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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 633 KB, 1200x1600, IMG_9342.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6714610 No.6714610 [Reply] [Original]

What do people say to you when you are wearing lolita?
How do they generally respond?
post and share stories

>new mission
>snap photos of plebs snapping photos of lolitas to try to humiliate them
>save them up for these threads
>each photo will have a greentext story
>post in next Lolita in Public thread(s)

old thread is in autosage

>> No.6714612

I'm more interested in that melty map jacket the guy in front of her is wearing.

>> No.6714613

This. I wanna see the front but the back looks really cool.

>> No.6714615

I've had a generally nice experience with the exception of the time I got hot coffee thrown over me.

>> No.6714617

I'm honestly interested in that suitcase she has. where do you get stuff like that? all of my want

>> No.6714620

>the time I got hot coffee thrown at me
do tell. jfc that sounds terrible

>> No.6714624

Brands put out luggage sets sometimes, I think it's more common with the gyaru brands. It's possibly from one of them.

>> No.6714626


Holy shit, this happened to me too. It was a couple of years ago, but it really knocked my confidence.

>> No.6714630

What?! Oh my god! How did that come about?!

>> No.6714635

It's from Liz Lisa, every year they put out a lucky pack that comes with a suitcase

>> No.6714638


>> No.6714652

This anon is correct. If you want to see more examples check out the tokyofashion site and look up their lucky bag/Jan 1 posts, they usually go hang out and take loads of pictures that are quite fun to look at.

>> No.6714655

Is there any way to order those New Year Lucky packs online?

>> No.6714660

You have to use a shopping service, and the suitcase ones are at least $100 to ship

>> No.6714732

>tells us someone spilled coffee on them because they were wearing lolita
>wont tell us the juicy details
man, I thought this was cgl. what the hell is this.

>> No.6714762


I'm >>6714626, not the first anon, but for me it happened years ago. I was only like thirteen or fourteen at the time (And ita as fuck, so no nice clothes were harmed.). Some middle-aged man yelled something at me and threw his full cup of coffee at me. It was one of those takeaway cups, so it exploded on impact. I was fine, if a bit shaken, and I had some burns that weren't too serious. It scared me more than anything else.

>> No.6714768

Holy shit, there are warnings that say "CAUTION THIS HOT DRINK IS HOT" on coffee cups, are we really going to need to add "DON'T THROW IT AT STRANGERS, YOU FUCKING LUNATIC"?

>> No.6714769

How do people do things like this and get away with it in public? That is grounds for an assault charge. Did you just walk away/watch him walk away?

>> No.6714777

what the absolute hell.
that's really fucked up, I'm sorry.

>> No.6714807

nah man I would have gone all crazy Hulk on him

>> No.6714825


>> No.6714841

Stories like this make me terrified it will happen to me and my precious burando will be stained forever

>> No.6714850

Apparently, because people just can't get over the fact that you're wearing a frilly dress.
Nobody seems to understand that it's just clothes.


>> No.6714853
File: 123 KB, 640x480, Lolita on the street.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really like pictures of lolitas hanging around in public. Really puts it in perspective. Does anyone else have some more?

>> No.6714870
File: 92 KB, 640x480, Lolita_in_the_Crowd_by_9kitsune9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love pictures like that too, anon.
feel free to dump photos.

>> No.6714897
File: 224 KB, 500x750, Milky Planet at the Carnival.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't have much.

>> No.6714901
File: 86 KB, 480x640, Lolita with her bf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6714907
File: 160 KB, 500x332, Own Little World.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And that's it. I have another that's posted somewhere else on /cgl/. It's the one of a girl in a blue dress, blonde wig, pink accessories, at a grungy busstop.

>> No.6714923
File: 2.46 MB, 1586x887, omglolis.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I watch the Akihabara street webcam sometimes and I've seen lolis walking around there. It feels weird being able to recognize a place and knowing that they were once walking in it. It's a cool kind of weird, though. Here, have a webcam snapshot. You can barely see them, but it's there. I think I circled them.

>> No.6714987

"ARE YOU IN A PLAY?!?!?!?!!?!?!?!"

>> No.6714993

ugh, I know.
if there was a play about lolitas let me know but until then people need to shut the hell up.

>> No.6714997

I'm going to put on a play in which a lolita walks to center stage, says "YES." and then the curtain drops.

>> No.6715000

I'm in a play. It's called "my life"

>> No.6715001

I actually wish you would do this, Anon.

Like, that would make my dad.

>> No.6715009


>> No.6715013

Woops, haha.

Lol my sides are in orbit.

>> No.6715021

now I'm brainstorming what a lolita play would be like written by /cgl/
if it was a musical or something.
musical numbers including
"fuck you, I can wear what I want."
"that poor ita was devoured by the lace monster"
"weebs wont leave me alone"
"I want that dress but I'm broke"

>> No.6715023
File: 98 KB, 1024x768, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just caught a Loli while on a cam (sorry about the size)

>> No.6715042
File: 145 KB, 591x481, omg we're doing the same thing anonsan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

omg I saw another one!

>> No.6715043

She's wearing ap's French cafe!

>> No.6715046

Oh and that's sugary carnival! It's like ispy with lolita dresses.

>> No.6715050

I once saw a few lolitas in town when I was with my cosplay group. They seemed to be really happy and showed no concern for what people thought of them, they also all looked really good. I almost envy that.

There is just something so nice about it, these days all you see is skanky drunk bitches in mini skirt and bras trying to pass them off as outfits but these girls were fully covered and looked so charming. I know its odd to say this but thats the sort of thing I look at as the perfect marriage.

A well dressed girl, loving who she is but is fully clothed and not whorish. My girlfriend is into lolita but she tends to wear jumpers and jeans a lot because she has not got the courage to wear any of her dresses in her own town. If we ever go to a lolita meet ups she get dressed at the train station and these meets are usually mega far away. (At least a 2 hour train journey)

She has only just got into lolita but she is passable, a sweet lolita I think she has a few dresses from Bodyline, Angelic Pretty and AATP. If it helps she's a UK size 12, with tiny feet and an average complexion so I.d guess she's pretty good for lolita size standards. She did her research before even wearing the fashion but I still do not understand why she is so ashamed to wear it in our own town. Our town is usually full of goths and alternatives, so I can't see why her wearing lolita is that big a deal.

Any one else got a similar story or may know what she may be feeling? Cause personally I think she's being stupid. I know boyfriends tend to be like "My girl is pretty blah blah" but no my girl is actually pretty, she not (by magazine standards) Angelia Jolie, she's more of a Sarah Michealla Galla (or whatever her name is) so she's pretty good looking and I know lolita fashion is HUGE on how a girl looks.

>> No.6715052


Where are you from? My comm encountered a cosplay group at a meet a fortnight ago.

>> No.6715067
File: 153 KB, 970x652, RTR31J73.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6715076

I remember when I was about 15 (on my birthday) I was hanging out with some friends and some chavs were being twats, can't remember exactly what they were doing but they were making fun of us while they were inside KFC, possibly at my friend who was stood out for being very curvy and was wearing a black hoody, so she just stuck her tongue out and whatever. Later on they drove past and chucked some kfc baked beans at us and hit her.

>> No.6715078

Where is the camera located in japan?

>> No.6715086
File: 568 KB, 2236x2003, Casual Lolita.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because maybe she wouldn't be comfortable going out in full goth gear either. I would suggest to her to try going out in very casual lolita. Something that's less JAPANESE OTT WIGS ACCESSORIES BUNNIES CANDY WOAH MAN and more 'That's a real pretty dress, you going somewhere special?'

I think it's rather careless of you to call her stupid, considering she's likely to go here, and you've said several identifiable things (2 hour train ride, brands she wears, actress she looks like).
I hope you're polite and supportive of her. It's not a crime to be shy.

>> No.6715087

>Make fun of a girl you don't even know for what she's wearing
>She reacts (not even that much of a reaction, just a fucking raspberry)

Gotta love chav logic.

