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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 101 KB, 800x600, help.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6724638 No.6724638 [Reply] [Original]

Don't think I saw one but can we have a general help thread?

>> No.6724673
File: 100 KB, 346x363, Jack-Frost.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll bite

I'm thinking about doing a Jack Frost cosplay of sorts (pic related, not that pretty boy one from that one newer movie). I'm torn between gijinka and just flat-out Jack Frost.

If I go straight-up Jack Frost, how might I go about doing his face/head? Is there some sort of like.. sphere or something I can hollow out/wear as a mask and just cut out the eyes? I was just thinking like a foam sphere or something, do they just sell those at like Joann's?

On the other hand, if I go gijinka, what would be a good white face/body paint to use? Preferably one that I can buy in American stores in person. I've never bought anything like this, but I always hear of Ben Nye being great, though it's not sold in stores..

>> No.6724690
File: 37 KB, 384x549, PikoDefaultRef.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Asking this again since the last thread autosaged before anyone replied.

I plan to add lights to my cosplay, but I'm not quite sure what type of lights to use. I'm thinking LEDs for the more circular shapes, EL sheets for the triangular things on the boots, and possibly EL tape for what runs around his hips.

Would that work? Also, will the EL tape be damaged if I bend it ('round the hips)?

>> No.6724727

Does anyone know if peach skin pleats well? I tried googling it, but all I get results for are actual peach skin facts, no matter how I word my search

>> No.6724735

I have no experience with this, but I imagine you could make it like a deadmau5 head without the ears? i've seen some pretty decent homemade ones.
a few tutorials that seem okay from my quick internet search:

>> No.6725202

I recently finished an art project where my teacher gave us a shit ton of cardboard to make statues. Thing is, I only used half so I have about 10 large sheets of unused material. My question is, are there any cool or easy armors to make using cardboard?

What are some cool/simple cardboard cosplays?

>> No.6725218

Go look up featherweight on CosCom, he works almost exclusively with cardboard.

>> No.6725260
File: 103 KB, 240x330, WildTiger_8812.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would anyone happen to have a full turn-around reference sheet for Kotetsu's robosuit?

>> No.6725280

No, but there's this very high quality, high detail figure. Looking at pics of it from different angles might help (look at the pictures in the "Official" and "Other" tabs, especially).


>> No.6725281


Thanks, that's the second best thing!

>> No.6725296 [DELETED] 
File: 73 KB, 583x1000, DSCN9932_zpsae9b52cc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can anyone think of a cosplay that this coat would do well with?

Alternatively, could I use this in an Elegant Gothic Aristocrat outfit?

>> No.6725315
File: 1.76 MB, 1612x2056, OHB_002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do these help at all?

>> No.6725319


One of the dudes from Victorian Romance Emma?

>> No.6725326
File: 1.75 MB, 1622x2041, OHB_003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6725334

cool, thank you!

>> No.6725340

Hazama from Blazblue wore a suit like that didn't he? Sorry, it's been I played that game.

>> No.6725352


Oh, these are great! Thank you!

>> No.6725359

Is there some good trick for making armor and the like match across the body? I've been thinking about cosplaying a character with a set of mechanical arms, but as I won't be working from a pep file or anything, I've been worrying about how to make both arms match. I don't think I'll just be able to duplicate pieces since the design isn't completely symmetrical (er, that is both arms are the same design, mirrored, but each arm isn't symmetrical on its own). Is there some trick to it, or do you just have to be careful and prototype a lot?

>> No.6725365

Hazama's coat is a little darker than this, almost black. But I think it might be able to work

>> No.6725378

>that is both arms are the same design, mirrored,

Flip the pattern piece for one side over. Trace. Congratulations, you have an opposite-sided piece. From there on, make any adjustments necessary for each side.

>> No.6725401

I like these suggestions, and will look more into them.

But does anyone have any other suggestions?

>> No.6725399
File: 139 KB, 1080x720, Photo on 2013-03-25 at 6.16 PM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First time wig buyer here
Well, I ordered this wig from lucaille since it's pretty cheap. The thing is, the place where the wig gathers together is not tight enough so there is a hole in the middle of the wig (this didn't happen with my other wig).

Around the middle are frizzled and messy short fibers.

Another issue is that, due to the way the store styled it, the back is layered really short, and this makes the behind having a very noticeable bump. I find the bump really retarded.

Perhaps silicone spray would solve all the issues? Should I try to save this wig or just bitch to Lucaille?

My other wig came perfect, except it also has the messy frizzled fibers around the gathering, but at a lesser degree than this wig.

>> No.6725742 [DELETED] 

I know it's been done and done, but I was thinking about dressing as my own interpretation of the Mad Hatter for an upcoming convention. I have coat pretty much like the one in this post.


I was thinking about using it for this. Should I try go full on Elegant Gothic Aristocrat with it? If so, how should I go about doing this?

>> No.6725750

>>67253grab a needle and some black thread and stitch the two edges together with a few stitches and tie it off. quick fix.

>> No.6725916
File: 741 KB, 1000x800, Untitled-1 copy copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I'm planning to make this wig but unsure about the color. Stuck between hot pink and raspberry from Arda. If not any of those colors, mind giving suggestions?

>> No.6725930

I need second opinions here.

I am in a PMMM cosplay group and I was originally going to be Madoka, but the costume I ordered was a bit too big for me so I gave it to a friend of mine (who makes a really cute Madoka anyway, so it was all good). We were missing a Kyoko so my friends asked me if I could be here and I agreed, even if she's not really a character I wanted to cosplay super bad.
The only thing is that her outfit is super unflattering on me, the dress itself is fine, but I have very flabby arms and thick thighs.
I can't do much about the arms other than be careful about my posing, but I was thinking of instead of wearing her thigh-highs I'll just go with a pair of stockings.
I'm just worried people will be too upset... but I really don't want muffin top thighs because that's just gross.

>> No.6725937
File: 52 KB, 296x298, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you actually look at Lulu's in-game model, her hair is neither of those colours. tbh I don't think such a bright pink would look very good. I'm not sure what to suggest as another colour though.

>> No.6725938

Spanx under dance tights and then some slightly larger socks and fashion tape and you can have minimally-muffining thigh highs!

i'm a super pear and i do this for cosplay all the time

>> No.6725940

Did you ever consider cutting socks/tights that fit you well and just using sock glue to keep them from falling? It's a good way to avoid muffin top!

>> No.6725942

Yeah but there's the two choices of either doing in game or splash art really. Figured it would be easier to find colors for the splash art than the in game model honestly.

>> No.6725949

That's very true. I still don't think either of those pinks would work though, because there's still that purpley-maroon feel to the colour, even in the splash. It's not just a straight pink.

>> No.6725954


I think you might be a little colour blind, anon. Her hair is definitely a maroon/burgundy colour, not hot pink.

>> No.6726312
File: 505 KB, 1061x750, Shou.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Speaking of wigs...I'm in need of some advice on mine.

I'm going to be cosplaying Toramaru Shou (image related), who has black streaks in her hair. I know I can sharpie dye the streaks in, but I want them to be/stay distinct from fibers of the main color.

How can I keep them from 'unraveling' and getting wound up in the rest of the wig? Will it just kind of naturally happen if I dye them correctly? I really don't know much of anything about wig styling yet...

Sharpie dyeing makes me kind of nervous, too, even if it is just coloring the hair fibers. Is there an easier way to do streaks for a newbie?

>> No.6726329

With keeping the darker streaks more distinct than the rest of the wig, just use hair glue or g2b glue spray - be forewarned, sharpies tends to run with any sort of spray, so possibly just using the g2b glue in a tube would be best for you.

>> No.6726334

Does the hair stay flexible after you use that sort of thing? I wanted to avoid making it too stiff, because I'm used to very short hair and I'll surely be brushing it out of my face constantly.

Thanks for the warning, I'd probably have used the spray otherwise.

>> No.6726338


good example of individual spikes, good luck

>> No.6726340

Sorry for all the seperate replies, lol

Heres another method of sealing the sharpie using floor wax? According to a few posters here, its a tried and true method but I've never done it.

Hope those two links help you!

>> No.6726341

FUCK forgot to paste the link D: Sorry!


>> No.6726368

Can anyone point me in the direction for finding a good quality red zentai suit? Price isn't a issue.

>> No.6726405


Wow, I didn't think of that at all! Thanks, that's a really good tip! It's only a few days until the Con but maybe I'll be able to do something.

>> No.6726406
File: 57 KB, 492x101, thederp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright, a circle lenses question.

I bought a pair EOS New Adult Pink lenses on pinkyparadise and they ended up looking incredibly derpy on me.

I don't know what caused this problem because in the case they seemed just fine to me and nothing looked "off", and I don't think it was a makeup issue...Was I just unlucky to get a huge case of the derp with faulty contacts or did my astigmatism had something to do with it?

>> No.6726407
File: 1.33 MB, 836x1228, idk_help.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok, so this is my Starfire new 52 concept. I know she's not the most liked character but my friend is going as raven so I thought why the hell not. I didn't want to do her actual outfit because I don't have the tits and I really don't want to be half naked in front of a bunch of strangers.

This is just a rough sketch so sorry and excuse the sratchiness/sketchiness of it. I want to make it look like armor instead of just spandex fabric. I was planning to make the armor out of craft foam and I guess gluing it to the fabric underneath? I've never made armor before but I plan to look at a lot of tutorials. The MAIN thing i need help with is the bottoms. Since i wanted it to be armor i was going to make the bikini out of craft foam to but then i was thinking about it, and i probably wouldn't be able to sit down, which won't do. Plus, it'd be pretty herd to make an armor bikini.. I don't know, I'm pretty lost atm. Any help or suggestions would be appreciated.

>> No.6726829
File: 24 KB, 346x400, _big_vintagefashionguild_24157.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a pattern for bloomers but I want to make them ultra fluffy and large to exaggerate them. Do I just double or triple the pattern's size of what I need for regular ones and just gather it more in the waist and thigh areas?

