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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 630 KB, 1054x1650, 6663029939_9e52121366_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6734279 No.6734279[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Can fat people cosplay as a skinny?

What about weak people cosplaying as muscular?

>> No.6734296

>Can X cosplay as Y?

Sure, so long as you put some effort into it.

>> No.6734308

That costume is gross

Sage for off-topic

>> No.6734316


>> No.6734335

Generally, it doesn't work out very well. But there are plenty of larger characters that larger people can cosplay as. Those characters aren't going to be important characters but it depends if you want attention or not. But people here seem to like larger people that cosplay characters more like themselves.

>> No.6734367

I agree. The bottom looks like a sumo wrestler's loincloth.

>> No.6734416


But will it look OK? When ever I see a fat cosplay I have a hard time not laughing - am I the only one?

>> No.6734421

>can a fat cosplay a skinny
Depends what the costume is and how decent they look in it. Obviously no fatty is ever going to pull off a character in a bikini or a mega revealing outfit and look good. But I've seen plenty of pretty-faced fatties who have put effort into ball gown cosplays, or really detailed cosplays and got a lot of attention for it. Their weight didn't matter because their costumes were awesome.

>weak as muscular
Well there are such things as bodysuits for this reason. Can someone not as muscular pull off a cosplay? Sure, but some people might not get who they're trying to cosplay without the tumorous hams for arms and legs.

>> No.6734427

By effort that poster meant "losing weight"

>> No.6734441

This thread was created only for you to post that image eh? Let me guess... Is it you or someone you hate?

>> No.6734444


No, it was the only thing cosplay related at a glance.

She's bretty cute though, a /cgl/ user if I remmember.

>> No.6734449

I also find her lack of a waist odd, she's really rectangular? I don't like seeing that much of someone's side groin in a cosplay.

>> No.6734452
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>> No.6734454


>> No.6734453
File: 64 KB, 479x720, 0004bb0d-108a-09e5-52ed-011bf7180fbf_720.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same girl.

>> No.6734456

I just don't like this costume because it's slutty and revealing as shit when it doesn't have to be.

>> No.6734457

Her jaw looks manly and the eye make-up is too heavy

>> No.6734459

For muscular characters, it depends on how central the muscles are to the character.

Colonel Armstrong? Gotta be ripped. Ryu? It helps, but not mandatory. Cervantes? Completely unnecessary.

>> No.6734524

Nobody want to see that razor burn...

>> No.6734571

So what you are saying is, you are the girl in the picture

>> No.6734579

It looks cheap overall.

>> No.6734586




Everyone who says otherwise -> go fuck yourself you communist / marxist whores.

>> No.6734588

it looks too small
and not in a good way..

>> No.6734643

Is that fleece? Oh god no...

On topic: cosplaying within your body type will always look better.

>> No.6734675

It's all fine and well if the cosplay is well done, and not beyond the scope of what you'd see in a public place outside of the con. If they feel comfortable enough to wear it on the street or at a beach, I'd say "okay," even if they weren't what I'd consider attractive.

Fuck, I'm not going to ruin their fun or fantasy.

And the girl had that made for her, and it wasn't a for an anime convention. It's like the gals who dress up for bicycle races naked. They're not going for showmanship.

>> No.6734692


>> No.6734693

No. Stop being fat.

>> No.6734717

The girl on op pic is not fat, at least.

Shapeless, manly and with a cheap costume, yes. But not fat.


She doesn't look half as bad here, due to good photographer, make-up and photoshop.

>> No.6734719


>> No.6734779

My boyfriend is skinny and not really muscular and he wants to cosplay a character that is buff to be apart of a cosplay group I am in. He has a year to work out but I don't think he will get as buff as the character. He has a slight six pack coming in now, and his arms are pretty thick, but he doesn't look like a bodybuilder or anything. (btw he's mid 20's, 6'2" 175lbs) If the costume is well made, and he has good makeup/wig, do you think the lack of muscles will distract at all? Will it look good or should I find someone else to model this costume for me?

>> No.6734782

Who's the character? A lot of the time as long as they are toned enough it works fine because some characters tend to be overtly muscley to the point that most people never get there without help. Worst that would happen is that /fit/ would be mad, but they're shitheads anyway.

>> No.6734785

Draven from LoL. Original skin.

>> No.6734784


One year is a long time, he could bulk and cut. As long as he doesn't skip a single workout, he'll be able to pack on quite some mass. And at that age he still as a lot of testosterone.

>> No.6734789


Well he won't get to be that in just one year but he could still get some decent mass.

>> No.6734796
File: 102 KB, 500x537, 1356964930102.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow.. This makes Nigri's pokemon costumes look good.

