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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 83 KB, 1598x713, cosplaysuggestions.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6679467 No.6679467 [Reply] [Original]

Couldn't find one, so...

Cosplay Suggestions Thread?

Cosplay Suggestions Thread.

Please remember to be courteous and share your suggestions with others if you're asking for some yourself!

>> No.6679505
File: 1001 KB, 1275x585, cgl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll suggest to others when there are others to suggest to!

>> No.6679506
File: 93 KB, 1598x960, annie cosplay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6679512


(>>6679505 here) I'd say Jack from Mass Effect as long as you're cool with continuing to have edgy haircuts and such. Though it really depends on how much time and effort you're willing to put into your cosplay, and of course, which of her outfits you go with.

>> No.6679636
File: 1.41 MB, 1990x901, Arisoup.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Motoko Kusanagi from Ghost in a shell
Cassandra would be cute too, you have a very nice lip shape!

idk why but you kinda remind me of Avril Lavigne
hhmm maybe Pandy from Dead Leaves?

>> No.6680057

Oh OP you forgot the rules!
I'm going to post them before someone already breaks them

>easymode: 5 suggestions to the people above you (in order)
>normalmode: 10 suggestions to the people above you (in order)
>hardmode: 15 suggestions to the people above you (in order)
>god mode: suggest to everyone who posted above you
>legendary mode : suggest to everyone who posts in the thread until it 404's

you're welcome

>> No.6680112
File: 328 KB, 1990x901, cosplayideas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't see your whole head which makes this a little hard. You've nice lips though, Kat from DmC.

Not sure how your hair is right now, but you've got just the right face for a Female Commander Shepard.

No video games!? D: Damn, Sakura Kinomoto from Cardcaptor Sakura.

I'm currently working on Alundra, you can never have enough ideas though.

>> No.6680156

lain please. The world needs more lain, and you'd look good for her.

>> No.6680234

go as mugi and i might propose

>> No.6680253
File: 518 KB, 1598x713, 43948.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think you'd make a great Yui! Mugi would be cute as well.

I'm thinking Vincent Brooks. :D

>> No.6680330

the thing with video-games is that I don't play them that much anymore, I'll play some Feenie, Harvest Moon or pogeyman every now and then but that's pretty much it, totes gamer gurl
unfortunately I don't have any new suggestions, but from your list.. Vincent

>The world needs more lain
this, infinite times this
I tried to get a friend of mine into watching it once but
>I think it's pretty good, try watching at least episode 1 to get an idea
>*episode starts*
>oh I don't like the artstyle, it's too old, I won't watch it
>And you don't seem to understand...

really? I added her because a friend insisted, I mean I'd love to cosplay as her but I'd probably look a bit weird haha

as soon as I saw the pic with the black hair I thought BOA
PLEASE do Boa, you're already really pretty and you'd look fabulous as her!

>> No.6680450 [DELETED] 


>> No.6680593
File: 1.25 MB, 1598x729, wsicaota13.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I haven't done one of these in a while.
Changing up my outfit list for Otakon. Not sure what I want to do yet, but I have to do one AT cosplay with my group.

Jesus christ dem lips. Your face is so adorable.
Miwako from Paradise Kiss.
Shitt P. from Hitman Reborn
Yui would be cute
Boa or Asami.

>> No.6680615

You literally have the perfect face for Boa, please be her, oh my goodness.

>> No.6680627

So I think I'm just going to walk around with dressed as a fan and tell everybody I'm a huge fan.

>> No.6680637

Yeah, I mean, mugi is awesome, but i do agree, you have people you could perfectly cosplay. To be completely honest. you could pull off Mei perfectly. You really should go Mei, no lie.

Oh and I'm >>6680234

>> No.6680639

there were like 20 people who did that at my college for Halloween.

>> No.6680640

Son of a bitch. I knew it wasn't original, but I didn't know it was popular. Time to think of a legitimate one.

>> No.6680651

well if you're looking for over the top, i'm not sure if you've seen firefly, but kaylee's dress from the episode shindig is definitely over the top. i also think you have a nice face shape to do kaylee. (and if you haven't seen firefly, there are only 13 episodes and a movie so you can get through the series pretty quickly)

>> No.6680669

The girl who says "hot pockets" in the hot pockets commercial is going to be at the one I'm going to soon. So my brother and I are dressing up as hot pockets for one of the days. Just saying that you can also find out what other things the voice actors have done to see if you can find a comedic costume to wear since you seem to want your costume to be funny.

>> No.6680672

you could totally pull off bubble gum. DO IT!!!

>> No.6680682
File: 1.29 MB, 1990x960, COSPLAY THING.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mami tomoe from madokaaa

lillith from borderlands, if youre up to the challegne yo

you kinda look like matilda. maybe kiki from kikis delivery service? lain is also good

uhhhh not vidya but gendo ikari from evangelion? i feel like you could pull it off, but yo hair maybe

lisalisa from jojos bizarre adventure. or boa. practically the same body type just differernt wear

for AT i think your skill level is high enough to do any character so go for whats fun. as for not AT emilia clarke from game of thrones. not really sure about extravagant suggestiosn sorry bruh

>> No.6680713

Surfshack Tito. Do it dude.

>> No.6680718

That's a pretty good idea, thanks bro.

>> No.6680716
File: 1.40 MB, 1983x889, 1362005071045.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You have really pretty lips. I'm thinking Misha from Katawa Shoujo?

She's a bit darker skinned than you, but I think you'd look nice as Ellie Langford from Dead Space 2.

Lain Lain please do Lain! You'd be absolutely perfect for her.

Kisuke would be really cool, you'd suit him well.

You have such pretty eyes! Juliet or Boa, you'd look great as either.

I like Sailor Uranus out of all of your ideas, but if you want to do something elaborate, I like #6 the best, that looks neat.

Please #1. It'd be wonderful.

>> No.6680717

down. altho im not so dark anymore

>> No.6680723

I know its not on your ideas list, but you look like movie Ramona Flowers

>> No.6680730

You were in the ballpark, but I think you should do Khan from Milan.

>> No.6680735

i was just about to suggest the same thiing

as for a diff suggestion maybe one of the popuris from harvest moon was it?

khan from mulan? i thought that was the horse????

>> No.6680751

Oh fuck, it is. The big bad guy, I meant.

>> No.6680750

oh wait you can definetely do mari from evangelin 2.22

>> No.6680759

oh shan yu. oh wow really? thatd be kinda cool actually thanks dude

>> No.6680849

Mirka Fortuna, from Trinity Blood.
maybe one of the animus training characters like lady maverick or the hellequin.

o: i agree with the other posters about ramona flowers. maybe also sophitia from soul calibur, or xelha from baten kaitos?

fadroh from baten kaitos, you'd be really good as him!

>> No.6680961


>> No.6680973
File: 1.15 MB, 2000x892, KKD.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looking for new interesting suggestions! I'll be heading to the boonies this summer and I need to fill that spare time. Thanks!

I'll do my best to cover the majority of people! Sorry if some of the suggestions aren't very fresh. -__-

>> No.6681027

Your mouth reminds me more of classic anime characters. I think, even being a curvier girl, you could make a cute Utena. If you were to alter any of her outfits to suit your body it would look cute, I think. Her jackets seem to come in at the waist, which should be really nice on your body.

Tank Girl, that was the first thing that came to my mind.

Henrietta, Yui or Minori would look good on you.


>> No.6681050
File: 55 KB, 625x469, me.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can be mah lady.

>> No.6681062


>> No.6681072


>> No.6681092

Asami or Boa! I think you'd also be a good Sheryl Nome.

You'd make an excellent Uranus. Rosa from FF IV would also be cool.

ALL 0F THEM. You should dress as the chubby chocobo

Ramona was a good suggestion. Jade from Beyond Good & Evil would be a good one too.

