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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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6700815 No.6700815 [Reply] [Original]


Old thread

>> No.6700818

is this his way of shipping WWII or is he just stupid

>> No.6700820
File: 614 KB, 504x506, emily.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6700821
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>> No.6700824

I like the take with the vest, any better shots of this erisolsprite?

>> No.6700827

who makes her stuff? i can't recall hearing about her sewing...

>> No.6700830

This picture was taken just to get a shot of those other two, wasn't it

>> No.6700833
File: 676 KB, 340x980, ohgodwhy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I lol'd the feferi/meenah at the background with her boyfriend

>> No.6700842
File: 584 KB, 400x267, roxy gif.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh no this would've been so cute...
She has friend(s) that sew her costumes. Like her velvet dress was made by lotusseishin.

>> No.6700843


>> No.6700846

Ohh i've been seeing her in the Roxy Lalonde cosplay tag, she's super cute and I want to see the rest of her dress, because the top looks good.

>> No.6700847

what is even going on with that erisolsprite

>> No.6700854
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>> No.6700855
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>> No.6700857
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>> No.6700862
File: 450 KB, 1280x960, that dad tho.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6700865
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>> No.6700866

She's a qt

>> No.6700868
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>> No.6700867

that wig, those horns, that suit colour. ok she's pretty but idgi.

>> No.6700872


>> No.6700875

I agree the suit color is a little too lime/yellow, but how well-fitted and made it looks really made up for it, I think!
And I knooow, she's damn adorable.

>> No.6700889

Fangirls don't actually enjoy the thing they fangirl, silly

>> No.6700892

Fuck home stuck faggot.

>> No.6700891

The aliens have landed

>> No.6700909
File: 13 KB, 330x346, 1363050227687.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah, I wish I could fuck homestuck too

>> No.6700965

What is happening with Roxys ass in this picture?

>> No.6700975

its MF
who knows

>> No.6700995

MF makes the most unfortunate Roxy. I wish she'd at least style her wigs.

Also i thought she was done with Homestuck after she pulled that shit at katsucon?

>> No.6700998

Wait, who's MF? url?
And what happened?

>> No.6701003
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>> No.6701004

>shit at katsucon
deets anon, deets
MostFlogged, Jenni, mostflogged@tumblr
cosplayer a cgl doesn't like too much, some of it due to oldfag drama with JJ, other due to the quality of her costumes and her rants about different things.
I think the last one was about how she does put effort into her costumes?

>> No.6701010

>implying she wears underwear

>> No.6701007

I hope she's wearing some kind of panties

>> No.6701008

those are some nice horns. I just wish the floral on her dress was a little bit neater

>> No.6701011

>I wish she'd at least style her wigs.
Non-Hamsteak here, but isn't that... a fairly styled wig? What needs to be improved on it?

>> No.6701012

Ohhh, looking at her pictures I do recognize her.
I just think it's sorta weird to sell prints of you in cosplay. Maybe that's normal idk.

>> No.6701019

I'm kind of wondering who would buy them. There are a lot of really stellar cosplayers, but the idea of having somebody's gray-painted face hanging on my wall isn't necessarily appealing. To each his own, I suppose.

>> No.6701022

Frankly I don't get the point of prints at all.

It's a lot easier, cheaper, and faster just to get some photo paper and print it out.

Plus even though they're the model, I feel like their making profit off the photographer's work

>> No.6701023


I'm not her biggest fan either, but that Roxy wig is clearly styled and nicely so.

>> No.6701028

I mean, she must have had people showing interest in buying them, right? Or else she's just very conceited! Who knows.
But yeah, doesn't make much sense to buy them.

>> No.6701053

fucking disgusting fags plaguing cons

>> No.6701055

I love you too

>> No.6701056

nice opinion man, want a cookie?

>> No.6701060
File: 53 KB, 500x747, 1362093340476.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ur beautiful

>> No.6701070
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>> No.6701076

I think someone else styled that wig for her.
She "Styled" her Panty wig and it looked like she threw a mop on her head. She might have just borrowed everything for the shoot.

>> No.6701109

Oh wow that John has a really cute face. How old are they? They look like they could be in the 13-year-old range.
That being said, I wish that John cosplayers would make the effort to actually get square glasses instead of the hipstery frames many seem to use.

>> No.6701112
File: 433 KB, 500x667, oh my god this is dylans candy bar in nyc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Apparently they went out to Dylan's candy bar in nyc for this shoot

That means >>6700854
was taken at that candy bar

Little kids saw MF's ass

>> No.6701118

She used sewthoughtful's Roxy wig

>> No.6701122
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>> No.6701141
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>> No.6701175
File: 1.19 MB, 984x1500, 53187-66019b76d91b5111c7ae225f19281d94.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>her Panty wig looked like she threw a mop on her head
>It can't be that bad.
>I was wrong.
What is with people not styling wigs??? MF is supposed to be this great popular cosplayer and she doesn't even take 5 seconds to style her fucking wig?

>> No.6701179

I mean you do know the original pic you posted showing a bit of butt was an Instagram right? Calm your shit you care too much

>> No.6701185

So Jenni basically borrowed the entire outfit from her? Because I don't remember Jenni saying she was working on a trickster Roxy outfit.

I'm just wondering since the outfit is a lot cleaner looking than Jennis usual Homestuck vomit.

>> No.6701187

I think they meant her original panty wig as a mop which I agree but that one is styled in a bun. It's very clearly styled.

>> No.6701196
File: 101 KB, 612x612, tumblr_mjixxiObTf1qzmpk6o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the feeling when i know mine will be better hehehe

>> No.6701191

It was still taken at Dylan's Candy Bar.
Where there were little kids.
Her ass is still hanging out.

No, she made that outfit, I think.
I remember on Instagram she was working on trickster ROxy.

>> No.6701198

Check her Instagram vendetta anon she posted pics while working on it
I don't think her stuff is always perfect but yeah she made it

>> No.6701214
File: 471 KB, 500x667, tumblr_mjtfe11JkG1r0900ao1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More from the megastuck tag

>> No.6701215

Gonna have to pop in here and say I have to disagree on the basis of pinning up a wig in the back and brushing bangs to the side isn't really styling a wig.
Sage because people who don't cut their bangs peeve me.
Back to your drama HSG.

