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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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6712251 No.6712251 [Reply] [Original]

what grinds your gears /cgl/?

Mine is people in very small fandoms insisting their fandoms are huge and popular and important. I'm looking at you Jojo's and Touhou.

>> No.6712289

When first time cosplayers cosplay in skimpy/promiscuous attire.
Also when someone has cosplayed for the first time try and make it sound like they've been cosplaying for a while.

>> No.6712298

lol when the fuck has anyone ever considered Jojo's huge or popular or important?? In fact the sentiment I've seen seems to be more hoping it stays small and obscure and troo-fanz-only.

Touhous are annoying as fuck though but idk about the huge/popular/important there either.

>> No.6712300

>touhou not huge
Please tell me where in the internet you've been so I can get away from it.

>> No.6712302

*away from touhou
My phrasing sucks today.

>> No.6712303

As a fellow JoJofag...this. I'd rather my fandom be small and obscure than huge. The bandwagoners are probably the ones hoping it gets 'big' so it will draw more attention to them.

>> No.6712314
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"Sexy" versions of characters. If you want to wear something revealing, why not pick a different character that already is?

>> No.6712327

Eh.. Touhou has it's own convention in Japan.

Small American/European/etc. fanbase, yes. Japanese? Hell to the fucking no.

>> No.6712335

Maybe you've never talked to a crazy Jojo's fan but they are convinced everything in anime and manga is a reference back to Jojos.

sorry, I'll clarify with western touhou fans then

>> No.6712343
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Adding to this:
Noncanon sexy versions of male /co/ characters.
What, female /co/ designs aren't sexy enough for you?

>> No.6712347

>Nostalgia (eg, stuff from the 90's) cosplayers
>Ironic cosplays
>Teenagers who pretend to be perverted and/or insane because they think it's kawaii
>People who decide to only cosplay one thing after becoming popular at one place

>> No.6712351

...To be fair, a good deal is.

Jojo's has never been even remotely big in the west but you really don't seem to understand how big Jojo's actually is in Japan.

>> No.6712353

oh, so you're one of them, no wonder you don't seem to get it.

>> No.6712356

lol no

I don't even like Jojo's

>> No.6712367
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New lolitas who prioritise getting a wig over getting a petticoat. WHY

>> No.6712370

fucking THIS

>> No.6712372
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>Tony Stark/Steve Rogers yaoi~

>> No.6712377


>> No.6712385

Ugh, one of my friends is one of these, and it's all she draws/talks about these days. And she knows next to nothing about the comics so she's also a movie bandwaggoner. I was hoping it would pass or our more /co/ friends would talk her down from it but... nope...

Granted this ship has existed long before the movie fandom, but the movie fans have made it entirely intolerable.

>> No.6712388

Asian crossplayers who wear those fuckhuge stripper heels

>> No.6712401

adding to this- crossplayers in general who have long, perfectly manicured nails which they then feature prominently in photos.

>> No.6712406
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burn it with fire

>> No.6712409

How is nostalgia a peeve?

The only way I see it could be if people are doing it for attention.

>> No.6712410

adult cosplayers who still act like 14 weeaboos at cons

>> No.6712415

Not even a Jojo fan, but it's been going on for 25 years, so it's kinda big.

>> No.6712417


step up, senpai

>> No.6712419

You leave Nigiri out of this. She knows her assets and uses them.

>> No.6712427

If you don't believe JoJo is a huge thing in Japan, you're missing a lot of stuff.

>multiple specific exhibitions, in Sendai and in Tokyo
>special author exhibit at the Louvre
>eighth arc gigantic display in Shibuya
>Gucci collaboration worldwide

I've been to Japan. JoJo isn't super-mainstream like One Piece, but there's small JoJo things everywhere, and this is before the giant 25th anniversary campaign.

It's a small fandom in English but don't knock its influence in its native country.

>> No.6712428

it's even worse when they pick one of those split colour wigs because they can never pull it off

>> No.6712429

I guess this goes for regular celebrities too, but the incessant interest in famous cosplayers'/lolitas' lives outside of cosplay/lolita. Like...why??

>> No.6712433

What's wrong with cosplaying nostalgia stuff from the 90's?

>> No.6712436

Don't forget all the manga and anime series that reference Jojo

>> No.6712443

I can easily get how JoJos isn't that big over here in the west but it still produces FABULOUS cosplays while shitty ones pretty much get pushed under the rug.

speaking of, I need to work on my poses for my Kakyouin cosplay

>> No.6712446

I'm not the anon who mentioned it, but I'm kind of annoyed by the nostalgia shebang too, mostly because it's cheap. One can forego a good cosplay in favor of choosing to cosplay someone from a "nostalgic" series and receive recognition, and also there's sort of a judgey feeling to a lot of it, like "if you don't know who I am I'm judging you, but you'll never be able to redeem yourself (like you would if the series was current) because you passed the time where having the interest was cool."

Personally I'm pissed with the whole rehashing/rediscovery of things like Disney, MLP, and Doug, but I'm probably just bitter because I didn't much like those things when they were cool the first time and the things I did enjoy didn't get a second round.

>> No.6712460

I can see your reasoning there, because some of the designs back then also weren't very cosplay-oriented. It probably wasn't until well into the 2000's where costumes for characters got more cosplay-friendly and appealing.

I don't feel like I have ever come across that sort of judgey-feeling. I see it as a cool way to introduce something new to someone else. It's the same way other people got me into looking up a new anime.

>> No.6712479

What about the people who have greatly improved their skills since the "old" series were popular and want to revisit characters to make better versions or more difficult characters?

>> No.6712486

Some people just have really boring lives, so they live through other people.

>> No.6712491

Not that Anon, but I don't see anything generally wrong with it.

However, when they get all elitist "90S ANIME IS THE BEST" about it... step off your high horse, sir.

>> No.6712496

Touhou is also huge in the west, though. There is an entire board on this website dedicated to Touhou. Most of the fans just don't participate in cosplay, though.

>> No.6712497

this is me right now.

there's a lot of things I never had the talent to cosplay 10 years ago. Now that I'm in better shape and have better costuming skills, I want to try those outfits.

>> No.6712501
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>there are nostalgia fags who don't like new JoJos

I really like the JoJos Part 3 OVA but god damn this toasts my oats the most

>> No.6712506

That's actually rarely the case with interest in the lives of others unless you're one of the rare few who talk and think as if they know the person in question when in fact all they do is track their activities.

>> No.6712532

I'm the anon who mentioned the peeve about nostalgia. Yeah, I basically meant what they said.

I'm just sorta sick and tired of people who think the 90's were the greatest time in human history and anyone born in later than '95 doesn't get that

>> No.6712547

Yeaaah I agree with you on that. And being born at a certain time doesn't mean someone's deprived or too late to catch up or get into something.

I'm pretty sure most people here western hemisphere didn't watch Evangelion when it aired back in 1995. It's perfectly still enjoyable to get into now.

>> No.6712557

Many of us want to cosplay something from our childhood as we now have the skills to do it justice.

Also as a male cosplayer I kinda want to do something that doesn't involve a button up shirt and slacks.

>> No.6712563

are you talking about /jp/? that's not a board dedicated to touhou, its just all they talk about. Not the same thing.

It's not huge, Naruto, Bleach, Dragon Ball are huge. Touhou is a niche fandom that just has very loud and obnoxious fan base.

>> No.6712659

- Bringing over $7,000 in camera gear, and then having some pseudo-cosplayer in a crappy costume whom I'm being nice to asking he or she if I can take their picture, and he or she saying "only if I don't have to get out of my chair." Fuck you and your chair. I just walk away without saying anything else or taking their pic.

- Teenagers and even a few early 20-somethings screaming and running everywhere. I mean literally screaming like they're 6 and literally running around as if the venue is a grammar school playground.

- Smokers. Usually I go outside when I want a breath of fresh air. At cons though, going outside means getting lungs filled with dense second-hand smoke from retards who think they're immune from cancer and lung disease.

- Homestuck cosplayers. They're to cosplay what Juggalos are to metal.

Other than that I'm pretty causal.

>> No.6712688

There are many people like that, Anon.

>> No.6712694

>entire board
Dude what?
I just scanned over all of the boards and there is no Touhou board.

>> No.6712703

wat is /jp/

>> No.6712705
File: 493 KB, 1024x1140, tumblr_mhwxbrLFiz1s1k8ibo1_1280.png.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Loilta/Sailor Moon/Steampunk versions of [Character]

>> No.6712722

The sheer amount of western cosplay in Anime cons.

