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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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6723665 No.6723665 [Reply] [Original]

How many of you model? Thought about it? Used to?
Besides Chokelate, how many of you in /cgl/ model to pay for your cosplay/Lolita? I'm just curious.

>> No.6723695

No one. Ever.

>> No.6723701


op, im too ugly to model.

but hopefully you'll get better feedback for this post


>> No.6723712
File: 52 KB, 960x639, 537281_456838051038763_347477173_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think Finlay in the UK scene does, she does more photoshoots than runway stuff though

>> No.6723714

I got scouted not too long ago.. Not sure if I'm going through with it though.

>> No.6723716

Miyu's a model. You know, a real one.

>> No.6723731

The closest I came to modeling was auditioning for AUSNTM. I met the height requirement (172 cm) but it ended up I was still too short. The judges liked my face though, so I got something out of it I guess.

>> No.6723749
File: 321 KB, 683x1024, 5633308066_ec7717ea56_b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I used to model but not to fund cosplay? People do various things to fund hobbies, modelling is nothing special and it's kinda shit cause you're constantly being judged on absolutely everything.

>> No.6723752

I thought that said AUTISM for a second and I laughed. Damn though. 172cm was still not enough?

>> No.6723753

I read that as Autism and wondered why you had to audition for a disorder.
If that's you, you're pretty and my 5'3 self is jealous.

>> No.6723754

It was a pity but yeah, still too short. I was surrounded by girls who were at least 5'11+ though so of course I looked like a shortie.

>> No.6723758

Maybe you could do editorial stuff still... they liked your face.

>> No.6723760

I was thinking about it, I just don't know how to get started. Plus I'm in a small city so there's not many agencies around here.

>> No.6723765

I've thought about modeling. Everyone says I ought to. I've never wanted to until I saw all the swag chokelate gets. I'm 6'2" but what I'd really like to do is alt modeling.

>> No.6723770

i've thought about becoming a gravure model. seeing as i live in a shitty little uk town theres not many modelling opportunities here, so i've thought about applying online. anyone know any agencies that do online applications?

>> No.6723771

I'm short and not very pretty, so no.
A couple of my friends have modeled and all have dropped out of it while swearing never again. Not quite 'Girl Model' territory but things were bad enough for them.

I was backstage at a runway show though once, as part of an art performance. The models were all running around in their knickers, standing almost 7" in heels. I felt so worthless.

>> No.6723772

Calling yourself a gravure model is nice, but you know people here will just call you a page three girl right?
You're better off just getting a portfolio and applying to every lads mag and pay per veiw site ever.

>> No.6723774

yeah i'm aware that gravure models are basically fancy glamour models, but eh, i appreciate my body. then again, i'm tall enough, young enough and probably fit enough to become something else. don't think i'm old enough to become a proper gravure model anyway

>> No.6723777

Modelling is a shit job and I feel sorry for anyone who does it.

>> No.6723785

Why exactly is it a shit job? I'm just curious. My friend works in modeling and he seems to love it.

>> No.6723788

Yeah, I have a few friends (acquaintances, really) into it and it's a mean, mean industry that will promise you your dreams but then use the fuck out of you, make you pay for it and then leave you with nothing.

>> No.6723789

Constant judgement of your body, pressure to stay at parties after events, photogs trying to fuck you anf the whole quick change while a million photoGs are there snapping pics of your tits out (tits are fine if you're being paid but without the money it's fucking annoying.

>> No.6723797

Did it briefly, mostly stuff for books. Was boring as fuck and didn't pay great. But there is satisfaction in seeing yourself in a book published internationally.

>> No.6723914

i used to model for salons. not fun. 3 12 hour days in a row holding still while people put extensions in and yanked them out of your hair, getting it dyed and dyed again with only like half an hour of shooting every now and again.

>> No.6723978

I've had a lot of people telling me I should model, but I don't think I'm thin enough to be one. My hips are way too large, but all my other measurements are good for runway.

I'd only consider it if someone scouted me, I wouldn't go out of my way to be one. Even then, I'd be wary. I doubt it pays well, and I already get paid well in my career.

>> No.6723982

I've do foot modeling lol. I have no boobs or butt whatsoever but apparently I've got some noteworthy toes.

>> No.6723986

Apparently I have really dainty hands and should be a hand model. Hmmm.

>> No.6723993

Do it. Easy money just for being (partly) pretty.

>> No.6723997

yeah, being a hand model shouldnt be too difficult.

>> No.6724000 [DELETED] 

I got scouted a lot as a teenager and eventually did take it up. I don't get as many jobs as I used to but it pays my London rent. The money is good and it's given me a lot more self confidence about myself. Had some shitty experiences though (crammed into cockroach infested apartments for new york fashion week with 8 other teenagers) Sexually harassed by a couple of photographers too. But on the whole it's been a good experience.

>don't cosplay or Lolita. I just like mirin'

>> No.6724006

I'm pretty sure I have the weight for it (im 95 lbs) but I'm only 5'4". I have decent bone structure because I'm mixed race, but I've had pretty bad acne ever since my very early teens. Its going away now and I'm still pretty young so I'm hoping I can at least do mediocre modelling for lolita, since most asian girls are a little shorter than me.

tldr greatest flaw is acne and thank God for make up but im probably still too short

>> No.6724019

It's usually way easier on men but for women it can be much harder. My sister went into modeling and she says it's shit. Designers constantly bringing the wrong sized clothes to shows and then blame the models with their size 8 foot can't fit into the size 6 shoe they brought (though they'll proceed to stuff their feet into the shoes anyway). Then the fact that you always have to do photo shoots for summer clothes during winter and winter clothes during summer leading to the model either being extremely cold or extremely over heated and if they complain they're seen as unprofessional and unable to do their jobs.

Not only that but unless you manage to get extremely lucky and surround yourself in extremely trustworthy people, you will get little to no money for all of your efforts.

>> No.6724036

I've been scouted way more when I was younger, and I eventually did end up putting in an application. they told me my eyebrows were too thin so they asked me to grow them out. (?)
The scout I worked with said that I just needed to get rid of my bellyfat by doing crunches or something. (I'm skinnyfat)

I was too much of a lazyass to do that and now I wonder what would of been. they said they wanted me for runway. is 20 to late to get into modeling?

>> No.6724061

okay, for the people with experience: I'm 5'11 and 130 pounds (female). I already live in New York. Would it be worthwhile to look into modeling as a part time job?

>> No.6724059

scout was an idiot anyway
stomach fat doesn't work that way

>> No.6724066

5'11 and 130 pounds

shit nigga are u me?
you sound like you'd be good for runway modeling, and most jobs like that require that you go to NYC anyway, so definitely look into that.

>> No.6724079

So the money'd be worth the time/effort you think? I'd been thinking about it for a while, but wasn't sure. My face is kinda feh, but it wouldn't matter much for runway, I hope. Thanks!

>> No.6724085

def worth it.
being the height I am I'm kind of scared with runway (heels and such) because I've never really worn heels because I don't want to be taller than I already am. gotta practice wearing them. the money will be worth it. from what I've heard (well, from about three different scouts) maybe about $300-$500 a photoshoot? but thats just what I heard. don't take anything I say as factual

>> No.6724088

models are supposed to have interesting looking faces, not just pretty ones. as long as you can make a face that looks fierce as fuck while not making you uggo, you'll be fine.

>> No.6724089

I keep getting people telling me/asking me to model, since I'm so thin, and have a kind of ~modelesque face, but I'm waaay too short, (104, 5'6). I probably couldn't handle that kind of pressure, anyway- I like eating too much, and the only kind of exercise I'm cool with is soccer.