>> No.6701224

Calm down. Not vendetta just seeing if she's learned how to sew yet. The girls ego bothers me considering she's pretty average but I have nothing against her.

>> No.6701248


Why the fuck would you wear sneakers with this outfit? It looks fucking stupid with a dress like that.

>> No.6701250

The bottom of her dress looks good

>> No.6701256
File: 34 KB, 458x825, Roxysnewoutfit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got a problem?
Take it up with Hussie.

>> No.6701269


Ok I don't love MF but a quick goddamn look at her ACP proves she knows how to sew. Come on. The Utena outfit she posted recently is really well made, for instance.

I have problems with the girl but HSG is obsessed with tearing her apart to the point of absurdity.

>> No.6701275

are there any more megacon pics?

>> No.6701280

yes this jfc

>> No.6701286

Holy shit a good update Roxy and Dirk in the same photo? Tumblrs?

Looks dumb but sneakers with Roxy's purple outfit are canon.

>> No.6701297

Sneakers are definitely canon and can look good, for me it's just that the cosplayer decided black sneakers with blue laces would be ok??

>> No.6701300

Also leggings rather than knee/thigh-highs or stockings isn't a great idea imo

>> No.6701299
File: 239 KB, 960x1280, tumblr_mjsiz6iAfU1qfxc9go2_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is really adorable

>> No.6701305

Eh I'm willing to overlook the shoes seeing as she did a great job with the rest of the costume. Looks better than MF's beaded hot mess imo.

>> No.6701313

Without a doubt, good lord.

>> No.6701314 [DELETED] 
File: 41 KB, 1015x575, casino.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

panty's bun isn't all that clean in the actual show when she wears that outfit

>> No.6701317
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>> No.6701321
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>> No.6701322
File: 90 KB, 682x1024, tumblr_mjtj3lAhjs1rb40cdo5_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not a fan of the wig or glasses, but oh shit I love this dress

>> No.6701325
File: 1.18 MB, 1280x1707, http%3A%2F%2Fimagescale.tumblr.com%2Fimage%2F1280%2F4be7d501398d1cb013d9106d5f9825eb%2Ftumblr_mjsmehehGx1r9hqc8o3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6701328
File: 479 KB, 1280x1920, tumblr_mjsedzWd0L1qcognzo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6701327
File: 77 KB, 480x640, http%3A%2F%2F25.media.tumblr.com%2Fb90787d1b32d5f24fc01565f67553a8a%2Ftumblr_mjsursgB2C1qfaczpo2_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6701333

i like how she used meulin's blood color for the boots and all, but isn't it canon that meulin had the mind class color as her boots? other than that, this would've been good had she had better wings and redder tights/hood. :/

>> No.6701330
File: 101 KB, 403x604, http%3A%2F%2F24.media.tumblr.com%2F7f7e41d4dde1198635aaa37f11fe31d1%2Ftumblr_mjtkjvkcTM1qkkyf6o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6701332
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>> No.6701334
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>> No.6701338

i'm digging the way she did the arms...

>> No.6701340

those sleeves are huge

>> No.6701337
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>> No.6701343
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>> No.6701348


so she knows how and decides not to because coasting on the sex factor is good enough, and that makes it better?

>> No.6701354
File: 844 KB, 1117x1920, http%3A%2F%2Fimagescale.tumblr.com%2Fimage%2F1280%2F6489c5f21d611cbafd8cb546103a59b7%2Ftumblr_mjsmohj9uu1qbghlao1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6701356
File: 640 KB, 1200x1600, tumblr_mjtexcFv341s20o0yo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6701360

when did she decide not to? she sews a lot of her shit.

>> No.6701371
File: 189 KB, 403x604, http%3A%2F%2F24.media.tumblr.com%2Fbd1fd0203f28bf1eaaba4cb88d4dc5f4%2Ftumblr_mjslw6yAp71r5mzhvo1_r1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6701373
File: 353 KB, 1271x1920, http%3A%2F%2Fimagescale.tumblr.com%2Fimage%2F1280%2Fc981071c1605ffe5288400999f55bb67%2Ftumblr_mjtmihaoU91rb40cdo4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6701401

So little-miss-lalonde is trying to start a cosplay ask blog using all of the characters in homestuck. Any thoughts on that?

>> No.6701403

Sews much of it poorly, yes. Like her Porrim.

>> No.6701408


related: I want to do Cali's troll version, and I thought it would be funny to do deliberately costume looking horns. Obvious headband, etc. But if people are really judging on the quality of horns then maybe it's not a good idea...?

>> No.6701414

hey if my opinion counts then i say it looks cute and its in character cause news flash it is a costume in homestuck but what you can do is actually make the horns smoother since other cali's horns appear a bit bumpy

>> No.6701418

Wow a grimdark Rose actually did the grey dark enough for once

>> No.6701422

I think they were just criticizing how she placed the horns on her head. They look like they're at a bad angle in that picture.

Just go ahead and do the cosplay! Since it's Calliope, making it costume-y sounds like a good idea.

>> No.6701435

not black and blue sneakers.

i honestly don't think there will ever be a good crockertier cosplay.

her stance is really weird? is that supposed to be cute or s/t? the disciple isn't cute, she's a fierce cat woman come on people
also she isn't wearing shoes and that confuses me.
better than mira's though.

>> No.6701440

why does this look like an ikea advert? but they're cute though

>> No.6701446

It wasn't the quality of the horns, its the fact that one of them is falling off, using the fact that it's a character cosplaying to make things shoddily just sounds like an excuse, her horns look like actual troll horns in canon so

>> No.6701448

best ive seen thats for sure

>> No.6701450

im talking about the crockertier cosplay

>> No.6701454
File: 102 KB, 445x750, tumblr_mjtnrvvbM91r85kd0o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6701540


Wow, that sure is a direct ripoff of DM's Aradiabot. Except at much lower quality.

>> No.6701557

the porrim was poor but that doesn't reflect every single fucking cosplay that she does, you people are just being piranhas about her on purpose and it's ridiculous

if we know anyone who needs desperate help it's heaven and even though MF has her infamous flaws she's not nearly on that low of a level skill-wise but y'all treat her like she is

>> No.6701564


This. MF has some pretty amazing construction skills when she sets her mind to it and those of you who refuse to acknowledge it are a bunch of retard butthurt babies.

>> No.6701589


Ooooh, MF can't sew at all, ooooh.

