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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 7 KB, 111x39, cos.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6678173 No.6678173 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.6678176


Old thread

>> No.6678184


>> No.6678187

I don't think they care given by their post count and JasonTerror isn't even in the topic any more.

>> No.6678192

In case you missed it, coscom is full of transtrenders and self-diagnosers. Jason is not unique, so by attacking that you're attacking other members and making it easier for him to ignore your other arguments because of perceived "transphobia"
Focus on his abusive behavior. Save the trender shit for another day.

>> No.6678197
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>> No.6678200

I'm enjoying this so much that I'm popping popcorn. This is the most fun I've read on Coscom since that antihelper idiot. It's about time someone put Jason in his place. He can't even come up with a rebuttal!

>> No.6678217

Is there a thread I should be viewing?

>> No.6678224


>> No.6678221


>> No.6678230
File: 105 KB, 902x351, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think there needs a forum-wide "Who would avoid JasonTerror if they saw him?" sound off.

>> No.6678231

This one anon. Jason being it usually higher than thou self, gets called out by iso and evaunit, all hell breaks loose.


>> No.6678233

Jason's reply to people calling him out on being an asshole: "YOU DON'T KNOW ME!!"

It's the classic response for people that can't defend their character. See: Maury Polvich Show

>> No.6678236

No joke.
I told my bf to steer us clear of him if he ever spots 'THIS GUY' *shows him picture*
He asked why, gave him a short description followed by his exclamation of 'oh dear god...."

>> No.6678241

I'm sorry for capslocking at you, Iso, that was a shitty thing to do when you're out there fighting the good fight against Jason.
You're the loveliest crustacean around, and one of the few people on coscom to speak sense, even if we may disagree on arguing tactics.
You are fabulous and I am sorry from the bottom of my drunken, overly-invested black heart.
Keep on being awesme

>> No.6678239

I sure as fuck would. Thank GOD he doesn't go to Nevada or Cali cons.

>> No.6678245

I think that's a very reasonable reaction and approach for you and your BF to have.

Please keep him away from the East Coast and Ohio, I might have to kick his ass if he showed up at one of the cons I go to.

>> No.6678252
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Dear lord. Jason is still running his mouth on the thread.

>> No.6678256
File: 307 KB, 988x739, feel-sorry-4-meeee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aboohoo cry me a fucking river. He doesn't even understand that if he calmed down and maybe reread before he posted, he could avoid a lot of the misunderstandings or whatever. Maybe he wouldn't look like such a raging asshole if he had the sense to calm down a bit before posting again to things.

>> No.6678257

Knew he wouldn't be able to resist the last word.

>> No.6678264

Well. I've been abused. I was abused growing up, which of course made me prone to being abused everywhere else I went to.
As soon as I sense something is OFF with a person (like here, obviously) I am fucking OUT.

>> No.6678277

I don't blame you at all and I am really impressed with how you are handling it and have made the decision to be proactive in your life when it comes to not being near these kinds of situations in the first place, seriously.

Jason is a total headcase for multiple reasons. While I do not share your same history, I have dealt with my share of people who are exactly like him in some respects and it's just unneeded drama and stress. I can hope he will one day get some professional help, but the chances of him doing so willingly are slim to none. I have made a comment debunking one of his theories in a thread before and he didn't bother replying but that may be because I don't post unless it's logical, factual, and actually helpful. beyond that one exchange I've made it a point to avoid him and since he claims to be an "expert" everywhere, I decided the site wasn't worth bothering with anymore if they are willing to harbor someone as belligerent and immature as he is.

I still can't believe nothing beyond a simple hand-slap has been rendered to him from mods etc.

>> No.6678279

>Hates gays
>Claims to be trans
Oh Jason, u so funny

>> No.6678291

Ichigo m., just shut your sunshine ass up.

>> No.6678290

He didn't even reply to what I had to say.
that... wasn't.. my... point.
I get a lot of flack for not just 'dealing' with people that I don't like because my radar goes off telling me something is wrong, but seriously. I can tell that something is off, even if I can't tell you exactly what it is, and I know that my anxiety will be leagues better if I just avoid it entirely and hang out with chill people instead.
I really think he is beyond delusional, and might be a narcissist. That seems really.. strong. But the ONE thing that sets them off is criticizing them.

>> No.6678298

No problem? You definitely had a point but I really wasn't concerned with the argument like that. I just wanted to get out everything we've all been saying for ages out in the open. Bit selfish of me but it feels good.

>> No.6678313

I just realized I joined cosom in '07 while Jason joined in '11. I used to post maybe 1-2x daily which I thought was pretty good. Yet, he manages to have twice the posts I do in 2-3 years. Holy shit Jason, stop talking when you have no good advice to give. Didn't he admit he only owned one Arda wig too yet is an expert on all their styles and colors?

>> No.6678324

24 people viewing the battle go down in that thread LOL

If he's actually friends with the lolita-tips admin on Tumblr, you'd think she'd tell him the ugly ita dress he wants is a no-go.

>> No.6678345
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I've given up. Things are just going to get worse when he gets his ita commissioned dress and starts lording it over everyone and then joins a local community. I'm just glad we don't go to the same conventions.

