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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 510 KB, 640x640, dramavV6BISj.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6732937 No.6732937 [Reply] [Original]

Secrets are up. Here's the drama.

Also, there was a hiccup in the numbering when I copypasta'd a slightly older edit of the code, but I think I fixed it. *innocent whistle*

>> No.6732939

You extreme faggot.

But thanks for the heads up.

>> No.6732944

:3 nyuu~~~ aren't actions kawaai desu ne??

Oh, also also, I picked Secret #1 so everyone else would get the song stuck in their head BECAUSE NOW IT'S STUCK IN MINE.

>> No.6732949

Thanks for starting a thread with a secret that just looks like board-irrelevant trolling, inb4 janitor deletes it because they can't into actually reading the thread.

>> No.6732951

No problem.

>> No.6732953
File: 29 KB, 465x247, P2aiy73.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Favorite secret in recent memory

>> No.6732955
File: 88 KB, 490x566, vEQfC40.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

does anyone know more about this? I missed it

>> No.6732957


>> No.6732959
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>> No.6732962


What. The. Fuck.

>> No.6732969

Liking your dog's shit: Easier than diet and exercise.

>> No.6732970

theyre both niggers, one just got lots of white charity and white culture rubbed off on him

>> No.6732971

Lol pretty sure you'd have to actually eat one of the worms to catch them yourself.

>> No.6732974

I fucking agree with this one.
I've been wearing lolita for a while now and it's always been like this. I wonder when you girls are going to stop caring for this kind of shit. I mean, yeah, it's an awful, shitty dress but.. so what? What does it have to do with you? Why do you have to be so mean to other people because of it? I mean, christ, it's fucking nothing!
When you're buying mainstream fashion, do you yell at the shop assistant just because she showed you an ugly dress? Cause that's what you're doing in lolita, and it's fucking sick. Go get some anger management sessions.

>> No.6732977

I make fun of people for dressing hideously in regular fashion too, if that's what you're asking. That dress is the normalfag equivalent of wearing a jumpsuit and crocs, and yeah I'm gonna laugh at you for it.

>> No.6732981

I think you have to eat it's "eggs" (cysts, actually). Cysts can survive stomach acid, not sure if the actual worm can.

>> No.6732982


No actually, the poo can contain tiny little eggs and even by licking a bit she may have been able to ingest one. Lucky she didn't though.

>> No.6732983
File: 184 KB, 639x480, hanklita.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ughhhh that's so gross. I guess thanks for enlightening me?

>> No.6732985


I'm gonna post what I said in the getoff post

>Re: "omg why do people care so much"

>I think part of the problem was the OP. At first, everyone's comments were really, really polite and helpful, but OP decided to respond to every single comment about why they were wrong and she was right, and how she new what lolita was because Milanoo told her so and blah blah blah. She kept telling people to leave her alone, but she also kept coming back to respond and to stoke the fires. Yes some of those girls went overboard and were downright rude but a lot of them were exceedingly nice. So yea, to those of you saying OMG JUST IGNORE AND MOVE ON, it goes both ways. OP can learn to ignore stuff too.

>> No.6732988
File: 65 KB, 294x441, tapeworm_advert.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


lol, no problem? They actually used to sell the eggs in little vials in Victorian times. Women would buy them and ingest the eggs in order to stay slim. Pretty gross stuff.

>> No.6732995




>> No.6732996

I know I'm stupid, no need to point that out, but which secrets are about Choke? I'm guessing 17 and...?

>> No.6733000

Wut? I never knew. That's actually pretty interesting. I like learning about the strange old remedies people used to use.

>> No.6733003


I hate this bullshit "amused" response people put on when secrets are made about them

>teehee, people must be bored/have no life

Then what are you doing checking secrets, choke?

If you want to pretend like you are above secrets, dont respond to them, like at all. Just ignore it.

>> No.6733009


>> No.6733032

Yeah, I'm sure she's "amused" alright.

