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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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6690006 No.6690006 [Reply] [Original]

What's the worst cosplay you've ever done? The one that you look back upon and go "oh god, what was I thinking?!"

It could be your very first attempt when you were young and naive and thought "annie-may" was the coolest thing ever, or it could be the one you half-assed because your friends wanted you to be in the group, or anything really! Show me the one that makes you make Cap's face, and tell us the story.

Bonus points if you're brave enough to post pictures.

>> No.6690079

Amane Misa. She is many a young woman's first cosplay, and I was no exception.

Sadly I looked like a washed up thirteen-year-old hooker and I can't bring myself to post pictures.

>> No.6690097

Haha, Misa was also my second cosplay. I didn't wear a wig, and it was a closet cosplay, but I convinced myself that I was cosplaying Misa from the movie. I look like an ugly pleb version of the actress, so it kind of works. My outfit was okay over all, in my opinion.

My first cosplay was Light the year before. Now that... was a fucking nightmare. 14-year-old asian girl with bleached, greasy blonde hair and not binding. I was also leading around an L cosplayer on a leash. Atrocious.

>> No.6690103

Keiichi from Higurashi no Naku Koro Ni
No wig
No short sleeve dress shirt
Baseball Bat Only

Failure Destination

>> No.6690105

..found my first made ever mascot head cosplay. This shit is nightmare fuel. Neco coneco from azumanga.
My cat was secretly sleeping on it and it caved in...

>> No.6690113
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>> No.6690119

A horrid, horrid Tavros cosplay. No wig or paint and shitty horns. I had no idea what the fuck I was doing christ

>> No.6690123

I thought I could crossplay.

The worst part was that I thought I was hot stuff.

>> No.6690126

My first convention , so excited! I was 16 years old. Made Gardenia Mana from the band Malice mizer from an altered prom dress. Over all, it wasn't terrible, just an over use of lace and tull. (sp?)

I also didn't have a wig and didnt now shit to do with make up! I ended up looking like a tranny. Oh glorious memories. Sadly i dont have a photo because this was in 2001, the days of no digital cameras.

>> No.6690140
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Rumia from Touhou Project at AOD 2011. I took the clothes from my Koakuma cosplay (which was a thrift store cosplay to begin with), put on my Shizuha wig, and made a red bow headband.

Reasons why this was a terrible idea:
1. I am not a loli. I do not have a face that can pass for loli. Ever. I apparently had to learn this the hard way.
2. It was fucking pouring rain, and I had thin little flats and tights instead of proper shoes.
3. I didn't know it at the time, but I was running a 102-degree fever. This contributed to the flushed, deranged creeper face I'm wearing in every photo.

In short, I looked busted as fuck. It was not my finest hour.

>> No.6690160

I know that feeling, anon. My first convention I was Mana from Malice Mizer's Illuminati performance where they were all done up like doctors. My lips were covered in blue eyeshadow and all I did was pull my hair up in a bun. It was terrible.

>> No.6690180
File: 23 KB, 272x480, 32402-172954.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if i could go back 7 years to this moment i'd slap myself

>> No.6690189

13 years old, first attempt at cosplay, and it was Hidan from Naruto (I'm cringing already)

- no wig or contacts
- cheapest replicas of the headband/ring/necklace I could find
- tacky green nail polish (wrong shade too)
- plain black cloak thrown together at the last minute
- jeans, converse, and I shit you not, a Hello Kitty shirt underneath

I can't tell you how much this makes me want to die. The only reason why I never blocked it from my subconscious entirely was because I was (and still am) proud of the scythe, which somehow turned out really good

>> No.6690197



>> No.6690201

>tried to be Mana
>ended up looking like a tranny
so... success?

>> No.6690205
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Probably that casual Russia I did once.
My wig was a shit attempt at cutting a long wig short, my clothes were just awful, and despite having a big nose like the lovely fellow, I still looked gross in pictures.

Makes it worse that there was an equally-shitty Belarus following me around for a good portion of the day.

>> No.6690211
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Yeaaah, Mana makeup was so tough to do. I only saw a few really good Manas, but they were in their late teens, early 20's. I was 16/17 here.

I actually found a pic of me the following year at Otakon. Oh gods *laughing so much* I was so proud of my costume! I did Aiji (band Pierrot) from the shoxx issue where he had green hair. The wig was SO BAD. Like costume store wig that i tried to straight and style and it ended up fried. I would love to remake this costume now with a much better wig, contacts, and proper letters on a shirt.