>> No.6678350


>> No.6678366
File: 82 KB, 704x528, 1362571909924.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do you people even argue with this Jason idiot? Fucking stop. You know he isn't going to change for shit because he's an asshole set in his ways, but there's no need for anyone here to get on their moral highhorse and "tell off" the town idiot. Anyone with common sense and a bit of experience knows this guy is full of bullshit.

Nobody likes drama for the sake of drama, and nobody is looking too mature in that coscom thread. Got news for ya...

>> No.6678380

Why do the fat lolcows always go from bad cosplay to bad lolita? It's like PT syndrome.

>> No.6678387

I personally am curious as to where Hime is this evening. Usually she swoops in and locks threads before they get that drawn out.

It's probably therapeutic for other people but I would wholeheartedly agree, Jason is not taking a damn thing away from this except for more ammunition to play the victim card with.

>> No.6678391

Lolita probably makes them feel prettier with the prospect of enveloping their bodies in ruffles, fluff, lace, and kawaii prints. Can't get attention as a bad cosplayer? Move on to lolita.

>> No.6678393

I mean my whole problem with this, literally my ONLY problem with this thread, is that if people had just ignored this douche to begin with this wouldn't have happened.
I think the OP did a nice job of being civil in the face of his fuckery he was spewing and tried her best to ignore his posts. And everyone else messed up her thread for her by responding to him and giving him attention.

I mean damn, if nobody was taking his advice or giving him a minute of attention he probably would have given up and left. But instead he found a reason to stay and get defensive with the people so graciously calling him out for the OP who didn't seem to give a shit about his BS in the first place. What a clusterfuck.

>> No.6678396


You're right about that. Hime usually comes in and closes a thread quick. Maybe she's taking a much needed break. She's the only mod that's active after all.

>> No.6678413

Ignoring him isn't shutting him up though.

>> No.6678419

She has a day job and probably isn't connected 24/7.

>> No.6678435

Fuck yourself ichigo-m

>> No.6678429

He doesn't have to be "shut up." You don't have a right to "shut him up" no more than he has a right to "shut you up." You know what mature people do when they see a community member that they don't like or disagree with? They ignore them. And it works just as effectively as derailing someone else's thread.

To be frank what he said in the beginning was easily ignorable since it was just him giving shitty advice. It should have ended there but it was taken too far with that tumblr bullshit.

I'd tell a few of you to apologize to the OP for derailing her thread for her, but I know some of you are too proud and "mature" for that.

>> No.6678436

Yes, it's just that she's just usually active in the evenings and I haven't confirmed it and it may be purely coincidental, but she seemed to know what was going on when drama was being mentioned here - then would handle the situation over there.

>> No.6678447

Lol, the sunshine brigade has arrived
Shut the hell up, you are bordering on white knighting jasonterror

>> No.6678451

Yes, because letting bullies run wild without calling them out on it cures them of their meanness.

>> No.6678455
File: 41 KB, 500x447, 1361400974586.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I don't even have an account on coscom

Why don't you just admit you were a rude fuck to the OP and should've taken your personal shitfit with that Jason dude to a PM?

>> No.6678463

People like this don't learn unless they are publicly humiliated.

>> No.6678468

Jasons mtf army has arrived
Only social justice tumblr fuck would defend him

>> No.6678470

>baww he was being a bully!

No. he. wasn't. You don't know what "bullying" means.
Is he a douche? Fuck yeah.
Is he an asshole set in his own ways? Hell yes.
Does he give shitty, pushy, mean-spirited advice? YES.

Did he threaten to push OP down a bunch of stairs and shit on her bruised face if she didn't wear a petti? No. He just went on a tirade of something he didn't know what he was talking about because he's a wannabe loli.
Easily ignorable and by no means "bullying."
Don't start that shit.

>> No.6678473

>implying I'm defending that awful prick Jason

Lol no sweetie. I'm calling pretty much EVERYONE in that thread out for derailing OP's thread and being rude community members.

>> No.6678475


Honestly guys, ganging up on someone to call them a shitty person isn't going to improve them. Let a lost cause be a lost cause.

>> No.6678479

Not OP, but he has in the past.
Just because he isn't bullying THAT person doesn't mean his behavior was acceptable.

>> No.6678481



>> No.6678485

Not anon you're replying to but just throwing this out there: bullying doesn't have to be just physical e.g. pushing OP down stairs. It can be verbal, but the key difference is "repetitive behavior"

In this case, I don't see him repeatedly going after OP beyond his whining about pettis and how educated he became following a tumblr blog. It's contained in that one thread.
If he repeatedly PMed the OP or followed her to every thread she posted in and kept going on about something that happened in another thread, then yea, that would be approaching verbal harassment/bullying.

>> No.6678494

But that doesn't make him a "bully" in this situation so how is it relevant to that topic or for the OP? Furthermore, what use does it do for the OP (who just wanted some advice on an outfit for a tea party ffs, was it so much to ask?) to have her help thread derailed for the sake of this asshole's past wrongdoings being 'corrected'?
It had NOTHING to do with OP and it was unfair of those people starting shit with that Jason asshole over it just because people don't like him and look for opportunities to bitch him out.

