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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 66 KB, 700x488, 1362335070912.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6740472 No.6740472 [Reply] [Original]

Previous: >>6739202

>> No.6740475
File: 32 KB, 638x357, ableism.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Apparently if you don't like people shopping their skin gray in every photo, you are both elitist and ableist.

I don't mind people shopping their skin if they at least mention it, but I know Zemmer has done it before and not breathed a word about it (see: Horuss cosplay).

If you can't paint yourself, cool, photoshop it. Just own up to it.

Sorry for being ableist and elitist.

>> No.6740485
File: 157 KB, 1280x853, sowah.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can I get a thing going for good Striders.

captcha: any gooddo

>> No.6740487
File: 32 KB, 396x353, 1343028822109.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hahah oh wow. Elitist? My fucking sides have left orbit.
I can agree I don't mind that much if they mention it, though it still makes me think they're a bit of a lazy shit.

Makeup isn't that fucking hard to apply. And armsocks are relatively easy to make if you don't want to paint your arms.

>> No.6740502
File: 736 KB, 684x1024, 8977ae9c3242be57c0334fbc6710b728.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good background face

>> No.6740512
File: 210 KB, 311x343, Screenshot_2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love those

>> No.6740514
File: 344 KB, 1280x960, tumblr_mknl7z3qMy1rfa8mso1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reading comprehension: 0/10

The question was about what to do about greying yourself if your skin can't take the makeup.

>> No.6740515

If thinking that unless you have a reason like skin allergies you should wear makeup, and if you can't you should shop it, makes me elitist, well then just call me Mugatu.

Also how the fuck is it ableist I can't even understand this

That being said if you admit to shooping your skin there's nothing wrong with that because some people legit do have allergies to various types of body paint

>> No.6740518
File: 645 KB, 1280x1920, tumblr_mknk7oXyc01qggg6qo3_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I apologize; that was harsh of me. I'm sure your reading skills are excellent.

>> No.6740523
File: 117 KB, 319x302, bithc face.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>default rose
>black headband

>> No.6740528

/r/ing well done default roses? preferably ones that aren't posted a lot?

>> No.6740530

Someone ask how it's ableist.

>> No.6740541

I would if this cosplayer had anon enabled. Anybody brave enough because I really want to know

>> No.6740543

what's their url?

>> No.6740545

wait ignore that, i was being stupid and forgot that i could just check the picture.

>> No.6740549

I believe, if I am following their logic correctly, that people who get upset over cosplayers not greying their skin are ableist because they assume that said cosplayers are, in fact, capable of greying their skin but are merely too lazy to do so, whereas in actuality said cosplayers are possibly unable to do so due to medical or otherwise conditions beyond their control.

Do you follow?

>> No.6740559

The next time someone points out the fact I'm not wearing colored contacts for a character, I'm using this logic to throw down the ableist card since I can't wear them.

>> No.6740561
File: 547 KB, 648x968, tumblr_mknqps2IZ61qcltrio3_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey look, more cosplay

>> No.6740563
File: 414 KB, 900x599, tumblr_m9e75hRgGu1r149j7o2_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone know where I can find a Robo-Aradia wig like this? I prefer non-China sellers (like Arda) but they have hardly any dark grey wigs that aren't shiny silver.

>> No.6740565
File: 231 KB, 644x548, really.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What a goldmine of a tumblr.

>> No.6740567


the ironic part about what you're saying is that i'm pretty sure i recall DM saying she got her wig from some taobao shop. what's with the bias against china?

>> No.6740568
File: 39 KB, 644x461, ablepines.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're a champ, thanks for asking.

>> No.6740575

I don't think you know what that word means

Try cosplaywig, they sell nice grey blends that aren't too shiny

>> No.6740577

For me, it's shipping - I've had so many things from China get lost at my post office. It's not against the sellers, just my particular office... it's run poorly. I prefer to be able to use other shipping methods, and from China that gets sooo expensive.

>> No.6740582


No, it is pretty ironic that anon would post about wanting a wig like the one in the picture without getting it from China, without knowing that that wig is from China. That's the definition of irony.

>> No.6740584
File: 505 KB, 667x500, tumblr_mjkunxL7rK1qmwbddo1_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Her cosplay tag. Such poorly blended makeup.

>> No.6740587

Ahaha, jesus fucking christ I am just making angels in this special snowflake blizzard.

>> No.6740599
File: 93 KB, 500x667, tumblr_m7izvkVP171rbtxlwo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can I get a general opinion on cat-eye lenses for troll cosplays?
I'm pretty tempted to buy a pair; pic unrelated.

>> No.6740601

Dying. "Thinking there is one way to cosplay trolls" - trolls are greeeeeeey, literally every other thing about them we've played with - costumes, eyewear, SPECIES, but if you're going full on troll you should be grey. That's like cosplaying Sailor Moon with a red wig and getting pissed when people look askance. I ain't sayin' there's no real reason to not wear full paint (sure, allergies and other conditions are a thing), but to not expect peeps to question it or call you out is just naive. Use photoshop! Sure! But, as Tim Gunn would say, you'll have to stand up for it on the runway.

>> No.6740602

Homestuck has surpassed the word count of War and Peace.

>> No.6740605

>mfw I've actually seen people cosplay sailor moon with a black wig
>mfw people loved it
>mfw i have no face because I ripped it off in anger

>> No.6740614
File: 120 KB, 500x750, tumblr_mknqby7pUG1s94y7qo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6740615

i don't. don't know how i feel about this. huh.

>> No.6740616
File: 182 KB, 960x720, tumblr_mknq2hmE0W1qlzf94o3_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6740617

Feel ya. They're very, very well-done. That Rose is gorgeous. But just. I don't know. It's strange.

>> No.6740622
File: 119 KB, 497x750, tumblr_mknpmu53wk1qcltrio1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i hate these PartyCity horns so damn much, but I think she has a perfect face for Aradia.

>> No.6740624

I like it. They have the right sort of attitude for these characters.

Where can I find more?

>> No.6740626

I love her contacts too, they look very intense.

>> No.6740628

the rose doesn't even look like a real person. i think i hate her because she's so pretty.

>> No.6740630


is this lalonding or that other girl who also looks like a frog? i can never tell the difference between them.

