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File: 91 KB, 1366x768, snm1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6695161 No.6695161 [Reply] [Original]

This ita lolita from Snog Marry Avoid started all this bad press by being on that TV show. Will lolitas continue to make lolita a laughing stock? Have you heard of any good press about loli fashion? SNM recently did another one with lolis in that...what did you guys think?

>> No.6695184

Ugh that girl is so annoying, she should gtfo of the community already.

They were getting really desperate to get any girl or guy who dresses in lolita to go on the show but everyone like said no to it because it's so embarrassing. :L like who wants to be ridiculed just to be on a joke show? I think they couldnt get any respectable lolitas to go on it so they didnt do it.

>> No.6695181

i saw a loli/mori girl on 'Hotter than my daughter' it was really sad cause she hated her 'mature, fashionable girl' makeover in the end, she looked really cute in mori style! the host referred to the way she dressed as 'Japanese manga style'

ughh its just embarrassing.

>> No.6695186

>Snog Marry Avoid
Is that the same show that Rabbit777 went on?

>> No.6695188

This was for

>> No.6695195

? Lolita is a laughing stock to anyone not already in the know... who the fuck cares.

>> No.6695199


No, that girl in the OP is Emma 'Memz' and her retarded looking ex who she stalked. She was such a scary stalker, had enough man.

>> No.6695206


Rabbit was on it too. She wore fangs, I believe.

>> No.6695208

Oh god please have a link.

>> No.6695211

Not true, sometimes people think it's interesting but i may be just saying that to make me feel better. Checking out the show i found out that it's like a uk trash show. amirite?

>> No.6695212

tfw the girl in op's pic is selling a dress i want but i don't want to buy from her because i've heard more than one person mention her terrible body odour

>> No.6695234


Anybody who wants to see these two on the show, here's a link. Trying to find one for Rabbit's appearance, but I think she was only on for a few seconds.

>> No.6695238
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You're kidding me...ew that's so gross! Who is she on livejournal so I can watch out? All I think about now is pitt stains.

Gems like this are what the show is all about gaiz

>> No.6695240
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>ita lolita
Shut the fuck up. She was adorable. Go take your vendetta and jelly elsewhere.

>> No.6695242


You see Rabbit for a split second here, around fifteen minutes in.


>> No.6695243


>> No.6695249

She was cute and handled herself well. Her boyfriend looked fucking terrible as a kodona though.

>> No.6695254
File: 59 KB, 537x468, 1356608114029.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pit stains
one more reason for me to never buy brand. I have overactive sweat glands and sweat excessively when in public/anxious ;-;

>> No.6695268


One of my friends had that, I think she got botox injections to fix it. It's called hyperhidrosis.

>> No.6695272

I was just about to post this. I didn't know that until mid-highschool. It was the best thing ever.

>> No.6695279

There are so many positive ones, you just need to search for them but they never gain that much attention.

>> No.6695285
File: 53 KB, 627x349, itasavoid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She goes on television and it's a vendetta? try again. It's an opinion that many people have on this girl trust me when this came out and people were so cringey watching that bit. Really wish they had chosen someone more confident and better looking to represent it.

again proving my point that they can only get ITA girls on the show. why? because nobody who is actually respected or known would want to be on it.


>> No.6695294


>Livejournal name is: memz_x

I personally would never spend my money on a dress worn by someone with that problem. It's so unhygienic and knowing lolitas, they don't wash their dresses after each use so I'd avoid it.

>> No.6695297

No, but it's a vendetta when you start bringing personal shit into it. Saying she's a crazy stalker or that she has BO is making it sound like a vendetta.

>> No.6695299

>Really wish they had chosen someone more confident and better looking to represent it.

This. There are so many gorgeous, confident, beautifully-spoken lolitas that would've handled that show excellently. I don't really care or know the girl in OP's image, but I think there definitely could have been a better ambassador. Then again, I don't think they'd want a beautifully turned out loli; they're looking to laugh at people and lolita done well is beautiful.

>> No.6695307


i'm the anon that mentioned the body odour and i clearly stated i'd heard that multiple times from different sources. it's not vendetta if its true.

>> No.6695313

I'm not the one who said about the BO, personally I dont care because am not buying shit from her. I dont even know her! And the stalker thing wtf are you talking about?

The show is just full of cringe worthy people and she looks so ita in that.

>> No.6695329

Look at the time it took to post this, you can't say we're the same and you are just making it seem like you are the girl we're talking about

sorry if this bothers you but it is true that the show is bad press for lolita fahsion.

>> No.6695339


what? i agree that this show is bad press for lolita?
i just said i didn't want to buy a dress from her because i'd heard people mention she might have questionable hygiene.

>> No.6695345

I meant to reply to the person calling samefag.

