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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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6728657 No.6728657 [Reply] [Original]

Did anyone see the requirements to be a model for this show. I know i don't qualify, my waist is NOT 22 inches



>> No.6728721

I have the measurements for everything except my height.
> dammit

>> No.6728730

If your height is only off by a couple inches, apply anyways! I'm 5'2 and applying and I have friends who are 5'9 and applying.

>> No.6728757

Uh, aren't the measurements there for a reason? I doubt they'd call it requirements if it wasn't... required. It's probably so a dress won't look like a top on someone 5'9 and so the girls can look somewhat uniform.

Anyway, I fit everything except my bust is 34in. Oh well haha.

>> No.6728772 [DELETED] 

Everything except I'm still [spoiler]still 17 [/cgldoesnthavespoilers]

>> No.6728775

>still 17
You have to be 18+ to be on this website.

>> No.6728776

>reason for spoilers

>> No.6728780

Spoilers don't do shit. Enjoy your ban.

>> No.6728816

>janitor cant figure out the spoilers--'spoilersdontworkoncgl'-- meant it was a joke

stop power tripping and get that stick out of your ass.

>> No.6728822
File: 82 KB, 311x311, 8jn2PmBx1qe0tyl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>claims joke
>deletes post anyway
>thinks I'm janitor

>> No.6728826

I didn't delete the post, actually, which is why I thought you were a janitor or similar.

>> No.6728838

Yeah, janitor can't into jokes 'cause they a power tripping douche bag.

>> No.6728840 [DELETED] 

inb4 feminists/lgbt/leddit/liberals/atheists cry about the size requirements and call them racist bigots

>> No.6728846

A fashion show wanting actual models?! Oh no! We can't have that! Japanese brands need to embrace all westerners and allow dress size 22 people to model too!

>> No.6728847

Good luck trying to find anybody but Peacockfeather with a <32 inch bust. US big box stores don't even carry bras that size.

>> No.6728855


29 incher here. Too bad I'm far away from LA. I would have entered in a heartbeat.

>> No.6729008 [DELETED] 
File: 321 KB, 160x160, fng.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At least you didn't say jews. Seriously, it's like tourette's with you people.

>> No.6729052

Why would a janitor be deleting a post with attempted "spoiler" anyway? What the fuck rule is that breaking?

Is she trying to enforce typos now too?

>> No.6729063

I think the point was anon said they were 17? Not sure, as it's even missing from the archive for some reason.

>> No.6729091

jews dont do labor, they convince idiots to do it for them

>> No.6729092

Yeah, anon said that they wanted to enter but they were still 17. They put 'still 17' in a failed spoiler.

>> No.6729101

>shoe size 5.5-7

Fucking fuck this life! Curse my size 8 feet.

>> No.6729105

30-22.5-32, 5'5" here
Too bad I live in Georgia or I'd totally do it, even though I'm not exactly into Gyaru. And my shoe size is a 7.5/8, I couldn't squeeze into a 7.

I don't really see why people would get mad over this, they are obviously looking for runway-type models therefore they need people with those body types. But of course tumblr butthurt and social justice crusading will ensue.

>> No.6729117

Meh, luckily I'm not into gyaru so I'm not disappointed or whatever. I'mtoo tall and my hips are too big, but I have the waist, bust, and shoe size for it.

The requirements don't bother me because obviously they already have clothes in mind for it, and it would be pretty stupid if the models didn't fit the intended outfits. Measurements are there for a reason.

Best of luck to anyone who does meet the requirements. I heard the fashion show people last year were kind of hard to work with.

>> No.6729149

omg am i the only one who foot binds?

>> No.6729159


Who the hell actually does that in this day and age?

>> No.6729161

Are you from an Asian family?
I had a neighbor that bound her feet because her mother forced her to even though it hurt.

>> No.6729163
File: 286 KB, 718x720, 1340608755296.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6729173

Get a load of this bonsai fag

>> No.6729174

Why would you even do that?