>> No.6724092

As long as you don't have much to lose, I don't see why not. Though if your mental state is affected by it (I've heard about bullying by the higher ups and other girls, for example), don't feel pressured to stay, looking after yourself should be your first priority. And don't feel bad if you don't like it either, it's not for everyone.

>> No.6724094

You sound just like my friend, except she's 5 inches shorter than you. Also, she's English and gets offended if you call it soccer instead of football

>> No.6724100

Thanks! I'll definitely go for it!

>> No.6724119

I'm the same height and I've been told that before too. I don't think most people know how tall models really are. There are a few outliers but I am not going to be one of them. I don't have any illusions.

>> No.6724139
File: 41 KB, 500x376, 7621982800a8857745287l.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was first scouted when I was 13-years-old and I started modeling then. But conflicting with school and netball it was decided that modelling was not right for me when I was growing up, so I gave it up. And then the summer of 2011 I came back to my agency. So I've been modelling full time time for a year and a half. I spent some time in New York, and to be honest it wasn't great. I had only really just settled in London and then another big change. Bath is super small and friendly; everyone knows everyone and New York couldn’t be more different. So I didn’t have a great time but now I’m older I would kill to go back.
anyway. I won't post modelling pics (reverse image search- fuck that. But, this was taken the day before I was scouted. I'm second from the left.

>> No.6724162

Never modelled, but I've been a dresser at Graduate Fashion Week, and those girls. They were so. Thin. And their feet were like, black and purple.I mean I knew models were skinny but I'd never seen them in real life before; their thighs were like the size of my arms, and I'm not exactly chubby.

I also went to middle school with a girl who did catalogue modelling. She still does a bit, I think, but just as a side thing. She's got one of those faces that's pretty but still really defined. Don't think she's tall enough for runway, though.

>> No.6724165

I used to, pretty much Promotional work. Which really, when you get right down to it, is Temp. work when the employer wants someone who dresses very nicely, has poise, and is very charismatic.
I did a few wedding dress/hair shows. I'm short, and not pretty enough for glamour (magazine glamour (meaning face/make-up, not craig'slist smut). I hated the promo work, it was sooooooooooooo boring, and the employers assumed we were all morons, and hell, half of us were.
I didn't quit my agency, but I actually went on hiatus for a few years. Once I hit my early 30's work will actually be easier to find for my height and "look." This post is actually reminding me I need to get back into that now.

The tough part of the gig is that it is all about your appearance. When you're runway you're a coathanger, when you're promo you're a smile and politeness, when you do bridal shows it's a lot like promo, when you're glamour you're your face. They want a certain look, and it's a lot taller, darker skinned, and "sweeter" or "bolder" features than I can offer.
Since it was easy money, I liked that part, but I'd NEVER want it as my only career and my only source of income. The jobs/pay is inconsistent and boring.

>> No.6724177

Yup I've modelled since I was 14. It;s hard work but I've found it pretty rewarding. Done runway for Vivienne westwood, Burberry, photographed by David bailey. Those were highlights. Is till hope to model for Christopher Kane or meadham kirchoff :c but I'm 22 and not far off being done with my degree so I'm thinking of callingi t a day soon.

>> No.6724179

That's scary. I'm not attracted to models. I've heard stories of how scarily thin they are in person compared to tv and shopped photographs.

>> No.6724208

I think the ones I mostly saw were the 'ethereal' category. I saw some others walking around that looked a bit more normal, but not by a huge amount. Runway models have to be thinner anyway, I think, because it makes the clothes drape better, and literally any bit of them might be exposed. Like, my college/uni wasn't so bad, but Bournemouth and De Monfort... tits everywhere. Some of Bournemouth's stuff was very 2edgy4u, though.

I also kinda get the feeling that GFW is mostly done by models who have been scouted and done a bit, but haven't really 'made it' yet. In the same way that the designers have been trained but aren't professionals yet.

>> No.6724209

I do art modeling for universities but it's a lot different from fashion modeling. It's $20/hour to sit in a chair naked and stare at the walls, it's great.

>> No.6724210

Too short, too fat, too manfaced, and too old. I don't photograph well, either.

Why the hell do I even cosplay?

>> No.6724218

There was this month in my life when I decided I should go to model agencies to see if I had a chance. The three I went to immediatly told me that I would be awesome as soap-opera actress and then proceeded to get me pay between 360 and 700€ for a "book".

Then I laughed at their faces and went back to my studies.

I found it amazing and hilarious that modelling "agencies" get their money by making "books" for dumb teenagers and then not promoting them at all, only asking for more money to renew their "books" over and over again.

>> No.6724221

>thinks it's about the number of pounds alone

Honey, at 5'4" being 95lbs isn't model weight.

Fucking short people thinking they are model-like skinny because they weight as much as a tall skinny girl

>> No.6724224

Me and my sister once did a shoot for a small clothing brand. But far from high fashion. I think they were just wanting natural models with a - I think the casting call said "english rose"
I enjoyed it and there's still a few photos of us being used on the website/in lifestyle magazine articles 4 years later.

>> No.6724226

people tell me i could model and i just look at them like they're retarded or something

i've got the height but that's about it

>> No.6724232

are you sure they were legit agencies? I never had to pay for any of my shoots. I know there's a lot of scammers out there.

>> No.6724228

im da kawaii moderu

>> No.6724240

I'm a peer model with the community peer outreach program

Does that count?

>> No.6724247

Two of them were kind of sketchy, but the third was full of people, young teens doing "workshops" for modelling and their mothers on the waiting room. I talked to the mothers while I was waiting and it was horrifying, because they knew exactly that nothing would come out of it and they were still supporting their kids little dream.

>> No.6724258

I got scouted when I was in Shibuya last year.
Ended up following it up despite my initial reservations and spent a day modelling clothes for some Japanese fashion magazine I didn't know the name of. Never saw the end results as I had to leave a couple of days after the shoot but I got paid around 16,000JPY for the day and was given one of the dresses I was modelling as a gift from a guy who was working on the shoot.

>> No.6724260

She can't be runway because of her height, the end.
Her weight would have no baring on the other modeling jobs there are. Glamor/print work is still very much an option, as is promo, and various shows that are presented for retail buyers in smaller communities. It's not all in the fashion meccas, if you're in a smaller city they're a lot more forgiving. 5'4" 95 Lbs is about a size 4 or likely a 2 (U.S.) more than acceptable for many other jobs that are not runway.
If it's runway it's only about height./weight

>> No.6724284

I used to model and gogo, I loved it at the time. I would still do it now if the right project or opportunity came along. It made me happy and feel super confident, since I was always so awkward.
I never made a lot of money, at least not enough to really pay for much. It was a hobby all on its own really.

>> No.6724286

That sounds super fun. To bad you didn't get more like that.

>> No.6724294

I applaud you for your confidence, do you ever get to see their drawings of you?

>> No.6724302

Not that anon, but our life drawing teacher made us show the models our drawings. It was the most embarrassing thing I've ever had to do.

Then again, I do fashion, so I can't actually draw.

>> No.6724309


It was fun and a major boost in confidence for me! I don't know whether I'd get more work if I went back, it's a possibility seeing as I was also asked to model for two salons whilst I was there but never followed them up.

>> No.6724312

What does the dress look like? Is it a more mainstream style or something streetfashiony? It sounds really fun.

I got scouted at a market once but didn't follow up because of anxiety and the fact that I'm ridiculously unphotogenic (I have like a phantom facial deformity that only shows up in photographs). I don't really regret it, but sometimes it would be nice to be able to tell people that I was once a model, you know, a real one~

>> No.6724314


Unrelated but I wish there were more fat women art models. In my life drawing classes at college we only ever had young, lithe, toned women modelling for us and believe it or, drawing attractive people gets old fast.
I crave curves and folds and dips and imperfections.

