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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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6710277 No.6710277 [Reply] [Original]

Post your local horrors. Who is in your comm with really shitty behavior? Consistently poor costumes/coords? Manchild neckbeards?

>> No.6710291

tfw Cosplay Scotland
tfw you still go to meets even though they're always awful

>> No.6710301

starbottlebits/wonder weird/kayla mayer

my friend shared a table with her one year at a con. she bitched about fucking everything, expected us to pay for all of her food when we made food runs, got pissed when she was to vague and was pressed for details on something, and was a generally terrible hotel mate.

she also does a fagton of homestuck merch and is twofaced and condescending as all get out.

due to the fact that she can't hold a tablemate for any AA for more than a year i'm more than sure she's just like this to everyone.

>> No.6710315

The girl who runs tf2cosplayhelp on tumblr.
She drifted from Homestuck to TF2 to Transformers cause of this guys she likes and she's terrible at cosplay. Which makes me wonder why she is running a cosplay blog????

I remember a friend told me she didn't wash out of PAX paint at AnimeNEXT, she just slept in it and went to the panel that day in it. Which gave me the creeps. Her girlfriend or ex or whatever the fuck they are are loud, annoying, and over bearing, they also don't shower when they stay over at peoples houses. She quit Homestuck but is suddenly came back to it.And my favorite thing, which everyone loves, are the passive aggressive posts she makes about her friends when things don't go her way.

Just had to vent.

>> No.6710458

There's this one girl who drifts in and out of my local lolita comm who is really nice (albeit narcissistic, which I don't deem a bad quality but many do), but just in the past year or so she's creeping into Tumblr fame and hops on all the Tumblr trends and the attention is fucking her up. She's getting really obnoxious and recently discovered Tumblr feminism too and befriended Tempest Paige and is well on her way to becoming a little Tempest clone. Recently it seems like she spends all her time and money poring herself into her Tumblr image.

>> No.6710468

Um.. I dont think the showering part is that bad. Personally I cannot stand showering with people around. Even on long trips I have to work around others inorder to shower when no one is near. I still have grwat hygiene, I just don't shower near people..
Also sage for completely off topic

>> No.6710471

if it makes her happy then....

>> No.6710472

Tfw on phone and forgot shit dont work.

>> No.6710502

>pizza lunchables

>> No.6710514
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>Dat shame in her eyes.

>> No.6710522

Fucking homestuckers.

Rude to the other attendees. Rude to the con staff. Rude to the event center staff. Rude to passerby who look twice at them.

>> No.6710535

The group that tried to start a donation fund for their Super Jail cosplays and also to pay their pass/hotel/gas/food.

>> No.6710573

It's sad cause I know them and am so very disappoint.

>> No.6710579

A local person who claims to be trans but has told me before that they only do it because guys are more popular in cosplay... they never use wigs, and mooch off their friends which they practically rotate out.

>> No.6710709
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>> No.6713803

bump, I have a meetup coming up and there are so many awful looking girls in my group that never come to meetups but I always anticipate them coming. They're the same ones who post irrelevant bullshit all over the Facebook page too so I wonder what they're like in person. Tempted to post some of them.

>> No.6713807

i would love to see some local horrors :)

>> No.6716553

>Went to Momocon 2013 as Freddie from Cromartie Highschool
>Fairly normal weekend
>Having fun with the only friend who wanted to tag along
>Taking pictures
>Getting picture taken
>Then they come along
>Two older looking women
>One pushing a stroller, the other with graying hair
>The older one stops me, without a word, pinches my nipple, keeps moving
>Okay then
>10 minutes later a small black chick hugs me for like 30 seconds
>Says she wishes she had a penis so we could be together
>"Maybe in the next life"
>30 minutes later in the dealers den
>Some guy spills his spaghetti asking for a hug
>Never break character

Not really horror, but those were the only related notable things that happened that weekend, and in such a short window of time.

>> No.6716616

In this sort of theme of local convention horrors..

>Animazement 2010/2011 (forget which year)
>show up to the convention Friday morning
>find out just missed some naked woman running down the street behind the hotel

>Animazement 2012
>sitting outside the convention center waiting for doors to open
>seemingly drunk/high/something woman wanders up
>grabs random guy in costume and asks him to take a picture of them
>woman has no camera, tries to see if he has one, no camera.
>woman starts yelling "Someone come take a picture of us!"
>gets distracted, starts asking for a cigarette
>wanders through the crowds of early morning convention goers
>people start getting up and going in the other direction just to get away from her
>finally woman just wanders off

>> No.6716626

>Naka-kon 2014
>Saturday evening
>Me and my friends are the people who always get really into high-fiving people going up and down escalators, it always seems to brighten the moods of people looking down
>But this one fucker
>'Free hugs' sign written on loose leaf paper, taped to chest
>Cheap silvery hollow mask from Bleach
>Going up and down the escalators in the convention hall for over 3 hours demanding high fives both ways
>Friend doesn't high five him going up once because hes creepy as shit
>The guy whispers to him
>"I'll kill you"

>> No.6716651

I don't care who you are. If you stay over at my pad you need to shower. Because we could have been friends for the past 20 years and I wouldn't believe you if you said you showered that morning. I don't know when your last shower was and that shit is gross.
Shower or find another place to stay.

Also Homestucks that sleep in their paint are disgusting.

>> No.6716698

That was you as Freddie?

Dude you were awesome

>> No.6716702

>never break character
but Freddie never speaks

>> No.6716730
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I have that super mario shirt, got that shit from walmart I didn't realize they came that big. I also don't know how to phrase that sentence without sounding like a huge bitch i'm just surprised is all...

Also lul admitted that I shop at walmart in the lolita horror thread.

>> No.6716732

Well that escalated quickly.

>> No.6716733

>lolita horror thread
No.. this is the local horror thread.

>> No.6716735

Oh, well less embarrassing then but still.

>> No.6716737
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>> No.6716787
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>saging because you don't shower

>> No.6716821

what cons are you going to where they're rude

>> No.6716837

>Freddie from Cromartie Highschool

Pictures of this please and thank you.

>> No.6716919

If you aren't showering, you d onot have great hygiene, period. Not showering for 3+days is disgusting.

>> No.6717175
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Kids, nothing but arrogant little pricks that whine and moan that there is nothing to do during meets and then when we give them something to do they come up with the excuse that "they have no money" or some shit despite them buying fucktons of cosplays/wigs probibly off of milanoo.

>> No.6717209
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>> No.6717376
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I hope you don't force the high fives.
I mean, i really hate making physical contact with people I don't know.

People always try to give me 'free hugs' because i 'look down', I just have a miserable face, leave me alone.
That said if you're making some people happy that's cool.

>> No.6717424

my friend told me once that she didn't wash her hair for two weeks
i didn't even try to cover up my gag

>> No.6717433

She could be showering but doing no 'poo

For some people, it yields great results

>> No.6717451
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I think she must shower quite regularly because she never smells but her hair is the type that gets thick with grease the day after washing?
We've been friends for about 7 years now in the same schools and I've seen her hair clean about 5 times - I've tried dropping subtle and non subtle hints but she doesn't seem to get it so I don't really know what to do

>mfw when she told me mine looked greasy once

>> No.6717466

>her hair is the type that gets thick with grease the day after washing?
This makes it sound even more likely that she's doing no poo. It's supposed to help with lowering oil production if your scalp is a grease slick. I've thought about doing it for this reason (may hair is greasy within 18 hours after washing), but it apparently makes you even slimier for the first month and that really turns me off of it.

