords are consistently bad, but I think she might actually be getting worse. What annoys me most is the wicked sameface she has going on in every photo she's ever taken, though. And it's not even a flattering face.

>> No.6742725

that's such a pattern clusterfuck jesus

>> No.6742731

i sincerely can't stop laughing. Just look at his face

>> No.6742730

Link? Because she doesn't look bad.

>> No.6742734

Are you kidding me? Her polka dot mess shirt, the unnecessary hair accessories, her untrimmed eye pubes
need I go on?

>> No.6742737

OP here, the dress is from bodyline

>> No.6742740

Lol I thought you misfired, but I did lol. Hope your heart attack wasn't too severe.

>> No.6742859

ugly/fat face is the only thing going against her instead of an awful coord

Also, a lot of retail stores like Forever 21, Charlotte Russe, etc are selling plain or lacy blouses/tops that would work well with these skirts.

>> No.6742889
File: 36 KB, 330x495, tumblr_lh08i30VFk1qhtjsio1_400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thoughts on Wa Loli need answers on how to avoid itaism

>> No.6742890

>how to avoid itaism
That's pretty easy to do, anon. Don't wear wa lolita.

>> No.6742902

So many of these girls need to lose weight. I cant stand seeing a lolita with flabby arms.

>> No.6742904

it still a sub genre of lolita, there must be a proper way.

>> No.6742909

I fucking second this. I have never EVER seen someone look good in wa lolita. I'm not a SJW but there's just something about white girls with greasy hair and pocky breath flouncing out of their houses in their butchered kimonos that gives me a chronic case of second hand embarrassment.

>> No.6742906

Agree, don't wear wa lolita and you'll be one step closer to not fucking up.

>> No.6742912

are we doing this? seriously?
she looks good! fuck off anon
gimme lace monster and that kind of crap or gtfo

>> No.6742914

Just because it's listed on some guide as a sub-genre means nothing. Wa lolita is stupidly hard to pull off and very rarely looks good. The outfits you see sold by F+F and Bodyline almost always look like shit when worn and I've yet to see a handmade outfit that was even remotely decent.

>> No.6742916

Thanks. I was trying to figure out if it ever fit anyone properly or was just cursed from the minute it was sewn.

>> No.6742934
File: 80 KB, 500x334, tumblr_mhdkajEpY31qajq0no1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All of this fashion subculture is a bunch of trifling hoes ripping each other behind their backs.

>> No.6742938
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>I'm not a SJW but there's just something about white girls with greasy hair and pocky breath flouncing out of their houses in their butchered kimonos that gives me a chronic case of second hand embarrassment.
Same here. I've never seen it looking good, it always looks like some WHAT A KAWAII MORNING level hot mess, especially out in the real world and not confined to a con.

>> No.6742954
File: 78 KB, 638x960, 9990_10200994835817126_1993010927_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ugh. I visit Kinokuniya every other month or so (it's a trek) to pick up GLBs and Keras... Every time I'm there, I see at least three people who look like they bathed in pig grease, went to bed, woke up and just walked out of the house. They are the ones who yell "OMG LOOK. AZN PERSON KAWAII" and I want to leave because just so much second hand embarrassment. Ironically, though, I don't usually see them in the manga/anime section, always in the downstairs "cute goods" sections. Like plushies, notebooks, etc.
It's times like this I bless my awkward Polak skin tone, the workers at the store think I'm a halfie and don't associate me with those scum.

And here's a 'beautiful' ita to keep this on topic.

>> No.6742961
File: 75 KB, 500x278, tumblr_maflwqH7VS1rt0c7yo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had to be on a college campus for work yesterday and as I arrived I saw an ita walking across the campus.

I felt so much empathy for her. She was a fat girl, not chubby, not bigish, she was maybe 5'4" and 180-200.
She had on a print which I couldn't tell what it was from far away but she had streaky pink and blonde hair that needed a comb, the dress was clearly maxed out and was compensating for her waist by bunching up and being too short, fingerless raver gloves, socks that were so small they squeezed her calves making them look bigger and stretching out the pattern on the side of them, pink dress shoes, and a backpack squishing down her dress in back.

