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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 97 KB, 280x373, img2-Mqy1JuVtVxQT6YKKtoei7I7u.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6728676 No.6728676 [Reply] [Original]

Didn't see one, so lets get a price check thread going. I know this is early on but how much is the black DDC OP going for?

>> No.6728679

Check auctions... Ivory tulle was at 54000Y last night with dozens of bids so resale hasn't speed dropped off yet.

>> No.6728685

Why ask here and now? No one in the west has received theirs yet an therefore none are being sold yet. Go to Mbok and Y!J and check for yourself.

>> No.6728689

Fuck you for buying a dress you don't want.

>> No.6728690

I think this OP sold for 350 usd within 2 mins of posting. I thought there was also a black OP sale but I can't find it. http://egl-comm-sales.livejournal.com/20881001.html

There were girls who bought directly from the AP store in San Fran. I assume since this sale is from a US member that they bought theirs in store.

OP, black is the least popular but I think 350 should still get snapped up quick on comm_sales. Could do 450 OBO and see if anyone is silly enough to grab it and base price.

>> No.6728694

I'm trying to buy it...

Also, I couldn't find the black OP on Y!J or Mbok. Someone's asking me to make them an offer for it.

>> No.6728697

Presumptuous much? Wow.

I'd offer 300USD then see what they say.

>> No.6728851

I just got my Day Dream carnival. About ten minutes ago. And I ordered from the US store. It's pretty damn cute.

>> No.6728955

300 USD would be a massive lowball. That's barely above retail.

>> No.6728992

Did they email you to say it had arrived or did you just spontaneously find it on your doorstep?

I ordered the second it went up on AP US but I didn't think it had arrived yet.

>> No.6729095

No email it just said it was in transit for the past two days. I was here when the mail lady dropped it off.

>> No.6729107

Fuck. The derpy assholes at my post office regularly lose my packages and shit and if I don't have tracking and they misdeliver my AP, I'm fucked.

>> No.6729132

Sorry Anon. I just checked my email again and no notice or tracking number. If you live in the US you should be getting it today or tomorrow. Come to think of it I didn't get any type of tracking number last time I ordered either.

>> No.6729144

The ivory tulle ended up going for 67,000¥ !!!!

>> No.6729150

300 dollars would be an insulting offer tbqh

>> No.6729180
File: 208 KB, 959x320, dathorse.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Awe man this print is pretty fab. The back butt bow is detachable. I think I am going to wear it on the side or in my hair.

>> No.6729186

LAWD please more pictures

>> No.6729239

I hated this print until these pictures. AP needs a better photographer, all of their pics look washed out.

>> No.6729241

ok I was just going off the fact black is the least popular and the Lav OP sold on the comm_sales for 350 (previously linked, sales price was removed but I remember it was 350)

Try 450 OP, I don't know :\

>> No.6729247

I honestly have no idea why it's so standard for brands to only have shitty low-quality images. AP's are particularly bad.

I think 350 would be a good start for negotiations. Honestly the girl who sold her Lav OP for 350 was an idiot; it was too low, that's why it was snatched up immediately.

>> No.6729252
File: 150 KB, 480x640, tumblr_mke51njwYB1qbbr39o4_r1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I took those with my instagram. Here are a few without.
Back with adjustable straps. Very nice quality

>> No.6729256
File: 217 KB, 640x640, tumblr_mke51njwYB1qbbr39o6_r1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lace details

>> No.6729258

ugh You got thw version I wanted. Hopefully someone will trade me that one for my lav tulle

>> No.6729260

Oh dear, it's all so delicate and pretty, I am really not going to enjoy seeing the wreck Oo Jia makes.

>> No.6729262
File: 181 KB, 640x640, tumblr_mke51njwYB1qbbr39o5_r1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And another instacrap picture.

>> No.6729265

Wow! I love the fabrics and the little star buttons; looks very nice indeed.
I predict VERY expensive second hand.

>> No.6729267

I agree. I took these pictures with my phone. AP stock photos never do their dresses justice.

>> No.6729927

I was pretty meh about this release, but after seeing these pictures...I need this dress.

>> No.6730034

Is the belt and other sheer places tulle or organza? Is it sparkly at all? It says tulle in all the official releases but I think it looks like organza.

>> No.6730142

log into your account.
click on the transaction.
there will be a tracking number if it's shipped.
they haven't shipped all of the orders yet.