>> No.6726834

I cannot tell what is wrong with them since the pics seem blurry. They don't seem that bad to me.

If your astigmatism is large, then circle lenses in general won't fit properly and can potentially move around your eye in weird ways.

>> No.6726898
File: 209 KB, 600x600, 511471-07.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit do I ever need help.

I'm a maniac for RHS, But I hate the leather-strap ones and the ribbon ones, so my options are majorly limited.


I just need help figuring out these sizes, ugh. My feet fit with about 1cm of wiggle room into Bodyline RHS size 26.5, and the width is just right for my wide feet at that size.

Please please help me dearest seagulls, I have never encountered this much want, not even when Chess Chocolate came out!

Here's the link to all the Japanese sizing info/chart: http://global.rakuten.com/en/store/dreamv/item/511471/

>> No.6726933

I'm on my phone so I can't really explain this properly but basically you cut slashes in the pattern so you end up with say 4 seperate parts of one one pattern piece. get some new pattern paper out and position the parts 3cm apart from each other draw around new pattern piece and cut out. it goes without saying that you are slashing vertically across the pattern btw

if you're still confused I can draw it out for you when I'm home

>> No.6726960

Those are fucking cute. And I don't even LIKE leopard print.

>> No.6726964

Also, sorry I can't help with the sizing much. It doesn't look like they go larger than LL/24.5cm.

>> No.6726966

I think I understand. Are the vertical lines angled in any particular way or just as straight as you can with them?

>> No.6727001
File: 96 KB, 471x239, ORANGE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any advice on dyeing suits? I need to dye the collar area of a white blazer so it matches this.

>> No.6727042
File: 119 KB, 859x679, 1361775257840.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


IKR? I hate leopard print (I think it's tacky as hell, like zebra print) but those shoes, ugh.


Aw, crap. I could do 25.5 at the smallest. Are you sure? Thanks anyways.

>> No.6727049

Yeah. Sadly so. The size chart says: S (23cm), M (23.5cm), L (24cm) and LL (24.5cm). You might be able to get another shop to replicate the style with the photos, though. I know an*tai*na does custom shoes from photos. They also have leopard print, but it appears to be a somewhat larger pattern than the ones on Rakuten.

>> No.6727057


I've heard about that, but I've also heard bad things about an*tai*na too. Is if a safe bet to make, good quality and such?

>> No.6727120
File: 54 KB, 713x503, bloomerpatternenlarge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nope they are just straight down but keep them at a right angle to the bottom of the bloomer pattern, I've attached a stunning illustration to demonstrate the procedure
Where I've drawn an arrow saying 'Slash' it's important that you slash at this location (where the crotch line meets the waist line) - DO NOT slash anywhere on the crotch line because you will fuck it up
My illustration has 3 parts but it doesn't matter how many parts you as long as it's 3 or 4 so don't go over or under that!

>> No.6727139

To get a colour like that (which I see as red, but whatever), you're going to have to leave it in the dye for ages. Like, I dyed a 10cm strip of lightweight silk a similar colour and it took about forty minutes. I wouldn't recommend using machine dyes or anything like that., since red is the hardest colour to get even with proper dyes.

What do you mean dye the collar anyway? You mean like, whilst it's attached to the suit?

>> No.6727150

Well, I haven't ordered from them in a while, but I never had issue with them. I got some shoes made up in colours that weren't previously listed without issue. That was about a year ago and they've held up to daily wear with some minor dings and wrinkles, but no scuffs.

>> No.6727200
File: 114 KB, 317x172, Screenshot_1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks for the advice! I'm going to go to joann this weekend to buy the dye, any brands I should avoid? this is going to be my first time.

it's more orange irl, sorry! I took a photo of the color fabric I need to match and it came out strange.

What I mean by the collar is literally just that area. I'd try and describe it but I feel like I'd confuse you more. the collar area is all I need because it's the only thing that's visible in the outfit (pic related is close to what i need)

I hope this is coherent, anon! I'm a bit low on sleep at the moment.

>> No.6727220

Ahh gotcha. Thanks a bunch anon!

>> No.6727234


Ok, I'll try it then. Thanks for helping me even though you really didn't have to! <3

>> No.6727378
File: 241 KB, 1200x876, gmedaka-box-3372961.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, my Kumagawa costume is all but complete. The screws are done, the Gakuran just needs some minor sewing, the wig is perfectly styled. I just have one problem left.

How do I get my eyes to look like this? A friend of mine suggested eyeshadow, or was it eyeliner? Reguardless, halp.

>> No.6727392
File: 4 KB, 168x192, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I'm nearly finished with a Rosedust cosplay and I feel kind of silly for being stuck at this part but I'm not quite sure how to make a feather curl like that. I just bought three pink ostrich feathers (in case I screw up at all) and I have not the slightest clue on how to get them to curl. Any help?

>> No.6727406

Maybe pipecleaners?

>> No.6727409

>classic MLP
>mah nigga

>> No.6727441
File: 10 KB, 268x188, eyeroll.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Agreed. But as a classic MLP cosplayer, prepare for "OMG FLUTTERSHY" and then "Oh wait, you're not Fluttershy? You're one of those GEE-THREES I CAN'T STAND THEM THEY'RE SO FAT AND UGLY." All previous gens of ponies are G3's apparently.

>> No.6727474

there's suppose to be a way to gently curl feathers with a pair of scissors.. I can try to find the tutorial somewhere.

>> No.6727499

>To curl the spine, run the feather over an edge, for example the dull back of a
table knife, or the dull edge of pair of scissors, or a letter opener, as you would, if you were curling ribbon. However, be a lot more gentle with your feather, or you will destroy it. You may have to experiment to find an edge that works well for you.

>Use a gentle, but firm pressure to gently bend the spine over the edge starting at the bottom of the feather, and kind of walk it along the edge, moving your way up the spine bit, by bit gently bending and pressing the spine against the
blunt edge with your thumb. This make a series of little dents. Try not to make deep cuts, or creases, which will weaken the spine and may cause it to break.

>Gradually work your way up the spine to curl the entire feather. Repeat for as much curl as you wish. The feather will tend to curl either to the right or to the left, depending on which side of the bird it came from. This will become
apparent very quickly, but it is nice to have feathers curling in both directions, if you want a fluffy, full appearance on your hat.

Courtesy of the SCA Milliners message board.

I've had luck doing the inverse and flattening feathers with a hair iron, so you might also have luck using a curling iron.

>> No.6727770
File: 235 KB, 1840x1256, NekomataSMT3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi! I'm doing Nekomata and need some help with the bodysuit/jacket. I'm wondering what would be the best way to go about it all.

I'm thinking of just buying this: http://www.amazon.com/Spandex-Zentai-Fullbody-Catsuit-Without/dp/B00B25SCX4/

Which is just a zentai without the head and then making the jacket as armwarmersshort jacket. I figure it would be less hot than making the jacket connected and doubling up on the black by the elbows. I live in Arizona and am wearing this to AZ and Cali cons, so it needs to be as cool as possible in the summertime.

I'm also wondering about the ribbing on the elbows/chest. Should I just leave that out? Should I just make my own fucking suit? I'm looking for any recommendations on what to do. Budget isn't really an issue as long as it doesn't total up to over $200 for the bodysuit/jacket. My skill level is low to mid-tier. I've never done any kind of zentai/bodysuit before which is why I'd like to buy this one. I've got experience with stretch knits and furs though.

>> No.6728097


No one can help me with this?

>> No.6728107

I am going to assume Kumagawa is the one with the screw and it would be a combination of both eyeliner and eyeshadow. Eyeliner to make the outline and eyeshadow to blend it out slightly so it doesn't look like you just drew lines on your eyes.

>> No.6728141


Yep, the one with the screws.

I've never done either before. How hard is it to get right/fuck up?

>> No.6728152
File: 125 KB, 1150x1536, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm making a blouse, and the pattern I want to use is great apart from the length - it's too long. Usually I'd just chop the pattern shorter by the six inches it needs, but in this case the darts don't finish before I need to cut it (I've attached a picture of the pattern to show where I want to cut it and the darts).

Do I just cut it shorter, or do I need to re-draw the darts? Thank you!

>> No.6728169

I dunno, I haven't really tried manipulating my eyeshape before but if people can create the droopy Ciel eye then I'm sure you can emulate Kumagawa's eyes with enough practice!

>> No.6728175
File: 298 KB, 647x351, wig.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got scissor happy and cut my wig too short, is there anything I can do to salvage it or make it look pleasing to the eye?

>> No.6728208

You could buy another wig and cut out wefts to sew in it make it a little longer? You could give it a bit more volume also if you wished. Would look more accurate.

>> No.6728218

Yeah you can slice right through the darts, it should still be the correct size.

>> No.6728224

Just slice through them, the darts will end when you cut it off rather than not hitting the hem, but the shaping will still remain.

>> No.6728284

I think that looks fine!

>> No.6728286


That looks fine? It looks more realistic and less animu if you know what I mean. I wouldn't worry too much!

>> No.6728450
File: 33 KB, 320x378, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey all! I'm cosplaying Nazrin in the near future and I'm having a little trouble with her dowsing rods...

I've made the basic shape by heating PVC pipes, but I'm not sure how to go about the N-S-E-W symbols on the ends. Do you guys have any ideas?

>> No.6728470


Thank you both! I thought that was the answer but I'm glad I checked.

>> No.6728503
File: 125 KB, 477x700, Egret.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to make a helmet/mask with vox [that sort of retro radio communications effect you get from old walky-talkies and such]

Already grabbed the rest of the stuff for the Black Egret and the last thing to do is the gasmask/helmet

Is this sort of thing even possible?

>> No.6728546
File: 52 KB, 340x655, Jacket1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need to make a long (ankle-length) jacket with an open front. I plan on just using a cotton fabric, but I want the jacket to have some stiffness to it that I don't think only cotton will give me, even with lining it, especially because the front isn't going to be fastened at all.