Fuck no I wouldn't buy anything from a seller who has BO anon. It really is upsetting some girls arent well groomed. try mbok or the comm sales for it. which dress were you looking at?

>> No.6695437

I'm confused, what exactly is this show about? It's called snog, marry avoid, but like these clips have all been people being criticized by a camera and getting a makeover...
And why is that they only shows a quick shot of rabbit? Her thing must have been lulzy.

>> No.6695466
File: 105 KB, 660x960, 376498_10151083726416468_453837415_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



Saw her feedback post and she hasnt sold a lot before and surprise surprise she has negative feedback on egl- maybe due to pit stains and BO? BRB vomitting. Isn't lolitas supposed to be princessu-desu? Why is it so hard to hit the showers GOD!

I can't unsee it, alll I will think about is her BO when I see her. Won't want to go near it with a bargepole.

>pic related

>> No.6695471

It asks people on the street whether they would snog, marry, or avoid a person before and after their makeover

Sage because vendetta, why the fuck is such an old clip being brought up? Old news is so fucking old it's beyond irrelevant.

>> No.6695487


>you sound mad

It's not old news though there was a new one with lolitas featured on it. But it's not on youtube yet or have screencaps on it like this one which is the first/older one.

I'm OP and I'm just curious to see the new one that has recently broadcasted.

rabbit777 wasn't lolita she's more of a monstrous gothic ita.

>> No.6695499


Ugh this girl is a fucking idiot.

She sold me a dress for "cheap" but it wasnt and just because I had it with me for a while because she lent it to me I had to buy it off her. I got so ripped off for it.

WARNING to buyers,
>her cheap dresses are not cheap,
>they're just crap that you're spending your money on.
>lolita isnt cheap and she got a bad rep for being flaky and not washing her clothes before she sends it out.

I'm also not the one who gave her negative feedback btw

>> No.6695504

The new one wouldn't be old news then, but bringing up the old one certainly is.

>> No.6695507

If you read OP's post the mention the new one...

>> No.6695747

Basically britfags need to reign in the itas in your comms. Seems like from this thread two got loose and the media lapped them up to ridicule the fashion.

I see OP is trying to be sweet lolita but the gothic one >>6695285 is not even trying, is she wearing an old school headdress?

>> No.6696024

She was claiming to be a "vampire" apprently, with her own individual lolita style. POD said she was "Sucking the life out of fashion" I luld so HARD.
I herd the other lolita's that wen't for the show for a laugh got asked by POD if they wanted to include Rabbit777 with them because rabbit claimed to be lolita. They laugh their heads off and said outright "No"
She just looked a hot mess, does anyone have the full body one of her?

To be fair mems looked really good on this show. She was nothing special but she was just a pretty average lolita. However her hair wasn't that great though.

>> No.6696082

Not Lolita, but Ihouraii was on it too I believe.

>> No.6696096
File: 208 KB, 1352x900, POD Computes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Full body shot and what was said.

>> No.6696100

I want to watch this ep, can anyone find it on youtube?

>> No.6696104

She looked so gorgeous after the makeover

>> No.6696106

Haha. This pretty much.

>> No.6696126

NO >_> only itas makes us look bad..................

>> No.6696151

That guy boykitten was on it, as well. I didn't watch the whole thing, though, it was just too cringey, so I don't know if he got made under or anything.

>> No.6696154
File: 290 KB, 346x414, Onceler rustled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll admit; this rustled up my jimmies something fierce.

"Haha, don't try to use your imagination and be an individual! Individuality is for children! Now, drink the tap water and never question the will of your corporate overlords again. There's a good girl!".

Jesus Christ has this ever been a spleen wrenching experience.

>> No.6696206

Who now? Must not be a lolita, maybe other alternative fashion?

>> No.6696213

Nope, definitely lolita (ish? Kodona and the like), he used to be on EGL a few years ago. Plus on the show he described his style as "Elegant Gothic Lolita" even though he was wearing head-to-toe pink.

>> No.6696219

Thats so freaking horrendous! I hope to never see this trainwreck at any meets. please tell me she has left lolita!

>> No.6696356

Yep, he's still in the loli community. He was at the JetJ Tea Party Club anniversary event last year. He used to (or still does?) organise a mini loli convention called Lolita in Wonderland.

>> No.6696364



she's on at around 3:45

>> No.6696365

whoops utube fail


>> No.6696373

the part with her starts at around 15:25.

>> No.6696400

Welcome to the wonderful world of makeover shows.

>> No.6696438

i bought a dress from her once, no body odour or funny smells at all.
so even if she does have this problem at lest she cleans her clothes before sending them out

>> No.6696479

My favorite SMA was this ganguro guy who turned out to be fucking hot after they scrubbed off all the fake tan.