Shut the fuck up, cgl. God.

>> No.6701600


Fucking seriously, take a look at the 99% of cosplay she does that isn't HS. I think she's kind of annoying but she's damn skilled and even if stuff like her Porrim isn't beautiful, ignoring all the other shit she's done is insane? Like, I know of no other cosplayer who works so consistently well with vinyl and PVC and her bunnysuits are complicated and really well made. Of her recent stuff, what I saw of Mari and Sailor Neptune at Katsu was fucking gorgeous. I think she's kind of dramamongering sometimes and I wish she'd just admit to purposefully choosing to doing sexy costumes most of the time but acting like she can't sew is goddamn assinine.

>> No.6701614



Valid reasons to have a beef with MF:
-A bad personal experience.
-The occasional disappointing costume.

Extremely unvalid reasons:
-'She can't sew!!!!!!!!!' /ignores her bunny suits, battle suits, work with complicated materials, well fitted uniforms, capes, draping skills, vast amount of commissioned work, and etc

I will admit that I'm someone who is on good terms with Jenni but come the fuck on. You harpies need to suck it up and admit that she's pretty fucking good.

>> No.6701619
File: 40 KB, 640x480, 546403_351346928249201_919736891_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6701630
File: 221 KB, 400x266, tumblr_mj84fwjpdm1qzmpk6o3_400.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shut up already.
or at least post pictures with your replies.

>> No.6701638


>> No.6701641


nobody said she can't sew at all
she just chooses to get lazy and cut corners with half her costumes

>> No.6701650
File: 179 KB, 626x900, 1358180043794.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


What example do you even have of her "cutting corners and being lazy" ???

>> No.6701652

> "I hope she's wearing some kind of panties" "implying she wears underwear"
> "What is with people not styling wigs??? MF is supposed to be this great popular cosplayer and she doesn't even take 5 seconds to style her fucking wig?"
> "I'm just wondering since the outfit is a lot cleaner looking than Jennis usual Homestuck vomit."
> "so she knows how and decides not to [sew] because coasting on the sex factor is good enough, and that makes it better?"
> "Sews much of it poorly, yes. Like her Porrim."

taken from just this thread

shut the fuck up, you people slut shame her and judge her over one fucking porrim and i feel sorry for you if you can't acknowledge that you're being irrational just because it's ~omg MF~

>> No.6701656
File: 40 KB, 640x480, tumblr_m0p91aEgZn1qkrh1io1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6701664
File: 331 KB, 500x500, rjdlsjljgf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll never get over how cute she is
She's actually 20!

>> No.6701679

I don't know if that wig is just really unflattering or what but she looks so much better out of cosplay it's amazing

>> No.6701687

i think they're both actually very pretty, but every time i see tatum i just want to pull her roxy skirt lower because it looks like her ass is about to pop out

>> No.6701689

I think it's the wig. It makes her face look round. I guess how she got her nickname Potato

>> No.6701688


see >>6701196

>> No.6701692


I guarantee you people wouldn't give her nearly as much shit about the costumes that she takes the lazy way out on if she wasn't so full of herself. Yes, she's made great cosplays but the elitist, self-loving attitude she has makes people eager to point out the big flaws when she phones in something obviously shitty. And no, it's not "just" Porrim - take a look at that Roxy close-up upthread.

>> No.6701699
File: 773 KB, 1011x599, tumblr_ma5gwj2xqr1rn198bo1_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who knows, maybe it is. Anything can happen with Homestuck

>> No.6701733
File: 459 KB, 1280x808, tumblr_mjtpyqRQHT1qiv8wqo4_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6701735
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>> No.6701736
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>> No.6701740
File: 120 KB, 500x667, tumblr_mjtoraj2ou1r8q261o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6701749

oh god why

>> No.6701758

that Dave should have made their coat longer

>> No.6701770
File: 309 KB, 425x640, 8566773762_ccc62f4afe_z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6701771

Why does she have white eyes? Grimdark Rose's eyes are black.

>> No.6701772
File: 494 KB, 1280x1912, tumblr_mjtowubbhm1qejo01o1_r1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6701776

That wig suits MF so much better than her kanaya wig

>> No.6701777
File: 570 KB, 750x500, tumblr_mjtuyhIJJI1qmwbddo3_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6701785

what is going on here

>> No.6701786

im laughing because shes doing her same looking away face

>> No.6701804

Probably going off the Seer: Descend flash or whatever it was when Rose faced off against Jack. Her eyes are white there.

>> No.6701818

that sollux is pretty bad, her arm socks don't even match her face

>> No.6701825

You're right. I just rewatched it and I guess her eyes are white there. I've never seen one take that approach but I kind of like it.

>> No.6701829

I really like the texture of that Eridan's horns. They just need to fix up their wig a little bit.

>> No.6701830


good lord these are bad

>> No.6701833


wait, are those both men? that's a new one

>> No.6701865
File: 64 KB, 500x500, tumblr_mjts5vjLgA1r0w34ro1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pawfulmess cosplayed nepetas lands

>> No.6701869

something about this picture just absolutely kills me
idk maybe i just can't take sollux/eridan shoots seriously anymore

>> No.6701875
File: 71 KB, 500x375, a fancy empress.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fancy HIC wip
Why does the Homestuck fandom feel the need to make everything fancy?
Why can't they just cosplay the normal HIC it's already hard enough as it is.
(at least if you want it to look good)

>> No.6701880


this could have been a really cute casual outfit

>> No.6701884

when I get better at sewing I'm totally going to make some homestuck inspired shirts and dresses.

>> No.6701888

Same. I want to make a red skirt similar to Kanaya's. And probably some based off her other outfits

>> No.6701886


I'm so tired of random corsets in cosplay in general. Not just in HS fandom....everywhere. Sigh.

>> No.6701892

it's photoshop, zemmer shops absolutely everything

>> No.6701898


somebody did land-inspired prints a while ago and I always thought they'd make amazing cocktail dresses

>> No.6701900

aw shit, me too. It would be really cool to see cherub inspired dresses imo

>> No.6701905
File: 583 KB, 1280x1920, the_kids__sprites__by_nymstark-d5y9aqu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6701906

ooh I'd love to see em, got a link or an idea where you saw them?

>> No.6701913

I can see her niple

>> No.6701936


I'll check my reblogs, anon, they were really cool.