>> No.6690214
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Didn't understand fabric dye.

Used spray paint.


It sure held the pleats of my sailor senshi outfit well though.

>> No.6690216
File: 27 KB, 240x320, ohgodwhy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Lightice in Wonderland"

>Satin Halloween Alice dress
>Striped socks
>Stinky marching band shoes
>Red tie
>Brown Jacket taken in (terribly) by hand
>Hair bleached into straw
I was 15.

>> No.6690223

LOL'd perhaps it was a success after all. I enjoyed it. I mean, at the time there weren't many jrock cosplayers i ran into in NYC. especially at such a small con. It was my first sewing project and i was kinda like 'woo. it shouldnt be too bad just putting on blue lipstick, blue eye shadow and dying my hair blue.." man, it was a wreck. Still had fun tho.

>> No.6690225

Oh my god, anon. That's hilarious.

>> No.6690226

I wish i could see a pic, lol! I remember when i didnt know what the crap fabric dye was, and would spend so many days trying to find the exact obscure color shirts and pants. Glad those days are over.

>> No.6690230

oh god I was in 7th grade and I was hidan from naruto
no wig
just that hair spray paint stuff
and flip flops.

>> No.6690231

Also, the next year my gf and I wanted to be the Hitachiin twins.
We couldn't find two matching jackets, so we bought a polyster dress suit and I managed to make the skirt into a fuku. (Which I wore with no binding and my unstyled, fried orangey brown hair)

>> No.6690234

oh my god are we literally twins

>> No.6690235

Light yagami.
Oh my god, it was so fucking terrible and I was so overweight.
>Shitty, blond party city wig I attempted to dye brown
>Men's suit five times too big for me
>Notebook with 'DEATH NOTE' scribbled on the front

>> No.6690245

my guts or ichigo. Don't have any pics of ichigo tho lolol.

>> No.6690244
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For a 15 year old with no prior sewing experience, my costume was better than it should have been.

But I sprayed my hair blue with Halloween crap.
Also I was a fatty.

Remade it a few years later, but I'm still pretty bad. I feel like I've barely improved since the age of 17...I'm 22 now.

>> No.6690256
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2008-9?, as Konata Izumi. Back then, I really loved this costume, but i also didn't know to powder shitty wigs, or what/how to use starch. I've fixed my posture since then too.

>> No.6690254

I did this too. I did make everything, just horribly. (hot-glued cloak, burnt clay necklace, cardboard scythe)

What's with so many of us and Hidan?

>> No.6690260
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Oh, I have pictures. It was back in 1997 though, which can go ahead and stay buried far, far away.

I remember my friend jokingly pulled up my skirt when I wore it and the whole thing flipped up like an umbrella in the wind.

>> No.6690266 [DELETED] 


Oh, one more.

I made my friend the movie Resident Evil Alice (the red dress) completely out of stretch fabric, safety pins and hot glue. There wasn't a stitch in that bitch.

Worse part of that one is she wore out out to a club once thinking it was good enough to be out in public in.

>> No.6690271


Oh, one more.

I made my friend the movie Resident Evil Alice red dress completely out of stretch fabric, safety pins and hot glue. There wasn't a stitch in that bitch.

Worst part of that one was she wore it out to a club once thinking it was good enough to be out in public in.

>> No.6690319

Oh...do I dare post a picture?
>>TL;DR Everything cgl hates I did on my first try.

>first cosplay at 17/18~
>I pick Chi from Chobits
>read some of the manga but wasn't far enough to understand the story behind Chi/Freya
>get so confused when people ask me questions about the series
>order dress from Chinese ebay
>$400 later, get cheap ass Milanoo-tier knockoff dress that looked NOTHING like the picture
>shiny satin, things weren't sewn together, details missing, ITA
>ofc didn't know any better and thought it was wonderful
>do the repairs myself and actually leave positive feedback
>order cheap ass wig (oh and before this I used my real hair once)
>hurfadurf I don't need to style da wig ^____^
>wig falling off my head during the con
>oh I don't like the hair spools so I won't wear those either!
>get it in my head that Chi is a 'flowy' kind of persocom
>order stripper heels
>no shit I order 8 inch clear stripper heels to wear around a CON
>trip everywhere, and all it did was make me tower above everyone and Chi wasn't tall
>uninspired makeup

Not to mention I was a little too overweight to be doing this to begin with. People said they really liked this costume, but I think they were being really nice to me or they were noobs just like me as well.

>> No.6690322

Wow... safety pinning an entire dress seems insane.

