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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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6736708 No.6736708[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

New thread. Beethy and Lily broke up?

>> No.6736710

He probably killed too many panda's

>> No.6736714

Reckon he's dumping Lily for Black Cat because I know he wants to photograph Black Cat to piss KrizE off.
Personally I want both Beethy and Lily to get trapped in an elevator in a burning building. They create drama over everything

>> No.6736715

What the shit did that have to do with anything.

I lost IQ points watching that.

>> No.6736716

Bored fools detected; bullshit readings off the charts. ABANDON THREAD.

>> No.6736718
File: 1.35 MB, 1730x2680, onboughtcostumes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So Yasemin finally realized Lily is a lying cunt? FINALLY.

>> No.6736728

Oh sorry Beethy - little close to the bone for you? Sucking up to all of KrizE's friends and girlfriend which ignoring KrizE standing right next to you is going to cause issues

>> No.6736726

totally reading this shit while im shitting because lily is a shit

>> No.6736731

Beethy whiteknighting?



He only wants to do it to bone Gabby.

>> No.6736732

I bet he could fit his dick between her teeth.

>> No.6736740

Kings has taken the album down.
All ruined by one rude and inconsiderate bitch

>> No.6736742

Holy shit ausfags need to calm the hell down!

>> No.6736745
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Emotion is her specialty

>> No.6736748

Nupe still there - just most of the snarkers who don't want to be known have deleted their comments.
Dude you do not have this hideous creature ruining your cosplay scene.

Meanwhile she is appearing at Aus PonyCon this weekend so whoever is going please keep us informed

>> No.6736754

Why the fuck are all the comments out of order?

>> No.6736756

because facebook is a fuck

>> No.6736768

Sorry but what Beethy did was pretty cool
I honestly doubt he's doing it to get at Kris. That all seems rather elaborate and pointless. Besides, Gabbie and him have known each other for years. Years.

>> No.6736772

My Facebook doesn't organise all the comments in that manner.

>Also like that Lily said Spidey was cool
>Only wanted to bad mouth BC
>"Someone's who's thinner than me, better make a slight about them."

I am seriously glad I am learning about what a bitch she is, because I didn't know before know. I haven't met her, but I had contact with her and thought she seemed nice. Now I think maybe she asked me if I was going to go to a con last year to meet me and suss me out since I have said I would like to enter Madman one day (I actually said this year, but have put it off to improve more). I'm so glad I haven't met her.

>> No.6736776


>> No.6736780
File: 148 KB, 550x550, 1363731968349.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you guys seriously not have anything better to do than just bitch about the same 4 people every day?

>> No.6736781

Are you That Guy from That Game that everyone keeps sharing?

>> No.6736782

No, I'm That Guy from That Place with That Thing.

>> No.6736783

This guy!

>> No.6736792
File: 36 KB, 1065x147, beethyloveslily.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well this is a turnaround!

>> No.6736793

Seriously run away - run as fast as you can.
She really loves "helping" which is talk for "I'll give you one piece of advice, then claim that I made the costume or mentored you through it"
I know so many cosplayers she has shafted this way or tainted with her bullshit.

That is why they are entering Madman in Melbourne, they know they have burnt their bridges in Sydney. Lil-Ole get pissed at ANYONE who beats them.

And you should all join her special group MNCC2013 on FB, she is in charge, but if you behave you will get to see some of the hideous stuff she is creating.

>> No.6736796

Obviously not

>> No.6736798

He's a twofaced backstabbing asshole. As much as he tries to be buddy buddy with everyone, no one will ever forget what a despicable person he really is.

Beethy, because I know you're reading this - even if people pretend to accept you back again, no one will ever, ever trust you. We all know what you're really like.

>> No.6736801

I'm not going to enter this year, I wanted another year to improve more first. I will avoid her, though she has made no attempt to ask me what con I have been going to again/contact me in general.

>> No.6736807
File: 294 KB, 550x763, mnccgroup.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but we are all such good friends and im the leader

>> No.6736819

Hi Lily!!

>> No.6736821

Those images aren't even remotely similar. I'm surprised you even bothered to upload it.
You want sameface? Look at Zimiel.

>> No.6736822


>> No.6736824

Ultra weeaboo white cosplayer from Brisbane. Trying very hard to be 100% Japanese.

>> No.6736823

You've got to be kidding. Those facial expressions are exactly the same.

>> No.6736828

Ok Lily

>> No.6736829

I've seen them before, just quickly looked at her stuff. She is actually a good cosplayer though. So...