>> No.6717481
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>> No.6717488


Go away time traveller

>> No.6717532

Don't bully our extra temporal friends, pls

>> No.6717570
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>> No.6717571 [DELETED] 

>stroll down escalator
>everyones running
>this one guy just standing there mouth agape
>wtf is wrong
>ask him
>doesnt reply
>exploding nuke

Freakin Homostuck cosplayers.

>> No.6717594

Oh god I'm so tired I just got the joke
What is wrong with me

>> No.6718069

>Spend weeks making a Mystique costume solely because I was going to meet Patrick Stewart at MTCC.
>Make decent comic book version with white dress thing
>TWF he doesn't recognise you and called you "blue person"
>TFW you don't have the balls to correct him, 'cuz he's Sir Patrick Fucking Stewart

>> No.6718074

That must have been a fail cosplay lol

>> No.6718108

Has anyone else in the Georgia con scene had a run in with this Hispanic guy named Carlos? He's not a full on mouthbreathing creeper, but he's really clingy, and seems terrible at taking hints. Last two cons I've gone to with my friends, he shows up and starts hitting on us, and won't leave until we do (and even then, he'll sometimes follow us). As far as I know, he does this with pretty much all the girls at the cons, and it's just really uncomfortable.

>> No.6718180

It was certainly recognisable. Had shit tons of pictures taken and lots of compliments so I can confidently say it went over well. I think he maybe didn't put two-and-two together because it wasn't "movie" mystique, and he hasn't done an x-men movie in like 10 years.
Still felt pretty bad though.

>> No.6718208

>tfw my costume mysteriously disappears everytime I get an autograph from patrick stewart

>tfw its getting expensive

>> No.6718211

Maybe he doesnt want to remember being in such a shit movie franchise. It's like PTSD

>> No.6718244

a local girl i know, on a big local con staff... Well, she's 40+ and recently came out as transgender. Not because she has gender issues, but because she believes that she is Ryuichi, that gay boy from Gravitation. She's married, so obviously if she is transgender, that makes it kawaii yaoi. She calls her husband 'Inu Yasha'. She wears his outfits. All the time. Every con. And outside-of-con meetups. And just all the time.

Last time I ran into her, I said "Hi, How are you..." and she decided to tell me about how her ex-husband molested her 12 year old daughter.

>> No.6718289


The X-men movies were good.... :(

>> No.6718296

>..... What??

>> No.6718308

XMen First Class is the best XMen movie.

>> No.6718347

>12 year old daughter

oh god.

>> No.6718365

Are you talking about the guy that hangs out with the Resident Evil people? He's about 20ish and very nice, but most likely has super bad Assburgers. I'm up in Ohio, but he makes to all the cons with his group and the MGS cosplay group.

>> No.6718379
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>apparently makes you even slimier for the first month and that really turns me off of it.

You can hide greasy hair in updos. It holds better anyways.

Buns & braids are the go to for oily hair.
Google The Beauty Department for some nice hair tutorials with updos.
If you have short hair then the sock bun is your saviour.

>> No.6718422

The first 2 were pretty nice, number 3 just went way downhill.

>> No.6718477

Oh, I saw you guys there!

>> No.6718495

I don't ever see him with a group, but I want to say he may have mentioned being friends with an RE/MGS group. Kinda short, slight accent?

>> No.6720090
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Is anyone in Melbourne acquainted with this girl? ughhhhh how can he kiss her head when her hair is always so gross???

>> No.6720118

Todd are you also the one that prefers Nine to Ten? Why do you have such great taste?

>> No.6720285


I have the opposite. All shampoos and conditiiner sets I've tried make ny hair like straw. Usually for about two days. I'm a male, I take good care of myself. Because of this, I find myself shampooing once every two or three days. Any reccomendations? Sage for off topic.

>> No.6720607

I bleach my hair a lot and I've found using Mane and tail shampoo and conditioner does a great job keeping my hair moisturized.

>> No.6720610

I am almost as big as she is. It's not as easy as you think to lose weight.

I don't lift weights because they're heavy and I don't run because it makes me tired, so it's hard to get the weight off

>> No.6720613

>I don't lift weights because they're heavy
1/10, I responded

>> No.6720617


Yukka pon.

>> No.6720629

I lol'd

>> No.6720636

Ohlawd. I lol'd.

>> No.6720645

I roomed with a pressed feiminist underage girl who wouldn't take a shower all weekend

Last day before our 8 hour ride back home, i flat out told her she needed to change out of her disgusting kigurumi she'd been in all weekend and take a shower, that I was not riding back with her stank

later found out it was because my SO and I had the audacity to take a shower at the same time and this just really offended her I guess?

nasty ass

>> No.6720647

diff anon, I've seen some homesteaks in AZ are rude as shit...not all of them but some

>> No.6720655

It's not that hard. Just eat a ton of laxatives and dexatrim then down it with pizza.

>> No.6720683

Oh my god i know :/ she has been mentioned before and there are a bunch of us that follow her blog for the lulz. She started posting to DL retch... Also she seems like kind of a passive agressive cunt.

>> No.6720687
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weeaboo supreme, once cornered me at school and talked about how her boyfriend wants to pee on her.... same boyfriend slapped my ass at a con and i punched him in the face, she then told everyone that i'm a whore.

>> No.6720715
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>> No.6720754

Do people seriously believe that this particular webcomic happens to attract everybody with bad manners or that the fandom encourage bad behavior?

>> No.6720757

Could it possibly be that he was kidding and it went over your head?

>> No.6720868 [DELETED] 

OP here, 60 pounds lost. It's not "easy" but it's not this insurmountable task like people make it out to be.

>> No.6720870

I'm one of the lulz followers and I just can't even. Why doesn't her husband say something? He's a photographer, he's supposed to be aesthetically inclined. I bet he's whipped as fuck, I wonder if she makes him put his shots of her in his portfolio?

>> No.6720880

>Naka-kon 2014


>> No.6720894

I shower once a week, u mad?

>> No.6720921

Degreased pizza

>> No.6720922

I''m cool as long as I don't meet you in person

>> No.6720946

What if you have a round face, and updos like braids & buns looks bad on you?
I thought my problem was I washed my hair every day and made it greasy. I've long since changed to washing it every other day but it's shit by the next day.

>> No.6721839

ohh myyy goddd,

looooooooooooooooooooooooool wut?

>> No.6721840

he's getting old too..he probably dont remember or whatever or poor eye sight, who knows.

>> No.6722804

He's pretty damn sharp for his age. His eyes are fine I'm pretty sure he just derped out.
Stan Lee knew who I was cosplaying when I met him, and I wasn't even dressed as a Marvel character

>> No.6722857

Yes. Maybe not because of the fandom directly, but new big fandoms are usually the gateway for these new congoers who have never been in a social setting like conventions or involved with a culture like the cosplay community. It's not different than the Narutard and Hetaliafag epidemics.

>> No.6725139

Do not insult Sir Patrick Stewart because you weren't praised by him in costume.

>> No.6725190
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Got some stories from when Anime Reactor was held at the Purple Hotel. Any one interested?

>> No.6725205

I'm scared. Im not sure if its her or the boyfriend Im cringing about.

>> No.6725739

Not sure if this was supposed to be directed at me, but I didn't post that. I was upset he didn't recognise the character (yes, it was recognisable you twits), but I can understand why he wouldn't, and none of those reasons are insults.

>> No.6725743

i saw that online. the construction was awful. whoever complimented you must be blind or stupid.

>> No.6725762

I'm not gunna lie, I had a few problems with it that couldn't get resolved in time. By no means am I saying it was perfect. Unfortunately no one is born with the ability to sew perfectly. We all start somewhere and we all have works we're not proud of before we can make better costumes. It's sad really, because if I buy something online, it's not good because I didn't make it. But if I make something and it's not perfect, it's not good because I'm not great at sewing. You can't win, so all you can do is keep making stuff until you're good, and take your nasty, unwanted comment with a grain of salt.