>> No.6740631

i'm pretty sure it's miwafwakes, not lalonding

>> No.6740634


>> No.6740638


why all this praise for a dave who looks 30 years old and a rose whose hair isn't even remotely accurate? hsg, you nitpick the shit out of both of those things usually. if they weren't in halfway decent coords you'd all be shitting yourselves. get it together.

>> No.6740645

oh my god miwa stop selfposting

>> No.6740642


>> No.6740646

they aren't accurate, but they're pretty.

>> No.6740650

uh no? i'm not her, i was browsing the tag. calm yourself.

>> No.6740651
File: 79 KB, 633x1024, 902379_10151615080971554_1799980119_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yea, I hate them too, they're horrible, hard to attach, and so overused. I pretty much only use them because I have a hard time making horns and I didn't have enough time to make them, haha. But thank you so much!!

Pic related, shitty party city horns in action.

Thanks! The contacts are Vassen's Cloud Nine Red.

Yea, it's miwafwakes 8D
I never really thought I was more of a frog, no one's really said that to me before, haha. But I do love frog stuff!

Oh, actually I didn't post them.

>> No.6740656

No no, It's quite alright! I think I just worded my post wrong is all. I'm quite aware some people can't wear makeup cause of the allergy, but if you can wear it but decide to just not, it has me raising some brows.

>> No.6740657

oh noo, that picture is fantastic haha. but yeah, no problem! completely understandable. you are adorable, nice job! c:

>> No.6740661
File: 120 KB, 500x667, no.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6740665

You know, I thought Aradia cosplaying as Sakuya was funnier when I first got into homestuck, but seeing this, frumpiness and all, I'm depressed.

>> No.6740668

>That dirty house

Also the horns look faded and poorly painted.

>> No.6740667

This board is for 18+.

>> No.6740670 [DELETED] 


I also find miwafwakes annoying, but let's not pretend that half the people who visit cglhsg are vendetta-fuelled teenaged girls in the 14-17 range.

>> No.6740675


I also find miwafwakes annoying, but let's not pretend that half the people who visit cglhsg are n't vendetta-fuelled teenaged girls in the 14-17 range.

>> No.6740673

That girl's house is giving me nightmares
just imagine what's living in all that clutter

is that a fucking memory foam pad back there?

>> No.6740678

They look a hell of a lot better than 90% of the fandom's actual teenagers.

Different strokes for different folks.

>> No.6740677

I think she seems very sweet and cute. but i'm sure you guys will think I'm just pretending to be her...

>> No.6740686
File: 584 KB, 240x135, i hope this comes out bigger than it looks because this is fullsize.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6740689

whoops, didn't mean to reply to you

>> No.6740690
File: 542 KB, 671x1273, tumblr_mknqeacS5o1rfta57o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6740692
File: 211 KB, 700x700, this can be posted right.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6740693

i wish she would've greyed her hands because that's basically all i can see
wig looks nice from what i can see though

>> No.6740696
File: 130 KB, 1032x449, IMG_0232.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got beat to the punch on the blue, but which green were you looking at?
Because while I don't own their light green, the first three swatches from the left are the other three shades from FM

>> No.6740695

I love her shoes. I want a pair.
Also, I think she has a better Leijon face, or a Lalonde face, with those cute lil chipmunk cheeks.

>> No.6740699

Their wig rubs me the wrong way, for some reason. I think it might be the fact that it's not split enough, so from a distance it looks like blunt cut bangs.

I think this board is more for cosplay, but this is cute nonetheless.

>> No.6740743


I was looking at Mystical Forest. Before that I was looking at I think what was a matte version of it? But that seems to have been discontinued.

I'm also intrigued by Ka'oir's color 'Envy'. I own a few of their other ones and I like them pretty well.

Thanks so much for the swatches!

>> No.6740751

Fuck, someone actually made it to look knitted? Way to go.

>> No.6740767
File: 489 KB, 1280x1920, tumblr_mir8vbUsBD1qekn9ko5_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ehh, I don't know if it's always a good idea.

>> No.6740777
File: 252 KB, 1280x853, tumblr_mkn2f65o6j1r2k95xo8_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6740775

That looks more like bad crochet work than knitting. The fur shoulder parts are horrible as well.

>> No.6740785
File: 434 KB, 1148x1920, tumblr_mefpbqvSdh1r1if3zo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mean, I understand wanting to stick to canon, but the few knitted dresses I've seen are just... eh.
But yeah, why she choose fur I just don't know

>> No.6740818
File: 63 KB, 800x533, trickster_rose__2__by_maha_solo-d5n3rk4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No problem!
But yeah, I think they dropped Absinthe, which is a shame because I prefer it to Mystical Forest (which was the second from left). And I've heard good things about Ka'oir but haven't bought one yet thought I probably should.

>> No.6740842

Christ you guys autosage fast, how many threads did we even go through today/tonight/yesterday/Idon'tknowyourtimezone

>> No.6740844

We talk a lot.

>> No.6740863

Oh hey it's my minor!
She's such a sweet heart.

>> No.6740954

ask her where she got her shoes.

>> No.6740965
File: 58 KB, 640x480, 130403-021301.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

okay so i'm a little scared to post my face here lol. just wondering if anyone can give me some thoughts on my Roxy wig? sorry for shitty webcam quality.

>> No.6740969

>implying your face could be worse than the hambeasts that get posted

>> No.6740970

For shitty webcam q, that is a cute ass wig. I would just only say, go heavier on the eye makeup, babe.

>> No.6740971

only because i've seen people get torn apart so much!

>> No.6740974

thank you!! C: oh yeah i know, i'm definitely gonna go dark, i just finished styling the wig and threw on the lipstick for fun.

>> No.6740979

It's cute, but second thought, you might want to cut at the bangs some. and put the curl more forward.

>> No.6740983

maybe shorter and more layered bangs? and good point, seeing the picture now it definitely isn't close enough to my face.
thank you guys so much!

>> No.6740992

I don't know if they need to be shorter than where you've pinned them, but a chunk of hair just pinned always kind of bothers me.

>> No.6741009

oh they're not pinned, i just cut them a little shorter so they sweep to the side, and then sprayed 'em! i might just give them some more texture and whatnot.

>> No.6741023

Fuck. Now it's stuck in my head that the Disciple is an 80's glamrocker.
...This is kind of awesome.

>> No.6741025

I saw her cosplay in person. She was fantastic, she had great body language as the Disciple.

