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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 56 KB, 480x640, 526837_10200309351349525_1895079910_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6710809 No.6710809[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Where are they now?

>> No.6710825

who cares

>> No.6710830

Cosplay stopped being fun when Saya is gone.

>> No.6710832

they grew up and got a life. most people quit cosplay once they hit their later 20s/early 30s

>> No.6710838

There are no cosplayers in their 30s.

>> No.6710846

you're right

>> No.6710850

Adella looks 40.

>> No.6710853

Not true. Most just cosplay a lot less because they have careers. Or dont cosplay at cons anymore because cons are full of MLP fans and home stuck cosplayers.

>> No.6710891

Is she still doing the zelda project thing?

>> No.6710917


>> No.6711153

>>6710838 There are no cosplayers in their 30s.

>Not true. Most just cosplay a lot less because they have careers. Or dont cosplay at cons anymore because cons are full of MLP fans and home stuck cosplayers.

I know plenty of cosplayers in their 30s or older. 6710853 is right. They grow up and still cosplay but they don't do as much due to life and that anime cons are populated by 14 yr olds on babby's first day away from parents.
Older cosplayers move on to comic conventions and other cons.

What I want to know is if cosplayers who don't do costumes much still sew for their everyday life.
I do because it's really nice to wear stuff made exactly how I want it. Also it seems like such a waste to hone all those sewing skills and not use them for your house or wardrobe.

>> No.6711168

Nuh uh, Yaya is 27.

Or should i say has been 27 for seven or more years.

>> No.6711180


Saya died?

>> No.6711433

She is still doing it

>> No.6711478

pretty sure there was some small news about it, I think she died during the tsunami from a while ago.

>> No.6711572

Saw Alisa at AWA last year and Momocon this year. She had on an Ariel cosplay at Momo, and I remember walking by thinking what a fucking fantastic body she has, and that the girl even reminded me of Alisa. Then whoops, say photos of her the next week and it was her.

She wasn't cosplaying at AWA, but out of sheer... I don't know, kind of starstruck? I asked for a photo, and while she was confused she obliged.

I feel so spaghetti about doing that. I really think she's beautiful and sweet, but man, asking to take photos of people in plain clothes kind of squicks me.

I have to photo around here somewhere, let me grab it.

There were never any concrete details. Some said bleach poisoning from bleaching her hair (completely laughable), others a car accident.

She didn't die around the time of the tsunami, either.

Some people think that she only pretended to have died because she no longer wanted to cosplay, and that fans would be upset at her over that (because hey, creepy otaku).

Either way, her sister did make a post saying she had passed (with no details aside from that) and no one has seen or heard from Saya since.

>> No.6711583

Old hags like Pikmin Link, Yaya, and Adella still cosplay because of their enormous egos and shitty fanbases.

>> No.6711610

There are even +60 cosplayers, so shut up.

>> No.6711615

Yaya was 14 in 2000, so she now should be 26-27.

>> No.6711620

Smells like a teen envious spirit.

>> No.6711640

Lol if yaya is only 27 I feel bad for her. She looks at least 32

>> No.6711658

Yaya is under 31... I'd never have guessed that.

>> No.6711672

Yaya is 30. Look it up.

>> No.6711683

Model Mayhem says she's 101... Her own site and FB doesn't say. Where are you looking?

>> No.6711758

I'm pretty sure Pikmin Link is my age (27-28)
Thay hardly counts as being an old hag
Meanwhile, Yaya is pushing 36.

>> No.6711762

I thought she was at least 34/35.
Well, damn she looks older than she actually is then.

>> No.6711857

Yaya was born in 1980. I don't know where all of you anons get such widely varied information from.

>> No.6711882

>get such widely varied information from

Because there's a lot of conflicting info out there like below. Plus it's pretty common for women to lie about their ages and make themselves seem younger. Think of Dakota who was "16" for several years.

If she signed up in 02' and was 24 at the time [the page appears to be made in such a way it wouldn't auto update] she would've been born in 78'.

>> No.6711887

not citing sources...

>> No.6711904

pikminlink is 30. And while it's not "old hag" status it's definitely "too old to be dressing up as teenage anime characters" status. Especially with her masculine face.

>> No.6711930
File: 348 KB, 712x1072, kipi-as-chobit-kipi-cosplay-10211847-712-1072.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's Kipi up to these days?