>> No.6724317

You don't need to post anything that can be found on google but I'd like to see what you look like now? ;3 Also, measurements if that's not too nosey.

>> No.6724318

We got a thin model first, and then a fat model. When we saw the fat one walk in we were like 'oh lawdy no', but after a while it was like 'hey, thhis is so much easier to draw'!

>> No.6724322


It's kind of what you call Mori style (I think?). It's like a above-the-knee mint green viscose dress with a cream underlayer, sweetheart neckline decorated with pastel coloured flowers and the back has a like an imitation corset with eyelets. It's nice and cool to wear in Summer.

>> No.6724331

That sounds super cute!

>> No.6724337


The guys on the course were all fucking assholes though, like were only there because they failed highschool and didn't know what else to do with their lives so they signed up to whatever course sounded easy.

The one time we got an elderly lady to model I was fucking delighted as were a few other of the girls in the class but all the guys were like "Ewwww, I don't want to look at wrinkled tits" and "fucking gross, why can't we get somebody hot?".

>> No.6724338


This may sound weird but can i see a picture of you? i'm just curious since i'm going to japan in a few months and would love to be scouted.

>> No.6724344
File: 34 KB, 338x480, v.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Doesn't sound weird at all :)
This picture was taken whilst in Japan so it's accurate to what I looked like when I was scouted.

I don't know whether I'm exceptionally pretty or not but I've heard it's easy to get scouted being a white girl in Japan.

>> No.6724349
File: 142 KB, 313x400, 1362927057356.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>standing almost 7" in heels
can anyone actually be that tall? I already can't imagine someone who is 6''

>> No.6724358
File: 458 KB, 466x483, cam.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh well, why not. I'm not the "pretty" type and my average /soc/ rating is about a 5 (I know I know.. shameful) but I'm okay with who I am an dhow I look.
waist 24
hips 34.5

>> No.6724357

6'4" with 6" - 8" heels, yeah it's pretty possible.

The only girls I know who are 6'4" used to be men, though.

>> No.6724360

adorable! You look just super fresh and unlike your typical young Japanese girl, I can see why.

>> No.6724363
File: 653 KB, 1365x2048, 172674_10150144798840730_162779475729_8526994_1985916_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sorry but your weight and height count you out even before you get to the acne. A 5'9 girl (on the short side) should be around 105 lb so at your height you would need to be at least 10lb skinnier.

>> No.6724364


>> No.6724365

You look like an american apparel model

>> No.6724372



>> No.6724378

2 different girls posting for the same question pointed at a single specific anon

>> No.6724379 [DELETED] 

how so? I feel pretty awkward having posted now you mention it.

>> No.6724383

actually no i am retarded.
carry on being beautiful ladies.

>> No.6724386

what are you talking about. They were both asked

>> No.6724413

soc can't rate for shit

>> No.6724420

if you girls are looking into modeling, but you're afraid of fashion being an elitist shithole, or you know you can't get into fashion because you aren't 9 heads tall with legs like scissors, you should seriously think about art modeling.

I remember when I was in art school, and we would kill to have models. If you put your name around a local campus and got a dozen art students to use you for 10 or 20 bucks an afternoon each, you could make a couple hundred bucks in a weekend.

The nice thing about art modeling is that a good artist at a good art school will train his artists to not only respect the model, but covet them like solid gold. In a good studio environment, if someone misbehaves towards the model, they'll get their asses thrown out, and in a more casual environment where you're running it for students, the students will make sure that the rotten egg isn't called back.

The closest anyone should ever get to you is touching you with a pencil. And only with your permission. in a good, upright setting with well-trained artists, you might walk away with little charcoal marks on some of your muscles, but that should be it. In good art schools, we train the kids to be rabid as fuck over the treatment of their models, and most of the time they stick to that training, because getting to work with an actual model is generally a treat for starving students.

You also don't just sit around naked all day. You generally do croquis, which is changing poses every 15 or 30 seconds, or every minute or two, so don't believe like you see in the movies that the model just sits there with her tits out in a ballet pose for 5 hours straight. On long drawings where you hold a pose, you will be taking breaks every 15-30 minutes, and you'll be back into your bathrobe sipping coffee. One of the artists will mark the placement of your feet or hands on the furniture with charcoal.

You don't have to always be naked and you don't have to be totally hard-bodied. cont-

>> No.6724421

I'm sure people will either find you plain or strikingly attractive. You have a strong look so it'll divide peoples opinions. Im sure you know this though.
But who cares. You can earn money from your looks so fuck /soc/

>> No.6724432

I was a kid model, you know, for catalogs and what not. Moved states around the time I was eleven and didn't pick it back up again. I don't remember much of it and I certainly didn't become famous from it.

Plus, I was a much cuter kid than I am an attractive adult. I'm sure my parents have a scrapbook of the pages I was on somewhere. Just like they kept the awful ballet recital tapes.

>> No.6724446

depending on what the artists are working on, which in the case of late-curriculum life drawing or fashion drawing, is often cloth, you might be partially or fully clothed, usually draped in fabric so they can see the way the material and the light falls over the human form.

If its early curriculum life drawing and they're focusing on fundamentals, that's a lot of nudity, but no one is drawing your tits. They care more about what your knees and elbows look like at that point.

in ye olden times, all the artist models used to be mistresses and prostitutes, because those were the only people that would get naked for money.

But in a good art setting, with well-trained artists, you should be able to trust your patrons not to be scumbags, and if anyone is, the rest of the group should run them off.

its reasonably intense work, and its not just sitting around, but in the right environment you will be compensated according to your worth by people with genuine gratitude who will protect you from baddies that would try to sneak in to see you nekkid.

The fact of the matter is, after studying life drawing, most of us are more or less immune to that kind of behavior. When you're up at 6am every morning drawing naked people a whole semester, the naked people just eventually disappear and it becomes just like drinking coffee. We don't even see tits and dicks anymore.

>> No.6724451

I agree with this anon.

I'd like to add that some art teachers will ask you to do stupid impossible shit (mine told this woman on crutches to hold an arabesque for forty minutes), but according to my boyfriend (art student) the models usually just say no.

>> No.6724452

A million times this. Figure drawing is fucking awesome.

>> No.6724476

will you stop that, you're going to give that girl a complex.

Look, at 5'4" she will NEVER do runway regardless of what weight she is. The end.

You can be any size,shape,weight for glamor/print modeling as long as you work hard, can change poses every camera click, follow directions, and are beautiful.

I've done modeling, buyer shows, wedding/hair shows, and promo and I'm 5'2" 120 lbs I'm a small size 4 U.S. I do work out 6 days a week so that 120 lbs is different than if I didn't.
I posted earlier and explained I'm not pretty enough for some of it, but there were still plenty of gigs for me.

>> No.6724477

yea... I think its something you have to observe, from teacher to teacher.

If you decide to do it, try to find an open studio classroom where you can see how the teacher behaves, and the behavior he imparts onto his students. A lot of art schools run open studios, and when class is in session and the model is on the stand, they'll typically just fence the studio off with privacy curtains, but anyone who is serious and polite can hop the curtain and come in if they behave themselves.
If you walk in, and anyone asks what you're doing there, just explain that you want to model and see how its done. If you see anyone doing anything that you think is wrong, just fuck em. Don't model for anyone in that class, their teacher isn't teaching them respect.

my professor was a sweetheart. He was a marine corps veteran, and to be sure he was a totally crazy bastard, but he was a professional to the core and he taught us how to treat a model.