I didn't take a picture cause it seemed rude. But oh man did I want to take her little late teens/early 20's self aside and tell her that I "get her and what she is going for and why", replace everything in her fridge for a year, and take her on walks every evening until all her old clothing was falling off her and she wanted to buy more so she could celebrate her nicer frame and super energy. That chick just needs a catalyst.

All while I was having this thought though I realized that hey I don't know the girl, don't know her life, and I was being a bit of a bitch thinking she needed me to change anything about her. For all I know she could be totally happy with how she looks. How would I know?

>> No.6742964

Someone needs to update that fucking guide. Shit.

>> No.6742978

Even if she was happy with how she looked, that weight is unhealthy. I think she probably would have benefited from a friend who understood and was willing to help her.

>> No.6742998


One girl from the local comm got laughed out for suggesting that SHE WAS THE ONLY PERSON WHO COULD PULL OFF WA LOLITA, this girl of course is overweight and a bad seamstress.

She's being allowed to hold an entire hour long panel on Wa Lolita at Phoenix Comicon, our biggest event of the year.

I'm ashamed.

>> No.6743015

oh my god when i want to go

>> No.6743011
File: 28 KB, 620x460, 1363490003902.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My favorite part of that whole exchange is the idea that she's the only one who would UNDERSTAND wa lolita and it's RICH ASIAN HISTORY.

Bitch it's a slutty kimono costume from Spirit, there is no "history". And you can't even hem things, let alone construct the PERFECT WA LOLI OUTFIT

>> No.6743018
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Example of said girl's seamstress "work"

>> No.6743022

I wish I knew more Arizona lolitas. From afar though, it seems to be filled with itas. Is that accurate?

>> No.6743025

it hurts

>> No.6743027

Nah, it's just had an unfortunate influx of new girls who are feeding into each other's bad ideas and terrible taste. The main group is solid and consistently looks good.

>> No.6743038

maybe i'll start trying to attend meets. I just don't want to end up at the "wrong" one. Looking the members on the facebook group makes me apprehensive. But I guess I just have to bite the bullet

>> No.6743045

Make an introductory post, like right now, and I'll be glad to PM you who does good events and who's usually fall through.

>> No.6743046
File: 77 KB, 500x497, JOUe6pL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The general problem with people severely over weight is they are in denial and delusional about their weight. Simply "being there" for them and being motivating and encouraging wont do anything for them. Someone who can go out in public looking the way you described her to look clearly doesn't have a realistic idea of their own appearance.

>> No.6743050



are three girls I can think off the top of my head that are Arizona Lolitas and are both nice and well dressed

>> No.6743061

I'll do that right now. I would really appreciate that.

>> No.6743063

I don't know where all the greaseballs come from. When I was in high school, I knew a lot of geeky people and none of them were greasy. But these days it's like a requirement for geek interests.

>> No.6743110

Well duh! and make sure to attach the twin tails slightly askew.

>> No.6743115

Ahhh roli you never fail me! Born ita.

>> No.6743123

So is guro loli and its also not attempted too frequently cause it also tends to look... not quite right.

>> No.6743130

You say this as though you think lolita are different to any other female dominated fashion...

>> No.6743136

'These days'?
Awkward people have always been greasy. Why? Because teenagers are inherently greasy by way of BEING TEENAGE.
Those who are less greasy become accepted, and less awkward, those who stay greasy stay awkward. Sometimes people stay greasy into adulthood, either by way of hormones or hygiene and tend to* be awkward.

*Partially related, as un-attractive people sometimes are more awkward due to the way they've been treated throughout their lives. Also, because geek/niche culture is a good place to hide from the 'normies', and everyone is accepted. Even greasers.

>> No.6743139
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>> No.6743151

Yo dawg, I heard you liked tags, so i tagged your tags wi-

>> No.6743155

wHat the fuck is going on with her hair?

>> No.6743156

At one point i had a friend come to me and asked if we could motivate each other, see she was badly over weight and i was/ still am anorexic.

It lasted a few months, at one point she called me in tears because she wanted a meat pie and couldn't have one... while standing in the cafe in front of customers. The same day she posted one of those FB poster thingies saying how she was "Curvy and beautiful!". I knew that i couldn't help her and that it was as much of a disorder as my terrible food related habits and told her to seek help.