>> No.6711934

Her masculine face makes her one of the best Link cosplayers out there. Not to mention, she definitely doesn't LOOK 30, so go home, jelly anon.

>> No.6711935

PL is 30, and looks it too. And the fact that she always cosplays characters in their mid teens gives her the old hag status. Yaya looks ten years older than she really is.

Smells like a whiteknight.

>> No.6711940
File: 80 KB, 413x395, 100780_guy drink mfw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>best Link cosplayers out there
Pffffffff. Not a chance in hell, especially now that she's 30 years old.

Her masculine face just makes her ugly.

>> No.6711955
File: 204 KB, 404x531, 2342s-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's not really the best Link cosplayer anymore. Many have done better cosplays of Link than her but they don't have the same following or have their entire promoted identity revolve around the cosplay so they often fall under the radar. She never really looked like Link to begin with anyway and relies too much on her photoshopping herself.

As for looking her age... If I didn't know who she was I'd definitely guess she'd be somewhere in the 30-35 range.

>> No.6711965
File: 35 KB, 536x480, 0433.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well this sounded like an okay thread topic until someone had to go and start a PL argument.

>> No.6711967

Is that PL?

>> No.6711972

Yep. Hard to recognize her, since she photoshops the shit out of all her pictures (which her fans still refuse to believe).

>> No.6711992

Wow, she does looks really different. I've seen her and photographed her a few times at Fanime, so I disagree that he shops herself to be unrecognizable since I have seen her in real life, but that really is an unflattering photo.

>> No.6711990


>> No.6711999

I wouldn't say she shoops them to the point where she's completely unrecognizable necessarily, but she's not nearly as frighteningly ugly in her photos as she is IRL.

And notice how, despite each version of Link looking completely different from one another, her face magically looks like each version in some of her pictures.

>> No.6712002

Wow... Figured she was older than I, by a few years. Guess the makeup and ginormoboobs just make her seem older.

>> No.6712005

A lot of the better ones who did it for fun/friends instead of attention whoring still wear the occasional costume, but they go to cons with a more adult attendee pool like dragoncon and comic cons. They also dress more age appropriately, like as comic book heroines/more mature looking characters. You're guaranteed to find Lindze, Heidi, Limebarb, Charmedseed etc like this. But they don't really go to a lot of animoo cons anymore or dress as young characters.

>> No.6712023

Oh em gee Limebarb. Is she still up to her shit business practices?

>> No.6712030

When I started cosplaying 13 years ago and I remember Yaya was always 6-8 years older than me. I'm 27 now. Hearing people (ITT: Yaya) try to convince others that she's under 30 is laughable.

Don't try to determine her age by the pics she posts, they're all shopped. When you see her in person you can tell she's over 30 by her face, flabby mom arms, and fluffy marshmallow body with watermelons stuck to her chest.

>> No.6712050

Yaya is such a joke though- she's turned herself into the laughingstock of the veteran cosplay community.

I know a lot of people who don't want anything to do with her or to even be seen with her because they're so disgusted with how much she's changed.

>> No.6712098

Hey, we're the same age and been cosplaying just as long . Nice.

Yeah most people tell me Yaya is like 31 and i'm like 'uhh... no. there's no way. cuz i'm almost 28."

>> No.6712119


most people quit anime cons in their 20s/30s

seriously people go to dragoncon the entire con is over 30

>> No.6712128

She was NOT 14 in 2000. That is hilarious.

>> No.6712140

Inorite. Haha.

When I met Yaya at AZ in 2001 she was still married to Jeremy. It was right before she went all apeshit on Twinkle and Jeff, tried to get them fired from their jobs, then almost got her ass beat by Lindze for it. Now they're friends. Fun times.

I'm pretty certain Yaya is almost 36 now. I was already well established in the community when she had a fanart page on geoshitties and had just started cosplaying, so I really think she was less likely to have been lying about her age back then.

>> No.6712144

Considering she met Jeremy in college and started going to cons with him, the 14 thing is definitely off.

>> No.6712150

Can any one give me an outline on Yaya's drama? I've been cosplaying for a few years but never actually heard the whole story. Just rumors about her marrying to stay in the country, working as a stripper and stuff.

>> No.6712157

Doesn't Yaya have drama with Lillyxandra and Heidi to? Pretty sure I remember reading some stories here.