>> No.6733049
File: 82 KB, 640x640, nckQehj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a genuine question. Where did people get the idea that anyone can be a lolita? Who was saying that? Who made them this promise? It seems like people genuinely confused their tumblr hugbox with the real world of fashion. Fashion isn't just wearing whatever the fuck you want and not caring about how you look; or about slapping on the "right" clothes regardless of how they work on you; it is about putting together an entire, cohesive look, that works for you and makes you look good. It's very difficult for a fat, poor or ugly person to look fashionable at all, and you have to work at it, you don't just get to be fashionable because you want it.

>> No.6733054





So, in other words, you got it. Tumblr.

>> No.6733056

Hate to tell you but anyone can be a lolita if they just put on a damn lolita dress. It's that simple. Fat, poor, ugly, whatever, all it takes is a dress.

>> No.6733065

Depends on who you ask, I suppose. Just like a mallgoth =/= a goth and a hot topic punk =/= a punk, a girl that just threw on a dress and made no effort to look good will never look like a lolita to me or many people. Ita =/= lolita.

>> No.6733069

>It's very difficult for a fat, poor or ugly person to look fashionable at all

Because as we all know truly fashionable lolitas are all model tier.

>> No.6733073
File: 120 KB, 720x480, jelly.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You're either fat and ugly or a model
Fat ugly anon, pls

>> No.6733075

As a fat lolita I don;t think that's what she was saying

She was just saying that if you are fat, poor, or ugly you just need to work a little harder to look nice/presentable, which can be true

>> No.6733082

Thank you
I actually am poor myself and average in the face and I've been interested in fashion for a long time, so no I wasn't saying and didn't mean that nobody fat, poor or ugly can be fashionable. Merely that those aren't excuses to be lazier, but reasons to work harder. The point of a fashion should be to try to look as good as the girls you admire, not to play pretend.

>> No.6733087

>The point of a fashion should be to try to look as good as the girls you admire, not to play pretend.
As a fat/not quite rich girl, this cannot be said enough.

>> No.6733101

If it was that simple then no one would care so much.

The problem that I have is that we tend to go both ways about it.

We'll say, oh, lolita is just clothes don't get into it, but then oh, lolita is a very important fashion that has guidelines and rules and it's super srsbzns but then we'll turn around and say it's not super srsbzns. I feel like the community as a whole is fucking retarded.

>> No.6733105

>I feel like the community as a whole is fucking retarded.

I would say some people are just more loud about their retardation than others. Some of us just don't give a shit either way. I mean as long as I got my shit together idgaf.

>> No.6733106

I think the first is more a response to people who actually put their wellbeing and shit at risk for lolita. I don't think they're contradictory but complimentary: follow the rules, try to look good, but remember it's just a fashion. If anything I think the second could be helpful to a lot of itas who get really angry at getting called out: you just weren't very fashionable that day, it happens all the time and isn't worth losing your shit over. Take the note and remember it's a comment on your ability to wear dresses, not your character.

>> No.6733131

this is true because of what the cysts are coated with.
>source, immunology class

>> No.6733133

LOL thanks for that. I hate that song so bad. I guess you didn't want to be the only one to suffer.

>> No.6733149
File: 118 KB, 480x640, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A few secrets featuring the Misako Aoki drama. I swear girls are getting their bloomers in a twist over nothing.

>> No.6733167

She's a brand model. She's permitted to have high standards. I'm not sure why people are taking this so badly.

>> No.6733176

i just dont get why everyone is so upset? its not like she explicitly said "white/japanese master race", black people can be pale and tan too.
for the other stuff, most people look better with makeup, it is a fashion thats about modesty, and the bangs thing is her own personal preference.

>> No.6733174

This. And a lot of those quotes are either not hers or misused. Like the pale skin comment was said by a host on a show she was featured on. Not her.

>> No.6733191

YUP. It's half willful misinterpretation and half special snowflake "rules are mean." And the obvious fact that she's not the lolita police so who fucking cares? Plenty of people don't think black people can be rori and will just straight up say so. Like all racists, they are best ignored.

>> No.6733197

I wish these fucks would fucking stay out of my fashion.

>> No.6733199
File: 169 KB, 287x392, JIjsMg2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who is the person in the picture?