>> No.6736836

Great cosplayer.

Besides being stunning not a good model :/
But every "famous" Aus cosplayer has the same expression in their photos. Ive yet to see someone gorgeous, good cosplay and decent facial expression.

>> No.6736837

Wait, what? Lily'll be in Melbourne? GOD NO.

>> No.6736844
File: 79 KB, 400x400, tumblr_mdu67fBFWd1rvigaw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If I have to be serious, I can't close my mouth without looking stupid because my top lip is actually too short...I try my best though. I still derp like, 99% of my photos. If I can smile it's better since I actually have a nice smile.

>not any of the cosplayers mentioned
>fuck my life and my derpy face
>will never be super kawaii desu~

>> No.6736850

I've been watching this for about ten minutes now... Is there something wrong with me?

>> No.6736854


>> No.6736856

That expression can look great in the right situation/character its just when its used all the time... variety is the spice of life after all.

>> No.6736877

Even Lily has more facial expressions than Yaz. I don't know what "famous" Australian cosplayers you've been looking at.

>> No.6736883

I suppose I shouldn't really say famous. More popular? But even if there not popular they always seem to make the same blank expression. They just stare intensely into the camera. Im looking through beethys photos and ALL of them. ALL of them have the same stare (besides the little kid).

>> No.6736897

I've made it work sometimes. I just wish I could close my mouth and look semi-normal

>> No.6736946
File: 127 KB, 500x375, cat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you me, anon?
I've taken to shooping my face whenever I do have to close my mouth when I think it suits the character I'm cosplaying... feels bad man

>> No.6737084

>Been in the UK scene for 6 years now.
>No idea who these people are.
>Closes thread

>> No.6737220

You don't need to know - these are Australians

>> No.6737283

Thats because Beethy likes his girls with blank stares. It reminds him of his own drugged up states.

>> No.6737424
File: 659 KB, 1000x800, expressions.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The three most prominent Australian cosplayers according to page likes.

Expressions, expressions everywhere!

>> No.6737538

Don't worry anon, at least you can smile. My smile is always crooked and looks terrible. I wish I knew how to fix it, but it's been like that since I was a kid.

>> No.6737999

If I close my mouth, my chin goes all dimply. I won't photoshop my face/body though.
I am sure it is not that bad. A smile is never bad unless it is a pedophile's, or some kind of sexual deviant (you know something is wrong when they smile).

>> No.6738029

You know you're doing something wrong when you've been featured in borderlands 2 and people still give less of a shit about you than a bunch of slutty butterfaces.

>> No.6738180
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>> No.6738235

Holy shit. I take back what I said. Good job anon.

>> No.6738267

Not sure if being sarcastic...or serious...

>> No.6738280

Sorry I was being serious. Should've added a smiley face.
I haven't seen their galleries so it was kinda presumptions of me to assume ALL aus cosplayers are like that.

>> No.6738403

>Aus PonyCon

Oh lordy, somebody NEEDS to report back on how that goes. A first time con with barely any guests related to the actual show, strangely high ticket prices, rumours of disorganisation and in-fighting, and the whole thing is mostly going to be about shitty remix music.

>> No.6738466

Interesting you'd pick Facebook as a comparison platform since Deviantart is pretty much home to a lot of real cosplayers. Ardella and Black Cat's deviantart which is pretty active don't even have 100.000 hits.
Katyuska, AmenoKitarou, Yasemin, Tsubaki, Stawdoll, Aly and Gundamfamiglia all have over 100.000.
And I've probably missed a bunch too.

>> No.6738538

It's been proven that deviantart page views have been fucked with by someone in the aus community. How else do you think lily got over 100k page views in under a month? A simple click script is enough to fool da.
Facebook likes are much much harder to fake.

>> No.6738594

Google Buy Facebook Likes
It's cheap and easy
Also Facebook likes in general mean jack all
Babes that show off their bodies get lots of likes easily
It doesn't mean you're more well known as a cosplayer in that respective country
Unless you have more than 100k likes

>> No.6738621

Thats bullshit.
First of all because buying likes off google still requires people to openly put their names to supporting your page. You aren't guaranteed a certain amount of likes, just broadcasting of your page.
Secondly because deviantart pages can be viewed for any reason, to laugh at how terrible they are for example. It's a much worse way of determining popularity and predominance. Facebook pages need only be liked of you actually want to support the page and receive updates.