>> No.6712163

I often wonder what happened to Twinkle. I really miss her and Lindze. Haven't seen them since party tiems at AX '07 or something ridiculous. They are among a small handful of my old cosplay friends that I still respect the shit out of. Those girls are good people. You hear that Lindze? You're missed. By me. A lot. ;-;
...same with you, Alisa. And JoEllen. And Jenny (Daitenshi).
Tl;dr being a hermit is gay and I feel gay about it

>> No.6712167

Why? Most of them are cool with eachother now or just over it and don't care. Why bring out old shit? Funny stories are better.

>> No.6712169
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Oh god ok here, I found a pic related to muhfeels.

>> No.6712209
File: 60 KB, 559x400, 1379-72440.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have no idea where these people are now, but they are some of the folks I think of when I think of veteran cosplayers.

>> No.6712212
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>> No.6712214
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Sugar and Spice

>> No.6712216
File: 81 KB, 450x600, limebarb1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jia and Barb

>> No.6712221
File: 63 KB, 500x350, 1265142896358_f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so then Voltz and Vash

that's all I have for now. Like I said, no idea where they are now. I just used to see them a lot when I was getting into the hobby.

>> No.6712235

sweet jesus, this is some nostalgia. I met these chaps around 2003. I forgot which con though. Good times.

>> No.6712237

TristineCitrine worked at Funimation but just left for a new job

Jia works for Cosplay.com

>> No.6712279

Holy shit Stripper Vash

>> No.6712293
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>> No.6712297
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>> No.6712851
File: 163 KB, 700x1050, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Francesca Dani

>> No.6712860

I always wonder what old cosplayers are doing now, because back when I knew them/heard of them cosplaying was their main thing and most had smalltime jobs or were in college. I'm sure they still go to cons and such but just don't cosplay, but I really want to know what they're doing in life more than anything.

>> No.6712866

Is she purposefully making her tits look gigantic?

>> No.6712878

her tits are gigantic. so yes?

>> No.6712892

I found her when I was looking for a really good Shipon cosplay way back. I liked it, but not so much the pvc Zelda and other ones.

>> No.6712946


Would she be considered the Jessica Nigiri of the old days? All she ever did were "sexy" cosplays if memory serves me right.

>> No.6713054

I think the old school equivalent of JNig would be a tie between her and Fran Dan. Alisa did nothing but "sexy" cosplays while Fran Dan was "famous" and did a ton of "modeling" photos. And of course, Fran Dan stirred up a shitton of controversy and was pretty disliked.

>> No.6713065

Didn't FranDan basically do softcore porn shoots, too? I'd think FranDan is more Nigri do to the level of promotion she got.

>> No.6713196

True... that would make her more Nigri then. Yeah, FranDan did do softcore porn. She still has some pig disgusting nudes floating around.

>> No.6713249


>> No.6713275

uh Alisa did pay to view sites...

>> No.6714761
File: 72 KB, 509x468, 1173749531896_anonib.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Veteran cosplayer here.
This year I am now 10 years a cosplayer.
Since 2003 and I was 16 years old.

>> No.6714779


I would say FranDan it is. I've never heard anything negative about Alisa compared to FranDan.

>> No.6714804

Uh I used to hear shit about Alisa all the time because of the pay to view sites she did... I mean we're talking you pay to view her nudes and shit.

>> No.6714860

I know this feel.
since 2000, 12 years. :)

>> No.6714883

omg, can't do simple addition, 13 years.

>> No.6714888

don't worry, nobody cares

>> No.6714910


I'm at...

Oh god. 16 years cosplaying.

Time to anhero.

>> No.6716045

I agree, she was born on April 10th 1980.
Do to "about me" then "profile" and you'll see.

>> No.6716234

wow, when Yaya was AngelicStar and cosplayed adorable costumes.
I so remember my friend showed me this site back in 2004 and we were so psyched to see a cosplayer making well-made fun costumes. that she also wasn't twiggy, that she seemed more "real" also made us happy. Inspiration at the time for totes.
oh AngelicStar.

>> No.6716363

This is not correct. I am 100% sure yaya is Born in 78. She is 35 and will turn 36 on april 10th this year. She looks pretty damn good for her age i must say.

>> No.6716390

Holy crap she was such a qt3.14 :o
Is it just me or does Adella look like a completely different person now after her nose job?