>> No.6690326

Not familiar with the character, but I think you look really cute in your cosplay.
Great job on your improvement!

>> No.6690329


I didn't know how to sew then either. So we just slapped fabric around her and started gluing and pinning. It, uh... turned out better than expected?

>> No.6690335
File: 24 KB, 320x478, shitwig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Babby's first wig (for Ed from Cowboy Bebop, circa '04-05). Thankfully I only wore this out of the house once, but I definitely switched over to using my own hair for a few years after this experience. I was too afraid to cut wigs on my own until ~2010.

>> No.6690358

>stripper heels on Chii

That sounds absolutely glorious.

>> No.6690377
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I was asked to join a Beyblade group years back, it was for an AX '05 or '06. Had been cosplaying for a few years, I don't remember what I was thinking but I picked Hiromi and it became a combination of not having any time to make anything and actually trying.

>no wig, long dark hair pinned back to look "short"
>no other styling or makeup attempted either
>white skirt actually a cotton blend skort
>wore ugly ass ugg boots because I forgot my sneakers
>no black undershirt
>shirt wasn't even close, it was a thick magenta pink wool sweater that I rolled the sleeves up
>I tape a piece or red paper for the doodle design on her shirt
>friend later poorly shoops her red shirt doodles

She continues to flaunt these cosplays to others with the shooped version, and I hide in shame every time.

>> No.6690386
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It's super embarrassing.

>> No.6690405

>Vampire Princess Miyu

Cheap ribbon and bed sheets I kid you not.

>> No.6690414

Vampire princess! Good memories i'm sure tho

>> No.6690424

Winter Wrap Up Rainbow Dash.... With a "modified" clown wig. Oh god, I did look like a winged clown! (that blue vest didn't helped, either).

I got a better wig, a jacket and now I love it.

>> No.6690452
File: 157 KB, 479x720, 254152_1937067420076_1814630_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My first cosplay was Hotaru from Gakuen Alice. It was actually legit decent, I altered a suit jacket for the uniform jacket, my mom made the skirt and collar, had the right boots. Just needed a wig and would've been golden. Somehow I mananged to get worse though, year later I was an overweight chick who didn't know how to bind, and I 'crossplayed' Hatsune mikuo in a cheap, ill-fitting costume, complete with emo liner up the ying yang. I thought I was the hottest shit. I left the eyes in the pic so you could see just how thick my eyeliner was. I have since improved a lot plus dropped weight thank god. I think i was around 250 at the time this pic was taken

>> No.6690618
File: 52 KB, 436x793, 379118_10150913324160315_401043726_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The cosplay I made was Lulu from FFX. I had little idea of what I was doing, and I hot glued on all my belts (so it feel apart). I am brave enough to upload a picture, though I don't have a picture from how it first looked (the fur was more like a shawl and stuff). But yeah, it's a little embarrassing to look at the old photos; especially because I was a little proud (but then it was the first cosplay I had made and people did compliment me). The fur is safety pinned on, the arms are not attached to the dress, there a raw edges showing and I only had two hair sticks (though to be fair, I have seen other Lulu cosplays including Yaya Han and even she hasn't got the hair sticks right because they are stupid shapes). Hell, even my corset was one that I had to turn inside out because I didn't have a black one...

>> No.6690624

I have seen way worse, tbh.
Also, you're really pretty, nohomo.

>> No.6690631
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But, fast-forward about 5 months and this is what Lulu looked like after. I made a moogle with a zip in the back so I could put stuff in it. I got a corset and modified it (because it is cheaper than trying to make one), I had all the hair sticks WHICH I improved even more a couple months after this photo (unfortunately my hair sticks were falling out). I also eventually fixed the fur so it has push studs so I could talk it off and be able to wash the dress. The belts I was able to collect more of and they are all sewn on and stuff. As proud as I am of my Lulu, I plan to remake a lot of it (e.g. the dress) this year.
There's a learning curve involved with cosplay.

>> No.6690639

Thanks anon, I know there are worse out there (believe me, I know...). But since I improved Lulu so much after this, it is a little embarrassing for me to look at. We all start somewhere I guess.

>> No.6690642

Tetsuya Nomura laughs at you

>> No.6690734
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Ugh, definitely my puppy dog princess. Thinking I could "upcycle" socks into puppy ears. And I thought my grandma's costume trunk was so kawaii and princessy back then. And I didn't ever consider that taking off my glasses was a good idea for pictures. Man I've come a long way.