>> No.6701939
File: 81 KB, 480x640, tumblr_mjtas3aaWX1s8u2cno1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this guy just goes around cons hitting on underage girls and its gross
he should also shave/dye hairs to match wig

>> No.6701944

This is absolutely adorable and nicely done.

>> No.6701950

isnt that what every male bro cosplayer does?

>> No.6701948


This is just so sad-looking. It's like all those Condesces that tried to copy that one with the ornamentation and the stockings- they all fell flat of the original and came off as cheap, unoriginal knockoffs.

>> No.6701951

Pretty much.
I remember one who made out with a 14 year old girl.

>> No.6701952
File: 199 KB, 500x747, 0E01ED06-2E3C-4717-A2F2-DC792494F8F5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6701958

yeah, last i heard the guy's 20 and was dating a 16 year old

>> No.6701967

HSG, how would YOU handle the circuitry on Crockertier Jane's design? I'm not planning on cosplaying it myself, I'm just trying to figure out what the best way to do it would be for the sake of figuring it out. I'm genuinely not sure.

>> No.6701968
File: 37 KB, 975x675, ok.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not trying to white knight but have you guys seen aradiabots design? there isnt much she could of done different than DM, its a canon design.

>> No.6701976

this. I think that Aradiabot looks pretty good

>> No.6701980

embroidery, or very carefully painting it on with fabric paint. or you could bead it, that would be kind of neat.

>> No.6701985

I think using photoshop is fine so long as you don't rely on it entirely. Like, touching up lighting and minor flaws is okay, but saying, "I can do a halfass job on this cosplay because I can just photoshop the shit out of it" isn't cool.

>> No.6701986
File: 490 KB, 484x720, aradiabot_id_by_meimeim-d4qmnyu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Well, for one, there are tons of things nobody was doing on the bot characters before DM- the extra bolts and the weathering, the arm armor interpretation, even the fabrics used. I remember the Aradiabots and Jadebots I'd seen about 1-2 years ago all had hard armor pieces and looked totally different. Pic related. The fact that makes me inclined to agree that this cosplayer tried to copy DM is the horns- they have the exact same shape, shading, and where the rivets are. Those definitely are not part of the canon design. To claim that this girl didn't try to copy DM's interpretation is just false.

It doesn't look terrible, but it doesn't look good, either, and it's pretty obviously a ripoff. This fandom doesn't know how to be original.

>> No.6701988

whatever, this group looks great everyone needs to chill the crap out

>> No.6701989

>deets anon, deets

She got in a fight with some chick, started hitting her and her friend threw a cup of soda at them (while said chick was in costume.) All because MFs boyfriend put a card in the chicks bag saying "You nasty" and the girl confronted him.

Also, its pretty obvious MF is lurking this thread.

>> No.6701991


Who is 'some chick'?


Agreed, I like the colors but I can't believe they actually got permission to take photos in that store. How did that even work??

>> No.6701996

whoah whoah whoah, does anyone have any more information on this?

>> No.6701994

I've always wondered why we get so many anons whiteknighting so hard for her. I get that she does good costumes sometimes, but it's sort of ridiculous. I wonder how many of them are MF herself.

>> No.6701997
File: 85 KB, 500x375, 6F536154DA5D3EB39E11BD055E10428A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really want to see homestuck cosplayers congregate at one of these restaurants.

>> No.6702002

It's 99% MF. She's been caught before, and called out on the fact that she didnt even bother to change her typing style when claiming she "wasnt MF"

Not sure, that's all I know. Just heard about it around the con the next day. There's apparently a video of the fight but the girl involved wont post it because she doesnt want to start more drama,

>> No.6701999

Ahh that's a really cute interpretation of her rocket boots.

>> No.6702003
File: 336 KB, 700x941, lannnddd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


shit no luck but here's the ones I'd saved; wrath and angels especially would be awesome as a border fabric.

>> No.6702004

Not her nor am I trying to whiteknight MF, but I don't think she gives that much of a shit really.

>> No.6702009

fabulous, thanks!

>> No.6702010

I hate to break up the gossip, but anyone have any quality Meulin photos saved? I'm looking for references for a big, fluffy wig and cute cosplayers are always a plus.

>> No.6702008

She's been caught posting here, and whenever people talk about her here she tweets or makes a tumblr post about how much she hates cgl and how none of us matter etc.

>> No.6702011

When someone does something and they do it well, it sets the bar high and people flock to copy them because people are sheep. You guys are in-denial whiteknights if you don't think this is the similar to the situation where so many people copied that thigh highs Condesce. I can name at least 3 other robot cosplayers off the top of my head who pretty obviously took direct inspiration from damaramegido for their robo parts. Which isn't hard to believe at all, because her Aradiabot set the bar.

What does the 'uu' even stand for in uu yogurt

>> No.6702012

u serve it u top it
apparently their yogurt is delicious

>> No.6702013


>caught posting here

when? i don't think i've ever missed a single hsg and she's never said a word here. or was it in general cgl?

>> No.6702015
File: 270 KB, 1280x848, 1362381295357.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

now I'm starting to crave frozen yogurt

>> No.6702014
File: 148 KB, 640x960, 225558_10151325892151592_682207955_n (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, uh...


>> No.6702017
File: 96 KB, 960x636, 225558_10151325892151592_682207955_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I guess this is from the same meetup.

>> No.6702019


girls doing march eridan misses the entire fucking point

>> No.6702020

>tfw nyfag who will never taste this delicious yogurt
I wonder if they received a business boom because of homestuck.

>> No.6702021

caught? wtf does that even mean lol. you can just sense anon from anon? this is hilarious. she does not go here. people do randomly tell her about the posts on tumblr and she literally does not care at all.

>> No.6702025

apparently the chick has some long running beef with MF's boyfriend, came up to her piss ass drunk at 3am and wouldn't back off, so MF shoved her.

>> No.6702024

Oh hey, I saw the artist of these just yesterday on tumblr, they're doing a giveaway right now! That's all I remember, I know it's not much help but maybe it can help you find them?

>> No.6702028

oh holy fuck I just checked their facebook page and
>we will have Lucky Charms marshmallows back by next week!
jesus shit

>> No.6702030


I don't know mostflogged that well but I know her well enough that I don't think she holds grudges for no reason. The only time I ever heard her express a beef for someone, it was because that person had done some truly awful shit to a friend of hers. If she wound up fighting with someone at Katsucon I assume that it was for a pretty good reason. She really just does not strike me as the kind of person to pick fights and make enemies at random. She has too much of a reputation riding on her.