The reverse is also true.

>> No.6712724

fucking this

>> No.6712728
File: 3 KB, 133x160, 999213919295.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>leaving lolita sale!
>a thrifted skirt and a pair of flats


>> No.6712733

See >>6712563
There is no Touhou board, just a board that talks about Touhou often.
It's like calling /r9k/ the misogyny board. Sure they do it a lot, but that's not the board's sole purpose.

>> No.6712739
File: 66 KB, 334x250, k3295.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I actually really like those, but I don't want to know what they're based off of...
They'd be better as original coords.

>> No.6712744
File: 49 KB, 500x669, tumblr_mjvivnsiHT1qhwkkto1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6712765

They are Hobbit based

>> No.6712766

Of course the fat chicks jump on a fat opportunity...
Again, I don't want to know what it's based off of, but if you switch some colours out, you can make some interesting coords.

>> No.6712772

I was thinking along the lines of that....

Lolita does not fit into the Hobbit whatsofuckingever, dear god people.

>> No.6712779

except people do themed outfits all the time so a hobbit themed outfit doesn't seem like a crime as long as you're going off color pallet and not some kind of costume with props and armor (like the girl above)? I mean it's a fashion and can go fine with themed outfits.

>> No.6712789

I agree. As long as you're only sticking to colorschemes and maybe subtle motifs, that's fine. Props and costumey accessories is where it goes over the line (for example the coord pictured is totally fine, apart from the sword).

>> No.6712801
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Steampunk versions of any series tend to annoy me.

The sheer amount of BBC sherlock and Doctor who at cons is beginning to drive me insane. Not to mention all the homestuck. The only con i wasn't swamped by these series was Magfest. I know they were around, but i barely saw them all weekend. Happy times.

>> No.6712828

Yeah, but still...
I agree that the designs are alright, but I just find it odd to take inspiration from the Hobbit..

>> No.6712834

not sure why, really cool earthy tones and fur tippets, caplets... neat vests? seems just fine to me, I think you can take inspiration from anything for an outfit as long as it doesn't turn into a costume.

>> No.6712841

Yeah yeah, true.

This artist did pretty well, but I'm pretty sure any other Lolibbit stuff would look awful.

>> No.6712869

Agreed 100%

The dude that does those drawings is hit or miss, but some of them are really cute!

>> No.6712886

omygod this.

That pic of the lolita Avengers coords has been doing the rounds for waaaay too long and itas love that shit waaaay too much.

>> No.6712925
File: 71 KB, 395x450, 1363867434983.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Of course the fat chicks jump on a fat opportunity..

People like this anon. Seriously, what's your bitch about other people's bodies even when they dress and do characters appropriate for them? Do you even realize how stupid that sentence is?

>> No.6712936

Fangirl shrieking. I have the unlucky tendency to end up jammed next to the frantic fangirls in the crowded dealer's room. It's probably just about as grating as an infant's screams.

>> No.6713388

I get tired of seeing unstyled wigs for characters that have a normal hairstyle. I do understand that not everybody is willing to put forth effort or even have the skill to do some things with wigs, but for fuck sakes at least try. Even if it's just bangs. Been seeing this with a lot of Evangelion and Sailor Senshi wigs. When it looks like you pulled a wig out of it's bag and placed it on your head, it hurts the overall cosplay.

This is even more wtf, when the cosplay is very well made.

>> No.6713407

People who wear meme face masks as a cosplay.

>> No.6713414

I can see that being irritating, but I also get that newbies are terrified to try and cut or style a wig since it's permanent and a mistake means a ruined wig and money down the drain. I'm just kind of glad to see them wearing a wig at all.

>> No.6713514


I...actually really love these, saved for future reference. Sorry to have become the thing you hate most anon. I actually think lolita(and especially if we're leaning toward country/classic here) could work quite well with Hobbit inspirations, the colors are all very nice.

>> No.6713528

Give me an example of something people say is a reference to Jojo, because many things are. It's one of the heavily referenced things in comedy anime, just like Gundam or HNK since they're all older things.

>> No.6713533

The reason /jp/ was made was so they could get Touhou and VN out of /a/. Not 100% because fo Touhou, but a large part of it is.

>> No.6713573

Anime Conventions having EVENTS for My Little Pony and Homestuck.

This shit is not anime. It's not even close. If you want to dress up as it, fine, whatever, but you do not need a two hour fucking panel devoted to your pony-pegging circlejerk bullshit.

I'm looking at you, Toracon.

>> No.6713583

Jesus, the manga's continued for over 25 years. Of course it's going to be big. You might as well say Crayon Shin Chan is small because it has a small western fandom. I'm not that big of a Jojo fan but I know its place in culture.

>> No.6713589

OP confirmed for retarded. That's like if a Japanese person said the Homestuck fandom was small.

>> No.6713593


I had no idea Shin Chan had a following until I came to Asia. Then it was like seriously? WTF is this shit?

>> No.6713594

I agree. It's like anime cons are starting to become more like nerd cons, namely because the only other things like that are comicon and like PAX, bronies and homofucks don't have any place to do. And they fucking need one but not at my damn cons!

>> No.6713596

homestuck in general
You're a shitty webcomic. Get out of anime cons!

>> No.6713598

Ugh this!
I understand you want to be taller, but lifts and man boots achieve the same effect without making you look like a dumbfuck

>> No.6713600

I dont get how this is annoying either.
i like seeing old school cosplays. Mainly i would do it because i have resources now that I didn't 10 years ago (ie-better wigs and worbla)

>> No.6713601


I hate it as well. You can just say you got inspiration from the character and that's that, when lolitas do this it makes me feel like it's more of a costume and not a style.

>> No.6713602

That shit grinds my gears to no end. There is enough sexy/revealing female outfits out there.

Oh man, reminds me of that girl on another thread who wanted to genderbend Judal from magi.

>> No.6713605

>touhou not big
Its like you don't even know what comiket is.

>> No.6713614

That's how i feel like people say I am 'cosplaying lolita' instead of 'wearing it'
>how do you even cosplay lolita.

>> No.6713616

In fairness there are lolita characters in anime and I think that's where people get confused. So they see lolita as more of a character archetype than a fashion.

>> No.6713620

this is why we need some moeblob, but informative slice of life anime about lolita. it could only be in like 5 minute episodes, even a 4coma, explaining silly things about lolita fashion with herpderp animu girls. I'd watch it.

>> No.6713622

/jp/ was more or less created to get touhou out of /a/
it was pretty bad.

>> No.6713646
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Not being able to choose a line-up for a con. I have no idea what my Fanime plans will be, if there are any, and I only have two months to make anything new or fix anything up.
People asking for cosplay suggestions and not giving anyone else any. Pick your favorite off a list; it's the simplest thing. Show some courtesy if you want other people to help you out.
Organizing. I'm terrible at it. My fabric mound is terrifying. I'm looking into getting those clear plastic shoeboxes and hoping that frees up some space in my closet so I can put in...more fabric...
Also, when you drive farther than you wanted to just to pick up one simple little thing that most places have all the time and that's the one time the store is magically out. Didn't think I'd have to call ahead for clothes hangers with the little clips on them, but there you have it.

>> No.6713804

People who take cosplay far too seriously.

It's just dressing up as cartoon characters.

>> No.6713810

When people and con staffers don't forgive you for the shit you've pulled in the past.

When con staffers go around telling people you're a sex offender when you're not.

>> No.6713816

People that get pissed at cosplayers who make sexy versions of shit and like its such a damn surprise everytime.
>omg I can't believe someone did this!
>omg someone made a thorinki!
>teehee I'm natasha stark in a bikini!
>check out my lolita swimsuit, so flirty ne?
Unless its hilariously bad, it happens. Fucking let it go.

>> No.6713827


People who are so accepting of shit.

>> No.6713830

I don't understand that, either. Especially when people get pissed off at the "Sexy Rule 63 ____" cosplays. Bearing in mind some exceptions, if that character were a female, you can bet that their creators would have given them a 'sexy' design since that's the "norm" for most female characters. So if someone is going to cosplay a female version of a male character, they might as well base their designs off a reasonable assumption of what that character would look like if they were female to begin with.

Yeah, there are already plenty of "sexy" characters to cosplay, but what if they like one character in particular that happens to be male? What if they aren't suited for crossplay? So many series have an abundance of male characters and there's a 50/50 chance what female characters they DO have aren't very compelling.