>> No.6741038

It looks like it. I really like the idea that the Disciple is very wild and untamed, like an extreme Nepeta.

>> No.6741045

Exactly! Nepeta is surprisingly hard fucking core, she slaughters animals with her bare hands and decorates her cave with their skins and paintings she's made using their blood as a pigment. I personally like to imagine that the Disciple was a real wild child until she met the Sufferer, and then she kind of civilized up a bit until only to have to retreat back into the wilderness after his execution. DM makes a stunning Disciple, don't get me wrong, but she looks so sweet I have a hard time reading feral girl out of it.

>> No.6741053
File: 150 KB, 1024x768, Notetoself-leatherpantsdontbreath.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

BRB making genderswap Disciple costume

>> No.6741062
File: 898 KB, 683x1024, tumblr_mga7irhdHm1qiiky7o3_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


If you want an example of a 'too sweet' Disciple, look at lalonding's or thevvioletprince's or theolivescribe's.

>> No.6741068


that sure is a lot of exposition you have there based on a character we know literally nothing about whose only characterization in the story is in one brief paragraph. hussie never said anything about her personality. don't act like your headcanon is canon.

>> No.6741073 [DELETED] 

That stuff about Nepeta is completely canon, you may look that up if you wish. Regarding the Disciple, I said that I I said that I "personally like to imagine" it. I never claimed my opinion to reflect canon, nor did I disparage anybody in my post, so I'm not sure why you're getting so defensive about it.

>> No.6741082

they didn't act like it was, they just said that's what they like to imagine. i don't think there's anything wrong with that?
and because we don't know anything about the Disciple, all we can really do is imagine what she's like.

>> No.6741079

That stuff about Nepeta is completely canon, you may look that up if you wish. Regarding the Disciple, I said that I "personally like to imagine" it. I never claimed my opinion reflected canon, nor did I disparage anybody in my post, so I'm not sure why you're getting so defensive about it.

>> No.6741097


I'm tired of seeing people make assumptions about characters we know nothing about and then judge others accordingly. Remember back when we knew nothing about the Condesce's personality and people who cosplayed her were criticized for not being regal enough or whatever in their cosplays/poses? And then Hussie had her talk and she turned out to be a super ghetto gangsta. Just saying, it's sort of stupid to impose your headcanon like that.

>> No.6741104

...I'm at a loss with you. They outright said "I personally like to imagine" When there's little known about a character people will make up things. Hence the phrase "leaving it to the imagination". Now if this anon was saying "THIS IS WHAT THE DISCIPLE IS AND EVERYONE ELSE IS WRONG" Then yeah, you've got some ground to stand on but that totally didn't happen broheim.

>> No.6741105

Literally everything we think we know about how the Ancestors act and behave, with the exception of the Condesce and Mindfang, relies on widely accepted headcanons. For example, a lot of people believe that the Sufferer preached in long-winded speeches a la Kankri instead of in an agitated bluster like Karkat. That's a headcanon. People are free to interpret the Ancestors however they want. I'm not imposing my own interpretation on anybody, just sharing it. It's fact that the Disciple spent the last part of her life in the wilderness etching the Sufferer's message onto stone walls with blood. What you do with that and how you portray it is up to you.

>> No.6741107
File: 51 KB, 500x667, tumblr_ly45yacuKr1qim4fgo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh no

>> No.6741117

who is that

>> No.6741123


>the Disciple spent the last part of her life in the wilderness etching the Sufferer's message onto stone walls with blood

when i first read that part of the story i immediately imagined some weird edward-and-bella like obsession between the two like the part where edward leaves bella for a while and she just gives up on life. combine that with 'THEIR LOVE WAS THE BEST AND MOST TRUE EVER' in the narration and i can't imagine them as being anything but barf inducing around each other.

>> No.6741122

lol >>6740965 was worried about her wig

>> No.6741131

>tired of seeing people make assumptions about characters and then judge others accordingly
we fucking do that all the time when we talk about how a cosplayer would look better as a different character because of their face shape or body type.

>> No.6741145

hanari aka diamondsfuckingdroog

>> No.6741157
File: 439 KB, 1280x853, tumblr_mklw25iZfY1r2k95xo4_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6741160

i think she lives in my state. oh no.

>> No.6741165

this made me so depressed

>> No.6741166

which one
the solution to ben nye
or the perm

>> No.6741171

also i fucking love that Kurloz's skeleton
>18 ribs
>ribs end at hips

>> No.6741173

Definitely trim the bangs and define the curl more.. Also, make sure it's facing the correct way (the curl, that is). It's a gorgeous wig and you have a really cute face, so I think that you could make a great Roxy.

>> No.6741181

thank you so much! yeah, i'm adding a lot more texture to the bangs, and redoing the curl completely. thanks for reminding me! turns out i actually had it going the wrong way. i know that's a big pet peeve for a lot of folks. >.<
thank you again!

>> No.6741184
File: 401 KB, 800x600, tumblr_mbn55oqo4j1rp5kako1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate their faces. I hate their faces so much.

>> No.6741188


anon, find a legit reason for your vendetta. 'i hate their faces' is just immature and stupid. nitpick for cosplay, wigs, posing, makeup, etc, all you want, but ripping into personal appearances is petty as hell.

>> No.6741195
File: 119 KB, 427x640, tumblr_mknvpirBDY1r0qh5to1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These two leave a bad taste in my mouth.

>> No.6741197

>sage for heaven posting

>> No.6741206 [DELETED] 

<a href="http://zagvozd0947359328.com">zagvozd0947359328.com</a>
http://zagvozd0947359328.com - zagvozd0947359328.com

>> No.6741218

i know that meenah in real life, she's actually a real sweetie. i dont know what she's doing with heaven though

>> No.6741221
File: 92 KB, 500x750, tumblr_mki7l0eHwW1r9tbefo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She has bulimia cheeks, but I kind of like her cosplays.

>> No.6741223


..."bulimia cheeks"?

>> No.6741225

yea i just googled what bulimia cheeks were, but i dont really see the difference between bulimia cheeks and normal chubby cheeks?

>> No.6741231

whoops recovered bulic here, haha. but the difference is where the acid builds into, and looking at it and at my own before, they kind of do.

>> No.6741232

dkfjsk **bulimic

>> No.6741236

dem eyebrows though.

>> No.6741242

At least she did her eyebrows.