>> No.6696482

scotland's male barbie? not a ganguro, also really not hot.

>> No.6696581

>all the people in this thread who don't seem to know who rabbit is

I'm honestly shocked.. Is she just not that known there, or is it people just don't pay attention to egl/btb/getoff anymore??

>> No.6696602


>> No.6696614


>> No.6696643

Jesus, that was terrifying. He has fabulous legs though.

>> No.6696647

> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2SzTo1IAZ4s

Aw, he's adorable.

>> No.6696650

Holy shit, he looked really fucking hot at the end.

>> No.6696671

She's basically unwelcome in any comm so don't worry.

>> No.6696705


I have to admit I didn't recognise her/can't remember ever having heard of her before.

who is she and what's her drama?

>> No.6696707

WNTW is the worst for that. I don't know how anyone likes that show, I find it so stressful to watch.

>> No.6696718

trinny was really hot when she was a bit younger tho

>> No.6696770

Oh man, that guy looked amazing at the end. I was so bummed when he didn't keep his makeover.

>> No.6696778


She leaves annoying know it all comments on almost every egl post but looks like a pile of garbage. The fang outfit is one of her better ones.

>> No.6696927

Rabbit's just been on the Style Sinners bit from the 'SMA Beauty Pageant 2012'. It's on on BBC3 at the mo. Should be on iplayer.

>> No.6696979


Boykitten was on in season 1 or 2 (I've watched the whole damn thing, I'm so sad) and POD actually told him what he was doing was interesting and clearly his own sense of style that she didn't want to quash, and sent him back into the world.

In some of the earlier seasons, POD would reject clearly alt-fashion as doing a weird thing right, not her regular clientele, who were trying to do a normal thing wrong.

In the later seasons, she does makeunder some self-aware weirdos. Some of them ask for it because they don't know how to change, but there was one very, very goth girl who was pressured into it by her grandma.It didn't stick.

>> No.6696997


Oh man, I haven't heard of that name in ages. I'm actually curious as to what ever happened to him. Also, do you have a link to this? I'm unfortunately in the States, so we don't get good quality reality tv.

>> No.6697009


This episode was just on Dutch television.
I had to explain to both my sister and dad that whatever he was wearing sure wasn't elegant gothic lolita (pink outfit).
Was weirded out by the corset he wore in the second outfit.

>> No.6697016

>In some of the earlier seasons, POD would reject clearly alt-fashion as doing a weird thing right, not her regular clientele, who were trying to do a normal thing wrong.
Yeah, that's what I enjoy about the show. They usually target people trying to look hot and failing, not people who are just a bit demure/weird/not interested in fashion, who are normally targeted by makeover shows.

>> No.6697024

He's still around. Showed up to last year's V&A meet in some kind of weird fetish getup. He makes me feel sick. I don't care what people do with themselves but I don't want it to slap me in the face.

LOL by the way at Memz' vendetta chan, she's not smelly or scammy at all you bunch of jar dwellers.

>> No.6697050

>Showed up to last year's V&A meet in some kind of weird fetish getup
Hm. Doesn't surprise me since he is a fetish model.
>I don't care what people do with themselves but I don't want it to slap me in the face.
Heh, I know what you mean. I was never sure how I feel about boykitten or how the UK lolitas felt about him. I mean, I thought it was cool that he was already part of an alt-scene and it was strangely fascinating that someone was pretty open about it, but then I can't help thinking that he likes to show off a bit too much? I don't know if I'm wording this right.

>> No.6697061

I get what you mean, it's hard to explain. The first time I saw him he was wearing skin tight pink AATP short trousers and an awful pink wig and was acting like a stereotypical bitchy gay. He seems have gotten more chilled since then but... why bring your fetish shit into lolita meets? Especially high profile ones like that. I wonder how many strangers went away thinking we all wear bandage outfits and those fetish ballet shoe things at home. I just get the impression he doesn't know how to leave his ego at home. But he's not horrible. Ugh, I don't know how to explain properly.

>> No.6697171

That shit was fucking heartwarming.

>> No.6697178


i'm not a fucking vendetta chan, i've explained multiple times i heard that shit from other people. you can't just assume everybody who mentions a potential issue is some evil vendetta chan.

>> No.6697299

He was on series 4 episode 12.
Unfortunately, all I was able yo find was a quick preview at the beginning of said episode

>> No.6697300

>heard that shit from vendetta chans and spread it


>> No.6698272

I've actually smelt it and other people around her confirmed it so we got chatting lol that's just how it goes brah. If you don't want people to talk about it, then use a fuckton of deo for your BO

>> No.6698292

>playing that fucking chinese gong for a japanese fashion
UGH THAT MAKES ME SO MAD EVERY TIME, why do people still use that fucking jingle when talking about anything asian ever

>> No.6698434
File: 48 KB, 450x384, 1961BreakfastatTiffanys-MickeyRoone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Because the West still retains it's general view of East Asia being large, buck teeth, slutty, altered Cheongsam and giant, oversized spectacles.