>> No.6715090

Woah, that girl went from looking like a tween to looking pristine.
Dayum girl~

>> No.6715092


>> No.6715096
File: 65 KB, 800x626, 26.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6715114

One time going back home with a different friend while we were hanging out outside walking around, cause I needed the toilet and my house was closer, we were wearing nothing that sticks out (friend had maybe a black vest top on cause it's the summer, maybe she had a coloured streak in her hair). There was a huge gang of about 6+ chavs on bikes, infront of these steps that lead up to a bridge, acts as a shortcut as a different way would have added an extra 10 mins. Why did we not turn around instead of walking by?? (Probably if we did and they spotted this they would have followed, a couple were in my year I think others I recognised but were older). However LUCKILY the only abuse we got from walking past them was them shouting 'greebo!' at us/my friend, even though the only reason we really stuck out was because we weren't dressed like chavs.

>> No.6715116

I dont get it either. This is straight on assault.
Hot coffee can cause BURNS, even scars. So fuck-- i would not let someone get away with this. I would record them, get a liscense plate--anything! There's no way in hell i would get assaulted and just freeze up.

>> No.6715120
File: 56 KB, 634x451, article-2139092-12E53AC7000005DC-932_634x451.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6715132

You guys, that isn't a progress chart. It's a bunch of different girls wearing casual lolita. Notice the different ethnicities.

>> No.6715204
File: 171 KB, 500x374, shake.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>mfw half these stories involve chavs

They are asking for a gangfight.

I say we give it to them.

>> No.6715217

I live down the block from a court house where they hold traffic court (yeah, I know what you're thinking, but the neighborhood is not as sketchy as it sounds). Anyway, there's a crowd of urban teens standing outside the courthouse as I walk down the opposite side of the street in sweet lolita. I'm politely ignoring them, but I hear one of them starting to shout, "excuse me, EXCUSE ME."

So I brace myself for the obvious verbal impact, but the next thing he shouts is, "YOU LOOK LOVELY."

Seriously. He said lovely. That really made my day.

>> No.6715229

>only white person is the lolita
>what type of city is she living in?

>> No.6715234


>> No.6715360
File: 2.28 MB, 1065x1600, ffgfgfgfggfgf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whenever I go wear lolita in public, the response varies.
Since there are a lot of older people here, the older women will come up a lot of the time and smile or say something like 'that reminds me just of this dress I had when I was a little girl!" but they're like, fucking old as shit.
This normally is if I'm in EGL or classic lolita.

In sweet loli though I get a lot of strange stares.
Girls will compliment and ask me where I get pieces of clothing, but dudes will laugh.

Overall people like to ask where the clothes come from or ask if I'm doing that 'japanese cosplay thing'.
It's always interesting to see people's responses.

pic related: shameless self-post of wearing lolita to a restaurant with pops.

>> No.6715829

my reactions also vary around here, but i'm lucky that most have been very positive! i live in a small, super surburban town, but i normally wear lolita out in our capital city.

the good:
>oh my! you look like a princess/fairy; you're beautiful, etc (most of the time my best compliments are from older ladies)
>went to Trader Joe's in lolita once, cute shop boy said, "I wish all girls dressed like you!"
>went out to tea with my local comm, random guy bought expensive champagne for the whole table
>man pulls over while i'm walking on the sidewalk, "you have the most beautiful hair i've ever seen!" didn't have the heart to tell him it was a wig.
>took the train in lolita and while waiting at the station, a lady came up to tell me i had lovely skin
>also waiting for a train, two security guys come up to me and i'm sorta worried, they look kinda scary, but are incredibly pleasant and genuinely interested in the fashion!
>went with a friend to grab coffee, get out of his car and the van next to us was getting ready to leave. a dad was belting his son into his seat and the little boy very very excitedly shouts, "DADDY! A PRINCESS!!" :')

the meh:
>passive agressive insults (i once went to Starbucks in lolita and while waiting for my drink, a guy told me his son was wondering where my sheep went, and when his son was near me, i told him i didn't have any sheep and the kid looked at me like wtf are you talking about, i stand back up and look at the father and said, "next time if you try to insult someone, perhaps you shouldn't hide behind your son" he didn't like that lol
>at the museum with a friend in a kodona, some lady in passing quietly says to me, "did you twoo lose your playground?" and i loudly say, "no, we didn't. any other questions?" and the security guy came over to me and asked if anything was wrong
>obnoxious girls laughing and talking about me as if i can't hear

>> No.6715857

Not a lolita, but I don't see what's so weird about lolita (well, I guess maybe OTT sweet bordering on decora and anything involving bonnets might be a little different). It looks a lot better than whatever sweatpants and Uggs look bitches are trying today. You guys look really cute!

>> No.6715917

I heard about this happening to a girl in my comm. It was on public transportation and she got yelled at about not bringing her fetish into public or dating pedos, or something.

>> No.6715919

It might just be a big group of Asians.

>> No.6715936

I live in a rural part of the UK and tend to wear toned down classic or country and haven't really had a bad response ever. Most people don't say anything, or I get compliments saying I look lovely, or saying I look like I've stepped out of a film or something similar.

It may just be the part of the UK that I live in but in the towns nearby no one really makes any rude comments. The local town is pretty trendy and alternative so I get less responses there as I tend to blend in with all the other alternative fashions. Though the other town is more run down and 'chavvy' but again people aren't rude, I've gone into shops and the staff go up to me and ask me "Why are you dressed like that?" more out of curiosity than rudeness.

Then again, I could just be incredibly oblivious to snickering and rude comments, but what I don't know isn't going to kill me.

>> No.6715939

link to akihabara webcam NAO

>> No.6715945


Look at her. She is cute...

I have never seen such short hair look so good on a lolita.

>> No.6715949

Oh anon-sama, the positive reactions you get make me so happy. (I wish I had the courage to finally start lolita instead of just staring at collages on the internet, but I'm too shy)(and too broke lol)

>> No.6715960

"Money, money, money!
Must be funny!
In a teenage world!
Money, money, money!
Always loli!
In my loli world!"

>> No.6715962

Hi Nia! OP from the previous thread here. I was thinking of making another thread, so thank you for making this! Also a big thanks to the Anons that encouraged me to wear loli. I'm going out in loli right now and will probably take a picture like in the thread!

>> No.6715966

Good on you, gurl

>> No.6715967

Otome is not casual lolita.

>> No.6715970

awh i'm glad! you could always start out in small steps -- put a coord together, buy a few pieces here and there, once you have all the parts you can wear the outfit at home to see how you feel in it. i hope you can wear lolita soon, anon! courage doesn't happen over night but i know you can do it!

>> No.6715971

This makes me so sad. I dress in fairy-kei rather than lolita but as an ageplayer I feel like my mere existence is contributing to normal people into j-fashion getting shit for a fetish they don't even have...

>> No.6715979

I wish I could at least go to restaurants and stuff with my family but my sister is a _major_ normalfag who thinks it's absolutely WRONG to wear "these crazy clothes". No, seriously. She says it is actually WRONG and socially unacceptable. Not even the usual "this is too embarrassing, I'm not going to be seen with you wearing that".

>> No.6715983

I will try this, thank you!

>> No.6715989

It's not you, anon, so don't feel bad about it. It's other people's fault they feel like they can judge someone's personal life based on outward appearances.

>> No.6715990

Fashion. Fashion changes. Look at the history of the typical sort of clothes people used to wear and you'll see how different they are over time. There were still fringe cases of people wearing unusual or old stuff, but the general case was more common, more "acceptable".

The fashion of today is not lolita, so of course by the standards of todays fashion, you look weird and unusual. Is it wrong for people to react to someone wearing weird clothes? Isn't it normal to be amused or a little bit freaked out by something so unusual?

Just because you are such a cool person that you are fine with someone's outfit not matching today's "fashion" doesn't mean other people have to as well.

>> No.6715993


OT, I want the print of that chair on a dress. I would totally buy it.

>> No.6715998

>bringing her fetish into public

But it's just clothes. I can wear leather shit and BDSM accessories and bring my fetish into public as much as I want because I have the fucking right to do so and as long as I'm not having sex in public or naked, nobody has the fucking right to throw things at me.

