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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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6675533 No.6675533 [Reply] [Original]

Do any of you homosexual con-goers ever get hated on/harassed at cons? (Male or female) I've always wondered if anything ever happens from all the PDGay(I'M SO CLEVER!) you see? I mean, I know fangirls go apeshit for two dudes making out and creepers whip out their "whackin-it" cameras if two chicks do, but are there ever any truly negative outcomes? Anyone ever call you names or anything along those lines?
I've always figured most people that go to anime/video game cons are pretty progressive and un-phased by that kinda stuff, but then again I've heard some truly shocking stories, so you never know.

>> No.6675593

I haven't been hated on but I have been harassed twice for being a lesbian. Both by 'flirting' drunk men late at night at two separate conventions. I'm glad that conventions seem to be LGBT friendly but at the same time it's really uncomfortable to have either gender harass you by being overeager like "Oh? You're a lesbian? That's okay, I can just watch! I'll even hook you up with a cute girl!"

Yes, that's actually been said to me. One of the drunk guys kept trying to invite me back to his place and telling me we'd pick up a 'hot chick' on the way there. The other one got the idea that because he was in a dress that I'd still be okay having a threesome with my girlfriend and him and if that didn't work he'd settle for watching or having sex with her while I watched.

I think there's more a chance of being harassed like what happened to me and my girlfriend than being hated on. Doesn't matter how much you love lesbians/gays, they're not going to sleep with you, have a threesome with you, or let you watch. Stop asking and assuming that they'll be flattered that you're accepting enough of homosexuality to get off on the idea of them together.

>> No.6675610


In general you get yaoi fangirls squeeing over male couples and straight guys/bicurious teen girls trying to use lesbians as their sex toys.
Not so many openly negative reactions, but the 'positive' ones can be really creepy.

>> No.6675626

More gross fetishization, stalking, and sexual harassment/assault than name calling or getting beat up. Weebs trying to show how 'accepting' they are can get really creepy/dangerous. I've avoided getting drugged a few times

>> No.6675811

Yaoi fangirls at conventions. The bisexual/lesbian girl's worst nightmare. They're totally fine groping you for fanservice pictures but then they tell you they're straight when you ask if they're bi/les.

>> No.6675824
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I don't really advertise my orientation so it's never been a problem, not that anyone would care what it was.

>> No.6675828
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Or they're all over you for photoshoots but when they find out you're gay they freak out.
(Granted, someone could take advantage like that, but ffs. I make it a point to avoid that shit and hoverhand when hugged and I still got accused of tricking a girl into letting me feel her up)

>> No.6675842
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>Obsessive fangirls and creepy photographers aren't negative attention
>Anime/video game nerds are progressive

>> No.6675954

Same. I don't make a habit of advertising what I am but there's always that situation where it comes up or someone makes you uncomfortable to the point where it's practically a defense to go "Sorry but I'm ____" and then it's a 50/50 chance of going worse.

>> No.6675961

When I say "negative" I mean like purposely antagonizing someone. Not just having zero understanding of personal space or being TOO friendly. Stupidity isn't the same as hate.
And calling someone a "fag" over mic chat doesn't always mean you're a homophobe. Hell, I have gay friends that call people faggots more than I do. I've yet to really meet anyone at a con who's a genuine gay-basher.

>> No.6675962

Why do you care, you creepy sack of shit? Looking for new harassment techniques for underaged girls?

>> No.6675998
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Guess I'll tell about an issue I had a few years ago at a con.

>be transgender
>Go to con in usual day to day clothes, black, lacy,goth attire.
>I still have a mildly masculine voice but pass pretty well
>get separated from friends
>cute guy and his fat friend come up and ask me for a picture(not cosplaying but say ok cuz why not)
>cute boy pulls me up against him VERY closely in a vice grip for the picture.
>tells me he thinks I'm cute and wants to know what I'm doing after the con.
>start to tell him that I'm taken
>he interrupts me with "WHAT THE FUCK! are you guy or some shit?!"
>his fat friend looks just as appalled and calls me a faggot.
>get offended and calmly try to explain that I'm transgender
>he interrupts again and accuses me of "trying to trick him" then spits in my face,shoves me on my ass and they run away.
>eyes sting like hell from spit
>friend sees this happen from a distance and runs over
>nearby dealer helps me up and say he's an asshole etc
>friend and I go to the bathroom and wash my face and re-do my makeup
>talk about trying to find him again so we can report him to security.
>no sign of him rest of day
>Next day
>no sign of him all day
>go to rave and see him there without fat friend
>leave immediately
>he follows me out and grabs me by the hand and pulls me aside
>tells me he's sorry abut what he did and says "its because my friend is really homophobic and doesn't get it"
>tells me he would still like to take me out
>rip my arm away and go back to rave with friends
>he runs back in
>my friends get around me and tell him to fuck off
>he gives me a card with his number on it and takes off
>it says "call me please, you're the cutest thing I've seen"
>never been so confused before
>haven't seen him since, threw out the number, and have a small amount of anxiety every time I'm hit on at a con.
>pic related, me that day

>> No.6676015
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>> No.6676018

I'm going to agree with what others are saying. It's mostly guys saying something along the lines of, "Oh whoa you're a lesbian that's so hot! Can I watch? Can I have your number? I just want to be friends. Etc."