In the months that i was helping her i taught her to cook, taught her how to meal plan, and taught her how to read package information and she now lives on takeaways again. Its like i was never there.

>> No.6743167

To be asian and wear traditional hair pieces and the wooden block shoes. Pretty much how one in Japan would wear a yukata/kimono. If youre plus sized dont even bother ever. Its probably not worth trying if you are tall either.

>> No.6743176

So really, you were just training her to be an anorexic, and in return you saw the worst of eating.

>> No.6743178
File: 104 KB, 960x640, 544121_558260477528456_782659586_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Next big DJ right here.

>> No.6743181

Is it safe to post Kodona/boystyle/ thats not really kodona/boystyle posts?

>> No.6743185

yes please

>> No.6743191

In what universe is 5'4"' and 200lbs 'chubby'? That's fat.
I'm considered slightly chubs at 5'4" and 135lbs.

>> No.6743195

>She was a fat girl, not chubby, not bigish
The post said that she was fat.

>> No.6743196

Suggesting that i tried to give her a mental illness? No, i taught her what "portion size" ment and how the food pyramid worked while better trying to follow those rules myself.

>> No.6743197

>She was a fat girl, not chubby, not bigish,
>not chubby, not bigish

>> No.6743215

crap i dont have the photos on my computer but theres a few people on instagram who are repeat offenders under the ouji and kodona tags. if you dont have instagram/care to look for them i can screen shot a few and post them

>> No.6743248

The more, the merrier!

>> No.6743333

plz do!

>> No.6743354
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>> No.6743357

no no no I don't think that's Rune, her pictures are better than that in terms of camera, and she usually has a tripod I think . Also you can't see that persons face so uhhh err... you'd have to use other clues..

>> No.6743358
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>> No.6743365

her wig makes me want to shoot myself

>> No.6743371
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>> No.6743382
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>> No.6743389

Oh jesus christ I know exactly who you mean. That girl is an utter trainwreck, how does someone remain so clueless as to how bad they look.

>> No.6743397

Okay ill start dumping. Because i have a serious PEEVE about people who tag as kodona/ouji who are wearing things that doent really make it as such. Maybe its not technically ita.. but its just not there yet

>> No.6743403
File: 286 KB, 347x348, ona.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry. Now ill start

>> No.6743406
File: 232 KB, 377x473, ita.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here are some itas

>> No.6743410
File: 195 KB, 339x410, ita2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry that technically its not like LOL BAD LACE ITAS but... i mean normal clothes is not kodona

>> No.6743420
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>> No.6743421


But these aren't bad.

>> No.6743426

Holy shit there was a girl working at BTSSB SF that looked like that she was just a lace monster with no petticoat all I could think is how did they allow that omg.

>> No.6743427

sorry to sound so stupid, but what is "kodona" and "ouji" ?

>> No.6743423
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>> No.6743431

Google: A good way to not sound so stupid.

>> No.6743435
File: 165 KB, 380x575, tumblr_mkbhpoaH131rp47wwo1_400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6743433

Basically "Boy style".

>> No.6743439

thank you

I was just politely asking ._.

>> No.6743441

dear lord i hate when ppl use these stupid effects from photobucket or on their "iphone free app"
>stop it
It doesn't look good
at all

>> No.6743448
File: 54 KB, 362x361, kodona.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its the boy version of lolita. Its like aristocratic. This is one example.

>> No.6743452
File: 71 KB, 720x960, 391356_113584018821091_2058930880_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6743457
File: 277 KB, 755x1058, ita.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Asking questions about things that are easily Googleable is shitposting. It ruins boards and shouldn't be promoted. Do your part.

>> No.6743462

This is a replica, right?

No one would pay that much for a dress and not bother with a smidge of foundation.

>> No.6743466
File: 108 KB, 600x450, 36238_original.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6743461

she looks so menacing

>> No.6743477

I really hope this is guy and that is a replica.

>> No.6743481

Yikes. She looks like someone I know too.

>> No.6743484
File: 403 KB, 1280x857, i'm gonna fucking shoot myself.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6743490
File: 504 KB, 1280x1707, tumblr_mkltgwwkNQ1rbtd8so3_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6743493

>i'm gonna fuckin shoot myself.jpg

>> No.6743500

I want to at least give her credit for her realizing that a tank top isn't dressy, and adding a bolero. I'll take that any day over a replica jsk worn without anything under it. However, it is cheap looking and the colors are hideous, and it's not lolita.