Fuck, I really fucking hate people. Seriously.

>> No.6716000

>Just because you are such a cool person that you are fine with someone's outfit not matching today's "fashion" doesn't mean other people have to as well.

I guess that gives them the right to point and laugh, humiliate, cat call, scream, throw coffee and other stuff at me, right? Because they totally have the right to react to something different, and harass me.

You're the kind who says rape is caused by women wearing revealing or sexy outfits as well, am I right?

>> No.6716002

Oh, by the way
>as long as I'm not having sex in public or naked, nobody has the fucking right to throw things at me.
I mean, they obviously NEVER have the right to throw shit at people, even in those cases, but by wearing clothes, even if they are "fetish", they have no business criticizing me like that.

Argh, I can't make myself clear

>> No.6716020

Yes obviously. They OBVIOUSLY have a right to harass you, and you have a right to harass them back.

And no, rape is caused by your father. The sooner you come to terms with that, the better. I hope the healing process is quick.

[spoiler]They are allowed to be freaked out, but harassing someone is a separate issue. You can't thought-police, you can only regular-police when those thoughts turn to particularly intrusive actions.[/nospoilerson/cgl/]

>> No.6716027

Thank you!

I'm currently looking trough the many pictures my niece took and I'm laughing so much.

>> No.6716030
File: 44 KB, 640x480, fnjrjksdngkjsdg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My sister is really mean about the fashion and my mom can be slightly unforgiving. She'll talk about it in front of my friends like 'don't go wearing that 'lolita stuff'" and it makes me feel all sorts of bad. Also says things like 'I'm not going out in public with you while you're wearing *that*".
Pops on the other hand was really chill about it, supported my fashion sense all throughout jr high and high school and sometimes will surprise me with a dress for christmas now that I'm older.
pic related

yeah, I'd totally wear it too.
I feel like this is one of the few places it's actually 'acceptable ' to wear lolita in public for that exact reason; the decor ahah

>> No.6716042

sure they have the right to do whatever they want but they have to accept the consequences of their actions. many people lack self control and empathy. sure you may strongly disagree with others at times but reacting with violence is not the answer. both physically and/or verbally. hurting someone over how they dress is ridiculous. if it is that annoying, look away, dont throw a hot drink at the person or yell insults, that would only make you a huge asshole. if its a negative reaction you have towards someone and its for no good reason, keep it to yourself.

>> No.6716080
File: 103 KB, 640x480, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>6715962 here! I went grocery shopping in loli with my dad, little sister and niece. Pic related!

Now I kind of want to know what everyone's family thinks of lolita!

I'm sorry your sis and mom feel that way Anon. My mom used to love it when she was still alive, I even got her to wear an outfit once, haha.

My older sister likes it and is very protective. Whenever someone stares/makes a comment/etc she gets all aggressive and I have to calm her.

My dad and little sister like it too. The rest of the family? It's mixed. Some think it's ridiculous and others are barely okay with it. I have a lot of family members that think it's nice though!

>> No.6716097

awh you guys are so cute, and it's so great your immediate family supports it. for my father, it depends on his mood, but a lot of the time he gets embarrassed and irritated, my mom likes it and has told me she wishes she could wear a few of my dresses (i was going to get her a custom Infanta dress for Christmas but she told me not to get it). the rest of my family thinks "it's that costume stuff right?"

>> No.6716133

No one here is complaining about people staring, they're complaining about catcalls, insults and other rude behavior.

>> No.6716186

My go-to coords are always sweet lolita with rocking horse shoes. Reactions are always the same.

“You look like a princess! Can I be your knight in shining armor?”
“holy shit wtf”
“Those shoes are amazing.”
“I love your dress!”
“*rude snickering and laughing*”
“Are you supposed to be little bo peep?”
“You’re the most kawaii person I’ve ever seen.”
“You wear that OFTEN?!”
“You’re brave, girl.”
“Where can I buy that outfit?”
“Those look like clogs.”
“Hey princess!”
“What’s the occasion?”
“Is that for prom”
“Will you be my babydoll?”
“They wear that in japan…?”
“You. Are. Too. Cute.”
‘She seriously don’t give a fuck. You go girl.”
“Can I take your picture?”
“Can I take your picture?”
“Can I take your picture?”

>> No.6716195

your dad looks like an old liam neilson

>> No.6716194

Yeah, those are my usual reactions, too.

I remember when someone called me Little Bo Peep for the first time, I looked at them with the most confused expression on my face, I had ZERO idea of what they were talking about. I had to look it up.
I didn't grow up with that particular nursing rhyme.

>> No.6716265

Just wanted to ask, what's the big difference with otome and casual lolita? Less frills and poof?

>> No.6716276

Adding to this!

"Those look like clogs"
"Are they hard to walk in?"
"They look like those walking shoes old ladies buy"
"How do you walk in those?"

>> No.6716278

Otome doesn't have any real rules like lolita have. you can do otome without a petticoat, blouse and socks/tights. But if you take those elements from lolita, it's not lolita anymore.

>> No.6716280

>"They look like those walking shoes old ladies buy"

I have never heard this and I aven't the lightest idea of wht they're talking about, can you show me these 'walking shoes'?
I can't imagine old ladies buying anything that resembles RHS for walking.

>> No.6716285
File: 25 KB, 297x219, ortho.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Old orthopedic shoes

>> No.6716292

Ah, I see it now.
First time I've ever seen a pair of those.

>> No.6716298


Cute-ass face. I just wanna kiss your little cheeks.

>> No.6716362

My sisters and I all dress alike. One wears lolita with me, while the other 2 wear casual outfits with lolita accessories. Our parents really love it and always make a point to compliment, especially our dad.

>> No.6716401
File: 1.08 MB, 1280x1024, kro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6716432

I seriously don't get how RHS look like clogs? Could someone please explain?

Oh uh wow. Thanks Anon, that kept me speechless for a while, haha.

That sounds so sweet!

>> No.6716435

Maybe like this:
>oh shoes with a wooden sole?
>clogs are made of wood! Those shoes have to be some sort of clog!

All that normfags are doing is trying to relate what they're seeing with something they already know of it seems.

>> No.6716460

Oh hey yeah! If you put it like that it seems pretty logical!

>> No.6716490

>Small con near my university few weeks ago
>Dressed in sweet with 3 friends. (One is wearing Happy Garden).
>At the elevator of the hotel, some old lady literally screamed "It's not Easter yet! No matter how much you want it to be!" before getting in.
>We decide to wait for the next one. some other ladies who were nearby came and said they thought we were adorable and asked what the con was about and where we got our outfits.

>> No.6716502

>some old lady
>old lady

Seriously? Must have been a really bitter cunt, her life must have sucked.

>> No.6716523

this happened awhile ago but it still sticks out in my mind
>medium group of lolitas walking down town
>somebody shouts at us "WHAT DO YOU THINK THIS IS- 1990?"
>turn around
>shouter is a young girl with mother behind her beaming proudly
we were all so confused- the girl was maybe 12 at the oldest so I guess the 90s must seem ancient...
I was more concerned that the mother was right there perfectly okay with her child yelling insults across the street at us.

>> No.6716539

She looked to be around 60.
She was with a group of people who looked around 50-60, all well dressed.(Guys in dress shirts, the ladies in nice sweaters), so I was really surprised.

>> No.6716559 [DELETED] 
File: 1.57 MB, 3264x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As promised.
Sorry that it's a bit blurry, my niece took it!

>> No.6716586
File: 72 KB, 500x283, unacceptable.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Me too, my sister is a major ugg boots, leggings as pants "yolo" kind of girl. And she has told me, "You should dress so boys like you..." and constantly tells me that what I wear is not morally acceptable, nor socially and it's like... She's wearing those bra-top-things with booty shorts (those are her 'nice' clothes) and she's telling me that what I wear is 'morally unacceptable."

>> No.6716605

i really think that the line between them is so thin that the only real difference is petti poof.

>> No.6716610

you really didn't notice they were different people...? thats hilarious.