>> No.6716425

Dragoncon doesn't even count as a convention. It's more of a costume party for adults.

>> No.6716433

She still cosplays?

>> No.6716789


>> No.6717155
File: 176 KB, 464x700, Chi_from_Chobits_by_yuffiebunny.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think she just "models." She hasn't updated since 2011.

Also, YuffieBunny

>> No.6717164

I'm 22... But a lot of the people I know are older.

D*C is like... a better version of SDCC, though. More fun.

>> No.6717364

22 is pretty young if you ask me.
When you are in the mid 20s then you are more "old".
I am already 26... fug! (but the mostly people think I am 20 because I look young)

>> No.6718290

22 is young.
>kids these days.

>> No.6718300

I still see her at local cons. She looks like a sad washed up model with nothing going for her and no one gives her attention from back in days because we've all grown up.

>> No.6718342
File: 23 KB, 1200x1200, kijkwijzer-16.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'm at 16 yrs cosplaying too. I wonder if we know each other.

>> No.6718362

that's too bad. I'd liked the direction her steampunk was heading. I was hoping her energy would just allow her to traipse through aging with ease.

>> No.6718420

I havent seen her in steampunk in a while. She was at Katsu in her usual bad cyber both get up (with all the white and orange) at the artist alley.

>> No.6718561

holyfuck, i havent seen this website since i was 16yrs old?? (2004 i believe)

>> No.6719005

I found her pics online in 2000 when she had no trouble saying she was 14. Knowing this, is easy to know she's actually 26-27.

Wearing too much make up everyday do makes people look older though.

>> No.6719092


It's doubtful, unless you're from the Vancouver area and know me by acquaintance. I don't participate in the cosplay community and only cosplay either by myself or with my wife. I don't have an internet presence at all either. It's quite nice to exist so long in the community and just be another face.

>> No.6719095


>> No.6719103


C'mon veterans, you should remember Yaya's original site from way back when.

She is turning 33 years old next month.


>> No.6719108


No, I'm not him.

>> No.6719189

from http://web.archive.org/web/20021220054843/http://angelicstar.net/profile.html


My name is: Yaya

Nicknames: Angel Lain, Angel

Height: 5'1" ^^;

Birthday: April 10th 1980

Astrological Sign:Aries

Chinese Astrological Sign: Monkey ^^

Heritage: Chinese

Languages: Fluent in Chinese, German, English; learned Latin, French, some Japanese

Residency: Atlanta

Passions: art, manga, cosplay, Visual Kei, bishounen, cats, colors, singing/music, ancient cultures, wings

Hobbies: drawing/painting, cosplay/costume creating, costume design, karaoke, movies, manga/anime, Jrock, Jpop, Visual Kei, reading, dancing, travel

Anime: Hana Yori Dango, Trigun, Escaflowne, Kaze no Tairiku (Weathering Continent), Basara, Cowboy Bebop, Zetsuai/Bronze, Arslan no Senki, KareKano, Berserk, Gasaraki, Pokemon (jap. only ^^;), Kaikan Phrase, Macross Plus, Lodoss, Versailles no Bara, Saint Seiya

Manga:Zetsuai/Bronze, Please Save My Earth, Seimaden, Angel Sanctuary, Yami no Matsuei, Ouke no Monshou, RG Veda, Kanon, Umi no Yami - Tsuki no Kage, Tokyo Babylon, Basara, Kanata Kara, Versailles no Bara, Clover, Saint Seiya

VK/Jrock-band: Malice Mizer, Dir en Grey, L'arc en Ciel, X Japan, Siam Shade

Japanese artist/group: Gackt, Shazna, Ayumi Hamasaki, hide, T.M.R. Evolution

Video-game: Parasite Eve, FFVIII, Ogre Battle, Nintendo Tetris, Chrono Cross, Tactics Ogre

Food: Chinese, Thai and Japanese cuisine, Dim Sum, sour candy, soy beans, oranges, green tea ice cream (or red bean paste ice-cream *yumm*)

Color: blue-green, purple, silver
>>Birthday: April 10th 1980

She's going to be 33.

>> No.6721937

there is another account where says she's 101. are you going to believe that too?

>> No.6721939

in model mayhem

>> No.6721959


But she went cray-cray with Adella.