I'm a totally heterosexual dude that's bounced around in prop shops and hollywood costuming firms making all kinds of crazy cirque du soleil stripper shit, and I've worked on some pretty 'out there' sex trash stuff, but when a girl gets naked on the stand, I'm all business. If you aren't seeing 100% respect, then hop down and put your clothes back on. Its that easy. Good artists will take care of you. You might get hit on before or after you go to work, just like you always do walking down the street, but on the stand when you're working its 100% pro or GTFO.

You also get to do stuff like bring a space heater and a radio, you can listen to music while you work. Nobody expects you to get freezey-nude with erect nipples, and if someone doesn't want to listen to your jam, fuck em, in the studio, the naked person makes the rules. You have executive privilege. Someone tells you something you don't want to deal with, you just walk, and everyone who was raised right will respect it.

>> No.6724479

The closest to modeling I've come is my mother who once modeled for JC a looooooong time ago. I once wanted to try it, but I was a delusional kid.

>> No.6724486

thanks! I Like my body but am not rock hard. just kinda fit, but not toned. I might look into this.

>> No.6724502

is 21 to old to get into modeling? runway?

>> No.6724527

for runway, pretty much yes. There are some, but often you're retired at 18 or 19.

Other modeling, not at all.

>> No.6724531


>> No.6724539

you would probably do pretty well.

Artists get neurotic about certain body parts, but generally never the body parts you'd think of.

No decent artist actually sits around all day trying to figure out better ways to draw tits and ass. You aren't going to be hired because of your curves- Sexy parts are easy to draw, a dick is a noodle, tits are just water balloons (literally, if they're fake) And your ladyhole is just where your pelvis stops. Its generally not something we're concerned with...

...also, a lot of us end up drawing porn to pay the bills. Porn is free online so the reference material is easy to get, and weird people will pay20 or 50 bucks a drawing for a good nudie sketch of their favorite character. Drawing hentai puts poor kids through art school. When they're trying to do real work, they'd rather work with real humans, with real bodies, not blowup dolls. Real people with real bodies make the best artist's models, not Jessica Rabbit.

The point is, if you're getting good work from good artists, its probably not oversexualized. They're going to like you for how you take care of your body more than they are for how your pink bits are shaped.

You might even get asked to pump your legs or your arms a little at the gym so someone can see how your muscles fit together. We used to get this bald guy who was forty or fifty something, but he had really great shoulders, so we'd draw a lot of upper body on him.

Some of the best drawing I ever did was on a poledancer, and I never even drew her boobies. Strippers need a lot of lower body strength to get around the pole using only their legs, and a good poledancer will have really well-developed pelvic and core muscles. Guys generally have really easy pelvic muscle formations because a man's core muscle group is flat all the way down the front of his pants, and his muscles just lay on top, but a woman's muscles and hips are built to curve, and fit around your baby bits.
(medically correct terminology)

>> No.6724564

>The one time we got an elderly lady to model I was fucking delighted as were a few other of the girls in the class but all the guys were like "Ewwww, I don't want to look at wrinkled tits" and "fucking gross, why can't we get somebody hot?".

wow, what art school was this?

>> No.6724591

somehow I doubt it was an art school from the way she described the class.

But fuck that shit. NopeNopeNopeNope.

if you came around my hood, and I was hosting it, I'd pencilfuck those scrubs right out of the studio. That behavior is fucking intolerable. You should thank god to have any model to work with, and when you get good enough at it, you start to prefer the fatties, the oldies, the people who have interesting bodies. I'd give my left nut to draw an amputee or some shit like that. It would give you interesting perspective to how the body works, when you can pinpoint the parts that failed.

disrespectful bitches need to get the fuck outta my academic as fuck profession.

>> No.6724596

I've been an artist model for five years now, it's the best job I ever had and improved my self esteem so much. I'm lucky in that get to work with amazing oil painters but it's weird to think that there are paintings of me from when I was 20 that will be in galleries long after I'm dead.

>> No.6724598

She's not kidding.

Runway is hell world.

You are your weight, your 5'11 frame, and your pleasingly blank and symmetrical face. You are not a person. You are a coathanger.

Designers will yell at you to stop being such a fucking chubster when you weigh 100lbs. They will expect you to walk around barely dressed in the freezing cold, and be silent and uncomplaining while you hold a pose that is making your arms go dead. They will sneer at you if they see you eat. They'll promise you glamour and pay you shit. The other girls will do the same, laughing behind your back but crying themselves to sleep at night because no one is a friend there, they are all rivals.

And they'll do all this to 16 and 17 year old girls who had the misfortune to be born in Latvia and be over 5'8 because they can get away with that sort of bullying with impressionable teenagers who are miles away from home.

All I'm saying is that there's probably a reason why Choke doesn't model much any more, and I think I might have an idea of why.

>> No.6724616

this and more.

Runway girls aren't people.

When fashion professionals sketch, they draw women that are nine heads tall.

Your average person in real life is 5 or 6 heads tall.
A comic book superhero, with olympian proportions, is generally 8 heads tall. characters that are supposed to be short and scrappy like Wolverine or Spidermang? Generally 6 or 7.

The standard of beauty in fashion modeling is SLENDERMAN. For you to be 9 heads tall, and be the fashion ideal that is drawn on their desks, you would have to have 5 foot long legs, be a teenage boy, and stop aging, because the fashion ideal is some kind of androgynous alien that would snap in half if you tried to fuck it.

Oh, and you're more naked than an artist model, constantly. Hands on you all the time. The second you're off the runway, its like a Nascar pitstop. Designers come out with jacks and tools and shit, peeling you out of one dress and shoving you into the next one in 2 minutes or less. Get out of those heels and into these ones, bitch! Its a good thing fashion models don't have tits, if they ever had to wear bras, they wouldn't be able to pit between runway struts.

better to eat 3 meals a day and be nude for 6 hours on a model stand in an artist's studio than to be cat-walking a runway for 30 seconds and then having the dress torn off you by some sneering backstage asshole every 2 minutes.

>> No.6724641

This so much! I hate the fact that people seem to think that runway models = beauty, because it was never intended to do so, they're just walking hangers, I mean fuck they may as well be robots. No one wants you to look like that, hell they don't even want to. I've never thought they were beautiful or something to strive for.

>> No.6724704

I used to get scouted a lot when I was younger but I never followed through because I was always afraid of it being a scam. Plus, I'm very self conscious of my body. My left breast is literally an entire cup size down from my right one and it kind of wrecks my self-confidence.
I'm 21 now and have put on roughly 30 something lbs since highschool so yeah never going to be a model. But apparently I'm now at my target height/weight ratio? (I was 30 lbs underweight in hs)

>> No.6724709

One of my friends in art school was a fashion major, and a couple of the girls I was cool with in one of my liberals were fashion girls too.

It used to be, all the dudes on the campus would be bummed out that the hottest girls in the program would all go into fashion, and then they'd be segregated away on the fashion farm, and we'd never see them again. They went to fashion island, and then disappeared.

Then, when I actually got a chance to talk to the fashion majors, HOLY SHIT, IT WAS LIKE ART HELL.
They had to dress. All the time. Wear your heels to class. While you worked, while you were on the sewing machine. It was like CGL petticoat mafia to the Nth degree. BITCHES BETTER HAVE THEIR PETTIS ON.

And to pull all nighters, they had to hide under their desks and duck the security guards, and get locked into the sewing rooms overnight to finish their dresses. They had to Scooby Doo the shit out of their studios, while wearing skirts and heels.