>> No.6716738

Besides this, wearing leather and bondage gear doesn't necessarily mean that one has a BSDM fetish. It's been pretty popular in pastel goth, so it's possible that someone wearing a harness and spiked garters is just doing it as a fashion statement and it has nothing to do with how they like their sex.

>> No.6716740

Yes, we did live in the 1990s.

>> No.6716743

The funniest thing I've had happen while in lolita was that a bunch of ghetto black girls with hello kitty LV knockoff purses came up to me and asked me where I got such cuteass clothing.

>> No.6716819

> greebo

Man, that takes me back.

>> No.6716830

Most people I know who are actually into BDSM wear khakis and shit in their everyday life...

>> No.6716850

Whereabouts do you live?

I've never had a bad reaction. I live near Brighton, UK, so I can go out in lolita and not be the most unusually dressed person in town, especially in the evening. Cyber goths, aristocrats, drag queens, scene kidds, emo kids, you name them and they'll be out drinking.

Old ladies always say that I remind them of when they were young. A couple of people recognise that it's lolita. A girl who used to be in my class at college loved it and talked to me for about half an hour about 'princess dresses'. My favourite experience, though, by far was when I got photographed by some style journalists at Graduate Fashion Week. That was a good day.

I will say that people staring doesn't always mean they think you look stupid. My mother goes to a different college than I, and at the beginning of the year there was a Japanese lolita exchange student there, and my mother said she could never help staring at her outfits because they were really cool, and she always came home and told me about them. I don't know what the poor girl thought of it, though.

>> No.6716854

I think the cutest reaction I've ever gotten was at my comm's last meetup at some restaurant serving sunday brunch. I had gone to the bathroom and when I opened the door to re-enter the restaurant, there was this little girl with her mom standing outside waiting. She had on one of those tutus that are all the rage for kids right now. When she saw me, her eyes got so big! I thought I had frightened her, but when I looked at her mom to apologize, she was smiling. The rest of the meal, the girl was on and off staring at me, and when we went to take a group picture by the sitting area of the restaurant, her mom walked her over and they watched us take pictures. :) It was so cute~

>> No.6716866

That sounds absolutely precious!

>> No.6716885
File: 134 KB, 469x700, 1302781428887.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm gonna keep stalking this thread because I just LOVE casual photos of lolitas. More mundane the better. It's such a wonderful contrast between the gray surrondings filled with nondescript mass of people and this colorful pretty girls <3

Too bad there's only a few lolis in my city... Not counting occasional weeaboo wannabies, but who pays attention to those.

>> No.6716894

well now, I have a new reaction image. thank you anon. thank you. A+ would laugh again

>> No.6716920
File: 79 KB, 481x720, tumblr_mk4om57ymA1rgy00ho1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a lot of times, I wonder, what has happened to these photos people take of me.

has anyone ever saw someone(that knew nothing about lolita) post a snapshot of a lolita on their facebook feed?

>> No.6716960

My friend was showing me pictures from her fb of this fashion show she went to and she had taken a candid of Florrie (from that intrinsicallyflorrie blog) with a caption something like "look it's a dolly"
It was really weird because I was like wtf I know her this is semi creepy
I guess it's interesting to see how Lolita is perceived from the outside though

>> No.6717036

Once I was walking on what you could call casual lolita by the street and my sister called me to pick some stuff from her flat. I remember she was with her friend so when I arrived she told her friend to look at my clothes. She opened her mouth wide and said ''Ohmygosh you look adorable! I love your style!''. I was so surprised and flattered. Also, she shut my sister's mouth. Ah, such a selfsteem boost.

>> No.6717195

It was! I really wish I had asked if she wanted to take pictures with me/ the comm. I think she thought we were princesses! Also, props to the mom for not judging us.

>> No.6717206

my mom's lived in japan for 30+ years, but her reaction to lolita was that it's "some crazy fashion that kids from the sticks brought to the big city" - gyaru is "whorish" too :C

>> No.6717305

That sounds so fun!

My family is to the point where they don't even notice if what I'm wearing is out of the norm. My mom has said that if we're out together and I'm in lolita, she gets really confused why people are staring because she forgets it's not "normal".
She really loves seeing when I get new stuff in the mail - my favorite was when she said to me, "I always love how nice the lace is on your lolita stuff!" Made me laugh, because she has no clue about bad lace v. good lace.
But I'm the artistic one in a family of athletes (both parents and 3 siblings), so I guess they figure it comes with the territory.

As far as public reactions, I've never gotten anything overwhelmingly negative. I think the worst/funniest was when a friend and I got asked if we were pledging for a sorority. No, we actually chose to wear these dresses, thanks.

>> No.6717312

My little sister aspires to wear lolita with me sometimes. she has yet to grow into her dresses even though they are children sized. I think I favorited an ebay store that sells angelic pretty replicas in children sizes for future reference though

>> No.6717334

>AP replicas
>kid sizes
Dude, PLEASE try to find it!

>> No.6717356

found it! http://stores.ebay.com/Princess-Hearty-Boutique-2?_trksid=p2047675.l2563

>> No.6717435


sweet jesus

>> No.6717450

only for the roriest of babies

>> No.6717582

Oh my god. Thank you so much! I dot know how I missed this shop. You have made my daughters so happy.

>> No.6717589
File: 21 KB, 332x173, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6717592

WTF iPhone? Y u no upload a gif?

>> No.6717619
File: 79 KB, 430x640, himekids2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You have kids? they'll so cute! you can also find clothes while lurking on taobao as well.

this reminds me of Hina's kid

>> No.6717702

Oh man, I wanted to make a thread for this a while ago, but I thought I was the only one. I have an entire folder of loli kids clothing for when I have kids.

>> No.6717729

Yep. 4 crazy kids. Lol Actually, I think there's a pic of my son floating around here dressed up as America from Hetalia...

I feel the need to justify this: I'm not FORCING them to wear lolita/gothic clothes. They tell me "Oh mommy, you're so pretty today! I love your dress!" (Little kiss asses already). When I show them things similar to mine, they freak out and beg me to buy whatever it was. Then when it gets here, THEY NEVER FUCKING WEAR IT! Gah! So I'm praying that if I find more of a variety of things, hopefully they'll wear it. If not, little bastards can wait till they can pay for their own burando lol

>> No.6717777

>there's a pic of my son floating around here dressed up as America from Hetalia...
Oh my god, is the boy looking like under 5 or something and smiling? I swear I have a picture of that in my /cgl/kids folder, it's the only America I have, haha.

>> No.6717790

God, I WISH /cgl/ had spoiler text. All the other boards have spoiled me for it and I use it way too much for dramatic effect.

I totally would have spoiled the word spoiled in that last sentence if I could.

>> No.6717792

Red hair? Shitty bed in the BG? Lol that would be my offspring. IDK of any other mini!Americas out there.

>> No.6717797

Your dad seems like a cool guy

>> No.6718158

>go to Japan to go lolita clothing shopping, wearing lolita erryday
>notice people have a tendency to text when I walk by
>realize they're surruptiously filming me
>have no idea how to respond

I'm just not confrontational enough to get into people's faces about it, and I don't mind a photo, but you should really ask.

>> No.6718234

Nia thanks! My 3 year old sister loves my dresses too, so I'll check out the shop with her!

>> No.6718480

>>6716080 here

Went out in loli again, had quite the experience. I went shopping with my older sister in a busy mall.

My sis was trying on some pants and while I waited for her, this little boy was looking at me. I guess he was 4 years old, he ran up to me and when I smiled at him he ran back giggling shyly. It was so cute.

In another store, we were waiting at the cash register, a lady and her daughter (maybe 3 years old?) were standing behind us. The little girl said: "Mommy, mommy look! She's so pretty!" Her mom said something along the lines of: "Yes, look at those pretty bows!" And the girl kept saying hi to me, it was so. flipping. cute. She giggled whenever I waved and said hi back.

While I was walking with my sis, an older man came up to me, as in really old.