>> No.6690811
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Your original dress was pretty decent as is, but it looks like you're really getting talented at this. You're pretty, to boot. I decided to make you into an abomination by turning that frown upside-down.

>> No.6690849

>It wouldn't be /cgl/ without someone horrendously photo shooting something.
>Lulu doesn't smile, she is a cold-hearted bitch.

I feel honoured though, no one has ever shopped me before. Most of my photos have little editing if taken by someone else like this one is - usually colours get fixed and stuff. I myself cannot edit a photo for my life; unless you like bad paint edits, or the quick fixes you can do in Preview.

>> No.6690869

nice. you are very pretty btw
I love the comparisson shots

>> No.6690905

It's ok man. Everyone does a horrible Chii cosplay when they're a teenager. The only difference is that I did it at school and in a terrible maid costume I bought at a Joanne's right before Halloween.

>> No.6690973
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I am overwhelmed. People being nice on /cgl/?

>> No.6690977


I'm sure I said something mean. I can't tell if I'm confused by sleep deprivation or if moot deleted my comment.

>> No.6692090

bump plz

>> No.6692137
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Lisa from Silent Hill. It was before I learned how to sew and it was the first costume I ever put together myself. Holy god, hot mess.

- No wig, I dyed my hair.
- Shitty leg avenue nurse outfit
- No makeup. Back then I had the silly thought that I didn't need makeup. Ahhaahano.

I'm on the left.

>> No.6692159
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I could say it was my very first cosplay that was the worst (Roku, Pop'n Music) but that'd be too easy. I look back on my Barnaby cosplay and cringe because of all of the laziness and inaccuracies. My girlfriend really wanted a Barnaby for her Kotetsu so I had to try and churn one out in about a month. Needless to say I'm glad I have very very few pictures of it.

My girlfriend still wishes I'd re-do it but as T&B went on I came to like Barnaby less and less. It wouldn't even be worth it now.

>> No.6692177


As far as a cosplay without a wig goes, it's actually not bad. Plus I can't see the full costume too well, but what I see looks okay. You could have done way worse.

>> No.6692197

The three crossplays I did during my highschool years.

Real hair, tiny girl trying to be a 6' manly man... yeah. And the costumes themselves were horrendous.

Also the time I had a ~goth rori~ "costume".

...I've had a lot of regrets.

>> No.6692209
File: 105 KB, 620x375, 11723-620x-cosplay_wig_top.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh god this is probably the worst of my many bad cosplays

>in middle of 10th grade i'm really into durarara!!
>hatsume fair in a few days
>no costume
>cosplay friend is going as shizuo
>"you look just like shinra, you should go as him!!"
>night before event go to f.y.e and buy the wig on the right for like $10
>try to style wig with smelly hair wax that didn't help at all
>borrow friend's lab coat with her name on it
>borrow dad's shirt and pants that are 5x bigger than me
>proudly wear that hot mess to event with shizuo
>cosplayer in front of us turns around and recognizes friend but straight up says "i know her character but who are you supposed to be?"
>immediately get mad at self and throw wig away
>now i'm just a fattychan in a lab coat in the florida heat

the worst part was that my friend never said anything to stop me from buying that monstrosity.

>> No.6692211

My first cosplay was of Noel, from Mermaid Melody. It was absolutely horrible. I had dirty blonde hair, no wig, and a bright blue dress, nowhere near the color of hers. It was just ... ugh. Thank god I've improved from that train wreck and it was my first, so it's not too insane. I was just thirteen at the time.

>> No.6692221

Oh god. My first was a half assed Rinoah I made in sewing class in secondary school.
Had shoulder length hair with pink in it and vans on. Didn't even consider a wig might be a good idea...
No pics though, I destroyed them after I escaped my weeb phase.

>> No.6692289

My first was mew Ichigo. No wig, I used that spray on dye in bright pink, but my hair is naturally black so it didn't show up well and te paint got on everything, A rushed half assed dress, I'm p sure a peti woulda helped cuz the skirt looked so sad.
I didn't even try for the shoes I just wore sneakers

>> No.6692360

Yeah you could have been the bitch on the right, that would have been worse.

>> No.6692396

My first cosplay was Mid-Boss (Disgaea), at Anime Evolution '06. I don't have any pictures myself, but if I ever see them again I'm sure I'll have a huge laugh. I had somehow managed to find the rattiest purple wig in existence, the paint was flaking off my shoes, and I just grabbed a random pair of skinny jeans for the cosplay. This was also before I started doing something about my dense forest eyebrows.