When I actually talked to one of them, and she told me all that, it was like HOLY SHIT YOU CHICKS ARE HARDCORE. ITS LIKE SEWING VIETNAM IN THERE. Bombs going off, needles breaking, ankles cracking and bitches falling over from walking on heels all day. SHIT WAS TOO REAL.

And then of course, there was the dude angle... Man, all us guys were bummed out because they were off in fashion hell where we couldn't date them- Imagine what THEY were going through, locked in a sewing room with 12 other girls, and the only swinging dick in there with them, oh yea, you know the stereotype, he's gay.

It was all of my feels and all of my NOPE.

And then... After all that horror, after learning what the fashion design majors went through, you get to talking about the models.

And shit is like, "Man, you wonder how bad we've got it? We're all dead inside. Look at the actual runway bitches. They sold their souls just to be here."

>> No.6724713

That's some scary fucking shit man. Reconsidering everything fashion related in my life now.

>> No.6724721

>would snap in half if you tried to fuck it.
This is the worst figure of speech ever. You're not supposed to "try to fuck" catwalk models, they're not supposed to be sexualized. Also no matter how skinny someone is, it isn't going to effect how you have sex with them.

>> No.6724723

How did the security guards not hear the sewing machines? Or was it one of those open secrets that the students would be hiding overnight?

>> No.6724728

Shit anon, have you ever thought of getting surgery or something to even them out?

>> No.6724729

Do you have even the vaguest idea of what you are talking about? Are you saying runway models don't want to look like runway models?

>> No.6724733


>>My left breast is literally an entire cup size down from my right one

I know that feel. I hear it's common but that doesn't really help.

>> No.6724736

After that shit, and after I wound up for a couple months in a hollywood costume firm skanking out nipple pasties and feather boas and shit, that was enough to make anybody crack.

You see some fashion chick walking in her heels on a shitty, lumpy, broken sidewalk, not missing a stride, in her spotless little black dress, her sheers in one hand and her portfolio in another, and she's got a hundred yard stare like one of those crazy-ass marlon brando fuckers in a war movie, you turn around, and you run.




>> No.6724739

I'm sure everyone can afford expensive surgery and downtime for a completely cosmetic procedure.

>> No.6724741

Well, I'm still pretty young so no. I've been hoping that they'd even themselves out when I was done with puberty. I'm 21 and kind of only got hit with puberty within the last year. I had literally been wearing the same clothes since middle school until my sophomore year in college.
My breasts seem to go through these phases of like, evening out, but then the right one will just grow again. It's pretty upsetting.
For the meantime, I'm kind of just like stuck in the bra stuffing phase. Just shove a sock in the one cup and move on.

>> No.6724746

harsh. I've done runway and I like to think I don't look like an alien or robot or whatever.

Don't forgot that we're people too.

also, all the horror stories in here. My experience of modelling has been mainly positive. It's hard work but it's not some "girl model" shit. I reckon I was lucky with my agency though.

>> No.6724747

>I had literally been wearing the same clothes since middle school until my sophomore year in college.
damn gurl
and i thought wearing the same pant size since high school (i'm 27 now) was bad as a guy

>> No.6724749

>It was all of my feels and all of my NOPE.
Please learn how to write in another style besides "over-excited 15 year old /b/tard".

>> No.6724756

As a fashion major, this is total bullshit and reads as though you aren't out of school yet, let alone in art college.

>> No.6724761

Yeah. I didn't really notice a change until last semester when all of a sudden none of my pants fit me. It was starting to get colder and I only own so many pairs of leggings.
I had to go jean shopping for the first time in my entire life. I felt horrible because I needed my mom to wire me money to afford it since I usually only use what I have for food.

>> No.6724762


Went to fashion school for foundation degree here, dropped out after 1 semester. I'm literally crying and laughing with how spot on this all this. It's...it's all true. The all-nighters, the crazy insular mentality, all of it.

>And shit is like, "Man, you wonder how bad we've got it? We're all dead inside. Look at the actual runway bitches. They sold their souls just to be here."

Swear down.

>> No.6724769

i get the feeling that anon is talking about art college. I go to one, not fashion school, and what she's describing seems like our fibers department.
But honestly they're not the only department that is like that, for us it's all of the departments. Whether you're video, GFA, illustration, fashion, w/e, you will have to hide from security to be locked in buildings to get your work done. It's honestly not that big of a deal to live like that so I'm confused why they're freaking out about it. Anon just seems to be tumblr reacting to it.

>> No.6724787

the security guard would make a round on the campus at the same time every night when they locked the place up. They'd close down, and then the dude with the badge and the flashlight would come around, and lock the door behind him, and continue on his merry way.

After that, when the door closed, if you were in, you were in for the night.

Was it an open secret? Yea, it probably was. You have to assume the security guard had his marching orders, it wasn't the first or the last time a class full of fashionista stowaways pulled that one.

Its more like the ends justify the means. Fashion is a competitive, cutthroat business, the teachers that run the fashion programs, they're building killers. You have to be willing to cut the bitch next to you to survive in fashion.

So was it an open secret? Well, that dress had to get done somehow. Nobody was gonna ask how you made the deadline, as long as your model was out on the catwalk wearing your shit when the lights went up. That's just the nature of the beast.

I was in another program, that had similar deadlines, but my major didn't focus on appearances. I'm a guy. I don't have to wear heels, and I wasn't selling garments. My credibility as an artist wasn't married to my lifestyle choices and how I presented myself in public. I didn't have to skulk around in leggings and open toes with a face full of foundation like those girls did.

everyone in art school does psycho all-nighters. its not unique to fashion. Art student's don't write papers- We weld, we sew, we paint, we swing hammers and saws. We're not allowed to bullshit, if we don't do it the hard way, its going to come out in our work.

What's the difference between an art student and a fashion student?

A fashion student does all of that one handed, because she needs her other to hold her compact mirror. I get to work in jeans and a tshirt. You get to work like you're always ready for a date with a guy you really want to notice you. Guess which is harder.

>> No.6724793

I used to do runway shows and it wasn't what I'd call fun. Most of the other models I worked with were pretty nice and we talked and hung out often after rehersals and show. Then... then there were a few catty bitches like the ones you'd find here. I got teased for the dumbest things possible (ex. arms being toned and not "feminine" spaghetti arms). Jealousy was very obvious with these girls, especially if a coordinator is paying special attention to you. Those kind of girls were the worst. I don't do runway shows anymore but part of me still wants to do it... I kinda miss it.

>> No.6724814

oh, sit back down hun, I was just overselling.

I turned up the dudebro and I was hamming it up, yea. I graduated 5 years ago. Been around the world. lived in a foreign country, all that crap, I was having fun with it.

But its true. That's real talk. I used to work for an emmy award winning costume designer, and if you thought my story was all smoke and mirrors, you should have heard the shit I'd get from her. She's 65, and she'll never get to retire. Hollywood is way too fucked for her to have a regular income.

The point is, if you want to work or model in fashion, you better be a hard enough cunt to squeeze a lump of coal into a diamond with your vajayjay, because there's no rougher business on earth. You better really want that, because it ain't fair and it ain't easy.

Don't think I'm trying to scare you.

Know I'm trying to scare you. It is scary. You can't do this crap unless you know for sure in the bottom of your heart that its a 100% thing, and you can't or won't do anything else in life.