>> No.6722117

Adella is apparently pregnant. I feel this is irresponsible of her because she has mental illnesses that are 90% likely to be passed on to her offspring. But hey whatever. She's always been the selfish type.
>started in 1997
I have a hard time believing you guys started the same year I did because there were only a small handful of us online at the time, so if you really did start 16 years ago like I did then we definitely know each other.

>> No.6722158

what mental illnesses does she have?

>> No.6722171

>for mental illnesses
I meant to say more likely. I'm retarded.

>> No.6722167

It's actually for mental illnesses to pass on to nieces and nephews.

Still, she's going to be a horrible mother and will probaby name her firstborn Malon.

>> No.6722189

Last I checked she was claiming to have Lupus.

>> No.6722193

>I have a hard time believing you guys started the same year I did because there were only a small handful of us online at the time, so if you really did start 16 years ago like I did then we definitely know each other.

Were you on the COSP? Lots of us early cosplayers who started around the late 90's were on there. Why would it be hard to believe that?

>> No.6722191

That's not a mental illness.

>> No.6722214

Yeah I was on COSP to watch the drama, lol. I guess it's hard to believe because it's been so long and I've come across quite a few people who claim to have been around since we have but actually started in 2000-2002ish.

>> No.6722222

Except she never had it. Histrionics much haha.

>> No.6722227
File: 5 KB, 497x501, Mfw+naked+chick+in+real+life+_f3e6d7485acf4c4146d31b08abde86d7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Check them quints.

>> No.6722231


This anon is correct. She was married during the early 2000's and has been 27 forever. Shit she has con pictures from that time floating around on the early internet and I doubt a 14 year old (at that time) would be allowed to wear the revealing cosplay she did. Anyone buying the idea that she's in her late 20's has shitty eyesight. She layers makeup like crazy and her lips (nearly blown out now to boot) are not that of a 27 year old who doesn't take drugs (like Lindsay Lohan).

>> No.6722233
File: 387 KB, 772x1102, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh my bad I forgot to mention how I'm a goddamn wizard. :D

>> No.6722251

She's always been the same though. Equally manipulative. The difference is however that they grew up and saw past that bullshit. I don't know why people think she suddenly "changed'. She's been using people from the start but it's easier to see the bullshit as time goes on.

>> No.6722298

Lindze doesn't even make her own costumes. She's the original JNig. Why is she still even relevant to this community?

>> No.6722323

>there were only a small handful of us online at the time
Cosplaying doesn't have to = being online though.
I mean when I started in 2000 I didn't even know there was an online community for cosplay. It took years, I think 2003? maybe 2002.
When I went to my first con, it was just because I thought that it would be cool to dress up, that I wore a costume at all. I saw the con advertised in a magazine, not online :) I found out dressing up was called "cosplay" until I was at the con :)

>> No.6722331

lupus is a very serious disease. how do you not even google something before embarrassing yourself by saying it's a mental illness. it's also not one that can automatically be passed down to offspring. geez you guys are really splitting hairs here to find problems....

>> No.6722343

Do her drawings have something to do with your point?

>> No.6722362

Not really except the dating at the bottom. 4chan just automatically adds the first line of a post I'm quoting sometimes.

>> No.6722370


I have not and do not have an online presence. In my later years now I am thankful I never plastered myself online.

>> No.6722457

Totes understandable!
I've never had any problem posting my cosplay online, I just avoided drama, thankfully.
I ONCE found a pic of me posted here, I remember thinking, oh crap, how are they going to gut me!? The person posting ranted about how inaccurate my costume was, and I waited. Somebody defended me, no one called them on it, thread died.
And that was the only time, that I'm aware of, that someone tried to rake one of my costumes across the coals on /cgl.
Not implying that I haven't deserved such criticism! :)

>> No.6722533
File: 88 KB, 894x848, 1357544998083.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Blame House for turning it into a running joke.

>> No.6722611

I just now realized they're trying to
Help the chick from Clannad.

>> No.6722791

Beverly is married and doesn't cosplay anymore.
Heidi is engaged and doesn't cosplay much except for a few costumes with her fiancee.
Lindze is married and a mom and does maybe one costume a year.
Lord Masamune stopped cosplaying to focus on being a voice actor.

>> No.6723052

hell, i started around that time, but i don't particularly feel the need to out myself like that...
the look on the kids face when you call them on their shit or when they find out my age is priceless!
they can't accept it...