If they love a certain series so much that they want to cosplay from it and that's the best way for them to do it, then let them do what they want. It could even be a fun, tongue-in-cheek thing and would be cute if done well. The key word here being 'well', of course.

The people who don't do it well? In my mind they're on par with the "bathrobe kimono, sweat pants and Party City wigs" cosplayers. Worthy of the odd jeer because of their hilarious terribleness, but hardly the vitriol you see on here.

>> No.6713831

When you have a %50 coupon, but the fabric you want is already %10 just to fucking spite you

>> No.6713833

...What did you do in the past, anon?

>> No.6713835
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>sailor moon versions

fucking this. I'm too big of a sailor moon fan to just let people "have fun". there were two really bad avengers senshi and an adventure time senshi groups that got a ton of attention when their craftsmanship was terrible and I overheard in smalltalk that they "don't even like sailor moon lol"

>> No.6713836

**at katsucon, my bad

>> No.6713839

beta faggots who wine constantly about girls/casuals/black people/whatever other group ruining shit.

yeah it sucks that the market is releasing lots games designed for casual gamers and yeah it sucks a lot of anime that's making it over here is generic shit like Hetalia. the companies are dicks who whore themselves out to the most profitable customer base. you're still going to shell out 60 bucks for the next game you like and you're still going to get that tiger & bunny DVD set.

yeah it's annoying when obnoxious newbies (be they ~*gurl gamurs*~ or otherwise) are rude, mean or otherwise going out of their way to shit all over you personally. but does it really disrupt your enjoyment of your hobby so much if they're minding their own business? If someone wants spend hundreds of dollars so they can take selfies of them posing with various games and systems, so the fuck what? can you not ignore them?

If you want to be a territorial jackass that participates in an exclusive, elitist society then I suggest you consider a career in politics.

this is not our special super secret club anymore; we're going to have to deal with casuals and obnoxious new people. Kanye West likes Love Hina. It's over.

tl;dr: stop acting like casuals, etc. raped and killed your village because some girl took a picture of herself with a Play Station controller in her mouth.

(just had my wisdom teeth out and am extremely medicated sorry if I'm hard to follow or made any errors)

>> No.6713873

The reason /jp/ was made was so they could get Touhou and VN out of /a/
>Touhou and VN

you disproved your point in your own post. If it was dedicated to Touhou it would only be about touhou.

>> No.6713878
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People who go to all the trouble to buy a costume (I am assuming they buy it), but won't wear a wig. I mean, even a shitty party shop wig is better than no wig.
Also, people who just wear Akatsuki coats. They aren't any of the characters or anything, and they are at every. Fucking. Con.

I like your points. I also just had my wisdom teeth out. It's very unpleasant and know how you feel right now.

>> No.6713894
File: 68 KB, 403x250, 1362070435372.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've never really seen Touhou fans act all bat shit crazy, in person, or online. There's always going to be some people in the world that give any anime or game a bad name by over weeabing about it. And most of the time those weebs don't even know jack shit about the anime/game. And make it look shitty for people who do enjoy it.

And I rarely see shit about Jojo's anywhere. I guess I'm lucky for that.

But, I've see a bunch of Homestruck faggots who brag the shit up about how AMAZING it is and "If you just give it a chance It gets good 600+ chapters in!!"

>> No.6713898

>Kanye West likes Love Hina. It's over.

>> No.6713900
File: 103 KB, 500x375, 1351441643843.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, I'm a girl and play videogames, wooptie fucking doo. I know I hate when dumb bitches say "I'ma gamurr gurrrl!!" It's like saying you're a white sheep in a herd of other white sheep and pointing it out because you think it'll somehow make you special when really, they're wearing a special helmet.

>> No.6713903

I'm sorry but... I really like some of these

>> No.6713905

I'll probably seem like a jerk but:
>when people cosplay characters that wouldn't fit them
teamed with
>cosplayers who claim characters, and get upset if someone else cosplays them

>> No.6713908

>not knowing about the anime
jesus, it's like you're trying to be plebian

>> No.6713909

This so much. People can be total normalfags and happen to enjoy a certain game or comic, you don't need to dedicate most of your time to manga and anime to gain the right to cosplay a character you like or play a single game.

Most of my favorite series have a pretty small fandom and I can only wish they'd get more fans: it would mean more fanworks, more people to discuss things with and possibly more friends, which is why I really can't stand the current JoJo western fandom: it's an endless stream of "hurr dirty secondaries getting into muh fandom!!". Just let them be. What's wrong if they get interested after watching the anime? What if they don't read the manga? It's a good adaptation that stays true to the original work and if people cosplay a character after watching the anime what's wrong with that?

What I personally don't like is cosplayers who look down on regular anime fans or other cosplayers who read and watch lots of shows, are into fandom culture, etc, like not giving a damn about, say, doujinshi makes them automatically better or more mature. Not being an obnoxious weeb is a matter of respect towards onself and others, but why should one feel ashamed to enjoy something if they are mature about it?

Last but not least I don't get cosplaying a character when you don't know the source material but damn, I really wish everyone would stop blaming or suspecting women of this because I've seen A LOT of men doing the same or doing shirtless or yaoi-bait cosplay just in hopes to get attention from female congoers.

>> No.6713910

Stop with this dumb joke. It died months ago on Tumblr.

>> No.6713913

When people hate on other people for cosplaying a character. It's really shitty and makes you look like a fucking douche. I mean, as long as it obeys con rules, then there shouldn't be a problem.
Also, people that try to get into every single fucking photo (looking at you, Deadpool cosplayers). Yeah, it's funny and endearing when done sparingly, but when you overdo it, it gets annoying as shit and no one likes it.

>> No.6713920
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>>MFW you not only missed the point of their post entirely but are part of the problem

>> No.6713927
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There actually is a girl in my school that went to Paris a weekend to shop, bought the most cheap ita dress from some cheap indie brand called Black Sugar and a splitwig even uglier than GLW, while she also visited the BtSSB shop.. And ofcourse, if that wasn't evil enough, she said she didn't have any money for a petticoat after she bought the wig.

>> No.6713942

Nah, I just find it funny that like... Once a character who is-- even slightly insinuated to be-- fat, 6000 girls cosplay it.
I mean come on, look at Fionna.

>> No.6713946

Wouldn't Touhou be more of a /v/ thing?
I mean I'm not saying any of this isn't true or something, I just find it funny that they flooded /a/ when Touhou's not an anime anyway.

>> No.6713982


>> No.6713987
File: 27 KB, 479x322, telsareapface-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The fact that no matter how to you at it our world has some crazy fucked up people in it.Yes, I know the rest of the world is full of them as well, but at conventions you realize you have the same interests as some of these crazy fucked up people. Now they have an excuse to talk to you.

>> No.6713988

A lot of girls cosplayed Yoko for having the 'hourglass' figure with gigantic ass tits.
I just don't see what's wrong with cosplaying a character that relates to one's body type. Yeah it's one thing for a 300 pound obese girl to try to cosplay Fionna, but it's another for a slightly overweight individual to give it a go. I mean she canonically is chubby.

>> No.6713991

*no matter how you look at it.

WTF why is password delete suddenly working?

>> No.6713992

I think anon meant Fionna from Shrek?

>> No.6713993

The "thin privilege" people in tumblr and everywhere.

People, I don't care if you're fat. Please don't bother me because I'm thin. You're all for fat acceptance, but what's the problem of being thin?

>> No.6713995

She has thick thighs, so fattie-chans declared she was plus-size and therefore suited for their body types.

>> No.6713996

That Fiona is rather chubby. It'd be okay if they cosplayed her.

>> No.6713997


I have nothing against casual gamers. Gaming is a hobby like any hobby (cosplay, stampcollecting) whatever

I am a girl and I am in fact someone who loves videogames. I've been playing it less due to work and sudden illness, but i can understand the only frustration i have is when girls put on a tank top, hold an xbox controller and say they are gamrr gurrrls for attention.
"I play halo and gears of war. Do you like me yet ? am i special?"

that's the ONLY thing that bothers me. Because in general girls tend to have to try harder to be taken more seriously. I've a big batman fan, so i dont mind discussing it with other fans, but once people go into the comics more and try to quiz me, it pisses me off. No, i did not read every issue of batman, including all the alt side stories DC fucking keeps releasing every week. Sorry, Sir. I still love Batman. I can name all the keypoints that mean a lot to me, all the robins i love (Tim drake) and why i love the series as a whole.

But yes, fake gamer girls. I mean, actual ones who dont play games worth shit (not casual ones. i dont mind those.)

sorry for long rant.