>> No.6698752

from the thumbnail I thought that Yukapon and Jack Black attempted lolita and kodona respectively

>> No.6701036

I remember seeing this ageesss ago the clip, it was kinda embarassing seeing him wear PINK kodona and calling it gothic lolita, when it clearly wasn't. :X I don't even know if boykitten is ftm or mtf.

>> No.6701047

Someone link to that manba guy that became so hot after the makeover.

>> No.6701065

UGH I keep forgetting 'sage' keeps appearing in the name when I'm not wanting to sage. :/

>> No.6701093

I remember that! She was so adorable too. At the end when they were doing her hair into these curly poofy pigtails they were like "Oh yes these are very Japanese aren't they!!?" it was so cringeworthy.

>> No.6701380
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>"Oh yes these are very Japanese aren't they!!?"

anyway photos of the pigtails? I'm curious now

>> No.6701406
File: 45 KB, 768x480, morigirl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not sure they are pigtails exactly, but this is her transformation.

>> No.6701417

poor thing, that hairstyle does nothing for her, saying that it's "Very japanese" to sugarcoat a shitty haircut doesn't do anything, I hope she went back to mori because she looks so uncomfortable, pics of the before? I saw her shoes and they looked adorable

>> No.6701423

It's funny, I think I actually like the make-over taken on its own, but in that picture it looks terrible because she looks so uncomfortable in it.

>> No.6701428

Don't worry, she still wears mori girl and looks crazy adorable.

>> No.6702734
File: 1.71 MB, 1920x1080, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/cgl, how did you miss this? IS this Asherbee?

>> No.6703303



Found it.

>> No.6703355

fuck, he's hot without all the fake tan and glitter on..
I still think he should do his own style /whatever makes him happy, but he is just 1000x more gorgeous without all the stuff on. (He should keep the lip rings though)

>> No.6703358

this is why i refuse to watch ANY 'make over' shows. It's like , who cares if your style is lolita or hobo sweats with a tshirt. as long as you're happy. Nope, you must wear 3 inch heels and an over priced blazer like every 9-5 zombie.

>> No.6703362

Link to that video? It is probably not Asherbee, but I still think this will be lolcow worthy.

>> No.6703363

Not only this, POD is an avid hater of piercings too and always makes people take them out. I think it looks way better with the piercings still in, cause now these people are walking around with a face full of holes. (And no that shit won't close up, my niece had a nose piercing and every inch of her ears pierced, when she took them out for good you could still see the holes even after 5 years!)

>> No.6703366

Those shorts... that blotchy foundation... oh honey no :/ GODDAMN he's a hottie without all that

>> No.6703564

Sometimes the holes depend on your skin and how you were pierced / how good your piercer was. I have 3 lip rings and took out 2, because it was annoying to deal with so many. You can still see SLIGHT indentations that i had something there, but barely-- especially when i use bb cream on my face.

That's sad, cuz i really like piercings. Not everyone looks good with lip rings, but that dude is really cute with them on and clean faced.

>> No.6703627

Don't have a link, but I watched it and it was a goth woman who saved her toenail clippings and pubic hair. Her grandmother wanted her to look more natural so she went on the show and was snarky and bitchy the entire time. They dressed her in pink, which she hated, and she made a speech about how they took away her soul or something in the end whilst wearing a latex zentai suit looking thing. Personally I think rather than making her look completely normal they should have given her a more toned down goth look, but she was so against the whole thing I dunno why she even went on.

>> No.6703633

That's....extremely disturbing.
But yeah, it seems shows like these are all about 'you're a girl-- here's a dress and heels. You're a guy-- here's some dress shoes and a vest/button down shirt and pants"

I just can;t. I like my personal style. Some people compliment it, some urk at it. I'm happy and would definitely not be a heel/dress person. I love my jeans too much and comfy boots.

>> No.6703667

I found it, here is the link if anyone wants to see it (Definitely not asherbee though, way different voice. This woman sounds like Marge's sisters)

I understand why she didn't keep the look, they took away every inch of alternative/goth in there and made her a pretty pink barbie. They should have given her a toned down goth look (Cause her own look is horrible as well)

>> No.6706355

That's one rare occasion where less makeup makes that person hotter. He's a cutie.

>> No.6706454
File: 32 KB, 551x489, 1362937438007.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>But I can already see that you've been hiding a lovely face
>..thanks Pod