Fucking apologize.

>> No.6678513

To be fair, every thread Jason touches gets derailed whether a seagull intervenes or not.

>> No.6678510
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Looks like this thread turned into shit.

>> No.6678518
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With the way people react to his horseshit it's no mystery to me...

>> No.6678531

Aaand locked.

>> No.6678529

Oh fuck me- let me guess...they're jnig/ yaya too?

>> No.6678532

Hime finally came in and closed it lol

>> No.6678534

Sunshine brigade has arrived. Lets all give jason a slap on the wrist. Because thats worked in the past

Ignorant cunt

>> No.6678540
File: 74 KB, 691x268, hime.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any one else thinking she delayed closing the topic?

>> No.6678549

I think her "Lol" makes it seem a bit that way. But then again, I'd be laughing at the absurdity too.

>> No.6678550

Got last reply. I win

>> No.6678554

I think so but I'm probably grasping at straws. I bet if the mods silenced his account for a week, he still won't learn and will continue to be the resident professional victim playing fakegirl asshole.

>> No.6678556
File: 358 KB, 1014x799, HAHAHAHHAAAA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wtf is a "sunshine brigade"?
It must be this ISO anon all pissed off and butthurt that they are getting called out for their shit too.
Look, you weren't right in this situation. You were rude, brought up things irrelevant to the thread, and helped (along with that wonderful bucket of sunshine Jason) to derail OP's thread instead of ignoring it, reporting it, and letting a moderator deal with it.

It was improper etiquette of any community standards. Nobody is saying Jason should get a "slap on the wrist," they're saying that he should have went shunned and ignored and not given the time of day. Because of this someone who was completely uninvolved with this Jason asshole was inconvenienced.

>ignorant cunt
Lel. Hope you're being ironic.

>> No.6678557


No. I don't think Hime's one for drama. Just got lucky that she wasn't around for awhile

>> No.6678560

I'm really surprised he didn't fire back.

>> No.6678567

Thread was well derailed by jason before iso arrived, gtfo ignorant

>> No.6678573
File: 66 KB, 300x222, misc-you-dont-say.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thread was derailed by Jason hurrdurrr
Gee, do you think it could be related to the fact that a few people just felt the need to call him out for his uppity posts? And as a result Jason felt the need to defend himself like most attention whores who think they know what they're saying do?

HOHUM. We just don't know where it went awry, eh?

>> No.6678576

Actually no, I haven't said a thing. Yeah, I should have taken OP's feelings into account but by the time I started commented it looked like she had all but abandoned the thread. I actually would apologize but since the thread is locked I'm just going to send her a PM instead. I rarely use Coscom so I honestly don't care if I was rude by using a thread already going downhill due to Jason's posts to finally say a piece of my mind which is something sorely lacking over on Coscom. I already don't respect their community so why do I care about proper etiquette while posting there?

I'm not pissed off or butthurt for having someone call me out on my shit, I just don't care because I'm not a regular member of Coscom or friends with anyone that is. In fact I agree that arguing with Jason is a waste of time and it's best to just shun him but I said what I wanted to and feel better for it whether he acknowledges it or not.

>> No.6678578

Er, ISO didn't exactly make things better. Js.

>> No.6678583

>I should have taken OP's feelings into account but by the time I started commented it looked like she had all but abandoned the thread.
You don't know why she stopped responding to her thread that was already going downhill, to people who weren't even commenting on her topic anymore? Really?

>I don't respect the community
Then you don't respect OP. Why write your trite, in-genuine apology then if you seriously don't care and are, by all definitions, the local community shitposter that don't actually curr bout what happens to the community to begin with? I don't even understand why you're wasting your time tbqh.

>> No.6678588

Maybe he is sick of Jason terrorizing everyone for no good reason

>> No.6678596

...where did I say I didn't know why she stopped responding? I know why she stopped but given that she had abandoned the thread it didn't matter who posted in it. And no, I don't respect the community and no I wouldn't have bothered to write an apology until you suggested I should. It was a good idea and so I did. Do I feel bad for crashing the thread? No. I can still apologize for it though.

>> No.6678601

What he said in the beginning, as I and others have pointed out, was not terrorizing or threatening in the least. Fact is it was an improper time and unfair to the OP to make this guy an issue in her thread.

He was being a condescending, know-it-all douchebag like he usually does. So. easily. ignorable. But you know the real problem? Nobody ever ignores this jerk.
So you know what he does instead?
He develops a victim complex because everyone has just -got- to comment on his posts in every thread and remind him how much they dislike him instead of acting mature and ignoring him like the proper idiot he is.

>but ignoring him won't work!
Of course it will! Ever tried it on people? If done properly it will train him to respond to posts in a decent, minded way in order to be rewarded with people giving him attention and responding nicely back to his posts.
If he continues with bad behavior? Then he goes ignored. Gets no reward for his time or his petty 'advices.' And attention whores 100% hate this more than anything and is a far worse punishment than holding a 45 minute argument and validating his complexes.