>> No.6723291

She isn't even married yet, but her BF is a Red head. The sad thing is she will include her baby in another Zelda Project photo set as Link and Malons baby.
I thought this was pretty sick when she mentioned it but I couldn't say anything to her face.

>> No.6723296

All the veteran cosplyers that have been mentioned are mainly American. Are there any ones outside the US that are worth mentioning? What are they up to now?

>> No.6723306

Does anybody know what happened to Barbie and Kei? I loved their Sailor Moon stuff so much and I used to see them online even just a few years ago, but now they've just... vanished.

>> No.6723324
File: 199 KB, 372x532, 1359530881150.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>get married
>no longer have hobbies

Are you saying the only reason they got into this was to seek out men or seem interesting in order to grab a man?

Because not too many dudes drop their hobbies after marriage

>> No.6723343

Is her boyfriend that fat ugly dude that works in the gaming industry?

>> No.6723376

Kinda hard to have a job, take care of the kids and the house, and cram hobbies between that.
But yeah, some do.

>> No.6723394
File: 41 KB, 506x711, 2110.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just reminding everyone that there will never be a cosplayer as beautiful as Acire.

RIP in peace, old friend.

>> No.6723406

What happened to her? I remember meeting her several years ago and she was pretty nice and fun.

>> No.6723561
File: 285 KB, 925x925, 537448_10151349683977145_369102679_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Guy probably has a lot of money.

>> No.6723617

Hi Acire

You were cute but there were other cosplayers that were better looking.

>> No.6723646

I remember her. She knew some friends of mine and I was around her at Sakuracon a few times. Nice girl and solid 7/10 but I'd never go so far as to call her the most beautiful. Did she die or something?
>The sad thing is she will include her baby in another Zelda Project photo set as Link and Malons baby. I thought this was pretty sick when she mentioned it but I couldn't say anything to her face.
What. Are you fucking serious lol

@OP: seem like all the oldfags either grew up or kept cosplaying. Yaya, PikminLink, and Adella are all still trying to stay cosplay famous.

>> No.6723663

Not many dudes make a hobby out of attention whoring.

>> No.6723690

This might be an impossible question to answer but here goes: Does anyone know what happened to ElfEater? Is it true that she died?

I'd also like to know what happened to Tikki and H-chan.

>> No.6723692

The last two boyfriends she had were at least sort of decent looking. This one is almost as bad as Kyle. I wonder if she'll try to dress him up as Link anyway?

>> No.6723719

Lindze at least made some of her own costumes. Even if she didn't make all of them she was still really good for her time. I remember seeing her Shiva and her Animal Magnetism costumes for the first time and spilling my spaghetti everywhurr.

>> No.6723739

>Guy probably has a lot of money.
Bingo! This guy is fucking LOADED

>> No.6723763

It's more of a time-consuming and generally expensive hobby than say, collecting comic books. When you've got a job and other real-world obligations, it can be hard to find time to work on creative endeavours. Moreover, your completed costumes will only decrease in value, unlike other nerdy collectibles, so if you've got bills to pay and whatnot, it's a money sink.

>> No.6723767

She's still very much alive. Look for the page Nemo-Valkyrja on Facebook; she updated in January.

As far as I can gather from her Formspring, she may have a career going in accounting, involving 50-60 hour work weeks. She's also taken up photography and has stated she feels more comfortable behind a camera than in front of it, so this more or less explains her absence from cosplay.

>> No.6723769


The money sink is what pulls most people out of this hobby, I've noticed, self included. Once you're an adult, it's too much hassle/cost.

>> No.6723814

One of her photogs/admins was updating her page with promotional junk. She's been out of cosplay for maybe two years and went off the radar. Shame tho, truly nice person.

>> No.6723857

>she will include her baby in another Zelda Project photo set as Link and Malons baby
She never said this, vendetta-chan.

>> No.6723880

Hi Adella.

>> No.6723916

Aw, i actually liked Lord Masamune. At least he isnt married with a kid. I'm not even 30 (been cosplaying for over 10 years) and cant imagine being married or with a child. In a long term relationship tho

>> No.6723919

Yeah, i dont get this shit.
Women who get married and then just stay outside the hobby. Why? your life isnt that much different from long term dating. the fuck

>> No.6723957

Some of them still cosplay even after getting married. Heidi for example, although she's also with another cosplayer.