>> No.6741253

it's just that she does them that dark and that thick for every cosplay she does and it's just
so distracting

>> No.6741314

i kind of wish the dave had done kodona or aristocrat to match, but their faces go really well together

i actually remember seeing a wip of the rose's dress and she said she was going to order a pink cincher to wear instead? i guess it fell through, that's disappointing, the pink bracelet looks so out of place otherwise

>> No.6741395
File: 581 KB, 531x800, tumblr_mfocaz3x5M1r1hdm0o1_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a good comment and you should feel good. I roll my eyes every time I see a post about how cosplayers are "doing it wrong" because their outfits don't match up with someone's personal headcanon re: Ancestor outfits or hair color of whatever. There is a difference between "I prefer...." and "this is inaccurate."

>> No.6741398
File: 575 KB, 749x490, 1357254365338.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never have my opinion on someone made such a heel-to-toe turn.
Good on you, bootyshortscronus.

Wouldn't it be much more helpful to have a X/Y grid?
Quality of cosplays versus quality of character.

>> No.6741415

she's a floridastuck god help us all

>> No.6741433
File: 663 KB, 1280x1920, tumblr_mknxw6fMkI1qcq35yo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6741446

So i'm a older homestuck fan, and I was tempted to cosplay one of the ancestors, Mostly the Sufferer. The only dumb thing I can think of is.. would it look awesome if he had a beard? you dont really see his face at all in the panels but as a older character maybe he would have one.. Im not sure but if you guys think of it as a stupid idea that's cool.. I dont expect any other homestuck character to have a beard as it is.. but apparantly he was like Troll Jesus in a sense

>> No.6741448

Full on beard, probably not. Stubble though.
Now stubble.
That is another thing.
Or just generally unshaven idk.

>> No.6741455
File: 73 KB, 500x333, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ooh, cute! Source?

Stubble? Yes. Five o'clock shadow? Yes. Neck Beardtier? No.

>> No.6741494

those fins look so crusty like they were dipped in grease, they make me feel sick

>> No.6741500
File: 459 KB, 1280x808, 1363561326854.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6741501


Agree with other anons, Scrufferer is cool, long beard no. Long beards would make doing the makeup nicely really difficult anyway.

>> No.6741508

Face paint and beards don't tend to mix well. But theoretically, the idea of a more Jesus imagery inducing Sufferer is cool.

>> No.6741512

haha i didn't even notice they were cosplaying cronus, i've always seen them use them for eridan and thought they were disgusting

>> No.6741555

>short dress and sultry pose/expression

Ohh gurl, no.

>> No.6741566

Go for it - we haven't updated the chart in a while. An x/y plot would probably cut down on the "so and so should go HERE" whining too.

Not a fan of a full beard but the few Sufferers who've added stubble have looked pretty cool.

>> No.6741652
File: 348 KB, 960x1280, tumblr_mko2z8GXfx1qaury6o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6741656
File: 395 KB, 603x452, tumblr_mko1u0FEOK1qayeo7o4_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6741657
File: 427 KB, 1280x853, tumblr_mko2b0uJzH1ru4szxo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6741660
File: 377 KB, 542x406, tumblr_mko0sx3aTK1qayeo7o3_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6741690
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>> No.6741730
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Okay so I'm making that chart now, what should I put as "god tier character traits"?

>> No.6741735
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>> No.6741740

No tumblr drama
No irl drama
Friendly and helpful
Regularly creates tutorials

>> No.6741742
File: 134 KB, 800x600, tumblr_mfnq9ej5RO1qfe1kko8_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So far I've got these:
>Drama free
>Looks to improve
>Down to earth
>Does not bitch and moan when posted to /cgl/ or critiqued
>Does not necessarily agree with you but are at least polite about it

>> No.6741744
File: 259 KB, 762x1200, 1363819330448.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not too sure about the "looks to improve" though.

Also you guys can post requests for people around now. I'll be here all night and get it done.

>> No.6741748

Not a god tier suggestion exactly but I'd take into account who is actually active in HS still.

For GT, someone who contributes to the community (organizing shoots, tutorials, whatever)

>> No.6741758
File: 909 KB, 1475x2435, bluh bluh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll add a note after the person.

Here's the chart, mark out people on it and upload and I will fill it in later tonight.

>> No.6741762

Maybe start with the current chart >>6740315 and take suggestions for where people should be moved.

IMO everyone in god tier looks good for personality except for shooshstab who apparently has a shitty attitude.

>> No.6741767
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I am really not well-oriented enough to have any idea about them, especially since it was claimed to need updating.
If you guys would mark out on the chart it would really make everything easier.
I am going to add some but I don't really believe my judgement is representable for the hsg since I'm rather meek haha.

>> No.6741774

Hey HSG I'm looking for a Roxy wig, and I can't seem to find any I really like. Any suggestions?

>> No.6741778

if you're willing to splurge on arda wigs, then their inigo in whatever shade of blonde best flatters you!

>> No.6741780

any characters you'd recommend for a fat girl to cosplay?

Also, would you recommended cross stitching fabric as well before hemming it?

>> No.6741783

Since somebody has brought up wigs, does anybody have any suggestions for or could recommend a Dirk wig?
Kind of absolutely clueless when it comes to wigs.

>> No.6741792

Depends on what blonde you're going for? This is mine http://www.ebay.com/itm/Light-Blonde-TIGER-BUNNY-ORIGAMI-CYCLONE-Short-Anime-Cosplay-Wig-/281074154781?pt=US_CSA_MWA_Wigs_Extensions&hash=item4171533d1d which you can find from a few different shops on ebay. It's really nice quality; really thick and full!

>> No.6741799
File: 1.18 MB, 1475x2435, Untitled-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

all the chart really needs

>> No.6741813

Do you mind posting a picture of your roxy so I can compare?

>> No.6741819

It doesn't really matter what you use as a base since a wig for Dirk will require extensive styling. Arda's Derek or Magnum (with some trimming) could work well.

>> No.6741818

I agree with this about DM. I feel like she doesn't have the right look for Damara either, ironically. She's got a great face for Aradia though.

>> No.6741828

Well, it's still in progress, but I'm actually right up here! >>6740965 I still have some more styling to do though.

>> No.6741831

I don't mean to be anal, but there ought to be a list of traits for Shit Tier Cosplay and Character. It'd be redundant, but it might make things a bit easier for people filling out the chart.