>> No.6729175
File: 80 KB, 363x500, tumblr_lyaguhhFlB1r5dvbqo1_400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6729181

Way to derail the thread...

Anyone planning to try and model? A couple of my friends have mentioned it on Facebook already.

>> No.6729190

I know they said they're doing Gal style, is it a problem if I'm super pale?

>> No.6729192

Fuck. My feet are 4 1/2. God dammit. I HATE MY FUCKING FEET

>> No.6729205
File: 108 KB, 204x211, 1357873559679.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fits every measurement, but I'm 5'10" with size 8 feet
since when was being a midget a modelling requirement

>> No.6729207

The entire concept of gyaru is makeup and spraytan based, hon

>> No.6729211

Maybe because Japanese girls are usually shorter? I mean, you would make an amazing model here in the west.

>> No.6729225

>average height for women or taller
You're a giantess, anon.

>> No.6729248

man, not saying they shouldnt be allowed to have requirements for models but jesus that is teeny.

>> No.6729453

I think they posted it this way to avoid discrimination, but clearly they want tiny asians, because only tiny asians fit that measurement and scale.

>> No.6729460


>> No.6729473

last i checked 24" was the standard for runway models. 22" is just ridiculous

>> No.6729480
File: 47 KB, 500x284, noway.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a fashion show for an Asian fashion. Therefore the clothes might be sized around Asian people.

>> No.6729486

This. It clearly states that there will be Japanese brand, and considering the average Japanese female is 2-3 inches shorter than the average US female, it's hardly unreasonable.

>> No.6729490

These requirements are laughable here in the west. I have a friend that used to do runway and she's never seen a model this tiny. Couldn't they just hire some tiny professional Asian models instead?

>> No.6729507

...I'm white and fit it just fine. I just don't live in California and will more than likely be in Japan then.

>> No.6729511

Those teeny fucking shoes

>just imagine how cartoony theyd look on an adult woman

>she'd look like so unintentionally hilarious if she could walk

>> No.6729514

You make it sound like "runway modeling" is some kind of sport with exact standards and regulations. It's just showing clothes to people. Just because you're used to hearing about victoria's secret models being tall and gaunt doesn't mean every show has to be that exact same way.

And if your friend has never seen a model who is 5'7" and has a 23" waist then I suggest she stop modeling solely in her basement.

>> No.6729522

i fall into those measurements but damn those shoe sizes.

stares at my size eights

>> No.6729529

I feel like this is a thinly veiled attempt at getting mostly Asian models.

inb4 a bunch of girls post saying they're the same measurement/'omg models are that size'. Yes. But they're rare, and the fact that they aren't going through an agency makes it obvious they aren't looking for professional models.

>> No.6729540

32 to 34 inches for hips at that height range is fucking dumb. People at cons, even AX, are mostly ~normal~ folk who don't have those bodies.

>> No.6729549

Yeah, I thought that was supposed to be the funny part -- that they were looking for model proportions amongst local nerds.

>> No.6729563

So there are no small, thin nerds?

>> No.6729574

I gotta say, I don't know if I've ever seen a woman with a 22" waist at a con. Maybe one hot Sailor Venus.

>> No.6729580
File: 36 KB, 175x231, 1252596156214.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw the show will only feature ugly girls since they're limiting themselves to AX attendees who fit unreasonablely small dimensions and thus only have a small pool of girls to choose from

Enjoy your fashion show of ugly phillipino dwarfs.

>> No.6729583

Here's the thing, though. They want small, thin nerds.

Without busted faces (not on the list but you know it).

And on top of that, confident and outgoing enough to apply.

Do you see how unlikely all of these things are together? I would like to see the people who are running it, because I doubt they could even meet their own requirements.

>> No.6729604
File: 66 KB, 500x324, dfscxx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dunno... the AX maid cafe put together some pretty hot candidates, and they had to fit into a variety of tiny dresses too.

>> No.6729607

There's a difference between "hot" and the measurements in the OP. i would be very surprised if any of those girls had a 32" bust.