>> No.6725783
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Very VERY small cosplay comm where I am. But if you ever happen to want to waste a weekend at Shinbokucon, you will most likely run into one of two or even both of these people. One is named Christian, and is male, the other is Jackie and is female. Christian is typically seen in really poorly made "Sebastian" (I put quotes because honestly it's so bad that it's completely unrecognizable as any character, the only reason I know what it's supposed to be is because he said that was who he was cosplaying) or a shitty rendition of The Doctor, or many other characters ranging from the Joker to just generally shitty steampunk. On the other hand there is Jackie, who at one point worn equally shitty cosplays but now purchases them online so she can at least pretend to look good. I believe the first cosplay she wore she actually made herself, which sounds good and all, but it was completely hand sewn and looked nothing even remotely like the character (Mind you, it was supposed to be Ponyo, so it seems impossible to mess that up. But it was seriously horrific) Both are HARDCORE asspies to the point of it being almost cringe worthy. Any time I got to a local con, I literally go out of my way to avoid them because they get overly excited to see me and will either try to talk to me for extended periods of time or tag along with a group I'm with even though no one will talk to them.

pic related, it's Christian. Will post more pictures of both of them if anyone would like.

>> No.6725792
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a picture of Jackie, just for reference.

>> No.6725813


everyone from here is a huge autistic freak

>> No.6725898
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Tumbler feminism?

>> No.6725924
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I saw this at sakura con in 2009...how could you go out in public like that?

>> No.6725926
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The most annoying thing I hear from people; "Oh, my mum/dad said they'll think about it."
Especially when this is coming from someone who is of an age that they are in charge of their own finances or finished school and should be an independent adult. In regards to buying something as simple as a pair of shoes.

>> No.6726298

yeah go for it

>> No.6726306

he looks like ted from scrubs

>> No.6726318
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>Adults who live with their parents and complain about other things in which their parents won't let them do... which is obviously their own problem.

There's a man who attends the conventions in my loop who always finds some way or another to complain about how something isn't fair or isn't well thought out because of his relationship with his parents some how. He's 27 or so and lives with his folks and feels the need to discuss it often.

>Convention decides to no longer offer the ability to purchase next year's badge on Sunday the year before.
>Instead offer week-long sale just after the convention online to buy next year's badge.
>He complains about not having access to a computer or his bank account or something because "his folks are always watching".


>> No.6726344
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>> No.6726584 [DELETED] 
File: 75 KB, 492x495, myopinion.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This girl. We had a long ass thread about her some time ago.

>> No.6726589
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This girl. We had a long thread about her some time ago.

>> No.6726749

Which one? They both seem awful.

>> No.6726836
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The one whining about this being "only her opinion". Prior to this she harassed this other girl and tried to pick a fight with her for many times before I think she finally blocked her.

To tell her history shortly, she's a paranoid stalker who's constantly whining about being "bullied" even though she's the one loudly talking made up shit about everyone and spreading lies. She's rather well known and as mentioned before we had a huge thread about her here some while ago. I'm way too lazy to type the whole story so have a collection of the thread's best moments.

And yes, she saw the thread. Of course she didn't fix her act at all and kept on being a self-centered retard.

>> No.6726863

>See homestuck in wheelchair
>Hotel staff is helping them, letting them use the special elivators
>See them walking around just fine later

Turns out she was just taking advantage of the hotel staff being nice to her. BUT HOLY FUCK DO I WANT TO BEAT THIS BITCH THE NEXT TIME I SEE HER

>> No.6726873

My friend's 19 and has the most protective and overbearing parents I've ever heard of. Her bank account is also under her mother's name, and her bank statements are sent to her mother. She's not allowed to spend money without her parent's permission. Some parents are just like that.

>> No.6726936

is she learning how to speak english properly or is she just stupid?

>> No.6726939

That's actually illegal. You should have narked.

>> No.6726962

Why would a person go through the time and effort to get a wheelchair, contact hotel staff, and have staff wheel them across the hotel just to use an elevator?

And for that matter, since when do hotels offer to wheel disabled people around in wheelchairs?

>> No.6726972
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>people in my comm who post on sales
>can't fit
>don't have money any way
>why ... post ...

>> No.6727003

Sounds like Animazement. This past year was when Homestuck exploded at those damn Tavros cosplayers took all the wheelchairs and tried to get special seating at events with them.

>> No.6727034

I didn't realize until afterwords when I saw the girl's facebook page that she was not in fact handicapped. Seeing her in the wheelchair was basically a bunch of "fuck, do I know that person?" moments

>> No.6727041

>Using logic
pick none

>> No.6727082

>And for that matter, since when do hotels offer to wheel disabled people around in wheelchairs?

This has been hotel policy for like ever, in more upscale ones, anyway. It's polite to help disabled customers be as comfortable as possible.

>> No.6727162

see, i am in my mid 20's and still live with my grandmother (mainly because i manager her medication and such) holy shit though, i have my own job and pay my own bills, so no one is allowed to tell me what i can and cannot do with my own money. I also havent had a curfew since i was 14, so it's a bit scary when i see people 22-23 asking for their parent or guardian's permission... so odd to me.

>> No.6727176

but the kid is 19. She legally has a right to her own bank account and finances , especially if she works a job for her own money.

Is she....asian?

>> No.6727209


what the shit the whole point of PAX is that you can shower with it on, so your nasty pits and sweaty crotch get cleaned without having to repaint your arms every day

>> No.6727298
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nobody said it was easy
I live in the worst area, ever.

>> No.6728167

that's probably the best Equius cosplay i've ever seen

>> No.6728180

This may be called vendetta, but I had nothing against this woman until she bullied one of my friends only because she was my friend.
Met her 4 years ago, at a small con. I wasn't in cosplay, but a friend of mine was cosplaying Yuki Kuran, scythe/long hair version. She was using her own hair, since she had long, thick hair, and it looked great on her. This thing approaches. In a Shana cosplay, obviously bought, with a ratty bright party wig. And she shouts at my friend: "Yuki has longer hair! You should've used a wig, LIKE ME". We had our laugh but ignored her.
2 years later, same small con, we were fooling around waiting for the karaoke contest results. Shana ( I'll call her like that ) was sitting behind us, in a satin school uniform. The winner was announced, it was none of us but we agreed, and Shana shouted "but that girl can't sing for shit! she is tone-deaf". And she kept bitching.
I saw her several more times, she was always displeased and bitching about something, but I never really talked to her.
One day, a friend came over to sleep. Suddenly she tells me "Do you know Shana?" "Well...I never talked to her, but yeah" "We're in the same classroom, and she won't stop talking about how much she hates, how a crappy cosplayer you are, and her girlfriend cosplayed Sayaka much better than you". I laughed. My Sayaka cosplay was kind rushed and I didn't like the result. I laughed even more when my friend showed me a picture of Shana's girlfriend, a true landwhale. My friend also told me Shana tells everyone I only cosplay popular characters for attention, when my last cosplay was Haman Karn, and it's not like Gundam is popular in my city.