>> No.6738632

Her makeup could use a lot of work but, it's like she uses the same style regardless of what character she cosplays.

>> No.6738642

Alright then. You could compare Favourites on Deviantart to Likes on Facebook. On individual images of course.
In that case Black Cat and Ardella are also nowhere near the people I mentioned.
I'm curious what your counter argument will be to this. Since I can't imagine one.

>> No.6738671

You are pushing this way too hard. Facebook is an extremely poor means for the data you're attempting to create.

>> No.6738694

Not who you're replying to, but I would like to point out that black cat and ardella almost never update their deviantart accounts. They've also both stated that they're not interested in being "elite" and shit, they just want to have fun and share their love with others. Ardella even mentioned recently that she loves sharing cosplay particularly with people who aren't already involved in it.

To be honest I'd much rather have cosplay represented to the public by Black Cat and Ardella than elitist drama mongers like Yaz, Beethy and Lily.

>> No.6738708

I think beethy might find it a little hard to represent cosplay to the public considering he isn't a cosplayer

>> No.6738710

Yaz a drama monger? Give me a break.
And I don't see how Beethy is these days either. A year or two ago I'd agree with you.
What has he done recently? As in in the last year.

>> No.6738721

Considering he's been hospitalised for drug overdoses, repeatedly ripped people off and often slanders "friends" behind their backs, I'd say that'd be like having Chris Brown represent you because he bashed a woman "years ago".

>> No.6738735

You're comparing what he's done in the past to Chris Brown?
Obvious troll thread.

>> No.6738736
File: 7 KB, 524x87, timewaster.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gee Lily, maybe if you didn't waste time bitching you'd have it done by now

>> No.6738746

Yeah your right...Chris Brown can sing, dance and has some talented, also better hygiene, dress sense and doesn't live off welfare.

>> No.6738760
File: 493 KB, 420x301, tumblr_m68qpnGy3h1r4pnnwo1_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's you're

>> No.6738795
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>> No.6738813

Obviously the people arguing about it.

>> No.6738817

All I can see is a circular arguement about statistics.
And from the arguements presented it's nothing better than a pissing contest

>> No.6738819

shes going to have to pull out magnum at supernova now

>> No.6738822

not following the thread but I lol'd out loud.

>> No.6738843
File: 46 KB, 323x236, 182137_4218824190508_1862764967_n-resizecrop--.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi Jasmine.

>> No.6738864
File: 22 KB, 480x360, youserious.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Good work, I see you paid a lot of attention in yearly primary school. For future reference, commas are what are used in large number; however they are completely unnecessary.

>> No.6738881

Not even Jasmine you fat fuck.

>> No.6738885
File: 60 KB, 639x561, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well beethy and kris e seem to have a lot in common than they would like to think. pic as proof

>> No.6738886

Not who you think I am, if you're calling me fat. Jasmine.

>> No.6738887

Hi Roxas

>> No.6738890

awww <:)

>> No.6738892
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>> No.6738893

Fail again, Jasmine.

>> No.6738895

yes. marry me

>> No.6738908
File: 1.37 MB, 297x195, 30iawas.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this whole thread

I'm so glad I don't live Australia. What a shitty place with shitty people.

>> No.6738913

I'm not the poster of that comment, but I am from mainland Europe. We use periods instead of commas for large numbers. I am guessing Anon is from here too, or simply made a typo as those keys are right next to each other.

Stop being a bitch, anon~

>> No.6738917
File: 72 KB, 639x561, 1364903139961 (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Son I am disappoint.

>> No.6738919

>full stops in numbers = decimal point
>also did it twice

Yeah, okay.

>> No.6738921

These are the few vocal bitches in the community. The rest of us are fairly nice~

>> No.6738922

Did you not hear the part about Europe doing things differently?

>> No.6738925

>lived in Europe for 7 years, can't say anyone ever did that
>full stops still mean decimal point

>> No.6738926

In Europe we use a period for large numbers. For example, ten thousand is 10.000 rather than 10,000
This is because we use the comma for decimal points in currency. Such as €10,50 (ten euros and fifty cents)

>> No.6738927


>> No.6738928

>because I personally never saw it means it's not true!

>> No.6738934

>not saying that
>don't see how you can fucking tell the difference between a decimal and large number that way (since both are used when not money)
>it really still doesn't change the fact that a full stop = decimal

Go cry Eurofag, this an Ausfag thread

>> No.6739081

Marry me, anon.