On the bright side, I could (and still can) do his voice and laugh perfectly.

>> No.6692472


>> No.6692490

Ugh, my first cosplay was Edward Elric at the one and only anime con I've ever been to, This was about 8 years ago when I was around the age of 18. I wore just his red coat. I made it out of cheap red cotton I got from Joann's and the the symbol on the back was made out of black felt. My friend went as Envy and her costume was waaay better than mine. For one thing, she actually wore his whole outfit. Since I had blonde hair and am super short, I thought I made a perfect Edward. I'm even more embarrassed because I should have known better at my age. At least no pictures exist of it.

>> No.6692875

Horrendous part eBay/part Hot Topic Deidara costume without a wig and light brown, short hair at the age of 16, I don't think it needs to be explained any more than that.

>> No.6692894
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Chess piece Kallen + Chess piece Lelouch.

1000 ways I could have done it better and it would have looked great, but it was a last minute idea from the boyfriend and we scrambled to get it done on time. Half the ideas of putting it together didn't work, and we didn't even have enough time to make it a sandwich board.

>> No.6692912

Wh-What did the wig look like?

>> No.6692913

Ritsuka from Loveless. I was thirteen and awkward. It wasn't awful. Just a black button up, skinny jeans, boots and cat ears.

People just thought I was Catwoman, so whatever.

No pictures exist of this, but I'm just glad I've never done anything wholly embarrassing.

Not any of my first cosplays, but one of my first sewing jobs
>poorly sewn Harley Quinn costume
>the seam on the but tore open
>wasn't wearing panties

>> No.6692911

All of my cosplay has been bad. No exceptions.
Saging because I don't have the balls to post pictures.

>> No.6692944

Weirdly, Loveless is one of the very few cosplays I'm not embarrassed of. It wasn't particularly good, but as far as I'm concerned, average isn't something I get embarrassed by.

>> No.6692985
File: 58 KB, 600x800, haha being 13.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My first ever cosplay is too old to exist anymore as it was during one of the first few MCMs. This was when I was 13 and did lazy kingdom hearts. My favourite bits are the tights not matching my skin colour, using my own hair, weird sandles with glued on flowers and a random white dress I remember getting from TKMaxx. I've had another really bad cosplay of Abel Nox that I may post as well.

>> No.6693092

>Abel Nox
Oh man, it's a long-standing dream of mine to cosplay him well.

>> No.6693261
File: 55 KB, 600x800, utried.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This was again when I was 13. Maybe 14. I dyed my hair and everything though I didn't make the claw or the actual costume.

>> No.6693274

Hey man, for the age that's pretty damn good.

>> No.6693298

Did anyone ever find out that guys name.

>> No.6693309

I don't have any pictures of my first, thank god. I tried to make a harly quinn cat suit out of red lame and stretch black velevet with sparkles. I ran out of time for the cowl and just put my regular hair in pigtails with an inch or two dark roots, and no mask... construction wise it wasnt terrible but man it was ill fitting and those fabrics.

Then I had the gall to trash talk someone in out group who didn't have time to finish theirs and looked like crap.

>> No.6693387

I don't think I have any since when I first started going to cons it was still normal to take stuff with film cameras....damn...

>> No.6693706

My first few cosplays were actually pretty decent, it was when I started trying to crossplay the next year that things went seriously downhill.

>Chii from Chobits
>Nel from Bleach
>Misa from Death Note

Easily the worst was Shiki from TWEWY, though. I don't know how I managed to make it so bad, but I really did. Made even worse because I had an amazing Rhyme and Beat. Ironically, I made my ex's Neku outfit and he looked just as bad as I did, but when I rewore it later I looked okay.

After that I dropped all pretences and went back to male cosplays. Wish I was still as thin as I was then, though.

>> No.6693757
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Thought I could pull off a male character. 16, 70 kg and 5'5". Most of my fat was in my hips and ass. Don't have an unshopped photo unfortunately. I also think it's a good idea to wear my glasses 24/7, apparently.

Male Luka from Magnet (Vocaloid)

>> No.6693969
File: 31 KB, 480x720, 247553_229799250365134_133500949994965_1034917_7405807_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had 2 really bad ones. I can't find photos of the other one, but it was haruhi suzumiya. i didn't have a wig, so i was using my natural hair. Blond bangs, brown back...At the con, whenever i saw Mikuru cosplayers, i would ask if i could have a picture with them of me trying to grope them. I was so creepy...
Then there's this one. My closet cosplay of Link from Legend of Zelda. I was so proud of this too....My shield and sword were supposed to be the deku shield and a wooden sword...they were made out of cardboard. The whole cosplay was disasterific.