It's very simple.

>> No.6678609

>Do I feel bad for crashing the thread? No. I can still apologize for it though.

Apologizing means you feel regret for an offense you committed. If you don't feel bad for crashing the thread and making the derailment worse, then what are you apologizing for?

>> No.6678607

Not every person is the same. But I agree for the most part.

>> No.6678621

Because every apology ever said is completely sincere.

>> No.6678624
File: 760 KB, 259x214, nope.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Then like I said fuck right off with your trite, meaningless PM you two-faced, shitposting bitch. Go about your petty ways.


>> No.6678628

Will do, anon!

>> No.6678633

Holy fuck guys. We get it, no one was really in the right on this one, get it, got it, now it's time to drop it, like was said of the other thread.

No one is budging on this issues, therefore, time to drop it.

>> No.6678639

>mfw this girl not wearing a petticoat shows up in an ita thread

>> No.6678641

Can someone post the pic of what that girl was wearing? I can't view it.
>please don't make me make an account

>> No.6678643

which girl?

>> No.6678650

The girl asking for advice on her casual lolita outfit in the thread.

>> No.6678651
File: 71 KB, 295x600, attachment.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6678660

No offense meant to her but it's not a very attractive coord. Like she looks clean, I wouldn't necessarily label it ita, it's just very meh.
The pink wig doesn't really fit, I think it would improve the look of the coord if she could find a natural toned wig in brunette or black. The pink just sings weeb to me.

>> No.6678665

I'd agree, even though it's 2-tone pink, it just looks so Nicki Minaj...not the look you want if you're doing a lolita outfit.

I'm not a lolita but I admire some of the clothing. I think there are more attractive things she could come up with too. It's not really complimenting her petite figure. But a different wig color and style would be a big help.

>> No.6679671

>Nobody likes drama for the sake of drama

Wow. I'm surprised no one pointed out how new you are.

>> No.6679875

>bawww I'm still this butthurt
QQ harder.
They got TOLD.

>> No.6681794

What the fuck kind of advice is Jason trying to give?!


>> No.6681943

Bad advice, like usual.

>> No.6682165

You're trying way too hard, bro. They didn't "get TOLD," you were just an unrelenting asshole who clearly hasn't been here long.

>> No.6684275

Am I the only one who thought that outfit was ugly? Or are we all defending OP because jason was rude to her? Because instead of bitching at the village idiot for being an idiot why couldn't we have summoned the forces to help OPs outfit not look so hideous?

>> No.6684468
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At least something good came out of what whole mess.

>> No.6686089

Small blessings then, eh

>> No.6686739
File: 223 KB, 1340x772, sho.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"There is only one kind of photoshoots (and they involve me)"

At this rate, Jason's going to bully this poor guy out of his enjoyment of the con experience.

>> No.6686761

They definitely have a point about public shoots. Most of the time they end up in one of two ways:
>people try to hog up all the spotlight thinking they're the best and it frustrates everyone else
>it ends up in a mass orgy of fanservice photos that alienates a lot of the group

>> No.6686769

>people try to hog up all the spotlight thinking they're the best and it frustrates everyone else
Describes Jason perfectly.

It sounds like the guy he's replying to just wants to chill and have low-key interactions with the fandom.

>> No.6686781

Was the photoshoot even a group decision or just something Jason assumed was happening?

>> No.6686797

There's an official one promoted by Aniplex and then an unofficial group decision one. But reading up the thread, it was decided by only a handful of people and it's the same one that Jason was whining about because the official one's timing originally clashed with it.

>> No.6686835

...I'd say the official one sort of has priority for a time slow.

>> No.6686837

Time slot, not time show.

>> No.6687589

Typical Jason. If there's an official SAO cosplay gathering being held by the licensing company, it's pretty damn obvious which one is going to have the higher turnout.

>> No.6687691
File: 26 KB, 520x704, hellneverlearn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Latest text post on Tumblr. This dude will never learn so there's no point in trying to reason with him. Jason's a lost cause that will only continue to spread his horrible personality and shit-tier advice until the end of time.

>> No.6687718
File: 86 KB, 560x413, 00004txc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>waist of time
>I said a gay
>after that like 3 days
>I want called out
>before allowed that they need
>I was immediately
>that way a terrible person for it
>now, also, realize,
>an, also, non rude way
>give a simple advice
>would around just artful
>when while crying
>you got don't care about that

>> No.6687722

Did he drop out of high school or just flunk out?

>> No.6687733
File: 375 KB, 600x901, 1362964407977.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Now I am the most hated person online.
He's a melodramatic one.

>> No.6687738

I want to believe he took the "they can't fire me, I'll quit first" route.

>> No.6689451

The fuck? He actually thinks he's NICE and FRIENDLY? Bullshit. A few threads ago, there were a couple of Anons that confirmed that his personality is just as putrid in real life as it is online which isn't very hard to believe. He's too far gone to realize that he's the problem.

>> No.6689466

Delusional at this point.

>> No.6690071

Is this entire thread about JT?

>> No.6690112

Not entirely. He's just being that much of a noticeable douche right now.