How would I go about stiffening it? Would putting some interfacing along the front and bottom seams do the trick? I don't want it to be rigid, I'd just like it to have some body so it doesn't fold too much when I'm just standing around/doing standing poses.

Image related, rough illustration of the jacket.

>> No.6728549

And then I derped, there ARE going to be sleeves on that, it's really kind of a cape/jacket hybrid.

>> No.6728632

I see! I will try wefting for the next con I wear this to. Thanks for the advice!!
Ahh, thanks for the reassurance! I was really worried over it look too short/wonky.

>> No.6728642


Interfacing should do exactly what you want. If you're using something kind of soft for the lining, you might want to face along the edges too. Just don't go for the super crazy heavy interfacing and you should be fine. Go for like a middle weight, like the type for outerwear or bottoms.

>> No.6728644
File: 155 KB, 609x819, 5092-290649815.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm doing a Shion cosplay for GJ-bu, and I'm having trouble finding a wig the right colour. I bought one and it ended up being FAR lighter than it was supposed to be. The best one I've found so far has been on classewig, but forgive me how do I order from there? From what I see it just ships to japanese, does it work like taobao where you find a buyer? Alternatively, does anyone know of any wigs close to her hair colour?

>> No.6731281

The other day there was talk about how chrome spray paint doesn't actually dry/cure. I'm going to guess that's why my wooden sword's paint still comes off on my hands even 3 years later.

If I were to make something shiny and chrome like again, how do I go about getting the really shiny effect without it coming off on my hands? Silver isn't as reflective as chrome is, and is a flat gray with 'sparkles' in it.

>> No.6731288

EL tape is very very versatile! You can even cut it to shape, actually. I emailed them about it and was given a lot of information and a tutorial page. They used EL tape for the tron suits, so it's totally bendable. I say go for it, and it'll look super cool!

>> No.6731320
File: 203 KB, 1400x1072, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.asdfdaf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I'm thinking about doing The Closer from Silent Hill. I really wanted to do a silent Hill cosplay, but everyone does Nurses, and the Mannequin is pretty much impossible. I already have an idea for the legs and shoes, but for the arms?? and the face. I'm a bit of a an amateur, and the hardest cosplay I've made is Painwheel. Any ideas or tips?

>> No.6731533

Is there a way to cut a medium length wig into a boy-short length wig?

>> No.6731845

Does anyone know where to find a make-up tutorial for males, cosplaying a male character?

I'm doing a couples cosplay with my SO and I want to do some simple make-up for him so we look nice in photographs. But when I search for tutorials all I can find is crossplay tutorials.

I know he'll probably need foundation and concealer at the very least, but I know fuck all about if I should do any contouring, eye shadow or anything like that. Advice is appreciated.

>> No.6731942

You take some scissors and cut the strands to the desired length.

>> No.6732279

Thanks, Moose-anon. Who did you email? / Where to buy?

>> No.6732623

evening folks, misposted originally due to unfamiliarity with this board


what do i need to know before i buy fabric over the internet? is it even possible? what sites should i use, and which should i be wary of? where can i get a good price? fast postage? wide range of stock? swatches? etc.

also, i live in australia

thanks guys, this seemed like a good place to ask

also, is it taboo to ask a store if they can order something in?

and a second thanks for humouring a vagrant

>> No.6733235
File: 86 KB, 600x450, Foto0547.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How much room should be in a chainmail sleeve? For instance, I can fit roughly my fist into the chainmail "tube". I'm having worries that it's too much.

(apologies for taping the thing together shittily, just didn't want to link it yet)

>> No.6733263

I emailed their site/company directly. If you google EL Tape the first result shouldbe their site, and you can order form there, too. You can either buy strips and do it yourself, or spend an extra penny to have them make it up custom for you.

Depends on what kind of fabric you want to buy. FabricDepot is having some issues right now, so stay away from there for a while.

>> No.6733544
File: 255 KB, 567x882, haydee reference.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bumping help thread and searching for advice.

I want to cosplay Haydee Tebelin from Gankutsuo in her opera gown this summer. The problem is that it's going to be about a billion degrees where I am and I want to enter a masquerade. I'm already pretty pale as it is, but I freckle bad as fuck.

So my question is, do I wear a white Zentai suit and white face paint and risk getting all sweaty and melty, or do I not and not?

>> No.6733901

So does anyone have any advice or tutorials on how to do cat tails without it looking like you have a fat, furry tapeworm dangling from your ass? Would it be a good idea to work a wire into one?

>> No.6734474

why would you need white anything for skin...? She's not actually white, just pasty

>> No.6734650
File: 291 KB, 1600x1200, IMG_0622.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're probably fine to close it off now
it needs to be loose enough to get on and off easily and not restrict movement

mail purists might criticize your "sideways" sleeves though
making them the other direction makes the material "stretch" a bit more
it doesn't matter for a costume, where you're going for looks and not functionality, but assuming you're making a whole shirt, you will want to make the body the other way or you might have troubles getting into it

pic related

>> No.6734666
File: 561 KB, 450x600, boobs2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I used this tutorial http://metalsmithing.wonderhowto.com/how-to/make-chain-mail-armor-from-start-finish-0118499/ and it did the sleeves that way.

I guess that's a problem then. I could change the sleeve so it goes the other way, I guess. But I don't really know how to attach it to the shirt then.
I'm also kinda short on time. Bleh.

>> No.6734686
File: 81 KB, 780x548, MADOKAWIG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I found the perfect wig for my Ultimate Madoka cosplay, but it's from a site I've never heard of before. Has someone ever bought anything from Fashioncos?

>> No.6734708
File: 624 KB, 3264x2448, 2013-03-31-262.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really need some help with this- this is what has happened to the trousers of my Motoko Kusanagi (grey combat suit) costume, which I wore once while it was incomplete and shitty looking. After that one day, the leggings I used as a base have started to get holes from being pulled apart by the chaps that I tacked on to keep them from flapping around as I walked.

I could sew closed the holes, but how do I stop it from happening again? I have a spare shirt with the exact same colour fabric I could use to re-enforce it, but I'm scared I'll fuck it up and end up with a lumpy butt. Plus 'cause it's stretchy fabric there's a chance that it won't help enough to make a difference.
Should I stray from the design to try and make it more practical? I've seen concept art for the new game where the chaps have extra straps (I can't really describe it) which would alleviate some of the tension on the leggings but I feel like it would be too inaccurate to the anime design...

>> No.6734712

are you using a zig-zag stitch?

>> No.6734720

as I said, its fine. that's a common way to make a first shirt. only snubs would give you crap for it

looks good, but you should alter the neckline to a slight v-neck so it won't sag as much

>> No.6734723

On which part are you asking? The running stitch I tacked the chaps on with was really (and I mean REALLY) loose. Anyway, my sewing machine is a super old hunk of junk that only does one kind of stitch. Could attempt it by hand if that might help somewhere but...

>> No.6734746

Well, if you say so. I might change it after if I have the time and rings for it.

I will do that too if I don't run out of wire. Otherwise, I'll just straighten it with a leather strip. I'll have a surcoat over the thing anyway.

Thanks for the help.

>> No.6734780
File: 53 KB, 1000x1000, morphsuit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whats the best place to get a high quality solid black full body zentai suit? MAybe one that has a removable hood or something? I have a morphsuits one but they aren't well made and its itchy as hell.

>> No.6734787

I'm planning to make myself a stuffed dragon/crocodile type tail. Does anyone have any patterns? I know the basic principle is fairly simple (sew triangles together to make a cone, with a disk where it'll rest against my waist), but I'm not sure how to get the proportions right

>> No.6734791

zentai-zentai.com is really good. Customizable too so you can get a removable hood. Very comfy.

>> No.6734820

Not sure if this counts as cosplay, but planning to make costumes to wear to festivals in the summer. Anyone have any suggestions for material that won't collapse/be ruined forever at the sight of mud or rain?

>> No.6734839

Anyone know where I can get a lycra/spandex Long sleeve shirt and pants? Not in one big suit.

>> No.6734947

So I have a TON of red and white fabric that I really want to use up. Anyone know what characters I could use it for? Not the shrine maiden uniform/Asuna from SAO/Ririchiyo from InuxBoku.

>> No.6735063

Thanks! I ordered a cotton one so hopefully that is less itchy.

>> No.6735082
File: 21 KB, 256x429, 01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I'm going to be making my Garry coat from IB...but I'm not sure how to go about those frayed edges?

I seen others use fur for the collar and arm things but still not sure how to do the bottom? Should I burn it? but if I do that for the bottom could I do that for the other parts as well?

>> No.6735255
File: 57 KB, 209x252, 015Beedrill.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm making this guy for a con and I'd like to give the wings a kind of iridescent shine to them, kind of like how insects have that translucent multi-color gloss on their wings. Any ideas on how I'd go about getting that effect or would it just look stupid? Any advice on how to construct the wings in general would be appreciated as well. I have some ideas, but someone might have an easier way to make them.

>> No.6735355
File: 1.23 MB, 2158x1536, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been blown away looking at this hat for the past few days, and this feeling turned into an urge to cosplay Joseph wearing it.

How in the hell would one go about constructing it? I see the pilot/ushanka-esque hat as the base, but are those other things just lain/strapped on accordingly? Is this some sort of hat fashion technique or is Araki being ridiculous again?

>> No.6735366

Araki is being ridiculous.

Its a stack of hats.

>> No.6735377
File: 940 KB, 1200x800, _MG_0003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I made Garry for my boyfriend, I just cut up the edges with a pair of scissors. Didn't bother with a defrayer or whatever. It's important that you don't have any edges that are rectangular so you might have to continuously trim away at the bottom and sleeve ends until they look just about right. Pic related, I tried to be messy with the cutting but in the end it took a little bit more thought than I expected.

>> No.6735380


there is a window film you can use to do this. You can also pick it up at a hardware store in the blinds section. good luck

>> No.6735386
File: 8 KB, 256x196, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any help on how to style a wig like this to get it poofy? I am really truly a noob. Please, any help would be very much appreciated!