>> No.6729667

lolwut. I was in the maid cafe and you chose your dresses/sizes for the school uniforms. So no... Also while those girls may be thin, they definitely did NOT have 30in bust and a 22in waist.

>> No.6729668

All Asians! What a surprise!
Fucking racists.

>> No.6729678

Fwiw I weigh under 100lb and my waist is 24", just barely qualifying. Anyone smaller is going to be 12 yrs old.

>> No.6729756

>tfw male and meet all of the requirements

>> No.6729765

I fall within these measurements but I'm only 5'0". And my waist is closer to 25". I am thinking they will have a hard time finding the models they want.

>> No.6729794

I feel like most of the people who would have those kinds of measurements are going to be under 5'4. They're sorta shooting themselves in the foot here.

>> No.6729798

I weigh 115 and my waist is 23". Body structures differ a lot. But man that shoe restriction...

>> No.6729801

Hey, if it helps, I'm stuck with size 3 feet....I'm lucky if I can find more than Dora or Spiderman shoes most of the time

>> No.6729804

Yeah, I'm 105 and my waist is 25". I'm also 5'2" and have a really short torso, though. They're not allowing for much wiggle room even as far as petite women go.

>> No.6729810

Yeah I have a long torso and I'm 5'6". But I wear 7 1/2 in heels and 8 in flats so...

>> No.6729811

Exactly. I fit all the requirements, and don't have a busted face, but I'm not nearly confident or outgoing enough to apply.

Oh well, they'll realize they're screwed soon enough and ease up, probably.

>> No.6729813

Are you a hobbit?

>> No.6729814

Also 38" hips. Nope.

>> No.6729824


this, I meet the requirements, 5'7 but I have bigger feet.

I know that gyaru brands go up to my size, why are they limiting the shoe size to S?

>> No.6729826

I'll bet you're gorgeous though! I can't imagine having a waist any smaller, I can see my ribs and my hip bones stick out really far. A size 7 1/2 - 8 is still average, they're really limiting themselves with such rigid requirements.

>> No.6729831

Obviously they need to up the shoe size and let girls wear corsets. Guess that wouldn't fix my hip problem though... Not sorry I'm shaped like a woman.

>> No.6729834

>only real womyn have curves hurhurrr

get the fuck out

>> No.6729836

I almost think that the clothing being shown will actually belong to the wardrobe of whoever is putting it on. So you'll be wearing already-worn shoes by the organizer, and in her size.

This would also make sense if it's being put on my multiple people. You'd still be wearing their shoes. As I said before in this thread though, I highly doubt any of them meet their own requirements.

>> No.6729853

>only stick figures are beautiful hurhurr

Don't put words in my mouth. I said I'm not sorry I have hips.

>> No.6729856

I've found shoes in the girl's section that are cute but still mature. I guess you're stuck for heels though

>> No.6729857

>Not sorry I'm shaped like a woman.
>I said I'm not sorry I have hips.

don't act stupid, you know exactly what you're implying.

>> No.6729860

Actually, you implied that to be 'shaped like a woman', you need hips. So yeah, you pretty much said what the other anon interpreted it as.

>> No.6729872

Pretty much every gyaru brand I've ever seen has been bigger than that except maybe pants from DIA

>> No.6729893

Hobbits have giant feet, silly.

>> No.6729898


You do realize Hobbits have huge feet in relation to their size?

>do you even LoTR?

>> No.6729901

I fit the criteria and still have a 10" difference between my waist and hips. Just stop.

>> No.6729908

Because when people think woman they think stick figure.

Come off it. Yeah typically women have curves. I didn't say women without curves are ugly, or should be ashamed.

>> No.6729914

And yet you keep using derogatory language to describe them? "Stick figures", really??

Just stop. You've already dug yourself enough of a hole.

>> No.6729928

I'm 'shaped like a woman' (by your definition), and I still don't like you. Back to the fat acceptance tag on tumblr with you.