>> No.6690128

It's probably because con season is getting into full swing soon and more people are active on C.com.

>> No.6690125

How do you mean not really? Jt is the only subject of discussion here.

>> No.6690137

>not entirely
>not really

Not entirely means he's not the only thing, a lolita was briefly mentioned. Not really means he was only a small part of the thread, which isn't true. Do try to up your reading skills.

>> No.6691257

Way to get uppity, butthole. Its refering to the same thing, unless its throwing you for a loop and you just can't seem to follow the thread of conversation. This thread is MOSTLY about JT. No wonder its floating to page 10.

>> No.6692743

Holy shit guys, Admin actually fixed 1 thing. He reopened registration. I think disabling registration for about a year alone probably stopped the momentum of the site even more.

But if you want a new name or whatever, have at it!

>> No.6692758

Actually, a significant portion was devoted to trying to get rid of one anon who doesn't approve of us talking about JT. And I would really rather not start that shit again. If you do not like our discussion of Coscom (a site where JT is currently the biggest and loudest asshole), you can hide the thread and go talk about makeup.

>> No.6692953

Id rather a change of discussion. Also, is that supposed to be an insult? For someone who doesn't want to argue your putting yourself pretty high on a pedestal sending airmail insults.

>> No.6693495

Don't look now but Rachel/PeacockFeathers is back

>> No.6693516

Damn, how long has it been? I was wondering what happened to her.

>> No.6694127

Someone please tell me she is going to be at Sakuracon

>> No.6694240


>> No.6694279
File: 111 KB, 563x1000, 70724-c3e8e5c8eb9287554f8c45e97c2dd621.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like she's enjoying the Sailor Moon reboot/nostalgia with the rest of us.

Isn't she from the east coast? I'm guessing Anime Boston will be the con.

>> No.6695140

If any of you guys see her at a Con, get pics.

>> No.6695198

I don't get it. Why do her wigs always look so bad?

>> No.6695315

My guess is her bad motor reflexes. I've heard some anons saw her in action saying that she couldn't walk or hold a camera straight.

>> No.6695359

i think she goes to AB every year, actually.

>> No.6695389

The bigger question here is why does she think it's a good idea to such photos on the internet when they look like hot messes 99% of time.

>> No.6695399


I haven't seen anything about her on here in so long, I was hoping her family was finally getting her teeth fixed, but obviously they haven't. It's a shame, she'd be normal looking if she got them taken care of.

>> No.6695435

Come on guys...racheal is handicapped.

>> No.6695451

And no one is picking on her because of that? I'm the anon who commented on her wigs and it's a valid question. Her costumes generally look good and I know she buys them but they're not overly wrinkled or worn wrongly but her wigs are always a hot mess.

Because maybe she just doesn't care?

>> No.6695475

Just fearful. There was one anon that just..constantly brought up racheal and relentlessly went on her fb and bitched at her.

Yes her wigs are a mess but the girl can't move very well. Her hands aren't so nimble. She can't fix her wigs and I doubt her family can.

>> No.6695484

Yeah. It's one thing to focus on her creepy stalking, but picking on her for having messy wigs when she barely has the motor skills to walk is a dick move.

>> No.6695489

...I don't remember that at all? In fact that actually sounds like Racheal's behavior towards that cosplayer she wanted to take photos with. She came here all the time and spammed with threads switching between praising her and harassing her.

Her dad takes all her photos for her so I don't see why one of her parents can't help her tend to her wigs. It only takes 30 seconds to brush them out.

>> No.6695495

Who the hell is picking on her?
>I don't get it. Why do her wigs always look so bad?
How is that picking on her? Her natural hair looks no where near that bad so even if she can't brush her own hair, someone does it for her so I don't see why that logic wouldn't apply to her cosplaying pictures.

>> No.6695501

It was at the same time. Sure she probably came here, which I think an anon had asked her to post I love cosplay on her fb and apparently she did. Maybe they don't know that? They're not cosplayers. They probably don't think about it. To them this is probably no more than a halloween thing. For fun and who cares?
Would you expect your parents to tend to a tangled wig? What about dad? Probably not. Parents; they just don't understand.

>> No.6695506

>hot mess wigs
>she doesn't have the motor skills to fix them
>how am I picking on her?

Its probably best to move on. I'm assuming you hadn't seen her walk on video.

>> No.6695508

Maybe if she wasn't such a creep she'd have friends who'd help her.

>> No.6695511

Her dad does all of her photos and she's done hundreds. It's beyond common sense that when you see a super frizzy and tangled wig to go "Let me brush that out". Even if it's for Halloween you don't go out with a super matted wig. Most parents would go "Let me help you with this" if their child can't do it on their own.

Sorry, I think it's just silly for you to assume that because she's handicapped that no one can comment on something as obvious as a badly tangled wig. Just because she may or may not have the motor skills to take care of it herself doesn't make it invisible.

>> No.6695513

She has friends. Just not cosplayer friends.
Ill say it again: her dad probably doesn't get it. Or he doesn't care. To him his little girl is just playing dress up and he wants to keep her happy.
Its fine for you to comment just like its fine for me to rebuttle with facts why she can't do certain thangs.