>> No.6724848

Are you a grad? I'm 2 semesters from graduating with a APD degree and I would have to say it is alot like that mayhem described above. I have a five piece collection to finish with a tailored coat AND a cape in hmmm three weeks. If that isn't bad I have to coordinate with another person I had to take off for my spring break next week just to work on all of my outfits which extends to a leather outfit and a complimenting outfit to a tailored coat! So the count of pieces to finish is 9 pieces! Yeah, with that many pieces to do we don't sleep to much.
Although the truth of fashion is that it all the money to make is in corporate. The dream to become a huge designer like Chanel is hilarious the truth is grads are lucky to get jobs as designers for Kohls, JC Penny's , Target whatever. Those jobs are incredibly difficult to get too, I live near Kohls headquarters and they scout all over the country for designers and they don't bring in more then 10 a year. Also creative designing jobs are very limiting and you are not a name. Personally I feel there is more creativity in costuming compared to fashion, but thats a small field too.
For modeling, runway is a bitch I've dressed and been a designer and a dresser for quite a few shows and modeling is a torment I would not like to endure. Its not as glamorous as it seems

>> No.6724886

You must be 18+ to use this website.

>> No.6725004
File: 1.26 MB, 260x197, 1352080551397.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw 7"
sorry, I'm just really tired and I'm laughing so hard imagining it. I hope you mean feet.

>> No.6725369

I think this was plagiarized from Joan Rivers book.

>> No.6725451

not same person... but
uhhhhh 7" heels?

>> No.6726294

>Personally I feel there is more creativity in costuming compared to fashion, but thats a small field too.

Ugh, costuming is what I'm trying to get into (theatre costume design major), and I'm just hoping I can get with some small group, to make ends meet. I expect to be the definition of starving artist for a few years.

>captcha: 4.25 aarnnitor
Yeah, 4.25 is about how much I expect to make.

>> No.6726317

What school was this? This sounds absolutely nothing like our Fashion BA; they're allowed to wear whatever but usually encouraged not to wear tight skirts and heels because it makes it harder for them to work effectively.

The all-nighters, though? Yeah, I do that, and I'm not even degree level.

>> No.6726327

For theatre, it really depends on your contacts and where you trained. The second you start your degree you should be networking, making friends, doing placements and getting yourself out there. It helps if you're in a big city with lots going on. It doesn't hurt to make friends with the people doing directing and stage design degrees, either. And don't expect to be designing straight out of uni. You'll probably doing quite a few machinist jobs first.

>> No.6726417

I'm too ugly but I would never want to be a model, I work in the industry and it's a shitty job

>> No.6726427

this thread is so interesting

I don't have reaction pics on my phone so here's a shitty emoticon:

>> No.6726462

I did runway for a bit. It’s no walk in the park. At first the little girl in me thought it was going to be all roses and ponies but then when the magic wore off I realized how much dieting I had to do just to keep up with everyone else. The designers can be pretty ruthless too, they’ll say right to your face ‘oh we could’ve put that on her but this part is too fat.’ My hips are considered a bit wide for a model so I got a lot of slack for it. I knew way too many girls trying to hide eating disorders, honestly the fashion world claims to be promoting ‘healthy models,’ but all that means is don’t smell like puke or faint on set.

Anyways, long story short, I missed bread way too much and transitioned into catalog modeling since you can actually eat there. I’m currently a regular for this Indie brands catalog and promotions so things have been going pretty well.

>> No.6726499

I'm trying to get a few internships, I emailed a local theatre but they didn't have the money in their budget for a costume intern, which isn't a good sign. I was planning on sending my portfolio to other cities so I'm not opposed to moving. I am interning with a makeup artist/photographer which I would suggest to get good portfolio images. My deal is that I get the models and do makeup and costuming and she shoots it. Also the photog will put images of my work on her site and if someone is looking for my type of makeup she will suggest me for the job. It is all who you know, network as much as you can. My other option is Kohl's or Harley Davidson otherwise...and I don't want corporate that is a boring job where all you do is spec sheets and flats.

>> No.6726539

>the possibility that different people have different experiences is something that has literally never occurred to me

>> No.6726653

I stopped because of a couple of different reasons, one is that it's just not worth the time and money if you see what you get in return for it. You almost literally have to put all your time into your career if you want to be able to "make it", so say goodbye to your friends and your comfortable life and say hello to a shitload of stress and worries about money. Not only will they give shit to you about how fat you are (no matter your weight, you'll always be a fatty), but also about your clothing, your attitude, hair, make-up and everything else.

If you have a bad day, you'd better not let your agency know because they will make sure to put even more castings on your list, whining is not exactly allowed. And ofcourse you will have a bad day, actually you'll probably have more bad days than good days. Not only by being treated like shit at castings (clients that look at your book for 2 seconds, or pretending to while they're on the phone, after you just waited for 40 minutes), but also because your lovely 15 year old Russian roommate talks to her boyfriend on Skype until 3 AM. Rise and shine at 6 am, because otherwise the same girl hogs up the bathroom for 1 hour and you'll be late for your castings sheet pick up! Then make sure you look perfect during the 6-8 hours of walking/hurried metro riding in either a blizzard or 40 degrees heat in the summer.

If you're lucky you have to get up the next day at 5 am for a job, which you'll probably finish at around 11pm. Oh and if you live in, for example, Paris, then don't expect to go home with any money. Agency takes 75% of what you earn.


>> No.6726656

I'm not going to lie, I had some amazing experiences and it really helped me grow as a person, it freed me in a way, sometimes I even miss it. However after my hair broke off I distanced myself from the whole industry and I realized that it's better to put that time and effort in my store, which actually pays off. Since I quit modelling full time I actually make more money off modelling because I don't have all those crazy expenses anymore.

So expect to work your ass off quite literally to be able to get a shot at making money.
Chances are that you end up with a big debt though, or quickly fade into obscurity after you shone for two or three seasons on the catwalk.

>> No.6726663

What are the chances of that happening to a (mixed but still) black chick anywhere in Japan?

>> No.6726692

After reading all these horror stories, it makes me wonder WHY girls even strive to be models in the first place. Can any of you models/former models please shed some light on this? Was it just because you didn't know what you were getting yourself into at the time?

>> No.6726698

Dude, I actually got dropped from my agency for having an ED.
But honestly.. who caused it in the first place.

well, partly. But it's crazy.

I think I'll share something I posted on /soc/ when they tried to tell me it was an easy job.

>>You seem to think it sounds like the easiest job in the world to come to New York, modelling in Fashion Week. Well, wrong. You probably also think that models get treated like princesses when we're working. Wrong again. Let me tell you how this week is working out at the moment. It follows the same formula as every Fashion Week every season of every year...and it's the same in each city: Paris, Milan and London.

>>Girls arrive from all over the world a week before the shows start. I'm in a flat with a Polish girl and a Chinese girl, but I've met Norwegians, Australians, Americans, Russians, Africans...millions of 5'9+ hopefuls.

>>Obviously, the agencies have to try and find places for them all to stay, so most girls end up crammed in model apartments, often sharing beds and sleeping on sofas. I had a sofa to sleep on in a hotel room with a Polish model, Kasia, but after two nights of sleeping on bare metal springs we complained to the agency and were moved to a nicer apartment on 2nd avenue with Kiki, the Chinese girl I mentioned. I've heard stories of girls staying in cockroach-infested apartments...my Australian friend saw a mouse run across her kitchen yesterday. Not quite the glamorous, 5 star hotel accommodation you pictured?
To be honest, it doesn't really matter that much as we're all so tired in the first week that we could sleep anywhere. All our time will be taken up with castings, castings, and more castings, all over the city...I've had at least 14 a day so far, and it will only get more hectic as the week progresses because you start getting recalls and fitting requests for the shows.

>> No.6726705

>>6724539 baby bits just made me puke. ew.