>> No.6730146

Unless you have to have it now, you probably don't want to try to buy it right now. People are clawing for it because it's sold out. Once AP opens up the second change on-demand ordering the price is going to plummet.

start negotiating at ~10% over what AP charged, and go up from there.

>> No.6730336


Are you wanting to trade your lavender tulle jsk for the regular jsk?
I got the lavender regualr jsk and want to trade for the tulle version.

>> No.6730376

Howdy. Originally i wanted the lav normal JSK. And I think I still do. however I won't make a decision 100% until I receive both my tulle's in the mail (hopefully by end of week) and I would want a partial trade since the tulle is more expensive/more in demand.

>> No.6730409

Fair enuf.
Did you have a way to keep in contact if you did want to do a partial trade?

>> No.6730454

here's my trash email. Shoot me a message and I'll let you know what I want to do once the shipment arrives. Basically what happened is

>refreshed international for 3 days
>flipped out when stock went up and bought the first two jsks I saw thinking it would be like AP USA (ivory tulle and lav tulle popped first for me)
>sad face when i realized i had a lot more time and could have grabbed ivory tulle and reg lav jsk instead


>> No.6730540


Can I ask, I've been curious if the little "plaque" on top of the dress (the front) is removeable. I've been staring at pictures and they don't seem as attached to the dress as I thought at first. Are they just stitched down?

>> No.6730622

How much are Chocolate Rosette JSK + OK + HB in red going for these days?

>> No.6730671

Seconding this. I'd almost sell my DDC for it. Almost.

>> No.6730965

How much should I expect to fork out for the mook sugary carnival tote?

>> No.6731039
File: 1.16 MB, 1600x1200, DDc 038.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Different anon but I took a bajillion pictures of my black tiered JSK today as well as the tights and headbow...







>> No.6731042

Does anyone know what the last Grazia Crown sales have gone for? I assume they're still in the $400 range but I wasn't sure. Any colorway.

>> No.6731148

I am thinking about selling the Cinema Doll JSK in black/grey and Decoration Dream JSK in black. What would they go for?

>> No.6731173

You buying or selling? I am thinking of selling my short blue one.

>> No.6731187

Ohshi- buying, but I'm in the process of saving for it over the next month or so. Where are you located?

>> No.6731195

Royal cards OP in black? it's new with tags.

>> No.6731209

I am in So. Cal

>> No.6731220

My spam email is in the field.
Dress is new with tags. It didn't flatter my figure (IW never does) but I kept it because it was so pretty.

>> No.6731221 [DELETED] 

Ah great, I'm in the US too. Left my email if you'd like to discuss further!

>> No.6731222

Ah, awesome. Sending you an email!

>> No.6731224

You are a beautiful soul.

>> No.6731229

Price check on AatP Victorian Cards OP and Skirt? I don't ever remember this print being too expensive but then again I might be wrong.

>> No.6731363

I'm not sure about now, but a year ago I got the green op version around ~200 or so shipped. I'm sure that it still runs about that price, or a bit less for the pink version. (or even less on the auctions)

The problem is finding it. I don't think I've seen the OP in anything but pink in the last year.

>> No.6731787

Hm I see.. I mean, I don't mind the pink. It's actually the version I want the most at this point, although I'd really love to own the green someday.

>> No.6732403


>> No.6732585

Petite Patisserie Tiered JSK in brown or mint?

>> No.6733496
File: 61 KB, 250x333, 06.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone have a clue on IW's Royal Library Ribbon JSK?

>> No.6733739

retail price

>> No.6733759

How much would the Day Dream Carnival skirt go for? I really want the halter JSK but sadly because of my height it just wouldn't be worth it, ugh.

>> No.6733762

I should add that I want it in lavender/pink.

>> No.6734539


Retail or over retail, most likely.
May also depend on how popular the color is/was.

>> No.6734587
File: 12 KB, 259x194, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How much is just the tote bag?

>> No.6734598

I've yet to receive my lavender skirt, and I am planning to sell it for retail + shipping to me.

>> No.6734670

The tote bags have been going for more than the mook + totebag.

>> No.6734935

I was going to sell mine for $20 - should I do an auction?

>> No.6735014
File: 102 KB, 250x333, ap_set_sugarpansy_color3[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How much can I expect to pay for sugar pansy special set op/jsk in yellow or lavender color way?