>> No.6714024

Nothing. I dislike the whole 'hating on thin people thing'
I work hard to watch what i eat and exercise. I dont need to excuse myself for being healthy
(and some people just have thin genes.)

>> No.6714030

When a character has a buttload of different outfits but 99% of people do the same one

>> No.6714036

I don't mind it so much if it works for the character, and doesn't deviate a whole lot (like basically taking the costume and making it fit the lolita silhouette), especially with outfits that are almost lolita anyway if you just drop the hem, poof the skirt, or add a blouse.

But making lolita co-ords from superheros in lycra or male dwarfs? No. It bears absolutely no resemblance. Why not just say it's an original co-ord, or even inspired by?

>> No.6714037

>or even inspired by?
That's exactly what it is....

>> No.6714039

fucking this

>> No.6714056

> What if they don't read the manga?

Not into JoJo, but this.
I personally can't get into manga or comics (any), because I'm just not a very visual person. I'm kinda sick of people thinking I'm not a 'true fan' or whatever because I only watch anime/films and read the spin-off books.

>> No.6714063

It sounded like the anon was saying 'this is a lolita cosplay of' rather than just 'a lolita outfit inspired by'. As in, the cosplayer would expect people to instantly recognize what they were.

I still think that The Hobbit is not a good work to loli-fy.

>> No.6714067

>not using the dwarves colors from the book.

>> No.6714071

A lot of the Ciel phantomhive cosplayers are so guilty of this.

>> No.6714087

I'm a smoker and also an organizer at a fairly large annual convention and I always make sure that there are designated smoking areas away from the main doorways. If people break these rules the secs can take their badges away.


I see what you did there

>> No.6714112

Agreed. 5 star post anon.

>> No.6714121
File: 259 KB, 740x489, Ciel Phantomhive 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ciel has some pretty badass outfits, and as a little shota boy, a lot of girls could cosplay him really well.

And yet.. it's always the ballroom outfit.

>> No.6714132

>Casual cosplay

Maybe I'm just being a judgemental prick, but honestly the main thing casual cosplay makes me think a majority of the time that the person only had enough money for the wig

>> No.6714141

I agree. I'm more of a watcher than a reader, and one DVD takes up less space than 30 books.

I'm so sick of seeing ballgown Ciels. That really grinds my gears.

I'm also fed up with the Lorax fandom. It needs to die. I'm also tired of MLP, Doctor Who, Adventure Time and Homestuck.

I hate having to defend my love for Altair from Ezio fans. You can't just jump in and immediately love him. You play his game and see how he develops as a character, and that's when you learn to appreciate him. And I don't care how difficult Ezio's life was, none of the assassins had a harder life than Altair (especially toward the end of his time).

People who take it personally when a voice actor that creeps them out or a guest they are unimpressed with is going to their con. I don't care about guests and stuff, so it's just hard for me to understand why people will drop going to a con altogether because Vic McNugget is there or the DJ isn't Japanese.

>> No.6714167

Fat Mamis. Every single fuckin con.
Hey, she has big tits, so OBVIOUSLY she's fat. DUH.

>> No.6714179

It's like every anime/whatever girl who has big boobs must be fat in IRL for them

>> No.6714183

It's just many times anime series have to change or remove scenes and chapters due to time restraints. Even worse is when the anime completely misses the characterization of certain individuals. With manga the series is at its "purest" form to the reader and they get the experience that the manga artist intended to.

Jojo is an interesting case as the anime is essentially "cleaning up" the older arc which did have some really shoddy art that does not meet up to Araki's stadards

>> No.6714182

Bad Miku wigs and people that have no wig caps and don't even try to hide their natural hair.

>> No.6714189

Default Mikus
There are so many versions and you pick the less flattering

>> No.6714209

The only problem I have with anime only JoJo fans is having to watch spoilers. It gets hard with so much material!

I fucking love JoJo though and seeing so many new fans makes me happy. So happy. So very very happy. The anime is great and so are most of the new fans.

I'm with the people about obnoxious stripper heel platforms though for crossplay. I can get a bit more heel but when you get to like the heel is as tall as the shoe is long that's a distraction.

Also unsealed body paint. I've been known to spray down errant Homestucks at a con before. You can smear colors all over your skin you should be able to seal it too. If rather see photoshopped after skin than smearing paint.

>> No.6714249
File: 159 KB, 730x1095, 1309924661931.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ugh. I see this so much with Matsumoto's Yeah she has huge tits, but she's also pretty tall. A lot of fat girls can hoist up their boobs nice and kinda smooth out their figure, but so many are still 5'2".

And on the topic of height: Azn cosplayers who have almost perfect costumes if it weren't for their 5-8" platforms for height correction.

>> No.6714266

/v/ didn't want it either, and it was closer to an anime than anything else, especially because it had that really shitty fanmade anime back then.

>> No.6714272

Tumblr fandom flavors of the month
and kpop gifs all over everywhere

I get that you like kpop, but do you really need to reblog the same .gif set of your two favorite kpop stars and "OMGAH LOOK AT HOW THEY LOOK AT EACHOTHER SO MANY FEELS"

I'm not particularly crazy about kpop so I think part of it is that I just don't get it, but it's so pervasive in every online community that I've participated in that everything devolves into some kind of rabid, in-depth discussion about Korean idols and I feel like I can't escape it.

>> No.6714275

jfc Swimming anime. If I see anyone at Colossal or another con "cosplaying" from it, I will cut a bitch.
>I'm really glad it isn't actually going to be an anime, because imagine all those landwhales cosplaying KAWAII YAOI BISHIES DESU

>> No.6714279

They've made a petition for it to be an anime, and I think I heard something about Kyoani actually considering it, but that could just be another Tumblr rumour.
I will agree that the style is cute, but that's just Kyoani's thing.

>> No.6714286
File: 37 KB, 400x462, spock-helmet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>they're wearing a special helmet.

>> No.6714290

I don't think that they are. I think the problem is anyone in a group trying to single themselves out for attention. But not only that, they do it in such a way that makes them seem like the believe that they're trying to fight against some sort of horrible prejudice that only comes from people who are fucking annoying and not the entire demographic. It's like when black people say I'M BLACK AND I LIKE ANIME! No one actually cares, you're not special, you're just another person stop labeling yourself for more attention.

>> No.6714295
File: 771 KB, 1027x580, juju.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know Steins;gate specifically references Jojo at least twice.

>> No.6714299
File: 51 KB, 289x197, 1354674898445.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>Hurrdurrrdurr you didn't read a word I typed.
>>Implying I was acting as cunt who wanted attention when really was making fun of those who do
>>MFW you're a faggot who can't read

>> No.6714305
File: 135 KB, 738x654, 1357780210171.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck off Adventure Time is amazing.
MLP, Doctor Who and Homestruck needs to die though.

>> No.6714307

I hate that so much, like there's a big difference between being healthy and not regardless of being thin or fat.
I've even found a "fat privilege" blog once, it was hilarious.

>> No.6714312

you better include ponies, doctor who, and /co/ stuff with that attitude

>> No.6714315

not the same anon but I'm ok with that

>> No.6714318

Funnily enough, Touhou references Jojo actually what with Sakuya being Dio and all.

>> No.6714317

did you even read the original post that you replied to? they weren't shittalking ~~~*gamer girls~*~, just the people like you who shit their diapers whenever they see one. lol fucking retard learn to read before coming round calling anyone else a faggot.

>> No.6714320
File: 12 KB, 207x272, 1346114915808.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

as somebody who loves and cosplays from Adventure Time, however, I can understand that it shouldn't be as prominent in the con scene, just as MLP, DW and Homestuck also should not be. Just saying.

>> No.6714321

Why is it that you have to get all up in arms about this anti gamer guurl bullshit like it's some kind of sexist thing. It's not. People don't like loud annoying attention grabbing people in anything! Not in their fandoms, not in their hobbies and no one gives two shits if girls game! Maybe if girls who game didn't get all defensive like "fuck you guys i'm a girl and i game you can't stop meee!" then no one would get annoyed. Because seriously that's what some of them do, unprovoked.

>> No.6714326

and so what if they did?

>> No.6714325

i don't give a shit about it either way i'm just correcting the asshole who thinks they're top shit and then tried to turn their fuck up around on someone else

>> No.6714356

This reminds me of another of my pet peeves:

Touhous crossing their shitty lolis over with fucking everything.

>> No.6714386

Any fandom that does that pisses me the fuck right off.