Oh hello!
>Aren't you a sweetie!
T-thank you
>You're shy aren't you? How cute

Then my sis pulled me aside and told me he's the neighbourhood pedo.. Okay that's a bit awkward. But it was just a conversation. Of course my sister had to get aggressive, I luckily calmed her though!

Oh and the usual stares. I really enjoyed the strawberries covered with chocolate my sister got me.

>> No.6718499

Are you sure they aren't being typical Japanese people glued to their phones?

>> No.6718513

I was shopping in the city once a couple years ago, and a little girl maybe about 4 or so pointed at me and said to her mum "Mommy is that girl a princess?"
I don't know why that's stuck out to me all these years.
Now I hardly ever dress up like that because it just doesn't seem practical for everyday wear, but when I do, I've mostly gotten good reactions. Especially if I tell people I made my dress. Then they just fawn over me.
Only really bad reactions I've had are from people I know, like one of my exes hated that I dressed up in frills, and wanted me to dress more hippie-ish.

>> No.6718540


>> No.6718555

I get a lot of "strawberry shortcake" or "little bo peep". Never got any responses relating to ageplay (I'm not too fond of AP's newer prints).
One time I got called "Wreck-It Ralph's girlfriend" by a little boy's parents (since when was Vanellope his girlfriend...?)

I'm not as shy to wear lolita in public nowadays, but I do get defensive if someone takes a picture without asking or tries to do any foolishness.

>> No.6718577

Yay, loli in public threads!

The adorable: At a picnic with my comm, a little girl came up (maybe about 2 1/2 years old) and sat down with us, ate cookies, and told one of the girls she looked like Princess Celestia. Her parents were encouraging her and everyone was taking pictures. It was great!

The weird: A middle-aged man came up to a group of us when we were waiting to get on the carousel and went "I don't know if you guys noticed... but you're dressed a little differently!" like a bad stand-up comedian. We all just kind of nodded and went "...yep. We know."

Another time, a girl toured my college campus wearing sweet and RHS. I practically tackled her because it would be awesome to have more than one of us on our tiny campus.

I haven't had any "bad" experiences.. yet. I'm sure it will happen.

>> No.6718613

>Am I the only

>> No.6718642

I'm not seeing anything that looks like AP at all.
Am I blind? All I'm finding are typical fairy kei looking kid's clothes....

>> No.6718644

Thanks so much!
My niece/god daughter will be born in 4 weeks and I've been searching for sites like these.

As thanks I found this store and the quality of the clothes are envy worthy. More retro vintage than Lolita but there's some good finds in here.

>> No.6718702

I've heard a lot of reactions, mostly good. People coming up to ask with genuine nature what the fashion was about and so on. Most recently, a friend from the local comm and I went to pick up my boyfriend from the dorms at the college he goes to. We had to sign in as visitors, and the international student behind the desk said that we looked like dolls. That was a happy moment! Another time in the fall, at a corn maze, the girl running loved how we were dressed so much, she asked if we could stay until closing and come back out the following days! That same time, this kid kept trying to yell insults at us, the best one in my opinion was when he yelled, "ARE YOU TRYING TO MAKE A POLITICAL STATEMENT OR SOMETHING?"

Lol. But, in all reality, the most precious to me is when my mom was in the hospital, the nurses loved it when I came up in lolita (once after church and once after a meetup at the park down the street). They were kind and loving, it helped my mother and I both in a difficult time.

>> No.6718707

Thanks anon! You are one of the good ones

>> No.6718708

I wonder if you're in the group I know or not, because we had the same thing as your weird story happen, 'cept as he walked away one of the girls went "dunno if you noticed, but you're a giant dildo." Pretty hilarious

>> No.6718710

>tfw gothloli and you never get called a princess

>> No.6718736

once I was getting food with a friend while we were both in lolita and we overheard two little girls behind us arguing over which of our outfits they liked better. It was fucking adorable

>> No.6718816

>“You look like a princess! Can I be your knight in shining armor?”
Anyone who says that can marry me.

>> No.6718899

Haha, this. I only ever hear it in a group setting because the rest of my comm is sweet.

>> No.6719437

I had a little girl ask me on the bus if I was going to a ball. Of course I said yes.

>> No.6720915

I don't even like Lolita, but hearing these stories of all the mistreatment just makes me mad.
It's just such a petty fucking thing to be offended by, I don't even understand it.

>> No.6720917

That so cute, my sister said something yesterday: "To most, you lolita's look super weird. But I imagine it must be amazing for a kid to see you, as you look like magical princesses"
I honestly don't get it either.

>> No.6720940

The world is unfortunately full of people who feel that
is a perfectly valid reason to have a public shitfit.

I've also had the glorious experience of a sweet little girl with eyes the size of dinner plates ask me if I'm a mermaid because my hair is an unnatural colour (usually purple).

Yes, little girl. I am a mermaid. When you grow up you can be a mermaid too.

>> No.6721140

my bf went the cocky route when we first met. I was in line in front of him at Starbucks wearing an aqua princess coord. I was looking for my card to pay for my tea and he gave the cashier his and said guess I'm the knight who saved you, princess. I gave him my number right there, no joke.

>> No.6721145

I'm a MA so during the weekdays I'm stuck wearing a labcoat and conservative, bland clothes. Weekends are my time to Loli it up so every time I go to the mall or mitsuwa with my bf I dress up. He loves it, says I look like a doll. Mostly people stare, but I always get compliments from old ladies and girls :3

>> No.6721163

oh god, hnnnnning errywhere.

>> No.6721272

Note to self, being a prince gets dem frills wet.

>> No.6721302

Your boyfriend sounds really awesome.

>> No.6721324

I can't tell if they're being judgy or SCOPIN OUT that ass

>> No.6721353

Ditto! As a teen I used to head down to the Kinokuniya at Rockefeller center just to brows the GLB and now /cgl/ sort of does that for me too. You guys look great and it's shitty you catch so much garbage!

>> No.6721440

That's precious!

>> No.6721810

he is, this weekend he helped me with the daydream carnival release. When he saw how exhausted I was on day 2 he told me to take a nap and that he'd set up something to alert us. I got my dress AND the best bf in the world :3

>> No.6721825

lucky you. my boyfriend thinks the dress is "meh"
and doesn't understand why everyone is creaming themselves over it.

>> No.6721830

To be fair, I don't even understand why everyone is creaming themselves over it and I'm a lolita. It's just a matter of taste, I guess.

>> No.6721906

What happens in the process of growing up that turns people into assholes?

>> No.6721909

We find out Santa isn't real.

>> No.6721919
File: 98 KB, 425x640, Rabbit and Playing Cards JSK Red 2007.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wore this dress out for the first time today, and damn, this thing is a kid magnet. Children looking at me with their mouths hanging open and all that, and one adorable little girl with a coat in the same pattern as my dress came up to me with her mother and oh gosh she was so cute and shy. I found it pretty funny since I usually don't get much of a reaction from children in lolita.

>> No.6721933

That's strange, it doesn't even look special imo. Just a tartan dress. How did you coord it?

>> No.6721943

This actually works? I'd feel so odd if I were to try and pull this off, but maybe I will one of these days.

Then again, I'm only 18, and I'm assuming most lolitas are in their mid-20s.

>> No.6721944

Yeah, I know, I found it really odd. It has got a rabbit applique that's hidden in the pleats in that picture, I guess that's pretty cute, but still. Definitely not the fanciest dress I own. I just co-orded it with cream tights, black heels, a black headbow, cream blouse and a black bobbly cardigan, nothing too special. It was pretty amusing, in any case.

>> No.6721948

I guess it sounds like you looked acceptably pretty enough for them to want to be you.
None of those 'actually she looks a little weird for an adult' triggers?

I had lots of dresses like that when I was a little girl, so if I was ten I'd have been looking at you like 'Oh she has my dress but she's prettyy!.

>> No.6721951

>kid magnet
thats weird because it doesn't seem that special?

I wore lolita to teach VBS one year (the theme was candy) and I felt a little kid tug on my skirt and tell me that I looked really cute. it was downright adorable.