>> No.6741833

Yeah, I'm actually having a hard time conceptualizing who could go where without criteria to fill.

>> No.6741834

isn't basically shit tier character just being an asshole/bitch or loads of drama

>> No.6741835

Oh awesome! Thanks for the suggestion

>> No.6741843

yeah, no problem! c: i completely recommend it. good luck!!

>> No.6741848

So that leaves us with Heaven for sure. I'd say Gemiblu too.

>> No.6741850


get new shoes for your fancy aradiasprite

>> No.6741851

I'll try and make some guidelines for that too, but like >>6741834 said, shit tier is basically the opposite of god tier.

shit tier cosplays
>ill fit
>bad fabric choices
>obvious cutting corners
>biting off more than you can chew
>no sense of style
>craft store vomit

Shit tier character:
>drama everywhere
>constant victimizing of self
>being anal about helping people out
>unwarranted self importance

I'm adding that to the updated chart, but I'm not uploading that one for a while.

>> No.6741863
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>> No.6741879

Yeah, I know spectagoggles doesn't cosplay Homestuck anymore, so I don't think she should be included.

>> No.6741886

tbh, i'm not even sure she should've been there in the first place; she's only ever done one homestuck cosplay

>> No.6741889

I'd agree with you on that point, actually. But she got on the list nevertheless. This time around I'd keep her off.

>> No.6741890


Urchintier is ultimate shit tier cosplay
Heaven is shit tier character

>> No.6741895

How is urchintier personality wise?
Heaven is Decent in cosplay quality from what I can remember.

I'm not sure I've even seen her hs-cosplay so yeah, she's off.

>> No.6741901

Cancerously: mid-bad cosplay, good character
MF: good cosplay, bad character
All Dave Strider Ask Blog Cosplayers: auto-shitcorner

>> No.6741905

heaven's cosplay quality varies; some of her outfits are okay, while others are just... shitty.

urchintier's personality was a little whiny but pretty okay considering all the hate she was getting, but she deleted her blog so that's kind of the end of that

>> No.6741909
File: 526 KB, 1280x1707, tumblr_mhdw5m3Io51r1enoxo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I'm planning to give my Itchy cosplay a serious overhaul. Green pants are necessary, I'm not sure if I want to create a new vest or add the superlong tail he has onto existing one because I've grown fond of the cube pattern.

I'm also probably going to go with a zentai head covering (not too good with cosplay terminology) since I am positively shit tier at applying makeup.

>> No.6741911

I just lost my shit in class. Spot on.

>> No.6741912

Someone put that gross Dave on the list who always makes those gifs where they're licking their lips and touching their face "sexily."

>> No.6741923

that's just going to give them publicity, in all honesty

>> No.6741928

Acne Dave. Vomit.

I agree with >>6741923 though. They're disgusting but do we really want to advertise them?

>> No.6741930

Just stopping by but...are the horns supposed to be so..huge?

>> No.6741934


>> No.6741939

Why are we still talking about this list, no one will ever fully agree and people will want more and more changes and it's a bunch of fucking blathering that clogs up the thread.

>> No.6741962
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not quite that large but they are pretty big

>> No.6741965

I think it's a good idea to at least compile a list of the names that pop up fairly often in the Homestuck cosplay scene. Rating them by quality of costume and personality isn't too far a step from that.

>> No.6741989

Agreed but that list already exists >>6740315

It probably makes more sense to update it than to start a whole new one. Or split it into god-low personality tier and god-low cosplay tier or whatever to indicate the good cosplayers with bad personalities. I'm having a hard time figuring out how to rank all the low drama mid-tier people on an x/y scale with each other - there isn't a lot to work with.

>> No.6741995
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>> No.6741998

everything about this is really sad

>> No.6742001

They look right to me.

>> No.6742020

isn't this that girl that completely ripped off DM's Aradiabot?

>> No.6742025

Ms. Paint? If you're tall, a 63'd version of Hearts Boxcars, or maybe some of The Felt?

>> No.6742028
File: 20 KB, 300x300, 1354041576839.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw hoping you never show up on these lame tier lists and get pulled into drama

inb4 I'm someone on the list

>> No.6742031

I'm honestly sick and tired of the "ripped off" cosplay accusations. Aradiabot has a canon design. Just because DM did it and did it well doesn't mean that other cosplayers who follow suit are copying her every move. Taking influence and advice, sure. But DM herself has come in here and said that she's given out the fabrics she's used and offered help to Aradiabot cosplayers who have asked. If memory serves me correctly, she's stepped in to defend cosplayers you guys have accused of copying her. If she doesn't think they're ripping her off, you really shouldn't either.

>> No.6742033

seconding Ms. Paint but Jane might also be a good idea

>> No.6742032

Yeah, I know it was talked about in a recent past thread. What's her URL again?

>> No.6742038

I was just asking because I remember people talking about it in a past thread, calm down.
(though I do think they look eerily similar)

I don't remember, sorry!

>> No.6742040


>> No.6742044

Who is that Jade, and is that Naya as Rose?

>> No.6742047

jade is http://babycricket.tumblr.com/
rose is http://nemui-kun.tumblr.com/

>> No.6742048

Jade is babycricket.

>> No.6742051
File: 130 KB, 458x520, 1319093098784.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Question about armsocks:

I'm cosplaying Karkat soon, and I want to make armsocks, but since I have long sleeves, I'm considering just making the hands. Is it important to have my socks stretch over my whole arms, to keep them snug or whatever, or can I get away with just hands?

>> No.6742054

You should probably make full armsocks. The "gloves" would fall down and slip, and I'm sure you'll find either, another use for them, or someone to sell them to.

>> No.6742062
File: 626 KB, 1280x1671, tumblr_mfzr9sTXku1qbghlao2_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man I love her Jade, and she is a complete sweetheart.
>that trigger discipline though.

>> No.6742063

if you just made the hands I suppose you could keep them taught with sock glue or something [?], but if you're buying tights to make them from its no more work to make them full armsocks really.

>> No.6742067

Hey guys, my friend is doing gas mask Dirk and neither of us can figure out how he should do the shoes, with the white-leg part? Suggestions?

>> No.6742070

Sigh. I don't want to suggest it, but high-kneetop converse and fabric paint.

>> No.6742075

I guess that could work. Do you think that'd be okay?