>> No.6729933

It's not that difficult, I'm the same height as you and my waist is 18"

>> No.6729937

Pictures or it's a lie

>> No.6729947

I find it hard to believe that you're 5 feet tall and your waist is only 5 inches bigger around than the extra large cockatrice dildo on Bad Dragon.

>> No.6730042

This thread reminds me inexplicably of when my asian coworker said this to me:
>Ya anon, you big, you strong,
>you so big, that means you got a big dick eh?
>I'm small man, small dick.
>It's true, am I right?

>> No.6730127
File: 25 KB, 640x448, laff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that comparison

But seriously, I'm sure some people have that tiny a waist but acting like it's no big deal is hell of disingenuous.

>> No.6730344
File: 44 KB, 242x222, 1363993980207.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Quality post.

>> No.6730516

Shoe size 8is actually the bigges they will have in shoes so I think they are trying to play it safe.

>> No.6730522

I'm so happy I make the height requirement.
I'm 5'7 and gyaru dresses fit like long tunics/tops so I don't know why they are asking for someone that tall. But I'm happy they are!

You guys make it sound like is rare for someone to have those measurements. I have seen taller models with 30inch bust and 22inch waists.

>> No.6730527

No actually. Size M shoes are 5 1/2 - 6. That makes size L shoes 6 1/2 to 7. A lot of brands like Liz Lisa only carry M & L. I'm a size 5 and when I went over there and asked for 22.5, they said they don't carry small.

>> No.6730554

Really? How odd, a girl with size 8 wore tralala shoes. It was tight on her thou.

>> No.6730560

2 inches too short, otherwise fit all measurements.
What I'm wondering is why they want a list of talents?

>> No.6730563

I was wondering about that too. And if it is necessary to get picked.

>> No.6730627

Maybe they have some slots they want filled for specific purposes during the show.

>> No.6731030

So is not going to be just a fashion show but will have acts? Sounds a bit interesting.

>> No.6731065

I meet all the requirements except I'm an inch too short so I was told to apply anyways. Hope I make it!

I also asked about that and some people might be asked to perform to make the runway show more interesting. I dunno I just put dancing, styling hair and makeup, etc on my app.

>> No.6731106

Yeah. L is usually the largest they have, which is 24.5cm which is about US 8. I am perfectly 23.5cm/M in Japan and a US 6.5-7... Japan just has really limited shoe sizes.

>> No.6731118
File: 147 KB, 418x640, gyaru-weightloss.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A lot of gal brands 'discriminate' full stop, the clothes tend to be smaller than the Japanese average, their largest clothes only just about hitting the Japanese average. Being super thin in order to look tall and lean without necessarily being tall is a gal thing. It's an exclusivity thing, especially with the top gal brands. I saw a Japanese documentary a while back that noted the ambition of a lot of gals is to be as thin as possible.

>> No.6731122
File: 233 KB, 716x1024, c1554e91.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6731131

But even some of the shop girls for Mars, Parfait, and etc aren't that fabulously skinny. They are really just normal/skinnyfat looking. You are talking about the "lifestyle" gals.

>> No.6731146

It's tough looking skinny if you're on the short side, even with a 24 inch waist. I'd be willing to bet they weren't larger than around 24 inches in the waist. Could be wrong of course. Regardless, fashion models are meant to represent the 'pinnacle' of the fashion they represent - the brands for the fashion show still probably equate thinness with the ideal, even if all their customers do not conform to such standards.

>> No.6731152

>/cgl/ culture and helpful links:
they look like the after photos of diet commercials before they even thin down

>> No.6731157

Wait so, are any of the actual gyaru brands COMING to AX? Or is this just a local-run fashion show put on by locals?

>> No.6731201

This has already been clarified. And a 24.5 is an LL, NOT L.