I know it's not a popular pattern, it's so unpopular I can't even find a replica for it.

>> No.6735037

Damn son, u a kind soul.

>> No.6736164

Do you think I would have any luck selling my DDC for a Chocolate Rosette in Navy?

>> No.6736169


>> No.6736216

Thanks! Sorry I just got home from a con so kind of out of it.

>> No.6736219

Haha, no prob~

>> No.6739966

Not a specific price check, but as a seller, how much do you discount for damage such as stains, rips, and such? I have a black OP that's in great condition, except that the one time I drycleaned it slightly faded the lace. It doesn't look awful but is still noticeable, so I was thinking of discounting maybe 10%? Does that seem reasonable?

>> No.6739973

I usually do that, 10-20% depending on the severity of the damage.

>> No.6740036

How much can I expect to pay for a mint lady rose skirt? Is $200 too much?

>> No.6740289

How much does the Vanilla-chan OP cost these days? In lavender or mint?

>> No.6740297

Any clue on rarity and price of the DDC blouse in ivory and lavender?

>> No.6740305

I've seen them for about 300 or so. There were a slew of them up on alice fururun for awhile for really cheap. But lavender is the more popular colorway. Mint you might be able to get for cheaper, I think it's one of the least popular, but it's really cute in person. I have the mint tiered jsk.

>> No.6740320

Price check on Sweet Cream House salopette (in brown) by AP

>> No.6740371
File: 100 KB, 480x640, 108P221-e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Price on poison de l'amour princess in red?

>> No.6740405
File: 61 KB, 400x600, janemarple36.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Probably a long shot, but anyone have an idea on what Jane Marple Swan Jacquard JSK in pink would be? (Same as pic, but in a dusty rose pink) I got it for like $125 and the only mention of it on the sales comm has it at like $550 in 2010, which I think is probably a bit absurd.

>> No.6740407

Oh, this pic is from the sales comm entry, btw.

>> No.6740526

i've seen the black for sale, which went for $350, and i could've sworn i saw the navy recently as well but i can't find the post now (i think it was on LSE)--i think that went for $300. the pink was at CC for 20800 which is like ~$222 (i was so gutted when i missed it!). i haven't seen the red for sale at all in the past few months (and iirc never on LSE/ECS) so you might be able to get $350-400 if you're selling.

>> No.6740588 [DELETED] 

Uhh I think the pink is still on CC for the same amount. I'm constantly seeing the pink. http://www.closetchildonlineshop.com/product/38239

>> No.6740590 [DELETED] 

Oops, nevermind, forgot that there were two JSK styles.

>> No.6740821


hi hello i'm the one that purchased the pink if this was back around at the very start of march

>> No.6740839

I found the entry, and that is how much it was bnwt with an exchange rate to under 70 yen to the dollar at the time.

>> No.6740867

I don't know if you're still here anon but there's been an mbok auction floating around forever at retail price for the lavender JSK.

>> No.6740874


>> No.6740889

aaaaa, lucky. and yes, that's the one i was thinking of.

>> No.6741441

Wow, way to rub it in their face?

>> No.6741565

Thanks I'll assume that red is a popular color for that piece.
Unfortunately I don't have a clue what LSE means, CC mean clostchild, and ECS egl comm sales?

>> No.6741574

LSE is lolita sales english it's the fb version of egl, it's totally shit though. Fb is the worst platform for selling shit and people scam/get scammed/post unrelated shit on there more than most other sales comms. Plus, they have like 2 mods(which explains everything) so it's really stupid and confusing.

>> No.6741579



>> No.6742152
File: 91 KB, 280x373, tumblr_m7hzmueuaY1qgjjjyo3_400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Price on this? I know allot of lolitas are after it.

>> No.6743705

Does anyone know how much IW skirts generally go for? Or does it vary quite a lot depending on the style?

I'm looking at getting into lolita.

>> No.6743732


It varies a lot depending on style, whether they have a print, etc.

One IW skirt might go for $80. Lotta will go for $600+ easily. Brand isn't really a great way of determining price, it depends on the item.

>> No.6743728

It varies a bit but IW tends to be cheaper secondhand in general than other brands unless you're after Lotta or Grazia Crown. Are you looking at prints or solid pieces?