I think they just don't do it as much because they move on to other things or get too busy for it.

>> No.6723994

Sooooooooo, how does one earn a veteran status? How long do you have to be cosplaying for? Or is it determined by age.

>> No.6724128

I'm not sure how long it has to be. I'd say 8-10 years is a good mark. It isnt age, just how long really. I cosplay at least 3-4 times a year and attend 3 cons a year. Cons are expensive, even as a 27 year adult.

>> No.6724321

I'm happy for him though, and his increasing success is exciting. He played Leon Kennedy in Resident Evil 6 and Chrom in Fire Emblem: Awakening, he's going to be Kiritsugu in Fate/Zero, he produced/acted in School of Thrones (which went viral pretty fast)... it's cool to see a former cosplayer make it (relatively) big like that.

>> No.6724329

Wait. He was Chrom? I gotta replay that game in English this time. lol

>> No.6724332

I've been cosplaying since '04 but I never made it big enough to be a real "veteran." I think it applies mainly to people who were popular more than 7-8 years ago.

>> No.6724334

Whatever happened with H-Chan? She was my favorite back in the day.

>> No.6724348

What ever happened to Ana Aesthetic? I remember her being super crazy.

>> No.6724353
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What's Gren up to these days?

>> No.6724355

Yuuup. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Matthew_Mercer#Voice_roles

>> No.6724374

Still around (anaaesthetic FB page).

She was online a week ago but hasn't uploaded any new photos since 2010.

>> No.6724401
File: 376 KB, 700x525, delibird_gijinka_04_by_heathercosplay-d5p4cuh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


still cosplaying

still fappable

>> No.6724409
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where is the original Queen?

>> No.6724410
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Anyone know what happened to cosplayangel AKA just Angel?

>> No.6724442

I'm married and I am just as active as ever. I'm making my husband a big elaborate costume this year, in fact. (as thanks for his help with my own costumes over the years/helping me get around cons, which is often a daunting prospect in large costumes.)
inb4 he makes my costumes for me; sadly, it's quite the opposite. He sometimes does work at the last minute for me if I am in danger of not finishing but that's about it.

>> No.6724474

Miyu is still around and hangs out on /fit/ now.
She namefags as Laura and is ripped as fuark.

>> No.6724484

Out of everyone mentioned ITT I'm pretty sure Miyu and Lord Masamune are the only two that actually quit cosplaying completely and haven't worn a costume in years.

>> No.6724489

No idea! I havent heard drama from her in years.

>> No.6724494

She's still around and lurks here as anon. I've seen recent pics of her modeling some WoW elf ears.
True but that probably has a lot to do with their jobs.

>> No.6724509
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Keep telling yourself that.

She got two degrees in Japanese and Asian Studies then got a Japanese BF and moved to Kyoto with him. She's more into photography now than cosplay.

>> No.6724515

Miyu was barely a cosplayer to begin with anyway. The few "cosplays" she did were mostly just dresses and bikinis.

>> No.6724523
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Not quite true. Lord Masamune does technically cosplay from time to time, even if it's part of fan-series acting roles (e.g. There Will Be Brawl, Street Fighter High: The Musical). Most of his costumes these days are only seen at parties though.

>> No.6724534
File: 105 KB, 600x900, 555281_188618987932046_2022251717_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still around. Still cosplays, sort of. She ditched her Sailor Moon fixation and for a while was into Naruto because her new boyfriend was into it. Has had about half a dozen boyfriends since then and admitted to having an abortion a couple years ago. Still does nothing.

>> No.6724541


Whats Miyu's job? Model? Physics professor?

>> No.6724544
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She looks good with the right angles and photoshop. Otherwise she's meh.

>> No.6724554

Former stripper and barista. Not even sure what she does these days.

>> No.6724555

I think she is way more beautiful than >>6724509

>> No.6724562
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Even the worst pictures you can find of Acire in the worst angles which would normally make a person look like crap still have her looking pretty good. She's the one cosplayer that is impossible to find an ugly picture of. That's the power of her beauty.

Just look at those features. Perfect bone structure ftw.

>> No.6724566

She teaches some little kids how to skate at the Y. But claims to be a pro skating coach. You know, a real one. She's also into body building.

>> No.6724567

She claims to be a figure skating coach for young girls.

>> No.6724570
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>> No.6724573
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You're looking at one of her shoops. Don't get your hopes up.