>> No.6696908
File: 947 KB, 460x819, 5102c5906b31d-fb8d2631f5bb1568ff8b2d7112cb4db5-460x500_original.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Asking $120 for used boots? Someone seems to be barking up the wrong cosplay tree. Kids on coscom generally try to offer you like $20 for a full cosplay. She's going to have that pair for a while if she wants even close to that much.

Real leather or not, you could easily find a pair of boots like that at a store on your own for less.


>> No.6697148


I'd say that they're nice, but I've as nice boots at the thrift shop for twenty bucks. Girl's overcharging.

>> No.6697355

Agreed, even asking like $50 would be reasonable for full grain leather. She'd do better trying to sell them on ebay instead of to broke tween and teen cosplayers.

>> No.6697887

Anyone linked this yet?

>> No.6697901

This one is a classic. More people need to see it for a laugh if they haven't.

>> No.6697907

Jesus Christ this girl is everything that's wrong with this hobby.

>> No.6697910

Indeed, it's one of my favorite threads on there. So many people tried.

>> No.6697950

Ugh, her. This is what pisses me off about some cosplayers.

>> No.6697956

I finally decided to bite the bullet and check the link out.

>I have her hair
>I despise Luka as a character

Son of a bitch.

>> No.6698462

wow, have you seen photos of her only cosplay? she looks like shit.

>> No.6698476

man her posts are gold. she really thinks shes a master of cosplay and she is one of the worst i have seen in years.
yueying with glasses, no make up and unsteyled hair, which is the wrong color, lenght and form btw. yue ying has reddish brown, straight, very long hair as the legend states and this girls has short, dark brown, curly hair.
also she's fat and ugly, why does she think she looks like the characters?

>> No.6698482

and her only cosplay is shitty: wrong colors, badly fit, badly sewn, wrong proportions...

>> No.6699493
File: 411 KB, 736x1306, 3361754.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dat leg.

>> No.6699500

Strong, beautiful cosplayer who don't need no seagulls.

>> No.6699502

I still second that Witch of the Waste suggestion.

>> No.6699561
File: 86 KB, 600x600, 1326870367626.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What... What is that supposed to be?

>> No.6699574

Akaito the fanmade Vocaloid/Kaito-spinoff.

I'm pretty sure he's wearing it to sakura-con later this month. He has to get into as many photoshoots as he can!

>> No.6699589

I can't really tell from the picture... but that zipper doesn't go down very far.... does it..?

>> No.6699791
File: 158 KB, 928x555, praisebe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it Christmas or has hell finally frozen over?

>> No.6699858

I'll only be impressed if the calendar actually does change. Knowing the site, these could just be more empty promises for updates.

>> No.6699861

>Marketplace still down. Going on a year.

>> No.6699933

I hope someone brings that up.

>> No.6700619

This thread is just stupid. So fucking stupid. So far there is only one voice of reason within.


>> No.6701014

I'll believe it when it actually happens.

>> No.6701648

This whole thing... why would you want to do a SAO themed filming when you know you don't have any costumes from SAO? Not to mention they want to rent costumes and swords and are going to actually use the swords. It's all shady as fuck to begin with since they don't mention a budget and you're either not going to go anything back or you'll get back torn costume and broken props.

>> No.6701764

Why would anyone ever offer to lend a costume to someone with 10 posts in the forum, and hardly any pictures on their account. If anyone does lend them anything, they aren't getting it back.

>> No.6701827

Yeah, I totally am cool with loaning out my shit for other people to sweat in and possibly damage!
Anyone who actually loans them anything is an idiot.

>> No.6701911

Someone should make a ED page for him, with all his awful selfposts. Also remember to mention his dirty room. I really want to see his response to that.

>> No.6702032

I will loan my costume to her for the cool deposit of the cost of the costume ($150).

>> No.6702136

That poster in particular seems to try and be nice to everyone and keep shit on topic. They may be blinded by their "kindness". The whole thing sounds so weird and shady as fuck.

Honestly, if I were almost done with some costumes and someone wanted to "rent" I'd just out right propose a sale. Then it's on them to keep or destroy it during their shoot.

>> No.6702240

Heh. Funny because a friend mentioned the same thing a few days ago.

Pretty much. There is a time when it comes to dim the sunshine and use better judgement. In other words... she should know better than offer to get taken for a ride. But hey, Coscom most active users are idiots.

>> No.6702272

Yeah, a deposit is the only way I'd ever think about doing something like that. And even then I'd have to not really care about the costume anymore.

>> No.6705218

With the way Admin created new subforums for the super broken Marketplace instead of actually re-enabling the old Marketplace, I doubt it'll be back this year if at all.

>> No.6707926

Probably not at all. I don't see why people had to go and fuck it up. Had they read the rules, they'd know that coscom only provided a space to buy/sell/trade. They wanted nothing to do with the money/transaction part and said that users did things at their own risk.