>> No.6702035

Was there any drama at megacon?

>> No.6702036

Shes actually said herself she holds grudges forever and has a huge problem forgiving people.

It was a thread about the chair incident. She got called out for posting in the thread and it was ridiculously obvious it was her.
From what i heard, MFs boyfriend was the one who started it all at Katsu. MF more than shoved the girl, yelled at her, and threw soda at her later in the light. I wish those girls would post the video.

>> No.6702038

it looks like lindsay lohan

>> No.6702039

I'm still wondering how she wrecked her friend's chair by masturbating

was it a suede chair or something/

>> No.6702043

not that i was aware of

>> No.6702040

Uh if you actually think MF doesn't hold grudges maybe you don't know her as well as you think you do

>> No.6702041


yeah, but holding grudges forever isn't the same as holding grudges for no reason. i want to give her the benefit of the doubt in a situation like this. if, like >>6702002 claims, there is a video, why hasn't the 'victim' posted it? it'd be the perfect evidence against her so why the hell not put it up? i'm thinking that MF's actions were probably much more justified than people like to think.

>> No.6702045

You joking? Faygo was about to go out of business before Homestuck got it.

>> No.6702048

hi jenni!

>> No.6702052

True, but that girl does regular Eridan and probably just did it for fun

>> No.6702054
File: 596 KB, 990x1000, 1353878586481.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wait a second
did she like
cum all over someone's chair

>> No.6702057
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>> No.6702058

Found either her or a whiteknight

>> No.6702063
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>> No.6702064



>> No.6702075
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>> No.6702101
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Fuck I don't even care if it's a girl, these two are precious.

>> No.6702102

I remember seeing something about the girl MF shoved posting her account of it online, but I don't have a link.

>> No.6702107
File: 79 KB, 960x720, tumblr_mg8f8unl6R1qcqd8io2_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6702111

Her boyfriend? She's been playing the lesbian card on tumblr for a solid time now.

>> No.6702117


I have to say, what I always take away from MF drama stories is that her boyfriend sounds like a goddamn asshole.

>> No.6702124

Shes a "lesbian" that is in love with a male, and constantly talks about her wild sex with him. Aka the classic "dont-label-my-orientation" fake attentionloving lesbian

>> No.6702130

wait what


>> No.6702133


I'm one of the "whiteknights" and honestly? I really DON'T like her as a person. A non-cosplaying friend of mine got into some real shit with her and I just....never really want to interact with her because of it. But the way people desperately grasp at ways to shit on her is ridiculous and I think she's a talented seamstress. Unpleasant person and kinda duplicitous? Sure. But I like her cosplay work 99% of the time.

I suspect most of the people defending her are like me. We might not necessarily love her (and honestly I kind of enjoy SOME of the drama about her because I think a lot of it's justified) but you guys reach so far and so hard sometimes that it HAS to be pointed out. The legit drama will always flow, don't try to shit stir for the sake of shit stirring.

>> No.6702135

I think the girl who this happened to said that she just wanted to put all of the stuff behind them, and that they really didn't want to post the video and cause more issues. Unless she actively wanted to destroy MF's reputation, why would she post it?

"a good reason" - So you're so controlling of your boyfriend that someone can't talk to him about his own actions without you screaming and throwing punches? Yeah, I guess that's reasonable. She admitted on her blog that she attacked a person for not going away.

>> No.6702140


That's literally it. She ruined a friend's chair by masturbating in it and squirting all over it. That's the story. I don't know who the friend is, though.

>> No.6702149

I feel the same - I love her costumes and honestly she can be a really sweet and awesome (from my interactions with her at cons), but she has this really terrifying side to her that makes me not want to touch her with a ten foot pole. It'd be like walking on eggshells all the time.

I've only experienced drama second-hand but I can see just from the way she talks on twitter and tumblr that she's a very hypocritical and explosive person. It's unfortunate.

>> No.6702158


This, exactly. She's been nothing but kind to me irl but I've just heard wayyyyy too much drama from waaaaaay too many people at this point. I'm not going near that. If it were one or two stories from one or two people, okay, I'd accept it as jealousy and cattiness because she's a babe and a very well known cosplayer. But I met someone in a not-fandom related space who doesn't cosplay who had unpleasant history with her and at some point I just have to believe it.

>> No.6702173
File: 242 KB, 1280x720, tumblr_mjtl6xcMou1s3hq5xo2_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6702181

I thought vintage-aerith was her girlfriend?

>> No.6702185


VA is heterosexual.

>> No.6702190


jade harley is just like that omg

>> No.6702194

She always talks about wanting people to stop talking about her, too, but then she shit-talks about people pretty often? When her Persona cosplay stuff was going around again she labeled Scootkadoot as "bad friend" and kept going on about her twitter about how she hated her guts. Even if bad shit went down, I thought that they hadn't interacted in years and I was really taken aback by that.

If you don't want shit slung at you, don't deal it. That just makes sense, doesn't it?

>> No.6702195
File: 355 KB, 500x375, tumblr_m8cothEGKg1qgncr8o1_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6702200


normally I hate Cod-Tier but she actually looks really cute here. maybe because they both look really awkward in the way 13 year olds do.

>> No.6702205

disliking someone isn't shit slinging

>> No.6702207

you have a typing style very similar to jenni.

you also do.

>> No.6702203
File: 303 KB, 1280x853, tumblr_mbg7m7f0Dz1rumm0jo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6702215


>> No.6702214
File: 159 KB, 500x667, 43AE1EAF-D5D0-4D19-9CBF-8295BB46FAD0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6702217

I really don't understand that Terezi dreamer design. It's nicely done but the design itself is fuckin retarded

>> No.6702224

You-Also-Do anon here, lmfao if I was her why would I be doing the OPPOSITE of defending her.

So I guess anyone who types like a human being is Jenni. Awesome! I always wanted to be as attractive as she is.

>> No.6702228

Yes, but talking shit about how horrible you find them to be kinda is.

>> No.6702227
File: 256 KB, 720x960, poje of hop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6702235

Found it degrassihigh420.livejournal.com/756.html

>> No.6702247

jesus christ, jenni really can be a major cunt, her bf and friend too
they're a rotten crowd

>> No.6702249


>" I reminded him I have been out of the country for a year and have not done or said anything against him or his in that time."