>> No.6728191
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One day, my friend calls me scared as fuck. Shana started to bully her, threw a tantrum because my friend "sold her privacy" to me, and swore to make my friend's life hell. I was mad, I won't get mad at people for picking on me, but don't you dare to touch my friends, bitch. I wanted to talk to her after she finished classes, but everytime I would say to my friend I wanted to talk to Shana, Shana went home early. And I'm a 5'2 anaemic girl, it's not like I was going to hit her. She left my friend alone, at least, but I already hated her.
Some day, some friends told me I could cosplay Shana, but I wanted to do the black hair version, with the summer uniform. She found out, and told a friend of mine "Tell me when anon is gonna cosplay Shana, I'll hummiliate her". I laughed my ass off, and answered "With her bright ratty wig?" Man, she got mad. She shitted all over her twitter how a shitty person I am, and how bad my cosplays are.
And for last, there was a cosplay contest a few months ago. When the other people were on stage, she and her girlfriend were badmothing every single one of them, calling people fat ( oh, the irony ), saying eveyone had shitty cosplays, and stuff like that. Then she won with a bought Homura cosplay ( talk about popular characters ). I didn't agree, I posted on twitter that people with shitty attitude and bought cosplays shouldn't win, and she flooded my ask.fm inbox with insults and "oh you're so envious you didn't win". I didn't even participate, gurl.
Also, everyone who knows her tells me she acts like a bitch, people who were close friends of her told me she never made a single cosplay, she always buys them or pays someone to make them, and stuff like that.
Bonus: Her Shana cosplay.

>> No.6728202

She's even perfected the weeaboo look but dear gods, that is one shitty wig. It looks like something you'd get for Halloween.

>> No.6728205

>look at picture
>read your comment
>look bac at picture
lulz were had

>> No.6728206

Her face doesn't seem that bad. Pity bout the personality though.

>> No.6728214

And then, as mysteriously as she came, ... she was gone.

>> No.6728217

Yeah, huh... Mario themed tarps...

>> No.6728225

I don't know why few people have the balls to stop "dropping hints" and just outright tell the person they're trying to escape that they're terrible.

"Listen, Carlos, we cannot stop you from following along, but just know that every one of us is seething with a caustic disdain at your mere presence alone, and every time you speak is a second closer I am to permanent vaginal dryness."

If that doesn't do it, he's a sociopath and he's going to skin you and your friends after one of these cons one day and make a furry suit out'a your flesh.

>> No.6728228

Because he, too, is gross.

>> No.6728230


he did it to me at dragon con! i was at the rave and dancing with some girls and he sorta just latched on to me.

he was giving me the vibe of someone who would have murdered me if he knew i was trans so i acted like my friend was throwing up in a bathroom and just left. {it was already late and i had to drive home)

so yeah

>> No.6728231

Looks even more like Kevin from "The Office"... The American one.

>> No.6728233

Oh jesus fuck, Shinbokucon. What a goddamn shithole. Went with my family last year. Charged us $10 a piece, including for my 6 year old brother. We walked into the 'con' area and all I saw was shitty cosplay, armed policemen, and a shitty dealers room. We turned right out and left.

I started going to LCCC's cons when it was Harucon and I was in middle school. I didn't know it was possible for a college con like that to get progressively worse. then it did.

>> No.6728234

Uh-huh, uh-huh... hrm... and what would it take to get up to my balls in her snatch, you think??

>> No.6728964

Some people that need wheelchairs don't need them all the time.
Weebs are notorious fakers of illness, but don't assume all the time.

>> No.6728984
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>> No.6730735

Agreed. I'm no good at confrontation but I just cut people right the fuck off. I cringe every time I hear things in stories like "but I went to the cafe with her anyway" or "we'd already agreed to share a room so I went through with it" or "I asked him to go to a panel with me so he'd feel better" or things like that because NO. I don't care if that makes me a shitty person, I'd stand them the fuck up, or break the agreement and find a new room, and stop responding to texts.

>> No.6731343
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I laughed.

>> No.6731357

I really need to rewatch it but looking back the first Xmen movie was pretty badass. From what I remember it was made with a lot of real-world settings and just made it seem like the movie was on the news or something.

Maybe I'm just rambling. Fucking tired as hell.

>> No.6731360

> "I don't run because it makes me tired, so it's hard to get the weight off"

Confirmed for obese neckbeard or crazy cunt. Can't tell you how many people I've met that have asthma but run anyway to stay in shape because they aren't parasite's bringing down society.

6/10, a bit rustled

>> No.6731377

Oh yeah Shinbokucon is shitty. I stopped going completely. But these kinda people think it's awesome.

>> No.6731396

Shadow666x. Enough said.

>> No.6731495

>it makes you tired

wheelchairfag here, literally can't run. Still excerzises to keep weight down.

you lazy shit.

>> No.6731506


You don't even need to exercise to lose weight. You can lose weight simply by altering what/ how much you eat. It doesn't mean eating only carrot and celery sticks, either.

>> No.6731623

Depends on why you're fat. If you eat like a rabbit but only sit around all day you're not going to lose weight, either.

>> No.6732295

I have a feeling I'm going to end up in one of these threads, going to crossplay as Revy and go to a con with some friends sometime this summer.

>> No.6732313

Is she black??? Their hair type is different?

>> No.6732368 [DELETED] 

Anyone that goes to the midwest cons knows what I'm talking about. Theres this guy, probably in his 50s or 60s (I'm terribad with guessing age just by appearance) who crossdresses and approaches all these young girls and literally hits on them,gives them a signed picture of her, etc etc.

I'm so happy he has yet to approach me. I have nothing wrong with crossdressers in general, but this guy seems...off.

>> No.6732374

Anyone that goes to the midwest cons (Usually the ones in Illinois) knows who I'm talking about. Theres this guy, probably in his 50s or 60s (I'm terribad with guessing age just by appearance) who crossdresses and approaches all these young girls and literally hits on them,gives them a signed picture of him, etc etc.

I'm so happy he has yet to approach me. I have nothing wrong with crossdressers in general, but this guy seems...off.

>> No.6732380
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>I don't lift weights because they're heavy and I don't run because it makes me tired

>> No.6732385

If you're not financially independent, you're not independent. If you can pay for your own bills, then you can just tell your parents to fuck off if they do something you don't agree with.

>> No.6732471

Was this at Anime Midwest perchance?

>> No.6732763
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Went to MegaCon 2013, here's the jist.

> go with two friends, one guy one girl
> meet friend and his group, hangout sporadically due to panels
> all of us run around for 45 minutes looking for where to get the rave tickets
> run into guy dressed as Red from Pokemon, seems chill
> exchange numbers to find the rave tickets faster
> we find them first, call him and chill in line together
> says him and his boys are gonna have beer/beer pong at his hotel that night
> my comrades and I feel it might be worth checking out, probably just stop by for a few
> Red then precedes to creep on my female friend the ENTIRE rave
> gives everyone a creep vibe but female friend is to nice to tell him to ease off
> rave ends, chilling outside, Red gives female friend his number to hangout later
> mfw he calls her less than five minutes after we leave to walk back to our hotel

My friend was 18 and this dude was apparently 24. Dude reeked of sweat the entire day.

>> No.6732766

I want to know about this. Looks interesting.

>> No.6732785

Not sure if this counts, but...

> Be 18 in introductory Japanese course at uni
> Most of the class is pretty weebish, but nice enough that it doesn't bother me
> Except this one guy
> 31 years old, sweaty, gross, always seems to be wearing the same outfit and hat
> Starts talking to me, got the creeper vibe immediately
> Starts moving from his seat to the seat next to mine each class
> Is clearly an idiot. Brings a book of Japanese dirty words and start reading them outloud and laughing in the middle of class.
> Wanted to tell him to stfu because some of us are paying for the class to actually, you know, learn something and to stop acting like a middle schooler, but don't want to further disrupt the class
> Really hate this guy
> Knows I'm only 18, asks if I'm single, says he wants to go out with me because I'm petite and small and "dainty," a word he used over and over again (probably also had something to do with my 36 DDDs)
> Keeps bugging me until I eventually I have to tell my professor about it
> Guy up and moves to the other site of the country for some reason
> Never saw him again but still get grossed out when the whole incident crosses my mind

>> No.6732786

Animuc, a smaller con near Munich, Germany, is alright (nice location, not too many people, nearly no weebs), but literally everybody in the dealer's room is selling overpriced fake shit from China. I've tried reporting the most notorious ones to the guys who run the con, but they never care.
Speaking of Munich, the so-called "AnimexX-Treffen" (animexX meeting, animexX is a german website for cosplay and the like) is simply terrible. Full of weebs. If anybody ever tells you to go there, don't. Just don't.