>> No.6714384
File: 307 KB, 500x517, tumblr_mijmy9nXsW1rgyprqo1_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you put a code in, you can get the alternate character portraits as well. OH WELL WOULD YA LOOKY THERE!

For example?...

>> No.6714389

>For example?...

Not that anon, but touhou has a million crossover fan games. Mario, Castlevania, the list goes on. I'm not even going to touch on fan art.

>> No.6714397

Oh, I didn't understand what that anon meant. Yeah, there's definitely a lot of those, but I don't see how they're that big a deal. The Touhouvania games are pretty good, Super Marisa World/Land maybe not so much, but I don't see the big deal. It's not nearly as bad as what Homestuck does since the characters tend to not have any actual connection to the things they're being crossed over to. You can blame Japan for the Touhou thing though, that's their whole shtick.

>> No.6714402

I think it's the other way around, fat people see "hey she has giant tits and I do too, so I must be perfect for the role"

>> No.6714408

Yeah no. Homestucks are bad about it but nowhere near the level of touhous, depending on what circles you run in (like if you're a games fan primarily, forget it).

>> No.6714407

>It's not nearly as bad as what Homestuck does since the characters tend to not have any actual connection to the things they're being crossed over to.

No, no it's not nearly as bad. Nothing is nearly as bad as homestuck.

>> No.6714412

But that's wrong.

>> No.6714413

k 2hu

>> No.6714415

All of the bad Touhou fans are just "Secondary" fans and enjoy the memes/flash videos without doing any of the work. In a way, those people are only fans of a fandom. >XD THAT BAKA CIRNO BAKA BAKA

>> No.6714418

This. Basically all homestuck fans are bad.

>> No.6714417

It is though. I'm not even a Touhou fan. I just know that the touhou fandom tends to stick to its autismal selves while shoving their shit into things, but homefucks are the most in your face and annoying about it as humanly possible.

>> No.6714422

You haven't had the displeasure of having to talk to many touhou fans then.

>> No.6714420

It's probably just a rumor.
>Kyoani actually caring about westerners' opinions.

>> No.6714433

people who try to argue someone's feels

>> No.6714428

I think ~gamer gurls~ are desperately trying to differentiate themselves and say they're better than the average girl because they share something with males they perceive to be a masculine quality which they think makes them inherently more likeable. I think this is profoundly fucked up... And males eat this shit up? You can be the shittiest/dullest person on earth, but if you have a vagina and play games, somehow you're more interesting than everyone else on the planet? Insipid gamers... Jesus.

Yes, this topic particularly irritates me because two of my best girl friends are fucking gamer girls and their attitude about it drives me crazy.

>> No.6714429

I know atleast 5 of them and only 1 is like you described, but he legit has austism. I know more than 10 homestucks and they are abysmally worse.

>> No.6714430

I've been to several Touhou meetups, and most of the people there were really nice and fun guys/girls. The only handful that were annoying were the girls who tried to be high pitched meme-shouters. Unlike Homestuck, I didn't feel weird talking to them because not every Touhou fan is a 16 year old girl with badly smeared paint. I see nothing wrong with any of the Touhouvania or other crossovers, it's not like they're widely cosplayed, and when they are they're usually great.

>> No.6714435


>> No.6714437


>> No.6714440

People with no talent whatsoever delcaring themselves a cities "official [character]"

so fucking annoying

>> No.6714443

Fat lesbians crossdressing as gay guys and making out with eachother every second of the con.

>> No.6714450
File: 70 KB, 586x234, 1346459330857.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nothing can express the tears of joy I felt when I read your post. While I admit that I am a Homestuck, it definitely should not be one of the most prominent fandoms at an ANIME convention.

My peeve goes along with some of the other posts here already. I am so done with seeing almost every male character genderbent for cosplay purposes. I know that your favorite character, or God forbid your ~*bishie husbando*~ is male, but at least try to crossplay. And if you can't, I can guarantee that whatever fandom you're in has some kick-ass females for you to cosplay.

Another one is getting psyched to meet a guest that you've wanted to meet for a long time but the con has shitty guest management and is constantly cutting people off. I'm looking at you, Anime Central.

>> No.6714448

When people can't be bothered to follow basic hygiene at cons. It takes 10 minutes to shower, throw on some deodorant/powder/spray/something. It takes less time to change your clothes, socks, underwear. Nobody wants to smell your funk. I'll never forget being stuck around somebody in a narrow skybridge who smelled so bad I wanted to throw up.

It sounds mean but seriously, please take care of yourselves for 15 minutes every day so you don't smell horrible?

>> No.6714499

>Con invites a guest you don't care for or even hate
>You end up running into them all the fucking time over the weekend

>> No.6714523

Hot girls who do shitty costumes with cleavage, tights, skirts, etc., and get tons of attention "omg your costume is so good so impressive."

People cosplaying things way wrong for their body type. Not just fat chicks, but also 150 lb dudes trying Iron Tager, or B-cup girls doing Matsumoto Rangiku.

TF2 group costumes. It's so overdone and easy to do.

>> No.6714530
File: 26 KB, 508x408, above the e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Jojo mostly has an older school fanbase. Not that big, but very very loyal.

They're probably just excited about the new show.

Obviously however, problems could include current anime fans (if I can even call them that) that might fag up the joint a bit by over-doing the fandom a bit and burning out everyone's patience with it.

>> No.6714532

>B-cup girls doing Matsumoto Rangiku.

I actually hate the reverse of this more. Like when girls with huge boobs cosplay flat characters. Most of them don't even bother trying to fake a flat chest. "Hehe, I can't bind, silly, plus my boobies are cute and they make the character look better." There's 50000 huge boobed characters cosplay one of them!

>> No.6714539

Getting pestered with requests to help with props.
It wouldn't be bad if they bothered to try with their shit but instead they pretty much want me to make and paint their props. No.

People who do not know what the fuck personal boundaries or space is. Or those who do then throw it into the wind the moment they step inside a con. Not fucking cool.

People who think others are creeps just by talking to them. Not a healthy thing in or out a con.

Those filthy fucks who don't bathe or shower during the con weekend.

That first person in cosplay that pisses off the staff at a restaurant by acting like complete dicks and ruining the rest of the weekend for anyone else who eats there from the con.

>> No.6714574

I hate this "true fan" bullshit. And honestly, if person A has only seen 1 episode or played only a few levels, and person B has read/played/seen everything and knows the expanded universe and cosplays and writes fanfiction and has been a fan for xx years, but person A gets more enjoyment out of whatever it is than person B, person A is a "bigger fan." I think being a fan is about enjoyment, not a contest or how much random shit you know or how much money you spend, and while those things can be indicative of a real passion, they in and of themselves do not have an effect on how "big of a fan" someone is, but rather ARE the effect.

>> No.6714578

That one asshole who is either taking up another seat for their stuff or the one who thinks they only need one

>> No.6714583

I like Adventure Time, and Doctor Who, and Sherlock. But it seems most of the people I encounter who love them/participate in the fandom are obnoxious as fuck about it and just in general. Every once in a while I eat those words, but most of the time that rings true. I'm sure I've met plenty of people who like them but don't disclose the information unless prompted, which is why the existence of that group isn't really validated.

What really creeps me out is certain fandoms, like Doctor Who, Hetalia, Homestuck, etc., is they consume a person's life. Like when the last Harry Potter came out and the internet was mourning about the end of "their childhood," I don't remember anybody whose childhood revolved around HP, but I'm seeing people now whose lives revolve around DH, HS, Hetalia, etc.

>> No.6714591


yeah they are equally annoying. It all falls under what I said: wrong body type.

>> No.6714603

The problem is that dumbshits assume that EVERY girl who plays games is only in it for attention when that type of person is actually not that common

>> No.6714614


Yes, but any time you are at a convention, Magic tournament, LAN, or whatever, it really brings this out. Any girl gets a ton of attention, especially if she's even remotely decent looking. If they enjoy that attention, maybe do just a bit to encourage it (since it's a huge self esteem boost!), then they are perpetuating the stereotype. So every guy who does nerd stuff has seen a lot of girls display at least some of this behavior.

>> No.6714632

Its not really the girl's fault if she happens to be in a Magic tournament, whatever, and she gets a ton of attention for being a girl. If you want to blame anyone, blame the guys/girls giving her all the attention just for being there. Or you know, stop whining about it.