Wouldn't that imply that they were really not responsible for taking care of idiots who got ripped off and didn't open disputes with their payment processors e.g. Paypal? I mean, like if you list some shit in your newspaper classifieds or on Craigslist, it's up to you and the buyer to work shit out. Neither party can go after the newspaper or craigslist because they stated they only provide space for advertising, right?

I'm not a legal expert but it seems like idiots ruined it on coscom. No surprises there.

>> No.6711253

Holy shit, they are updating events calendars on the site. Wow.

>> No.6711360

Lol Dagmarus and the freak shows just got burned by Evaunit

>> No.6711368

Here goes Amanita crying for support.
No you dumb cunt, he looks down on the people he listed, not the entire community. Love how she waited until he said he left to post even though she has been in the thread lurking the entire time

>> No.6711372


It's a miracle. Now in another year or two, admin will have that new photo system up.

>> No.6711375

She wishes someone would cyberstalk her

>> No.6711383

His only fatal error was asking autismcosplay.com
Come on evaunit, you know better

>> No.6711431


Guess they don't like to hear the truth about themselves.

>> No.6711817

I found that way more amusing than I should've. I also like how that one girl thought Evaunit was "new". LOLnoteven.

>> No.6711855

How would he even be able to judge this, considering that the folks who avoid him by definition are avoiding him?

>> No.6711862

He wouldn't, he's just blowing hot air about himself and how popular he is with other Aspies who tend to flock together anyway.

From a past thread, it sounded like his dad was much more agreeable and interesting than Jason. I feel bad for him (dad) having to tote his idiot son around and keep him out of trouble. Without some sort of moderating source, I totally can imagine Jason getting his ass kicked by saying the wrong shit to the wrong person.

>> No.6712654
File: 71 KB, 909x283, icant.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm pretty sure it's a fetish, sweetie.

>> No.6712741

She's so great and powerful she knows people who can do her "cybersnooping" for her. Be amazed.

>> No.6713848

I should pair her up with Jason terror

>> No.6714944

You new? People have made seperate threads on multiple occassions asking about her.

>> No.6714951

Clearly. Its a site filled with child minded folk. The fact this is surprising anyone is saddening.

>> No.6714969

Faaaiirly certain he was talking about her. She's the only one who would fit into that category ever. Pretty fuckn stupid to think otherwise.

>> No.6714985

>asking about her

>> No.6715138

Of course he was talking about her but she =/= entire community

>> No.6716352

They then go through her coscom and DA account. Why would someone ask and to investigate them?

>> No.6716494

>going through public websites she lists herself

I don't understand what you're trying to say? She's really bizarre and even people that don't use Coscom on here sometimes ask about "that skyscraper cosplayer" because they can't believe someone like that actually exists.

>Cyberstalking is the use of the Internet or other electronic means to stalk or harass an individual, a group of individuals, or an organization. It may include the making of false accusations or statements of fact (as in defamation), monitoring, making threats, identity theft, damage to data or equipment, the solicitation of minors for sex, or gathering information that may be used to harass. The definition of "harassment" must meet the criterion that a reasonable person, in possession of the same information, would regard it as sufficient to cause another reasonable person distress.

I don't see how discussing her or posting her drawings/cosplays which she put on her public Coscom/DA accounts is considered cyberstalking. No one harasses her and she's not being investigated.

>> No.6716784

No way is this serious...right? Do people like this really exist?


>> No.6716801



>I'm Garbage-chan, and I use too many exclamation points and question marks????
>goes to 'art school' for 'creative writing'

Proof why creative writing programs aren't taken serious. A good program would have beaten that bullshit out of her

>> No.6716802



>> No.6716803

Sadly they do. Most of them say things like "Lawl I'm so rando-- Oh look, a cookie!!" and "I hate preps! They laugh at me because of the way I dress and not because I act like a social retard." but at least this one admits she's annoying.

>> No.6716804
File: 1013 KB, 500x355, tumblr_mgfjtotlHN1qd48zdo1_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I write awful poetry and my classmates pretend it's good.
>I also like coffee, even though I'm not supposed to drink it for medical reasons.

>> No.6716807
File: 95 KB, 912x406, no.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6716811
File: 155 KB, 873x483, icant.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>friend calls troll
>find tumblr linked in profile
>nope nope noooope

>> No.6716961

>i cosplay and don't afraid of anything

I wish your friend was right anon.

>> No.6717958 [DELETED] 

Wow. I went and looked through their Tumblr, and I know who this is. Not personally or anything,but yeah.
She's like, 15, so it would be a High School. Hopefully she'll grow out of it?

>> No.6718140

I really dislike it when people post as if they are the character they're cosplaying as. It's not cool or funny--it's just plain dumb and annoying.

>> No.6718181
File: 4 KB, 436x77, question mark calm .png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6718184

>i only have the wig
>con is in a week and that's "too long"

This fucking kid. Now I really want to see the debut.

>> No.6720959

I can't even... Things like this just destroy faith on humanity.

>> No.6720983

At least she's only 14 and might get some unweeb friends and grow out of it. Might. If she was 17 or 18 all would be lost.

>> No.6723482

i'll admit i have the weirdest ladyboner for that evaunit person.

>> No.6723491

What the fuck...

