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6722445 No.6722445 [Reply] [Original]

Hi /cgl/, what can you tell me about this cream? have you tried it?
I'm looking for something this magic for whitening my skin

>> No.6722450

Hydroquinone (sp?) is one of the few things that can lightening your skin, but it is linked to cancer and the like. Banned in a lot of spots in Europe if I recall correctly. You can get up to 3% over the counter in the US, 4% and up is prescription. If this cream doesn't have it, chances are you won't have much help with lightening.

>> No.6722456

I honestly don't know why we have so many people going on and on about how to whiten skin. There isn't. That cream probably doesn't do anything. Most skin whitening creams are hypermoisturisers, your skin temporarily looks paler when waterlogged - it's why bullshit makeup counter people apply moisturiser to your non-driving arm for 5 minutes and insist it looks paler. It's why papaya soap "works" - you've been soaking in the bath and shower for up to 15 minutes rubbing that shit, of course your waterlogged skin looks paler when you step out.

You can get paler skin by exposing a layer of skin that hasn't been damaged by the sun yet. You can get paler skin the fucked up Michael Jackson way.

If any of these creams are safe to use at all, they're not doing anything to make your skin paler. If they indeed work as promised, then they are quite dangerous little pots of cancer that should never be applied on your skin.

Now stop this skin whitening nonsense.

>> No.6722470

It says RIGHT IN THE PICTURE it has Niacinamide, which can lighten dark spots and whiten skin.

I don't know how much is in it and jar packaging is terribad, but still, guys, at least look at the product before ranting.

>> No.6722473
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you must have white skin, right?

>> No.6722481

This, this so much.

It scares me how many girls have jumped on the BB cream trend, because so many Korean BB creams have whitening agents in them. Plus, I find white girls wearing Korean BB cream (of any shade, really) look odd; it's painfully obvious that these girls are wearing makeup that is not the correct shade for their skin. Why can't you all just buy good makeup that'd made for Western skin?

>> No.6722493
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>asian and white skin require special make-up!

>> No.6722509

It's not necessarily makeup made for western versus asian skin, it's people not knowing what skin tone they have and wearing makeup for the wrong one.

E.g. wearing makeup made for cool skintones / rosier undertones when you have warm undertones/gold is going to look too pinkish and retarded. Likewise, wearing warm makeup on a cool skintone looks just as retarded. People of any race can have warm and cool skintones so it's really a matter of finding a shade that works with what skintone someone has.

I think many people probably use BB creams without regard to how it blends with their skin because it's "Asian" and exotic. how cool do you look with your makeup bag containing shit with Japanese and Korean writing on the makeup versus your friends with Maybelline etc? That kind of appeal for people.

>> No.6722512

Yeah, pity the jar also doesn't say "enjoy your liver poisoning, but hey, your jaundiced skin will look prettier with a paler hue!"
I have easily tanned Asian skin, I'm on the darker side.

>> No.6722520

What the fuck is Western skin? I for one can't find a western brand that doesn't have a wierd orangish tint to it. It's as if they think everyone has bronzed skin or something. I'm a white person, pale skin with yellow undertones, and bb creams match my shade better than any other Western brand I've tried. Plus bb creams often have spf, whitening, wrinkle prevention and such. Western brands don't compare quality wise imo, most are very cakey and unnatural looking.

>> No.6722521

Except they do? Caucasians typically have a redder undertone to their skin, while asians have a yellow undertone.

I'm asian, but tan. Most American brands have red pigments in their tan foundations be default, so I have to be careful when looking for foundation for me, due to my yellow undertone.

>> No.6722522

You're talking about oral ingestion, which by the way is also safe:

Stop being an idiot. Not everything is going to kill you.

>> No.6722524

and stop being a moron.

>> No.6722537

Not saying you're wrong but I find the opposite problem. I'm a bronze skin tone and in my experience it's brown undertones. Every time I use an American foundation it takes away from my bronze (reddish) skin tone and dulls my skin.

>> No.6722553

Do you even read the sources you quote: it's not safe. It's not even approved for skin whitening or acne. And no, liver poisoning doesn't lead to death. It just leads to a lot of pain and suffering.

Stop being an idiot. Not everything is going to make your skin white.

>> No.6722564

You probably just haven't tried high quality Western makeup.

MAC studio fix is one of the only make ups that actually matches my skin tone (NW10), because I'm pale as a motherfucker (and somehow I still have dark hair). It's not cakey as long as you moisturize beforehand.

Also, I always kind of laugh and cringe when I see BB creams advertise "whitening" followed by "wrinkle prevention". So, what, you're going to cause wrinkles and cancer via the whitening agents, and then try to reverse it with so called "anti wrinkle" properties?

Seriously, though, you aren't going to find any significant anti wrinkle properties in any kind of non-luxury cosmetic. Try looking into La Mer, or even better, La Prairie, if you're truly worried about not getting wrinkles.

>> No.6722571

I honestly have no idea how you got either of those from that article. It's not "approved" for skin whitening or acne? What does that mean? There's insufficient evidence towards its effectiveness with acne, that doesn't mean it's illegal or some shit.