>> No.6733204

read the thread, she commented on the post and said "that's me"

>> No.6733206

Post the address pls

>> No.6733228

And people keep calling her a bitch and shit.
"Rules are mean" more like they are there for a reason. I don't understand why itas can't get it into their head to learn how 2 makeup and look good.

>> No.6733238

idk but it looks shooped as fuck

>> No.6733636
File: 40 KB, 357x325, secret77.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd definitely like to know more about this guy. Anyone have info?
I heard about some stalker in the San Fran area, but I'm not sure if this is the same one.

>> No.6733637

Go to the archives, search brolitajenny

>> No.6733641

Ah, that's who this is about? Okay. I thought there was some lolita attempted kidnapping incident I wasn't aware of.

>> No.6733646

Brolitajenny is the PT of egl.

>> No.6733650

I don't know that much about Brolitajenny but from what I've heard, he's a lot more creepy than PT.
PT is just tragic and sometimes funny.

>> No.6733653

I think the SF stalker you're referring to is Phil, he is banned from entering Baby and has multiple restraining orders against his from former patients (he used to be a doctor). Brolitajenny is much, much creepier, though, IMO

>> No.6733659

>he is banned from entering Baby and has multiple restraining orders against his from former patients
What the fuck, man.
At least Brolitajenny hasn't ever actually had any legal action taken against him.

>> No.6733682

>Just like a mallgoth =/= a goth and a hot topic punk =/= a punk, a girl that just threw on a dress and made no effort to look good will never look like a lolita to me or many people. Ita =/= lolita.

This is an excellent analogy.

>> No.6733683

god dammit, it is still there

>> No.6733720

PT is sad, self-pitying, deluded and useless. BrolitaJenny is sad, self-pitying, deluded, useless, and attempts to groom underage girls through Tumblr.

>> No.6733724

this :/ Seriously that girls attitude was shit, the dress was a heaping pile of shit, and when people act like they don't get angry with people posting shit like that in a sales comm we know that its a load of crap.

>> No.6733725


Nah, Phil takes the cake. At least Brolitajenny can't abuse a professional degree to his own sick fetishes.

>> No.6733726

Im really annoyed at the person attacking Devdasi. I love her comics.

>> No.6733728

isnt that devdasi whos also 34?

>> No.6733731

I think she handled things pretty politely (if childishly in terms of the "lalalalacan'thearyoulalalala" style of denials), so I wouldn't say her attitude was shit. Just highly defensive.

This though:
>when people act like they don't get angry with people posting shit like that in a sales comm we know that its a load of crap

Fuck. Especially because there have been weeks full of secrets bitching about people posting off-topic or ugly items to sales groups. The only reason this got so much negativity was because it turned into such a massive clusterfuck after a while.

>> No.6733753

sauce oh Phil?

>> No.6733767

This really wasn't that funny.
Seriously? It really wasn't that funny and a few of those girls were wayyyy too agitated. If some newbie thinks Milanoo is the shit then who cares? If you hate the dress then don't buy it. Fact of the matter is most people responding took the "critique" as an invitation to be know-it-alls and managed to start an argument with a girl that clearly didn't want one. It's no surprise why she got defensive. Hurrdurr losers.

>> No.6733769

You must be new here

>> No.6733774

>new here
No you conduct yourself differently when you're on 4chan than you do on the FB sales page. Not only are people judging you, but you're making an idiot out of yourself underneath your real identity whereas -here- none of it matters because you're anon.
And yeah that girl may look like the Milanoo noob, but there's about five different people that commented that I'm staying the fuck away from now for being crazy bitches.

>> No.6733776

The point I think that most people missed... This girl never claimed to be a lolita. She was selling a costume which was labeled lolita on the stupid site so she tried to sell it on the lolita comm. This wasn't some newbie lolita, it was just a bad cosplayer who didn't know any better and isn't even planning on being a lolita in the first place. That was the funniest part to me. All these idiots trying to educate her (poorly) when she wasn't even interested in the fashion in the first place.