>> No.6721963

There's actually a good deal of teenaged lolitas. The girls I know started when they were 15-17.

>> No.6721973

Yeah, I suppose that makes sense! I was actually feeling weirdly casual when I walked out the door, so I was pretty surprised. What I'm thinking as well is that it's probably one of the sweeter co-ords I've ever worn (even though it's not sweet at all, haha), since I'm usually either straight classic or on the more gothic side of classic, so maybe that dress is just a little bit more kid-friendly. Or something.

>> No.6722367

Got another story. last year, I was visiting relatives in CT and planning to go to a meetup during the month I was there. My Grandmother saw my clothes and asked what everything was about. I told her "well, there is this fashion community where everyone wears this type of thing, and I'm going to go hang out with these girls who also wear this. there are entire communities all over the world for this online"
she looks at me, and asks,
"are you in a cult? I'm really concerned."
she looked super concerned too.
yes grandma. lolita is just part of a huge japanophilia cult where we all get together and worship our glorious manasama.

>> No.6722381

Well, it is

>> No.6722560

Actually, if there were a cult that revolved around lolita shit I'd consider it. If the cult could hook me up with free brand I'd give them my soul in a fucking heartbeat.

>> No.6722586

forgot to mention, the story ends with me never being able to go to a lolita meetup in CT ever because "they'll kidnap me"
I'm too old for this bullshit

>> No.6722597

You're a strong independant woman who don't need no granny. Just tell her that you're going to go, what's she going to do?

>> No.6722598

Your relatives sound like shit.

>> No.6722617

When your entire family agrees its a bad idea, and you are a good half hour away from the meetup and no one can carpool with you, you can't really do much.

In the end, I just ended up wearing lolita that day anyway while my aunt scoffed at me and kept saying things like "you can wear this now because you don't have a job, but once you get a job you won't be able to wear any of.. well.. that. no one really wants an employee into "alternative fashion' or whatever you call it in their workplace."

I'm not looking forward to visit there for an entire month this summer.

>> No.6722915

Anyway you can get out of visiting?
If not, Hell, I'll come up to YOU and take you! lol

>> No.6723004

did not seeing that coming.

>> No.6723013


10/10 cute, would be loli friends with.

>> No.6723475

I had something similar happen to me before, I saw this girl, teen mom, fluorescent pink tracksuit, looking at me, and I was just waiting for her to make some snarky comment, and then she comes out with "Wow, I really like your dress, you look so cute, like one of those old dolls or something". Felt like dickhead of the year after that for judging her so quickly.

>> No.6724042

>come up to me and take me

please do.
Visiting hasn't been the same since my family has turned into religious nuts. they at least let me go to connecticon so I guess I have that.

I really do love the CT community so much

>> No.6724048

>snap photos of plebs snapping photos of lolitas to try to humiliate them
>MFW no one gives a shit about retards in dumbass costumes taking pictures of them because they arent dressed like assclowns.

>> No.6724054

Have to say I agree...

>> No.6724069


enjoy your photo on CGL if you are an asshole enough to snap a picture of us without asking

>> No.6724082

Last week I wore lolita to college, had a whole drama about my clothes and wore jeans and shirts to hide for a while.

Today, I had to do a math test at college and when I gave my papers to the teachers, one of them said this:

"Hey! You wore those cute clothes last week right? You're the lolita girl! How come you're not wearing any lolita clothes today? You look so cute in them, it really fits you."

That totally made my day~

I think it's supposed to embarrass them for the fact that they're "secretly" taking photo's not the clothes they wear.

>> No.6724102

>had whole drama about my clothes

>> No.6724108

no people who dress and act "normal" get the most uncomfortable when someone starts taking photos of them. They act like you're breaking some code since they're the ones following all the rules.

>> No.6724130

EXPLAIN, type of coord, reactions?

>> No.6724174

Are you the one who posted the original thread?

>> No.6724268

Would love to meet up with you for Conneticon.

i can see this happening though
>Come to door
"Who are you?"
>"Hi! I'm here for Nia."
>mace in face

>> No.6724281

I fucking laughed heartily.

one day I will find a way to go to a meetup though. even if involves me getting up and just leaving

>> No.6724282

Not completely related, but do any of you have social anxiety, too? When I have to go out in public areas with lots of strangers I get extremely nervous, and often feel as if everyone is looking at me. There's no particular reason they should all be looking at me so I start to make up reasons, like that they think I'm ugly or my hair looks weird or there's a tear in my trousers or my makeup's a mess. None of these are true (I think?) but my brain drives me crazy with them anyway.
Wearing lolita, in a toned-down way, really helps me deal with that. Because when I'm dressed out of the ordinary, it makes perfect sense that people stare. I feel much less insecure and even feel proud of the way I look for a change, especially if it's a handmade dress. I'd never go out in something too attention-grabbing or in certain neighbourhoods, though, because anything beyond stares is definitely unwanted.

Lolita gives me a certain amount of control over the way people perceive me, and I like that. In person people tend to be very positive, and even though I'm really terrible at taking compliments it's nice when people notice something about a thing I did, like the handmade dress.
Somehow being weird makes me feel less awkward. It's hard to explain.

>> No.6724290

I actually feel that too! It gives me a nice sense of security.

>> No.6724292

I wouldn't say I have social anxiety (that I know of), but I'm always super self conscious.
> be sitting in canteen
> strangers sitting 10+ metres away start laughing
> rational brain: they're just having a funny conversation. They haven't seen me, acknowledged me, or even looked in my direction
> nervous brain: oh god they're laughing at me i'm so ugly and look like an idiot i want to cry

This never happens to me in lolita, though. Then again, no-one where I live thinks lolita (at least the style I wear) is weird, or at least not openly.

>> No.6724293

Oh.... wow. You just explained to me my life, and I didn't even know it. Thank you.

>> No.6724319

I have social anxiety as well

For a while I wouldn't attend meetups because that, to me, was scarier than walking around in lolita on my own, I just went to my first one the other day

>> No.6724339

Long story short:
Two girls in my made fun of me, talked behind my back and took "secret" pictures. Two other girls noticed, told me, got pissed at the other two. Both sides got in a slight catfight. After that happened a classmate came up to me and started to tell me (you could tell she was acting/sarcastic) that she just loved what I was wearing. Then she politely asked for a picture, I gave her the benefit of the doubt. She went over to the first two girls to show them the picture and started pointing/gossiping.

The first two girls that were making fun of me are in my team for an assignment that takes a month and haven't talked to me the whole week.
Well the above, I was wearing sweet. I had a few people in the hallway talking about me in a very uhh.. subtle way. "GUYS SHE'S LOOKING SHHH STOP FOR NOW"

The usual stares, but other then that quite some positive ones too. Someone called me a fairytale princess and quite a few called me cute/were curious about the fashion. These posts are also mine >>6716080 >>6718480

I also remembered something today, I was at the grocery store and asked a man if he knew where I could find the tissues. But when I approached him he quickly walked away and ignored me. It was almost as if he was scared of me. That got me pretty sad. But still, I love the fashion so I'll probably wear it again tomorrow.
Yes, I am!

>> No.6724347

>Two girls in my class

>> No.6724350

Oh yay I'm not alone! I actually think alternative fashions attract a lot of people like this, but it's not something anyone really talks about.

Was it fun? I've attended a few casual meetups but always ended up leaving early because of anxiety. Now I'm worried that the local girls think I'm a weirdo so I'm too scared to try again.
I think once you've made a connection with your comm, meetups would be really nice. But making that connection in the first place can be so hard.

>> No.6724351

Howd it go?

>> No.6724373

Those girls are bitchfaces and if this incident negatively affects the assignment, it's their fucking fault. Is there a teacher you could talk to about this? Not like to report them as meanies who teased you but because it's a good thing to straighten this shit out before it gets out of hand. if those girls are purposefully leaving you out because of awkwardness then that needs to be nipped in the bud.

How old are you and your classmates (sorry if this was asked in the previous thread)? Because this is typical middle school behaviour and anyone in college should really know better than this.