>> No.6702250

Dear Homestuck fans from everywhere..
Stop taking over and ruining every Convention for me.

>> No.6702254


Oh, never mind. It's apparently someone named 'Liz'.

Does anyone know of a cosplayer named Liz who was away for 1 year and recently moved to California?

>> No.6702259
File: 35 KB, 302x300, 1362602548157.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we want to have fun at conventions and cosplay our favorite characters. the same as every other fandom. im sorry that there are more people paticipating in ours than yours. But say what you will.

>> No.6702261
File: 535 KB, 528x534, 1360552064679.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow. I sincerely apologize for how much we go out of our way to ruin things for you. Please forgive me or I may cry

>> No.6702264

i was really indifferent about MF before this, and heard her story about what happened at katsu. now, i just see her in a bad view all together

>> No.6702268

>Clearly doesn't go to more then 2 cons a year
Last year I went to around 9 cons+...Every one of them had about %70 or more Homestuck fans cosplaying and taking over, let alone they were the loudest and most annoying of any fandom group.
Homestuck fans in general are now the bane and cancer killing cons.
They are hated by every Fandom and group Including Furries.

>> No.6702274

cry more, baby

>> No.6702275

no one fucking cares go cry in a non-homestuck fan dude get the fuck over it

>> No.6702277

*thread not fan

>> No.6702286
File: 18 KB, 437x408, 1361672311702.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didnt realize that a large fan-base was a bad thing. and loudness comes with excitement. How so are they annoying? I doubt they were doing so on purpose. I think you just take yourself, and cons, way too seriously for your own good.

>> No.6702283


......Oh my god. I know who this is.

I'm not going to reveal her (we know each other through irl, non-fandom means) so you can choose not to believe me (I would probably do the same). But I know this girl. She's not a dramamongerer and she has no reason to lie.

Wow. Fuck. Okay, I'm staying THE HELL AWAY from MF FOREVER.

She's a bitch, her boyfriend's a jackass and they fucking deserve each other. Wow.

I have a different irl friend who knew MF a little bit back who a) corroborated the chair story to me with actual names attached and b) let me know that apparently a lot of drama goes down involving/concerning her on Plurk? I don't know how Plurk works, so...yeah. But jesus.

>> No.6702284

>Person expresses their concern for the future of Conventions being overrun by one fan group
>Get's shit on by Homostuck faggots.
Stay classy faggots.

>> No.6702289

I never really paid any mind to BNFs but this left a sour taste. Wow that's just downright nasty (for lack of better words)

>> No.6702293
File: 136 KB, 498x299, 5958445.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>actually thinking Homestuck will ever overrun a convention
psssssssh. calm your tits hun. Homestuck will be over soon and the fanbase will die off.
There, does that sound better to you?

>> No.6702294

Actually no.
When they're being told by nearly everybody to shut the fuck up because their acting like idiots then it's a problem.

>> No.6702297

Good lord. Can we get some positive, feel-good stories about BNFs to lighten up this thread? To show that they're not all terrible?

>> No.6702299

fucking preach. I don't like the fanbase either. At cons they're so obnoxious, and the cosplays are usually poorly done. Even some of the replies you've gotten have been horrible. They type like their lives are actually the comic. And the memes are fucking overdone so much it's like Borat obnoxious.

>> No.6702300

I know a couple people that have similar stories about Cole/Jenni, where the two of them have done horrible things (like with JJ's prostitution posters) to people because they just can't get over it.

Jenni says all the time "I didn't tell Cole to do it", but then she laughs about it and supports him which is just as bad.

>> No.6702308

Someone should archive this MF incident.
In case she tries to deny it later.

>> No.6702315


all the assholes walking by our meetups and screaming HOMOSUCK FAGGOTS has made it impossible to self-police our community because 14 year olds automatically equate anyone telling them we need to act better with "the hatersz"

>> No.6702313

wait, hold on. i never heard the story about her in the chair? when did this happen and what did MF claim?

>> No.6702322


Quite a number of years ago. She used her room mate's chair (Mechafaux) to browse her computer and looked up porn and mastrebated to it. When mechafaux came home and sat in her chair it was wet with MFs cum she moved out not much longer after that.

MF is disgusting and unclean Ive been over to her apartment before because of mutual friends and it was so dirty there were mice and roaches and dildos evverywhere

>> No.6702327

Let's not forget how MF cheated on her girlfriend with Cole and then her gf broke all of MF's figures in a rage. Then MF begged people on the internet to buy new ones for her and they did

>> No.6702330

>mice and roaches everywhere
okay ew I don't need that in my head because my best friend in middle school's apartment was just like that and it was fucking horrible

except instead of mice there was fleas

>> No.6702328


Not trying to get you to out her, but is the person you know an art history major? Just trying to figure out if it's the same person I know.

>> No.6702332

>acting like idiots
>at a convention
the point is to have fun at conventions you nincompoop. so what if you don't take it seriously and goof around. Theres nothing wrong with that.
>complains about homestuck in homestuck based thread
>didnt expect opposing views
Go back to school kid.

>> No.6702342

>mice and roaches and dildos evverywhere

i laughed

>> No.6702343


So....that was a real thing that really happened? I thought it was made up. After this story, I'm not sure what to believe anymore.

>> No.6702344
File: 20 KB, 160x160, 1323041357344.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>open thread hoping to ogle grey women
>drama everywhere, only >>6700855 to look at

>> No.6702348
File: 97 KB, 640x442, 1362353611888.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sorry, is this better

>> No.6702351


I honestly don't know, anon. I have no idea if she's like, a Presence in fandom at all--again, we just know each other through irl means.

>> No.6702353
File: 281 KB, 1280x857, tumblr_mihw4jOBmS1ru6ow2o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6702349

sorry, not a fan of her personality-wise but i can give credit when its due

>> No.6702350
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>> No.6702355
File: 160 KB, 500x750, 1362349865359.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sorry, hope this helps

>> No.6702357

If Jenni doesn't care about Cole why did she dump soda on that girl at katsucon?

