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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 342 KB, 1500x1033, hi-kyubey-mahou-shoujo-madoka-magica-19305621-1500-1033.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6711526 No.6711526 [Reply] [Original]

Say there is a series you like and want to cosplay from but you find out your gender is shut out of it. What do you do?

A: Cosplay as the one character that matches your gender no matter how obscure they are or how much you hate them. This includes dressing up as the mascot character, giginka or otherwise.
B: Rule 63 cosplay
C: Crossplay (Be it intentional crossplay or intentionally bad crossplay)
D: Move on to another series and simply take photos

>> No.6711540

D. I don't think people want to see a 6'2 300 pounds black man cosplaying as a female character say like the Sisters of Purgatory from Umineko or a Sailor Senshi

Unless I lost a really bad bet and I was drunk during said bet

>> No.6711542

A, B, or C are all good options. If you're talking about Madoka, you'll be outnumbered 10 to 1 by Sayakas if you do Kyosuke. They'll love you. There's also QB gijinka, brodoka magica, serious crossplay... There's plenty you can do.

If you have massive skill you could do some of the Witches too. Nobody cares about your gender when that much of you is covered up. A man could TOTALLY be Walpurgis night.

>> No.6711573

Rule 63 all day erryday. Seriously though, I dont relate to most female archetypes, I could never pull off crossplay, and Im not cosplaying someone I dont relate to. Plus theres a little more leeway with design in rule 63 stuff which is fun.

>> No.6711628

You're forgetting about MORNING RESCUE!

>> No.6711685

C if it would be possible, B if it would be recognizable, then D.

>> No.6711712

So when guys do it is ok?

>> No.6711752

>Say there is a series you like and want to cosplay from but you find out your gender is shut out of it.
I have a feeling this is mostly a problem for males. Almost every anime has female characters except fujoshit, in which case the male characters look like females anyway.

>> No.6711781

>C: Crossplay
I alraedy look like a boy
not that there are many boy-only anime
like are there any at all?

>> No.6711800

Or older series like HnK or any of the really manly series out there.

>> No.6711808
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Rule 63 lets you express some creativity

>> No.6711870

Woman here. See reasons I will never HnK or LoGH. There aren't many women and the ones that are there are either way out of my skill range or I have no interest in them.

>> No.6712751

I think so, I love seeing brodokas.

>> No.6712762

Screw manliness. Unless a guy is just too damn beefy, I'll crossplay any man's man. Hell my favorite characters are typically that type anyhow. Makes it more fun to convincingly walk, talk, and gesture like the character anyhow. I am psyched to be making Harlock this year and be a space god of manly.

>> No.6712777

I'm 5'3" and the girliest thing since shoujo manga.

Forever not a awesome manly man. ;_;

>> No.6713243

Does anyone have some kind of guide of crossplay tips they can link me to or something?

I'm a boy btw.

>> No.6713292

Do whatever the fuck you want. Crossplay, genderbend, what the fuck ever. If you love the character or design or what have you, do it. Why not?

If you're not comfortable crossplaying, genderbend that shit. Genderbend to your heart's content.

If you think genderbending is tacky, crossplay. Tuck back your dick or flatten your tits, no one gives a shit.

Have fun. Don't give a shit. If you feel like shit in it, then you'll look like shit.

>> No.6713494
File: 36 KB, 400x533, brodoka.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6713551
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Buy a hooker and make her cosplay for you

>> No.6714559

Aw yes

>> No.6715026

Of course, someone who's obese and who looks nothing like any of the characters he ever cosplayed would say that. Gee, what a surprise...

>> No.6715039

This is glorious.

>> No.6715055
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i want i need it

>> No.6715079

C, as this exact situation has been the case with me and Touhou.

>> No.6715085


>> No.6715549
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best thing ever

>> No.6716953
File: 38 KB, 444x700, hey kid wanna contract.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rule 63 designs for Madoka often look kinda off. Something about the Puella Magi outfits just doesn't translate well to genderswapped versions. You could go with something like >>6713494 (especially if you're big and/or hairy), or go with a Kyubey cosplay. A gijinka could work, or you could go full horror and do something like this. Alternatively, a business suit and a Kyubey head would be funny, like that one doujin that attempted to explain Coobie's actions and outlook as the result of getting NTRed and having his job stolen.