>> No.6726706

That feel when you can never model, because you are only 5'0

>> No.6726725

It's pretty awful and a lot of people don't realise it. They see a girl like Cara Delevingne (Who btw, was already very rich and from a high society family) and people think it's such a glamourous life being a model. There are hundreds of thousands of runway models out there in the world, only 20-30 of those are deemed as Supermodels.
I imagine the film Girl Model is fairly accurate, although that isn't runway, and the film makers had allegedly manipulated footage and questions

>> No.6726728
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Castings are shit. In New York there are loads of modelling agencies, so you can expect to wait in a queue of at least 40 girls at each casting. This makes you late for your other castings, sometimes you miss them because of a half-arsed client who goes for lunch and expects you to wait half an hour for him/her to come back etc etc etc. Here's a picture from a casting. There were three staircases like this that led up to the room in which the client sat and demanded 'Show me your book. Show me your walk. Okay, NEXT' and in 35 degree heat with no water or food, this was one boring casting.

So basically, you repeat that experience about 14 times a day, for a week, at the same time worrying whether you will actually GET any shows after all this, worrying what people think of you, having to make sure you look your best so your agency don't beef, having to 'watch what you eat' (or 'make sure the agents don't see' what you eat) and having to make sure you keep healthy. but when the shows finally roll around, it's all worth it....

>> No.6726734

Yeah, I mean I wouldn't change my experiences for the world and I reckon I was pretty lucky with everything. It just fairly rustles my jimmies~ when people think it's just standing around looking npretty

>> No.6726737


I think quite low in terms of general fashion because Japan is still quite a Xenophobic and slightly Racist country. Not in the sense that they necessarily hate other people of different skin colour, but they have an innate mistrust around them which has actually served them quite well as they're one of the few countries who has yet to have had their culture diluted through mass immigration.

You'd actually be pretty fucking popular on the Gyaru scene due your skin colour. There's a large market for fashion which emulates stereotypical black culture, but obviously that may not be something you want to contribute to.


>> No.6726740


Hey Choke, I've always been curious as to what the drug culture is like in the serious modelling industry. Is it as rampant as the media makes it out to be? Did you witness a lot of it personally. You don't have to comment on whether you partook in any of it.

>> No.6726750

I wonder how much shit that girl gets for being 'fat' in Japan.

>> No.6726819

I know I have no hope of ever being a model, but what is a close to a model body as you can get for somebody 5'2? I thought 80-85 pounds would be enough but hearing that makes it sound like you'd need to go lower.

>> No.6726849

You're beautiful. How on earth could anyone imply you were average?

>> No.6726853

I am horrified by how underweight that would be.

>> No.6726859

Lol, no weight at 5'2" is a model body.
Antm may have had a "short " season, but, believe me, there is no place for them in the modeling world.

>> No.6726865

They mean proportionally. As in, how much would a 5'2" girl have to weigh to look 'as thin' as a model. They're not saying they could make it as a model at all.

>> No.6726877

I said that in my post, I know there is no way I can be or really resemble a model, but I'm curious what weight I would have to be to get as close to it as possible - like >>6726865

>> No.6726880

depends on your body type
if you don't have a narrow skeletal frame or fat distribution, you'll never attain the silhouette, even if you weight 60 lbs

>> No.6726885

Try IMC'ing the models whose bodies you like, then try to get to that IMC. It may be useles as a measure of health, but it's actually a really good way to measure and make sense of proportions in regards to different height/weight.

>> No.6726892


Actually 80-85lbs isn't that low for somebody who's only 5'2".
I'm 5'6" and a healthy weight for me is generally 110-125 lbs.

>> No.6726895

You're not really understanding this. Like the other anon said, there is no weight at 5'2 that will look like a model body -they have completely different proportions. There is a reason models are all very tall. They have very long legs, which short people don't have. Even if you had the same BMI as a model, your body wouldn't look the same. I'm sorry this sounds harsh, but it's important to understand if you're ever going to be happy with your body and accept it.

>> No.6726896
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>isn't that low
No, you're right, it's not. Pic related looks fine.

>> No.6726897


>> No.6726902

That girl is an anorexic and due to the fact she has almost no bodyfat she looks terrible. I'm 85 pounds and I look petite, not emaciated.

>> No.6726906

Anorexia Nervosa has a requirement of refusal to maintain body weight above 85% of the expected weight. AKA, being underweight.

>> No.6726905

Are you insane? 80lbs at 5'2 is a BMI of 14.6. You can be involuntarily hospitalized for being that underweight.

Bitches need to get real.

>> No.6726909

You're an idiot. I grew up this weight and everybody else in my family is thin. We eat normal portions and are in great health. Just because somebody isn't a fat pig doesn't mean they have anorexia.

>> No.6726910

Also 80lbs at 5'2 is completely different from 110 at 5'6. Your BMI at 110 is 17.8 which is relatively healthy depending on your body shape. It's extremely different from a BMI in the 14s , which would mean damaging your organs and fertility.

>> No.6726915

No one said you have anorexia? There are a bunch of other criteria for AN and it's fine if you don't meet them, but that 85 lbs at 5'2" is underweight, pure and simple.

>> No.6726917

>Just because somebody isn't a fat pig doesn't mean they have anorexia.
The fact that you don't understand that there's anything in between being a fat pig and being extremely underweight kind of says it all about your mental state.

>> No.6726920

I pity you so much for your fucked up attitude towards bodies.

>> No.6726931

My parents made me model for clothes catalogues until I was like 12 because they were scared I was turning into a boy.

Ironically, now that I like lolita, they tell me to start wearing more practical things like jeans.

>> No.6726944

>no matter how skinny someone is, it isn't going to effect how you have sex with them

Tell that to every guy ever.
I'm far from runway model skinny (5'6", about 105lbs or so) and I still get "YOU LOOK LIKE YOU'RE GONNA BREAK INTO A MILLION PIECES IF I FUCK YOU" from nearly every man I've ever met.

They are literally scared their majestic, amazing, destroyer 4 inch cocks are gonna crack me open when they stick them in my vagina.
And that my head is going to come off my neck with a "snap!" sound if they pull my hair the slightest bit.
And that they'll break my wrists if they grab them.
And that my torso will snap in half if they hold my waist.


>> No.6726951

Being naturally underweight means I have a bad attitude towards my body? Okay then. Perhaps I'm just angry at hearing daily that being underweight means you automatically have an ED. You'd get upset too if you heard this OL and IRL every single day too.

>> No.6726985

Either got scounted and didn't know better, thought it was a good idea or stupid teenagers who think it's amazing and glamorous.

Tbh I would have done it if I had the chance, because it sounds dramatic and fun and manic and exciting, even though it's terrible.
But I have an ED and other emotional and psychological problems that include heavily romanticizing everything, especially bad times and circumstances, so I'm not exactly the picture of your normal teenager/young girl.

>> No.6726990

>Perhaps I'm just angry at hearing daily that being underweight means you automatically have an ED

And perhaps others are just a little fucking angry that just because they're overweight it means they're disgusting "pigs" who eat 50 barrels of Twinkies. Shit sucks doesn't it, honeycakes? Watch your mouth.

>> No.6726991

Not that anon but I understand (5`8" 100lbs) when you're constantly told to your face that you have an ed or people would grab your wrists like it was their property, or make fun of you, but you can't let it get you so angry because at that point your only hurting yourself. I've never missed a period or other things that people say happen when your underweight, because I don't have an ed but I do acknowledge that I am underweight and try to eat more in between meals to hopefully get to a better bmi. I feel frustrated at times when people act so one-sided about this but you have to realize you are doing the same thing and work on making yourself better to not react. Even if you weren't underweight, there will always be something someone will find to try and hurt (or make fun or) you

>> No.6726996

I mean BMI. Argh, sorry.