>> No.6734845

It's called a bodyshape. Some girls naturally are banana-shaped, or brick-shaped if you will. It doesn't mean they are fat, it just means they lost the genetic lottery for people who like small waists.

>> No.6734877

Are you Fuckin Gay or something? I'd Tap that in an instant.

>> No.6734879

>asking "are you gay"
>on /cgl/
welcome, newfriend

>> No.6734978

I am pretty gay and I wouldn't touch that if you paid me.

>> No.6735672

>didn't mention they were fat

Lol okay. Projection much?

>> No.6737735

Top percentage yo

>> No.6737745

It's either razor burn or herps

>> No.6737752

If you're
Going to wear something like that, make sure your labia isn't going to fall out. That felt cant be comfortable.

>> No.6737928


Hot Gijinka.

>> No.6738224

I think I am in love

>> No.6738227

I don't think you know what herps are.
That's definitely razor burn.

>> No.6738237

her Cosplay is in the top percentage of cosplay.

>> No.6738259

I have yet to see that type of eye makeup look good on anyone. And I just realised she has snakebites. As if she didn't already look like she has daddy issues...

>> No.6738276
File: 659 KB, 570x491, 1346139404461.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6738339

that girl has no shame

>> No.6738353

so basically this was a thinly veiled troll thread meant to target one person


>> No.6738598


No, this thread turns into a troll thread if we find her deviantArt/Instagram/facebook/Fetlife/whatever profiles and share them here.

>> No.6738611

slightly chubby is okay

whether a girl is skinny, fit, or chubby she has to put solid effort into the work

the only girls who will get away with doing a poor job are the smoking hot ones that look great no matter what they put on

>> No.6738616
File: 38 KB, 320x240, 0004b597-64de-a874-0c53-b5e68d34c3ed_958.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6738740

Still trashy

>> No.6738749

I just don't understand why she chose to make Rattata sexy, of all the Pokemon she could have chosen. I mean, there are plenty of slutty-looking Pokemon out there with fanbases like Lopunny and Gardevoir. Why a Rattata?

>> No.6738754
File: 124 KB, 663x623, 1307.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"I'm not like those other fake and slutty gamer gurls i actually play the game! Top percentage amirite? lul"

That's likely why

>> No.6738768

>Can fat people cosplay as _________?

The answer is no. Always no.

>> No.6738781

What about Choji, asshole?

>> No.6738826

Check mate

>> No.6739290


You guys know what to do now
Good luck

>> No.6739359

Preach it.

This is the worst cosplay ever, even worse than that Madoka. You know the one.

>> No.6739378

I don't know the one

>> No.6739384

yes you do

>> No.6739410

Don't even bother posting it, cause OP has topped it.

>> No.6739413

There's nothing wrong with the OP's pic, anyone who says otherwise is just butthurt they didn't get the attention.

>> No.6739441

There are tons of things that are wrong in this. Unkempt eyebrows, poor fabric choice and construction, absurd slutification, and wtf is with the collar, it's a Pokemon, not a pet.

>> No.6739584

That just makes her sound like a nostalgiafag, and Pokemon fans hate nostalgiafags.

>> No.6739590

didn't this girl come on /cgl/ and say she only wore it because her boyfriend made it and she was really uncomfortable wearing it? or am I just imagining things.

>> No.6739617

If my boyfriend made me a costume that all but shows off my vulva and then gets mopey when I don't want to wear it in public, you bet your ass that relationship won't last very long.

My bet is she's an exhibitionist like tunamelt-chan. Or at least her boyfriend is an exhibitionist-by-proxy (is that a thing?) and she's in an abusive relationship.
Either way, I don't want to see it.

>> No.6739635

Considering >>6738616 which looks like a candid webcam photo, I'd say she was lying.

>> No.6740009

I may hate the cosplay alot, but there was an episode of Pokemon where the rattatas had those on. I don't remember why but they did.

>> No.6740037

the person asked and I answered. That might be her justification for doing it.

>> No.6740107

I remember that, too, anon.

>> No.6740204

I doubt that she had the collar because of that episode

>> No.6740625



>> No.6741058

Same anon
True. But one can hope.

>> No.6741126

I think i've seen her at an East Coast Con.

>> No.6741318

I remember this woman. She's a /cgl/ user and was constantly bumping a thread as Anon a few months back to get photos of her "sexy" Umbreon cosplay. Attention whore.

>> No.6741324

>fatties trying to be anything but fat
pls go.
Lose some weight. This isn't a fat acceptance tumblterd.

>> No.6741977


Pics of her umbreon cosplay plz.