Hey Razzle. That's completely shitty. I've never had straight dude homo rage that bad before. That's so fucked.

Yeah, I'm trans too and I get straight guys coming onto me in similar ways at cons. "Hey your hot can we get a pic together?" Then they presume to come on entirely too strong. To which I used to say, "I'm trans," or, "I'm only interested in women," or the like just to make them go away. This never helped though because they would either be complete assholes about me being trans or they would react like in the top of my post. I've had to learn how to be a dismissive bitch towards men because honesty gets you nowhere with them. Which sucks because I genuinely am a friendly person who likes to talk to others and smile all the time, which to many straight guys = OMG she wants my D.

tl;dr LGBTQ people get fetishized and the T people have the added risk of straight dude homo rage

>> No.6676036

basically ignorant people suck

>> No.6676041
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People assuming my girlfriend and I are convention lesbians, and not lesbian-lesbians.

We either get girls sneering at us from across the hall for holding hands or touching and assume we're doing it for the attention, or guys hitting on us thinking that we must want a threesome and be doing it for their attention.

MFW no one believes you're really a lesbian if you're not the typical fujoshi type or uber butch.

>> No.6676046

Fuck, you are cute.

>> No.6676052

thanks :)

>> No.6676069
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Straight guys are a fucking mess about trans women, you must not go on /a/ much. I feel terrible you had to go through that shit sis.

>I don't really advertise my orientation
>I'm single

I know that fucking feel bro. We're flirting, and I'm supposed to be in the wrong for being actually into you?
>mfw straight girls

Overall I haven't found it to be too different from real life. The guy stuff (drunk guys begging to watch you bang your girlfriend) happens everywhere there are drunk guys. The chick stuff (straight girls being aggressively flirty) is the main "con" phenomena for me.

>> No.6676071
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Man this reminds me.

>be lesbian
>meeting people at a great con
>one of those people was a really really cute girl
>spent almost all of Saturday just hanging out with her, we got along really well
>leave for the night, realize I never got her name
>sitting here wondering if she even likes girls
We were both cosplaying from a fujoshi-attracting fandom, so this can end a multitude of ways.

Sage because there was no hate, just fangirls being confusing.

>> No.6676073

Sad thing is that I'm in Vegas, you'd think people would be more understanding here :P

>> No.6676076

>please be on east coast

Even if I had a SO, I wouldn't be publicly making out or doing anything with them. Ain't nobody got time for that.

>> No.6676091
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>be with partner
>hold hands
>oh shit nigga you are gay in public what now son

>> No.6676088
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Sorry I'm in Nevada :P

>> No.6676098
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pic related

It's a miracle if I run into any of the people I came to con with at all.

>> No.6676101

the con*

>> No.6676169

why dick why

pls calm down

>> No.6676175

O.o ?

>> No.6676185
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>> No.6676193


>> No.6676200
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>> No.6676212
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My bf enjoys the attention we get when we do couples cosplay.
I don't.

I mean, yea, its cute, but I don't really like any of the stereotypical yaoi relationships, so when I'm having a bunch of random chicks walking up and demanding I just make out with my bf on command, I get kinda annoyed.

Call me weird, but I'd much rather do a fun, themed cosplay with him and a few friends than one strictly romantic.

>> No.6676227

You are beautiful!!

And sorry about all that bullshit you went through. It boggles me that there is still such a huge percent of people who have no idea what trans is.. uggggh. I'm very surprised that happened to you in Vegas. I guess they were definitely only there for the con and not from Nevada?

>> No.6676230

thanks :)
And yeah, usually I never have any issues here.
That was my first and so far only bad experience with transphobia in Nevada.

>> No.6676237

Can i ask you something ?.... when and how did you discovered you were an Trans ? i'm kinda curious...

>> No.6676238

It's even more awkward when you are doing a 'couple cosplay' with your friend :( Otakon 2008... I did Luke from tales of the abyss. My good friend was Asch. 14 year old girl dressed in very bad L cosplay with an even worse wig literally shoved my head into my friend's face and then lap in two separate occassions during the Tales Of meet. I was so annoyed. Just because we were cosplaying a pairing, doesn't mean we wanna make out for other people's pleasures. And i'm grossed out this was behavior from a 14 year old and 15 year old. I was about 22 at the time.

>> No.6676253

Gah, your super pretty! guys can be such jerks, but more often at cons, unfortunately

>> No.6676259

Quite off topic but sure.But I'll keep it short.
I've known since I was 8 and struggled with it most of my life because I never did anything about it till I was 18. I've just always known that I didn't feel correct in my own skin and that I'd much rather be a girl than a man.Just always preferred feminine things and aesthetics. Being masculine never really worked out for me anyways(I'm 5'5 and107lbs) and I'm just much happier this way.

>> No.6676264

Jesus, I'm sorry.
People tend to assume shit, and when I have to deal with that stuff I usually just politely tell them to fuck off, but with kids that young?