>> No.6743739

How much for a barely used pair of tea party shoes in black?

>> No.6743812

From where, AP? SS? antaina?

>> No.6743922
File: 22 KB, 232x313, 398dbdc08ebeeb1369ebbdc2e6e53f4b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really like most of IW's floral but I also like the look of the solid skirts like pic related

ah damn, I really like the blue Lotta jsk.

>> No.6743944
File: 113 KB, 280x373, SugarHeartsOP-mint.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Price on this? I got a sweet deal on it when it came out but I don't super love it the way I had hoped (was told it was the JSK and not the OP) so it's just been sitting in my closet :(

>> No.6744141

AP mermaid symphony op in black?? I'm thinking $300 but I don't even see it around these days except for really high prices on auctions.

>> No.6744172
File: 94 KB, 548x730, MewandLiefBlackGardenBerriesJSK-01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How much should I sell this dress for? I haven't seen it up for sale recently and might sell mine.

Condition: Bought it straight from Lief. Some minor piling around the arm area. I still have the waist ribbon.

>> No.6744185

is it the black or the brown, I can't tell (was there even a black?)

>> No.6744196

the last auction for it went for like 260 USD. I'd take it for that tonight if you want to sell.

>> No.6744197

Don't choose a price.
Set An auction starting at like $300 and let it climb.
I mean... sell it for $50. To me. now. please.

>> No.6744211

The cream colorway without the ribbon went for $260 at auction here: http://egl-comm-sales.livejournal.com/20833555.html

I'd suggest auctioning it as there's a lot of girls who want it.

>> No.6744214

dude low blow what is wrong with you

>> No.6744682
File: 21 KB, 280x373, candy funfair op.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How much could I expect to pay for Dream Fantasy JSK in sax or Candy Fun Fair OP in mint?

>> No.6747067
File: 27 KB, 300x300, img-thing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How much would I expect to pay for a second-hand replica Chess Chocolate jabot JSK in brown?

>> No.6747078
File: 35 KB, 280x373, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any idea about Jewel Ribbon full shirring version? I've been looking for it in red or lavender/black. I need this in my life and if I find it I want to be prepared to buy it

>> No.6747098

How much are Pink Fantastic Dolly and Red or Blue French Cafe OPs going for?

>> No.6747107

Fantastic Dolly JSK the one without the big chest bow*

>> No.6747114
File: 477 KB, 424x579, aatp_misty_night_royal_game_jsk_1_green.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any idea for this?

>> No.6747298

Secondhand REPLICA? Pfft maybe $60-80?

>> No.6747329
File: 30 KB, 300x400, meta shirring.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How much does Meta's apple shirring in black+ barrette go for?

>> No.6747339

however far it needs to go to get into my closet for free

just playin wit ya I love that print

>> No.6747350
File: 119 KB, 480x640, Baby the Stars Shine Bright One Piece Kitten and Room of Sweets Print OP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi, Just got this on the sales comm but my dream dress just went up and I might be looking to sell this for some extra cash. How much would this go for? It's new and never been worn (as said by previous seller and tried on in my room by me but never worn out.)WOT.

Kitten and Room of Sweets Print OP

>> No.6747363

... how much did you buy it for? That's probably your answer.

>> No.6747383

I'm actually not sure.. I bought 3 other things at the same time from different people. I'm trying to sort it out but I'm guessing about $130 shipped.

>> No.6747700
File: 27 KB, 333x250, cos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How much does Country of Sweets black apron skirt go for? I bought it new from AP and only wore it once, but I'm thinking of selling it and buying the OP instead.

>> No.6747722

How much should I sell a pair of new AP tea parties for?

>> No.6747725

No offense but I doubt there's any price you could get someone to take that off your hands. It was never a popular AP print, and to add to that it's the least popular colorway. Sorry to be raining on your parade, but I would set the price low, sub-150, and then take offers.

>> No.6747740
File: 114 KB, 480x480, 8252519852_56f63bb08e_z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What would be a fair price for me to sell Vampire Prelude for? I really liked this print in ivory but I have a really hard time coording skirts.

>> No.6747757

>I doubt there's any price you could get someone to take that off your hands. It was never a popular AP print, and to add to that it's the least popular colorway. Sorry to be raining on your parade, but I would set the price low, sub-150, and then take offers.
> Anonymous 04/05/13(Fri)15:14 No.6747740

>It was never a popular AP print

You must be new.