>> No.6681310

susan from the lion the witch and wardrobe or leona from LoL.
you seem like the kind of girl that would look good in armour
tinkerbell forsrs
if you can get hte rest of the gang, yao would be legendary
>my waifu
but hmm, how about mystique from xmen or can you please do lady amalthea
kasumi from DoA
you would be a fantastic frodo
wednesday from the adams family
tank girl, isnt it obvious

>> No.6681369
File: 1.81 MB, 1990x882, Cosplay4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As someone stated before, Kat from DmC.
Leeloo from "The Fifth Element". You have a good face for Milla Jovovich characters.
Mugen or Lars.
Juliet. I think you'd also make a good Mia Fey (Ace Attorney)
ffffffff. Wonderwoman.
Pft haha, if you have an Ego, be JonTron! Otherwise, Russel.
Nicole! I've yet to see anyone cosplay her. Put lights in your mouth to really freak people out.
Kuroneko or even Kirino from "Ore no Imouto".

Here's mine. Whooop.

>> No.6681572
File: 333 KB, 1985x960, cosplay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel like I post in these threads way too much...

Holy crap, you have like... THE PERFECT FACE SHAPE for Cassandra. I say totally do it.

asdfkjhsdfjkh you're so adorable!! The first thing I thought when I saw you was "Yui!", even before I saw your planned cosplays. So Yui!


Asami or Juliet! :'D

I FEEL LIKE WE ONLY MEET IN THESE THREADS. but hi i love you and my girl crush still exists. dat cas. Sailor Uranus would be perfect for you! Do you have a tumblr that I can stalk you at? c: haha

>> No.6681607
File: 401 KB, 1598x713, suggestmecosplaysplease.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ohh I like the Misha from Katawa Shoujo suggestion! I second that.
Real Mayer from Ergo Proxy.
You'd be a cute Ringo Oginome from Mawaru Penguindrum!
I suggested you Vincent and Okabe from other threads... Do I have to suggest another? Haha. Hmm how about Main Protagonist/Souji Seta/Yu Narukami from Persona 4?
You're so pretty~! Boa would suit you really nicely. You'd be a wonderful Mitsuru Kirijou from Persona 3/Persona Ultimate Arena too!
Extravagant... Hmmm. How about Rapunzel from Tangled?
Itaru Hashida from Steins;Gate, you could even go as a team with >>6680112 hahaha.
Hmm Queen/Princess Serenity from Sailor Moon? She has this kinda fairy-wings.
Ohh you'd make such a cute Rise Kujikawa from Persona 4!
I seriously have no idea for you... Yosuke Hanamura from Persona 4?

>> No.6681628

why are all the newfags so fucking ugly

>> No.6681629

Oh, you posted while I was posting ;_; I think you'd be a cute Maka Albarn from Soul Eater.

>> No.6681634
File: 266 KB, 1985x900, Suggestions.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just threw this together, looking mostly for suggestions.

>> No.6681652

green arrow, with dat face hair.
or if you get really lean, spiderman.

>> No.6681654
File: 55 KB, 245x170, tumblr_m5o9eokYle1qcr3f0o7_250.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.6681669

Thank you! I'm going to fill out the rest of the suggestions after I finish making and eating dinner!

Because I think it would be funny to print out copyright violations and hand them out to people as a joke.

>> No.6681671

Jokes aren't as funny when 99% of people don't understand.

>> No.6681687

Mokoto? Oh wow, but she seems so tall and athletic, I don't know if I could pull it off. Thanks for the suggestion!
You have an adorable face, I'd love to see you do Yui!

I've never played DmC, but I like the way this character looks, so I may play it to see if I like her enough to cosplay her.
I'd like to see you do Dunban, it looks like you've got a good build for it!

Awwh, thank you.
Maybe Miranda, from Mass Effect. Your body type and general face shape would work well for it. If not, then go for Wonder Woman, I think you'd look fantastic.

You don't look enough like Yao to pull it off (which is kind of a compliment), but god I still want to see you do it because I friggin love Yao.

Mami, Misha, you people really wanna see me in drills, don't you? Rofl.
Do Nicole! The world needs more Dead Space cosplays!

You would make a very, very cute Doctor Horrible. Also, can I hug you?

Kotakoti cosplay would be hilarious.
Ooh, or maybe you could do Hitomi from DOA? She'd be rather simple to do, you just have to make sure you are very precise on clothing, since she wears average street clothes.

Maybe Michelle or Julia Chang from Tekken?

>> No.6681697

What >>6681687 said. Nicole would be awesome!

>> No.6681718
File: 1.78 MB, 2048x1536, suggestion cgl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I suck ass at making anything presentable in paint, so bear with me.

Gertrude from Runaways
10/10 would make waifu. Also, Nodoka
Definitely Vincent
Asami fo sho

>> No.6681737

Unfortunate name aside, Gertrude is actually kinda cute. I'll have to look into Runaways.
Quarians are always cool, so you could go with that. Otherwise, maybe Donte? I think it's the hair that makes me think of him, lol.

>> No.6681772


pls lift

>> No.6681796

No u

>> No.6681814

Do you even realize that the more people lift, the more Mother Nature suffers?

>> No.6681822
File: 60 KB, 188x193, Screen Shot 2013-03-02 at 22.53.24.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I lift when the character/costume requires it. I'm currently working on a costume that requires a slim build. I'll lift again when I need to.

>> No.6681850
File: 116 KB, 600x392, 4758-831126839.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This Akari?

>> No.6682036


>> No.6682049


>> No.6682055
File: 208 KB, 1080x720, Photo on 10-11-12 at 1.26 AM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I do have one of these things filled out, might post it later. Will also do suggestions right after this, but was curious what I might need to do to pull off Bayonetta. How do I get dem curves? Should I not even bother? I'm a guy, btw, just in case you couldn't tell.

Ignore all the shit on my face; I'd just gotten gel liner for the first time and was just going a little crazy having fun with it.

>> No.6682061

>How do I get dem curves?
Padding. Look for the crossplay general thread or google drag queen shapers.

>Should I not even bother?
Go for it, best Bayonetta I've seen was a man.

>> No.6682074

You've had that same one for a few months now, haven't you? How's the weight loss going?

I second another Anon's suggestion of Shitt P.

Forget her name, but the main girl from Majin Tantei Nougami Neuro

Sam from LOTR

I think Boa would look great!

Daenerys Targaryen

Yao would kick so much ass. Please do.

Adeleine, because I think it'd be really interesting to see in person.

Gah, I'm sorry, nothing's coming to me! Poison Ivy would be kinda cute.

Dr. Horrible

Cathrine, from the game

Filia from Skullgirls

Flynn Rider


>> No.6682176


>> No.6682269

My god you're a gorgeous man. Excuse me while I swoon.

>> No.6682288

pedo alert!!

>> No.6682298
File: 869 KB, 2345x902, My Cosplay Ideas - with face v_5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's my filled out thingy. Was very much in need of an update.

>> No.6682316

Oh my God you are handsome as fuck. Also you remind me of someone. Is your name Leonhard?

>> No.6682324

Aw, you're too kind, Anon. And nah, my American name's Chris.

>> No.6682339
File: 18 KB, 512x288, SHERIFF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did your mole switch sides?

>> No.6682340

Holy crap. You look amazing. You just motivated me to lose 50 pounds.

Honestly I'm a bit confused if the photos are the same people since the moles are on opposite sides, but here goes:

Mole on your right:
A lot of shoujo-male cosplays would look excellent. I'd like to see an Ulquiorra and Haku.

Mole on your left:
I'd like to see you dress up as characters with a kind face (going off of the photo provided). Momohime, Yukimura from Boku Wa Tomodachi, or Kuroyukihime from Accel world.

Sorry if my suggestions are shitty.

>> No.6682343

they guy from tokyo hotel

>> No.6682344

Was waiting for someone to point it out. I just flipped one picture so it'd fit better inside the box. In retrospect, I could have just moved my body pic to the other side. Herp derp.

>> No.6682350

>>6680716 here, thanks for all of the suggestions so far! Sorry I'm so terrible at giving suggestions.