I agree, anon. There may be gals who are pressured to be 80 lbs but it's like the other anon said, it's to look lean, not because they cant fit in the clothes. Most of these gal brands come in free size... I can understand a 32-33 bust requirement since my 35 bust barely fits my liz Lisa/ank rouge/ingni etc. one pieces, but a 22in waist is unnecessary to fit in these clothes. A 25in waist fits just fine and will be a lot more common in the community they're targeting. The height could be shorter too, the shop staff that helped me today was 4'11 and everything looked like the perfect length on her. Maybe it's like what someone else said, that the clothes are premade to a model/creator already so they need absolutely specific measurements. But if it's for the average gal brand, they really should be more lenient if they want to have a big pool to choose from.

>> No.6731346

>You guys make it sound like is rare for someone to have those measurements.

We make it sound that way because it is. Your average con goer isn't a model, they don't have these measurements. This isn't a professional casting call for an agency, this is simply people putting up a listing wanting models.

You will find measurements closer to what they want with an agency. Not with the public. On top of that, many official measurements you can find for models are off by two or so inches, although that's more common with ~super~ models (think Victoria's Secret, they're notorious for subtracting 2-3 inches from a waist measurement when they post it).

And for compensation, you get a four day badge. That's it. Models like to get paid, or at least be able to add photos to their portfolio. But that's no hint here that the photos will even turn out well.

They're all so rectangular.

>> No.6731358

no one in that photo comes close to having a 22 inch waist, more like 26 inches

and there is nothing wrong with that

>> No.6731362

apply anyway?

>> No.6731365

I can't be the only one who noticed there is practically an inch difference between 164-167 cm...that converts out to 5'4 and 5'5

171cm is 5'7

>> No.6731384

>bust - 81cm - 32 in
>waist 63cm - 24 in
>hip 86 cm - 34 in
>22 yo
US shoe size 8

I'm still going to apply

>> No.6731421

hell if i know but it's the only thing that sounds even remotely plausible. that or they just want to go "hm this girl likes doing ____ as a hobby! let's pick her!"

>> No.6731465
File: 155 KB, 540x405, annward.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not the same anon, but Ann Ward from ANTM was 6′2″ and had a 18 inch waist.

>> No.6731510

Her waist is incredibly small, but not 18 inches. They played that up for the show, because, well, it's reality TV. Here's an article where she states her waist measurement: http://www.realitytvworld.com/news/exclusive-ann-ward-talks-about-winning-america-next-top-model-11781.php

>Reality TV World: So for the record, how tiny is your waist?
>Ann Ward: I think I got it measured recently and it's like 23" or something.

And here's the thing, any model is going to know their own measurements, so the fact that she says 'or something' basically means it's probably around 25.

Still incredibly small for her height, but no 18 inches.

>> No.6731519

My grandma had an 18" waist too.
And even though I inherited her general hourglass shape I will never have that waist.

>> No.6731710

Here's a 15" waist
mmm sexy hour glass shape

>> No.6731712
File: 148 KB, 570x857, 15 in waist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6731722

I have a 21 inch waist but it doesn't look skeletal or anything or even amazingly small because I'm also 5'2. I don't think it's that unrealistic to obtain if you have the right body shape for it, Asians especially have tiny frames for it.

>> No.6731759


>> No.6731761

I meet all those measurements (live in the South, though), and I'm still kinda side eying them right now. Like someone earlier said, your average congoer isn't going to be that small, and, even if they are, who's to say they'll be outgoing enough to put themselves up to that? I sure as hell couldn't. They really are sabotaging themselves being so strict, especially since it's probably completely unnecessary.

>> No.6731764

Do people realize if you had that waist at that height you would be world-record setting? Obviously people with such small waists won't always mention it to a record book, but even the smallest recorded un-corseted waist isn't 18 inches.

Until pictures with a measuring tape, I don't believe that anyone on CGL is going to have a <21 inch waist.

>> No.6731772

Where the fuck did her organs end up?

>> No.6732223
File: 92 KB, 460x691, 15920.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The average women's waist size in Japan is 25 inches, height 5"2, weight 53.5kg. This girl from a street snap fashion site is pretty average, may not look like it but her waist is only 25 inches. She doesn't exactly look thin and lean in all honestly, perfectly healthy and normal but it's not really what Japanese fashion brands would want to see on the catwalk, even for a low-key show. For better or worse, they want to stick to those measurements to show off their clothes to their best, 'best' in this instance being on women that look lean and on the slim side, rather than average.