>The data suggest niacinamide is an effective skin lightening compound that works by inhibiting melanosome transfer from melanocytes to keratinocytes
Stop being an idiot.

>> No.6722576

>Try looking into La Mer
U trollan?

>> No.6722602

Uhm, no. I've been using the creme de la mer for almost a year now, with fantastic results. I actually got a little sample for free before I bought the full sized tub. I'm seriously in love with it.

I was super surprised when it didn't make me break out, because I have insanely sensitive skin and I'm very acne-prone. I also know it has a lot of comedogenic ingredients, making me doubly surprised.

My skin has honestly never been in better condition than it's in now. I use the creme before I apply makeup in the morning, and just under my eyes at night.

I got some samples of La Prairie's eye serum and eye cream, and I fucking loved those. Too bad the eye serum is something like $475 for a tube, haha. The eye cream was a little more in my price range, only $165, so I may get that.

Also, don't even get my started on La Mer's make up products. The two I've tried (the powder and their concealer) have been beyond amazing.

>> No.6722603

>La Mer
Please don't!

La Mer is all hype, spend your money anywhere else!

>> No.6722609
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You're paying like $200 a month for mineral oil.

Different strokes, I guess.

>> No.6722612

Honestly, if you've never tried it you really can't say. So many people swear by it, and you have to know that many times people who didn't like a product are more likely to review it than someone who does like a product?

>> No.6722618

That wasn't a review, it was an analysis of the ingredients! Personal experience of a product, especially one as hyped as La Mer, is inevitably influenced by expectations and bias; there are NO ingredients in La Mer doing anything more than moisturizing your skin! There are so many good moisturizers on the market with real anti-aging benefits La Mer is almost criminal!

>> No.6722616

I don't see why you guys on here are willing to shell out crazy money for costumes you'll wear a few times in your life, and for shoddy Asian cosmetics, but to each their own...

Enjoy your wrinkles and cancer

>> No.6722623
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>Enjoy your wrinkles and cancer
You too, person who is spending $200 a month for mineral oil and skin irritation.

>> No.6722632

Name some! Because I have tried almost all drug store brands, plus many dept store brands. Nothing has worked like La Mer. I literally get complimented on my skin every where I go... which has never happened to me, as I've always had acne and oiliness to the point of it being noticeable even under makeup.

also, just wanted to clarify, an oz of La Mer is $150 and It last 8-10 months through lavish application. That's only $15 a month, and it's worth it.

>> No.6722643

Anything with a retinol! Dr. Dennis Gross' Hydra-Pure Serum is pretty great, it has retinol, anti-oxidants and exfoliating benefits in addition to being a great moisturizer!

>> No.6722661

>Dr. Dennis Gross' Hydra-Pure Serum
Can you put that under your eyes? It looks like something I might try, it's a lot cheaper than other serums I've seen

>> No.6722665

I wonder what it means for a product to be not approved by appropriate regulatory authorities for consumption in terms of dosage and application. NO, I REALLY WONDER WHAT IT COULD POSSIBLY MEAN.

>that works by inhibiting melanosome transfer from melanocytes to keratinocytes
And do you know what else inhibits melanosome transfer from melanocytes to kratinocytes? Not exposing your skin to the sun. The entire sentence contradicts itself: it prevents already white skin from darkening - not dark skin to whiten.

You should actually try to read your shit before posting it all over.

>> No.6722685
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Melanosomes still transfer from melanocytes to keratinocytes without sun exposure, if you lock Jamie Foxx in a room without any sunlight for a month he's not going to come out looking like Alexander Skarsgård.

>> No.6722695
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Damn, I'm not a part of this argument, but did you seriously just think you disproved the conclusion of a published study because you're the only person alive who bothered to read it?

>> No.6722697

Your reading comprehension is shit. I'm not the Anon you replied to, but fucking read what you're replying to before you spout stupid shit.

>> No.6722711
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> I'm not the Anon you replied to
Yeah, sure you're not, I believe you

>> No.6722797

Niacinanide does help increase cell turnover if it's listed high enough in the ingredient list. Saying it'll make you whiter is just false advertising, though.

Niacinamide is in essence vitamin b3 and can be ingested as well as applied topically. There's no current data that asseses any possible toxicity.

>> No.6722803 [DELETED] 

Niacinamide seems to be a vitamin B3 complex. I read nothing about it causing cancer, though there has been anxiety that there's a potential chance it may possibly. It's an anti-inflammatory, and reduces swelling, therefore likely redness.

>> No.6722811

I'd had a post, but you said what I was saying also.

Thanks anon! :)

>> No.6722831

It's been proven to lighten dark spots, which is usually what "whitening" means in cosmetic-speak.

>> No.6722877

That's bery misleading, though.
Dark spots are compromised of damaged cells (which is what happens when you tan, your skin darken to prevent further damage). Once cells turnover you are just seeing what color you skin normally is.