>> No.6714639

Well that's because the wrong kinds of people are the ones getting the attention. It's the idiots in everything that stand out and ruin people's perceptions. I'm not saying that girls who are really into this stuff and happily join in as another member of a group are to blame, but we don't hate them, we dislike the idiots who ruin all the fun for them, but it's those idiots that make real gamers who are girls so difficult to trust.

>> No.6714646

>Doctor Who, and Sherlock
What doubles the bug for me is that a full 99% of them wouldn't have followed either until a TV series came along staring an actor they desperately want to fuck. Don't get me wrong, there are actors I adore, but (a) that's not the sole determining factor in my entertainment choices and (b) I don't center my entire life around my desire to fuck a fictional character and/or actor. That's a crazy desperate level of sexual fixation.

>> No.6714647
File: 49 KB, 480x360, 658.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had a girl like that ask for a hug once.

That was fun.

>> No.6714649

>so difficult to trust
lol give me a fucking break

>> No.6714658

Don't be an asshole. I'm pretty sure that girls feel the same way about neckbeard stereotypes.

>> No.6714665

...Yes, because neckbears tend to get gropey or otherwise disrespect boundaries. Fake nerd girls are just annoying flies in the background.

>> No.6714680

-Special Snowflake Black Cosplayers

Sorry brah but people don't like your cosplay not because your black. No, it's because you suck. Go tell that to your Tumblr cosplay SJW buddies. (Now, I will admit there is some racist fucks in the cosplay community but most of them are elitist faggots who nobody likes.)

-When people think I'm 'cool' because I'm black and I cosplay

Okay, I'm a nigga that cosplays...get over it. Stop with the reverse special snowflake bullshit and stop treating me like I'm some sort of rare fuckin' thing.

-Folks who think they don't need a wig for their character
Unless your character is bald or use your same hairstyle, please wear a wig. (Trying to convince my friend he needs a wig but won't listen. Oh well...)

Speaking of Kanye West (and rap music), go listen to Touch The Sky. Lupe makes a reference to Lupin the Third. I also giggle when people on YouTube get so butthurt over video game music and anime music being used in hip-hop samples and calling the producer "thieves", even though the song is not for sale and they're not making any money off it.

>> No.6714681
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Sages of our times.

>> No.6714691
File: 1.98 MB, 328x262, 1358007746710.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Waiting in line for passes, holy fuck. Went out to get my pass this afternoon at a local convention (small but good) and usually it takes about 15 minutes max to receive the pass - I was waiting in line for almost 2 fucking hours. Ruined my whole schedule for the afternoon, pretty pissed about it.

>> No.6714698

DragonCon badge pickup used to take 4-6 HOURS. I got in line, having not really eaten much all day thinking "we might be in line for maybe an hour tops, I'll be okay"... 5 hours later, we got our badges and I was more than ready for dinner.

>> No.6714703

Oof, that's rough buddy. I'm used to going to local conventions - the most one of my conventions ever topped was like a 2500 person attendance cap, so waiting in line was never really an issue. This is just the first time in almost 5 years I've had to wait that long in line for a pass - even the pre-reg line was a longer wait, its fucking baffling.

>> No.6714709
File: 64 KB, 419x272, 007839.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ahh, the weeb touhou fans drown in ignorance. There's a touhou weeb at my school and when I tried to talk to her about it she didn't know any characters outside of EoSD.

>> No.6714716

You're still saying it's okay to generalize one group over another. Plus, the fake gamergurls are usually the ones online trying to get people to buy them shit.

>> No.6714719

I know this feel...

>at a con
>weeb reimu
>"what games am I in?"


>> No.6714726
File: 69 KB, 800x466, 007987.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also wigs are non-existent to them? Most white touhou cosplayers I see are shitty. (Hopefully mine will turn out okay at the very least. Cosplaying Tenshi.)

>> No.6714734

Whole tag related.


>> No.6714739

A lot of touhou cosplayers are casuals(also random guys), I actually put a ton of work into my cosplays and try to make them as nice as possible. Though, I understand that for most people it's just dressing as characters they like for fun so they don't seem to care that much.

>> No.6714744
File: 9 KB, 144x151, 1362693845475.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ctrl + F homestuck
>19 hits
Well, I try to be nice at least. Shit, I've taken to carrying about a repair kit for anyone who needs it in my bag, try to spread some love and all that jazz.

>> No.6714750


I know it seems shitty, but keep on being nice. The more you're a great person and put out a good image, then whoever came into contact with you can say "hey, I actually met a really awesome Homestuck cosplayer today, maybe the stories aren't true of everyone of them". You can even help those around you learn those same courtesies, and perhaps those you aid will begin paying it forward.

Keep on truckin'.

>> No.6714763

I'll be that guy that would troll the weeb!reimu and be like "You're from Higurashi no Naku Koro Ni" game.

>> No.6714771

Thanks anon, I guess you're right.
It just gets exasperating, spending a good hour stitching up and repairing some poor girls suit to hear "Damn homestucks!" shouted at random from across the con.

>> No.6714772

Is it a common thing for people to come up and hug you at cons?

Do they do it because they think you're cute or do they like your character?

Also, is it more of a girl thing or do guys do it as well?

>> No.6714783

People seem to think that personal space isn't a thing as soon as they're at a con. I think girls are more likely to give unwanted hugs, though, as well as fucking glomping. I'm fortunate enough that I haven't experienced that but holy shit.

>> No.6714784

Oh yeah, it's really common.
Most people do it because they like your character, but if they have no idea what you're cosplaying, it's because you're cute.

Mostly girls ask for hugs. I don't believe I've ever had a guy ask for a hug.

>> No.6714786

How many times would a person get hugged at a regular con?

>> No.6714793

Does the glomping seriously happen? I'm kinda inexperienced (3 cons), and I've never had someone tackle/hug me without permission.
I've never counted, but quite a few, depending on attractiveness, how well your cosplay is, etc etc.
Heck I've had some people ask for shipping, but thats never really been my thing.

>> No.6714798

You'd be surprised. I don't even cosplay and I get hugged at least ten times a con. I don't really mind it, though. If it's something you're worried about, just put your hands out to signal a no.

>> No.6714805

Never seen or dealt with it.
Big cons, medium cons and small local cons.

I don't know if it's a past thing or what.

>> No.6714808

A little bit of both. If somebody lieks your character, they'll hug ya. If they think you're cute or just a chill cool person, they'll hug you.

In most of my experince at cons, mostly guys. The lonely guys with the social skills of a snail.

>> No.6714809

NO no nonono no no no JUST no!! Dont you dare start doing this to the dwarfs, just no. I hate this new hobbit fandom with a passion, band wagoners every where mucking up this entire established universe.
And this just NO

>> No.6714810

I get it from girls a lot. I cosplay Tales characters. 99% sure those two things are related.

>> No.6714828

So I should cosplay popular things to get hugs?

I just want some affection. ;_;

>> No.6714831

I've been glomped once, but I was sitting down and leaning on something, plus the person was lightweight, so it was fine.
Definitely catches you way off guard, though.

>> No.6714840

No. Cosplay whoever you like. Don't do no cosplay just because it's popular.

Besides, what if you cosplay a character you like (that isn't midly popular) and yet, there's a fan of said character who hugs you because you cosplayed as their favorite character?

Shit, i rather get hugged from 1 or 2 people because I cosplayed as a character they really love than get hugged by 500+ fuckin' people just cuz I wanted to be Mr. Popular

>> No.6714842

Mm, if you cosplay something popular and do it well, you'll get hugged.
Especially if you're a guy cosplaying a guy from a female-oriented anime.

>> No.6714861

I have guys ask me for hugs all the time and I hate touching people so I always decline. Granted I'm a tiny, "cutesy" looking girl.

Had a hambeast running tackle me out of nowhere from behind in a foodcourt once and squeeze me so tight I thought I was going to break a rib, and she was easily twice my size. I guess that's what I get for cosplaying a popular character from an insane old fandom though.

Only one in easily 20+ cons though.

>> No.6714863

Scary shit.

>> No.6714867

From my experience, both reasons? The glomping happens when the person is obsessed with the character AND thinks you're cute.

>> No.6714928

You like him because he had a harder life?
Agreeing with the guest thing. Everyone hates mcnigz but id still go to my favorite con.
Still..find it weird his dickery is never caught on film.

>> No.6715029

Ezio was a spoiled frat boy until the assassin shit went down, his sudden "development" seemed so forced, that's mainly why I dislike him.

>> No.6715074
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>> If someone wants spend hundreds of dollars so they can take selfies of them posing with various games and systems, so the fuck what? can you not ignore them?

This to the nth degree. This whole post to the nth degree.