I have no idea why, but you remind me of Anissa from Harvest Moon. I think it'd be really cute if you did her summer outfit.

Definitely Captain America! I think you'd fit glasses characters, too, but I'm so unoriginal all I can think of is Kenji from Katawa Shoujo.

Aha, I think Kotakoti would be a fun idea. Aside from that, Sakuya Izayoi?

Lenalee Lee seems like she'd suit you. I think Filia from Skullgirls was a good suggestion, too, though I guess neither of them are very girly.. Maybe IA?

Please do Leonardo da Vinci from Assassin's Creed. It'd be perfect. Or Cicero from Skyrim, that'd be cool too.

Quarian looks pretty cool, you should do that! Kurthnaga might be good for you.

I think Rin Okumura and Kilik, Saeko from High School of the Dead in her normal uniform might be nice, too.

>> No.6682357

I'll definitely look into drag queen stuff. Thank you!

I hope your weight loss goes well! And thanks you the suggestions. Ulquiorra is definitely going to happen; it's just a money sink, since I can't make either the mask or the sword on my own (without them turning out terribly, at least). Just gotta save up, I suppose.

>> No.6682372
File: 41 KB, 493x575, 1362375544376.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a question about cosplay.

For my next, cosplay, I'm stuck between two choices. Both characters are from the same series, and they are both the main character of their respective game. I like them both, but I like one a lot more than the other. However, the one I like less has a cooler outfit.

I'm not sure which one to do. Do I cosplay the one who has a cooler outfit, or the one I like more, with a not as cool outfit?

>> No.6682376

I should add they both look very similar. So it's not a matter of which one I look more like.

>> No.6682378


>> No.6682381

Cosplay is (well, should be!) about having fun and all that gooey nonsense. If you like one character more, go for it. Honestly, it all depends on what you want out of cosplay.

>> No.6682383

Few months? Nah, I just started browsing /cgl/ rather recently, like two or three weeks. And it's going alright, but winter kind of lead to a little stagnation overall since I live so far north.

>> No.6682393

Oh, my bad. Thinking back, it was probably only around early January last time I was in one of these, so I guess it wasn't that long ago.

>> No.6682404

Yeah, I definitely haven't been around for long. Probably a bit longer than two or three weeks now that I think of it, but still not long enough for there to be much of a difference, hahah.

>> No.6682677

Cosplay the one you like the most, you'll feel more comfortable

>> No.6683597
File: 1.77 MB, 250x188, petting owl.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay, I'd seen that dress before, but had no idea where it was from. One of life's many mysteries solved. I've thought about watching firefly, but I don't knoowwww. I can't get in to a series that I know was cancelled like that.
I'm still waiting for NANA to start back up.
It's funny you suggest Dany, since I cosplayed her for Otakon last year. The middle bottom self pic was a wig progress picture
Yao is absolutely awesome, especially if you do that matchmaker dress (please have oranges/apples, etc.) Also seconding Tito. You're nowhere near as big as him, but you're slightly on the ethnically ambiguous side. Make sure you give out ancient Hawaiian advice.
Also, those poor college student feels, bro. I know them.
Awesome job losing 26 lbs. You look awesome.
You have a very "pixie"ish look, for lack of a better word. Also sort of like Tegan...and Sara. Of Tegan&Sara. Your hair makes me think Julia Roberts' Tink from Hook.
Her outfits seem very....pink.
It looks like a challenge though. I'll definitely think about it.
I'll be your waifu any day, poolboy, Still waiting on that class period you were going to teach.
>lady amalthea
Hng my childhood. I just recently found out that Jeff Bridges is Prince Lir. Mind blown.
That puppy is the most adorable thing in the entire world. Dr. Horrible, definitely. If you want angsty middle school girls taking your picture, you also look like Mark from RENT.
Why is that? I always see so many idol girls in these threads.
I do have a tumblr! I don't update it very often, and I've been reblogging just random things I find funny or interesting, but it's amphigoricabrogation.tumblr.com
You should tell me yours so I can follow back~
Also, forever dakooter. You really do look a lot like her. But in a good, no photoshop-y sort of way.
Hana from Gate 7

>> No.6683659
File: 71 KB, 717x386, swan-princess1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

or even better you could do Odette from the Swan Princess. carry around little frog and turtle plushies
it would be kawaii

>> No.6683885

That owl is the cutest thing to ever exist.

>> No.6683891
File: 80 KB, 595x394, tom cruise cruise cruise.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unless your name is Eminem, el oh el.

>> No.6684003 [DELETED] 


>> No.6684056
File: 231 KB, 1598x713, zomg what do i cosplay as.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Need ideas for first cosplay.

Also anyone from Air Gear.

>> No.6684069

Suggestions slut. Also don't suck it in so much. It's painfully obvious

>> No.6684105

>would prefer a cosplay that isn't too revealing or shows off abs

>cosplay idea includes exactly that.

>> No.6684134


>> No.6684180

If I did do Kilik, which of his outfits would you recommend? He has like three or four, if I remember correctly.

>> No.6684191

>get tone

>> No.6684196
File: 859 KB, 1990x901, suggestions please?.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you want a really simple and easy costume then do Celia from Harvest moon

Accelerator, Haku and Ulquiorra!


seconding Flynn

Mayuri would be cute

>> No.6684343 [DELETED] 

that owl is still cute tho

>> No.6684428

give ideas, get ideas

>> No.6684449

Looking closer I can kind if see it in the cheeks, but holy shit I could never have seen it if you hadn't said.

>> No.6684511

But I'm not good at giving ideas. You guys really need a life.

>> No.6684521
File: 332 KB, 225x157, 1359783939365.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6684549
File: 29 KB, 283x339, Burch0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Really? Plz go.

>> No.6684552

that is not a valid excuse, some of these people already have suggestions on their lists and you just have to choose 1. everyone else did that and you're not superior to anyone.
how difficult is that lady muck? not all the world revolves around you.

>> No.6684589

It might look like it's happy or filled with joy to you, but its expression is actually that of an animal fearing for its life, hoping that the predator who could easily kill it will leave it alone if it willingly submits to his torture and doesn't fight back.

Doesn't feel as "cute" now, does it?

>> No.6684591

Extremely moe, actually.

>> No.6684672

no you seriously have to watch firefly and serenity. it will rip your heart out and you will love it.

>> No.6684695
File: 148 KB, 628x479, broken heart.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it will rip your heart out
You're right, it really ripped my heart out when I found out that the 'pure virginal waifu material' Kaylee slept with some guy she hardly knew for more than a day (or even less?) like a common whore. I was like... why...

>> No.6684790

How did this thread go off-topic again?

>> No.6684803

Cute owls and non-contributors wanting suggestions.

>> No.6684870

And people namedropping Grave of the Fireflies for no reason.

>> No.6684879
File: 405 KB, 1588x718, cgl1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never been to this board before.
Have wanted to go to a con for years and plan to do so with friends in May.
Not sure who I could go as. Any ideas? Preferably characters with shorter hair and easy-to-make costumes as I'd suck as making the more intricate/detailed ones.

>> No.6684895

>asks for ideas
>does not give suggestions for others.
Prepare to be ignored/harassed.

>> No.6684905

Don't expect any suggestions, you didn't give any out.

>> No.6684912

I suppose my CGL etiquette needs developing.
bottom right picture
6 - Lain
3 - Asami
7 - Sailor Uranus
4 - Yao
1 or 2
4 - Agito
Right han-side picture (Revi?)
2 - Nodoka

>> No.6684913


>> No.6684919

Are you planning on buying a wig at all?

>> No.6684924


not unless it looks very good/authentic.
I'd prefer to just style my own hair where possible

>> No.6684936

A suggestion on Gohan, by the way: Unless you're actually super fucking ripped, you'll look ridiculous. People always do when cosplay as any of the Z fighters. I would suggest, if you're really stuck on doing him, that you choose one of his outfits that covers his chest and arms, like his high school clothes or his Saiyaman costume. You can just forget the mask/helmet if you go for the latter, though. That shit's tacky as hell.