>> No.6722880

Yeah, I guess it is, but it's kind of the standard definition in cosmetics. A lot of AHA's get referred to as "whitening" or "complexion perfecting" for the same reason.

>> No.6722934

Organic papaya soap. /end thread

>> No.6722954

On the topic of whitening, I'm already pale but my skin is super sensitive and I have dark/red spots from old acne, plus my face is just super blotchy and red.
Is there anything I can use to even it out? Would it be possible to use whitening cream to fix the red or would that just make it worse?

>> No.6722971

try using korres wild rose night cream, sounds like your skin is similar to how mine was. then i started to use this stuff which worked miracles for me. its pretty pricy though.

>> No.6723000

I'll check it out! What kind of skin do you have?
I have really dry skin and I find that a lot of brightening cremes make it a bit flaky and itchy.

>> No.6723097

nope, probably it's just bottled skin cancer

>> No.6723452


>You can get paler skin the fucked up Michael Jackson way

By developing a congenital skin disease? Not likely.

>> No.6723479

>I'm not going to read the thread where at least 3 people point out the key ingredient is vitamin B3 which doesn't cause cancer. deeeeeeeeeeerp

>> No.6723483

niacin? It does cause cancer. and liver failure. and kidney failure. The only difference niacimide brings to the equation is that it doesn't give you the characteristic warning signs of a red flush that shows in a niacin overdose.

>> No.6723514

you don't understand the dosage required \for niacinamide to be toxic, do you?

refer to : http://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/druginfo/natural/924.html#Safety

Note that the risks associated to ingested niacin do not apply to topically applied niacinamide.

Stop being such a butthead, anon.

>> No.6723533
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fyi all vitamins are toxic at a high dose

>> No.6723574

Lol, if BB cream works for her, why would she go and buy a foundation that costs like £40? BB Creams are at most like £15 and they do the job pretty well. I don't get why it upsets you so much if people choose to use a different kind of makeup.

>> No.6724481

jesus just go back to tumblr sj sally

>> No.6724493

Is that you, Spooky?

>> No.6724498
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Ive got skin just like how this anon described
and korean BB creams in light beige are the only make up that match my skin tone. Every other american make up I've used is just too fucking orange, even in its palest shade. So I can buy 8 dollar bb cream that matches my skin or shell out big bucks for fancy and pricey american brand make up.
I'll take my cheap BB cream thanks.

you bitches mad whities are stealing your precious BB creams or something? Please.

>> No.6724519

Are they allowed to use snow white for advertising that shit

>> No.6724610

>Mac Studio Fix
>LOL high quality
Enjoy your pimples, that stuff is notorious for clogging the pores and making people break out.

>> No.6724668

Anon from >>6722509.
I don't think you read my post correctly at all. I wasn't talking about skin tone in terms of being white, black, asian, etc... it's warm versus cool.

>It's not necessarily makeup made for western versus asian skin, it's people not knowing what skin tone they have and wearing makeup for the wrong one.

Seriously, most people don't seem to understand how to get makeup for their skintone. Most BB creams from Asia do have a beigey tone and work best on warm skin tones. Putting something for the opposite skintone of what you have, whether the product is for warm and you are cool/product is cool and you are warm, is not going to look right regardless of what race you are and where the product is from. That is makeup basics.

That said:

>People of any race can have warm and cool skintones so it's really a matter of finding a shade that works with what skintone someone has. I couldn't give a damn who uses Western or Asian BB creams or not, I don't profit from their choice at all and really don't care what they choose. It's their money, their call. I was merely observing that many people end up picking the wrong "shade" for themselves.

As to the last part of my post, it's nothing to do with me "worrying about White people" stealing Asian products. Like I said, their money, their call. However, I do think many people run out and grab Asian BB creams because of the "image" and don't consider how it will look when applied to their skin in the case that they have the opposite skin tone than what said product is formulated for. You can't tell me weebs don't automatically think a foreign product, especially from Asia, has a certain mystique and therefore must be better than a domestic one.

That said, I've tried a number of "western" bb creams and they are too pink or orange on me. If they blended well and had the same consistency as Asian BB creams, I absolutely would be buying domestic brands.

>> No.6724688

yeah so is ANYTHING.

>> No.6724706

On the other hand, light skinned latina girls look great with BB cream

>> No.6724714
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Fun fact: this shit actually works.

>> No.6724760

This so much! I mean, it's like with everything else. People want stuff because of the hype and don't stop to think if it's actually something that will work for them.

>> No.6724772
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did someone say SKIN WHITENING

>> No.6724774
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hey ladies, it worked for him!

>> No.6724776
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Let's get another "before and after," shall we?

>> No.6724940

oh hey thur

are both me, the second one is just worded poorly.

>> No.6724955

their previous skintones looked a tan better than the faded sickly-looking coloring afterwards.

also, whitening chemicals do more harm than good, i'd stay the fuck away from anything that claims to "whiten" naturally darker skintones.

>> No.6726094

I think that rapper was found to have an illness of some sort and then started his own whitening soaps and claimed that using them is what made him white in order to hide his illness.