>> No.6676268

aww thank you, and yeah sadly. But for the most part I've met nice people.

>> No.6676279

I was surprised myself. She gave her email to my friend and got my info from her. Was IMing me through msn a buncha times. i was like 'wtf.' I literally had to tell her to fuck off please, because i didn't want to talk to a 14 year old who gets off on yaoi. It was really kind of creeper. She wanted to know where i lived and which cons we can meet up at. Never heard from her again after that fiasco.

>> No.6676293

Good riddance.
A girl friend who only becomes super friendly after she find out you're gay isn't a friend, shes a fag-hag.

Anyway, its bedtime, night dude.

>> No.6676740

How do you know you're a girl solely from preferring what society defines as "feminine things and aesthetics" and not just a guy who happens to not conform to normal societal gender roles? I guess I've never understood the idea of having to be one or the other if your reasoning is simply that you prefer things that are traditionally considered not to be for your gender, can't you just enjoy both?

>> No.6676746

It's not just that I prefer feminine things, but that I don't feel like a boy.I hated my flat chest, and straight as a rail body.I hated my facial hair, I hated my genitals, and I hated feeling wrong or off everyday.
Imagine waking up in a body of the opposite gender with all the knowledge you have now.And no matter what you say no one will see you as anything but that gender.Would you just accept it, or would you want to change? It's more than just a society thing. It's a very personal thing,for some people making the outside match the inside means the world.

>> No.6676747

well, it's her business really, but from what i know from my trans friends, it's feeling that you're not even in the right body. Not really about social stereotypes and conformity, it's about feeling you are literally in someone else's body and your genitals arent right and dont match up with your brain/the way you think.

I'm not trans myself. I'm a very tomboyish girl who likes to wear dresses sometimes, but feels way more comfy in punk clothes and hoodies. I cant understand how someone feels, since i dont experience those feelings myself. I identify with being a woman (sex wise) but gender to me is neutral and irrelevant.

just my 2cents

>> No.6676749

im sorry! (this is girl from before with the otakon story) I hope you dont feel i was posting in your place. I just wanted to try to explain a bit from my experiences about having trans friends.

>> No.6676752

Not at all hun :)
It's actually nice to see someone else trying to explain this instead of me for once :)

>> No.6676756

I don't think I'd be too fussed as long as the sex was still good in the other gender's body. I totally get that you can feel entirely not at home in your body though even if I don't truly understand it from experience, thanks for clearing that up. It's just that I've seen a lot of people whine about how they get along with guys/girls better and how they want/prefer to do 'guy/girl things' (usually bullshit stuff like playing paintball/going hunting which is not even fucking gender-specific in this day and age) and then somehow extrapolate that they are trans. Obviously I've spent too much time on tumblr.

>> No.6676759

haha yes, sadly there are a lot of trans trenders. they really piss me off. They kind of pretend to be trans (especially bullshit like 'i am crossplaying. im so trans" ) It enrages me. Like people who pretend to be gay. it's all just irritating and overshadows the people who really are trans/gay/whatever

>> No.6676766

I despise those people.

>> No.6676770

those people enrage me mainly because it's like making a trend out of something I've internally struggled with most of my life

>> No.6676774

Those are the worst kind of people. Take JasonTerror for example. He's the definition of a fake transgender attention whore. I fucking hate Tumblr because it spawned this fucking "craze." It makes it worse for people who actually are transgender.

>> No.6676836

Me too. I'm trans and pretty early on in my transition still, and because of those kinds of people I get scared that no one will take me seriously.

But in terms of how I get treated generally, I've actually found that people at cons seem to be a lot more initially accepting, probably because there's already a lot more crossdressing and such going on than in daily life. I'm just lucky that I've never really had any close encounters with crazy fangirls or fakers or whatever.

>> No.6676861

Haha oh gods, Jason is just.. ugh, he's disgusting. I dont get why he's pretending to be trans on tumblr

>> No.6676863

>I fucking hate Tumblr because it spawned this fucking "craze."

Nah, it's always been around. See: Jessica/Aki and the devArt yaoiboys.

>> No.6676909

I think it's been around but tumblr is collecting these people and spawning more

>> No.6676934

That's a weird way to spell "DeviantArt"

Seriously though, stop blaming tumblr for everything. This shit has been around for years and years on dA and Gaia and LJ and who knows what else, tumblr hasn't made it worse at all.
Except creepycute/pastelgoth. You can blame tumblr for those.

>> No.6682017

I often get rumours spread about me being homophobic and somehow misogynist when I'm just "cutting douchebags out of my life."

i'm sick of the drama, honestly. I won't ever be able to come back to cons just because I am cutting out drama.

>> No.6682039

Canada has outlawed the word F*g so I can't identify as one.

>> No.6682040


Pretty much the only big fault of Tumblr is that they made it easier for wackjobs to find each other.

>> No.6682051

I mostly disagree. I think if you're going to fault it for one thing, it'd be that unlike LJ, and the mostly self-segregating dA and Gaia, they were all put in one big pot with a lot of relatively normal people. They were networking before, they just weren't as visible to the disinterested.