>> No.6724415

I'm going to be an elementary school teacher and as part of my coursework I've been volunteering as a student teacher. I've only been doing it for a few weeks but I've already had students stop me to say hi if they run into me with their parents in places around town like the mall and grocery store. None of them have caught me out in lolita/pop kei yet but I'm very worried it could be jeopardizing to my career once I start actually working if that were to happen and the parents became upset. Do I need to give up j-fashion entirely or at least stick to otome and very toned down classic lolita only?

>> No.6724430

Depends on your area, and what you're teaching. My drama teacher was a goth who made Victorian dresses all the time, and that was cool. If she'd been a maths teacher or something, it may not have gone down so well.

The students probably won't care, but the school board/parents might. You ought to think about whether the kids seeing you in lolita might undermine your authority in the classroom, though.

You should probably keep it toned down until you've got a good record. That way, you can show that you can teach and keep your interests out of the classroom.

>> No.6724503


Yea it was actually really nice! There were only about 4 of us and we were all in the same boat, none of us really knew each other, so that was nice. I definitely know what you mean, there is no way I could just show up to a big meetup on my own without knowing anyone

I get really bad about pictures, though, I really dislike having my picture taken in group shots and things like that, I'm worried they thought I was being bitchy because I declined outfit shots... (I took at least one and that was the best I could get myself to do)

>> No.6726380

Bump for the anon who is worried about wearing lolita in public

>> No.6726392

I'll give them the benefit of the doubt, if they don't talk to me next week I'll tell our teacher. I'm lucky that they give us individual grades though. I have another girl in my group that does talk/work with me. One of those other girls is the type that doesn't work at all

I'm not certain if I should call it college, but that comes closest. The ages in my class range from 16 to 24 if I'm not mistaken.

>> No.6726492

This was in COLLEGE? Jesus Christ this makes me lose hope in humanity

>> No.6726505

I know that feel, man. Training to be a secondary maths teacher at the moment. Luckily the school I've landed a job at is pretty far from here so I'd be really unlucky to bump in to someone on a day where I was wearing lolita.

>> No.6726573


I was unaware Japanese people held their phones out at arm's-length, following the passage of strangers of who walk by.

They were clearly filming.

And it wasn't just Japanese people--some of the tourists were filming us too.

>> No.6726621

that's strange, you'd think japanese people would be against something invasive like that

>> No.6726664

> strawberry shortcake

That doesn't even make sense. Strawberry runs around in jeans, tacky stuff, and mormon escapee clothes.

>> No.6726887

well, you're a foreigner aka gaijin? The probably have different attitudes towards you since you're already dressed differently.

>> No.6726900
File: 61 KB, 339x346, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The original strawberry shortcake never wore jeans, that's where people get it from. She and her friends always had on cute puffy dresses

>> No.6726904

loving the japanese generalization going on in this thread

>> No.6727126

Look at that ita bitch

I hope she dies

>> No.6727130

>implying she isn't an amazing lolita who can even wear striped stockings and an over the top hat while still looking amazing

vendetta-chan, pls go

>> No.6727133

Way to take your tripcode off, Strawberry.

>> No.6727446

Bitch plz, she's rocking the old school, back before precious mana-sama made it popular.

>> No.6727454

>anyone saying strawberry looks good is strawberry

>> No.6727973

I mean, in response you could've looked down and gasped, "Oh my goodness, what am I wearing! How did this happen?!"

>> No.6728007


My fucking sides, oh /cgl/ never change

>> No.6728124

Question, when people say, 'my sides,' are you actually, physically laughing? Or is it the new lol?

>> No.6728155

One of my best experiences was when I was on a mini-meet (4 people). We had a picnik in a small park. There was a little girl, around 3 years old, with her mother in the park as well. She had been watching us for a while when she and her mother came up to us.
The mother; "You all are so sweet looking, my daughter wants to tell you something"
The girl: "you are very pretty"
The mother: "She said she wanted you to be her sisters."

She was so cute!

>> No.6728246
File: 325 KB, 1130x2047, photo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wore lolita to campus yesterday and when i went to wait for my bus, a girl excitedly came up to me, "ohhhhh. my.. god. it's a gothic lolita! you didn't hear me but i yelled KAWAII AS FUCK when i saw you earlier today" we went on the bus together and talked until her stop.

also, i couldn't help but feel a little like Daria yesterday.

>> No.6728499


>> No.6728504

You must be 18+ to use this website.

>> No.6728509

>you didn't hear me but i yelled KAWAII AS FUCK when i saw you earlier

Best compliment.

>> No.6728558

attention whores everywhere

>> No.6728566


When I got out in lolita or gothic clothing, I expect to get stares. I stand out.
However, that does NOT give anyone permission to harass, touch, and much less assault someone for what their wearing.

>> No.6728578

Next time I see someone wearing leather cowboy boots I'm going to tell them not to bring their fetish into public. Makes jsut as much sense

>> No.6728609

> tfw you're a classic loli and ain't nobody got shit to say to you.

I made a knitted horned dwarf hat and beard for The Hobbit premier though. Someone asked me if I was dressed up for the movie.

> What movie? I always dress like this.

>> No.6728653

> "Wreck-It Ralph's girlfriend"
Eww. That's like, a 35 year old dude with a 9 year old.

>> No.6728693

It's not AP but it's lolita


>> No.6728751

I'm 20 and sorry for freaking out but dude. That's just a disgusting and humiliating to put a father through. Second-hand embarrassment out the ass, I feel awful for her old man.

That's like cosplaying in front of your parents or watching porn. Keep it to yourself and those who enjoy it, don't make your folks see it.

>> No.6728754

A Bodyline replica?
Man, that's sad.

I still want to get one for my future daughter.

>> No.6728827

My dad loves my cosplays. I'm 27 and he still asks me which outfits i'm making for which cons. I'm glad i have a good relationship with my parents. I started sewing at an early age, so it's so surprise at all. He's also a big sci fi/trekkie, so he's always been chill. I've gone out in cosplay with him before i left to a con.

>> No.6728831 [DELETED] 

your father fantasizes about fucking you

>> No.6728884

I crossplay.
and you,good sir, are an idiot. A very rude idiot.

>> No.6728882

You're a fucking moron.

>> No.6728888

goddamn, i hate those headeating bonnets and bows
such monstrosities should not be suffered to live

>> No.6728935

Lolita isn't cosplay, though... And it is DEFINITELY not like watching porn in front of people.

It's just clothing that's frillier than average. That's all. Come back when you've grown up a little.

>> No.6728960

You know, I keep coming back to look at the OP picture (and post stories of course). That girl looks so (regal and) sweet but mature? Does that style have a name or is it just sweet?

To keep this on topic; I wore lolita to college again yesterday. People seemed pretty chill about my clothes this time around. There were a few girls in the hallway flipping their shit about my coat, haha. It's a shame I had to fall from the stairs later that day. Kinda hurt and it ruined my shoes!

>> No.6730222


1/10 because I had to wrestle with Captcha.

>> No.6730223

I think thats hime style

>> No.6730422

Haha cinderella's ghetto fairy godmother made her box of twinkies into a bus

>> No.6730801
File: 117 KB, 400x300, girls and guns.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Be in car dressed in frilliest OTT lolita possible
>Be blaring this with the windows rolled down


You came to tha wrong neighbah-hood, muthafuckas.

>> No.6730807
File: 45 KB, 704x396, laughing kagami tsukasa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My sides are in orbit.

>> No.6730848

In my hood,I'm known as the legend of the doll girl.

>> No.6730861

Is he single?

>> No.6730868
File: 75 KB, 480x536, 1361250656316.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's amazing. If you ever move you have to start a rumor about your mysterious disappearance and a haunted attic.

>> No.6730870

you're so xcore desu~ I thought lolitas were only allowed to listen to harp concertos or they'd would die

>> No.6731095

Do this, spread this whole insane story. With a little planning and some circle lenses and doll joint tights, you could become a legend. Imagine the poor guy who moves in after you:

He's just finished unpacking, walks into the corner store all excited to pick up a couple beers. The aged, Middle Eastern shopowner welcomes him, asks if he's new in town. "yeah, I just moved in on Sixth." The color drains from the shop owner's face. "You don't mean the Doll Girl's place, do you?" homeowner guy is confused. "The what?" "So, they didn't tell you."