>> No.6735589


>> No.6735627
File: 931 KB, 1000x855, maoyu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any idea how to do this?
Tutorials are helpful and appreciated.

>> No.6735651 [DELETED] 
File: 140 KB, 240x480, keine.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cgl I really need your help.

I've been working on my Keine cosplay and it's going to hell. I'm about five seconds from setting it on fire. I had the idea to make her dress and shape out of 4 skirts. One hoopskirt, a petticoat over the hoopskirt, a white under skirt over both of the two previous skirts, and then her top blue skirt.

But the shape isn't going as planned. The hoopskirt isn't working, and the petticoat is giving an odd poof, making it almost like a bubble skirt.

So is there any 30" petticoats online that has enough volume to fill out the circle skirts (white and blue) that I made for Keine?

>> No.6735654
File: 107 KB, 500x497, tumblr_m8hyusUUNM1qltjcmo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey, for those of you who make head accessories like pic related, where do you get your flowers? I'm not sure where to start, and I was wondering if it's better to just go to a craft store (potentially expensive and subpar quality, judging from other craft supplies I've bought in my area) or to order from ebay.

>> No.6735658

I see...then what fabric did you use for the coat? The one I plan on using wouldn't fray like that. Did you also do that for the collar and bottom? If I did that with a collar wouldn't the interfacing show?

>> No.6735696


>> No.6735711
File: 338 KB, 400x800, _MG_0001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I used garbadine for his coat. I didn't really like how the ends frayed on their own but once I started cutting into the coat it looked a lot better probably because of whatever loose ends were blending into the cut edges. I basically cut Y's along the edge and tried to make it so that there were no rectangular strips of fabric along the hem. I also tried to not cut in a uniform manner around the edge because it looked way too neat.

I did end up doing the same sort of thing for the rest of the outfit including the bottom of the coat. The collar was a bit tricky because I wasn't sure how to tackle this in a somewhat neat manner. (Not sure if the following explanation will make sense but let me know.) I ended up attaching another, larger collar piece around the neck area to get the fraying look that's around Garry's shoulders, and then I attached a larger piece that would normally be interfaced as his "lapels" onto the remaining edge of the neck/chest area up until mid chest. So yeah, I didn't use interfacing for his collar.

I think I trimmed a bit more on the collar in pic related before giving the coat to the boyfriend. The picture doesn't show it but I ended up doing a rolled hem on the front edge of the coat after the frayed collar parts because it looked really weird having the free edge and cutting into those edges didn't really give a good effect.

>> No.6735723
File: 23 KB, 391x481, $(KGrHqFHJEIE88cr2Pb+BP,flezV8g~~60_12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would it be possible to dye this wig to look more like a red-brown? It's for Rise from Persona 4 and I'm having a really hard time finding a good color for her in the form of a ponytail clip wig.

>> No.6735829

I've found a few different sites selling EL tape/panels, but I wasn't sure which ones were trustworthy.

>> No.6735840
File: 51 KB, 509x369, tumblr_mk8zakTRQi1ru9gkqo3_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Quick question

I have a white shirt pretty much identical to this one, but it's pure white and not an off white color.

Is there anyway I could get it that color or is the pure white good enough? I know Silent Hill nurse cosplayers dye their uniform in tea to get a dirty white color, but I fear it'll make the shirt too dark.

>> No.6735878

You might be able to do use any of the wig dyeing techniques (the sharpie way, ect) and see if it gives it a slight sheen. You won't be able to get it very red because you can only dye darker, but all the bown haired Rises I've seen look fine anyway

>> No.6735975


One of my friends has this wig for Rise and it actually looks pretty close to perfect in person.

>> No.6736266

I bought a polyester costume from Bodyline, and it fits *almost* perfectly, which is really irritating. Have any of you guys stretched out polyester before, or do you know of any method that won't ruin the fabric?
Thanks a bunch.

>> No.6736280
File: 529 KB, 1280x720, 1358315560710.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm cosplaying Charlotte and I'm really not sure if I should buy thick winter tights and wear just that alone, or if I should cover up with a skirt.
I saw it as like, people wearing zentai suits don't really care about 'exposing' but I don't know if my crotch area will look gross if I just wear the thick tights

honestly I feel like this is going to be like a, duh, wear a fucking skirt, but I also don't know what kind of skirt would go along best with the outfit either. Ruffles? Pleats? Please do tell. I want to make this outfit as CLOSE to canon as I can.

>> No.6736297

There's a lot you can do. I actually love Charlotte in really cute things. Are you going to be doing a human version of her, or more close to this one?

>> No.6736311

I guess you could say I'm doing a human version, but as close to the canon outfit as I can. I have my wig planned out to be in sort of a broad ribbon shape (like, folded over, if that makes sense?)
and I'm going to wear thick pink leggings, and just make the rest of her outfit as it is in the anime. I also have to wear shoes, so I'm thinking mary janes?
I'm just really stuck on this whole skirt thing because it's not actually apart of her outfit. The shoes aren't a big deal because they're mandatory at cons, but the skirt is really getting to my head.

>> No.6736326
File: 167 KB, 500x667, charlotte.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How about bloomers instead of a skirt?

>> No.6736339

ah maybe, I don't know why I'm thinking ONLY skirts. Probably because I was in the mindset of adding very very minimal to what is not canon.
Smaller bloomers might look okay, I just don't want anything to look out of place.

>> No.6736387

How would one make bloomers like those? I was the girl posting about a human!Gabumon and I really really really want this in my outfit.

>> No.6736407

A friend of mine is going to cosplay as Gandalf the gray
where can he find a good quality wig and beard? specially a good quality beard
Thanks in advance

>> No.6736452
File: 11 KB, 300x300, img-thing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a buddy who wants to make Stocking's sword, Stripes to go with his genderbent cosplay, but he wants to make it light up. Where would he be able to find LED tape or something to make the blue stripes glow?

>> No.6736467
File: 1.02 MB, 1280x4483, 1292572922345.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6736539
File: 507 KB, 500x240, tumblr_mikty8HFd11rq9hcgo3_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I see... Thank you so much! That actually made a lot of sense.

>> No.6736965
File: 98 KB, 500x473, 1403970300_382d002f8d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I need Pharaoh Atem's crown and this is my first time making a real accessory or prop. But the problem is I don't know how I should make it. Should I make it using the craft foam method or...? Has anyone done this particular accessory that could help me out? Thanks in advance.

>> No.6737001
File: 168 KB, 576x324, Cheshire.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any suggestions of fabric for Cheshire? I'm at a complete loss.

>> No.6737014

Where do you order your thigh-highs? I can only find knee-high socks in real life shops and am afraid that ones on the internet are either shitty in terms of quality and break or are the wrong size and whatnot.

>> No.6737019

Can anyone recommend me some good quality contact lenses that won't make me blind?

>> No.6737051

Here is where I would go. They carry everything.

>> No.6737112
File: 119 KB, 573x426, Holo.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm currently working on this version of Holo from Spice and Wolf but have a very critical dilemma about the fur to use for her ears and tail.

Here is the wig I am fairly sure I'm getting (not necessarily this EXACT listing, but this wig): http://www.ebay.com/itm/New-Long-Orange-Brown-Cosplay-Party-Wig-100cm-Free-shipping-B57-/280831966530?pt=US_CSA_MWA_Wigs_Extensions&hash=item4162e3bd42

I wanted something with the right amount of orange/red and brown, but that wasn't too much one way or the other. But the fur decision is giving me fits!

Here are the three I'm considering:

1. http://www.fabric.com/apparel-fashion-fabric-faux-fur-fabric-exotic-faux-fur-fabric-faux-fur-fox-amber.aspx

2. http://www.crscraft.com/products/product.asp?pid=90419&L1=2&L2=13&L3=0&L4=0&L5=0&cat=bear+supplies&sub=Fabrics&class=&searchOffset=x

3. http://www.syfabrics.com/View.aspx/Misc-Long-Pile-Minky-Fur-Prints/Blonde-Fox-Minky-Fur-MF-35/5092/457

I'm most concerned about color and it looking decently authentic (not necessarily "real animal" but less "fake" like in some cosplays). Holo is a wolf, but her coloration is a little hard. My questions are would be...

-Has anyone ever bought one of these furs and can provide a review/pics/advice
-Which fur would go best with the wig

Any advice/help is so greatly appreciated! Thanks!

>> No.6737126


I'd be up to dyeing the fur if that would give better color results. I'm dyeing all my fabric so I'm not opposed to that extra step.

>> No.6737795

The thing is, Charlotte isn't human, and has very non-human proportions, so you're going to have to make some compromises. I agree with the bloomers suggestion - those will give your lower half something of a bell-shape (like the actual critter), whereas just tights will make it look like someone stretched Charlotte's legs.

>> No.6737932

Where do you guys tend to get your boots for cosplay? I'm looking for some decent Sailor Moon boots that won't break the bank but also aren't that chunky.

>> No.6738086
File: 407 KB, 870x1000, Nehelenia-RD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay, so this is less of a help request and more of a "is this an okay idea?" query. Basically, I've seen lots of people do Queen Nehelenia. I'd say she's one of the most cosplayed villains from Sailor Moon. However, it's always bothered me that she, and several other of the villains, never got more than one costume. She's supposed to be this beautiful, vain creature. I feel like she'd probably have a huge wardrobe of gowns to show off.

Anyway, because of all those thoughts, I was considering doing a version of her dress that is more elaborate and leans more toward the historical (since her dress kind of puts me in mind of the cuts of late 1400s, Italian renaissance gowns). The ruff obviously comes from a slightly later period, but is the closest thing I could think of to match her choker.

Anyway, if you saw this at a convention (with the cape, of course), would you recognise it? Would you *like* it? Should I change certain details of the design? Or does the whole thing sound wanky and should I just do the original costume?