>> No.6693971

these were also from 3 or 4 years ago

>> No.6694301

diggin the uggs

>> No.6695629

better than mine...my first cosplay was Link, and oh god i can't even.....
>duct tape and foam shield and sword
>value village green shirt with awkward visible logo
>real, untucked unruly hair
>cap made out of same shirt sleeves, keeps falling off
>only belts found in closet
>legwarmers as gloves
oh god why. I was proud of this shit too o-0

>> No.6695636
File: 939 KB, 1713x2223, ohgodwhy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot pic *shudders*

>> No.6695643

That is some of the best My-First-Cosplay I've seen. Look at that shit.
Decent colors, proportion & such.
You don't have to be proud, but sure as shit don't be ashamed of having THAT as a first attempt.

>> No.6695647
File: 203 KB, 483x835, D3N_5095.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It wasn't my first cosplay ever, but the first cosplay I made myself was Elizabeth from Persona 3... and let's just say that I made poor fabric choices. It was this stretchy shit I bought just because it matched my boots in color- and then I sewed the whole thing together by hand because I didn't have a machine at the time. You can imagine what a mess this dress was on the inside.

>> No.6699320

bump for more embarrassing baby seagull photos

>> No.6699467

You make a great Lulu!!

>> No.6699484
File: 280 KB, 600x378, 73473.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sewed stretchy shit
>by hand
H-How.. you must have the patience of a saint...

>> No.6699530
File: 58 KB, 500x965, DrCossack.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dr. Cossack from Megaman 4.

Trying to translate the cartoony style into 3D didn't work out well for me, and making the labcoat from scratch and attempting to add flare was a hot mess. Spending $80 on a new pair of shoes just to slab paint all over them for a character no one was gonna know really wasn't worth it. I got a better wig for the character and wore it again at SDCC, but not even the Capcom crew cared. Seth Killian however loved it, but I don't think that justified my expense and trial and error for this almost completely unrecognizable costume.

>> No.6699544
File: 42 KB, 250x425, Neko2004-290.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6699889
File: 43 KB, 367x768, yetanotherwerewolf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not cosplay but I hope it counts. It was my Halloween costume when I was 15.

The head was made out of file folders held together with masking tape, spray paint and a shitty cheap wig. The gloves were made out of like... bedsheets? (or something similar), whip stitched together sloppily, and naturally they were too tight and popped seams every time I put them on. The claws were triangles of polar fleece hot glued on. The feet were spats that fit over my shoes, the legs were cream-colored cargo pants. I had a tail, made out of the same bedsheet-like material the hands were made out of. It was stuffed with kleenex (I shit you not). I remember making the robe but forgetting that you can't just sandwich-pattern a shirt and expect it to fit, so I ended up having the slice the front to fit in it.

I wore it to a costume contest with other kids and legit got assmad for not winning (then again, it was some guy with a Walmart costume that won so I did feel that wasn't really fair). Later, for some inexplicable reason, I wore it to college and had my friend lead me around with a leash.

>> No.6699901

>wore it to college
>had my friend lead me around with a leash
what the fuck is wrong with you jesus

>> No.6699928
File: 222 KB, 385x443, face.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It doesn't look too bad from the low-quality photo, but after that description...

Just damn.

You're resourceful as fuck but DAMN.

>> No.6699956

My Marshall Lee cosplay. Sure, I made an alright axe-bass for it, but it just really didn't work for me. Half the times I did him I either forgot to take my glasses off or didn't have any grey facepaint on.

>> No.6699969


I just wish I still had pictures of the fuck-awful Brooklyn cosplay I made when Gargoyles had come out, that thing was magnificent (I must have been about 10 y/o at the time). I guess I'll have to describe it n text instead...

Inflate a balloon, cover with paper maché. Remove balloon and cut a hole for your head, eyes (be sure you can't see out of it properly). Roll up newspaper into cones for horns, attach to mask shell. Paint mask with tempra paint, just enough so that it almost covers the ink. Ignore that Brooklyn has a mane, because fuck that shit.

My mom helped me with the "bodysuit", which was basically this REALLY big two piece red sweater and sweat pants ensemble. I remember being angry at her because it was super baggy on me (nevermind that it was probably the best part of the costume). I don't recall details on the tail, but it was probably a red towel tied rolled up or another kleenex monstrosity. The hands and feet were pink rubber gloves.