>> No.6684950

Agreed, it usually looks awfully tacky and I could find only 1 decent male Z-fighter cosplay that wasn't Piccolo! I think I have the mass to pull the current costume off.
Where might i find something i could make into the tunic? Ebay costumes look so cheap. Either that or I put a tank-top with some same-coloured trousers - but can't see that looked too good!

>> No.6684954

*looking to good

>> No.6684966

It's not about having the bulk, it's about being super cut. As for the tunic, you'll probably find it easiest to take an existing article of clothing and alter it. Starting from scratch can be understandably daunting, and it's rare to buy actually good stuff online.

>> No.6684971

yeah cutting to sub 10% body fat will be the main challenge after the costume.
Alter an existing item of clothing? Okay, will think about that. Like dyeing them purple and whatnot?

>> No.6684979

More about making it actually look like his top. If you're completely lost when it comes to sewing, there are plenty of tutorials online for a good place to start.

>> No.6684981


>> No.6685002

Why? There was a lot of guys who got a lot of suggestions and didn't give any ideas for others. Nobody said a word to them.

>> No.6685020 [DELETED] 

Oh Julia really looks like me, it made me giggle. Thank you for your suggestions!

Filia, eh? You're not the first one to suggest me her. I'll check out Skullgirls! Thank you for the suggestion!

>> No.6685045

Oh Julia really looks like me, it made me giggle. Thank you for your suggestions!

Filia, eh? You're not the first one to suggest me her. I'll check out Skullgirls! Thank you for the suggestion!

Lenalee is really cute! So is IA but I think she'd be more suited for >>6679636 because of her body shape. Thank you very much!

Ohh Hana is really cute!! Thank you very much for this suggestion!

But I said that I'm making Mayuri, guys ;_;

>> No.6685124

i was really shocked at first but then i thought it was kind of hilarious.

>> No.6685189
File: 407 KB, 2000x900, suggestions.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please Please Please be Minorin!

You'd make a beautful Boa or Asami!!

Atoli in her Aida form for a challenge?

I'd love you as Bolin or Mugen

Lizbeth from SAO


Mahiro from Zetsuen no Tempest


Second Green Arrow

Heroin from Amnesia

>> No.6685205

You should definitely do Elesa from Pokemon

>> No.6685217

>>Dangan Ronpa2
oh my god it's perfect, please doit.

>> No.6685267

He's been here for at least 2 and a half years.

>> No.6685290
File: 1.08 MB, 1596x728, oh god i'm scurt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry for my shitty webcam. I don't have any pictures of my body, I'm just tall and slim
Please don't hate me cuggle
I think Liz would be better if you're gonna do SAO
Amaimon is perfect good lord
Start lifting, friend.
I don't know if I can see you as revy, you look too nice
you could do a very good ulquiorra I think

>> No.6685351

> Someone actually cosplaying a character from Vagabond
I wanna give you the biggest bro fist from across the other side of the internet

>> No.6685365
File: 612 KB, 1596x728, my hair is not the only thing that's wet right not.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

please excuse my hair, I just came out of the shower

kojiro, definitely

lyfa fits your bodytype very well

I think you'd make a better goku than a gohan

nodoka would be perfect for you

how about jill valentine? or my valentine?;)

>> No.6685367

Wow, are you Poolboy's lost brother? You look so similar.

>> No.6685374

Vagabond is god-tier manga. Mad props. Do Kojiro.

>> No.6685388

how do you even have that picture it's like
a year old
thanks, I love it.
he's actually a friend of mine
I will return that fist

>> No.6685407

Andro? Since when did you cosplay?

>> No.6685412

since like, 8th grade
it's a closet hobby

>> No.6685430

Oh snap. Your coolness level just went up by 30%. Also Kojiro would be awesome.

>> No.6685444

Like I said, newfag.

>> No.6685448
File: 231 KB, 1598x713, 54876.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6685450

Oh god, please shave that shit stain off your lip. It looks disgusting.

>> No.6685454

Seconding the exit of the rapestache

>> No.6685478
File: 33 KB, 852x720, 87459475.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I have such shitty facial hair genetics.. it grows so slowly (but it IS growing).. I've invested too much time in this to let it go now..

.. but having said that - I would still shave it for the right cosplay.

Here's it clean shaven (with short hair) for reference anyway..

>> No.6685479

Literally a billion times more attractive.

>> No.6685482
File: 42 KB, 730x720, 478684.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


..thats just the lighting.. look at this babbyface..

>> No.6685484

You do kind of look like a lesbian, but it is still literally a billion times more attractive.

>> No.6685485
File: 442 KB, 1985x998, Cosp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm actually doing the Mordecai for October but want to have something else lined up, any suggestions are appreciated. Considering the old Monk design from Final Fantasy or a Diablo III Demon Hunter

Can't think of one for you right now, sorry.
Miyamoto Musashi, definitely.
If you're doing a SAO cosplay I'd put my vote in for Liz over Lyfa
If you're going for muscular characters you could try Kenshirou from Fist of the North Star
Amaimon for sure

>> No.6685488


I want to attract straight or bi girls though - not lesbians...

but still thankyou


No worries - I'm new here so I have no clues whatsoever so there's nothing to branch ideas from.

>> No.6685489

I really like your eyebrows but for real, get rid of that lip mildew

>> No.6685491

Well the pics without the facial hair do put another light on you, I'm pulling an all-nighter atm so if I do think of anything I'll post it up for you

>> No.6685500

>>6685491 here. Ignore that, I just thought of two. I know it's generic as hell but with a little more length on your hair Light Yagami from Death Note. Otherwise Welkin Gunther from Valkyria Chronicles coud be a good fit.

>> No.6685508


Thanks! but.. what do you mean by "lip mildew" and how do I go about removing it?



I have no problem with anything generic - as I said, I'm new here - so I need all the ideas I can get right now.

>> No.6685620 [DELETED] 
File: 173 KB, 1598x713, pleasehelplol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright, so literally any suggestion would help!! Never tried cosplaying but i would enjoy getting into it. Just incase the pic is shit, Im 5 '9 130lb. Im hispanic so that's another reason I can't think of much. Gah. Anyways, thanks in advance! :3

>> No.6685622

lol, just incase it's not obvious, im a male

>> No.6685635

suggestions first, manlet.
> :3
gtfo. This isn't tumblr.

>> No.6685639

I'm assuming that is not supposed to be a legitimate suggestion. I can't really tell, thanks anyways.

>> No.6685644

I don't know what you mean, but what anon was saying is that you need to post 5 suggestions for other people before you can receive suggestions.

>> No.6685649

Oh, i didn't read that correctly. That's completely understandable then.

>> No.6685653

No, dumbass, you give other people suggestions, and then you get suggestions.
At least scan the thread before you post in it. Every other newfag gets called out on posting some half assed picture labeled "omg i dunno plz help lol" and then expects everyone to suggest characters while they don't give any out.

>> No.6685670

> bottom right picture
Lol, bro, they're all the same character.

>> No.6685675

That's why she was asking about which outfit. All the pictures are of different oufits bro.

>> No.6685692

Bro, I'm the bro that is in the picture, bro.

I was just posting a bunch of pictures of her to fill the space.

Also, you should do Kilik from SC.

>> No.6685964
File: 246 KB, 1585x714, 1362741441656.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Scott Pilgrim
Vega from Street Fighter if you've got any definition.
You'd make a great Fionna from Adventure Time
Haku looks right for you
Moltar all the way
Mayuri also look into the Atelier games (Totori/Meruru/Rorona) that was cute girly character/costumes.
Nicole would be cool to see

>> No.6685971

Well, there's perhaps 1 or 2 people tops ITT who have been here longer than that, you fucking hypocrite.

>> No.6685982
File: 523 KB, 1598x713, CGL Suggestion Help.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sarutobi Asuma might work for you and your beard.