>> No.6743510
File: 44 KB, 500x667, tumblr_mkn6z0XuvI1s6sedeo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6743513

lol'd at image name


>> No.6743529
File: 306 KB, 400x299, 1359046940798.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh god why. She actually got that panel...?

Also >>6743022 don't be afraid we cool.

>> No.6743534

Not a lolita, but isn't it all about the silhouette anyways, how can a petticoat not be the first thing you buy?

>> No.6743543

ugh this girl would be in my potential comm if i was not just a lowly beginner loli with elitist standards due to /cgl/ and the rest of the internet.
i wouldn't want to be in public with her in some of the coords i've seen her in, but i don't think she's "ita."

>> No.6743571
File: 532 KB, 1958x2000, 5pp_overknee_rainbow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oooh! Oooh! Make sure they don't match either!! Get a pretty pastel pink lacemonster and those cheap ill-fitting scratchy toe socks that are the same colors as a pile of legos.
Not unlike pic related.

>> No.6743583

Just google superkawaiidragon

>> No.6743576

Wear sandals with these babies.

>> No.6743578

that chick who just posted in d_l

she always looks so damn greasy to me

>> No.6743587

you can wear em with wa sandals~~~

>> No.6743588
File: 453 KB, 200x147, bawwww.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>how can a petticoat not be the first thing you buy?
because the world is a bad place, anon.

>> No.6743599

This is a man playing a weird joke, right?!

>> No.6743611


>> No.6743617


>> No.6743618
File: 155 KB, 638x960, PsyberPunxloli!!!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this girl?

>> No.6743635
File: 123 KB, 322x600, P1010039.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

D_L is full of pretty awful coords.
I don't care if potentially not "ita."
this outfit is terrifying to me for some reason.
I feel like she is a giant purple linebacker about to strangle me with that monster of a wig.

>> No.6743641

Those giant wigs don't suit fucking anybody, but they look the worst on larger framed (and I do mean framed not fat) girls.

>> No.6743654
File: 40 KB, 299x750, tumblr_mklqgbMdFh1r75wj8o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6743652

Now, do we want to make it more ageplay and have her carry around an oversized derpy teddy bear or make it weeb and have her carry her favorite homestuck ship as a pair of plushies?

>> No.6743656

>ugly sweet print wa lolita
>raver dreads
>rainbow socks with sandals
>cute animu plushies

what else...

>> No.6743667

Cat collar with bell and a chain leash.

>> No.6743668

oil your self and hair up real good/homestuck skin/ homestuck skin remains that didnt come off completely

>> No.6743675

> bad boystyle coord
> leading a Wa ita
> wearing cat ears


>> No.6743676

even reading that grossed me the fuck out

>> No.6743685


>> No.6743688

If you can waste the money, those Necomimi cat ears. A Nicki Minaj-esque Party City wig.

>> No.6743699

For makeup, Michelle Phan's Lady Gaga tutorial.
I win.

>> No.6743702

So ita it hurts.

>> No.6743706

This is fucking ridiculous. I hang my fat girl head in shame.

>> No.6743708

Perfect! Also add a creepy older boyfriend to hold the leash

>> No.6743717
File: 152 KB, 333x500, 8554776604_9ba1781ebf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is she posting in daily_lolita?

>> No.6743714
File: 98 KB, 500x427, wa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Bought in a wonderful shop call Fanamanga
The BubbleTea was delicious and the owner a really sweet women! They didn’t have a lot of Lolita cloths, more Visual Kei, but still really interesting and they are hand-made in Quebec by someone I sadly forgot the name..

Dress/Kimono/Bloomer: 175$ (Around that price)

Boots: 114$

And this was pay by my wonderful, sweet, awesome, handsome Boyfriend

>> No.6743723

I still have no idea how hildekitten is even remotely lolita.

>> No.6743744

I think she looks cute, though I wouldn't quite call it lolita as is

>> No.6743752

This girl has been active in the lolita comms for YEARS though. She should know better. But she just doesn't.

>> No.6743753

Those horrible glasses aren't doing her any good.