Country sweets, along with the original carnival print used to be super popular and expensive.

Though I agree, currently it won't go for much because the re-release lowered the value.

>> No.6747772
File: 262 KB, 1023x677, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How much does the pink Cinema Doll OP go for? And is anyone selling one?

>> No.6747805
File: 66 KB, 480x351, g801-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any ideas of how much I should ask for bodyline's girly note replica?

>> No.6747807
File: 132 KB, 600x600, p016-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also how much for this jacket?

>> No.6747808

Oh god, where could i possibly get that?
It's so cute, and it's perfect for this coord i'm thinking of

>> No.6747809

There's one going on facebook but 4chan's saying that link is spam.

>> No.6747814

It's a really old replica by bodyline.

>> No.6747822

$50 and $30 maybe?
though you could probably charge a little more for the skirt, but I would maybe charge less for the jacket, not sure how well visual kei/punk is selling anymore

>> No.6747997

Just sayin', if you're selling this feel free to contact me.

>> No.6748326

I would ship it from Brazil, and usually shipping here is kinda expensive. Would you still want it?

>> No.6749063
File: 206 KB, 480x480, aatp_2010_skirt_midsummer_color.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any idea how much for A Midsummer Night's Dream skirt?

>> No.6749067

I just bought one for 20,000 yen in this color. As I haven't seen it sell in 2 years in this color I didn't consider it excessive,

>> No.6749084
File: 64 KB, 550x733, 79387_original.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this even out? I just found this but the site says the skirt is out of stock.

>> No.6749089

IT had a reservation period in which it was sold. They are now all sold out. I have it and it is gorgeous IRL.

>> No.6749113

I hope they do a re-release I want the JSK so badly

>> No.6749537

Probably, this would be my first lolita purchase, so I think I'd be willing to pay the shipping.

>> No.6749564

Done. Didn't work:

>> No.6749755
File: 97 KB, 240x320, baby_2006_jsk_redhood_color2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How much should I expect to pay for BtSSB's Red Riding Hood applique JSK, in either the red or ivory colorway?

>> No.6749772

I don't have a recent price, but I was looking for this a few years ago, and red goes for WAY MORE than any other color.

>> No.6751154

Oh dear.
Well since I like red and ivory equally well, I'll just look for the ivory one then.

>> No.6753652
File: 120 KB, 480x640, Treasure Hunt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any idea how deep in debt Treasure Hunt in the Mystic Island will put me?

>> No.6753667

Maybe $500 USD for that style & colorway (could be more or less depending on condition/selelr), since it sold out first and very, very fast during reserve.

>> No.6753815

Fuuuuck. I guess I'll have to wait and see if the price goes down, since the more I look at it the more I love it. Thanks anon.

>> No.6753871

Would asking $300 for AP's Fancy Box switching chest jsk in pink be too much?

>> No.6753937

200 usd would be a good price

>> No.6754061

Did anyone see that a DCC set went for $700 on LJ? Doesn't that seem.....ridiculous?

>> No.6754067


>> No.6754093

Some people are hell of impatient apparently.

>> No.6754101

yep, they want it now, not in september (because right now we still only have a small percentage of people who actually own the print) because they want to be special like the people who already have it.

I'm not surprised at all.

>> No.6754255
File: 79 KB, 600x372, ap_2010_jsk_milkyplanet_add4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How much could I get for a Milky Planet skirt with the matching ice cream socks? Both worn once and in excellent condition. I haven't sold anything in ages and I have no idea what this print goes for these days.

>> No.6754322
File: 1.49 MB, 240x180, 1346973309277.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If some asshole wants to spend close to a grand on a dress that they could get for $300 right now under the condition of waiting a few months, then they are fucked in the head.

>> No.6754340

Nah, they just have the money to spend and they don't want to wait. Just how some people buy things. Instant gratification. Don't think that's fucked up personally if they have the money to spend.

And no, I am not one of those people. Reserved and perfectly content to wait.

>> No.6754440

How much for the AP Gloria shoulder frill jsk in wine?

>> No.6755815

For someone with a smaller busy than the bust measurements for a back shirted dress with no lacing, would it be possible to fold the shirring back onto itself and hold it in place with the waist bow without the dress looking baggy?