>> No.6742087
File: 60 KB, 500x381, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Though in this panel he doesn't have them, would it be okay to just have red and blue shoes?

>> No.6742089

I'm sure no one will mind, and it'd prolly be easier to pull off, as long as you don't use canvas shoes, paint cracks too easily.

>> No.6742097

>Low effort cosplaying general

All trolling aside (I MADE A FUNNY) what is it about the Homestuck fandom at cons that makes them so cliquey? It's so damn hard to talk to Homestucks. Usually, you try and talk to them, and they just say "Hi, whatever, etc" and go back to their business, and that's not counting the times they just ignore you.

tl;dr Homestuck fans promote cliques at cons, this is bad

>> No.6742107
File: 255 KB, 800x1142, 1363962944134.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We are incredibly paranoid because we think that everyone hates us.
It is a self-fulfilling prophecy really.

And about that chart whatever, silencedrowns haven't been doing a lot of homestuck lately and wasn't she also planning on cutting down on cosplay in general?

>> No.6742105

>3 sentences

Honestly, it's probably all the shit they get for being homestucks. I would stick to my own kind too if my fandom were outwardly hated by a lot of people.

>> No.6742109

get over it and stop generalizing homestuck fans
its natural to group with those of your kind
thats just general knowledge get over it

>> No.6742116

jumping in this thread just for this question because it's a point I wanted to bring up somewhere: I think the vaguely cliquey nature of Homestucks may have something to do with how people treat Homestucks as opposed to people from other fandoms.

I cosplay Homestuck sometimes, but more often I'm cosplaying JoJo or iDOLM@STER. I also like to tell people when they're in a costume I like that their costume is great, or I love their wig, etc etc etc. About 95% of the time when I'm in a Homestuck outfit and I compliment a non-Homestuck, I get this insane stink-eye like "okay you grey person go away". But if I say something to the same cosplayer later on when I'm not dressed as Homestuck (and I do this sometimes just to see what happens, or in case of someone with multiple good outfits), I get a far warmer reaction. It can occasionally work the other way around too; I compliment a Homestuck while I'm running around in metallic spandex and blue lipstick and they get wary. I compliment a Homestuck while in Homestuck cosplay and they're far less afraid.

The second the grey paint goes on, I'm instantly lumped in with all of the sharpie baths and bucket spitting and god knows what else. And yeah, I know how that goes, when you're cosplaying from something with a batshit fandom etc etc etc. But it's REALLY hard, possibly impossible, to NOT notice the general anime convention hostilities from the part of non-Homestucks to people who are Homestucks.

I can't ever find it in myself to blame Homestucks, especially young ones, for being a bit wary of people who have not identified themselves as being part of the group when there's such a palpable air of dislike from the people outside the group.

>> No.6742114

I think a big bart of it might be that most other con-goers usually goes all: "Why the hell would I want to talk to you?", when a Homestucker says 'hello' or tries to start a conversation, and thus are afraid that the conversation (even if started in a friendly matter by others) might turn into a disaster if they keep talking to non-Homestuckers.

At least this is what I noticed at my latest con.
Unless others were HS-fans or friends of the Homestuckers, they were avoiding us or throwing nasty comments, ignoring us when we tried to speak to them and so on..

>> No.6742115

Not going to lie, a good number of Homestucks are socially inept. The fact that people are constantly coming to Homestuck related threads and things online and telling us how shitty we are doesn't really help either with the friendliness level. Like another anon said, this makes us really paranoid, so in the end we end up sticking with each other cause, in all honesty, it's just easier.

>> No.6742124

That's a fair point, but it's really hard to like a group of people when they just sit there with their own kind, shutting everyone else out.

Then again, there's the Naruto fanbase, so I guess I'd rather have Homestucks being introvertive than Narutards being Narutards.

>its natural to group with those of your kind
Yeah, but 1) cons are a social event and 2) there's a BIG difference between sticking with your kind and just being cliquey and closed off to anyone else.

I think there's a lot of animosity on both sides, to be honest. A lot of the Homestucks at our con are kind of assholes, and tend to SERIOUSLY shut everyone else out, going as far as to sling random stupid comments at other people. One of my favorites? "Why is that Finn here; Adventure Time isn't even anime." I shit you not, from an Aradia cosplayer.

>> No.6742128

yo silencedrowns here... yea I haven't done much Homestuck lately because I am more than anything from the JoJo's Bizarre Adventure fandom and it's been exploding and I'm going to ride that wave of "WHAT, PEOPLE KNOW THIS?!" like it's 1890 and I'm horse racing for Jesus parts. Also there just haven't been any new designs that really inspire me, plus I really am trying to cut back on the costumes overall.

I do have one or two new homestuck things planned for the future, as part of a group-with-a-best-friend sort of thing, and I'll do my best to make those as good as possible, but I'm not and never have been a Homestuck blogger. I make costumes, I'll make tutorials, I'll talk to you about makeup, but I'm a JoJo and will never claim to be anything but.

also please don't put me on charts or whatnot... I like to do a good job on things and help people out because it's fulfilling for me, not because I want to be internet famous. (There's a difference trust me.) I'm a bit awkward and people trying to thrust me in some sort of spotlight makes me a little bit uncomfortable.

>> No.6742140

I honestly think that all fans group together, it's just a lot more apparent with homestucks because we have a very obvious common denominator.
When you see a bunch of people in general anime outfits you think "oh hey anime fans" or "oh hey that looks like some ridic. fighting game".
Homestuck is more directly nameable, anyone who sees the grey faces and orange horns will directly be able to name it homestuck.

When you cosplay from homestuck you are DIRECTLY and ALWAYS classified as a homestuck. I've cosplayed from other sources and people always look so stupefyed when I tell them that "oh, yeah, tomorrow I'm greying up!". It's like as if you as a homestuck are excluded from liking anything else, because you're a HOMESTUCK, not an anime fan god damn it!

>> No.6742146

It's true, I remember being kind of culture shocked the first time my best friend and I cosplayed homestuck. Normally we were pretty popular on the con scene for cosplaying things like vocaloid and anime, but when we cosplayed homestuck literally no one approached us and other people we had met beforehand seemed disinterested in talking to us when we attempted to strike up to conversation. So yeah, we fell back and ended up hanging out with the other homestucks. The next day we cosplayed from Sailor Moon and people were about 5 times friendlier.