If you are scrawny like Scarecrow or Mordecai, then maybe Nox from Wakfu could work for you.

Go with Lyfa.

Red Arrow or Arsenal from Young Justice

Being 6'4 you could probably pull off a Spartan from Halo, though 6'4 is short for a Spartan-II.

Alright, I need something Space related. Hopefully I can convince some friends to join with me for a group cosplay.

>> No.6685991
File: 895 KB, 1598x713, template.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry if I do anything wrong this is my first time for this. Very new to /cgl/

Axton looks good
Cody won't be a good choice, maybe mitsurugi from soul series?
Go with Mordecai, you are well suited. Maybe dye the ends of your hair brown that poke out the back of the hatty-thing.
Nathan Explosion, lose the stache. I tried a beard and that did not end well, even though I have solid growth.
You kinda look like a lady. You don't have the chin and jawline to do Tarzan, assuming you have the amazing body. Mannerisms would go a long way though.
Yes. The one on your pic is great.
Ramona Flowers, you have a fierce face.

>> No.6685994

>Go with Mordecai, you are well suited. Maybe dye the ends of your hair brown that poke out the back of the hatty-thing.
was directed at >>6685485 forgot quotes.

>> No.6685995
File: 502 KB, 1598x713, FireAtWill.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here goes nothing.

>> No.6686068

A perfect Musashi
Ed Elric
A snow trooper would be sweet
FF VII Character
I assume you're suggesting Kilik to the Gohan wannabe (me) but i'm not >>6685670

>> No.6686092
File: 109 KB, 1598x943, cosplay spreadsheet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First time posting but I saw this and had to post - I've got around 6 months to make a costume for an Australian winter - so around 18-25 degrees usually! any suggestions would be awesome

>> No.6686098
File: 257 KB, 1598x713, d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6686103

post non-blurry, and the last three people need to look at >>6680057 unless you want people to disregard or be mean to you.

>> No.6686109
File: 145 KB, 478x374, stache-goodman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6686251

Listen kid. You are not nearly attractive enough to try to act cute with people giving you advice.
Although I wouldn't say advice as much as it is "your newfag is showing, these are the rules of this thread. Follow them or gtfo"

>> No.6686254

>was meant for>>6686098 >>6686109

>> No.6686270
File: 129 KB, 1598x713, me acting cute.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

am I cute enough to act attractive?

seriously, you guys need to chill

>> No.6686272

damn, I misspelt yaoi

>> No.6686278

Alright, I have to admit you're just too handsome to be mad about. Touché.

You should cosplay Etzio Auditore from Assassin's Creed. Maybe it's just the hoodie...

>> No.6686285

>lol at newfags wanting suggestions but still not following the rules
Sure is retarded up in this thread. How exactly do you think the thread would work if everyone just posts their own pictures and then doesn't give suggestions?

>> No.6686305 [DELETED] 

give suggestions please, or if you have already please link them to your template

please read

next time the OP should REALLY include them in their post

>How exactly do you think the thread would work if everyone just posts their own pictures and then doesn't give suggestions?
et's establish a new rule:
If you don't post any suggestions you will not get any
if you can't post suggestions at the moment, please say so when you post your template, and link the post with the suggestions when you've finished.

>> No.6686308 [DELETED] 

give suggestions please, or if you have already please link them to your template

please read

next time the OP should REALLY include them in their post

>How exactly do you think the thread would work if everyone just posts their own pictures and then doesn't give suggestions?
et's establish a new rule:
If you don't post any suggestions you will not get any
if you can't post suggestions at the moment, please say so when you post your template, and link the post with the suggestions when you've finished.

>> No.6686311

give suggestions please, or if you have already please link them to your template

please read

next time the OP should REALLY include them in their post

>How exactly do you think the thread would work if everyone just posts their own pictures and then doesn't give suggestions?
Let's establish a new rule:
If you don't post any suggestions you will not get any
if you can't post suggestions at the moment, please say so when you post your template, and link the post with the suggestions when you've finished.

>> No.6686315

>third person posts a picture of me
>no one realizes it's a picture of the same person
This is so weird

>> No.6686321

handsome people (like me) post their pics, ugly people suggest to handsome people

how is that not a perfect solution?

>> No.6686326
File: 808 KB, 1598x713, cosply.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hmmmh, maybe... Seth from Superbad.
You could probably do a really cute female Spock, it's the haircut.
You should be able to pull of any Pokemon trainer just fine. Red might even be a better option than Gold.
Marth from Fire Emblem.
Any vidya male. Probably make a good MShep.
Yeah do Mordecai, get a blue wig.

>> No.6686336

are you real comrade?? за мати русь!!

>> No.6686361

Well you're just trying to make this board hate me, aren't you?
Eileen looks fitting.
Donte, if you can handle the stigma
Tali or Jack from Mass Effect, if you've got the time to invest.

>> No.6686364

it makes me sad that no one voted for litchi, that game is great and you would look great as her.
2nded on the taiga idea

>> No.6686458

no, I'm doing the exact same thing you're doing (it starts with a "t", if you get what I mean)

>> No.6686491
File: 328 KB, 751x627, Nodoka_Manabe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>6679636 here, thank you for all the suggestions! I'm surprised that all the characters listed were mentioned at least once!
except for Ui

from your list: Shion and Yukina.
The first thing I thought was Nami from One Piece because you'd look good with short hair, otherwise Hitagi Senjougahara from Bakemonogatari, or Meme Touwa from Denpa Onna to Seishun Otoko (I've never seen any cosplays of her and it's a shame because she's a cute character)

seconding Kenshiro, but you have to archive dem eyebrows in order to perfectly resemble him

>pic related (?)

Geth would be cool

please do Ryoko Asakura from TMOHS, I hope that the fact that she's a yandere won't discourage you, but you'd look super cute as her
also Kotomi Ichinose from Clannad and Mio Akiyama from K-ON! or Sawako, but Mio would look better as you have darker hair.
(I'm sorry if the character designs aren't very interesting)

aww thank you ;u; I have the dumbest smile on my face right now
I'd say Taiga but I'd really prefer to see Ryouko Ookami instead, you could pull off a lot of anime characters since you're incredibly pretty.

Doctor Horrible, and oh my gosh that dog is adorable

I've never considered her, but that would be cool, thanks!

you'd be a super cute tinkerbell, but I'd also like to see Adeleine
I also think you could pull off Lain

I'm not sure, she's my favourite yy but I'd be a bit awkward cosplaying from that particular series heh

haha I bet it's the straight hair that helped
I've considered adding Kiki before
you don't really look a lot like him but I'd love it if you would cosplay Yao, you could get someone to be Ling and Chien Po.

>dat Conchita cosplay
hhfsfsd I love you
You and Moira have very similar face features so it would be perfect
Blonde Hair looks nice on you so I also say go with the hanbok!Lady Rainicorn

>> No.6686516

Well, Ui is like literally the worst K-On girl, so you wouldn't want to cosplay that. It's like someone offering you £50 or £10 and picking the latter.

>> No.6686525

You look kind of like PT without the horrendous jaw. Please don't ruin K-ON for us.

>> No.6686531

but the 10 has Darwin on it...

>> No.6686582
File: 973 KB, 1598x713, suggestions1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay, here we go!

You'd look good as Bolin from Legend of Korra - not just for look but based on your poses I think you could have a lot of fun acting as him.

Rue/Kraehe from Princess Tutu - you've got a great face for her as well as body type! The dark colors would look nice on your skin tone, as well.

I would say Gold's a good choice for you, definitely! Shame your face pic is so blurry - sorry I can't give a new suggestion!

Protagonist from Persona 3. I see him as being handsome but also a bit boyish and I think your face suits just that!

You could definitely do a really cute and classy Rarity - just be sure to play up to the strengths of your figure and you'll be a knock out.

>> No.6686608

>Ui is like literally the worst K-On girl
oh that's a bit harsh, she's not that bad!