>> No.6743856

Youre welcome.
ill try see if i can find more from them

>> No.6743865

erase her face and hair and its not that bad.

>> No.6743862


>> No.6743873

You're kidding, right? It's not even remotely lolita. Wearing a skirt =/= lolita.

>> No.6743874
File: 129 KB, 533x800, 4875614984.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6743887

I love her, she is fun.

>> No.6743897
File: 226 KB, 377x347, ughwigboyno.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is wig boy kodonas attempt 1 at a wig

>> No.6743903
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>> No.6743912
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>> No.6743940
File: 27 KB, 285x298, 1345062345150.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Need moar.

>> No.6743952


>> No.6743955

Is this person serious?

>> No.6743964
File: 74 KB, 469x750, tumblr_mkpqb9MgiZ1r3bbjco1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6743971

Yeah. Although this was before he decided to use the pink wig. Which doesnt make sense to me... since kodona/ouji is ment to be boystyle...

>> No.6744007
File: 147 KB, 710x960, 81451489489.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6744008
File: 34 KB, 500x358, tumblr_mkpcntE7MP1s06vczo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dont know how i feel about casual lolitas getting tattoos of dresses

>> No.6744010
File: 201 KB, 960x720, 5416584194.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6744018

How is this ita...?

>> No.6744017
File: 302 KB, 500x320, tumblr_mkepcs33gY1rfo1zro1_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yum Milanoos wa loli dresses

>> No.6744022

How is this ita?

>> No.6744032

ew what

>> No.6744025

not ita

>> No.6744036
File: 177 KB, 640x960, 1489518949.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6744051
File: 161 KB, 511x763, tumblr_mjtdk3mhfo1s8z0eto3_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bdsm :/

>> No.6744055
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>> No.6744058
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>> No.6744063
File: 100 KB, 714x728, 1324346131237.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Implying those socks aren't the bees knees on their own.
Shit son I love rainbow toe socks. Of course I don't have them showing when wearing clothes or i'll just wear them around the house but they're good!

>> No.6744066

don't lolis do that to look more princess-like? sort of like curtsy-ing

>> No.6744075

ohmygod that fucking chu. I died.

>> No.6744076

Usually it's done to show off the print, from what I can tell. They don't actually curtsey or anything.

>> No.6744084

>Milanoo tag

>> No.6744089

where is that dress from, anyways?

>> No.6744092

If they never show then what is the point in getting rainbow socks

>> No.6744098
File: 794 KB, 455x722, .........png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6744100

Cute underwear isn't always shown to anyone either. What's the point of wearing a cute bra if you're single and not getting naked with someone else?

>> No.6744103

Except that analogy doesn't work at all

Thigh high socks are fashion accessories and supposed to be seen

>> No.6744102

I don't know, I usually do it to better show off the print for pictures.

>> No.6744108


>> No.6744115

Is this someone from Japan? Theres alot of brand items in that photo. If so it might be just someone from harajuku creating their own style... and tagging as lolita because over half of what she is wearing is brand

>> No.6744120

I wear thigh highs under jeans with boots all the time because it's just what I own. People can wear something without wanting to show it to others.

>> No.6744130

I'm scared for her if that is true.

>> No.6744128

I wear rainbow thigh high socks when I am not in Lolita obviously. Usually a visual kei thing.

They are fucking amazng.

>> No.6744134

Well, I wouldn't consider it lolita, anyway. She just happens to be wearing brand.

>> No.6744142

The tshirt, skirt, two bags and the thing around her neck and possibly wristcuffs are brand unless they are replicas.

>> No.6744155
File: 119 KB, 960x720, 1364618877731.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nope just some random in the lolita tag

all the burando in the world won't save you from being ita, as this chick illustrates

>> No.6744164

Oh yeah no i know that very well from a local com. But in japan lolita doesnt have rules and she looks asian enough for it to be like i tagged it lolita because its where it came from if you know what i mean

>> No.6744168

>in japan lolita doesn't have rules

wtf are you talking about

can't just roll up in jeans and a t-shirt and call it lolita no matter where you are

>> No.6744171


>> No.6744173
File: 1.29 MB, 200x190, 1362296044126.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The saddest thing about this is that >>6741352 liked it. I really hope it was a pity/encouragement like.