>> No.6732788

so what features do you possess that make you a human

>> No.6732792

> literally everybody in the dealer's room is selling overpriced fake shit from China
Hate to tell you but that's all convention dealers rooms.

>> No.6732795


>> No.6732805
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>> No.6732806

Yes you will, you are just making excuses. Physical activity will only burn hundreds of calories depending on the intensity but BMR will always be the biggest chunk of energy used.
Genetic predispositions are usually exaggerated because people don't want to put the effort in and like being a victim.

>> No.6732812

This. Peoples minds are always blown when I tell them I can lose weight on nothing but McDonalds and gain weight eating nothing but fruit.

>> No.6732818
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> with my 36 DDDs

whats up my name is james

>> No.6732825

>Their hair type is different
Coming from someone with mixed hair(not kinky but the rest of my family's hair is) that is no excuse. They should at least wash 2 or 3 times a week.

>> No.6732852
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>I don't run because it makes me tired, so it's hard to get the weight off

>> No.6732853
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what about no poo?

>> No.6732857

no poos should still use something to clean their hair tho, maybe ACV, but you should check no-poo forums

>> No.6732861

usally aint that easy when you don't do anything at all to lose weight
5/10 jimmies somehow rustled

>> No.6732871


you fat lazy piece of shit, please die

>> No.6732878

Nope she's caucasian

>> No.6732899

boston comm enough said

>> No.6732903
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>eat a ton of laxatives and dexatrim then down it with pizza.

>> No.6732921 [DELETED] 

No serious horrors in my community, and this is probably something that happens everywhere, but it seems like literally every person from my state who has received even the smallest amount of attention for their costumes has become a self-infatuated asshat afterward. I guess I'm a little saddened by it right now because, while it was funny to watch the dumb high school attention whores be dumb high school attention whores, a few of my friends have recently become more recognizable in the local convention scene and have definitely had it go to their heads. I'm kind of glad I decided on my own to stop attending as many conventions and focus solely on costuming so I won't have to watch it get worse. I don't know how much more of their catty attitudes and shit-talking I can take. Saying things like, "and then they realized *who they were talking to*" makes me want to tell them all to calm the fuck down.

>> No.6732932
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There's this guy. He staffs at this local con I go to every year. I'll just use bulleted points to describe him.
>30 years old
>lives at home with parents
>creepy lolita/crossdressing fetish
>lives off disability, refuses to get a job
>constantly whines about being broke
>tries to get other people to pay for things for him, often succeeds
>always smells AWFUL and has terrible dental hygiene
>latches onto girls quickly and obsesses over them nonstop, even when he knows he has no chance with them (always tries to date girls much younger than him
>self-proclaimed "nice guy"
>complains about being lonely and wanting a gf to anyone who will listen
>has been going to community college for 2 years on and off. Keeps taking a semester or two off because it's "too stressful" for him to deal with, even though he doesn't have a job, pays no bills, has no responsibilities other than school.
>pretends to have mental disorders (schizophrenia, anxiety, depression, bipolar, it changes every time he talks to someone new) to get attention
>pretends to have learning disorders so he can get out of writing papers and doing pretty much any kind of homework
>still can't handle the stress of school
>blows his whole financial aid refund on things like the PS Vita, expensive tablets, etc.

He won two hall awards last year for this coord.

>> No.6732963

>Megacon 2013
>Cosplaying a Hetalia character on Sunday because the fandom seems to have finally shrunk and I can't be arsed to put on something complicated
>Hanging around, catching up with friends when this scrawny Italy cosplayer I've seen around comes up to me
>Grabs me by the collar
>Says I'm now her "pet" and leaves
>Don't see her for the rest of the con

>> No.6732968

Fellow lardass here (though not nearly the size of OP's picture). When I started working out to lose weight, I couldn't even do a single push up. Now I can exercise and run regularly with no problem. You have to keep pushing and actually build up your body that's so weak when you start off.

>> No.6732973

Oh it ain't like we're forceful or nothing, all in good taste.

Also I meant 2013, I'm not a time traveler, unfortunately.

>> No.6733013

Kinda old but...

>AX 2009
>Cosplay Bridget with large floating cuff
>Get in crowded hall.
>Feel hand grope ass.
>Walk quicker to bunch of friends.

Later on same day...

>Go to bathroom in Bridget
>Guy follows me inside
>Get overpowered until friends come in
>He runs out pushing past them.
>go to hotel, change, cry
>Didn't leave hotel bed all day

>> No.6733025

>Katsucon 2013
>cosplaying Kyoko Sakura
>goes outside where Homestuck gathering is going on
>minding my own business, talking with friends and people I knew
>female hambeast with horns suddenly runs up to me, gets all up in my personnal space
>screams ''can I have your babies'' in obnoxious fake biritish accent
>''I don't think that's possible''
>walks away half amused half creeped out
>mfw I see her later doing the same to another Madoka cosplayer

>> No.6736024 [DELETED] 
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To be honest, I've never met this girl but from what I can tell she has no earthly idea how a guy should treat her in a relationship. Telling her straight up that his waifu Yui will always be number one in his heart is just one of the really fucking pathetic things he's done to this poor girl. But the thing that's really pissing me the fuck off right now is the fact that their relationship ended last week (after only a few months), and he made a Facebook post about feeling so fucking "free"...and then apparently he received some messages from people asking if he was okay, which prompted him to post this status (pic related):

>I swear, i'm fine. Sure, this means no more snu snu but hey, all it is is sticking your dick inside a hot squishy tube. Now if you'll excuse me, i'm going to play OSU...


>> No.6736021

So if any of you actually like Jebus of /a/, hopefully I'm about to change your mind. He's been a thorn in our community's side for years and he's one of those weebs that makes you want to hide your power levels forever so nobody associates you with people like him. But general weeb behavior aside, his treatment of women is absolutely fucking disgusting and that's the part I want to share with you guys right now.

After literally YEARS of bawling about the fact that he could never get a girlfriend and exhibiting all of the symptoms of Nice Guy Syndrome - Weeb Edition ("all girls are bitches and they all want douchebags", "I'm perfectly happy with my waifu Yui", etc etc), he finally wrangled some poor girl into admitting she was his girlfriend. The only way he was able to accomplish this was by finding someone he could maintain a long-distance relationship, because the girls here locally are all repulsed by him.


>> No.6736027 [DELETED] 
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I don't even know this girl but I feel so sick and sorry for her. And the worst part is that THEY GOT BACK TOGETHER TODAY, I cannot even begin to fathom what is going on in this girl's head, or what makes him think that this kind of behavior is okay. Sorry for the rage, but this shit is really fucking ridiculous.

Here's his first status about feeling so "free". I don't know about you guys but I would never get back with a guy who said this shit about me.

>> No.6736037
File: 22 KB, 425x290, ASDFHDFH.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To be honest, I've never met this girl but from what I can tell she has no earthly idea how a guy should treat her in a relationship. Telling her straight up that his waifu Yui will always be number one in his heart is just one of the really fucking pathetic things he's done to this poor girl. But the thing that's really pissing me the fuck off right now is the fact that their relationship ended last week (after only a few months), and he made a Facebook post about feeling so fucking "free"...and then apparently he received some messages from people asking if he was okay, which prompted him to post this status (pic related):

>I swear, i'm fine. Sure, this means no more snu snu but hey, all it is is sticking your dick inside a hot squishy tube. Now if you'll excuse me, i'm going to play OSU...