>> No.6738242

I would recommend the Punky Muppet fur from Mendel's in Toffee to match the wig color closely (http://www.mendels.com/fur2.shtml)<wbr> and then hitting it with some darker brown Copic/Prismacolor to give it darker guard hairs and a more variable color.

I think it's cool. If you're not going to include the mantle, maybe incorporate the purple somewhere. And maybe some sort of metallic gold trim as a nod to where the original design has gold jewelry. But yes, I would like it even if I didn't recognize it.

>> No.6738786

I bought a wig stand and wig brush from eBay recently. They came with something called "wig maintenance liquid" as well. (It was cheap and all bundled together!)

What is "wig maintenance liquid"? Is it's like a detangler? It's a 120ml spray bottle and the instructions are all in korean and chinese. Is it something you spritz on and brush out?

>> No.6739048


Makes sense. So for the marker, I just tip it? Do you have a tutorial? I'm a little confused as to the actual technique.

>> No.6739047

Yup! Spritz and brush through.

Not that anon but I have the exact same problem. Does the marker actually stay on the fibres? Is doing that easier than trying to (sharpie possibly) tint the wig to match the fur?

>> No.6739066


I went ahead and ordered some swatches of that and a few others, and will be ordering the wig soon so I can try and match them best.

>> No.6739124

Fur is usually modacrylic, the same plastic as Kanekalon, so they can be dyed with similar methods.
Pretty sure that hiperlon/henlon/heat-resistant wig fiber is a different plastic? It takes dyes weird: RIT fades, alcohol dyes wick along the fibers so they end up darker at the roots than the scalp (it's not gravity; it'll actually do this AGAINST gravity, like capillary action in paper). If you're going with a heat-resistant wig, it'll be easier to change the fur to match the wig than vice versa.
To color just the tips of the fur, brush it out so the fur's all going in one direction, and then paint over it with alcohol dye, following the direction you gave it. If you don't get it too wet, the color will just stay on the top layers and not soak down to the roots.

Oh, and in the interest of realism, don't forget to shave the fur down on the backs of the ears.

>> No.6739200

EL tape and wire are very good and easy to use and attach!
However, heat and movement can damage them and fuck up the circuitry, especially if you're planning on wearing this in warm/hot weather.

My boyfriend used EL wire on his Encore Guy-Manuel cosplay, and the wire crimped and half the wire wouldn't light up on the jacket. He ended up having to replace it, and ordering new wire racked up to over 200 dollars. So be careful, Pico-anon!

Good luck! I'm sure it'll look great.

>> No.6739308


I am so new to this fur thing. I am definitely going to modify the fur to fit a wig, I am NOT nor will I ever dye a wig. So I'm considering using markers for the fur, since I would like to get a nice natural tipped effect. I've worked with Copic before and know those are alcohol based, and may actually already own some colors that would work.

But you mentioned alcohol dye, is there a specific type of dye I should use, or is just coloring it with the marker okay? I'm not looking to break apart a Copic if I can help it.

For shaving down the ears, what would be the best tool? I saw a youtube video with hair shavers and such, but I don't own those and will not be buying them just for one project. I've got a razor for cutting hair/wigs, will that work?

Thanks for the help!

>> No.6739311


Not sure if it's clear, but I'm not looking to dye the entire fur. I'm getting a base color close to the wig (or as close as possible from the swatches I've ordered) and am just looking to add some variation and help make it look semi-realistic and to better match the wig so it's not such a harsh change in color.

Sorry, wasn't sure if that came across from what I was saying. If it did, sorry for the extra obvious explanation.

>> No.6739339
File: 20 KB, 256x384, Screenshot-DS-999-NineHours-NinePersons-NineDoors-Watch[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll be going as Junpei from 999 to my next con, and I need help with the watch.

I saw some tutorials on how to make one, and they look pretty meh, and short of buying an original for like 200 dollars, my next bet is spray painting a cheaper, similar watch.

Does anyone have experience with the bracelet from 999, or if spray painting a watch is even viable?

>> No.6739341


I've also found this fur:


Would it be better than the Mendel's toffee, or go with toffee and add more red and brown tipping with the marker?

>> No.6739498
File: 10 KB, 182x277, aba.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been wanting to cosplay ABA (pic related), and I just happened to get a $25 Amazon giftcard to use however I want.

Would this wig possibly be good to use? I don't usually trust ebay/amazon with wigs, but I want a good quality wig (have used too many shitty ones in the past). That one review of the weft complaint doesn't really seem like it'd apply to me, as she practically has the hair how I want it in the pictures (doing a rule 63 ABA, don't need the hair sticking out so much like normal ABA)

So, should I use this giftcard on this wig? Does it seem worth it? Anybody had experience with this seller?

>> No.6739570
File: 67 KB, 570x486, il_570xN.407441188_8mlh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I need to find some kind of material that I can cover the eye holes of my mask with. The character has large, yellow cat eyes so instead of wearing contacts, I wanted to cover the eye holes with a translucent, yellow material. Something that I could pretty easily see through but at the same time, maybe people couldn't see my eyes through it as easily.

I plan on using yellow for the iris and red for the cat like pupil.

Any ideas? Links would be appreciated!

As a bonus: any idea on where I can find cat like nails for both my hands and feet?


>> No.6739630
File: 88 KB, 800x450, 800px-Rising-SamSword-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I´m currently trying to make Jetstream Sam´s sword from MGS revengance and I would love to make it with the eject funtion.
I have some basic ideas of the handle to perhaps get a defect replica of the gun he uses as the handle and work out from that.

someone have a clue how to make it work? =O

>> No.6739655


>> No.6739671
File: 212 KB, 1037x691, lowersM4LE[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they use the m4 variants a lot in MGS, right?

that looks to be some sort of butchered combination of an m4 lower and upper, with the trigger and grip moved around and shit.

You could probably get an airshit m4/m16/ar15/all that jazz and get something that works

>> No.6739695

Thank you anon! everything is helping right now as it still in the planning phase, Thanks again!

>> No.6739714

mesh doesn't seem like it would fit with the mask. any other ideas?

>> No.6739733

Ebay search for "gold polarized sunglass lenses"; you can glue them into the backs of the eye sockets.

>> No.6739740


I love the colour on that one, I'm just worried the ~1" pile is a little short, since Holo's tail is supposed to be floofy and such. Same with the Toffee, that one's also 1" long. Is that enough to give that fluffy impression?.

>> No.6739748


This is a great idea! Thank you!

>> No.6739787


Well, the 1" in the pictures looks fluffy to me, though for the Mendels one I've ordered a swatch of

-Punky Muppet 1" in Toffee
-Shag 2 5/8" in Camel
-Fox in Dark Palomino
-Blonde Fox 2"

Just to see the different colors and such. I know the CrsCraft fur color is the closest to the wig. Either way I'm tipping it, I just wondered if I should get Red Fox and lightly tip some darker brown in there, or go with Toffee and more heavily tip red and brown to get the rich mahogany with the light toffee base.

My biggest concern at this point is matching the wig. Realism/authenticity is a close second, but this costume is (hopefully) being entered in the cosplay contest at A-kon. I just haven't really been able to find the color I need in too long of a pile. I've also checked ImStuffed Fur and found nothing there.

Thanks for your help anon.

>> No.6739975
File: 161 KB, 1100x1000, flandre_scarlet_by_stevew.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm making a Flandre cosplay, but I really can't decide which color i should make her blouse and hat in. She have pink blouse and hat in the game, but most merchandise and artwork seem to portrait her in white. What would you say would look the best?

Also, a circle skirt would look better than a rectangel shaped skirt right?

>> No.6739985

Try going for a very pale pink? I know nothing about Touhou, though.

Also, you could try going for a very large circle skirt and gathering the waist circumference to fit you for more floof and flair.

>> No.6739999
File: 858 KB, 1389x702, flandres.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm leaning towards a pale pink more. I asked my friend who is a super touhou fan, and he said pink as well.

Yeah, that's what I thought about making.

>> No.6740012


bump, been trying to make some myself but cant find supplies.

>> No.6740019

ZUN's art is QUALITY as fuck and one of the only instances where the canon art isn't the best resource to base a cosplay off of. My advice would be to look at the nicer figures of her out there (maybe the Nendoroid or the Griffon ones), and base it off of those.

Anyway, does anyone have any advice on how to attach small wings to one's shoes? I was thinking of having a wire loop running under the sole of each shoe and poking out.

>> No.6740035

Go with pink. Cosplay the character, not the fan art

>> No.6740064


You could try purchasing the cheaper Virtue's Last Reward watch and painting that +adding on details to look like the 999 version?

>> No.6740086
File: 84 KB, 256x256, flan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Super touhou fan

You could just look at Zun's art.

>> No.6740108
File: 168 KB, 800x800, IMG_3860.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I agree; I have a couple of touhou figures I plan to base cosplay off. But use ZUN's art for the colour scheme, a pale pink would look nuch nicer anyway.

What kind of wings are you using, and where are you placing them?

>> No.6740123
File: 164 KB, 877x812, 889008.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, I will probably end up using a very pale pink, It will probably look best.

I am using this reference for wings, so they will probably look something like this

>> No.6740138

Wow, hours later I realize I didn't even post the damn wig link


>> No.6740163
File: 125 KB, 927x665, 1364090324431.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is my first time sewing something on my own, so as you can tell I'm going to need a lot of help.

I want to make this jacket for this male Homu cosplay, but I'm pretty sure I'm going to need a pattern, unless I want it to look like a 5 year old did it. Would anyone have something similar I could modify?
Also should the purple sleeves be a separate piece? Or sewn into the jacket?

I'm thinking some cotton layered on top of each other would work as fabric? At least for the main part of the jacket.

>> No.6740177
File: 468 KB, 998x580, 20100425002921!Terrible-terror.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Making some dragon puppets to go with my boyfriend's Movie!Hiccup and my Book!Hiccup. I think I can figure out the patterns and handle the interior structure, but I'm not sure what type of fabric to use for their skin/scales and how to attach the spikes, claws, and horns. I was thinking of using worbla for them, but how do I attach them to the puppet cleanly?