>> No.6742148

Yeah they look pretty, but oh dear your concept of EGL is so wrong. I'm so tired of the 'lolitastuck' thing because NOBODY do it the right way.

>> No.6742149

it makes me sad that when i tell people my little brother is a homestuck they instantly apoligize for the transgressions they assume he's committed, when he's not even homestuckaboo in the slightest.

>> No.6742154

I've noticed hsg generally has a negative opinion of most/all ask blogs. Are they shitty because they're ask blogs, or are they shitty because the people running them are usually disgusting?

>> No.6742157

I wonder if that's how my non-weeb friends feel about me.


>> No.6742158

They are almost always shitty because they are either A.) Completely out of character, B.) Shit cosplays, C.) Gross in general. Or a whopping combo of all three.

>> No.6742164

Wow this is all rather depressing.

>> No.6742160

They people that know their character and look the part realize how dumb the blogs are.

>> No.6742166

Depends entirely on the askblog and who runs it. HSG will probably like the blog a lot more if, for example, it isn't run by a John that's hungry for Dave's dick, or vice versa.

>> No.6742171

holy shit that rose's face

>> No.6742173

aw :(
hopefully not, as long as you don't fagstuck all over them they shouldn't be to bothered by it. i guess people just assume he's a gigantic weeb because he's 13.

>> No.6742180

I love the /idea/ of cosplay askblogs but it's just that I've never seen a good one.

>> No.6742183

Please, god, may I request good Strider/Lalonde cosplayers.

>> No.6742186
File: 422 KB, 602x900, rose_lalonde_by_yuka_rin-d4n7ni6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6742188
File: 98 KB, 960x720, 1364399129377.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because if you have a cosplay that you can get into about once a week to take a few gifs then it can't be of all that high quality.

I know!
I have only done homestuck this year (my other cosplays have to get updated oops) but I usually cosplay kind of cutesy characters and get a lot of attention even from people who aren't fans of the series (boy, let me TELL you about the amount of COME GIVE ME A HUG I got as Chopper), as a homestuck the only people who stop me are other homestucks. Sometimes I meet people who tell me when they are in hs cosplay that they would have wanted to say hello to me or take a picture but didn't because they were cosplaying from some anime.

It is actually really, really, REALLY sad.

>> No.6742191
File: 461 KB, 480x770, 88356814238e150b7b468f9e0dc763f1-d5u2xao.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6742194
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>> No.6742197
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>> No.6742199
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>> No.6742200
File: 362 KB, 1280x624, 1363458011766.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6742201
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>> No.6742203
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>> No.6742206
File: 164 KB, 900x675, a_little_too_forward_by_immortalcosplay-d5sba9x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6742211
File: 505 KB, 1280x1920, tumblr_mj7ff3wgal1qdqktpo3_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6742212
File: 256 KB, 1274x910, tumblr_m8mmzpGTwI1r6nzsco1_r2_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6742221
File: 81 KB, 467x705, tumblr_mkhnbr1Ylc1qk2joho4_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone have any good Grimdark Roses.

>> No.6742214
File: 523 KB, 1280x1920, tumblr_mk0w3nCM6z1qdgmkko2_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6742216
File: 170 KB, 1000x786, tumblr_mikwt51DUB1r6nzsco4_r2_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6742219

Okay, I WANT to like her, her skin is so flawless, but she has like, a pig nose or something.

>> No.6742225
File: 60 KB, 600x800, grimdark_by_gypsystar-d3kq2hp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6742222
File: 105 KB, 1024x683, rose_and_mutini_by_lazer684-d5pbxdh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6742229
File: 74 KB, 701x1139, tentacletherapist_by_ten_ketsu-d5x98kd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6742227
File: 76 KB, 500x375, tumblr_mf3r9m25m81r33yrpo2_r1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6742232
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>> No.6742237
File: 412 KB, 602x900, tumblr_m24gyhYVto1qdwjd1o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6742241
File: 228 KB, 1280x853, tumblr_mhuaaaEQ621qg0qlbo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6742242
File: 200 KB, 800x533, homestuck__aggrieve_by_pandarosi-d4uz32b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6742245
File: 446 KB, 800x531, tumblr_lqb39waYoH1qa3lhio2_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6742246
File: 1003 KB, 1280x762, tumblr_meu6hr56K41r5eygko1_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the only Grimdark rose I've seen that's the right gray.

>> No.6742250

>good character
Is this a joke?

>> No.6742252
File: 523 KB, 600x900, tumblr_mk6lb6aIUw1rqabcuo2_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6742254

I'm not sure what's going on with their wig.
I'm not sure if I like it.

>> No.6742265
File: 171 KB, 1280x853, tumblr_mj46qanDU91qbun5xo2_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6742287

Doesnt seem like it. She doesn't spread drama, writes a ton of tutorials and runs photoshoots, panels, and Promstuck. She doesn't act like a bigwig either. By what they've set here she fits, even if her cosplays aren't god tier level.

>> No.6742303


holy lol that wig

>> No.6742301

In my experience with her, she has a completely over inflated ego. She expects people to be super excited when they get the "privilege" of meeting her, and she's selfish.

>> No.6742305

really? huh, she didn't seem that way when i met her at katsucon.

>> No.6742322


Wow she didn't seem that way at all when I met her, calling vendetta unless anon has better deets

>> No.6742327

No, I got that, she is kind of disrespectful, and fairly cocky.

>> No.6742331

This looks so sloppy. The knight god tier is not that fucking hard.

>> No.6742338

I wouldn't go that far; she has a bit of an ego, but it's kind of expected since this is the first time she's quote-unquote 'made it big' in fandom.
sage because this is drama; I would post relevant cosplay except I'm reading Dangan Ronpa right now.

>> No.6742341

all of my cosplays for the next con I'm going to are homestuck and now I'm kind of scared. this is depressing

>> No.6742354

Vendetta admitted, but I'm just giving my personal opinion. Several people I'm sure have had the same experiences as I have.

>> No.6742368

Thet eyeliner...

>> No.6742408

So I was browsing the animeNEXT tag and saw this posted by macabrekawaii (I think she's been mentioned here before for something?)
"I’m genuinely getting angry about finding out AnimeNEXT is denying all Homestuck paneling. This is a large fandom that had a full, well-attended panel last year at the con. Barring some sort of extreme incident (that I have heard nothing about) there is no sound reason save for personal biases that would account for Homestuck being removed from the programming lineup.