>> No.6736038
File: 7 KB, 422x160, noadfgsgd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't even know this girl but I feel so sick and sorry for her. And the worst part is that THEY GOT BACK TOGETHER TODAY, I cannot even begin to fathom what is going on in this girl's head, or what makes him think that this kind of behavior is okay. Sorry for the rage, but this shit is really fucking ridiculous.

Here's his post about feeling "free", I don't know about you guys but I would never get back together with a guy who said this kind of shit about me.

>> No.6736043

that guy sounds like a bag of dicks. I'm curious as to what he looks like irl

>> No.6736049
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Since he discovered 4chan he's filled up his Facebook albums with "4CHAN VOL. 1" and so on, reposting shitty memes and screenshots. It's hard to find a recent full body shot.

>> No.6736058
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Oh, and here's one from A-Kon 22.

>> No.6736059


looks like a typical fat, forever alone, beaner

>> No.6736068

which is why it makes literally no sense for him to treat a girl like shit if she's willing to put up with him.

>> No.6736114

I feel sad i exist in the same world as these kind of people

>> No.6736119

Sides exploded

>> No.6736148

Not a lardass, but i agree. You have to keep trying, anon. The first week is always the hardest. You can off slow, but eventually, your body builds muscle and you can push yourself harder. you can do it if you try. Positive thinking and set small goals.
btw, i was born with asthma and still jog.

>> No.6736692
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A little mad.

>> No.6736709
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I can't find a picture of them in cosplay and I feel bad for using a wedding picture lmao but oh well

>> No.6736725

Remember a few years ago in one of the New England communities there was that teen girl with a baby named Sephiroth, and she would just kinda pawn her baby off at random people at conventions to do her own thing?
What ever happened to her?

>> No.6736729

Oh. My. God.
What the hell happened to that poor girl's arms and WHY is she showing them off to the world.

>> No.6736739

delicious flakey, crusty eczema

>> No.6736743
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Guess who~

>> No.6736812

As someone who's got eczema (and not even loads of it) that's actually not too bad considering how bad it can get. Currently I have a bandage wrapped around mine as it got ripped open when I moved my arm and started bleeding, then it stung like fuck when I put cream on to stop the itching.

I'm really not surprised that girl has nothing on her arms; wearing stuff over eczema makes it itch worse if its reached that point.

>> No.6736815

He'd suit a fedora so well

>> No.6736818

Who is this? Who is he?
I'm that Melbourne person who wanted to know about drama in the austhread. Feed me, Anons.

>> No.6736825

Oh god I feel so sorry for their future kids.

>> No.6736830

>Have local comm that is overall supportive with a minimal amount of weebs.
>Have meet ups at least once a month.
>Be 20 year old female.
>One of the regulars return after being on hiatus. He's 27, a little awkward, doesn't know how to interact with women.
>He compliments my outfit, I thank him but keep my distance.
>He starts pestering me asking why I'm single, I explain out of choice and I just currently prefer to be. Make it very clear I'm not interested.
>Tries to pester me and several other of the girls through Facebook.
>I clearly state, "I do not like you, I do not enjoy being around you, I will be civil to you in public but I have no obligation to talk to you online."
>"Oh Anon-chan, you're such a tsundere!"
>...is this guy fucking serious?
>Shit hits the fan when he creeps on some dude's little sister.
>He's banned from the meets and ignored.
>Constantly tries to re-join any anime related group in the local area.
>Bawws on Twitter that we've bullied him out of the meets and that all the girls are staging an elaborate prank against him.

This is the stage we're currently at. Christ alive, this guy is fucking dense. Anyone got tips on how to deal with him?

>> No.6736832

Write out a clear list of what he did and why it is wrong. Show him. Say if he continues to pester you all then you will go to the police.

>> No.6736833


>> No.6736842
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>used to be friends with a guy, but he was clingy and had anger issues, so I let the "friendship" fade into obscurity
>point to consider, any time I even roundabout mentioned playing WoW he'd go "I don't like WoW. Now THIS game, THIS game is so much better."
>basically, he'd take any opportunity possible to rant about games he liked and his achievements in them, including but not limited to Shadow the Hedgehog
>years later he turns up where I work
>having never liked WoW at all in the past, he suddenly picks it up, gets a character to level twenty something, and starts rattling off his extensive, veteran knowledge of the game and classes like I hadn't been the one playing since highschool
>he keeps picking up other random free MMOs and telling me how they're so much better than WoW because they're free, or they have this class, or that kind of cool spell, not because WoW is shit or this new game has something mechanically great about it
>"I picked this great game up you don't have to pay a subscription for. You can control this element with this particular spell! You can't do THAT in WoW!"

Our old group of friends used to talk about conventions all the time. I thank any significant power there is every day that he hasn't asked to tag along yet. He can't read social cues, and I'm always scared of outright telling him off while I'm at work, because he legit raged at me once for pronouncing Sephiroth's name wrong.

People got so relentless at work with asking if I was "alright" that I started asking back "this is my normal face. Is something wrong with it?"

One person asks if someone's alright, that's cool, that's a good thing. Every couple days by more than one person is a little relentless.

>> No.6736843

I think the meet organiser has already made a clear list. If more than one person talks to him about it, its "B'aww help I'm being oppressed!!1!!"

Last I heard he was attempting to join the Homestuck/Hetalia groups. He'd fit right in.

>> No.6736858


Either you're from the North-East of England, or our local creep has a clone...

>> No.6736861

Afraid not, I'm from Canada.

>> No.6736866

Is dat someone talking about Zoltz?

Who are you, im a guy who told him to fuck off :P

And if this is haliday, I'm sad you browse CGL more than me.


>> No.6736882

Fucking Creepy Chris.

>> No.6736886

Perhaps it is, perhaps it is.

But I'm not Halliday.

>> No.6736901

Go home gray

>> No.6736904

go home liam

>> No.6736921

well nuts to us both

>> No.6736957

Warms my heart to potentially see the people I regularly go to cons with end up in horror stories. Did this guy go by PK?

>> No.6736962

The world is safe from the Zoltz now. Never fear!

>> No.6736974

>who is really nice

I don't see where the horror story in this is

>> No.6737197

I don't believe so. Think he went by Mark.

He ditched the Legion of Doom party to creep on her the whole rave.

>> No.6737277

Everyone seems to forget that the homeless congregate about 2 blocks away from AZ.

Also there are a lot of bonds men, the short term housing jail, and the social services office.

Not shocking that at AZ you run into some local "characters."

Honestly its nothing compared to Baltimore's homeless

>> No.6737539

You will lose weight if you're eating 1200 calories a day. I work an office job where I sit on my ass all day, and by the time work gets out, i'm too tired to hit the gym. I was getting kinda fat, 130lbish so I just started snacking on carrots and ate salads with grilled chicken in them for about a month and lost 10lbs. You can literally lose weight with out moving. 80% of weight loss if your diet. Stop making excuses fatty-chan.

>> No.6737558
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I'm not sure if there is anyone else from the Valley of Connecticut, but I do have a gem for you. It's called FYE-Con.
Attached is just one example of the wonderfully made, and glorious cosplay it has to offer.

>> No.6737719

Ew! Why would anyone want to be with that? Why does girl want to be with him? Because he's 4chan "famous"? Chick needs to get her priorities straight,

>> No.6737867

Somebody male needs to mansplain to him that he's making all the women and girls nervous, and that real life isn't an anime.