One of the puppets will be a marionette, so it's claws will constantly be hitting the ground and I need something strong to keep the claws on its feet!

>> No.6740205

http://www.simplicity.com/p-6375-misses-coat-or-jacket-project-runway-collection.aspx#t-1 I would probably start with something like that. Mind, its a female pattern, and a coat pattern, but the base shape is there. Obviously you're going to have to modify the bottom hemline, collar shape, and sleeve shape, BUT it gets the shape of the arms right, along with the princess seams.

Make sure you make a mockup, because you're going to have to alter it, and the mockup will allow you to tweak the shape without using your expensive fabric.

Personally, I would do the purple sleeves (along with the purple sneaking out the bottom,) as an undershirt. You can tell, because it has its own separate collar.

For fabric, for the jacket I'd use either a twill or gabardine weave cotton or wool/poly mix (though pure poly could work, it just tends to not breathe as well.) For the undershirt, use a high quality cotton (Kona cotton works well for blouses.) Pants..some sort of suiting. Or something with a bit of stretch since they're a little on the tight side. Absolutely use a pattern for the pants or they won't fit right.

Also, look up and learn how to put on bias tape properly. Its not that hard and its going to be your friend with this costume.

>> No.6740213

Oh goodness thank you so much! This is incredibly helpful!
Wish me luck, this is going to be a journey, haha.

>> No.6740227

No problem!

also, you're really going to want to use a sewing machine for this, so if you weren't planning on it... I'd learn. That's a LOT of sewing to do by hand

>> No.6740249

Hah, don't worry I will. And if things get really bad I will end up asking a friend of mine since she is pretty handy with sewing.

>> No.6740286

Oh! Please follow the colour scheme on ZUN's art for the wings! If there is anything that is often done wrong, it is the incorrect colours. (I almost posted your image when I replied to you, otherwise it is a great ref.)

>> No.6740323 [DELETED] 

So, I've started buying materials for my next cosplay. For this, I'll need a very simple shirt like the one in this drawing. I'm not much of a sewer. At all. Its sleeves and base flare out, but it isnt frilly. Is there like, something I could do to get this without sewing something from scratch?

>> No.6740328
File: 29 KB, 452x418, shirt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, I've started buying materials for my next cosplay. For this, I'll need a very simple shirt like the one in this drawing. I'm not much of a sewer. At all. Its sleeves and base flare out, but it isnt frilly. Is there like, something I could do to get this without sewing something from scratch?

>> No.6740354
File: 228 KB, 663x1204, gray_fullbuster_by_milady666-d55g0tz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hi,im going to cosplay gray from fairy tail,soon (a month from now)

the problem is i'll cosplay him with a white shirt (pic related) and i dont really want to show my nude chest,because i have a lot of scars on my upper left arm and shoulder,upper left back
but one of my friend will probably push me to do at least one picture without the shirt,so i would like to know what kind of makeup i could use to hide my scars,something that would just fade nicely on my skin. thanks

sorry for my bad english

>> No.6740687

Tell your 'friend' to fuck off

>> No.6740701

What kind of scars are they? Keloid (raised), indents, faded?

>> No.6740716

Don't bother. Why should you go through a big, difficult, expensive, and possibly impossible process to please some douchebag?
They're a shitty friend. If they're that desperate for shirtless pics, they can do the costume themselves.

>> No.6740720

Agreed with the fucking off, but otherwise, just ask a gal to go out and help you buy some liquid foundation that should cover the color well.

>> No.6741134
File: 133 KB, 1002x1403, Shaak_Ti_Big_Headshot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey /cgl/~

So I'm thinking about doing Shaak Ti for my next con (thankfully there's over half a year 'til then..) but I have problems with the headgear..

Clearly I'll have to wear a bald cap, because she has the largest forehead ever and her montrals start rather in the middle of her head and lean back - how can I make them stick? I probably can't use any kind of hairpins like on wigs because the cap would rip. The only real idea I had was to cut a small hole in the middle of the cap, reinforce around it with lots of latex and yank my ponytail through to clip the gear on that but I'm not sure if the cap would survive this. Does anyone have experience or ideas for this? Pretty much the whole look depends on how well I do the head

>> No.6741305

How do I craft armor and helmets.

>> No.6741411

Yes of course I will use the correct order of colors, I just used this picture as the reference of the wing curve that i will do

>> No.6741421
File: 431 KB, 342x342, 1357792808081.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Awesome, you're tops!

>> No.6741424
File: 650 KB, 411x231, 5653 - animated_gif flandre_scarlet moe touhou.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Quite pumped because I'm starting on the skirt today

>> No.6741425

Specifics? Or just general?
Because id suggest you look at http://cosplaytutorial.com/list.php<wbr>

>> No.6741436
File: 2.28 MB, 1600x1200, IMG_3785.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm starting my Suika costume this week too. Fyeah. All the best, anon!

>> No.6741437
File: 502 KB, 500x281, tumblr_mhya89HlUP1s5307io1_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think I love you. Suika Ibuki is my second favourite Touhou character

>> No.6741480
File: 330 KB, 1200x1600, 971171-suika_ibuki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

D'awww We'll have to post up progress photos for each other to see. I'm still trying to think whether I should use a plastic, needle felt or something else for my horns.

>> No.6741485

Maybe foam + papier mache? It won't be too heavy then and you can carve in the papier mache to get a nice structure on the horns

>> No.6741567
File: 77 KB, 900x675, suikawip.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Styro + a few thick layers of PVA glue will give you horns like this.

>> No.6741726
File: 164 KB, 1100x1449, image_1364772175498834.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Afternoon /cgl/ I just have a quick question. What pattern would you use to make this dress? Just the base of it. I really didn't think that using a costume pattern would be good enough. So what are your suggestions?

>> No.6742425
File: 50 KB, 600x450, DSC03305.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it possible to dye supplex? If so, what is the best way to go about it?

>> No.6742457

Most pattern books have a costume section and there should be several egyptian style dresses there.

>> No.6742495
File: 305 KB, 415x420, Menace.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I go about shaping the head of this staff(the ears are my problem)? The general shape and detailing seems easy enough, but ears have this sort of, shallow part? I'm confused about piecing the ears on, I can't simply stick them on a sphere.

>> No.6742541

Is Shapeways a bad idea for making cosplay pieces?

I really hate having to create two items that are mirrored.

>> No.6742726
File: 315 KB, 960x1280, Eeyup4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well,I am trying to cosplay Big Macintosh and have one major question.
Beard: yes or no? And if I keep it, should I trim it to something like a goatee?

>> No.6742741

Shave it off, dude. I'd say no. I'm a beard fan, but not for that character.

>> No.6742764

I'd post this in a suggestions thread but I don't have pictures of us for reference..

What might be a good cosplay pair of two guys that involves body/face paint? Something like Nice Guy/Tough Guy from Persona 4, or a Na'vi from Avatar, or just something with it. We're having issues coming up with a costume that abuses it, which is all we want to do really.

For reference, we're both 6'1, fairly skinny, and have brown hair. Nearly twins in body structure, honestly.

>> No.6742789
File: 713 KB, 950x791, apples.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe not the full on, but I've always liked the little bit of facial hair for him.

>> No.6742844
File: 472 KB, 1222x865, Koumajou.Densetsu.full.396822.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, I'm making a Touhouvania version Flandre Scarlet cosplay for an upcoming convention. I've got the dress mostly complete, and I decided to start on the wings.
I made the main wire base and each wing comes out about an arm's length and a half away from my body. The sizing is perfect, however, I did run into a problem. The wire is not strong enough to support itself, therefor droops down. I remedied the situation a little bit by wrapping more wire around the base to make it thicker/stronger + added fishing wire to the wing joints coming directly from my back.
So, they stay up a bit better now, but still sag more than I'm ok with.
I tried adding fishing wire from the end of the wing, connecting to the middle of the wing, then finally to the joints nearest my back. The wings are still not as upright as i'd like them, not to mention, then move around quite a bit. I can only image things will get a little awkward when I put the crystals on.
Should I add thickness to every part of the wire base? Will that help it support itself a bit better along with the fishing wire? Or is there something else I can do?

I hope this made sense. If not, let me know and I'll try to clarify.

>> No.6742922

What kind of wire is it? 9 gauge steel wire of the hardware store variety would be ideal for this, it is sturdy as fuck. Like "holds up enormous feathered wing armature on one thickness of wire" sturdy (caveat: it's difficult to cut, you'll need a hacksaw or bolt cutters).

Or you could try running more pieces of wires in parallel to the existing ones at the base, maybe up until where the crystals start, and then wrapping around them with extra wire. But just wrapping more wire around won't do much.

>> No.6742943

I... actually don't know exactly the size or anything (I'm pretty dumb when it comes to hardware/tools). I found it in my random sewing tools boxes after moving.
As it is, I don't have much money to be spending on extra wire or tools to cut said wire, unfortunately... So I'd like to figure out a solution with the wire I have.
So! I'll try the idea of running the wires parallel to each other, etc.
Thanks a lot, Anon! This give me the motivation I need.

>> No.6742972

I know it's a longshot that we would be in the same area but what con? I have a Touhouvania costume and I want to wear it with other touhous

>> No.6742985

Do you have a wire coathanger you could cut up? Might be stiffer than whatever you're working with. Good luck, also hope to see you in the progress threads.

>> No.6743036

Otafest in Calgary, Alberta.
...Probably not the same convention, right?

Actually, the wire I used as a base is about coat hanger sized. The strategy I got from >>6742922 seems to be working perfectly, though! It was such a simple solution... I feel a bit silly!

I may post in progress threads, though, I'm not too confident with posting much of anything related to what I do on /cgl/.

>> No.6743838

Anyone made a sword using Worbla?
Or should I stick with the usual methods?

>> No.6744338
File: 223 KB, 697x2098, PrincessBubblegumOutfit1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pb has those light pink(white?) stripes on her little hoodie. What can I make these from? I was thinking trim, but I don't want the lines flat...Any ideas?