>> No.6715470


>> No.6715544
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When people photoshop themselves into backgrounds. It never looks good, so why do it?

>> No.6715594
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What grinds my gears? When people cosplay as characters they barely even know.

I know this guy who only cosplays as fan girl favourites like Gilgamesh (Fate/Zero), Kagami (Kuroko no Basket) and Sinbad (Magi). Apparently he doesn't like any of the series and doesn't care about the characters. Usually the characters he cosplays as don't have a shirt and.. well. You get the picture. This really bugs me since one of his choices is my absolute favourite character and he doesn't give a shit about him. If you don't like the character, why even bother? (Well, for the attention of course.) It feels like an insult to the fandom who actually enjoy the series and love the characters.

>> No.6715640

>/fit/ cosplayers

>> No.6715648
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>Went to a con today
>Rules or cosplay comp clearly state "Japanese manga, anime and video games"
>Winners cosplay Korean video games

>> No.6715694

>Wahhhh my shitty costume didn't win!

>> No.6715703

I can feel you, anon. Those people are horrible.

>> No.6715796

>Idiot-chan assumes wrong because I mention a gear grinder
>I wasn't a competitor

>> No.6715899

>what every other poster has said about /co/, homestuck, TF2, and Adventure Time.

At the last anime convention I went too, the two biggest groups were /co/, homestuck, and Adventure Time. That shouldn't happen even the flux of Sword Art Online couldn't match it.

>Also, when above groups get mad for an Anime/Japanese Game cosplayer ends up getting more attention.
I got fucking hate mail from this shit, which completely pissed me off. GTFO of the Anime convention if your going to complain dick heads. Maybe if you cosplayed to the over all general theme of the damn convention you might get somewhere.

>> No.6715911
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Wow this looks so bad. Thing is, that looks like a pretty decent costume she has. But photoshopping it like that just highlights every way in which she falls short of the animated version. Even a truly superb cosplay like pic related would look bad if you photoshopped it into a screenshot of the show or game. Why did she think this would look good?

>> No.6715984

>People who cosplays character they don't know anything about/don't like because they are cute/popular
I'm sure you can find a cute or popular character that you actually like...

>People who claim their bought costume is hand-made
I sometimes wear modified cosplays, but at least I say they are modified if someone asks..

>Badly done gijinkas
Gijinkas allow you to be creative, so why do most people do the t-shirt+pants+ears

>No wig or wig in a total wrong shade
No that neon pink is not madokas haircolor

>> No.6715995


>Not making actual armour and just using shitty material

>> No.6715997


It's not a decent costume at all because she hasn't even made the armour. It's not hard. Foam, spray, glue, done.

>> No.6716325
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Cons shitting up registration methods. 10 hours in line. Missed all of Friday. Luckily I was young and not as into cons as I am now, but still 10 fucking hours. I would've fucking left if The Pillows weren't playing the next day.

>> No.6716351

>the comparison makes the cosplayer look worse

>> No.6716369

Anime Boston 08?

>> No.6716397

I make a big stink about stuff like that (pun intended). I will seriously just start saying in a loud voice "holy shit someone has seriously rank BO. Who the hell stinks so bad?" Usually the person who smells will go away at that point. If not I will point at them and tell them it's them and they need to go shower and put deodorant on. They obviously don't give a shit about offending my sense of smell, so I don't give a sit about offending their (lack of) dignity.

>> No.6716417

>stop treating me like I'm some sort of rare fuckin' thing
Hate to break it to you, but YOU ARE a rare fuckin' thing. The ratio of *insert race here* to black cosplayers is overwhelmingly lopsided. I think it's cool that people are encouraging diversity. Don't be offended by it, I'm sure most have the best intentions with what they're saying.

>> No.6716427

Only in places where there's a ratio over black people anyway, really. At cons in areas with lots of black residents I see plenty of black congoers and plenty of black cosplayers- maybe casuals for the most part, or not what one might call "serious", community-active cosplayers, but they still exist fairly plentifully.

>> No.6716429

>I don't believe I've ever had a guy ask for a hug.
Speaking as a "typical" guy, we're not very huggy people, which is why you probably don't get many requests for hugs from dudes.

>> No.6716430

Tumblr fans. They're either incredibly immature or nutty SJWs. I just wanted to laugh at stupid art of let's players, not get involved in this shit.

Also, people who are shitty to their fans and then seek out all of the people on tumblr who posted "wow he's kind of a dick" and say "How am I a dick? What did I ever do to you?" And then "Why do you always let drama be stirred up?" I'm looking at you, yogscast Rythian. Wtf man.

>> No.6716485


I think she's going for Bilbo Baggins rule 63? I think she looks great. She's heavier, but its not like her rolls are everywhere. She looks good.

>> No.6716497


I live near Baltimore, and go to Otakon every year. There's a lot of black people, but they're really nice. I've seen some great black cosplays in my days.

>> No.6716500

This. In the figure/anime merchandise collecting community, which is surprisingly large in the West, you'd be hard pressed to find someone who doesn't like Touhou.

>> No.6716507


>> No.6716512

When a fandom/a series you casually watch but aren't really big on gets pissy when you don't get an in-joke/think fandom joke cosplays are stupid.

I'm looking at you mass influxes of SPN Rule63 cosplayers. Don't get pissy when I don't realize your plaid shirt, boot with heels and shorts combo doesn't look like a cosplay to me.

>> No.6716518

Girls who wear genderbends of girl characters turned male. Unless they're already pretty androgenous it's just full of why.

>> No.6716522
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Chubby/Fat/Very fat cosplayers usually don't bother me, but the inaccuracy does.
"Young lucius malfoy," In this case

>> No.6716531

It has plenty of animated OVAs...

>> No.6716533
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And also stuff like this. I'm afraid the spikyhaired one is a very unique Undertaker, if that's the name.

>> No.6716536

Isnt the spikyhaired one supposed to be that naked human/dog

>> No.6716540

I've never watched Black butler, but do have a vague grasp of the names. Glad it wasn't an Undertaker though

>> No.6716542

>Katarynka 03/23/13(Sat)14:06 No.6716536
> >>6716533
its Pluto, he's in the anime only

>> No.6716545


Fucking hell, why am I even on this board? I don't even cosplay.

>> No.6716555

The way I see it, JoJo has been running for 25 years. I try to avoid posting unconcealed spoilers for Parts I and II out of respect for those watching the anime, but with so much material beyond that that's not spoiler-ish at all to those who've actually been reading the manga, people getting into JoJo through the anime have no right to get buttflustered over people posting Part III-VIII spoilers simply because they started following a 25-year-old series in 2012.

It's just a rumor, with a strong undercurrent of denial. Crunchyroll backed the petition in an attempt to earn some brand loyalty from hambeasts (Crunchy's been shitting themselves because a new streaming service, Daisuki, is going to completely wipe the floor with them), and spun KyoAni's not outright saying "fuck off" as a "we'll consider it." Unless everyone signing the petition were to commit to importing the BDs, the swimming anime isn't going to get made - KyoAni and Kadokawa see very little profit from US licensing of their shows (and none at all from piracy), so making a show for the US market is foolish.

>> No.6716560

I would pour crazy amounts of money into this.

>> No.6716573

"You're wasting your time and money because no one is going to recognize you in that."

To me, that just says, "You're having fun wrong." If I wanted to be showered with attention and have tons of pictures taken, I'd cosplay something that the average con goer would recognize as being from a series.

>> No.6716585

Is that a thing? I've never seen that. Unless you're talking about Marshal Lee and Prince Gumball.

>> No.6716589


>> No.6716598

The Touhou reskin mod for Team Fortress 2.

>> No.6716607

I've never seen an Iron Tager cosplay to begin with.
I'm compelled.

>> No.6716614

There's that and I've seen a decent amount of Paty and Stocking rule 63 done by girls. Usually ones who are too fat for it.

>> No.6716639

Kind of on the flipside of the gamur girlllll talk.

I used to be one, but I was young and stupid and it was the only wau I recieved attention from guys online. So eventually I chilled, learned it didn't matter and just to pray da gaem.

And then one day I ran into this asshole:

Friend: "Hey anon, head up to the waypoint n' guard dat shit gurrll. That way I can admire your hot manly avatar asss mmmhmm."
Asshole: "Wait wait wait. . . Anon is a GIRL?"
Me: too busy losing it at friend's comment.
Asshole: "no dude, she's a dude. Girls don't play games. Hey, anon, if you really ARE a girl, why are you pkaying this game? It's gory and scary and hasgunz!"
Me: "If it makes you ego feel better I'm wearing my pink frilly dress and am surrounded by my Barbie dolls."