>> No.6702361
File: 70 KB, 900x600, 1363145311479.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6702360

Jesus christ, you act like it's every person cosplaying Homestuck acts exactly like that. Sorry that we have a few 14 year olds who run around acting like fucktards, but kids will be kids-a few years ago it was the Hetalia kiddies, and before that the Narutards.

There will always be young, stupid fans of stuff. That doesn't mean all the fans are young and stupid and run around swearing unsealed paint everywhere, some of them are just there to cosplay something they like. I don't even go to panels/meetups anymore because the some fans are so bad, but it doesn't mean all of them are like that.

>> No.6702363
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>> No.6702366
File: 543 KB, 500x750, tumblr_miphz8WFid1qdrvzso1_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


When I wore my first Homestuck cosplay ever at Otakon, I was really nervous about it (it was honestly not that good), but Ceriene came up to me and complimented me for some reason. She was really nice and genuine and it really made my day.

>> No.6702371


Ceriene is a huge sweetie

>> No.6702372


>mice and roaches and dildos

I've never seen a more perfect summary of Mostflogged

>> No.6702376


yes. security staff was involved cole was banned from con

>> No.6702378
File: 40 KB, 305x480, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

girl why

>> No.6702380

holy shit

was this put through some type of 90's camera quality filter?

>> No.6702382

cod-tier once sent me a message saying she thought i was pretty and a good cosplayer out of the blue (i don't have many followers and my cosplay pics don't get many notes.)

i had a really nice conversation with crowmunist at a convention, i didn't realize she was ~tumblr famous~, she was really genuine and sweet.

tatum/gardengnostic gave me makeup advice maybe a year or so ago when i asked her, she answered me privately and stuff and didn't ignore any of my questions. people say she's a bitch but she was nice and helpful to me so i have nothing bad to say about her.

>> No.6702384
File: 146 KB, 639x426, tumblr_mju24ooKqn1rg84p7o7_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess I'll post stuff from the megastuck tag

>> No.6702385


Yes, it was at AnimeBoston. The cops were called. Cole wasn't banned though. MF has made multiple posts on her formspring about how she thought the entire thing was hilarious.

>> No.6702387
File: 792 KB, 1280x1707, tumblr_mju2ikayOs1rdiiuuo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6702386


Could...you go into detail a little more? What does "protistution posters" mean? I'm not the same anon, this is the first I've heard of it.

>> No.6702389
File: 122 KB, 480x640, she's cute but what up with the wig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6702391


It had a picture of JJ in her Higurashi(?) costume, the one with the green dress and cat ears.

It had her name, said that she would have sex with you for 80 dollars, and had her real cell phone number on it. JJ immediately started getting harassing phone calls. Cole and Jenni posted them all over the con center and threw them from a stairwell (Meangirls style), they are both huge cunts

>> No.6702398

even though he is disliked, Kiev was a sweetheart when I met him, and insisted on having me follow him and his friend around because I was alone at the convention and terribly shy. Took me out to dinner too.

>> No.6702396
File: 74 KB, 600x800, 5660502po2i3p23.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one, except she was wearing someone's caat ears

>> No.6702402
File: 168 KB, 500x750, what's up with the babypins on that jacket.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6702403

This is basically why I don't believe anyone here who claims that MF is really a sweet, nice person in real life. It's also why I have zero sympathy when people try to knock her off her "I'm so great" high horse when she posts shitty lazy cosplay.

>> No.6702401
File: 371 KB, 1280x1706, tumblr_mju2ttOnVw1rywdbyo1_1280.png.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wow that's awful. I always think stuff like that people aren't actually capable of doing. Does she not even feel remorse for any of the stuff she does? Damn, you cold girl

>> No.6702407
File: 492 KB, 1275x1920, tumblr_mju5jy1CZu1qh4jzqo6_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6702409

holy shit what year was this?
I'm surprised they both aren't banned

>> No.6702411


In a similar vein I had a pretty decent conversation with yaexrae at a con once. I had no idea who I was talking to until I got home and I freaked out when I realized she was one of the cosplayers I admire so much.

I also saw damaramegido at the NYCC Homestuck meetup keeping someone's mom company while the daughter was with the rest of the Homestucks. I thought that was cute, the parents who accompany their kids to meetups always look so confused and bored.

V-A also randomly came up to me and my friend at a con and asked if we would take a few photos with her. She seemed super excited about it and we were equally so.

I know she doesn't like to be referred to as a BNF but in general experiences, awkwanaut is always kind and modest whenever I see her or run into her. She's one of those people who always seems to be genuinely having fun at conventions and wants other people to have fun too.

>> No.6702412


who's that Porrim? her wig is nicely done

>> No.6702413
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Wait, that's not a homestuck character, it's Satako Hojo from Higurashi..

>> No.6702414

godtier-rose is one of the nicest Homestucks I've ever met. Everytime I see her she always remembers me and is such a sweetie. Gardengnostic is really quiet in real life, but she helped my friend with her entire makeup at a meetup once.
My sister actually ran into Mostflogged in a fabric store and MF gave her advice on how to make a Kanaya skirt and gave her some advice for Godtier Rose fabric; apparently she's a major sweetheart.

>> No.6702415


That''s the thing that bothers me the most about MF everyone does stupid shit but they usually recognize it later and feel a little bad about it- she still thinks its really funny all the mean stuff shes done and continues to do. Ive heard her talk shit about people totally unprovoked at a party very loudly so that everyone was really uncomfortable because a lot of people are close friends with the people she was talking shit about

>> No.6702418
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Yes! I don't think I've seen an Asian Latula besides her.

>> No.6702419


>> No.6702422


Jesus. That's horrible.

Is her creep of a bf like...a known quantity at all, outside of being her bf? He sounds like a real piece of work.

>> No.6702429

that would be maddi http://prospitianprincess.tumblr.com/

She's a great Porrim, I spent 2 hours helping her get into makeup yesterday, she always cares so much about everything that goes into her cosplays

>> No.6702431
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>> No.6702430


Seconding DM as a cool person. She was really nice to me and I'm a total nobody, which is a good barometer for BNF decency. Stay frosty, DM.

>> No.6702432
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>> No.6702433

Not a BNF per se, but on Sunday morning of AUSA, I didn't have any more money to spend on food and soveryvantastic bought me lunch at Noodles and Co. I'm still really grateful for that.