>> No.6737877

Introduce him to /r9k/

>> No.6737882

What is the middle one? Both cosplay and gender.

>> No.6737891

FYE still does anime events?

>> No.6737936

Men like to take advantage of us when we're vulnerable and have low self-esteem.

I don't trust men.

>> No.6737959
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My uni supports these little con called Ragnarok but its pretty small and awful except for some decent cosplay.

They just show stupid videos and sell the same shitty merch that every con ever has.
its not that bad but eh, wanted to post.

>> No.6737967
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God damn, I don't know this chick but she really needs a good friend who will shake her and explain that nobody needs to put up with this shit.

>> No.6737989

I have asthma and I run MARATHONS. Bitch get your lazy fucking ass off of the couch I could DIE everytime I run but I do it anyway because I don't want to be a lazy fat fuck like you.

>> No.6738028

I think it's more about the fact that she has no experience with healthy relationships. Like I said before, I don't know her personally but from what I can tell, Stefan is the first "serious" relationship she's had in a reeeally long time, if ever. It's just sad.

>> No.6738139

How ugly is she? 1-10 scale.

>> No.6738147


>> No.6738181

this is also a fucking lie.
i'm 117lbs at 5'1" and eat less than 1200 calories per day, and I just maintain. It all depends on your body, and heavier people can have slow metabolisms, too.
diet is great, but exercise is key. just start walking, even.

>> No.6738196

Lol no offense but I really hate people like you who think you can compare your 10-20 pound weight loss for a month or two to someone that needs to lose 50-100 pounds or more; who also needs to be able to consistently keep it up for at least over 6 months, minimum.

You quite literally have no idea.

>> No.6738206

It depends on your BMR, and, yes, your metabolism (I know that's a forbidden word in broscience but yes). But the vast majority of overweight people can lose weight just from cutting caloric intake.

>> No.6738228

different anon, but what about just baking soda? I usually use it once every couple of weeks and then poo, but what about just using baking soda and conditioner?

>> No.6738256
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By this scale, I would give her a solid 5. She's not unfortunately-looking by any means, just generally plain, a little chubby and a bit unkept. She's pretty much you're typical "otaku", and I'll bet she could clean up really nicely with some help.

>> No.6738273

This chart is fascinating. I'd say at least one girl in 2 and 3, two in 4, and three in 5, could be vastly improved by a different haircut/make-up/weight. And I used to know a girl who looked just like the first one in 3 in high school and she dated pretty much all of the hottest guys.

Sage for off-topic.

>> No.6738288
File: 6 KB, 229x220, imagesCA9YRHUE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be me
>anime boston 2012
>cosplaying as Crona from soul eater
>walk by a panel and my cousin points out that there is a Maka hosting
>take one step in but start to crave food
>about to leave
>as i'm leaving I hear someone shout ''CRONA!''
>look back into room to see the Maka is waving me to come in
>start to walk back in
>she jumps off stage and glomps me
>takes me onto stage and a sit in a chair
>sit there for rest of the panel
>mfw what the fuck just happend.

>> No.6738301

What the fuck

>> No.6738302
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this thread may be about you

>> No.6738323
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>> No.6738329

I actually remember a thread a little while ago where someone was talking about how they could stand a walk a little but their body tired quickly and it wasn't like they could stand all day.

>> No.6738334


>> No.6738397

>Walking around the booths at PCC with massive headache
>Fat girl Roxas with massive keyblade taking up most of aisle
>Froxas runs through crowd, knocking into several people
>Quietly shuffle to small booth run by friend
>Am standing between her and that booth
>Keyblade to face
>Gash on forehead, dizzy from impact on top of headache
>Fall against pillar
>Froxas rams past again

I didn't see her this last year but I still hold a lot of rage about that. She knocked into me twice that day without noticing she had hurt me.

>> No.6738513

Says her name is roli. not sure if she attends any cosplay, lolita, or goth gatherings but she is an example of what i hate about vocal ita: She will never improve because she gets butt mad at any suggestion, she rants and raves about how people are "SO MEAN!1!", and finally she is gross to look at and thinks she knows everything.

Her wardrobe post on EGL was fantragic: a tiny haul of bodyline and not at all worth posting.

>> No.6738516

how come cgl has no backbone

>> No.6738525

You should have taken her keyblade away from her.

Then you should have broken the keyblade. A lot.

>> No.6738521

my husbands entire family does this: "Are you alright?" "Are you alright?" "Are you alright"...

Seriously worried i had a bitch face when i realized that they were doing it/ it started to get to me and then i saw that they did it to each other too!

>> No.6738545

Personally I don't think big props should be allowed in vendors/artist alleys for this reason. There isn't enough room. It's so much simpler to leave them at the entrance with a staff member.

>> No.6738576

Arizona cons really bad. Honestly, I don't feel comfortable going somewhere outside of grounds on my own without pepper spray, because I'm a little(4'11) white girl with a pretty okay body, I think, and I've been raped nearby the grounds for PCC. Oh, Arizona. What a state to live in.

>> No.6738615

That chart remains to be one of the most outrageous things I've ever seen here. Seriously, comparing different ages should be obviously unfair. Some of those ladies in the 2-4 range look at least 40 and all of the 8-9's look no younger than 21 and no older than 26.

Trying to imagine the person that made this gives me the willies. It's just awful.

>> No.6738619

Rate charts are pretty stupid to begin with anyway.
I'm sure as shit the guys I consider to be 10/10s are someone else's 5/10s. And vice versa for women.
Mainly they're used to troll and to dent people's self-esteem.

>> No.6738643

I wasn't paying attention to the photos of the girls, I was just going off of the descriptions. Obviously everyone's going to disagree about the photos, and attempting to argue about who belongs where is completely pointless because it's all completely subjective.

>> No.6738660
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>> No.6739074

More info on Shinbokucon? It's real close to me so I wanted to enter the masquerade for some more experience. Is it worth it?
I'm not part of the local drama, but I have that morbid fascination with it.

>> No.6739908

I think they mean Animazement in North Carolina, but as someone who lives in Phoenix that sucks to hear.

>> No.6739932

I thinks it's great that unis do this, they seem to be more like big clubs then cons, but if your town doesn't hold cons, it's always nice to meet people with similar interest.

>> No.6739950

If anybody knows Anna (also goes by Anjidu), she goes to Animazement and other NC cons. She's a fucking attentionwhore/lazy ass. She seems like a nice girl at first but then you get to know her. She's a spoiled brat who gets guys to pay for her everything.

>> No.6740091

>He won two fag awards last year for this coord.


>> No.6740369

>36 DDDs
lol fatty chan

>> No.6741513

when you're obese it's easier to lose weight. Obviously not in the mental sense and changing habits and shit. But it's a lot harder to maintain a very heavy weight.

>> No.6741521

The chart is weird. Some of those 9s are solid 7s to me, and a lot of those in "6" are more attractive than the "7"s.
And basically the 8s and 9s are just conventional as fuck.
In any case, the rating system is shitty.

>> No.6741589

Unsure if people are still posting stories, but..

>14 years old, at con in maid costume (but modest, cheap 15 dollar ebay one)
>with family friend who is 19
>friend is looking at merchandise
>I stand around waiting for him
>some guy approaches me and asks for my name, he looks like he is in mid 20's, at most
>"Sorry. I don't talk to strangers."
>he laughs and tells me I'm cute, compares me to an anime character
>obviously embarrassed but I try to leave
>he asks me again for my name, and then asks me to go with him to his hotel to play "games"
>"Sorry, no. I have someone waiting for me."
>I try to leave again
>he puts his hand on my waist and lifts my skirt up, groping my butt slightly
>friend shows up and shoves this guy away, the con staff showed up
>don't know what happened afterwards, was taken home
>cons, man

Happened quite a while ago, but it was pretty terrifying at the time imo.