Rest of the clan had a good laugh.

This dude was fucking serious. He sent a message to the clan leader asking me to verify my identity. Was booted shortly afterward. It's always stuck with me, I guess, because it was my first run in with somebody who honest to thought chicks didn't pray gaems.

TL;DR: I understand gamur gurl hate, equally hate men who think girls play games just for attention.

>> No.6716653

As a girl who plays LoL I never mention my gender. Even when there's an opportunity to like when the team is talking about their girlfriend or sister who plays. It's just not going to end well. My game name is pseudo-feminine but most other players assume I'm a guy. Since it ends in '-a' though I do get spanish speaking players once in awhile going "soy una mujer?!?!?"

>> No.6716679

Thought so, heh.

I was one of the lucky ones that picked up my badge Thursday night, so I only stood in the half hour-hour line then.

>> No.6716684
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There's a couple, but this one's one of my favorites. They're all from around southeast asia it seems like. You can find them on Cure.

>> No.6716694

This is what happened to Ibara no Ou. The "movie" brutally murdered my favorite short manga series because it changed and ruined the manga. The evolution and develeopment of the characters/relationships was completely left out and the plot was pretty much ran through a paper shredder.

>> No.6716714

Same here. When I just play, it's no big deal. If it ever is discovered that I'm female, it becomes a big deal. It sucks. I won't join on voice chat in games for that reason.

>> No.6716814

This to the crossplay point.
I hate it as well when girls do genderbends and they change nothing about the original character and give the excuse of "genderbending isn't about slutting it up omg I'm gonna stay true to the character."

Yeah, you might as well crossplay him if you didn't change anything about the design except for your makeup and have boobs. You just look lazy.

>> No.6716833

There's pretty easy ways to fuck with how your voice sounds over chat if you are on PC

Funny as hell to make my voice sound female then suddenly switch back to fuck with the type of person who gives actual women shit

>> No.6716832

The Magi anime is guilty of that. I'm really disappointed with the anime. Other than how unfitting and weak the OSTs are at most moments, so much characterization was lost by cutting out scenes and conversations in between. There were so many scenes I wanted to see animated but weren't, yet they completely changed the order of most events.

>> No.6716865

Me too, anon. I have an okay art style and would consider doing a 4coma or a pamphlet of some kind just to carry with me and hand out at cons I attend.

>> No.6716867

But TF2 was just hats the game, it makes sense.

>> No.6716872

This so much! It's not like you have to slut up the costume. One of my friends decided to do 'girl Sora' from KH, and it took me 2 weeks to convince her that making a skirt wouldn't mean she would have to make a mini skirt and wear it with a bikini top.

>> No.6717007

I need some advice for picking up cosplayers.
How do I become an alpha pick-up artist like this guy?


In all seriousness, do you ever encounter anyone like this at cons?

>> No.6717083

>B-cup girls doing Matsumoto Rangiku.
This happens? I've never seen a Rangiku who weighed less than like a thousand stone.

I imagine the cut of her costume would just look stupid on a B-cup, though.

>> No.6717088
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I can't 'this' hard enough.

>> No.6717102

> What really creeps me out is certain fandoms, like Doctor Who, Hetalia, Homestuck, etc., is they consume a person's life
It's pretty common, but more so with music than with TV series. When Take That split up the first time 'round, swathes of teenage girls tried to kill themselves in despair. I think it's to do with the eternal teenage identity crisis. It's easier to fixate if you don't know who you are to begin with, and it doesn't take much to just become a fandom.

>> No.6717121

People exaggerate shit on the internet, especially in fandoms, where there's this need to up the ante and show how dedicated you are. I wouldn't take it that seriously. It's pretty easy to say "My life would be over without Doctor Who" but most of them will be bandwagoning some other shit in a few years.

>> No.6717133

Homestuck does this
with everything.

Add (fandom name + ) stuck and it becomes part of homestuck. I want to vomit.

>> No.6717142

I'm looking at your Vic (animeNEXT 06 ugggh worst one yet)

>> No.6717149

Yeah I think I could get away with pretending I'm just some mature-ish 14 year old kid. Though honestly the few times I have done voice chat I don't usually get a lot of shit for being a girl. Just one guy in a five-man premade sounded a little drunk and was asking stuff like "omg r u hawt?"

>> No.6717232

TBH i really don't give too shits about homestuck,Bronies,Furries,Whovians etc etc. It's when you get the groups of morons that actually go out of there way to claim their fandom is far superior to everyone that pisses me right off.

>> No.6717406

I'm mostly annoyed by the people who never shut up about how great they think the Homestuck fandom is, but then claim you can't judge things on the fandom. Like they'll be basically saying homestuck is great because of the fandom, but then when I bring up stuff like the bucket video, they get all up on my case and tell me to not judge homestuck based on those things.

You also can't forget the folks who always claim to be part of "the good part" of the fandom, or how all the annoying fans are just "the loud 1%"

>> No.6717524

i like the costume, but her face (eyes/whatever) seem totally not suited for this costume.

>> No.6717529

Rule 63 SPN cosplayers in general tend to annoy me... It just isnt a cosplay to me. Sorry.

>> No.6717539

I am actually planning male stocking just because i dont feel comfortable in a skirt or skin tight outfit. I'm not fat - i'm 5' 3" and 126lbs.

>> No.6717550

What anon is saying is that Nigri should stick with the already sexy characters. Her Rikku, Juliet, and Moxxi are good examples of that.

>> No.6717575

This reminds me of a peeve of mine, even though it doesn't represent it.

I hate it when people try to go outside their body types for their cosplay, it usually just ends up looking really bad.

If someone's a bit larger, they get massive respect points for cosplaying as a larger character.

>> No.6717584

Well, the ponylovers DO actually have there own place to go, there's entire cons devoted to it.

>> No.6717604

Now they do. Bronycon is only 3 years old. I sadly worked staff at the first 2 major ones. I'm not going to the baltimore one because i just dont want to be seen with bronies anymore.

>> No.6717651

Fucking Toronto Batman is a giant douche, this I can confirm from experience

>> No.6717677

If you're cosplaying as a "mascot" character, something that puts you in some kind of suit, hugs form men and women alike are pretty likely. My sister did a Teddie a couple years back and a lot of people wanted hugs. Nobody attacked her though, everyone asked first.

>> No.6717710

Not completely related, because I think he's a pretty cool guy, but Jesus fucking Christ, Cliffy B is everywhere. I've seen him and his wife no less than 8 times today, I think they may be following me.

>> No.6717753

He's staying at the Westin, so I've seen him in the elevators a couple times on my way to my room.

>> No.6717772

Is it weird that I always get the urge to beat up people in mascot-style costumes? Like I don't have some sort of hatred of furries, I just get the sudden urge to start punching people in those sorts of suits for some reason

>> No.6717782

Well, mascot-style isn't really the same thing as furry at all, although the furry ones could certainly be a sub category.

>Is it weird that I always get the urge to beat up people in mascot-style costumes?
A little bit, but I must admit that a lot of them look very punchable.

>> No.6718292
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Related to this post

this is why we cant have nice things. Seriously, stop making 'lolita' versions of everything. This 'lolita' dress is just shit.

>> No.6718341

Because you like the costume. I couldn't cosplay a character I downright hate, but if the costume's nice, I'll make and wear it even if I don't know even the series. Sometimes I'll make a costume off of a picture I've seen on the internet only to find out it's from something. Some people cosplay to express love for a character, some do it for the costumery bit, some do it for attention, etc.

>> No.6718405

Joff likes Touhou, if the last king of Scotland thinks it's important, then the rest of the world should.

>> No.6718435

I understand cosplaying just because you like a costume, but it doesnt annoy me any less. I cosplay because i like or love the character. Anything different seems pointless because you;ll just be out of character the entire time and people will catch on to your bullshit.

>> No.6719016

That dress would be pure shit even WITHOUT all the tacky trims and tulle. JHC the proportions of that skirt.

>> No.6719029

I hate it when obese women try to warp fitted jackets or vests with contrasting colored piping to their frame. Instead of accentuating an hourglass figure, it accentuates a beachball figure and just looks hideous and sloppy.

>> No.6719317


And the MLP phenomenon is only 3 years old. Bronies have had quarantine cons for as long as the fandom's been a thing, so cons that have nothing to do with MLP don't need to pander to them with panels and events.