>> No.6702434
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>> No.6702442
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>> No.6702438
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>> No.6702440

Probably not. I hear she still talks shit about her and MF probably at least half of the anons in here who try to stir up years old drama whenever vantasss gets posted. She is basically the crown bitch of immaturity even though she acts nice to her "fans'" faces.

>> No.6702443

MF didn't, her friend did to try to break the cellphone of the girl who took the video

>> No.6702446
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>> No.6702448
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How unfortunate

>> No.6702449

Person who sent an anon ask to MF--reread the story. She's not the one who threw the soda.

>> No.6702450
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>> No.6702456
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>> No.6702452
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>> No.6702453
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>> No.6702460
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>> No.6702470
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MF and her boyfriend's award cards they were handing out at Katsucon

>> No.6702465
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>> No.6702471
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>> No.6702472

I'm seeing so much bitch shit in this fandom, can we hear more about nice people? I'm liking some of the more recent posts in this thread.

sage for lack of content.

>> No.6702489


I laughed

>> No.6702491

Not a BNF but i ran into fondlyregarded one day at katsu last year and she was giving out all these lolli sticks as trickster!john and it was just a cute little act. This year when I bumped into her she was really sweet and we talked for a bit before she had meet up with her group.

>> No.6702493

It's mind blowing MF and her friends act like they are so above drama and comment on how mature they are when they do shit like this.

>> No.6702495


You know what? I like it. I like it a lot.

>> No.6702514


Man, I have just seen entirely too much of MF's cooch.

>> No.6702521

The way it went: Cole put one of those stupid altered valentines into his exes bag. the girl decided to confront him and discuss it like an adult. As soon as they start talking Jenni stormed over shoving the girl, screaming (her screaming was caught on video) at 3 in the morning. After nuetral parties break it up things quiet down for an hour.

Jenni being the adult she is sent somebody named Meesh to walk over and the girl took a cup of someones soda and dumped it on the ex and a guy that was sitting near her. Meesh then ran off.

>> No.6702524


Everyone has, it's old news by this point All she does in person is talk about how much she loves fucking andD How she has straight pubes

>> No.6702527

not so

>> No.6702534


thats the girl who does calliope's art

>> No.6702536

ITT: Really unfortunate kids that are eternally stuck in a stupor of vendetta and speculation. You guys are so far up the asscrack of drama that this post is almost pointless, but that LJ post is pretty one-sided and they are probably not innocent. That roaches, mice, and dildos post is just too fucking much though, come on. Don't just believe shit about a person because it's fun to. It's fucking disgraceful.

>> No.6702537
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I have a question. So I made a headband that has these nails poking out so that the headbang would stay under the wig. What kind of base should my horns be made off so that the nails will be able to hold them up?

I was thinking of stryofoam but I was wondering if you guys knew of a better alternative.

>> No.6702541

styrofoam might work. maybe cork too. probably wanna glue on it too for secure fit though.

>> No.6702552

I met yaexrae at Megacon just yesterday! I don't often get to talk to BNFs (other than like Hanari who's more infamous than anything) but yaexrae was a complete sweetie even when it was late and I had already taken off my horns and whatnot (leaving, I'm sure, not the best first impression, but she even said that I had done a really good job with my horns). It was really nice to see that BNFs aren't all carrying around massively inflated egos from everyone else sucking their dicks all the time.

>> No.6702554

I use a wire skeleton then cover it in aluminum and clay when I make my horns, and they're pretty solid. Then again, I also only use one screw. In this case, I think styrofoam would work pretty well, you would want something at the bottom to ensure that your horns won't go flying off at any chance.

>> No.6702562

what the fuck is wrong with them?

>> No.6702565

Styrofoam and styrofoam glue for good measure. You'll only have one chance to attach the horns though. If you need to change it they'll fall off immediately.

>> No.6702566


whatever it is you'll need to add glue -- nails are smooth and will probably slide out unless you glue them on there.

>> No.6702570


The thing is though? I felt that way for a long time. And I don't believe the more lurid details (dildos and mice, etc). But I have heard terrible shit from SO MANY people now, cosplayers and not, even people I just randomly happened to know irl. People with absolutely no reason to lie (in addition of course to a lot of people who might have a reason to). I just don't know if I can throw it all out wholesale anymore.

>> No.6702574

i see panties

>> No.6702579

Hm I think I'll use cork then. Styrofoam is more fragile and I want to make sure these horns have a long life span.

And yeah, I'm going to use glue for sure since I'm going to put these horns under and through a hat.

yeah that sounds like a good suggestion. Thanks for the help you two!

>> No.6702588

i think the thread is autosaging, someone make a new one.

>> No.6702595

Ceri and SewThoughful are a couple of the nicest cosplayers I've ever met. You can't go wrong with either.
Nice, modest, sweet, and very helpful in my personal experience.

>> No.6702606

Sure, people hear shit from too many places. It's pretty unfortunate, it passes from moron to moron. Whoever is curious I guess. But a lot of stories come back to CGL/HSG which is pretty stupid. Shrug. It kind of makes Homestucks look like the reject asshole fandom again because obviously she cosplays other things and can be praised for that without drama mongering.

>> No.6702613

Well they did a pretty terrible job seeing as their disgusting ear fins are still yellow at the tips.

>> No.6702621

look more "quality" shoops by zemmer.

>> No.6702627

Yaexrae and DM are basically god tier as far as Homestuck BNFs goes, honestly. Nobody else consistently posts quality tutorials, has nearly flawless cosplay, and avoids drama.

>> No.6702628


>> No.6702636
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I'm afraid I've never tried this method but yeah, styrofoam might be the best way to go about that with the nails. If you wanna use the screw method, I believe the screws that were best used were called plastic rivet screws.

>> No.6702690


see i want to cosplay aradiabot, but i dont want people to think that im just copying DM. makes it so difficult to want to cosplay anything thats not as common that bnfs have.

>> No.6703285

oh my god LL would make the cutest eridan. Why is this so adorable?

>> No.6703290

>a major sweetheart


>> No.6703567
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The local scene (european here) is really really nice.
For one thing it isn't nearly as drama-ridden as the american scene seems to be, and for another it also seems that we just have calmer cons in general.
I have only just gotten into HS-cosplay and I was really worried about wearing it to a con and all because I keep on hearing these horror stories about homestucks, but everyone was really nice, even the people we consider BNF's.
Although being an eurofag BNF doesn't really mean anything.

pic unrelated. And pretty old too, I think?