>> No.6744779

I'd suggest embroidering it

>> No.6744932

I'm revamping my first and only crossplay and this time I want to bind properly. So, where can I find a binder? And advice on sizing, please? I'm a B cup (when I used that cosplay I was an A, but I grew up meanwhile)


>> No.6744950

Hello /cgl/ I'm pretty new to this board with an interest in cosplay. I think my problem is some of the cosplay I want to do seems complicated and I have little to no knowledge of sewing or anything like that so I have no idea how to go about making my outfits. Is there anything you can do to help me become less of a worthless piece of shit?

>> No.6745966

I like Underworks (http://www.underworks.com/products.html)) The tri-top is more comfortable and rolls up less than the full-length ones, but if you're pudgy it's going to squish you across the middle and make you look weird. Measure around the biggest part of your boobs/chest to figure out the size.

Buy a lot of cheap muslin so you can practice patterning clothing, or get a lot of posterboard to practice patterning armor. Is there a design you like that's based around a kimono/yukata? Those are easy first sewing projects, they're all straight lines and you can draft the pattern yourself from instructions.
Is there a specific design you're thinking of that seems complicated that you can post? I won't give you the "harbl first cosplay idea, too difficult" spiel; the more difficult the costume, the more you learn~

>> No.6746154
File: 216 KB, 316x492, 2415mjk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really want to cosplay Misha from Katawa Shoujo but I can't figure out how to do her gigantic curls. Whenever I ask people usually tell me it's impossible but I see people with giant curled wigs all over! Does anyone have a tutorial or some tips?

>> No.6746178

Here's a tutorial for spiral curl wigs. It's obviously for a Mami wig which has fewer, thicker curls but the general concept is the same.

>> No.6746218

This one is also pretty similar, but has more of the Misha drills look I think. http://ichigokitty.com/tutorials-and-tips-for-cosplaying/big-drill-wig-tutorial/
Also you're awesome for cosplaying KS

>> No.6746242

These were the two bigger ones. I understand that you can probably buy the Bespin Luke outfit somewhere on the internet but the Nightwing one is pretty uncommon as far as I know.

>> No.6746247
File: 329 KB, 1488x747, nightwing skywalker.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot my pic

>> No.6746439

I recently put in an order to bodyline. I finished the process as I usually do. But it’s several hours later and I still haven’t received a confirmation email and my items are still in the cart. I emailed bodyline and haven’t gotten a response from them yet. Should I be worried? I'm considering just re ordering but I really don't want to be charged again

>> No.6746480

What day/time did you order?

>> No.6746493

Today. At about 3pm mountain time. It's now 8:38pm.

>> No.6746504

purchase again, but send an email with both purchase orders informing them of the issue. If you did not get a purchase order from your first purchase, check your bank account for pending charges. No charges, no order.

>> No.6746523

Thank you. With my first email I sent a screen shot of the end screen thing for my order with the invoice ID in it. I'm so so hoping I don't get fucked on this. Thank you again!

>> No.6746527
File: 42 KB, 200x182, 200px-547Whimsicott.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a bit stuck here cgl. I'm planning on doing a Whimsicott cosplay with my evolutions group but we're all at a lose on how to get that volume for its hair. How many wigs am I going to need...? How do I keep it from losing volume while wandering around? Is this even possible or...

>> No.6746537

Wool blanket stitched with batting or foam insterted. Embroider it if your fancy like that.

>> No.6746574

Wouldn't that look odd having a stuffed blanket on my head..?

>> No.6746590

Sorry, more like wool fabric... and like this


>> No.6746604

Oooh~I'd checked DA but I didn't see this! This cute, thank you for the suggestion

>> No.6746614

You're welcome ^_^

>> No.6746679

Im looking to commission some armor pieces by Fanime, anyone know of any?

>> No.6746705
File: 301 KB, 659x1253, img000002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tossing around the idea of maybe making Maou's outfit from this cover as an easy, hopefully comfy costume. Everything looks pretty simple, but I'm not sure what I should use for the pauldrons. Wonderflex? Worbla? Fosshape? I've been interested in learning to use all of them, but I just don't know which would be the best.

>> No.6746744

Here's a good start.


>> No.6747110
File: 264 KB, 1018x796, DSCN0457.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


What the hell, I'm bored...

This got me really interested in making armor and props again. I'd be willing to make your pauldrons for you for cheap.

Things needed:
Exacto knife (heat knife would work better)
heat gun
painter tape
card stock paper
fabric tape (ruler)
Foam tiles (preferably dark color)
hot glue & gun
felt sheets x8
sand paper
nylon straps, and faseners
med size chain
2 small thin plactic bowels or equivalent
acrylic paint
Rustoleum spray primer (white preferably)
Rusteolum clear, gloss, or matte (depending on Rusteolum metallic spray. (Hammered sprays work well with wear/tear and battle damage) the desired finish).

1.Measure out the character's size compared to yours and figure out the ratio equation.

2. draft pieces -- on paper, draw a box for each object's measurements. With guidelines set, you can start drawing. The pics indicate that Sadao Maou changes armor. I say you can make your own style and design.*shrug* You only need to draw the front half of the pauldron since you have to fold it up to make sure they're even. Do the same for any craft foam details. Once pieces are drawn and cut out of paper, set them aside. Draw the same shapes on the felt, only remove 1/2" to 1" from edge. ..(1/2)

Here you can see hand and forarm armor made from craft foam and detailed with fabric paint. I started working on the Prince of Persia's sword. I made a Navi for a friend of mine cosplaying as Link. Wings are moveable and there is a toggle that turns on and off the light between the wings. The crappy gunsword was for my cousin and was finished in a day. It was made from foam core. The blade was made from paper clay =_=. 3 coats of resin, primer then silver/.black paint and finally detailed with fabric paint.

>> No.6747115
File: 72 KB, 613x296, IMG00107.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>6747110 contd 2/3 er...

3. Bowl support -- This is going to be your main stability besides the nylon straps. Measure as best as you can and cut a elliptical piece that covers the top of your shoulder, surrounds the front and back of your arm pit, and a small bit over to your arm. Depending on the complexity and size of the armor, you may want to build pieces toward the neck for support.

4-- Trace objects and designs onto the various foam. Make sure you draw on the same uniform pattern of the foam. If you have a heat knife, use it on the thick foam otherwise you may quit in butt-frustration. Sand down rough edges, bevel them if you feel the need.

5-- heat thick foam with a heat gun or a pot of boiling water works well enough (just hold it above the evaporating water). Bend to desired shape. Take cut cardstock and remove 1" or so from edge and hotglue to the underside of large the large foam pieces.

6-- assembly I've seen rivets used, nuts/bolts, cotton strips of fabric, even magnets. I suggest hot glue and nylon straps. Dig a hole through your plastic ball from front to back (YEA!) big enought for your nylon to fit through. Make sure you can get your arm in and out easily. It should be loose. This is only to prevent armor from flying off head when showing off. Carefully measure where your support is going to connect to the armor. Hot glue nylon ends to side of bowl. Be sure to extend the glue about and inch from the strap. Cut a piece of craft foam and glue overstrap. You can also just glue a few craft sheet together and use that as an anchor then glue to inside of armor so you won't damage the outside.

Here's the finished claw. Claws were made from mesh rapped around fingers then shaped. Paper clay was added on the outside of the mesh, then craft foam was added. Next came the resin and paint. I used expanding gorilla glue to keep the claws on. Plate was attached via stitched Velcro.

>> No.6747117
File: 357 KB, 1015x1062, IMG00114 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>6747115 contd 3/3

7-- Support straps. Put on pauldrons and carefully measure from arm pit to arm pit (Suppot hole). What ever that number is, add 6 inches(giggety). Fold the strip in half and cut in the center. Glue each fastener to a strip by running the nylon through the gaps (think backpack) and glue 2 in' of the excess strip to itself. Do the same process to another strap if you want front support. Front support is optional. The back and pits should suffice.

Similarly attach other pieces via straps/glue/craft foam/ felt. Angle can be added by hot gluing pieces of foam tile between the armor plates.Use craft foam for minor details and designs.

8--PAINT Mask the inside of the armor. Grab the white enamel spray paint and coat evenly. Be sure to apply about 4 coats. Next comes the Plasti-Dip. I love this stuff. Follow direction and everything will be fine. When finished, let it set then spray paint it to your desired specifications.. Using acrylic paint, go in and highlight the fine details. When satisfied, seal it!.

9 apply strap to armor, hot glue in and cover entire contact area. take cardstock shapes and hot glue them in place for stability, followed by the felt to give it a nice and finished look.

You can also add jewelry like gems and other stones (resin, aluminum foil, dye) or LEDs windows, switches, or even EL Wire. What ever you want!

Both the low polygon helmet and axe were ripped directly out of WoW directory and ran through Pepakura. Cardstock, superglue, and resin. Took a heat knife and burned shapes out of a reflective motorcycle visor and glued them on the inside. After a shitty paint job, It was ready.
Hope this helps. ^_^

>> No.6747119


Depending on personal preference of*

>> No.6747347 [DELETED] 
File: 155 KB, 400x400, 1307465621398.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy crap, thank-you!! This is… pretty much perfect, and now all I want to do today is try this out. Thanks!!!

>> No.6747349
File: 155 KB, 400x400, 1307465621398.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow, thanks! This is super helpful. I think I want to try to make them myself (or at least TRY to make them myself at first), but my cosplay experiments rarely turn out… well, so I may take you up on commissioning them. …Just not right now. I'm actually really excited to try this out now!! Thanks!

>> No.6747438

I have no clue on how to make Miss Fortune's guns http://i271.photobucket.com/albums/jj136/megavolrath252/WIP2copy-1.png<wbr>
Wrong colors, but same shape.
I thought about using expanding foam on a cardboard base as I've seen done somewhere before but I got some expanding foam and I'm not so sure it's what I should be using for this. Any tips?

