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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 11 KB, 183x275, geass.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6711053 No.6711053 [Reply] [Original]

Just got dumped by my best friend of 10 years,
Can we can a BFF cosplay thread?

>> No.6711056

What does this shit even mean? Did you cheat on them or something?

>> No.6711060

like your bff or your SO

and don't pull that shit where you're like "my SO is my BFF!"

>> No.6711063
File: 51 KB, 333x500, Minori_to_Taiga__Hug_by_powermyumyu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My BFF--thus the want for a bff thread. Apparently after 10 years of being best friends if we cant be more we can no longer be friends, period. Non-romantic heart break, on my end.

>> No.6711071
File: 2.70 MB, 4000x3000, yugi_and_joey_by_rikkukaylinn-d5k3aqg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6711072

>if we cant be more we can no longer be friends
>after 10 years of being best friends

God, how much of a fucking asshole can you be? I hope nobody responds to your fucking thread.

>> No.6711074

well they did say non-romantic...but OP wants to be more then friends?

OP please elaborate

>> No.6711078


Sounds like the other person wanted to be more than friends or not friends at all. Thus the op was "dumped" and is going through non-romantic heartbreak.

Am I the only one in this thread who can think critically?

>> No.6711082

nah, you just beat the rest of us to it.

>> No.6711084
File: 38 KB, 440x586, Code Geass - Lelouch&Suzaku2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How does that make me an asshole? He asked me to be more than friends after I was already in a long term relationship (that I still am in--we were/are not on the verge of a break up or anything) and then told me if our relationship couldn't be romantic we cant be friends anymore. I have no romantic feelings for him, but I'm heart broken that I just lost a huge part of my life & my closest friend & confidant of a decade.

>> No.6711087


Well, that sucks. But this is unfortunately a healthy thing.

This guy has basically been there for you for ten years, yearning for you, yet has had to watch you get held, loved, even fucked by other men while he stood on the sidelines.

He's not innocent in this either, but that sort of thing can destroy a person on the inside to have to watch.

Hopefully he finds himself a girlfriend or something.

>> No.6711088
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>> No.6711095

Guys never want to just be friends with a girl. They always want to fuck said girl. Welcome to reality.

>> No.6711097
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>> No.6711098

It's what you get for friendzoning the dude for 10 years. He was obviously waiting for your current relationship to end so he could attempt to make his move. Unless he is gay, he wants into your pants. 90% of straight guys have zero interest in simply being friends with a girl

>> No.6711099
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Oh, I misread and thought it was the other way around. I'm sorry.

>> No.6711102
File: 259 KB, 500x332, tumblr_lxxhd0b3Pl1qi4v1to1_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How enlightened.
"Friend-zoning" is also a retarded excuse when the person waits, not only that long, but also for the person to be in a relationship before piping up. You'd probably find a lot of "friend-zoning" is just that the disappointing party has shit timing.

Regardless, still doesn't make losing a friend any better. Thus I just wanna see funny/arty/spectacularly well done cosplays of characters who are besties or cosplays of seagulls having fun with their besties.

>> No.6711119
File: 265 KB, 768x1024, 1357600617466.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My best friend dumped me a while ago. All of my close high school friends had babies right after graduation, and now I'm the asshole because I drink/ smoke/ have other friends. I hope through cosplay or lolita I can find some new besties.

>> No.6711121
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>> No.6711132

smoking actually makes you a bit of an asshole

>> No.6711135

One of the most depressing times of my life was when my best friend dumped me, and it was because he felt we were too close and wanted distance. It took years for me to get over, so I feel you, OP. Sage for no contribution.

>> No.6711145
File: 257 KB, 900x1350, 1356656287369.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't worry, I wasn't smoking around their kids or anything.

>> No.6711146

I don't see the problem then. I think your old friends were a bunch of moral retards, judging their behaviour.

get new, better friends.

>> No.6711155
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>> No.6711161

Reading comprehension problems as usual.

>> No.6711164
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>> No.6711166
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>> No.6711169
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>> No.6712076

>This guy has basically been there for you for ten years, yearning for you, yet has had to watch you get held, loved, even fucked by other men while he stood on the sidelines.
>He's not innocent in this either, but that sort of thing can destroy a person on the inside to have to watch.

Ugh, I had something like this happen to me.

I had a friend for years that I had a huge crush on, but I was too awkward to admit it. After a while I stopped talking to her for god knows why and then decided to contact her again after about a year.

When I started talking to her again she had become a camwhore, got a boyfriend (who she later dumped for an internet boyfriend), and pretty much became an overall fuck-anything-that-moves type of slut.

back then it pretty much destroyed me on the inside, but in the end I guess I'm glad I was too much of a pussy to confess my feelings seeing how she ended up, it also convinced me that most internet relationships are horrible and because the entire time she had her internet boyfriend she was camwhoring and fucking around IRL.

>> No.6712093

be like "yo if i give you 1 handy behind the dumpster after 3rd period then we are still friends and you can never bring it up"
BAM problem solved.
doing gods work here

>> No.6712097


He was in the Friend Zone for 10 years?

>> No.6712100

more like welcome to "this is an opinion i formed about life and it applies to everyone because i think it does"

>> No.6712101 [DELETED] 
File: 70 KB, 650x445, g.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please watch this video, females


>> No.6712114

>had babies right after graduation
>moral retards
Nope, just retards.

>> No.6712115

Oh boy some girl taking advantage of stupid guys seeking validation for YouTube views.

>> No.6712122

I watched five minutes and there was nothing resembling relevance to the thread. I'm not going to watch 25 more minutes in the hopes it gets less meandering and irrelevant.

>> No.6712130

Same, except this time it was a guy I saw as a friend who desperately wanted to be more. I had to constantly tell him that I just don't see him in ANY romantic light at all. But I was still naive enough to think we could just be friends so I still hang out with him.

I also put up with his constant need for attention like calling me every night and talk for about six hours on average about how he wish I was his girlfriend and I had to constantly tell him that I just am not interested in dating him. I couldn't not pick up or tell him I had to go because then he could cry and moan about how he wish he was more special.

It got really bad because the guy got more and more desperate and I put up with it because he always guilt trip me for rejecting his every attempt. Eventually he force kissed me, that was the last straw and I cut off all ties from that point on.

Years later, he also entered the cosplay scene and is apparently boning every girl he could and boasting about it. Not sure how that's suppose to impress me but then again, he has always been that desperate.

>> No.6712148


Sounds like my one friend, but she completely blocked her "admirer" and by the sounds of it, you would do well to do the same.

>> No.6712160
File: 83 KB, 342x245, 1356551438790.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw want to cosplay the /cgl/ sticky chaarcters but no qt 3.14 gf to be cgl tan

>> No.6712164

I tried, but he always find ways. I suspect it's because we share some mutual friends and I'm too soft to tell every mutual friend that me and him had a bad history.

>> No.6712179


You should tell them though, it would at least get rid of your problem.

>> No.6712185
File: 296 KB, 900x1350, rikahanyuu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6712252
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>> No.6715109
File: 242 KB, 500x333, tumblr_m2ommbaUqg1r149j7o1_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These feels op... Had to dump my best friend years ago because she was clingy and possessive. Still haven't found someone I click with the same way. Might be a good thing though, co dependance is not nearly as cute as tv makes it look.

>> No.6715115
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>> No.6715119
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>> No.6715122
File: 84 KB, 459x344, 1345490959343.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6715125

I really dislike the Madoka's shoes...


>> No.6715186
File: 384 KB, 398x600, 1346556688474.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]