I remember thinking about how to approach the wings, which for some reason involved the wood from a snow fence, bolts and garbage bags.

Yeah, I guess for 10 it was pretty ambitious. I totally blame my mom for my love of costumes, when I was really little she made me this leopard costume and I never took it off. Ever.

>> No.6700103
File: 79 KB, 400x600, 687743.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Terrible J-rock cosplay unite! I'm almost 6'0 and I started with a terrible closet cosplay of Kyo from Dir en Grey.

>> No.6703333 [DELETED] 

Thanks anon!

>> No.6703335

Thanks anon

Also bump! I want more horror stories and photos lol.

>> No.6706641
File: 51 KB, 640x480, baby_seagull.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Come on /cgl/, you've got to have a few more in you

>> No.6706661

To be honest with you, looking back on it now, I had no idea how I did it.

>> No.6706687

There was a tiny con but it was my first so I was fucking excited. I wanted to be Kurenai Otoya so I just just wore a fancy shirt and pants and carried my sister's violin case around.

It was 2009 and no one even knew what the fuck Kamen Rider was back then. People thought I had just come out of a violin recital.

No pictures exist.

>> No.6706733

Everything was ok until the last paragraph

>> No.6706850

Konata Izumi cosplay:
>yellow bow is golden and flaccid.
>wig is poorly styled and tangled at the bottom
>skirt is too long

Aradia Megido
>Sign poorly painted onto shirt,
>Used real hair
>Horns broke, didn't wear them
>makeup was a disaster, realized this on the way, had a tantrum, and used baby wipes to take it all off

>> No.6707094

Hazama from BlazBlue was my first cosplay. The outfit was actually pretty decent for a novice, but dear god, the hair. Instead of using a wig, I just used Walmart-tier green hair spray, so it looked like Slimer had taken a shit on my head.

>> No.6707135

A few years back, made a last-minute NiGHTS cosplay for a friend of mine
The hat was great, but she's black, and suddenly let her hair out naturally right before the con, so I didn't account for the poofy hair. Needless to say it didn't fit, and we could barely get it on her head con day. Had to trash it.

Cuffs attached by velcro, keep unfastening, eventually loses one during the con.

In the end, all that ended up half-decent was the vest >_<

>> No.6708116
File: 316 KB, 705x1000, BraveStoryPoster.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wataru from Brave Story.
>Was 20ish trying to cosplay a 10-year old
>Hat/helmet looked like a deflated balloon
>Covered my sword's sheath poorly with terrible vinyl
>My sword was built AWESOMELY (because my dad helped me do most of it) but I absolutely failed painting it
>Did I wear a wig? I don't remember
>Worked really hard to make his armor, ended up looking like I was wearing half a barrel around my chest

My friend was Kutz and looked AWESOME and I sort of just walked around with her for half an hour until I got so embarrassed I went to the hotel room to change.

>> No.6710251

my first bash at gary oak was horrendous. shitty-ass inaccurate wig, shitty-ass inaccurate top, shitty-ass inaccurate jeans, shitty-ass inaccurate boots. at the time i was proud and now i look back and wish my friend never let me go out like that. goddamn. thank fuck i improved that shit.

>> No.6710364

Ino from naruto
>be 13 and thinking watching my grandma sew made me a expert.
>procrastinating till 2 days before con
>cheap Walmart cotton
>no wig. Thought it would look stupid
>forgot my shorts and had to wear my chilly willy penguin pj pants
>horrible flip flops

glad no pictures are available... fuck it was bad

>> No.6710398

That's kind of amazing in a way.
You'd probably be a fuck-awesome cosplayer if you learned about more materials.

>> No.6710430

I did a Miku costume. I spray dyed my hair.

It was a trainwreck. A guy dressing up as miku (it wasn't even genderbent) scoffed at me.

Dats iight.

>> No.6710441

Kana from InuYasha
Only did it because my friend said she would do someone from the series too but flaked on me last minute.
>Shitty shiny party wig
>Cut the bangs too short
>Made a robe not a kimono and just stuck bits on to make it look like it crossed over at the front.
>Mirror made out of paper and foil

It was a long time ago and I hope photo's don't exist any more.

>> No.6710454
File: 47 KB, 403x403, 542593_10200784929688769_1463758126_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can we do lolita too? My first attempt at "lolita" when I owned no petticoat, no real lolita pieces, and was so poor I thrifted everything I was wearing except the wig.

>> No.6710457
File: 328 KB, 531x800, 8493280910_63b4d62948_c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

....and recently, a year later.