>> No.6747513

Got a blog that I can follow you on? :c on my mobile device and I wanna save everything you've said but...can't..

>> No.6747574


>> No.6747585
File: 102 KB, 640x962, tumblr_mhxg1jtWCi1qdvhfto1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

GUUURL I'm doing an MF cosplay too and I suck asshole at props. Good luck on yours! For mine I was thinking expanding foam also and craft foam or worbla for the gold details? fuck if I know

>> No.6747592

...don't do it that way

>> No.6747599

Well then it'd be greatly appreciated if you could please tell me a better way to do it instead of just saying not to? Like I said, I have zero experience with props. A lot of the cosplays I've seen (that I like) use raised details on their guns and I'm gonna assume it was done with foam or clay or something.

>> No.6747600

Same :/ the costume is done but these fucking guns man
And to commission them is apparently like 300 $.... haaaa
So I hope you figure something out, too

>> No.6747601

>>6747513 Shoot me an email here. obdmembrane@gmail.com

>> No.6747602

Did you seal the foam??

>> No.6747603

Oh, interesting idea

>> No.6747604

Once I'm on a computer, I'll explain some different and simple/easy ways you can go about it. c:

I do industrial design/make props and armor. I'm definitely not the best, but I definitely am willing to help out with ideas on how to make these things~

> in class right now, so on via phone and can't explain stuff as well

>> No.6747609


>> No.6747611

HA! Go on amazon or ebay, buy the kiddie pirate guns for $5-10 each. Get cheap bike horns from Walmart and ask someone to cut each end off for you. Attach gogether with super glue or gorilla glue, then use paper clay to blend it in. Once dried, sand to even level, resin fresh area, paint then lacquer.

>> No.6747613

Oh ok! No problem, I'll be stalking this thread then~ Thank you so much! I've literally never made a prop before and while I know the names of all these materials, I don't know how to use them... orz

Also for the other girl who's cosplaying MF, I know that Vensy (just look her up on fb) said she may commission some guns if you were interested in that. I'd rather make mine though

>> No.6747614

Yes, I applied 3 coats of resin.

>> No.6747620

Kay, then, just as a warning for some people because there are different kinds of resin;

Fiberglass resin will dissolve foam.
Styrofoam, pink insulation foam, Eva foam... It just eats right through it.
Just in case there were some people that didn't know.

But y'all's should be careful of that stuff anyway since it is so toxic.

>> No.6747621

Lol yeah the bike horns might be a better shape. Just go out and see what fits your size/shape requirements better. For the details maybe try craft foam or styrene.

>> No.6747623

What should it be sealed with? Modge Podge? Wood glue?

>> No.6747625

Backcomb the hair underneath (not the top layer of hair) and use hairspray. Use a soft brush to smooth it out on top, so basically underneath is all teased and the top layer is smooth.

>> No.6747626

Depends first - do you want it still flexible, or stiff and hardened?

>> No.6747632

I say prime with an all purpose spray paint, then apply 2-3 coats of Rustoleum gloss sealer.

>> No.6747640

Good news, I can get the model of the gun from someone. I use a program called pepakura which allows you to build models ripped from various games like LoL, WoW, and Half Life. I'm waiting on a message back. I could make a model of it on my computer from scratch, but I don't know how long that might take. :(

>> No.6747644

Eh... While spray paint works surprisingly well on foam, you'll still want to truly seal it. Gloss sealer may work for a while, but in time it would bend and crack.

When working with EVA foam, there are a lot of people who seal their foam with mod podge before painting it. Which, it does work pretty decently (though you should get the waterproof kind if you want to do it that way), though it will still feel squishy and... Well, like foam.

>> No.6747646

Be sure to unfold it properly! c:
And then
Definitely share, please??

>> No.6747650

I actually used resin directly on the foam of my Prince of Persia sword. I noticed the resin was being soaked up by the foam like a sponge. I had to put twice as many coats on, but when it dried, I could whack elementary school kids in thehead all day with it.

>> No.6747654

What kind of resin? Because there's different resins.

>> No.6747732

Auto grade, same stuff in Walmart.

>> No.6747749

Would it be cool if I dropped my e-mail and we could keep in touch? I understand if you're not willing to share it though haha.

>> No.6747779

Oh nice dude!

Man I go out for a couple minutes and I miss all this advice.

I'd also rather make mine :( /

Would it be too forward to ask you to marry me?

>> No.6747775

Here's mine. bishop1337@gmail.com

>> No.6747778

... So fiberglass resin?
Because that's the stuff that will eat away at foam. (Which I wish I had taken a photo of this happening to different foams for an example.)

Uerethane resin?
Polyester resin?
Any epoxies or using perhaps plastidip??

>> No.6747788

Basically, if there is a resin that actually works /well/ on foam, I'd really love to know. Especially if it doesn't cost a fortune.

Craft foam is so cheap that finding a way to use it more effectively would be damn ideal.

>> No.6747795

My imaginary boyfriend might get jealous...

>> No.6747811

He never needs to know bb ;D

>> No.6747829


eww. So Im going to make a high end model of the gun because that blocky one aint gonna cut it. I'll post the completed PDF on here later tonight.

>> No.6747843

You're a bro. :D

>> No.6747930

Can anyone point me in the right direction?

>> No.6747967
File: 652 KB, 659x1000, Starfire_-_New_52.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im going to be making her "...top"/armour out of worbla, and I want it to close at the back like a bra or something so I can get it on easily, but it will still hold on to my chest very tightly and not have a risk of falling off or falling out.

Anyone know of anything I can use to close it thats strong enough?

>> No.6747978

I hope you have fake titties

>> No.6747984

Oooo, I had no idea about this, thanks for the info!

>> No.6747985

lol whore

>> No.6747995
File: 52 KB, 162x277, Math1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice character choice

>> No.6748078
File: 62 KB, 650x960, 318076_514464025251855_407916141_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey seagulls, I'm the one modeling Miss Fortune's guns. I have all the measurements and am currently drawing up the base for it now.

So the peeps that really want the file, speak up. I want to make the gun realistic., meaning the trigger isn't oversized and the gun doens't seem too childish or cartoony. Does anyone oppose this? It will still be wood grain, have matching gold details, and a flare at the opening of the barrel. The gun measures 16" from barrel to stock.

>> No.6748086

There is. It's called Aquaresin. It's non-toxic, you can use it in doors and it's not as picky when it comes to temperatures. You have to order it from them directly however. :(

>> No.6748240

I'd like to see the file! I prefer the original oversized/cartoony gun but I'm open to any form of help of course. I may like it better in the end too.

put my e-mail in the field, I'm getting confused with who's who in the thread now. Seems like there's 3 or 4 MFs haha

>> No.6748286
File: 445 KB, 1128x2208, refrence MF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a tripfag for the sole purpose of this project. No worries. I'm still drafting the gun because nothing seems to be matching up.

>> No.6748303

Could anyone help with advice on appliqueing onto spandex? I'm having a lot of trouble and love some pointers. I'm appliqueing stars btw.

>> No.6748313
File: 35 KB, 600x422, unlimited-leek-works.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi /cgl/, this is a help thread and I need help. I've never made my own prop before, and I need cosplay help. I want to make a leek. HOWEVER... I do not want it to be flimsy (e.g. paper mache/plushie). I'd like something I can make long, and twirl like a baton.

I've considered using a dowel, bu I don' know what to put on the end of it.


>> No.6748328
File: 118 KB, 1414x1100, vocaloid-538-1414x1100.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sensual bump for my leek troubles

>> No.6748377
File: 660 KB, 415x884, father.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]




>> No.6748409


Or you can make one by rolling newspaper and covering it with modpodge.


>> No.6748429
File: 34 KB, 343x613, 2167888-chara26.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can anyone refer me to a good wig to use for Tiki?
Thanks in advance.

>> No.6748476

Is that the right pic?

>> No.6748491

Yes, it's her design from Awakening.

>> No.6748576


I think you'll be presently surprised about how great these wigs are. They are under $30 and has free shipping. The only issue is that it comes from Hong Kong so the wait may not be something you'd be ok with. They would get here by the 20th of this month if you ordered one tomorrow.




>> No.6748585

Oh wow, these are pretty low in price. Thank you!

>> No.6749037
File: 27 KB, 427x480, med_gallery_21560_983_151568.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would love to see. :D
/orig MF

Here's a picture of taric. :D

>> No.6749219

Hi seagulls! I have a Mami Tomoe cosplay which I bought from ebay last minute for a convention. It's rather nice, with the exception of the middle piece. It is not a corset, much more just a tube of fabric. It does not have boning, and counter-flatters my figure by squishing around the sides and making me look wider and smaller than I should.
If having to buy a whole new corset is a must I will, but I have heard the alternative of buying a simple corset and wearing it under the piece, but I am unsure the material of the piece will mold to my figure. I am not experienced with sewing.
Is there any places to buy reliable corsets for fairly cheap that I can just simply modify to fit my costume, or is there any other advice for me?
thank you!

>> No.6749328
File: 382 KB, 1280x1024, garrywig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need some wig advice. How can I style my wig (see pic) to look like Garrys?
I mean I'll dye the spidery parts with copic markers, but how can I make it look more fluffier and how can I get that wavy/slightly curly look?

I didn't want to buy the prestyled wig for him because it looked so frizzy.

>> No.6749903

Try getting a heat resistant wig and use a curling wand for the different curl shapes he has.

>> No.6750125

Can anyone suggest a good fabric store in NYC?

>> No.6750973

Thank you good sir!

>> No.6751950
File: 2.03 MB, 4000x3000, fabricangela.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know Angela posted this a while ago of all the fabric stores she visits and recommends in NYC

>> No.6751958
File: 422 KB, 612x816, filia wig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone know how this girl did her Filia wig?

Not for the mouth part, but for the hair tentacles.

I would ask her, but she seems upset with people bothering her about it and has asked people to stop asking questions about it.

>> No.6752298