This girl is annoying as fuck. Is English her first language? She wants to stream herself reading a novel? Ugh, so annoying

>> No.6723492

I thought you had to be 18 to be on cosplay?

>> No.6723493

cosplay.com ^

I didnt start cosplaying til i was 17. WOw, people are privileged.

>> No.6723497

Haha, oh, when are we gonna see Jason's 'good qualities' he says he owns?

>> No.6723524

Calling her a skyscraper fetishist would suit the bill then. Every thread she's mentioned in she's referred to as that. (Defamation I guess)
My guess is that people do go through her profiles and do often make fun of her. Here and on coscom. But arguing cyberstalking/bullying on 4can...enhhhhhhh.

>> No.6724750

I don't know what the right term for him is but "narcissistic" is what comes to mind first, followed by "aspie as fuck"

>> No.6724864

I think Coscom is 13+ maybe?

>> No.6724869

Except she is a fetishist. She cosplays buildings, makes anthro? art of them, creates whole backstories for them and ships them in relationships. She sees them as actual living beings.

>> No.6724990

So creepy...

>> No.6725384

Coscom is 13+

I remember when PapercutSenvy first joined a couple years ago, she was 12 and super proud of it and she went through probably half a dozen accounts because she kept being banned for being underage. Then she'd make a new one and whine about being banned and how no one recognized her under a new name and how life was so hard and it wasn't faaaaiiiirrrr.

>> No.6725677

Sounds just like her. I'm still in disbelief at her "I can't take full cosplay pictures in my room because I get winded putting on the costumes" excuse.

>> No.6725869

I remember being super confused when she said that because I sweat like crazy and live in a hot country and I can STILL manage sitting around in a thick turtleneck and jeans the five minutes to grab a selfie and the following fifteen minutes sitting around being too lazy to take it all off. Of course I'm starting to sweat even in that first five minutes but if it doesn't even manage to melt my makeup off after nearly half an hour...

>> No.6727180
File: 117 KB, 640x480, 3358310.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same, I was confused and concerned. Like, why wouldn't you get that problem checked out? There's no reason anyone should get so winded by putting on a button up shirt and throwing a little coat that Ciel might wear over it.

She's overweight but not morbidly obese where it would take a long time and a lot of effort to get dressed. Just makes no sense.

>> No.6727827


Holy shit, Building Fetish Lady is at it again, debating OCs and why people who cosplay them are downtrodden etc. etc.

Laughing too hard at this one. I think she makes threads so she can actually talk about herself instead of discuss what could potentially be a topic that brings in diverse opinions for everyone participating to consider... wait that's a little too much like what they do in college/grad school and coscom will have none of that.

>> No.6727836


Is she an engineer/architect? That would be really creepy if she was - like her job is to make buildings and it's just all day fap/shipping/I-have-no-idea-what-the-fuck material for her.

Though, I mean, the silver lining is that it's at least buildings. They don't have feelings or consent issues. Nothing of value was lost.

>> No.6728163

>Now, my personification cosplays are truly original. I don't just take my favorite skyscrapers and make sketches out of them, my friends and I have created an extensive backstory and world that they all fit into.

And she still says it's not a fetish.

>> No.6728171

>my friends and I

Does anyone really believe that she actually has people who play along with this with her?

>> No.6728274

I believe she has a job related to engineering? Way back when she first popped up she used to talk about how she really liked operating cranes and how majestic they are... she seems to have moved on to or at least revealed her fetish for buildings since then.

Very very strange lady.

I can't really imagine there being a group or a friend who's like "Oh oh me, I call this bridge, it's mine. I'm cosplaying it and writing its backstory!". She probably just wrote it so she wouldn't feel so alone/isolated with her weird fetish.

>> No.6728306

Maybe she's just passionate? I've met art students who are just as weird, weebs (that don't watch hentai), and tae kwon do enthusaists.
I guess I'm just waiting for her to self insert. Then...then I will believe. I will also be afraid.

>> No.6728390

>self insert
Hate to say it but she probably already has.

>> No.6729459

Went downtown to pick up my Sakura-Con badge. Saw JasonTerror. Ugh.

>> No.6729465

Take one for the team, anon. You know what to do.

>> No.6730165

i'm new in /cgl/, what is the cosplay profile of her?

>> No.6730600

She's allegedly crazy and stalks certain cosplayers. The crazy part I can believe but I think the stalking allegations are pretty hammed up since the girl can't even stand straight.

>> No.6730633

Back in my day, coscom was for actually helping others build costumes, and organizing gatherings/posting pictures.

What the fuck have you all turned it into? I'm not even joking, I'm a bit of an oldfag now, but I was around when coscom first started up. It did not used to be like this.

Ya'all are faggin it up, in many different ways.

>> No.6730887

I blame eBay. Now that they make more than the basics, no newbie wants to make simple costumes when they can just buy them. And this also means they won't make complicated costumes either, since they don't have the skills.

>> No.6730897

She online stalks. She's been obsessed with one cosplayer for ages, to the point where she printed out pictures of her and made the pictures into a dress to wear for photos.

>> No.6735297

Preeeetty much.