>> No.6710459

I don't see much of an improvement

>> No.6710466

pretty big improvement. I'd post my first attempt at lolita but I'm pretty sure I deleted it. maybe my vendetta chan could be useful and upload it for me?

>> No.6710475

>Actual dress
>blouse instead of t-shirt
>Actual attempt at a coord

Nigga you blind.

>> No.6710478

I think what anon here is trying to say is it's an ok cord but not a great one. It feels lke you've bought the jsk and headbow and are trying to make them do the actual work instead of making it all match. Why is there a lavender blouse when nothing else is lavender for instance? What's going on with the bauble earrings? The dress is very obviously navy blue but you've used black heels and stockings without putting black anywhere else. It looks like you were just excited to have the dress and put on anything without thinking about how to make it look 'perfect' because you just wanted to wear it then and there. I'm guilty of doing this too btw but it's just not a very good example of how you've improved.

>> No.6710479

Definitely improvement, but the blouse and tights don't really go well with that JSK.

>> No.6710486

you do look much nicer though, but it's in the same way anyone would look nicer in a brand dress instead of thrift shop clothing. Then again I've seen girls in sugary carnival + party wigs and barely knee high socks so I'm well aware brand =/= better

>> No.6710490

Yes, that was my sentiment. I had this implied 'look how I was crap. NOW LOOK HOW AWESOME I AM' when it wasn't a big leap.

>> No.6710499

I saw it as "look how far I improved in just>>6710490
a year"

>> No.6710523
File: 37 KB, 480x640, heyrei.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rei Ayanami

My first homemade cosplay attempt complete with a terrible wig. Bought a bob wig in white, dyed it until it was a streaky whiteish blue, and slapped that shit on my head. Shirt was a really large men's shirt, didn't bother to alter the collar at all. For some reason watching Eva, I got the impression that Rei's uniform was dark in color and loose fitting but seeing all the Reis at the con, who had short uniforms with fitted skirts and light blue fabric kind of sucked for me. I think I wore this thing for an hour tops.

>> No.6710557
File: 981 KB, 3264x1840, ResizedImage951338082407860-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pyro (TF2)
First con in costume
>Wallet stolen, all acounts frozen and waiting on new card
>Boyfriend forgets to order everything, despite 800 reminders (he would buy online and get my cash)
>Slap together red skirt/tank top, spray paint
>Gun starts falling apart 20 minutes in
>No hood, frizzy hair everywhere

>> No.6710585

As a huge eva fan, seeing that pic pisses me off so fucking much. 10/10

>> No.6710599

>hey, we're going to a convention so we have to cosplay! what should we do? Let's just do tf2 and fish things out of the closet.

>> No.6710646

That wasn't at all the impression I got? She didn't even provide any commentary it was just "Then, when I was shit. Recently." How can you make such a leap from so little?
I feel like you're being nitpicky, like the earrings are a problem for you ladies, really? I could understand if they didn't fit the theme and were like those ugly neon feather earrings but it looks good in that outfit, and if every element of her outfit perfectly matched you'd be complaining that she was 'boring'.

>> No.6710655

Not as bad as that guy in the sunglasses. Is he supposed to be a Spy?

>> No.6710666


> first con
> closet Spy
> cut the bottom of my pants so they wouldn't drag
> black pinstriped suit top
> bump into beautiful Spy
> too ashamed to say anything

>> No.6710678

A beautiful spy put a post-it on my back saying, "Thanks for the intel"

I wanted to hide ours in shame...and me...and all of us.

>> No.6710747
File: 31 KB, 400x600, alice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Found a picture of my friend.

Hot glue and staples, man... hot glue and staples.

>> No.6711353


What made it worse was that it was Little Meesh, and I fucking love her artwork. She like, looked at me and said hello, and I kind of awkwardly slunk back to where horrible cosplayers belong.

>> No.6711366

Honestly for hot glue and staples, it don't look too awful.

>> No.6711387

I don't have a picture of it anymore. My parents have one because they did the "now everyone stand by the tree so we can take pictures" thing with my friends. I'm glad no pictures exist anymore. I was stupid. I'm 6 feet tall and kinda heavy, so that was one cosplay that I never wore again. I think I threw most of it out, save for the gloves and the "materia" I was carrying around. It makes me cringe remembering it.

>> No.6711418

holy crap, thats amazing for the materials used

>> No.6711436

I wouldnt have known it wasnt sewn together honestly if you didnt tell me.

>> No.6711443

Is that Sniper John Green?