.. thank you for the feedback, that wasn't very nice but everyone has their own opinions so I'll respect that.

>> No.6686622
File: 7 KB, 147x251, why.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why did you stop tripping?

>> No.6686652

Because I felt it was unnecessary, I did not contribute anything valuable so it wasn't a big loss really.
It just attracted negative attention and silly made-up drama, things that I do not want to be part of or have anything to do about.

>> No.6686678
File: 473 KB, 245x146, tripfriends anon.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, it's not pointless. I noticed a lot of tripfags seem to share this mentality and it pains me greatly. Cause, you see, there is one incredibly useful thing that people associating themselves with a trip provide - they can be added to the ignore list. I had like ~more than a half of /cgl/'s latest tripfag batch on my ignore list before and my mind was at peace. But now, some of them don't trip anymore and I can see the annoying posts popping up everywhere again. Yours are especially bad, what with all the bad grammar / constant sucking up / general immaturity.

I mean, really, it's so ironic... you people stop doing it thinking you're helping the world... but you're making things worse.

>> No.6686690

Oh my word, you should definitely cosplay Wes! Not enough Pokemon Colosseum love in the world.

>> No.6686718

ohhh now I get it
I thought there was something off about her pics- she's an ex drug addict, that's why
but you should congartulate her and not ask why she left your addict circkes, idiot..

>> No.6686725

Thank you for all the suggestions! I actually cosplayed from TMOHS, CLANNAD and cosplayed Mio too, I'm thinking of doing a Don't Say Lazy ver.
I thought of cosplaying Sawako but it's kinda lame without the other girls or at least the boy...
Oh, actually I like yanderes! So maybe I could give Ryouko a try~

Thank for the suggestions! Too bad that Atelier series is for PS3 ;_; I think you'd be a great Maes Hugh from FMA!

You'd be such a cute Nodoka! I think you'd make a cute Rise or Chie from Persona 4.

Hmm I dunno why but I think you'd make a cute Kirito from Sword Art Online. You could also be Rukawa from Slam Dunk since you're tall!

Sorry to the last two for forgetting about their suggestions! ;_;

>> No.6686728

no one cares, go back to /soc/

>> No.6686729
File: 122 KB, 400x400, 1345603917293.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6686734
File: 8 KB, 256x197, my brain is full of billions and billions of fuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

O-okay, I'll be more considerate next time.

>> No.6686743

I can tell what trip you are too. Why can't you just switch to, I dunno, ignoreme #please or something like that when you stop liking your trips? Just be a sport and let me hide you. It's a two way relationship where everyone is happy, is it not?

>> No.6686746

Stop shitting up the thread and give suggestions, dumbasses.

>> No.6686771

It stopped being good right about the time the autism / "why don't you suggest to other people" brigade started insulting everyone.

If it offends you that a person doesn't give suggestions - don't give him suggestions when you post suggestions instead of moaning / crying about it like a little baby. Maybe those people have just the kind of face that someone will just happen to have the perfection suggestion for. But should he just autistically refuse to share his suggestions with him just because he "dared" to not have the endless free time to post suggestions for others?

I remember a time when no one cared and everything worked FINE.

>> No.6686779

yeah you could be a decent Raiden. Can't see the costume being particularly easy to make though!
Be a sexy Meowth
2 - Female MC
PKMN dude

>> No.6686815

>Sarutobi Asuma might work for you and your beard.
I appreciate you incorporating the beard but I'm not into Naruto
>Cody won't be a good choice,
Why do you think?
>maybe mitsurugi from soul series?
Totally can't do armor and totally can't do shirtless for such a muscular character.
You actually seem more like a Scout to me but you should be able to pull off Snoipah
>Too bad that Atelier series is for PS3 ;_;
Too bad indeed, I love them so much
>I think you'd be a great Maes Hugh from FMA!
Now that you mention it, I could see it. I'll consider it.

>> No.6686822

I don't. But seriously, are you saying that they can't take 5 minutes to make a few suggestions? I just wanted to make the thread go back on its rail and guess what - it worked.

>> No.6686831

I don't
I like the MC from persona, but I'm a little biased I think.

>> No.6686833

>implying correlation = causation
Try "putting it back on track" at 3:00 AM in America.

>> No.6686874

Yeah, it was meant for you. /cgl/ really needs post IDs.

>> No.6686881

IDs are meant to be used as punishment (kind of a "your board is so bad you don't deserve anonymity - one of the founding mothers of 4chan" statement), not as a boon.

>> No.6686892

I really wish people would stop whining for IDs every time they get confused by the flow of conversation or the fact that not everyone who disagrees with them is one person. If you dislike anonymity, go to any other site on the internet.

>> No.6686903

This. It's also not that hard to find ips if you really can't stand it

>> No.6686906
File: 998 KB, 219x300, cat hug.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are the best person in this thread, whoever you may be.

>> No.6686913


>> No.6686919

Guts, definitely.

>> No.6686926

here again
Even if you wear a blonde wig, you don't have the bright yellow eyebrows. I think a big part of Cody's character is in his eyes and face. He is also about attitude though, the kind to lie down in the middle of a fight just cause he is bored. Your jawline under that beard seems decent, so that should help. His alt costume is less recognisable than the blue stripes, but you should still be recognisable with the long cuffs and maybe a pipe. Good luck with the working out, most SF characters have freakishly fit bodies. I can understand not wanting to do a topless character, it is full on. Seconding Maes Hughes, you have the perfect beard growth pattern.

I'm actually doing sniper not scout because in another thread someone pointed out my weird chin is better suited to his facial structure. Also scouts are dime-a-dozen and probably the easiest cosplay to construct.

>> No.6686932

thx <3

>> No.6686962

bump for suggestions on >>6685991 with new round of suggestions for the thread.

Envy from FMA? You have a good body for that and her dress is a fair bit more conservative than Liliana. I also think you have the right face for Sakaki from Azumanga Daioh, but on the other hand she is freakishly tall, not regular person size.
Yoko from TTGL if you have confidence. If you don't mind wigs then Rise from P4. Madoka would be impressive to see though.
10x Cassandra
If the middle pic is your natural hair then you would make a fine Vincent. Good body for him too.
Hands off the panda!
Lady Rainicorn in an over the top rainbow-themed dress? Good suggestion.

>> No.6686984

The eyebrow thing used to worry me when I first started cosplying but it seems to me that it's more or less accepted, but I'm gonna see if I have any options for them, think I may have found something useful actually. Tbh my main concern was the recognizability of the alt, but it's what I want to do, if I don't get many pictures taken oh well. I will be putting "METRO CITY D.O.C." as well as the prisoner number on the jumpsuit, definitely the long cuffs, a knife and maybe make a PVC pipe and paint is silver. To be honest I kind of write off the SF4 designs as kind of unrealistic but I think if I puff out my chest and hold up my shoulders I can pull it off.

Alright, yeah, the chin thing makes sense. And you couldn't be more right about Scout. The only reason I did Finn was because I did an alt Finn the day before and figured I might as well do something the last day.

>> No.6686995

Has anyone ever noticed how, except for rare exceptions, people don't actually ever change their templates according to the suggestions they received (and liked)? Makes you wonder

>> No.6687000

I'm sure some are just looking for reassurance on their ideas

>> No.6687073

Then they should not keep checking the "Suggestions? Yes [_] No [_]" box all the time.

Maybe someone should make a new template, because everyone naturally picks yes without even giving it a thought.

Like, "Are You Looking For New Suggestions Or Do You Want Just Confirmations?" perhaps.

>> No.6687086

But what if they want confirmation AND new suggestions?
Maybe they don't add new suggestions because they're not sure of them/they don't like them/they forget about them?

>> No.6687100

"Do you want new suggestions?"
"[_] Yes [_] No"
"Do you want confirmations [for your suggestions]?"
"[_] Yes [_] No"

Hypothetically, you could argue that you always want confirmations when you throw in some suggestions already in the template as you post it.