This is not a con that has a “Japanimation/Japanese media only” tagline, so I really would love a proper explanation for this."

What do you guys think about it? Anyone have any details?
I hope you're enjoying it anon.

Too bad the fandom has gone to shit since it became popular on tumblr
>tfw it's going to even more shit now that the anime is coming out

>> No.6742420
File: 446 KB, 1280x1920, guess whos back back again.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh shit urchintier rises from the dead.

>> No.6742430
File: 459 KB, 1280x1920, i want to say she at least got a little better.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6742437

I have no clue who that is, but I dig that skirt. It's fancy a bit, but not too much.

>> No.6742432

I like the concept, but...?

>> No.6742435

That doesn't look bad, for urchintier.

>> No.6742440

Aw fuck. Nevermind.

>> No.6742449

urchintier is doing ballgown dreamer rose for anime midwest

>> No.6742447

Just kidding, close up'd, why would this happen.

>> No.6742453
File: 61 KB, 480x640, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn, cod-tier. Lookin' good.

>> No.6742454

she says that she's actually going to hem the ruffles, so maybe there is hope afterall

>> No.6742455

I've noticed this too, even with goddamn ponies. I went to MCM cosplaying Aradia on the Saturday and Applejack on the Sunday. I mainly just hung out with other Homestucks on the Saturday, nobody asked for my picture or tried to talkt o me, didn't think anything of it because yknow, big event, not necessarily going to meet new people. Only when I cosplayed Applejack on the Sunday, all kinds of people were asking for my picture and chatting to me and just generally being friendlier. Really confused me at first, because imo the Aradia cosplay was much better, and surely bronies are a hell of a lot worse than Homestucks. But what you're saying makes a lot of sense.

>> No.6742460

what's her url?

>> No.6742473
File: 74 KB, 500x750, tumblr_inline_mkj7jsf6qv1qz4rgp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>still have to add dark red lace

>> No.6742471

So proud of her, she's come so far

>> No.6742472

Maybe because we're there to hang out with other Homestucks? I don't know about everyone else if I'm in a Homestuck costume, I am there to be with other people who like the same stuff as I do (Homestuck). So yeah, I'm only going to say hi, maybe give a two sentence explanation as to what Homestuck is if I'm asked, and go back to doing my own thing.

I wouldn't expect a Batman cosplayer to talk to me for longer than a photograph, why expect more from a Homestuck?

>> No.6742478

if macabrekawaii is who I think it is, she's the admin for 18+ bostonstuck and a huge bitch? but bostonstuck is apparently a huge mess so

was there drama involving homestucks at animenext last year? that's the only reason I can think of for the ban

>> No.6742476

I'm reluctant to give it out.
It's obvious she's trying to get better, slowly, but you can see it.

She got so much anon hate last time to the point where she had to delete her blog

>> No.6742483

how do you hem them when theyre attached already like what
it sounds like a stupid idea to me to hem them after the sides have been already sewn on

>> No.6742501

I'm not going to send hate, I'm honestly curious to see how she's doing. I understand your reservations though.

>> No.6742510

I was there last year, and I remember someone threw a bucket at an eridan cosplayer at the photoshoot. I also remember the girl who ran the homestuck panel had a bad paint job because apparently she had to share it with her friends because they all forgot it or something.

I also remember a few people were mad they didnt get picked for the panel and she picked her friend instead.

At the Homestuck meetup, there was someone crying, although that wasn't my business so I don't know why.
Uuh, what else. There was some gross unsealed homestuck weebs with buckets and her hair hanging out of the back of her wig in her wigcap and it looked like a ballsack.

I also remember a lot of the usual shit of anime fans getting mad that homestuck was at their con, nothing new. I remember my friend was telling me that a registration staff member said to her Homestuck and Sherlock shouldn't be at the con.

Nothing special I can think of.

>> No.6742522
File: 232 KB, 900x1355, jade_harley_by_confetti-d5jwt9a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/cgl/, quick question, what would be a good material to use for Jade's god tier tunic?

>> No.6742525

You can never go wrong with jersey knits!

>> No.6742531

For mine I used a polyester blend.
I think it was polyester jersey blend

it was pretty comfy

>> No.6742540
File: 810 KB, 1280x876, tumblr_mgdaf5Pfgu1ru6ow2o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you!

>> No.6742555
File: 423 KB, 525x519, Stuff..png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a gif, but I wanted to screencap the characterization. Stuff. You are given a question with a million possibilities for showcasing Rose's personality, and you choose "stuff."

>> No.6742551

It's great so far; I just finished Chapter three, and I liked that killer tbh, I'm kind of upset to see them gone.
And frankly, after I (finally) leave the homestuck fandom, I think I might take a break from giant, intimidating fandoms or ones that recently made it big. Two years Homestuck and all it's drama brings about a certain weariness, you know?

I didn't hear anything about an anime, though! I hope they keep the same VAs from the game, I'll be pretty friggin' upset if they don't.

I thought that bucket-throwing was AN 2011.

>> No.6742568

Nope, it was 2012 as well

>> No.6742581

I've hung out with her a few times and I've never experienced anything remotely like this - she seemed really gracious on all occasions.

Macabrekawaii is the 18+ Bostonstuck mod and completely up her own ass. Anything she says is likely to be blown out of proportion or irrational.

This is even the case with kids cosplays vs troll cosplays. The times I've cosplayed a human I've had tons of non-HS stopping me for pics and questions, only to see them look half-mortified when I tell them I'm from homestuck. In troll cosplay: zero non-HS photos.

>> No.6742584


Yes and yes. Bostonstuck is a big mess but its 90% 17 year olds. Macabrekawaii is in her late 20s so theres no excuse for the way she acts

>> No.6742591

we need a new thread

>> No.6742599

I assume it would be the same for rose's GT dress? or should I go with cotton?

>> No.6742601
File: 448 KB, 1296x3410, hsg fabric guide.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Use a fabric with a good weight and that drapes well.

>> No.6742603

thanks, I've been looking for that.

>> No.6742606

Go with a jersey knit in general; I'm using it for my Seer robe and it's working well thus far.

>> No.6742613

New thread >>6742607

>> No.6742618

fucking broadcloth skirt are you kidding me

>> No.6742748

whoa. she got hot