>> No.6733777

I am referring to the fact that you think it's somehow not proper to find comedy in what happened

It's not

Lighten up, bitch

>> No.6733781

Who said anything about "proper"? I just don't think it's funny.

>> No.6733788

noone gives a shit what you find funny

>> No.6733798
File: 364 KB, 331x331, 1361416053897.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Woah, backstory on this?

>> No.6733819

My sides!!!!
I had never seen this gif, omg, I'm laughing so hard!!! Thank you for posting it!!!

>> No.6733822

From what I read on the archives, Phil was just a creepy photographer. What else happened?

>> No.6733833

I like how the fuckton of comments got deleted, too.

>> No.6733855

the first post in its entirety was deleted. The only picture left is the proof photo, which it looks like people are starting up on that one too, lol

>> No.6733861

You have got to be fucking kidding me. The horse isn't just dead any more, it's mush in the street.

>> No.6733894

I'm sorry. I didn't consider the consequences of my lyrical choices. I plead temporary insanity caused by staying up 3 nights in a row, and beg forgiveness.

>> No.6733967

>implying I'm the only one who doesn't think it's funny
>implying I care about what you give a shit about
Lol k. Angry comment poster detected.

>> No.6734821

There seems to be a lot of vendettafags this week

>> No.6734983
File: 166 KB, 527x597, ZSMwBdy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"Dear SoCal lolitas whom I have friended on here~ I have reason to believe that one of you is behind this shit bow. Please speak up now and give me a reason why I should not unfriend you. I will start a cleansing of my friends list and my first target will be anyone from the west coast."

Anon who posted this, please be here and please keep us updated!

>> No.6734997

I hope he does disassociate himself from us. He's a major bitch and always talked shit about how he hated moving to LA and how the community was boring. I always wondered why the fuck he ever moved and tried to be part of the comm if he hated it so much from the beginning.

>> No.6735006
File: 37 KB, 300x300, 1364677477120.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok seriously this phil guy


>> No.6735214
File: 351 KB, 400x600, ZcMtiul.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the dumbest fucking argument I've seen in a long time. WHO GIVES A SHIT WHETHER IT IS CLASSIC OR SWEET? The sub-style classification doesn't fucking matter.

>> No.6735273
File: 169 KB, 960x720, 558768_486168181427657_333844493_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a case of a legitimate creeper.

It's somewhere in the secrets about him...in one of the previous posts. I have no clue what date it was specifically, but here's a summary:

Phil is a creeper photographer that goes to all the AP parties because he's friends with Linda/has connections. He used to buy gifts for some foreign girl all the time in order to get into tea parties, but eventually started modifying some brand to attend.

A BtSSB employee was getting stalked and harassed by him. Eventually she pressed a restraining order and found out he had two more against him that resulted in him losing his medical license. He's banned from anything above the entrance of the New People building. She was also the one to go forth about the harassment.

Some people are cool with him, especially the newbie lolitas. Others just ignore his creepiness and creepy fb comments or fall for his boohoo sad sob story about his handicap.

>> No.6735284

What is this "nightmare carnival" and where can I find a picture?

>> No.6735296

Erm...I think he's just giving 'daydream carnival' an ironic nickname.

>> No.6735303

"月花 アキラ bitches be butthurt and mad jelly~ excuse me while I slip into Nightmare Carnival and roll around in it lolololololol"

>> No.6735304

Not his doing. People on the /cgl/ thread were joking that the release would be forever remembered for its nightmare-esque duration.

I find it funny that people have already forgotten.

>> No.6735305

So much disappointment.

>> No.6735319

Maybe someone will make a parody print. I'm still waiting to see the final version of that Little Bears' Brewery someone was working on.

>> No.6735327

As far as Nightmares go (the horses), Moitie could probably get away with a print like that. Something along the lines of Sleepy Hollow or something.
I can dream...

>> No.6735359

I'm positive no one will believe me, but I saw the kawaii ambassador chick at a con recently (Anime Matsuri) and I was in the elevator with her for a bit. There was this ita as fuck chick in there near the front while we were near the back, and she just had the most disgusted look on her face, like she was both insulted by the outfit and concerned for that girl's well being. It was the best hing I've ever seen.