But I suppose, having both of these check-box options means that you can fill in the empty space with, say, things that you're already set on cosplaying, to illustrate to others what kind of cosplays you are likely interested in.

The way I wrote the options is perhaps not the briefest, but certainly it would help communicate what the poster is looking for better.

I would make a new version myself but I am bad at MSPaint.

>> No.6687113

Darling, I already gave 8 suggestions. You can suck it.


>> No.6687145

Hmmm Envy is pretty flat and square, are you sure you got that right? I love Sasaki hahaha but I'm not tall enough for her, but I could make a shorter skirt to give the illusion of being taller maybe? I think you'd be a great Okabe Rintarou from Steins;Gate and Junpei Iori from Persona 3. Thanks for the suggestion!

>> No.6687168
File: 115 KB, 1280x720, 27282270-1280-720.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My bad, I meant Lust not Envy. This one.
Thanks for your ideas.

>> No.6687176

How are people supposed to know that?

>> No.6687186

I don't care how - just don't assume automatically that I didn't suggest anything. Check your privilege, you prejudiced asshole.

>> No.6687193

go bak 2 tumblr

>> No.6687209

I have just broken up from a relationship, with the person i have loved most in my life, lost my best friends, and somehow this made my day.

>> No.6687217

pls go away
your trolling is painfully obvious
everyone who's not a complete newfag knows that those are the pics of some attention whore from /soc/
responding to yourself saying 'you' are handsome all the time makes it only more obvious

>> No.6687228

Oh, Lust is a great character! Thank you for the suggestions to you too.

>> No.6687229

So this is what happens when people try to move to new boards, huh.
Thanks /cgl/

>> No.6687243

no, that is what happens when someone recognizes pitiful attempts at farming attention
you might as well have posted pics of your junk
now stop samefagging so hard

>> No.6687412

>I remember when no one cared
Yeah, when was that? These threads have always had a "give suggestions, get suggestions" unspoken rule on them.
Maybe people weren't as vocal about it, but I know for me at least it is fucking obnoxious to come in to these threads and half the posts are newfags who don't even have ideas for themselves.
Like the one anon said, how the fuck do these threads work if everyone posts themselves but doesn't give suggestions?
In the time you spent defending your God awful laziness you could have given out five suggestions easy.

>> No.6687418

>lol oops u caut meee lol
Really we're not idiots.
>attention whore from shitty attention whore board comes to cgl
>sudden influx of random "anons" post said attention whore's picture.
>"omg ur sooo kyoot lol"
>"omg lol stop posting le me lol"
Soc may be a bunch of fucking retards, but we aren't

>> No.6688247

>These threads have always had a "give suggestions, get suggestions" unspoken rule on them.
True, but I'd like to emphasize the *unspoken* part.
>In the time you spent defending your God awful laziness you could have given out five suggestions easy.
I'm not defending myself, for I didn't post a template of my own - I am only defending the seagulls' human rights - to post without being ridiculed for not following some arbitrary rule.

>> No.6688344 [DELETED] 

ugly, but would cum between glasses
very trashy, probably just touching would give me AIDS
hnng, would fill in dat sweet delishs underage cunny with semen
would keep raping until there will be tears
you got that bitchy dyke look on your face, would slap and choke like a bitch
brb printing your pic to masturbate onto

>> No.6688392

This isn't a rate thread, go back to /soc/.

>> No.6688398

>I am only defending the seagulls' human rights - to post without being ridiculed for not following some arbitrary rule.
You don't have a "human right" to not get your feelings hurt, you moron.


>> No.6688401

You never know. I always ask for suggestions, but I inevitably am suggested the same two or three characters from animes I don't know/like over and over again. There needs to be a "frequently suggested but don't want to do it so please stop saying it" box on the template. But then again, something like that would spark a thousand, "Why don't you want to be that character? You'd be perfect!" responses, so maybe not.

>> No.6688477

>>6688344 here
my dick is almost sore
but for you, I will masturbate some more

i am giving them suggestions to better themselves so they will be more attractive to me in a way:))
yes you care, you just mad bitch becasu I told you your ugly

I will imagine penetrating every underage girl I see in this thread and masturbate to the thoguht
you can't stop me:P

>> No.6688481

Mm, so alpha!

>> No.6688569

Another tripfag that stopped tripping, I can tell.

I really wish there was some way that tracked the tripname that's being ignored to the computer from where it's being used and then kept ignoring the tripfag (=the computer) even when he stops using it.

If you want to make /cgl/ a better place, stop existing. Of course, you won't do that - since you don't actually want to help, you just noticed that too many people were ignoring you and had to do something about it.

>> No.6688727
File: 1.52 MB, 1990x900, cgl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, there goes my first try...

I'll just go with the others and say Female MC
Rarity would work if you get the hair right
Your face it... it just fits to Sniper
I personally would really love to see a Snowtrooper cosplay
I could imagine you and your beard as John Marston

>> No.6688735

How old are you?

>> No.6688738

I'm 20.

>> No.6688747

Oh okay, I was worried there for a sec.

People who are 25 and older (especially 25 year olds with Mexican ancestry from the San Diego area) shouldn't cosplay anymore, in my opinion.

>> No.6688761
File: 323 KB, 1980x888, tgerfsd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

O_O is the only face I can pull off in photos.. otherwise I look like a marmit. True Story.

Anyone remotely cute but I like the Fire Emblem one.

Johhny bruh!

>> No.6688766

Please be in London. (And don't come back.)

>> No.6688773

Ausfeg :<

>> No.6689048

dude you can cosplay like any handsome anime character ever

>> No.6689063

so... How far back do I have to give suggestion to post in this thread and not get scolded for being lazy, or not giving enough suggestions? There are alot of post.

>> No.6689072

Just do a handful. Some is better than none.

>> No.6689071

Yet you didn't give a single suggestion.

That coupled with the same awful grammar and typing style... I detect a samefag

>> No.6689074

do at least 5

see this

>> No.6689120

>fatty jealous of Andro's perfect aesthetics
He's friends with poolboy (the 2nd most handsome guy on here) too, so you better stop being jealous now, rather than later, lest you want to be the laughing stock of /clg/.

>> No.6689125
File: 375 KB, 1985x909, dsadsa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well I feel like an idiot. I should read before I post. Thanks. (in one of the pics with the red jacket I was out of tango TF cosplay. Hard to drive with a fake goatee on)
Alright lets start.
Malzahar. You depict what I would think Malzahar looks without his hood.
John Marston. With that beard goin man. You got it.
Female MC from Persona
Samus would be awesome but would cost alot. So with that in mind Rigby... But I like regular show..
Luigi. get yourself a shorter maybe bigger bro and do mario and luigi. Put your own spin on things too. You can do frat party mario/luigi or something like that. CHange it up a bit. >>6685982
Venom. Put your money into this so that way you have more motivation to work out so you don't look like some fat guy in a tight body suit but a /fit/ guy in a body suit.
Sarutobi Asuma would look pretty cool. Your beard will work with it too.
Ezio. I think it will work well. Or Ezreal.

>> No.6689167
File: 411 KB, 599x521, Screen Shot 2013-03-12 at 20.50.38.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Watch out everyone, we got ourselves a tough guy.

>> No.6689192


>> No.6689213
File: 251 KB, 350x498, Screen Shot 2013-03-12 at 21.05.38.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Samefaggin this much.

Please stop shitting up the thread/board.

>> No.6689357

Sure, and you're definitely not samefagging...

>> No.6689363

Killi from the Hobbit

>> No.6689452


>> No.6689677

I am not very good at suggestions, but here goes easy mode.

I think you'd quite suit Mae Hughes provided you use a wig, but Jake would be pretty neat to see. Make sure to get a buddy to be Elwood. Poppo from Anohana if you're into Anime, Drake from Advance Wars.

I reckon you'd suit Jayne from Firefly , or Ezio from Assassin's Creed Revelations.