>> No.6724579

I've seen Erica irl and she looks like >>6724570
Not saying she isn't pretty but she's not amazingly gorgeous either. She's sort of mousy and average but cleans up well in photos. She's a 6.5-7/10.

>> No.6724585
File: 703 KB, 789x1148, 342fdss.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's really tough for certain women on /cgl/ to admit to someone being beautiful. It must kill you inside to place others above you.

>> No.6724599

It must be even more difficult for you when no one agrees with you. Yes, you are a pretty girl. But there are prettier women on /cgl/. If you don't believe me you should lurk in one of the WAYWT threads sometime.

>> No.6724608
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>> No.6724617

that thing could take out someone's eye if she's not careful

2/10 wnb

lel I like how this thread has been commandeered by this pointy faced girl who's clearly really full of herself vs everyone else

>> No.6724618

Um can we please get back on topic?

>> No.6724665

Tikki still goes to cons and cosplays though not as much, mostly in the VA/DC/MD region. H-chan popped up back on coscom semi-recently after years of being gone and reupped all her old pics and hangs around on there posting from time to time as "H", but I don't know if she cosplays or goes to cons anymore.

>> No.6724674
File: 405 KB, 804x549, dfsfsf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You could lurk for a million years and not find a more beautiful woman than Acire.

Have fun inside the crab bucket.

>> No.6724675

don't know about Elfy tho, no one really knows anything, everyone who I know has the same "yeah, she just disappeared, I heard some things, but no one really knows" statements. There's always been rumors about her dying but no one has ever been able to confirm it in any way. Considering the waves she left with the failing commission business at the time tho, it's also possible she just abandoned her persona because of all the drama, no idea. There's always at least one anon on here who likes to ask whatever happened to her, when one of these threads comes up....I wonder if it's always the same ones.

>> No.6724685

She's probably on facebook somewhere but nobody knows where since they don't know her full name, isn't into cosplay or anime anymore and probably looks very different due to being 10 years older.

It's always hard for people to believe that someone can completely quit from the cosplay/anime communities. "SHE HASN'T SAID A WORD TO US? THAT MEANS ONLY ONE THING: SHE'S DEAD!"

>> No.6724693

I started cosplaying in 2005 and quit in 2010. Even though I lurk here and look at photos from SDCC and DragonCon every year I haven't put on a costume or posted on cos.com since the year I quit. It seems like all the oldfags from the late 90's and early 00's are all still cosplaying at least once in awhile. The costumes are always revealing too. They're in their early 30's and still have to get their fix of attention whoring in occasionally. I can't even imagine doing that anymore. I feel too old to parade around in public in revealing costumes and I'm 24. H-chan, Lindze, Alisa, Yaya, Ginny, Adella, PikminLink. They're all still addicted.

>> No.6724708

You're 24 and you feel too old to cosplay?
Please go away.

>> No.6724710

>hasn't seen Miyu, Charms, Dakota, Ophelia, Logseux
Where's the chart when we need it

>> No.6724725

24 is too old to play dress up in public if it's specifically for attention.

>> No.6724753

What the

But you do know it's possible to be an older (late 20s) coplayer who does neither skimpy revealing outfits nor teenager school uniforms, right?

Been cosplaying and crossplaying since 1999 and have moved on from usual anime/manga stuff to more theater and historical outfit costumes. Not even steampunk just more historical-based costumes like Dicken's fest and such.

>> No.6724757

I think anon was specifically referring to the cosplayers who wear skimpy costumes and cosplay for attention.

>> No.6724788
File: 1.68 MB, 1812x1710, 2338.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've seen all of those. None of them come close to Acire. Although Dakota's original shoops were pretty beautiful too.

>> No.6724791
File: 307 KB, 756x1299, adellajob.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sarah needs to lay off the plastic surgery. It won't make her look younger.

>> No.6724797

selfpost pls go

>> No.6724802

Dakota, Miyu, Ophelia, and Logseux are all prettier in my opinion. Charms isn't. I'd rate the girl you posted above her.

>> No.6724807

In the nose job comparison pics, she does look younger though. It's a fact that larger noses will age you.

>> No.6724808

That with or without period blood on their faces?

>> No.6724812
File: 58 KB, 600x800, 1314124214838.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wrong on all counts.

And miyu shouldn't even be in any category of "beauty"