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6715342 No.6715342 [Reply] [Original]

Can we get a dream dress/item thread going, but only for things that are currently available for purchase/preorder? My friend is looking to get her first coord but she isn't too certain on what she'd like.

Pic related, pretty sure I'm going to order something in this print.

>> No.6715363
File: 107 KB, 300x400, 251-0104_05.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My available dream dress!

Mind telling me where that's from OP? That is lovely!

>> No.6715383

Preorder until April 1!

>> No.6715389
File: 11 KB, 188x268, hrrng.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I adore this one. I wish I knew more about lolita so I could browse sites to find it somehow...
I know it's oos on the taobao website though.

>> No.6715398

Ah... it pops up secondhand on taobao sometimes. I just picked it up last month actually secondhand.

>> No.6715401 [DELETED] 

Frick. I could never save up the money in time....Guess I'll just have to hope against hope that it shows up in the sales one day.

Thanks for the link still though anon.

It's on http://r-series.taobao.com/ isn't it?

>> No.6715404

Frick. I could never save up the money in time....Guess I'll just have to hope against hope that it shows up in the sales one day.

Thanks for the link still though anon.

>> No.6715410

their other releases have come up for sale, no worries

>> No.6715421

I'm not even lolita but I'm seriously considering getting this and putting together my first coord. I've always wanted to put together a cute classic outfit. This isn't what I had in mind, but goddamn.

>> No.6715497

I'm pretty sure this is still around taobao, not second hand... They started offering custom sizes in it relatively recently, when it came out I couldn't find one in my size. I regret not grabbing it from quiteland when I could- does anyone have a taobao link?

>> No.6715501

No, it has not been in stock for quite a while.

>> No.6715503

Really? What would I type in to get it in search results Anon?

>> No.6715506

You have to use either r-series brand name or the dress release name. I bought the last one I saw secondhand, but it does pop up something

>> No.6716800


Any cut from this series in the black/purple, but I actually especially love the socks and the lacey cardigans.

>> No.6716815


I kinda of want this one as well, but I don't want to dip into my savings and my budget this month isn't enough for the jsk :(

>> No.6718201

I want the OP in burgundy, but my dream dress has come up on auction plus their minimum measurements are big enough that I'd be worried about my lack of bust just swimming in it.

>> No.6718207
File: 504 KB, 587x400, dream dresses milky ange.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My dream dresses from Milky Ange since forever! The weird sizing (I am on the border of M/L but XL is way too huge) and the high pricing compared to resale value if I end up getting the wrong size has been what's staying my hand.

>> No.6718216

I wait for fucking ages for this goddamn print and she decides to not do the fucking high waisted jsk fucking fuck shit jesus fuck.

>> No.6718227

I pre-ordered the skirt in the green colorway but now I'm starting to get buyer's remorse. Hoping that when it arrives in the distant future, I'll fall in love with it again.

>> No.6718230

I'm thinking about buying either the OP or the JSK in pink. I'll have to think about it for a few days so I don't get buyers remorse. The burgundy seems to really bring out the print but I look stupid in red...

>> No.6718312


Yeah, that's a goddamn shame cause that was the cutest design.

>> No.6718926

Agreed. I bought a skirt after momocon but was going to buy that jsk in a different color :c very disappointed.

>> No.6718952

I wait for fucking ages because and she decides not to do skirts in custom sizes. I usually get my stuff made for me (I'm fat) and I won't do replicas but this makes me kinda understand why so many fatties go straight to replicas. I'm so mad.

>> No.6718960

Why the buyers remorse?

>> No.6719011

Just that I've bought quite a few lolita things already this month, and I really shouldn't be buying more. Plus I'm a terrible lolita and have no idea how to coordinate skirts, but the JSK didn't appeal to me and the OP was a little bit expensive for me. Guess I'll just have to cut my spending next month to make up for it.

>> No.6719347

It was. And I had already coordinated the shit out of it in my mind and was planning to buy two. Hoping because my torso is so long, it won't be too much different, but shit.

I thought when she said 3 sizes, they'd be broader ranged. I'm going to have a fun time squeezing my fat ass into size 3. I don't get it, because she's looking at custom lengths, why not custom sizing. Even if only to 100cm. I wish we could hold hands and shout "MUTHA FUCKAAAAA" into the air, anon, I really do.