It's IMC in my native language and I use both english and portuguese like they're one language and it mixes up so often

>> No.6727000

Not anymore. There isn't a weight requirement to be considered anorexic anymore. Get yo facts striaght.

>> No.6727004

If somebody implies all underweight people are anorexic in 99% of all cases they are overweight themselves.

>> No.6727005

it was just another job *shrug* I had some hope I'd become a famous actress, but lol nope :)
But really, work is work. It was mad boring though :/

>> No.6727009

Proposed change to AN in the DSM-V
>Restriction of energy intake relative to requirements leading to a significantly low body weight in the context of age, sex, developmental trajectory, and physical health.
>Significantly low weight is defined as a weight that is less than minimally normal, or, for children and adolescents, less than that minimally expected.
Still means underweight, buddy.

>> No.6727018

Oh, right.

>> No.6727033
File: 74 KB, 479x435, 1337321697492.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did you know 99% of statistics are made up?

>> No.6727036

so are you ignoring my posts or what?
You'll NEVER be runway because you are too short.
As I said you can still find a job modeling, but not runway. I'm 5'2" and have done modeling. Mainly buyer/wedding/hair shows, and promo work. I am currently on hiatus because I found the work unfulfilling and boring.
When I was a model I was size US 2 I weighed 120ish lbs (prolly 118). I weigh 130 now and a size 6. I worked out 6 days a week, now i'm lazy and work out about 3. Where I live they want models to be fit, but that's for local work.
My mom is my height and weighs 95 lbs and used to weigh 90, she got rejected from modeling for being too skinny. Different times though.

>> No.6727045

real quick to add, I have an hourglass shape and disproportionately longer legs than I should. so I LOOK taller if no one is next to me. :)
That's how my body shape is, and it helped me land my gigs.

>> No.6727047

wow anon you're an idiot. she didn't say she wants to be a model, just that she wants a "model body", aka thin with long legs

you're right in that she'll never get what she's looking for though

>> No.6727055

well, you're rude. I'm saying she can be, and that she should realize that.
ANYONE can be, they hire ugly people for things for crying outloud. But keep believing it's all runway and all the one way you see it and have never experienced/worked in.

>> No.6727066

I never implied I wanted to be a model, I just said I was curious what would be closet to that body. I never even said I wanted that body for myself. Please read posts properly before replying.

>> No.6727068

I'm underweight (BMI 17) and even I have difficulty understanding how people can have a natural BMI of 15 like some people in this thread are saying. I understand that it can happen, but surely it is a rarity. Especially for tall girls who wouldn't have narrow/petitte bone structure. Of course teenagers can naturally be that thin, but for an adult, it seems very very unlikely.

>> No.6727085

okay, in that case working out 6 days a week got me closest to what my agency wanted. You won't be runway unless you are near death. The point I'm trying to make is you likely already look like a model, but not runway, and because of your height you never will.
We have the same muscles/organs in a more compact space. Their stuff gets stretched out, ours doesn't.

>> No.6727094

Exercising doesn't actually matter that much for weight loss. It is much more simple to restrict the food you are eating. Weight loss is EXTREMELY simple: calories in < calories out. If you are taking in less calories than you are expending, you WILL lose weight. Simply eating less is much easier than eating the same amount and exercising a shitload. You have to be doing some hardcore running for hours to burn even close to the amount of calories that just skipping lunch will eliminate.

Exercising is good for toning the body and increasing overall health, stamina, flexibility, etc. But it isn't going to make you thin.

>> No.6727103

Not implying it made me lose anything. :) It gave me the body my agency wanted. They didn't want or expect runway from me as it would be impossible. They wanted toned.

>> No.6727112

sorry, to clarify, The toned made me look taller, hence why they wanted that.

>> No.6727115
File: 73 KB, 612x612, ny (24).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lot's of good points too. Nothing is ever perfect.
>>The travel. I never did get to go to Glorious nippon though :(
>>the money was pretty good a lot of the time. >>I met some amazing people.. I got photographed by David Bailey (hero moment) I love him..,
>>I got made into a hologram for an exhibit at the V&A
>>did runway for vivienne westwood. Then there's the free clothes and makeup.
>>But mostly I did it as a young girl with low self esteem seeking assurance and popularity >> the buzz of runway. I'll never get tired of that..
>>invites to clubs, parties, new restaraunts. Upgrades on planes and trains
>>pic related

And these days it pays my rent while I'm in Uni.

>> No.6727140

>>when you're constantly told to your face that you have an ed or people would grab your wrists like it was their property, or make fun of you,

I can relate to this so much. It's pretty awful. Strangers shouting "eat a cheeseburger bitch" at me on the bus.
I had /r9k/ Calling me out on my weight the other night. It's frustrating as hell. I can't put on weight easily but the fact is I really don't want to.

>>They are literally scared their majestic, amazing, destroyer 4 inch cocks are gonna crack me open when they stick them in my vagina.

my fucking sides. This so much.

>> No.6727147

>tall girls who wouldn't have narrow/petitte bone structure
You'd be surprised. Most models are petite-build on top of tall, and that's why they can usually weigh so little and not have bones jutting out everywhere.

I also have a friend (who tried to model for a while, too) and her BMI is 14.8~15, naturally, on the times when she's not dieting to get skinnier. It happens.

>> No.6727155

Woah, you look amazing. Why didn't you keep it up?

I mean, you even got to walk for VW

>> No.6727172

Hey thanks! I still do a little but I'm 23 and my jobs aren't as plentiful as they once were. It's never been something I want to keep at. It takes a lot out of you. Thank god I'm nearly done with my degree.

>> No.6727206

Just because its Asia doesn't make it easier for you to be a model, especially as a foreign one. I will say when I used to get gigs in Japan/China I never experienced racism, maybe because I wasn't American (Yes, they naturally have a dislike for Americans). But I had good recommendations from other employers and a bad-ass lawyer to protect my rights. I mostly did work for new designers, but occasionally got promo work too. I'm tall, dress size 0 at the time, mixed, medium tan complexion, clear skin, natural medium/long hair and I don't need a lot of makeup. I don't know if it helped that I have Asian features as well, because I'm quarter Asian.

Plus the last place you'd honestly want to model is Asia, unless your protected out the ass. Good luck getting money, because they will screw you sideways.

>> No.6727213

>catalog model
Miyu pls go

>> No.6727267

I've been offered a few modeling gigs before and I've had a scout give me her card recently. I'm 6' with 12% body fat and my face has a defined bone structure but I never do them. Mostly because I don't have that kind of confidence. People tell me that I'm pretty but I mostly think it's just my makeup. I may look really young but I also think that being 25 I'm too old anyways.

>> No.6727288

not Miyu, not a catalog model, said it was a possibility for me but not work I've done. And I've said I'm not pretty enough for print work, Miyu thinks she's gorgeous.

I was Promo/buyer/wedding/hair shows.

Not all toned bitchmodels or bitchy former models are Miyu.

>> No.6728862

VW? well, colour me impressed, girl.

>> No.6728895

First art-related anon on /cgl/ ever that I thought sounded like they knew what they were talking about.

If you want to be a life model, you really need to learn to get over any insecurities. If you don't, you're eventually going to see some bad drawings of you, and start worrying why people are drawing your belly so big.

>> No.6728976

To all the people talking about how models need to keep a low weight. What about fitness models? (ie people who model athletic clothes or sports equipment) those models tend to be to be "larger" than your average fashion girl

>> No.6729022

There are a lot of different model 'shapes' really, an anon upthread I believe mentioned she dipped on runway modeling to be a slightly larger catalog model, but I think people generally mean runway model ITT.