>> No.6744183

lolita and other fashions dont have as strict rules (pertaining to tokyo area***). When i was visiting this summer in harajuku almost all lolita stop girls had gyaru nails and horrible like gyaru raver mix makeup that didnt match at all. None of them were like what you see in the magazines.

>> No.6744184


I need to find ALL these chubby and fat chicks and take them all bra shopping.


How do they look at themselves and their tits and not know they aren't wearing a good bra? It makes everything you wear look awkward!

>> No.6744190

And im talking the laforet baby and angelic pretty workers. It was almost scary

>> No.6744192

yes... every time she takes pictures in her apartment it's filthy in the background and her boyfriend's backne made an appearance one time... she just looks so gross all the time

>> No.6744210

The AP shop girls and a lot of the Alice/Pirates staff look alternative (piercings, colored hair, bug nails)

>> No.6744219

thats what i was saying...

>> No.6744226

I can't find her blog or whatever. I googled superkawaiidragon but it didn't yield anything

>> No.6744256

I found it by googling. She has a FB fan page too, check it out?

>> No.6744259



I just saw her on the lolita fashion tag on tumblr

watch her blog to see her dress her boyfriend in lolita miserably.

>> No.6744263

wtf she has a fucking fan page?

>> No.6744270


Shes gross as a raver too. ew.

>> No.6744276


I know right? She clearly thinks she's hot shit. Not too far off... steaming pile of ita shit.

>> No.6744279


if you see her sales do NOT buy anything from her, a few girls have gotten burned by buying dresses from her they always smell like weed, sweat, and cat urine.

I hate saying this, because her closet from the looks of her tumblr, is envious

>> No.6744280


Yes. She is having a fan page giveaway too... what a haul!

>> No.6744287

I wouldnt doubt it. Theres a reason people wear underwear to raves. Its hot as fuck and if its not your sweat on you its 20 other peoples. Also drugs never go well with lolita.

>> No.6744288

no I saw her wardrobe post and it was nothing spectacular

>> No.6744290
File: 646 KB, 1600x1200, immacutmyself.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Found this gem.
She is surrounded by shitty itas.

>> No.6744295

The (wo)man next to her wouldnt look to bad if he did his hair nicely and put on some makeup and tucked in his shirt.

>> No.6744303
File: 61 KB, 424x640, plskillmyslef.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does she have a mask for everyone of her outfits?
Jesus fuck

>> No.6744304

yes, look at her blog. She akes them special for the dress

>> No.6744308

heh, she just always looks so greasy and oily to me...

she also appears to be the only person keeping WAMH in business, jfc

>> No.6744317
File: 303 KB, 878x1249, 163249_original.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6744320
File: 58 KB, 500x500, tumblr_mk7xm9Z3m61r8i2ooo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Is it wrong of me to want to wear this with a lolita coord with Vampire Requiem?

>> No.6744348
File: 172 KB, 500x667, tumblr_mc4l31y2hR1qatb03o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6744365
File: 84 KB, 500x667, tumblr_mjk75mNjtF1rhuqkgo1_r5_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6744368
File: 272 KB, 500x500, tumblr_mjilua19pX1qm89eho1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People on the tumblr kodona tag who arent wearing kodona....

>> No.6744370
File: 177 KB, 500x667, tumblr_mjfiyiKUJt1renjcro1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Went out mall shopping with my buddies. Anon (Left) wore kondona, Anon (middle) wore fairy mori girl [cuz she’s so awesome she wore two J-fashion styles at once] and me (right) in gothic lolita. We had so much fun!

>> No.6744373

>fairy mori girl

nigga what

>> No.6744390

is that fashion square where they're at? Link me her blog

>> No.6744392

i scrolled down the kodona tag to find photos. sorry. I clicked out of it already

>> No.6744397


if you're in Phoenix, you won't ever see her, if you're in Tuscon, god help you.

>> No.6744395

OF FUCKING COURSE. She's from my local comm. And the reason why I don't participate

>> No.6744407

Can you give me hints of who to avoid in the phoenix comm?

>> No.6744431


I think if you just get to the community page and look around you can see who's worthwhile, are you the same loli who was hanging around earlier? I think my tumblr got posted.

you can message me there (firstphoenix.tumblr) if you want some help breaking into the phoenix scene without falling in with the wrong girls, I've met a lot of awesome lolitas in the comm off of cgl anyways.