From your list, I'd say to go with Adam Jensen. Could also do Axton from Borderlands. Can't really think of anybody else, sorry.

I'd say Madoka or Asami from your list. Fionna from Adventure Time too I reckon.

Eileen is a good choice I think, maybe also Mabel from Gravity Falls or Hilda from Pokemon.

>> No.6689687

See, decent people like this are the corner stone of our society. All I see is a stub. I really wish all the other people would take inspiration from this fearless person.

>> No.6689686
File: 852 KB, 1598x713, comicsans.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And I'll drop mine off too.
Anything from my list would work, or some new suggestions would be cool too.

>> No.6689719

liking Ashitaka

>> No.6689756

you should definitely do Ashitaka (yes you, not him)

>> No.6690217

Seriously faggot.
Go away.
We don't like your kind here.
>that embarrassingly obvious samefagging.

>> No.6691156

Jack Frost from Rise of the Guardians.

>> No.6691183

This just in, but I noticed some of you use a combination of kilograms and feet. Why would you do that? I thought it's feet/pounds in dumb countries (USA/UK...) and metres/kilograms in clever countries (rest of the world...).

>> No.6691238

Seth ftfw

>> No.6691580
File: 2.77 MB, 480x272, 1353805196252.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


you starting to get shreded breh?

>> No.6691676

Yeah, I'm really leaning towards him, just recently watched the movie again, forgot how much I liked it. Cheers.

Also considered him, but I want to wait until I actually see the movie before deciding, thanks.

Man, I wish. I've been eating more and lifting more, but in realism I'm probably just putting on weight from eating a load of meat.

>> No.6691700

UK uses stones and kilos too, go figure

>> No.6691722


That's fine because you're sexy.

>> No.6691750

See >>6687418

Either that or >>6688569

= inbred briton samefagging // inbred britons tripfag circlejerking.

Be that as it may, kindly fuck off.

>> No.6691789
File: 139 KB, 926x1000, Malcolm-In-the-Middle-malcolm-in-the-middle-25648598-926-1000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Frankie Muniz please
for a legitimate suggestion, I think you'd make a bitchin' Kid Flash (DC comics)
pretty much any version, really (except Iris)

but seriously, I think Malcom in the Middle every time I see your face

>> No.6691809

micnax is that you again

Haha, don't worry, not the first time I've heard that. And I've been wanting to do a Young Justice thing for a while now and would love to do Kid Flash at some point, but I think I might wait until I'm a bit more confident in my cosplay making abilities.

>> No.6691938
File: 184 KB, 1598x713, 1362741441656ss.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Open to almost anything. I need ideas for my face/body type! In the process of losing weight too. Although honestly I cannot grow much facial hair so that might be a factor.

>> No.6691959

I think the more these threads turn to a pure sausage fest (nothing but males in last X temps), the less likely are people to bother anymore. What you need is more kawaii~ girls to pump life into it them, lest they die alone.

Can someone make the new template ( >>6687100 ) and a new thread with it pls?

>> No.6692019
File: 29 KB, 1990x901, Cosplay Ideas template (small).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, I'm the one who made the updated template (pic related), so if anyone wants the .ai file from me, I'd be glad to give it to them. Don't really feel like doing it myself this very moment, though I could do it later tonight.

>> No.6692231

I think it's also to do with the fact that males are hard to give suggestions for, mainly because animu males have the tendency to look exactly the same.

>> No.6692271

Why not give suggestions to the girls who already posted then?

>> No.6692305

Because I'm jealous of all the suggestions they already got :c

>> No.6693154

You are an idiot

>> No.6693193
File: 176 KB, 1598x713, cglrequestbeardedone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I made a thread a while ago before I knew about these suggestion threads. So, now that I'm in the right place, let's try this again.

I'm brand new to cosplay - the suggestion I get here will be my first. I want to do it right the first time and not infect any cons with a terrible cosplay. Help me cgl. I need you. <3

More than anything, I'm curious as to your ideas on what cosplays I can pull off. I figure you're the experts on this topic so I'd like to see what you have for me.

>> No.6693206

I agree with both, unless a guy already has many ideas on his list, it becomes really hard (at least for me) to choose a character, even worse if you have to find new ideas.
Let's establish a couple of rules then:
>OP has to ALWAYS post the rules with the template, NOT in the next post, really they're not hard to remember
>If you can't post suggestions for others with your template please say so, but promise that you'll post them later (and LINK them with your template, or everyone will be confused)
>If you don't give any suggestions/refuse to, the other people should ignore you, it's only fair
>If you dislike someone, don't derail the thread with your off-topic hate, this is a cosplay suggestion thread and not a "post your face and get shat on" thread

>> No.6693213

suggest for others first

>> No.6693235

Dear men in this thread,
It is painfully obvious that you do not know how to properly grow and/or trim beards. Please hold off on even trying until after your beard hairs stop looking like pubes.
Chin strap beards are not attractive. Little pube goatees are not attractive. Neckbeards are not attractive.
Honestly half of you look like you often think to yourself "Man, I look good in a fedora". Spoiler: also not attractive.

This has been your friendly cgl PSA on how to not look like a giant faggot who just grew his first beard.

>> No.6693248

I've suggested quite a few, but I'd be glad to try a few more. More than happy to contribute

I think you could pull off Jenson pretty damn well given you put a lot of time into your eye-wear.

Please do the world a favor and cosplay Asami. You'd be perfect for her!

Eileen looks to be a perfect fit. I can see you as Sheska from FMA as well, but that may be too obscure a character?

I'll go back through the thread and see what else I can come up with on a second pass.

>> No.6693264

again, how the fuck are people supposed to know that you suggested?

>> No.6693281

I... don't expect them to? Why the hostility?
I realize I didn't include any with my personal post, so I added a few more after the fact.

>> No.6693413

Hello again eyebrows man. You seem kinda Sagat-y to me.

>> No.6693433

Hello, hello. Sagat's definitely an interesting one.
I like the idea of walking around a con yelling TIGER at everyone and everything...
However, I'm not sure how I feel about wearing a bald cap.

>> No.6693463
File: 534 KB, 1598x713, cosplay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello, it's my first time here.

>> No.6693555

Suggest for others first.

>> No.6693597

How? I don't have the requisite base of knowledge to know what would look good on other people, nor do I have the faintest clue what cosplaying involves other than "clothes and a costume". I would be talking out of my ass, which is probably worse than not saying anything at all...

>> No.6693604

What? You just... you just use your eyes, there's no "trick" to suggesting cosplays. People appreciate whatever suggestions you have for them.

>> No.6693609

Okay then I guess I will try to make some suggestions after I wake up tomorrow, I just don't want to accidentally make bad ones.

I have a very poor ability to visualize concrete objects so I find it very difficult to imagine what someone would look like cosplaying some character.

>> No.6693741
File: 23 KB, 500x282, el-dorado.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

posts measurements
I'm not sure what to think about this.

Your selection is quite conservative, which is a safe choice for a first-timer, they are easier to put together. The downside is that they are less recognisable. You might want to consider bringing something with you like an Eva-01 plushie for example to make it clear exactly which character you are.

Because you are not scared of make up, consider trying a character such as this pic. I know it is a western source, but there are sure to be anime/manga similar characters. I'm not so familiar with that. postscript you don't have the face for crossplay

>> No.6693823

I think you could do any of them well

>> No.6693885

I gotta admit, I only come to /cgl/ for boobs, having noticed this thread, I couldn't keep from noticing how all the folks here look so much like the characters you guys cosplay... to the degree where people look like anime characters with more casual clothes

>> No.6694454

Do males usually not post measurements?

>> No.6694554

Not the anon you're replying to, but it's usually a "lol i dunno" or just blank. It's unusual, but in no way bad. Just curious from one guy who knows makeup to another, what's allowed you to be familiar with it yourself?

>> No.6694564

Ah I see. I got some shirts custom-made to my measurements, so I had to put in my own measurements online, so I got a tape measure and spent the better half of an hour trying to figure them out.