>> No.6741603

Yeah, I tried not to get into the upper levels, because
But it was interesting to me as a girl to see that from a man's (presumably) perspective, girls with decent features but overweight/poorly maintained are on the same level as girls with really unfortunate features. Not true for me at all.

Fully agree about the upper levels being conventional as fuck though. Pretty much anyone I consider god tier attractive has at least one highly exaggerated feature.

>> No.6741653

>it's easier to lose weight
Maybe for like the first few months, but not after that. No. Fat people plateau and get stuck too, and if you're pretty much admitting there's a mental struggle and that making lifestyle changes is hard, you're already contradicting your point.

>> No.6741695

What I said was it's biologically easier for fatties to lose weight. Just because fat people are neurotic about food, doesn't mean that BIOLOGICALLY it's harder??

>> No.6741709

Not the same person, but it is about the same. When you are larger, it comes off fast at first, but it tapers down once you get closer to a healthy weight. In my case, I lost the first 40lbs fairly quickly (over about 5 months or so, at a steady 2lbs per week at first.) now that I have about 15lbs to go, I lose about 2-4lbs per month and I plateau pretty good too.

>> No.6741720

Y'know, she's not allowed to sell any of that stuff, the creator specifically demanded that no one profit off of fan-made products from his series. So at least there's that.

>> No.6741749

>What I said was it's biologically easier for fatties to lose weight

And I'm saying that at a certain point, it isn't. Especially once they get into decent shape and they're not a ball of pure fat anymore, which needless to say won't take long if they're doing it right.

>> No.6741784

The first two were both good, 3rd was not up to par
Shoulda kept the Haytinator

>> No.6741854
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>> No.6742150

There's this girl some of my friends follow online that is just as obnoxious as obnoxious gets. She goes by Vicious Cosplay and I've seen her around at a few conventions on the East Coast and she's always being loud and talking about how great her costumes are and how many awards she's won (which she also does online). My friend showed me a recent post she made on tumblr about wanting to make ridiculously skimpy costumes (she's not exactly skinny) and how she expects she'll have to deal with guys telling her how nice her tits are or how fuckable she is. Deluded much?

>> No.6742162

yeah i know. she just has zodiac buttons at her table, and who knows what else in the art show, last year it was a couple digital "one of a kind" prints. i don't think anyone can prove that she's actually breaking any rules, since you can't copyright zodiac symbols and i don't think she's repeated any HS prints at the convention.

>> No.6742974


>> No.6743089
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>> No.6743241

So so so so so nasty

>> No.6743244

>I don't lift weights because they're heavy

Good lord my seids have left the orbit of this solar system

>> No.6743254
File: 1.83 MB, 200x200, 1342226195344.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I don't lift weights because they're heavy and I don't run because it makes me tired, so it's hard to get the weight off

you're living the dream

>> No.6743323

Hey there, im from Melbourne too!

Ive never been to any of these gatherings or cons and im pretty new to /cgl/.

Any advice on where to start in this community in Melbourne?

>> No.6747385
File: 6 KB, 160x160, no.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know the person who has this as their profile image in the local FB comm but it makes me cringe so hard.

>> No.6747387

I'm seeing this red equals image a lot, what on earth is it?

>> No.6747405

HRC for marriage equality.

>> No.6747455
File: 16 KB, 264x400, 1355226935492.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>going to New York Comic Con 2015 with my sister
>she's cosplaying some sort of anime witch or whatever
>takes it seriously, wasted 3/4 of her salary on materials, went trough strict diet etc
>costume reveals some skin on her legs, belly and shoulders
>looks really good in it
>just chilling, some people take photos, we don't mind it
>we look back
>there are approximately 10 females looking right at us
>they are all fat, some are wearing trench coats and fedoras, some of them are bald
>they surround us
>sister is crying
>my confusion is quickly replaced with anger
>I scream "What the fuck is wrong with you?" and try to push one of the whales away so we could leave
>whale trips
>pulls the whistle out of her pocket and blows it
>3 seconds later they are all whistling
>police officer arrives
>"That's not how you treat a lady!"
>starts pummeling me with his club continiously
>last thing I hear are the screams of my sister and feminists laughing hysterically
Worst con ever.

>> No.6747639


>> No.6747653

Shinbokucon is on the 12th through the 14th, $10 per day or $20 for the whole thing. I'm going one day just so I can see that really shitty dance group called Abracadabra. I have so much beef with them, I just wanna see how bad they've gotten since I cut myself off from them,

>> No.6747751
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> be 20 at local cosplay BBQ and photoshoot, just getting back into the cosplay scene.
>cosplaying as NGE Asuka
>Some guy dressed as "lupin"(dickquotes for costume so messed up I thought he was commander ikari)
>apparently has some sort of obsession with Asuka.
>Asuka=me, I guess
>follows me around the shoot the whole day, creepily compliments and talks about Evangelion for days.
>eventually a friend gets involved, makin sure I'm not left alone with him.
>be mega creeped out, but good times with new friends were had.

3 months later I wore the same costume to AFO, and ran into him again while sitting in the hallway. The face when he stops ans stares at me for 2 minutes 8 inches from my face and then goes 'oh, sorry, you're not who I thought you were'

>> No.6747994

It's kind of sad how this was completely believable until the police officer joined in

>> No.6748048

hey, look, somebody wrote the word "gullible" on your ceiling!

>> No.6748203

It wasn't trying to be believable to begin with

>going to New York Comic Con 2015 with my sister

unless you're ignoring that part as well

>> No.6748214

Different anon but I feel like a dumbass for not spotting that... I'm too gulliable.

>> No.6748243

>puts them on feminists

Stop trying to pawn those off on us, neckbeards. You know where they came from and you are going to have to live with the shame

>> No.6748420

Are you guys like idk asking for pink eye, aids, herpes, idk some std or something with all that high fiving.
Can you not envision all the weeaboo stank on your hands?

>> No.6748423

Chick to his left looks perf tho

>> No.6748427


>> No.6748431

He reeked of sweat and you TRUSTED him?

>> No.6748446

give us his twitter we can deal with him
h a h a

>> No.6748456


>> No.6748463

I know a neckbeard basement-dwelling feminist that wears a fedora

>> No.6748513

Sage for unrelated but I'm wat-ing a little over here because I've stayed in that hotel and I've been on the grounds a lot. Really weird to mentally place the "yay vacation" part of my life with "holy shit terrifying cosplayers."

But goddamn, those arms. She just looks so unfortunate. What are their shenanigans other than looking like that?

>> No.6748612

The FYE in my hometown mall still does those events, or at least was trying to. The guys running it kept trying to get me to rejoin it because without me and the two or three other twentysomethings, it was all 13 year olds and we helped keep the order. Plus, at least with us there the prizes would go to someone who wasn't doing shitty Death Note closet cosplay.

>> No.6748730

i cant help but feel depressed and angry when i see fat people eat in public, casually......just saying.

>> No.6748768

I actually know them and they are super nice. She use to cosplay before she got that skin disease.

She has cosplayed from KH and He did the basket over the head guy from Bleach.

>> No.6748773

she has lupis right? poor girl

>> No.6749695
File: 13 KB, 549x191, sdfgasd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, so you only censor yourself if you think being on posted on 4chan is at stake?
ALSO YOU HAVEN'T TOUCHED /cgl/ IN MONTHS? What about the two fucking posts in the A-Kon thread?
Just do everyone a favor and:
a) Leave poor J alone, she doesn't deserve any of your bullshit.
b) Stop posting fucking memes all over Facebook, it makes you look like an even bigger weeaboo douchebag than you already are.