>> No.6744434

meant to respond to

>> No.6744466
File: 2.40 MB, 2560x1920, what an ita little fatty chan true.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh god i have this dress, oh dear lord. It's an ita dress i won't deny that in anyway or form but oh lawdy she looks bad in it. i wore it to my second con when i was eleven or twelve i couldn't find a picture but here is kawaii neko ganguro me age 13.

>> No.6744484

I messaged you on tumblr. I think I was already following you because your url was posted.

>> No.6744533
File: 121 KB, 500x734, tumblr_mhvzwzPAIi1rhi0rbo1_500[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6744568


Vendetta much?

>> No.6744582

Those boots are awful and she needs to pull the fish tackle out of her lips, but the rest is fine.

>> No.6744618

Even the plants look sad.

> captcha: webooda peace

>> No.6744621
File: 42 KB, 600x433, climbers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6744642

That's sissy, not lolita but still huge WTF with that dog mask

>> No.6744659

Maybe some of the Harajuku staff, but the Marui One girls were full Lolita all the way, and I've just flown back from Tokyo today.

>> No.6744662

>someone looks terrible yet gives advice
>it gets pointed out that this is generally bad

>> No.6744670

>they didn't have a lot of lolita stuff

I don't think they had any.

>> No.6744674

Calm down.

>> No.6744677

>cuz she’s so awesome she wore two J-fashion styles at once

No bitch, fuck! That means she's not wearing either!

>> No.6744951

Had the same thought, anon...

>> No.6744954

Just a curiosity since you're hanging around here; I had heard that openly going on cgl was forbidden in the comm or something like that. Is that true? Or is it just posting shit about locals, which would make sense.

(Just to make clear, I don't care/not trying to call you out or anything. I'm just curious about this supposed rule because I never heard about it until someone mentioned it here.)

>> No.6745067

What bothered me about this post was that she prefaced it by saying she didn't like her coord. Then why post it??? I don't know why some people can't seem to wrap their head around the fact that they can wear lolita and not post it to the internet.

>> No.6745071

dat everything.
>a really sweet women
>dat price
>dat hair

>> No.6745075

Not ita.

>> No.6745079

If you don't think that last one is ita, you have to be blind or trolling.

>> No.6745367

Oh no, I'm not knockin them, I have a pair. I wear em to bed.

>> No.6746238
File: 256 KB, 500x750, tumblr_mkree7Ul3o1qghl44o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the wig

How could you do this to JetJ???

>> No.6746264

She is from California.

>> No.6746499
File: 224 KB, 500x667, tumblr_mkr2ewhaVo1qk7wlro1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6746501
File: 47 KB, 500x667, tumblr_mkqxfcszpi1rodhj3o1_r1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6746508
File: 68 KB, 421x750, tumblr_mkqddcQb2w1rmp8l1o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6746540
File: 250 KB, 500x729, tumblr_mkj8n1nJjW1r3ekpro1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6746554

Aside from that hat she looks pretty fabulous

>> No.6746565

I agree. She's just incredibly fat, the clothes and coord itself actually looks really cute imo and would look awesome on a smaller person.

>> No.6746796
File: 2.52 MB, 1944x2896, 8609344818_247a36632e_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6746910

kapucakes always looks terrible, and i find it ironic cause she runs a snarky lolita confessions blog

>> No.6746987


some girls make a big deal about it in the comm, sometimes some of the older girls try to do a witch hunt to find who is posting who in ita threads, it never goes anywhere.

I don't care though, it's obvious that most of the girls are on here anyways, no matter how vehemently they deny it in person

>> No.6747230

I'm sorry but that dress always looks like a bodyline dress to me. The awkward bodice print placement, the awful white trim around the waist tie...

>> No.6748721
File: 72 KB, 534x800, 84141898.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6749268
File: 121 KB, 500x669, tumblr_mkth14nmrJ1qiw2p6o5_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

frillyraver actually looks pretty good/not greasy and dirty here.

>> No.6749717

>a gorgeous woman who put a lot of time and effort into hand sewing her lolita dress
>a lot of time and effort
>into hand sewing her dress

Maybe that time could have been better spent on designing the damn thing.