>> No.6732226

you don't want to know...

>> No.6732237

I think this is pretty cool. Hopefully they can get something for us men in the future. Pretty gay that were ignored.

>> No.6732273

>tfw I'm the average Japanese woman but 6" taller

>> No.6732287

That's my body size and shape. Makes me feel a lot better about myself if this is true.

>> No.6732289

I think her waistline is really enough obscured by the cut of her jacket that you can't tell what it is.

>> No.6732292

She can walk, that image series shows her with a walking stick.

>> No.6732363
File: 36 KB, 90x90, 1337121103077.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>average japanese woman is basically me

>> No.6732377

God damnit, I fit all those measurements except I'm 5'2. I even wear a shoe size 6.5/7. Part of me wants to do it because FREE BADGE but I don't know if I want responsibilities during the con. What do?

>> No.6732411

u sound so mad

>> No.6732435

I am both of those anon... And 22 inches may be reasonable on someone who is 4'11, but 24.5 is pretty reasonable for a girl who is 5'4-5'6. A pool for girls 5'-5'7 would have probably been more appropriate, given how short Japanese dresses tend to be.

24.5 is actually standard for size L. Check the Baby the Stars Shine Bright, or Liz Lisa, or Ank Rouge shop sites~

>> No.6732540

Is it just me, or do they all look like they're from the 90s?

>> No.6732565

good fucking question

apply, I did anyway even though my shoe size is too big... I highly doubt they're going to have a great selection, like go for it

like the thing is, even if they can find someone who fits all that criteria, they also have to be able to look elegant walking down a runway, not be a complete butterface, have confidence and not be socaially retarded

finding someone like that is a goddamned miracle at a con

>> No.6732568

>some kind of sport with exact standards and regulations

uh have you...not...ever looked into fashion walks? that shit is rigourous and strict as hell. It is not just showing off clothes, anyone can do that shit.

you sound mad and ignorant

>> No.6733824

I fit the requirements but I've just turned 30, will I be told to gtfo I wonder? I don't think I look it, most people guess my age at around 24...but still.

>> No.6733836

She looks so... dumpy.

>> No.6733866

Fuck. Now I feel fucking fat again.

>> No.6733888

Damn, I'm like an inch/half size too small for ALL these damn measurements. Damn you genetics!

>> No.6734632

That's because she's short with 'average' measurements. That's the look they want to avoid.

>> No.6734933

your waist is around the 21 inch mark? Dayum, I'd still apply, there's gonna be a bunch of people applying that are slightly too big that may still have the look they're after.

>> No.6734981

I'm amused at how everyone is of the impression that girls under 5'8"-5'9" are considered "real runway models".

>> No.6735376

>obvious troll post

Nice try.

>> No.6736554

Has anyone who applied heard back or any information?

Lie about your age if you can get away with it and think it will help your chances, no one will check, I've done that shit before

>> No.6736564

probably too early for responses

>> No.6737022

Same here, my feet are size 4.5 and I'm 2 inches too short.

>> No.6737041


this shit

I am 169cm, which 5'5"
167 isn't 5'7" wtf is wrong with those retards

>> No.6737058

>I am 169cm, which 5'5"

Centimetres to feet/inches confuses the fuck out of me. In cm, I'm ~168, in feet/inches, I'm 5'6. I think it kinda varies with the people you're talking to.

>> No.6737063

...5'5" is 165cm.
169cm is about 66.5 inches, which means you're 5'6.5" - there are 12 inches in a foot, not 10.

>yes metric is superior

>> No.6737299

2.54 cm per inch
i don't know why i've always remembered that. i rarely have to actually use it.

>> No.6739332

I grew up in England and moved to America and I'm always just flailing with metric and...Inches/feet It's like now I forget both but Metric is so much easier jfc