>> No.6731097

"The Doll Girl used to live around here. Never spoke much. She was always dressed from head to toe like a doll. I don't mean like my little girl's Barbies, but like an ollllld doll. Frilly dresses, big curly hair." "So she liked dressing up?" "Nono. More than that. One time she was in here... Her eyes... They looked like dinner plates, they were twice the size they should be. A friend told me he once saw her legs without dresses or panty hose and all that... They had joints. Like a toy."

>> No.6731100

"What the fuck, bro." "It's true! And she used to live in that house. Well, maybe used to. She was seen coming and going, but just vanished one day. They SAY, the whole downstairs was full of beautiful furniture, untouched. She lived in the attic. Did, anyway. Like I said, she's not been seen in a while."

Homeowner starts laughing. "dude, you have a lot of time on your hands to come up with that." "Fine, don't believe me. Here's your beer, $10." The man returns home. Later that night, he decides some of his boxes are full of crap he doesn't need to touch for a while, so he takes them up to the attic. There, he finds a single jointed doll, propped up and sitting in the corner.

>> No.6731123
File: 2.07 MB, 294x210, 1361379791119.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no dress code where i work so i wear lolita pretty often
>bathroom is always really clean and has a nice mirror so i take outfit posts there, most of the time it is empty and if someone's there i wait for them to leave
>yesterday after taking a photo someone came in the bathroom, i got really embarrassed because they probably heard my phone making the camera noise
>she looks at me and starts to say something
>"adorable as usual today, aren't you?" and smiles

>> No.6731219

I love you guys.

>> No.6731747

Your makeup was really nice too. Your lipstick matched the dress really well, and coupled with your hair you did look like a doll.


>> No.6731754

How the hell did they get away with it?!

Frilly clothes or not that's assault

>> No.6731765 [DELETED] 
File: 550 KB, 1551x833, d.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Since we're on the subject, could I get some advice?

My boyfriend introduced me to pegging some time ago and we've been enjoying it fairly regularly ever since. Occasionally I've dressed him up in my clothes, things like panties, stockings, a bra, even my steel boned corset a couple of times.

I'm all cool with this and can find the scenario arousing despite not being that much into it naturally, but he had hinted at taking it further in the way of makeup and a wig.

Thing is, I don't think I could take him seriously when dressed like that. He is extremely masculine looking and very, very handsome, but in a makeup and wig he'd just look so fucking silly, I'd definitely burst out laughing and crush his sexual self-esteem forever.

Is there a way around this? Have any of you ever had to deal with this?

Picture very related.

>> No.6731789


Wow,this sounds really really..fitting. I will definitely consider this when I move out of my town.
Also, >>6731219 is right,you guys are flawless.

>> No.6731794


>> No.6731815

Ask him how much it would bother him if you were to laugh.

>> No.6731825

SO he wants you to dress him up and peg him but doesn't want to be demeaned? That's pretty..odd. If he does want to be demeaned then it's a whole different ballpark. You can channel those uncomfortable feelings into making him feel like shit. That's what I did when my boyfriend asked me to sissifye him with him in full make up and frilly apron despite his definite beard, broad shoulders, and thick arms. Luckily he has very long golden hair so we didn't have to buy a wig :)

>> No.6731828
File: 14 KB, 240x320, part_1364602793219.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6731836

Is common for lolitas to be into this sort of thing?

>> No.6731846

More than it being a lolita specific thing I think it's pretty common for people who have spent years on 4chan to have at least one odd paraphilia.

>> No.6731857

not that i'm aware of. It's just a kink that a certain percentage of people have since we are in a lolita thread on a board that is occupied in part by lolitas if this subject came up anyone relating to this subject is likely to be a lolita. And it's not really my kink so much as my boyfriend's. But he goes out of his way to cater to my kinks so i can at least return the favor.

>> No.6731860

>It's just a kink that a certain percentage of people have. And since we are in a lolita thread on a

fixed it

>> No.6731984

>That's like cosplaying in front of your parents
How is this a bad thing? My mom thinks cosplay is cool, she helps me and my sister make our costumes.

>> No.6731987


I am so delayed to the party. But YES, that was what happened. That girl is hilarious.

>> No.6732033 [DELETED] 

Daily reminder that half of you guys look like autistic twats and are too old to be wearing half of this shit.

>> No.6732047
File: 934 KB, 500x282, 1364606778350.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just try and stop me niqqa

>> No.6732065 [DELETED] 

Daily reminder that we don't give a shit what you think. And can you point me in the direction of little girls wearing huge petticoats, multi-color wigs, and lace gloves? Oh, that's right, kids don't actually wear this shit.

Lolitas go on cgl, guise?

>> No.6732145 [DELETED] 

One of these days, I'm going to get into a show at my uni, and wear lolita around town until someone asks if I am in a play. And then I'll go. "Yeah, I'm in Midsummer's Eve. We're opening this Thursday at the CPA. You should come!"

buh. I wish that people would understand that costumes are not allowed outside the shop or stage. They're expensive as fuck and you'll be fucked if you damaged or lost it.

>> No.6732489

cute! I have a picture of me in a crowd from today. but I wasn't wearing really lolita. I tried a bit of otome? if you want I could post it

>> No.6733215

I'd love to see it Nia!

I went to the opening of a Gamestore in a mall near me because I got an invitation. While I was heading there with my nephew, a man and woman were talking wildly. When I passed them they got silent and looked confused for a few seconds and the man shouted at me.

It took me a while to realise what he said, but he shouted: ''HEY PRINCESS!''

Made my day~

>> No.6733220

Not lolita, but I was wearing a few mori pieces one day, and people who worked for my college's newspaper asked me for a picture. Turns out they needed more girls in alternative college fashion :/ I got put under the "hippie/natural" category. Made me lol.

>> No.6733230

You are cute as a button
Actually, CUTER than a button

>> No.6733250

Sorry for replying so late Anon, I didn't see your comment yet. But yes, he is. My mom passed away last year.
You know, I never really understood that phrase, haha.But thank you kindly!

>> No.6733721

Button's are cute as fuck, yo

>> No.6733733

Your dad is a cutie
No homo

>> No.6733887

Lol, glad you enjoyed! I was bored at work and this story just popped in. If I was a lolita myself I'd do it.

>> No.6736122

Wow, who shoved your parasol up your ass?

Anon was clearly just trying to share a funny mental image with you. What is your deal? Jfc...

>> No.6736159

fuck, your dad is adorable!!!

>> No.6736271
File: 60 KB, 500x375, 46828991804.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

found it

>> No.6736292

>makes spectacle of self by wearing lolita
>gets mad when people take pictures and make comments

yyyuuupppp and that's why I'll always hate Lolitas

>> No.6736306
File: 39 KB, 400x273, 1348555885920.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thinks just because someone wears something different you are entitled to be a giant dildo to them

>> No.6736315

It's not nice to be a dick to strangers, just because they look different than you. Didnt your mama raise you right?

>> No.6736317
File: 97 KB, 1149x382, lllllll.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

por toi

>> No.6736343

mona lisa is a painting, not a person. stop being facetious.
people have the right to voice comments/opinions, but we have the same rights to call you on being an idiot.

>> No.6736353

way to miss the whole point

>> No.6736372

...you had a point?

the only point you made clear was that you were a dick.

>> No.6736393

>wow nice painting/dress/costume/beehive/whatever
>takes picture
>walks away

lol being a dick

>> No.6736459

>treating other people as public property
>not being a giant dick

lol okay whatever you say

>> No.6736561

No, see, it's:

>> No.6736575



>> No.6737143
File: 208 KB, 1600x1200, knoopjes 003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah I guess so! They mean buttons like in my picture right?
I'm sure he'll appreciate that when I tell him, thanks guys!

>> No.6737465

"Fuck tha police" is next on the playlist~