But good luck to you with whatever you pursue - I ran into a similar dilemma with Nichijou, so I went with a Sakamoto gijinka.

>> No.6717361

a tip if you are going to genderbend madoka consider kodona or aristocrat themed designs
itll look better than a vest and dress pants

>> No.6717380

This has never stopped the touhou cosplayers ever.

>> No.6717394
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Yeah, it's really hard to find a good genderswap of the girls. Most don't incorporate enough of the original outfit or just don't look good if they do.
Pic related one of the only genderbends I've liked of Homura and will probably cosplay in the future.

>> No.6718831

Dexter, Samwise, and gijinkas which have no actual human related bodily translation so you can do whatever you want with them? Yeah, okay.

>> No.6718841

sexy sexy sexy SEXY Homura!

>> No.6719810

Touhou is the most crossplayed series for men ever.

>> No.6719896


once a group of friends wanted to do something madoka related. but we had trouble with a dude with similar build to you

We came up with the idea of the "Mitakihara Globetrotters" which amounted to two girls in basketball jerseys and a 6'1 intimidating black man rocking a mami wig

We couldn't find a place that made custom jerseys though, so we scrapped it.

>> No.6720078
File: 148 KB, 720x960, mecosplay2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It depends who you're gonna be. For the most recent ALA, I just crosdressed as Homu (Admittedly, it was my first ever cosplay so it's kind of bad). But that's just my opinion. Do whatever you want OP

>> No.6720422

I'd laugh, but there's a very real chance that this has happened.

HAS this happened? I want stories, dammit.

>> No.6721076

i saw you at ALA haha
it wasn't that bad actually?

but for the thread in general, i recommend B or C. it'll be no fun cosplaying characters you don't enjoy, and giving up on it overall is no fun.

>> No.6721088

>B: Rule 63 cosplay
>C: Crossplay (Be it intentional crossplay or intentionally bad crossplay)

Pretty much these. Shows are K-ON and Nichijou.

>> No.6721131

I've done alternative B, it was lots of fun actually, and I'd do it again if I wanted to do a masculine guy. I'm a 5'3 female with a very petite build (Taobao is the first place where I've found clothes that aren't from the childrens department in my actual size) so I need so much makeup and male shapewear and god knows what to crossplay, unless it's something like Hunny from OHSHC which I pulled off quite easily. My Mori was like 6'3, it was fantastic.

Do what you think will look good and what you will have fun wearing.

>> No.6721405

don't be an idiot and don't cosplay from it.
just because you like a series does not mean you are obligated to cosplay from it. here's an idea: grow up and stop being a manchild.

>> No.6721527

>We came up with the idea of the "Mitakihara Globetrotters" which amounted to two girls in basketball jerseys and a 6'1 intimidating black man rocking a mami wig

I would pay good money to see this.

>> No.6721569

I second that.

>> No.6721646

B or C. Choose the character you like the most and then either genderswap or go brodoka.

Anyone who suggests A or D is a huge faggot. If there's a character that really does look a lot like you, you should consider cosplaying them. But other than that, just do whatever you want to and try to do it well.

>> No.6725657
File: 329 KB, 1024x768, hnk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/m/ here,

LoGH, srsly? 'look like sissies if you ask me, no one exceptionally manly. HnK? Hrm... You could try Juda/Rei/Shin/Juuza/grown up Lynn/Mamiya/Yuria (though I'm guessing they're the uninteresting ones). Just sayin', there are options.

Do I wanna see a 150lb woman made of muscle? Damn straight I do.

>> No.6725757

Fucking love you right now, anon.

>> No.6725847
File: 6 KB, 188x268, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i like to cosplay sort of abstract / creature / mascot characters that can be done in a group.

friends and i almost always cosplay anthony from madoka at every LA area con and i'm probably gonna roll it at fanime as well :3

>> No.6725882
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>> No.6725884

Is that you Squidels?

>> No.6725890
File: 2.41 MB, 317x501, 1324768795446.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh wow. Do you mind showing your Anthony cosplay? I'm sorry if I sound a little rude.

I've never seen someone cosplay him before.

>> No.6725909

Nope not showing you my picture.

>> No.6726034

remind me to post tmrw im going to bed email in field
>its not as good as you think

>> No.6726061

I want to cosplay every touhou character ever but unless I make them muscley and manly there's not a chance of that happening