>> No.6735367


That just makes me love Misako all the more.

>> No.6735417

I hope this story is true

>> No.6735420

This is both hilarious and awesome at the same time! Also hoping this is true

>> No.6735528

now i do want a nightmare carnival print. shit.

>> No.6735662

He wouldn't stop talking about the print before it came out, and now he won't stop talking about getting it. STFU you only got the fugly salopette

>> No.6735690

but but
fuck you I like the salopette

>> No.6736576

Got damn all that jelly

>> No.6736593

diffanon but I can see how that would get annoying, just from looking at that screencap

If someone talks about something for long enough of course it will grate on your nerves

>> No.6736599

>Like the pale skin comment was said by a host on a show she was featured on. Not her.

I didn't know that, but it figures. People that post these types of pictures often just choose the most incendiary quotes they can find, then don't bother looking to see if the person actually said it. And, why are they getting so upset? It's Japan; everyone knows they have this thing for pale skin. I'm black, and I'm not having a heart attack over some Japanese lady's opinions. Plus, they act like a good portion of non-Japanese lolitas never have the exact same opinions. All it takes is a few minutes here to realise that, aside from the trolls, a good portion of people honestly think blacks can't do lolita.

>> No.6736604

>People that post these types of pictures often just choose the most incendiary quotes they can find, then don't bother looking to see if the person actually said it
It will seriously never stop being funny to me how much /pol/ and tumblr are exact mirror images of each other.

>> No.6741401 [DELETED] 


>i'm black

Do the world a favour and kill yourself.

>> No.6741403

Yeah, ya know what this is true. Both of them are retarded extremists on opposite ends of the spectrum.

>> No.6741429

lol epic trole gurrl tell dat shitskin wat 4!! xDD

>> No.6741516
File: 133 KB, 500x626, tumblr_mkogs6QNwI1qcoqtso1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You so cool man

>> No.6741546

Oh god, this dress. I'm having flashbacks. Ita story time?

>Talking to girl at uni
>She mentions going to a local con
>"Oh hey, I'm going to that con! We should meet up!"
>She disdainfully tells me she is not a cosplayer but a gothic lolita
>"I'm into lolita, too! They have a tea party planned, we should go together!"
>She was kind of snooty about it, but I just figured it was because she didn't know me well.
>Fast forward to con, run into ita-chan
>She is wearing THAT SAME DRESS except it's wrinkled to hell and stained with something
>Be polite to her, hey, I know my first piece was pretty ita. (ITS oh god)
>Invite her to the tea party again
>"I've seen those girls and they are bitchy brand whores. I don't want to spend time with them."
>Alright, whatever ita-chan, I shall go enjoy my con
>Find out later at our very small uni that she had been trashing me and my outfit, calling me elitist, that my coord was ugly, that I was a brand whore, etc.
>I avoid her now.

Sage for unrelated to secrets.

>> No.6741557

bitches be jelly, don't worry girl just flaunt your shit.

>> No.6741736 [DELETED] 


>Implying a nigger killing themselves wouldn't save countless lives from her murderous, raping future spawn.

That, and they're ugly, foul beasts. We routinely kill pigeons and foxes for the very same characteristics and lifestyles nigs embrace. i.e., filthy, leeching off humanity...do I need to go on?

>> No.6741770

>if you are ethnic

I have no idea what this means. If you have a race?

>> No.6741800

Obviously white isn't a race so being 'ethnic' = being non-white. I think?

It's a strange word to use in this context and I don't understand why people who are trying NOT to be racist use it. It's in the same vein as using 'exotic' to describe people.

>> No.6741807
File: 140 KB, 703x496, please do not respond.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your shitpost was deleted for a reason, Retard-chan.
Go away.

>> No.6742172

Wait, you saw someone wearing that dress in real life? I can only imagine...

>> No.6745117

I will remember this advice always.

>> No.6745313

I sort of quit for a few years and it seems like all the good lolitas quit or stopped posting